10 Club Park


10 Club Park
July — September 2014
10 Club Park
This Issue
Ten Club Park is in line for a renovation project with the help of Graef, a consulting firm hired
by the Village of Waterford to develop the downtown area. The plans coincide with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s preliminary plans for the Hwy 20/83 reconstruction
scheduled for completion in 2018.
Because highway plans include a wider turning axis for trucks traveling east on Main Street
(Hwy 20/83), the Riverhouse faces demolition to accommodate the turn lane. The state will be
selling the property that is not required for the turn
lane to the Village for $1.
New Village Website ......... 2
Communications Survey .... 2
Village Submits Grant ........ 3
2014 Elections ................... 4
FD “Mothers” Wanted ....... 4
Health Department ........... 6
Safety concerns with the Riverhouse demolition being
so near a busy traffic street has led to the decisions to
raze 10 Club Pavilion to allow construction and
demolition equipment to access the site away from the
street. The Graef plan calls for a larger park, a public
plaza/viewing area along the river, a new gazebo,
walking and biking paths along the river, and increased
parking area. The plan is under review and modification and must be approved by the Village Board.
Library News .............. 11-15
Do you know your local history?
Tips from Public Works.... 16
What is the Ten Club?
How did Ten Club Park get it’s name?
Can you name the original members of the club?
July 4th Activities ............ 16
Answers on page 3
Hwy 20/83 Update
Curb Appeal Grants ........... 6
Whitford Plantings ............ 7
Ray Seidel Improvements .. 7
Water Quality Report ..... 8-10
Rec Programming ............ 17
Photo by Terry Alby
Absolutely Waterford ...... 18
Chamber News................ 19
Public Involvement Meeting in August
Comments regarding the project can be
directed to: Janet Cannon, P.E., WisDOT
Final design is anticipated to be completed by
Project Manager, 262-548-6890, janet.cannon
the end of 2017. The final design plans and
@dot.wi.gov; or John Elkin, P.E., Senior
documents are being prepared for the Main
Project Manager, R.A. Smith National, Inc.,
Street and First Street intersection improve262-317-3312; John.Elkin@
ment project. The intersection improvement
is being accelerated ahead of the reconstrucVillage Hall will be closed for the
tion project discussed above to improve the
safety and operation of the intersection by
holidays—July 4 and September 1
pulling back the curb radius in the southwest
quadrant on the current Riverhouse property,
upgrading curb ramps, and installing traffic
Tornado Season!
Preliminary design for the reconstruction pro- signals. Construction of the intersection imVillage Hall is a
ject is expected to be completed by the end of provement is expected to occur in September
2014, and the real estate acquisition process
and October 2014.
tornado shelter location.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Southeast Region continues
with the preliminary design on the WIS 20/83
(Main/First Street) project, from just west of
Buena Park Road to WIS 36 (Milwaukee Avenue). The work will also include the reconstruction of East Main Street from First to
Milwaukee Street. As preliminary design plans
are completed, a public involvement meeting
(PIM) to display proposed plans and gather
comments will be held at the Waterford Library August 19, 2014 from 4:00-6:00 pm.
can begin in early 2015.
Village Website
New Look, New Features
The Village of Waterford has contracted with a web design firm that specializes in
websites for municipalities and other government entities. The development process has begun and will continue through the summer. The Waterford Information
Portal is expected to go live in early October and will have some exciting new features that will engage citizens.
One feature will allow you to subscribe to the information you’d like to receive —
whether its notifications of meetings, website updates, posting of agendas and
minutes or to receive newsletters, news, or emergency alerts.
You will also have the opportunity to participate in mini polls or surveys about
trending issues and provide valuable feedback
to elected officials. A convenient online form
will give you an easy way to report concerns
Coming Soon!
— from potholes and streetlights out to
issues of public safety.
The site will provide more information and will
be easier to navigate. Online payments and
fill-able forms will allow citizens and others
to take care of many government business
transactions from the convenience
of home or office, day or night.
New Village
Visit our current website for updates
on the new Waterford Information Portal
and to get a good baseline for the improvements you’ll
see in October!
Photos of Waterford
Do you have photos of Waterford?
