Obedience Event # 2015006101& Rally Event # 2015006102 Obedience Event # 2015006104& Rally Event # 2015006103 ENTRIES ARE LIMITED to eight hours of judging time per day, per judge and will be taken on a first come, first serve basis (so get your entries in early). Regular Class entries, will be given first priority followed by the Optional Titling Classes followed by the Non-Regular Classes. Entries will be accepted for All-American dogs listed in the AKC Canine Partners program. ENTRIES CLOSE at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, 2015 PREMIUM LIST 143rd & 144th ALL BREED OBEDIENCE TRIALS 47th & 48th RALLY OBEDIENCE TRIALS Indoors -- Unbenched ORLANDO DOG TRAINING CLUB, INC. An American Kennel Club Member Club TWO TRIALS -- INDOORS – AIR CONDITIONED -- FULLY MATTED SATURDAY, April 4, 2015 SUNDAY, April 5, 2015 Show Hours 7:00 a.m. to 1 hour after last class is awarded Trial Location CENTRAL FLORIDA FAIRGROUNDS 4603 West Colonial Drive (Route 50) Orlando, Florida 32808 Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under the American Kennel Club rules and regulations. -James Crowley, Secretary 12 1 Officers of the ORLANDO DOG TRAINING CLUB, INC. President………………………………………................................................….….…...Paul Reep Vice-President ………………………..….................……………..…………………....Maggie Eslinger Treasurer………………………………….............…………...……………………………..……Kevin Curtin Recording Secretary………………...................................…………………………Bobbie Kurivial Corresponding Secretary………….........………..……………………………..…...……Rose Oesterle 3845 Kitty Hawk Avenue, Orlando, FL 32808 407-293-5220 BOARD OF DIRECTORS All officers and Robin Hammel, Mary Lynn Jensen, PhD, Donna McCombs, & Linda Unger TRIAL COMMITTEE: All Officers, Board of Directors, Trial Secretary & Trial Chair OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM ORLANDO DOG TRAINING CLUB, INC. TRIAL LOCATION: Central Florida Fairgrounds, 4603 W. Colonial Dr. (Route 50), Orlando, FL 32808 Check date(s) entered: ____Saturday, Apr 4, 2015 OB Event: 2015006101& Rally #2014006102 ____ Sunday, Apr 5, 2015 OB Event: 2015006104& Rally #2014006103 Use one entry form per dog. Please remember you MUST use an additional entry blank if you are entering your dog in a different class on different days. See Page 3 for Entry Fees. Obedience and Rally are separate trials and each first entry is $29.00. Saturday Sunday Obedience Class First Entry $29.00, $________ $________ Additional Entry $21.00, Non-Regular $21.00 $________ $________ Rally Class First Entry $29.00, Additional Entry $21.00 $________ $________ Additional $4 for 2-day CATALOG $________ $________ ENTRIES CLOSE 03/18/2015 at 8 P.M. TOTAL FEES ENCLOSED $___________ MAIL ENTRIES with check or money order (made payable to Orlando Dog Training Club) To: Trial Sec. Susan Gordon—9122 Trevarthon, Orlando, FL 32817 Read instructions on reverse! Obedience Jump Ht_______ Rally Jump Ht 4” / 8” / 12” / 16” TRIAL SECRETARY Susan Gordon 9122 Trevarthon, Orlando, FL 32817 Fax: 877-667-4304; Phone: 407-657-0733; Cell: 407-421-1588 info@gordonshowsec.info - on-line entries—www.gordonshowsec.info TRIAL CHAIRMAN Linda Unger 640 Viscaya Ave., Orlando, FL 32839 Phone 407-592-5887 E-mail lindalu752@hotmail.com CHIEF RING STEWARD (Obedience & Rally)…………………………………..Donna McCombs mccombsdonna@gmail.com Catalog…………………………………………………………………………..………………………. Susan Gordon Statisticians…………………………......................................................................Susan Gordon Trophies………………….…….………...........Niki Muth, Jen Rother, and Nicky Dronoff-Guthrie RV Parking...............................................................................................………...Paul Reep Safety and Emergency Planning......................................................................…Paul Reep Publicity.......................................................................…………………….…….........Deb Wood Raffle........................................................................................................................….TBA JUDGES: Mr. Brian D Cleveland…………………….12700 Sherwood Pl, 109, Minnetonka, MN 55305 Ms. Lynn F Eggers………………………...