HERE - Ohio Bird Sanctuary
HERE - Ohio Bird Sanctuary
Winter Influx of Tundra Species Ohio has had a large influx of tundra species. Theories for this explosion range from extreme temperatures to a fluctuation in the vole and lemming population. Regardless of the reason, it is a treat to have these northern neighbors wintering in our state. Snowy owl The snowy owl, also known as the Arctic, great white, and ghost owl feed primarily on rodents. A shortage of lemmings and voles in the owl’s arctic home can drive these nomad hunters as far south as Ohio. Snowy owls can be seen mostly along the Lake Erie shorelines but this winter they have been spotted in 31 counties. Rough-legged hawk Rough-legged hawks migrate far from their arctic breeding grounds to winter across southern Canada and the United States. These large hawks have feathered legs and come in two color morphs – light and dark. Rough-legged hawks can be spotted hunting large, open farm fields or marshes. Some of the best known spots for observing these northern hawks is the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, The Wilds, Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area, and Funk Bottoms Wildlife Area. Short-eared Owl A bird of open grasslands, the Short-eared Owl is one of the most widely distributed owls in the world. It is a crepuscular species hunting during dusk and dawn hours. Spotting of Short-ears have been reported at Big Island, The Wilds and Killdeer Plains wildlife area. Short-eared Owls rank high among the world's most antisocial species when not paired off for breeding purposes. They generally despise the presence of other raptors. If two owls have a close encounter a fight will ensue and the air is filled with calls of protest and bursts of speed. For updates on the spotting of rare birds in your area visit website NEWS HAWK Page 2 Note from Director The Ohio Bird Sanctuary has had a year of great changes. On the positive side, new capital improvements included a flight cage to condition birds back to the wild and a parking lot and walk way. On the downside, our bird care coordinator, Amanda Maugans, resigned from the Sanctuary to pursue a career with Med Vet. Amanda has been assisting with bird care for over five years. She started as a student intern and progressed into the Bird Care Coordinator position. Amanda’s expertise and passion for the birds residing at OBS will be sorely missed. The new flight compound was completed late summer and provides the longest flight condition enclosure in the state. The octagon shape provides a 250 foot flight circular corridor where the birds can continuously fly to strengthen flight muscles and improve cardio stamina. Currently a Peregrine Falcon is conditioning in this corridor. Amanda Maugans & Legacy Plans for 2014 are to start the preliminary renovations of the educational building. A $50,000 grant from the Taylor Family Foundation matched 1:1 by the Richland County Foundation will fund the installation of new plumbing, restrooms and heating system. These initial upgrades will make the building suitable for year-round use for educational programming and suitable for private and corporate rentals. If you are interested in holding a event at the Sanctuary, we are excepting bookings starting September 2014. We are in the process of thinning out the mailing list to save postage and trees. If you are not a member, have not made a contribution or attended an event at the Sanctuary in the last three years contact the Sanctuary if you wish to continue receiving the newsletter. UPCOMING EVENTS! Love is in the Air February 15th 11-2pm An afternoon of children’s crafts, visiting with many of our owls and a presentation on the mating rituals of native owls. Spring Evening Camp April 11th 6-10pm Explore the wonders of the Sanctuary waking up to the songs of spring. Registration forms available on our website. For ages 6 to 12. Eggstraganza April 12th 11-2pm Scavenger Hunt, children’s crafts and animal encounters Mohican Wildlife Weekend April 25-27th See the website for program details NEWS HAWK Page 3 2013 Annual Report The Ohio Bird Sanctuary is a private