We’re interested in collecting photos that illustrate the unique qualities of life in the Village of
Waterford to use on our new website. We’ll be
updating the website frequently and would like
to add a rotation of citizen photos.
We know Waterford is special and we’d like to
share that with the world. So if you have photos of Waterford activities, events, recreation,
business, points of interest, landmarks,
wildlife, the Fox River, history, or daily life in
the village, we’d like to hear from you.
Photos that may include individuals will require
signed releases. Contact Barb Messick at 5343980, ext. 231 or email vwaterford.admin
@tds.net for more information.
The new Waterford Information
Portal website is intended to improve
two-way communications with village
residents and other stakeholders.
To understand the best avenues for
communicating, the village is asking
residents and others to take a few
moments to complete a brief
communications survey. We’re interested in learning how you feel about
current communications, how we can
improve, and how you’d like us to
communicate with you. With the help
of technology, the range of options
available will help us hear what you
have to say, while sharing village news
and information with you.
The survey of 18 questions will be
included with this quarter’s utility
billing. Please return it with your
payment by mail, in the payment drop
box across from Village Hall, or bring
it into Village Hall. An online version
is also available to complete and
July - September 2014
Grant Seeks to Create Fox River Water Trail
Waterford residents and visitors may have more recreational
transportation options available by late next summer.
The village, along with Racine County, applied for a KnowlesNelson Stewardship Grant, administered through the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources. The grant proposal requests
funding for four non-motorized canoe/kayak launches along the
Fox River. The first two are above and below the Waterford
Dam in Huening Park alongside the motorized launch and in
Village Hall Park. The second two are to be above and below the
Rochester Dam in Racine County’s Case Eagle Park.
Menomonee Falls in Waukesha County on to Wilmot in
Kenosha County. Three launches on tributary rivers provide additional access to the Fox River. The Fox River continues into
Illinois to the popular Chain O’Lakes.
The Village of Waterford would like to be a leader in the drive to
develop a recreational water trail that will be a destination for
visitors from around the region.
Wisconsin currently has several popular water trails — the Lake
Michigan Water Trail following the great lake’s shoreline, the Fox
-Wisconsin Heritage Water Trail which runs west across the state
Providing access to the Fox River in these two locations will cre- from the Upper Fox River near Appleton to the Wisconsin River
ate over 60 miles of virtually unencumbered water travel from
and the Iowa state line; and the Lake Superior Water Trail runWaukesha to the Illinois state line.
ning along the south shore of Lake Superior.
The grant proposal seeks matching funds
of nearly $81,000 for the design and construction of the four launch sites. The
village and county will share the balance
of the costs.
Additional funding sources will be sought
to further offset the cost.
Having access to the Fox River in downtown Waterford allows visitors to stop
and picnic in the parks, visit shops, have
a meal or an ice cream treat, before
continuing along the river. The Fox
River running through Waterford is an
asset waiting to be polished and shared.
A 2007 publication of the Southeast Wisconsin Fox River Partnership notes eight
canoe/kayak launch sites beginning near
The village expects to learn if the grant
proposal was successful sometime this
Street Light Out?
Most village streetlights are owned
and maintained by WE Energies.
Because utility employees generally
work during daylight hours, it’s
difficult for them to know of
streetlights needing maintenance.
It’s easy to report a light out.
You can contact Village Hall
and a report will be sent to
WE Energies or you can visit
the WE Energies website,
In either case, collect the pole
number — a metal tag on the
light pole, to help crews locate
the correct light pole during
the daylight repairs.
According to their website,
repairs are typically done
within 72 hours.
Overnight parking in effect!
Overnight parking restrictions are in effect all
year. To avoid a $20 ticket —note the date after
midnight. If the date is an even number, park
on the even numbered side of the street, using
house numbers to determine the side.
For example, it’s 9:00 p.m. on June 5 and you
are in for the night. Park your car on the even
side of the street as it will be an even date after
midnight. Be careful about just alternating
sides every day because months with 31 days
have two odd days together.