……..3216 Wintergreen Terr, Grapevine, TX 76051 Mrs. Carol Ann Klein……………………………..…….534 NE 94th St., Miami Shores, FL 33138 Mrs. Marilou McCloskey………….……………...……………...5 Dunbar Ln, Medford, NJ 08055 Mr. Robert Millar…………………………………………...…………...502 Circle E, Jupiter, FL 33458 Mr. Ronald F Roberts………………...………………..……..11624 SW 75th Cir, Ocala, FL 34476 2 11 HOTEL INFORMATION La Quinta Inn & Suites - 407-345-1365 We strongly recommend that motel reservations be made as early as possible. BE SURE TO RECONFIRM THE MOTEL’S PET POLICY WHEN MAKING A RESERVATION. 8504 Universal Blvd., Orlando 32819 Best Western Orlando West - 407-841-8600 2014 W. Colonial Dr., Orlando 32804 Days Inn Maingate Universal - 407-351-3800 La Quinta Inn- International Drive 407-351-1660 JUDGING ASSIGNMENTS : Saturday, April 4, 2015 Sunday, April 5, 2015 Obedience Event # 2015006101 Obedience Event # 2015006104 Rally Event # 2015006102 Rally Event # 2015006103 Mr. Ronald F Roberts Novice A & B Ms. Lynn F Eggers Masters Inn- International Drive - Mr. Ronald F Roberts Beginner Novice A & B Ms. Lynn F Eggers 407-345-1172 Mr. Ronald F Roberts Pre Novice Ms. Lynn F Eggers Mrs. Carol Ann Klein Graduate Novice Mr. Ronald F Roberts Mrs. Carol Ann Klein Open A Mr. Ronald F Roberts Mrs. Carol Ann Klein Open B Mr. Ronald F Roberts 6327 International Dr., Orlando 32819 Ms. Lynn F Eggers Graduate Open Mr. Brian D Cleveland Travelodge Orlando Centroplex - Ms. Lynn F Eggers Pre Open Mr. Brian D Cleveland Ms. Lynn F Eggers Utility A Mr. Brian D Cleveland Mr. Brian D Cleveland Utility B Mrs. Marilou McCloskey Mr. Brian D Cleveland Pre Utility Mrs. Marilou McCloskey Mr. Brian D Cleveland Versatility Mrs. Marilou McCloskey Mr. Robert Millar Wild Card Novice TBA Mr. Robert Millar Wild Card Open TBA Mr. Robert Millar Wild Card Utility TBA TBA Veterans TBA TBA Recall Div A & B TBA TBA Experienced Dogs TBA Mrs. Marilou McCloskey All Rally Classes Mrs. Carol Ann Klein 8300 Jamaican Ct., Orlando 32819 8222 Jamaican Ct., Orlando 32819 5827 Caravan Ct., Orlando 32819 Quality Inn at International Drive - Holiday Inn Maingate Universal - 407-996-1600 407-351-3333 7600 International Dr., Orlando 32819 5905 Kirkman Rd., Orlando 32819 Rodeway Inn - 407-996-4444 Holiday Inn International Drive 407-351-3500 6515 International Dr., Orlando 32819 407-423-1671 Howard Johnson Plaza Resort - 407-351-2000 409 N. Magnolia Ave., Orlando, FL 32801 7050 Kirkman Rd., Orlando 32819 La Quinta- Universal - 407-313-3100 5621 Major Blvd., Orlando 32819 RV PARKING The Central Florida Fairgrounds rates are: $35.00 per day for 30 amp service $50.00 per day for 50 amp service. Campers may make reservations directly with the fairgrounds, between 9 am and 4:30pm call 407-295-3247. After 4:30pm call Bud at 321-377-1684. NO EXCEPTIONS PHOTOGRAPHER "Pix 'n Pages will be available to photograph obedience, Rally, Awards and Portraits by request only. Please email them at nmdg@pixnpages.com to sign up." SHOW N GO March 31 & April 1 Pre-Trial run throughs in the full ring set up. Entry form will be posted on the ODTC website & with the confirmations. 10 non-regular classes will be assigned at trial closing by the Trial Secretary. ENTRY FEES: OBEDIENCE & RALLY TRIAL CLASSES FIRST ENTRY of a dog in a Regular Class……………………………………………..……………....$29.00 Each additional Entry of the same Dog, same Trial…………………………………...…...…..$21.00 Each Non-Regular Class Entry (including full Team Entry)………………………...….….….$21.00 If a dog is entered in both Obedience and Rally on the same day, you MUST pay the fee for the FIRST ENTRY of the dog in each event each day as Obedience and Rally Trials are separate AKC events. For example a dog entered in Open B ($29.00), Utility B ($21.00) and Rally Advanced B ($29.00) would add up to a total of $79.00. REGULAR CLASSES Novice A & B Open A & B OPTIONAL TITLING CLASSES Beginner Novice A & B Graduate Novice Versatility Pre Novice 3 Utility A & B Pre Open Graduate Open Pre Utility NON-REGULAR CLASSES Wild Card Novice Veterans (7+ years) RALLY CLASSES Novice A & B Experienced Dogs Non-Regular Class Wild Card Open Recall A & B Wild Card Utility Experienced Dog Advanced A & B Excellent A & B RIBBONS & ROSETTES Regular & Optional Titling Classes: First Place……………….