not for profit organization. Its mission is to provide professional care to native songbirds and raptors and to provide opportunities for individuals to learn, explore and foster an appreciation of our natural resources. The Sanctuary is not supported by governmental agencies or tax dollars. The operations and sustainability of the organization depends on the generosity of donations, memberships, in-kind services and grants. Financial Report January 1- December 31,2013 INCOME Donations Programming Capital Campaign Grants Endowment In-kind Avian Care Earth Share of Ohio Events Membership Gift Shop Investments 42,510 33,974 28,198 (restricted) 14,980 15,832 13,792 9,612 7,730 7,410 7,162 6,297 187,497 EXPENSES Payroll Bird Care Educational Programs Payroll liabilities Operations Property Management Events Gift Shop 69,159 27,967 21,278 16,091 14,222 13,147 8,450 2,783 $173,097 Capital Improvements *Parking Lot and Walkway $19,735 *Flight Compound $50,949 (volunteer labor and in-kind service additional value of $12,000) * Funding and expenses for capital improvements are not included in the operational income and expense statement. They are recorded as changes to net assets. NEWS HAWK Page 4 2013 Programming Summary The Sanctuary offers 16 different educational programs. In 2013 the Sanctuary provided programming to 280 classes representing 31 schools, hosted 22 field trips, held 28 days of camp, 9 homeschool days, 9 Storytime programs for preschoolers and parents, guided 68 tours and provided 26 additional outreach programs. The programs served all ages and abilities. Jr. Naturalists The Jr. Naturalists program serves youth 13 to 17 years of age. The youth participate in natural science-based educational experiences and do service projects for OBS and other environmental organizations. In 2013, the Jr. Naturalist assisted staff with the children’s activities at the Mohican Wildlife Weekend, Fall Festival and Christmas for the Birds. Throughout the year their education and service projects included: attending the Ohio Wildlife Diversity Conference, hosting the Young Ohio Birder’s club from Columbus, attending the Greatest Week of American Birding at Crane Creek, helping remove invasive plant species at South Bass Island, assisting in the research of the Lake Erie Water Snake population at North Bass Island, and visiting Guy Denny’s Prairie. Nature Camps The 2013 camp season included three days of winter camp, a spring night camp, five weeks of summer nature camp, and three weeks of day camp for Friendly House youth. The camps for Friendly House were funded through the Richland County Foundation Summertime Kids. S.T.E.P. The Sanctuary participated in a new program with Richland Newhope (Richland County Board of Developmental Disabilities). The STEP program ( Summer Training Employment Program) is a 5 week paid program for high school age individuals with development disabilities .The goal of S.T.E.P. is to gain work experience and transition into productive participants in the workforce and community. The Sanctuary benefited greatly from the students’ assistance this summer and has hired one of the young men, Billy Bryant, to assist with maintenance projects. Avian Report The Ohio Bird Sanctuary received 195 birds requiring care. 59 were raptor species. The Sanctuary assisted an additional 560 birds through phone conversations. Staff works diligently to help the public identify if an animal truly needs human assistance and instructs them how to assist the animal without removing it from its natural environment. Sanctuary staff and volunteers provided daily care to 24 display birds and 13 educational birds. Four new birds joined the ranks of the educational collection. All four of these magnificent birds suffered injuries preventing their return to the wild. Fiat, a small male Coopers Hawk with a congenital eye condition is on display with our female Cooper Hawk. Gus, a 25 year old Bald Eagle, suffered a fracture to the distal part of his wing. He is on display with Ralph, the Turkey Vulture. Peregrine Falcons, Stuart and Pippin, both suffered severe wing fractures and are being trained