If you do get a ticket, avoid an additional penalty
by paying the fine within five days. Payments
can be dropped
in the drive by
box across from
Village Hall. If
you’d like your
day in court, a
court date is
listed on the
History Answers
from page 1
The Ten Club was organized for philanthropic activities to better Waterford. It
was called Ten Club because it’s charter
membership consisted of ten Waterford
Ten Club Park is on the site of the Louis
Noll store which was destroyed by a
devastating fire on July 2, 1898. The land
was deeded to the Village by the Ten
Club in 1919 for the benefit of the community. The gazebo was built in 1920.
The ten original members of the club are
Walter Best, Clint Ellis, Albert Glueck,
Fred Johnson, Will Kinney, Edward
Kortendick, L.F. Kortendick, Edward
Malone, E.H. Miller, and Eugene Patrick.
From Waterford: Stories of Our Village and Its Busy Life. Waterford, Wisconsin University of Wisconsin Digital Collection http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu.
Seeking ‘Station
2014 Elections
Use Online Tools
The Fall Election is coming up fast. The primary is August
12 and the general election is November 4. We encourage
electors who need to register, change an address or have a name change to go to
www.myvote.wi.gov Click on the regular voter description to search for your voter
record and update. You will be able to see your voter profile, make changes to your
address or name, see what’s on the ballot, request an absentee ballot, look at your
voting history and find information about voting all in one place. This will save you
from completing a paper application on election day. If you don’t have online access,
computers are available to the public at the Waterford Public Library.
New Rules for Registration
Effective April 4, 2014, State of Wisconsin Act 182 requires that voters provide a
document establishing their proof of residence (POR) on the voter registration
application. This requirement applies to all electors who are not military or
permanent overseas electors. The following list provides examples of POR
documentation provided by:
Local units of government include: city, town or village clerk or treasurer’s
office, your county clerk or treasurer, and others.
State units of government include: Division of Motor Vehicles, (DMV or DOT),
Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Department of Workforce Development (DWD), Department of Human Services, and others.
Federal units of government include: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Medicare
(not second party vendors), Social Security, and others.
Other examples of documents issued by a government agency include:
Fishing and hunting licenses
Vehicle registrations
Food stamps, Wisconsin Works, Wisconsin Shares, and BadgerCare notices and
Medicare notices and Medicare Explanation of Benefits (not from 2nd party providers or other health insurance providers)
Social Security and SSI notices and benefits statements
Public high school, technical college, and public university correspondence and
documents, including: admissions correspondence, financial aid notices, report
cards, and schedules
Federal student loan correspondence and notices
Billing statements and collection notices from a governmental entity
Correspondence from a federally recognized Native American Tribe living in
If you are unsure if your documention will qualify as acceptable proof of residency,
contact the Waterford village clerk at 262-534-3980, ext. 223 or the Government
Accountability Board, 1-866-VOTE-WIS or gab@wi.gov.
We encourage you to register online at www.myvote.wi.gov. Of course you can also
register in person at Village Hall with valid POR. REMEMBER: Acceptable
Proof of Residence documents must always include the voter’s name and current
Our Fire & Rescue staff are
committed to ensuring the
safety of our community and
our families. They
have answered the
call to serve and
they do so proudly.
Four Tuesday’s a
month often require many of our
part-time rescue and firefighters to go
straight from their day jobs to the
station for training, foregoing a meal at
home. We think they need a little
mothering…. like a nice meal at the
station when they are putting in a long
day. We’re looking for a few ‘station
mothers’ to volunteer to take care of
purchasing food, preparing a light
meal, and clearing after the meal for
these trainings. The department will
cover the cost of purchasing food.
‘Station mothers’ will find reward in
the smiles and appreciation of our
dedicated fire and rescue personnel! If
you are interested and can help with
one or more nights, please contact
Barb Messick, 534-3980, ext. 231 or
Please Support
Our Advertisers
Health Department News
Child Car Seats
Check the label on your child’s
car seat to make sure it is still
safe and it’s appropriate for
your child’s age, weight and
Kids are VIPs— just ask them and we know
VIPs ride in the back seat, so keep your VIP
in the back seat until 13 years of age.
Keep your child in a rear-facing car seat for
as long as possible, usually until age 2. When
he or she outgrows the seat, move your child
to a forward-facing car seat. Make sure to
attach the top tether after you tighten and
lock the seat belt or lower anchors.