….Blue Rosette Third Place…………………...…..Yellow Rosette Second Place…………..…..Red Rosette Fourth Place…………………..….White Rosette Qualifying ……….... Dk Green Ribbon Non-Regular Classes: First Place…………….…...Rose Ribbon Third Place…………...….…… Lt Green Ribbon Second Place………....Brown Ribbon Fourth Place…………………….....Gray Ribbon Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Classes………………………………………...Blue & Gold Rosette Highest Combined Score in Open & Utility……………………………..….Blue & Green Rosette TRIAL PRIZES - April 4 & 5, 2015 The Orlando Dog Training Club extends it’s sincere appreciation to the generous donors to our trophy fund. Please feel free to fill out the form at the end of our premium list and become a donor today. A complete list of trophy donors will appear in our trial Catalog. REGULAR OBEDIENCE CLASSES A qualifying score is required for all prizes in the regular classes. All toys offered are of value of $ 5.00 or more Qualifiers all Regular Classes - A dark green qualifying Ribbon will be given to each dog attaining a Qualifying score. Novice A Placements - First—Fourth - Trophy, Rosette, Toy Novice B, Open A Utility A Placements - First—Fourth - Rosette & Toy Open B & Utility B Placements First Place—$ 20.00 Cash Third Place—$ 10.00 Cash Second Place—$ 15.00 Cash Fourth Place—$ 5.00 Cash Optional Titling Placements - First—Fourth - Rosette, Toy Non-Regular Classes - First—Fourth - Ribbon High In Trial - $50 & Blue & Gold Rosette High Combined from Open B and Utility B Classes - $50 & Blue & Green Rosette High-Combined Non-OTCh from Open B & Utility B Classes - $50 & Rosette The following class is designed for dogs who may not be able to manage height jumps (either young or old) but who are willing and able performers on the flat exercises. This is NOT a titling class. No legs are earned towards a title for qualifying. It consists of one each of the following exercises and the exercises are called and scored as in the Open B and Utility B classes and may be performed in any order the judge wishes. Any dog over the age of 6 months may enter this class to compete for fun or to gain more experience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. One scent article either leather or metal (handlers choice) (30 Pts) Moving stand for exam (30 Pts) Signal heeling (40 Pts) Retrieve on the flat (w/dumbbell) (20 Pts) Figure 8 exercise (20 Pts) Directed retrieve exercise (30 Pts) Drop on recall (30 Pts) DIRECTIONS TO THE TRIAL SITE: I-4 from the East - Exit at W. Colonial Dr. (Hwy 50 West) and go west. Continue to Fairvilla Road and turn right (approx. 3 mi.). Turn left at the first drive and follow the signs to the building. I-4 from the West - Exit at Kirkman Road and go north to W. Colonial Dr. Turn right and go past the fairgrounds to the first light (Fairvilla Road) and turn left. Turn left at the first drive and follow the signs to the building. OR exit at John Young Pkwy. and turn left. Take John Young Pkwy. to W. Colonial Dr. and turn left. Continue to Fairvilla Road and turn right. Turn left at the first drive and follow signs to the building. East-West Expressway* (Hwy 408) from the East - Exit at John Young Pkwy. (Rt. 423). Go north to W. Colonial Dr. (.7 mi.) and turn left. Continue approx. 1 mile to Fairvilla Road and turn right. Turn left at the first drive and follow the signs to the building. (*toll road) East-West Expressway* (Hwy 408) from the West - Exit Kirkman Rd and turn left. Continue .4 mi. to W. Colonial Dr. (Hwy 50 West) and turn right. Continuing on W. Colonial past the fairgrounds to the first light and turn left at Fairvilla. Turn left at the first drive and follow the signs to the building. (*toll road) April Show will be in Building 5 Special Prizes Appropriate trophies are offered for Highest Qualifying Score in Regular Obedience Classes (minimum value $8.00) Highest Scoring Dog with an “AKC Tracking Title” “AKC Hunting Title” “AKC Agility Title” “AKC Herding Title” “AKC Earthdog Title” Highest Scoring Dog First Weekend Shown in Novice A Obedience Class 4 Enter through Main Gate off of SR 50 9 RECALL The Recall Class consists of five (5) recalls to promote speed, enthusiasm, and accuracy. The first recall will be