for outreach programs. They will replace our aging Peregrine, Legacy, who is being retired from programming. NEWS HAWK Page 5 2013 Annual Appeal Donors The Annual Appeal supports the care of the birds, funds special projects and provides camp scholarships. Thank you to the following individuals for your generous support. Richard Adams Beth Alphin Sharon Ault Tim & Julie Babcock David & Kelly Badnell Mechanics Bank Richland Bank Ann & Jack Bargahiser Bruce & Claudia Barrett Angus & Jane Barton Robert & Sandra Baxter Gary & Cathy Bayliss Barb Bechtler Anne S. Benninghoff Ken Berger Renate & Neil Bernstein Vincent & Jo Black Dr. H.G. & Nancy Bletner Rhonda Bockbrader Mitch and Norma Boyd Gina & Brian Brickner Linda & Allison Brogan Robert Buskey Cheryl & Bill Callis Marge Carnahan Troy & Phala Chatwin Mt Business Technologies Mike & Carol Chambers Charles Ciola Sam & Peggy Clarke Karen Conley Irene Cooperrider Larry Cornell Jennifer Crose Gorman Rupp Employee Civic Fund Connie Fruendlich Tom & Sarah Fruendlich Michele Gingerich Carol Goettl Linda Gooden Walter Graphics Henley Graphics Rick Gunder Jennie Eklund Larry Haas Smith Hardware Kevin & Becki Hils Pam Hartley Girl Scouts of Heartland Hope Orr Council Greg Owens July Hobbs Ellin Patchen Sandra Homer Becky & Matt Payne Montie Hook Ethan & Isaac Peebles Buckeye Horizon Dean Sheldon Lois Howard Carolyn Pierson Bryan Howard Don & Diana Plant Bob & Willie Huhn Susan & Jeff Price Martha Hyatt Linda Pullins Lex-Shelby Elks George Recck Bill & Michele Jones Peter & Susan Roberts Jay Keoppel Dick & Salli Rohm Joseph Lallman Allen Sanford Robert Lardinals Leroy Sargent Mary & John Lehman Ted & Heidi Sazdanoff Donald Lincicome Sharon Schulz Virginia & John Linsdau Beth Schmacher Charlotte Mabee Maureen Severns Janet MacAdam Don & Kris Shank Paul Martin Delores & Russell Shorts Shari Mason Jeff Smith Sinetta Maul Bobbi Spring Dean & Sherly McCament Robert Steinman Fran & Gil McLendon Robert & Sandee Crowl Robyn McNully Richard Cummins Darlene Meehan Saurabh & Suzanne Das Dixie Mehock Guy Denny Lynne Miller Robert Donaldson Olive Miller Bill & Carol Miller Letitia Miller Tom & Vera Millikin Kathryn & Allie Moir Roberta Moore Adelle Morley Richard Morris Joanne Mudra Carrie Negroni Nickrand Family Donna Obrian Herman & Nancy Stine Milton Stofi Carolyn Stoner Kristine Suits Jon Swartz Katherine Swigart Tom & Tracy Tappan Taunts Family Sally & Merrill Tawse Mark & Louise Taylor Vicki Uhde Smith True Value Greg & Susan Vigesaa Pat Voelp Charles Wagner Beth Wallis Tom & Sharon Wells Pamela Wetzel Steve & Andrea Williams Jim & Mary Wise Eugene & Gloria Yarger Doug & Vicki Yoho Nadji Young Betsy Youse Mark & Susan Zeigler Larry & Susan Zimmerman Shirley Zody NEWS HAWK Page 6 Ohio Bird Sanctuary 2013 Members The following individuals and corporations are members of the Ohio Bird Sanctuary. Their membership dues support the general operations of the Sanctuary. These funds provide food and medical supplies for the birds, support our educational programming and trail maintenance. Osprey Jim & Andrea Arnholt Natalie Badnell Venetia & Charles Bramlage Robert Buskey Jennifer & Scott Foster Jisa Mary Kate & Dave Peresie Beth Wallis Jane & Bob Wingerd Hawk Pat & Mike Addeo Susan Arnold Robert & Sandra Baxter Sharon Bellino Vincent & Jo Black William and Cheryl Callis North Liberty Garden Club Jean Foor John Ford Connie Fruendlich Mandi & Ross Gibson Edward & Leanne Glazewski Jim Gray & Linda Linn Keith & Nancy Holtrey Melanie Hull Lee Jones Joy Koeppel Shari & Sara Mason Wynn Meek Dixie Mehock Olive Miller Martha & John Mortland Adelle Morley Michael & Stephanie Mulherin Margie Phipps Don & Diana Plant John & Jenny Pilarowski Michael Pikosz Doug & Carol Pretorius David & Katie Roller Dean Shelton R. Lee & Jean Shepherd Eagle Jack & Ann Bargahiser Angus & Jane Barton Michael & Carol Chambers Clark County Audubon In Memory of Ashley Cooperrider Larry Cornell Brad and Sharon Courson Liam & Graham Cummins Saurabh & Suzanne Das Suzie Davis Jennie Eklund Scott & Jennifer Foster Gayle Gorman Freeman Irv & Melinda Simon Jonathan Sowash Joe & Mebane Stolfi Carolyn