Once your seat is installed, give it a good
shake at the base. You should not be able to
move it more than an inch side to side or
front to back..
Ensure the harness is tightly buckled and
coming from the correct slots (check car seat
manual). Now, with the chest clip placed at
armpit level, pinch the strap at your child’s
shoulder. If you are unable to pinch any excess webbing, you’re good to go.
Impact 2-1-1 Report
Changes for Village
Western Racine County Health Department is closing after 29 years. Aurora
Health Care announced that it will disband
the health department and discontinue public health services on December 31, 2014
Eight municipalities currently contract for
public health services including the Village
of Waterford.
The village has been in discussions with
other municipalities and Racine County
regarding options that will fulfill the State
mandate requiring municipalities to provide
public health services. Discussions may
continue around the possible county-wide
health department, but in the meantime, the
village will be submitting a letter of intent to
contract with Central Racine County Health
Department for public health services at a
cost of $6.98 per capita.
Read the vehicle and car seat instruction
manuals to help you. If you are having any
trouble, questions or concerns, call us at 262763-4930 and our certified child passenger
safety technician, Megan can help you!
New parents should know that a baby will
not be able to leave the hospital without a
properly installed car seat!
Immunization/ Free Blood
Pressure Clinics
9:00-10:00 am: June 18, July 16,
August 20, September 17
4:00-5:30 pm: June 16, July 21,
August 18, September 15
Or by appointment 763-4930
Western Racine County
Health Department
156 E. State Street, Burlington
Curb Appeal Grants
The Village of Waterford and area non-profits such as Absolutely
Waterford are working to enhance the physical appearance of the
community. Commercial property owners and businesses are eligible
for up to $5000 in matching funds to improve building facades
through the Curb Appeal Grant.
IMPACT 2-1-1 helps Racine County residents connect to the right resource. Residents can access information by calling the
toll free number or searching the online
resource directory.
Call volume, up from 58,106 in 2002 to
145,141 in 2013 served.
Who is calling? 2014 Demographics
— 72% of callers were women
— 13% of calls were from west of I-94
— Zip Code 53105/53185 — 90 calls
This service is available to our residents.
Free and confidential referrals are made
to agencies in our communities that address the specific need identified. For
assistance, simply dial 2-1-1 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. Or search the online
Health Care
Mental Health/Addictions
Income Support/Assistance
Legal, Consumer/Public Safety
Information Services
Other Gov’t / Economic Services
Businesses within the Downtown Heritage District must adhere to
the Heritage District Design Guidelines, found at absolutelywaterford.org. The guidelines include pictures and references to the allowable materials, fixtures and sizes of building elements
used to enhance the façade of any commercial building located in the Heritage Overlay District.
The grant application is available online at absolutelywaterford.org or
at Village Hall. Applications are reviewed and forwarded to the Heri- Free architectural renderings are offered to business
tage District Committee.
and property owners within the Heritage District.
Services provided through Absolutely Waterford by
Grants can be used to improve facades through painting, cleaning,
a Wisconsin Main Street staff architect include color
awnings, materials, labor, entrances, window repairs, masonry work,
renderings, on-site and telephone consultations, sign
architectural assistance, lighting, signage and roofs with decorative
design, paint and color scheme suggestions, awning
elements. In order to complete the application, grant seekers must
designs, and other preservation-related information.
schedule a meeting with the Village Building Inspector to discuss the
proposed project and any site plans developed.
July - September 2014
Stream Bank Stabilization
Whitford Park
Whitford Park stream bank stabilization project continues with native plantings along the river. The first phase of the project
placed rip rap along the bank to prevent erosion. In shoreline protection projects, the WDNR requires the addition of native
plants to hold the soil in check. A $2000 grant from the Potpourri Garden Club helped in the purchase of nearly 1,000 of 25
different native species. Karen Koeller, chair of the Public Works and Utilities committee said it was the coordination of many
individuals and groups to make the planting possible. “The volunteers proved the adage, ‘many hands make light work’ as nearly
1000 plants were planted in less than three hours.” The planted area allows
access to the river for fishing and walking along the river. Future plans call
for planting evergreens along the north end of the park outside the ball diamond. “We’ll also be exploring enclosed kiosk signage with information
about the project, the plantings, and other items of interest about the park,
the river, and wildlife in the area.” said Koeller.