at the center length of a utility-sized ring. The second will go from one corner of the ring to the opposite corner, a corner-to-corner diagonal. The third recall will be the other corner-to-corner diagonal. The fourth will go from the center of the long side of the ring to the other side of the ring. The fifth and final recall will go from the position just completed to the center of the other side of the ring. There will be two (2) height classes. Dogs up to and including 15” will be in Division-A. Dogs over 15” will be in Division-B. Division-A dogs will compete with Division-A dogs. Division-B dogs will compete with Division-B dogs. Consequently, each division will have its own placements. Each recall station will be numbered as in Rally. The recalls will be without drops or finishes, as the recalls will be timed. Timing begins the instant the handler calls the dog and continues until the dog sits in front of the handler. Each recall is timed and the total time is recorded for each dog and handler team. The judge’s, “Exercise Finished!” will not be included in the timing while the judge determines the accuracy of the fronts. Dogs and handlers will not be judged between exercises, so formal heeling is not required. This can be a stress free and relaxing time for the dog and handler. PROCEDURES for the exercises are the following: The handler and dog enter the ring when the judge calls for them and they take their position at the first station. The handler removes the leash and gives it to the steward. Then the judge will ask the handler “Are you ready?” then tell the handler to “Leave your dog.” The judge has the option to verbalize or to use a signal for the handler to call their dog. Once the dog has recalled to the handler and fronted, the judge will say “Exercise Finished!” The judge will direct the handler to the next station. This continues through the rest of the stations. At the fifth recall station, the handler can call the dog to the heel position OR step into heel position, turn around, and set up. At the end of the last recall, the steward will enter the ring and return the leash to the handler. SCORING is based on enthusiastic recalls and accurate fronts, as in the Novice Recall. However, there are no finishes in this class. If a dog performs a drop on recall or a finish, it would result in substantial points off. The four dogs with the highest scores and most enthusiastic recalls will determine the placements. In the event of a tie in scores, the dog with the fastest time will earn the higher placement. A second command in calling one’s dog would result in an NQ. INSTRUCTIONS for the Timer Steward are as follows: Upon the handler’s verbal command, timing will begin. Once the dog recalls and sits, timing will end for that recall. This procedure will continue until the end of the fifth and final recall. At the end of the fifth recall, the Timer Steward will hand the timer to the Table Steward to be recorded on the score sheet. Please note: The Timer Steward must be vigilant and must be in a position to see each recall clearly; because in this class the total time can determine placements. INSTRUCTIONS for the Ring Steward are as follows: Hand out armband numbers, mark on the posted score sheet that the handler picked up the armband, verify the height division, and notify the Table Steward of same. Take the leash from the handler when they are at Station #1. Return the leash to the handler at the end of their final recall AFTER the judge finishes the exercise. Record the score of the team on the posted score sheet as is done in Rally. Times will not be posted on this sheet. REGULAR RALLY CLASSES A qualifying score is required for all prizes in the regular classes. All toys offered are of value of $ 5.00 or more Qualifiers all Regular Classes - A dark green qualifying Ribbon will be given to each dog attaining a Qualifying score. Rally Placements - First—Fourth - Rosette, Toy Note: Highest means Highest Scoring. Dog means either sex. Entries in Non-Regular classes are only eligible for non-regular class awards. No trophies will be shipped. All trophies not awarded or claimed before 5 PM on Sunday become property of the Orlando Dog Training