Stoner Janet Swartz Mary Louise & Dean Thomas Underwood Family Tim & Kristen VanWinkle Kathy Wallace Merris and Jean Welge Marilyn Weiler Deborah Wiseman Wally & Bev Young Linda & Larry Haas James Henson Shari & Sara Mason Jennifer Medvin Linda Linn & Jim Gray Sonja Obyuba Kubina Barb & John Makley Manders Family Lynne Miller Ed & Cella Mularz Patrick & Jana Mulherin Ed & Bev Needham Robin Obetz Dan & Sue Phallen John & Jenny Pilarowski Dick & Salli Rohm Leroy & Kathleen Sargent Joe & Mebane Stolfi Doug & Jean Theaker Ed & Sue Thomas Greg & Susan Vigesaa Mark & Susan Webster Owl Helen Bartlett Bruce & Claudia Barrett Christopher Blankenship Linda Bowman Robert & Char Mabee Eric Barkdull Mike & Cheryl Markley Si Carmean Nancy Moree Charles Ciola Joanne Mudra Mary Collet Betty Pollock Gary Cowell Joan Rader Amy Crutchfield Desiree Dickerson Peter & Susan Roberts Dawne Snyder Choel Evans Charlotte Gebhart Marge Stoodts Doug & Sally Strine Green Family Charles Wagner Hagner Family Dallis & Kitty Wagner Margie Joyce Russell & Deborah Wiseman Jan Kennedy Tim Leslie NEWS HAWK Page 7 2013 Donors The following individuals, corporations and foundations supported the Sanctuary through designated gifts to specific projects and programming for disadvantaged youth, provided general gifts to support operations and donated their services. Adopt a Bird Danielle Dotish Lana Dennison BreAnn Fennell Melissa Smith Patricia Scholl Bruce Barrett Shawn & Evon Holliday David & Judy Lewis Jacob and Miles Prystowsky Megan Nichol Mahon George Lingg In kind Services Hull Veterinary Hospital North Ridgeville Animal Hospital Green Environmental Services Charles River Lab Will Lab Sams Club Sandy Hill Fruit Farm Walmart Wayne’s Market Kent State University Walter Graphics Capital Campaign Taylor Family Foundation Richland County Foundation Mark and Sandi Arnold Venetia & Chuck Bramlage Jennifer and Scott Foster Joe & Edie Humphrey Omar & Sue Guimaraes Gordan L Jones Joy Keopel Rhonda & Wes Shaffer Roby Foster Miler Earick David & Dena Wingerd Memorials Gifts Patricia Bishop Russell Hall Samantha Laux Gary Schumacher Al Shiff Floyd Weikle Toni Sponsler Jim Zimmerman Flight Compound Event Sponsors Roby Foster Miller Earick Spherion Corpad Mechanics Bank Richland Bank C. Richard Thompson Programming Hire Family Foundation Richland County Foundation Walmart Kenneth Scott Charitable Trust Mansfield Rotary Club Anonymous Irene Cooperrider Charlotte Gebhart Florence Campbell Randy & Sandra Winland Beth Schumacher Judy Braneazio Century Link Fanello Concrete Red White and Bluest Masonry General Donations Sons & Daughter of Herman Janet Kohr Dr. H.G. & Nancy Bletner Mansfield Noon Optimist Russel & Mary Gimbel Foundation Pamela Wetzel Penny Smith Carl Fernyak Douglas Sponsler Roberta Stitzlein Sharon Rebmann Jim & Sharon Motz Bev & Rick Wolford Barb Bechtler Susan Levine Stacey Hunsinger Girl Scout Troop 1986 Clark County Audubn Richard Poffenbaugh Roberta & Diana Miller Anne S. Benninghoff Doug & Carol Pretorius Bellville Lions Club James & Linda Lamson Paul Collins Elks No 56 Eleanir Kline Claudia & Bruce Barrett St Paul Lutheran Church Robert & Janet Kohr Jean Foor Lee Jones Mansfield Reike Association Thomas & Sharron Wells Barb Christel Lorrie Elcert Charles & Eleanor Dombrowski Ray & Rani Piar Mary Louise & Dean Thomas Antoinette Miskey David & Katie Peresie Cindy VanDerGriend Non-profit U.S. Postage PAID Mansfield, Ohio Permit # 114 Ohio Bird Sanctuary Or current resident 3774 Orweiler Road Mansfield, OH 44903 (419) 884-4295 Your membership supports our programs and the care of the education birds. 30 Owl $25 309 Receive Newsletter and invitations to special events Hawk $50 Owl benefits & Mug Eagle $100 Owl benefits & T-Shirt Osprey $500 Eagle benefits & live-bird presentation _____________ To become a member, please fill out the informational box below and enclose a check to: Ohio Bird Sanctuary Name ___________________________________________ Member of Address ______________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________ State _______ Zip ____________
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