Thank you to: Community United
Methodist Youth Group, Rebecca
and Emily Ewald, Vesta Goldammer and family, Sally Hensel* Karen
Koeller*, Fred Koeller, Anne Marie
Kowalski*, Rob Kowalski, Sue Malicki*, Cindi Schweitzer, and Jan
Volunteers met with trowels, gloves, and
kneeling pads to introduce 25 native species to
this area along the Fox River. Village crews
followed up by adding mulch to protect the
plants, limit weed growth and retain moisture.
* Master Gardener
Prairie Blazing
A sampling of the
25 native species
planted along the
Fox River by
Community Building Improvements
The Waterford Lions Club, with funding assistance from the Waterford Lioness Club and the Senior Club made improvements to the Ray Seidel Community Building.
The Village of Waterford contributed to the project that included creating
storage closets for non-profit organizations using the building regularly. A
storage closet for the village was also added.
Facilities Available to Rent
The Ray Seidel building and the Whitford Park Pavilion are both available for
private events. Village residents can rent the building for the day $150 and the
pavilion for $75.
Rattlesnake Master
Non-resident rate is $200 and $125 respectively. The building has kitchen facilities and can accommodate up to 200 people. The pavilion has 18 picnic
tables includes ball diamond #2 and a
volleyball court. A refundable cleaning
bond of $150 is required for all rentals.
Prairie Smoke
If you would like to reserve the
Community Building or Pavilion,
contact Deputy Treasurer, Stephanie
Charapata -534-3980, ext. 229 to
confirm facility availability. The
reservation form is available under
Resources on our website,
Coming Up...
4- 4th of July Activities
5-Tichigan Lake Fireworks
2-Full Moon Four-Miler
12-Primary Elections
19-Hwy 20/83 PI Meeting
1-Labor Day
Contact Info
Visit us on the web:
Village Hall— 534-3980
Administrator ..................... ext 226
Admin Analyst ................... ext 231
Building Inspector .............. ext 230
Clerk ..................................... ext 223
Court Admin ....................... ext 233
Deputy Clerk ....................... ext 221
Deputy Treasurer ................ ext 229
Treasurer ............................. ext 224
Village President ................ ext 227
Water/Sewer Admin .......... ext 229
Library ..................................................................................................534-3988
Building, Electrical, Plumbing Inspector ................................ 262-894-2982
Associated Appraisal .................................................................. 800-721-4157
Public Works .......................................................................................534-4069
EMERGENCY SEWER (after hours) ........................................534-5166
Emergency Fire / Rescue / Police .................................... 9-1-1
Racine County Non-Emergency .......................................................534-5166
Fire/ Rescue Information—Non-Emergency ...............................534-5930
Fire Chief ..............................................................................................514-7019
Fire Inspector .......................................................................................534-3911
Safety Building ....................................................................................534-3911
Rescue Billing Questions—3 Rivers Billing ............................ 800-829-5703
Western Racine County Health Department ..................................763-4930
Time Warner Cable ..................................................................... 800-933-4662
John’s Disposal ........................................................................... 888-473-4701
Waterford Post Office .......................................................................534-3255
Waterford Chamber of Commerce ...................................................534-5911
Digger;s Hotline ........................................................................... 800-242-8511
Meetings monthly or as noted at Village Hall, 123 N.
River Street, with exception of Library Board.
Community Development Authority:
1st Monday as needed, 6 P.M.
Finance Committee:
2nd Monday, 5 P.M.
Village Board:
2nd & 4th Monday, 6:30 P.M.
Public Works & Utilities Committee:
3rd Monday, 4 P.M.
Personnel Committee:
3rd Monday or as needed, 5:00 P.M.
Library Board of Trustees: Library History
Room; 2nd Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Fire & Police Commission:
2nd Tuesday or as needed. 5 P.M.
Heritage District Design Committee:
3rd Wednesday as needed. 4 P.M.
Plan Commission:
3rd Wednesday. 6 P.M.