Club, Inc. Persons claiming prizes may be required to show an armband for identification. A complete list of prizes and trophies offered can be obtained by writing to: Susan Gordon, ODTC Trial Secretary 9122 Trevarthon, Orlando, FL 32817 E-mail info@gordonshowsec.info Veterinary Emergency Clinic of Central Florida 407-740-5500 NOTICE: NO PRONG COLLARS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE SHOW GROUNDS—NO X-PENS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING Sponsor a Trophy Please show your support for your dog sport by sponsoring awards for the upcoming Obedience and Rally trials. We appreciate any monetary amount. If you wish to donate “in memory of” or to a specific reason please indicate here ______________________________________________________________________ If you wish to sponsor a specific class indicate here __________________________ Please Print clearly Your name: __________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________________ Address INSTRUCTIONS for the Table Steward are as follows: Record the presence or absence of each dog/handler team in the catalog taking care to confirm the height. Prepare the judge’s score sheet for each dog, recording the dog number and breed on each sheet. There are also two combined sheets (Division-A and Division-B) that are used to record the dog/handler number, the total time, the score, and the placements. 8 EMERGENCY VETERINARIAN C. Michael Hayes, DVM Casselberry: 195 Concord Drive 407-644-4449 S Orlando: 2080 Principal Row 407-438-4449 ____________________________________________________________ Send this form and your donation check made out to ODTC to: Jen Rother - 6522 Hidden Beach Cir, Orlando, FL 32819 Need more information? e-mail Jeff at retrieverman@me.com 5 NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS CLOSING DATE for entries is 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, 2015 after which time entries cannot be accepted, changed or cancelled except as allowed per move up clause below. Entries must be signed by owner or agent and submitted with fees. No telephone or fax entries can be accepted. EXPRESS DELIVERY services must include SIGNATURE WAIVER permitting them to be left WITHOUT recipient’s signature. ENTRIES ARE LIMITED to eight hours of judging time per day, per judge and will be taken on a first come, first serve basis (so get your entries in early). Regular Class entries, including the UDX class, will be given first priority followed by the Optional Titling Classes followed by the Non-Regular Classes. Mail Entries with Fees: Susan Gordon - 9122 Trevarthon, Orlando, FL 32817. Make all checks & money orders payable to: Orlando Dog Training Club Fax Entries: 877-667-4304. Both sides of the entry form must be faxed. Visa/Master Card number and expiration date, as well as the printed cardholder's name must be included. Fax entries must be received by the closing hour and date. Fax fee: $4.00 per entry in addition to entry fee. On-Line Entries can be taken at www.gordonshowsec.info On-Line Fee: $4.00 per entry in addition to entry fee. Included in the entry fees: A $3.00 Event Service Fee for the first entry of a dog and a $3.00 Event Service Fee for each additional entry of the same dog will be collected by the American Kennel Club for all Regular AKC classes (fees do not apply to Non-Regular Classes). A Recording Fee of $0.50 will also be collected for each entry of a dog entered at any Licensed or Member Club Obedience. At every licensed or member club rally trial, a recording fee of $ 3.50 shall be required for the first entry of each dog & a recording fee of $ 3.00 shall be required for each additional entry of the same dog. These fees are collected by the show giving club and are paid to the American Kennel Club. (New AKC Rule Effective September 1, 2011) Entry fees will not be refunded in the event the dog is absent, disqualified, excused by a Judge or Veterinarian, or barred from competition by the Trial Committee. If because of riots, civil disturbances, unsafe weather conditions or other acts beyond the control of the Club it is impossible to open or to complete the Trial, no refund of entry fees will be made. Transfers (formerly Move-ups) After a dog earns a title, a transfer (i.e., from an obedience class to an obedience class; or a rally class to a rally class) may be requested if, according to the owner’s records the handler and dog are eligible and the dog has completed the requirements for the title after the closing date of the trial in which the advanced entry is to be made. The request for a transfer must be in writing and presented to the trial secretary at least 30 minutes prior to the start of each trial. Transfers may be approved provided the class and judge are available, and the class has not reached its limit. For a written request regarding a transfer for an ineligible dog and handler team from the “A” class to the “B” class at the same level, please refer to the AKC Obedience Regulations, Chapter 1, Section 16b VACCINATIONS ETC. Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases and have appropriate vaccinations. 6 BITCHES that come into season after the closing date for entries may have the entry fee less $4.00 per dog per class refunded upon written request of the owner or handler before the start of judging on the day of the trial. RALLY EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE Rally Advanced and Excellent classes require a jump height and because the class will be ordered by height you MUST supply a jump height on your entry form or the trial secretary will not accept your entry. The trial secretary will not contact you for this information! Rally Jump Heights are: Less than 10” at withers 15” and under 20” 4” jump height 12” jump height 10” to 15” at withers 8” jump height 20” and over 16” jump height You are expected to understand the Rally Rules. You are expected to understand which Rally “A” or “B” class at any level to enter. The rules differ between Rally Novice and Rally Advanced / Excellent classes. Please consider yourself advised that if you earn a leg in the wrong class it will not count toward your title. Consult the AKC rules for Rally at www.akc.org ATTENTION ALL EXHIBITORS * Misconduct at hotels/motels may result in an Event Committee hearing. * Exhibitors are responsible for picking up after their dogs at the Central Florida Fairgrounds and at hotels/motels. Your continued responsibility and respect allow the CF Fairgrounds and hotels / motels to continue to work with ODTC so we can provide you with the best venue possible. Please relieve your dogs in marked areas outside and be careful to not allow your dog to mark or urinate inside or on the buildings, trash cans and cars nearby. Trash cans are placed throughout the grounds please use them. * All Central Florida Fairgrounds buildings are smoke-free buildings. * Per AKC rules no dogs are allowed in the show rings for practice at any time. * Please bring your own chairs and crates. * Ex-pens are NOT permitted indoors at our trials because of building size limitations. * No dogs may be left in the building after 6:00 pm or overnight. ODTC assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury sustained by exhibitors, handlers, visitors, children, dogs or property. The welfare of children is the responsibility of the parents or guardian. Parents or Guardians must exercise control and restraint over their children at all times. Any and all damages caused by the exhibitor, exhibitors dog(s) or children will be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. JUDGING SCHEDULES including the schedule for judging, ring assignments and directions to the show site will be mailed with confirmations. If your confirmation is not received within a reasonable amount of time after closing please notify the trial sec, Susan Gordon at (407)657-0733 Email info@gordonshowsec.info 2-DAY TRIAL CATALOGS are available for $4.00 for pre-ordered catalogs. Order when you send in your entry and pick up at the trial secretaries table at the trial. A limited number of un-ordered catalogs will be available day of trial for $5.00. Just check the box and add in the fee on your entry form to save! Entries are open to All-American dogs listed in the AKC Canine Partners program. Entries will be arranged by Jump Heights in ascending order & will be judged both days in this order. 7