forgotten pioneers - Operation Friendship Seniors Society


forgotten pioneers - Operation Friendship Seniors Society
Summer 2016
Volume 16, Issue 1
Operation Friendship Seniors Society – Serving Inner City Seniors
2016 Breaking Ground Gala
Summer Needs
Please donate the following to help us keep
a senior ready for the
heat and summer conditions
On Monday May 9th, 2016 – we held our 4th
annual dinner and silent auction. Our goal
was to raise $40,000 and we are happy to
announce that we broke that goal. We sold
441 seats and also had roughly 150 auction
thank you to all that purchased tickets
to the event, donated to the silent auction, and supported this event since the
start. We are excited to announce the
date for next year – Please mark in your
day timer – Monday May 29th, 2017 at
the Radisson Edmonton South.
Ball caps
Back packs
Ground coffee
Coffee mugs
All items are given to our
seniors free of charge!!
Donations can be
dropped off at:
9526 – 106 Ave.
Thank you
items this year. We welcomed the addition
of TSN 1260 (Radio Station) as a media sponsor this year to go along with CTV Television.
Rob Williams emceed the event and with his
help the event just keeps getting stronger.
We were also fortunate to have as guest
speakers—Minister of Seniors and Housing
Lori Sigurdson and Mayor Don Iveson. A huge
Inside this
2016 Dinner & Silent
Auction –Breaking
Ground Gala
Seniors Week in
Summer Carnival
Drop-in Center Needs
Fort Road Bingo Dates
Summer Carnival
Coffee Mug Drive
Thank-you to our
Generous Meal
How You Can Help
Senior’s Week at OFSS
a different event to mark our seniors’
many contributions. We had a big BBQ
at the drop in centre. This is a very important week as it is our way of showing
our appreciation for everything that our
seniors do for Operation Friendship Seniors Society. A big thanks to all the seniors as well that volunteered and helped
with the week. From the bottom of our
hearts, thank you for all that you do.
June 6th – 12th was Alberta’s Seniors
Week and this year we celebrated
with all our clients. Each building had
Summer Carnival
This year our Summer Carnival was the
biggest we have ever had. We had lots
of wonderful things going on for the day
– we closed off the streets and celebrated with our seniors. We had a photo
booth, BBQ, 50/50 draw, rummage sale,
fire truck with rides, dancers, water balloon toss, bake sale, and live music for our
seniors to enjoy. This is a annual event where
all our staff is involved helping to raise money
for the drop in centre. We had a blast working together and raising some money. Also
had great volunteer groups that helped as
well as some of the seniors. We are excited
to start planning for next year. It was a beautiful afternoon filled with a lot of smiles.
Drop-in Center Needs
Our Drop-In Centre and various sites are always
looking for certain items to help our seniors on a
day to day basis.
For more information on the Drop-In Centre, or to
find out how you can help, call
Carmine at (780) 429-2626.
9526 – 106 Ave, Edmonton, AB
We are currently in need of:
Jeans & hoodies (men’s)
Backpacks (knapsacks)
Ball Caps
Toiletries (razors, shaving cream, toothpaste,
shampoo, conditioner and soap)
 Ground Coffee
 Coffee Mugs
Hours of operation:
Weekdays: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Weekends & Holidays: 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
Fort Road Bingo 2016 Dates
Sunday July 24th, 2016
(All Day)
Sunday October 2nd,
2016 (All Day)
Thursday November 10th,
2016 (All Day)
If you are interested in
volunteering, please
contact Jimmy Morrison (Community Relations Supervisor) at
(780) 408-2958 or
C o ff e e M u g D r i v e
It was brought to our attention a
few weeks ago that our drop in
centre was out of coffee mugs. We
have reached out to some of our
groups and volunteers in hopes of
collecting mugs. We have decided we
want to have enough mugs for the
drop in centre but also to fill our
basement for the winter months. We
run coffee and tea throughout the
day and mugs are always in demand.
Our goal is 10,000 mugs by September 1st, 2016 for our drop in centre. If
we are to accomplish this we need
your help. We hope you can spread
the word through your work, your
friends, your family, church groups,
etc. You can drop off your mugs at
our drop in centre – 9526-106 avenue
as well as any other donations
Monday to Friday 8am till 630pm
or Saturday-Sunday 1030am till
630pm. Please help us reach our
goal and if you have any questions,
please contact Jimmy Morrison
(Community Relations Supervisor) at
780-408-2958 or
A B i g T h a n k - Yo u t o O u r G e n e r o u s M e a l S p o n s o r s
Alberta Blue Cross—Hearts of Blue
Ansgar Lutheran Church
Holiday Inn Conference Centre Edmonton South
Sheriaton Four Points Edmonton South
Holiday Inn Express Downtown
Southminster Steinhauer United
Kinette Club of Edmonton
Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Edmonton
Kinsmen Club of Edmonton
Strathern United Church
Knights of Columbus
Sutton Place Hotel
Marriott Edmonton at River Cree Resort
Tarrabain Family
Matrix Hotel
Varscona Hotel
Mettara Hotel
Westin Hotel
North Edmonton Seniors Association
Canadian Progress Club—SILKS
Christmas Bureau
Crown Plaza Chateau Lacombe
Dan Knott Junior High School
Delta Edmonton Centre Suites
Delta Edmonton South
Double Tree By Hilton
Edmonton Chinese Lions Club
Edmonton Jolly Fellows Lions Club
Radisson Hotel Edmonton South
Edmonton Tourism
Ramada Hotel & Conference Centre
Executive Royal Inn
Remax Professionals—Craig Pilgrim &
Kelly Dann
Fairmont Hotel MacDonald
Robertson Wesley United Church
Fantasyland Hotel
Rotary Club of Edmonton Riverview
Grace United Church
Sawridge Inn Edmonton South
Shaw Conference Centre
F r i e n d s h i p i n A c ti o n – W h a t C a n Yo u D o ?
Volunteers are needed to work in friendship with Edmonton’s
inner city seniors. Opportunities include:
9526 – 106 Ave
Edmonton, AB
T5H 0N2
Friendly Visiting
Sponsor a meal
Serve meals in the Drop-In Centre
Gardening and yard work
Recreation support
Arts and crafts
Sewing and knitting
Light labor and maintenance
Musical performances
For more information, please contact Jimmy Morrison at
780-408-2958 or email at
A L i tt l e G o e s a L o n g W a y
Donations go a long way in the inner city.
We’re on the Web!
Here’s what your donation can do:
See us at:
 $24.00 will buy 10 bus tickets.
 $70 will fill a tank of gas for the Helping Hands Van.
 $125 will serve breakfast to 75 seniors.
Operation Friendship
Seniors Society (OFSS)
 $250 will serve lunch to 90 seniors.
 $500 will serve supper to 125 seniors.
Ye s ! I w o u l d l i k e t o b e a f r i e n d t o i n n e r c i t y s e n i o r s .
Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City/Town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Postal Code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone #: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enclosed is my tax deductible donation for:
□ $25.00 □ $50.00 □ $100.00 □$250.00 □ Other
I would like information on Memorial Giving.
Or donate on-line through Canada Helps on our website and follow the links
Charitable Registration No.
11906-8989 RR0001