Index Welcome ...................................................................... 3-4 Agenda .......................................................................5-10 Sponsors................................................................... 11-22 Partners ....................................................................23-29 Speaker Bios ............................................................ 30-66 See You in LA ................................................................ 67 2 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV April 3, 2012 Welcome to The Social TV Summit San Francisco, a high level executive conference designed to learn how social media is effecting how we all view content, on the big screen in your living room, on your laptop, on your tablet, mobile phone and Out of Home. As the Social TV space is “white-hot”, The Social TV Summit San Francisco is going to continue to help you fully understand the opportunities that Social TV can provide. Throughout the day we will be asking you to tell us your thoughts, opinions, emotions and sentiment. We believe that the audience is a part of each panel and we want you to interact and be social during these important panels and discussions. So grab a mike, Tweet your thoughts, Facebook your friends and vote with our Real Time Poll system. We will be streaming The Social TV Summit LIVE today, so feel free to let your colleagues who aren’t here, know about how they can still join the discussion from their office or home. I have been organizing conferences since the late 1980s and I always make sure there is great networking opportunities to build new relationships, enhance the existing one’s and create a friendly deal-making environment. If you would like to meet anyone here, please ask Jack Myers or I, or any of our great staff to make that introduction for you. Thank you for joining us here at the Bently Reserve. We think it is the perfect venue to bring together all of the key stakeholders in Social TV. Jack Myers and I hope you: learn, network, make deals and have fun! Andy Batkin CEO Social Summits, LLC. @socialtvsummit 3 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Dear Colleague, Since Andy and I hosted the first Social TV Summit just eight months ago, the advances in applications have accelerated, improved and become an embedded part of the television ecosystem. In the next several months, there will be continued advances and growth. Yet the social TV business remains undeveloped, with a growing number of companies struggling to differentiate themselves, identify and communicate their core focus, and build scalable revenue models. Most importantly, the Social TV business will be emphasizing the truly social aspects of television, incorporating conversation, commerce, gaming and rewards. What excites me most about Social TV is that it puts television content at the center of marketers’ total marketing communications strategies, from sales promotion and direct marketing to interactive communications. Social TV is all about the opportunity for fans to engage with the TV shows they love, and about marketers’ ability to connect with and engage those fans more directly and effectively. I’m grateful to the sponsors and participants who are coming together today to share their opportunities, experiences and vision for the future. We are at the center of the future of media, and I’m proud to be associated with you all. Jack Myers Media Economist 4 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA BENTLY RESERVE 301 Battery, San Francisco, CA APRIL 3, 2012 5 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA Monday, April 2, 2012 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm EARLY REGISTRATION 2nd Foor of Le Meridien Hotel, 333 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA Pick up your badge to be able to enter the NCAA viewing party, which is right across the street from Le Meridien Hotel. 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Sponsors the NCAA Finals Viewing Party, Elephant and Castle Pub and Restaurant, 424 Clay St, San Francisco, CA 94111 Cocktails, Dinner, Interactive and Social TV Games and Prizes, BYOI (Bring Your Own iPAD) to Play Along with the Biggest NCAA Game of the Year! Tuesday, April 3, 2012 7:30 am – 8:30 am Bently Reserve, 301 Battery, San Francisco, CA Registration and Check In Continental Breakfast Will Be Served Sponsored By: 8:30 am – 8:45 am Welcome Andy Batkin, CEO, Social TV Summit Jack Myers, CEO, Jack Myers Media Business Report 6 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA 8:45 am – 9:15 am Morning Keynote Speech Erik Martin, GM, Dan Simon, CNN Silicon Valley Correspondent In a unique Keynote Speech format, Erik will be interviewed by Dan Simon, CNN’s Silicon Valley Correspondent. They will discuss the hotly debated SOPA (Stop OnLine Piracy Act) issues. Erik and led the internet’s protest against the recent attempted SOPA legislation and started the “blackout” on the net. Erik has an amazing story to tell as to how this all happened, from the Silicon Valley side, some suggestions as to how Hollywood and Silicon Valley can work together… and how this all could affect The Social TV industry. Don’t miss this compelling opening to The Social TV Summit San Francisco. 9:15 am – 10:15 am Its My Kind of Town….San Francisco – Silicon Valley Executive Roundtable –How Are the Major Technology and Internet Companies Developing Social TV Applications and Platforms to Drive New Viewers, Keep Them Engaged and Generate New Revenues? Moderator and Session Keynote: Jack Myers, CEO, Jack Myers Media Business Report Speakers: Yahoo – Adam Cahan, Founder and Vice President of IntoNow from Yahoo! Google – Chee Chew, Director, Google+ and Hangouts Microsoft – Pete Thompson, General Manager, Interactive Entertainment Facebook – Howie Stein, Strategist, Entertainment Global Creative Solutions My Space – Marcus Liassides, Executive Vice President of MySpace TV AOL – Janet Balis, Senior Vice President and Head of Sales Strategy, Marketing and Partnerships 10:15 am – 10:45 am Coffee Break and Networking Sponsored By: 7 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA 10:45 am – 11:45 am Social TV Company Solutions – Technology Solutions Driving the Social TV Industry – One Screen, Two Screen, Three Screens-Who is Winning? Who Will Win? Moderator and Session Keynote: Andy Batkin, CEO, Social Summits Speakers: Shazam – David Jones, EVP, Marketing ConnecTV – Ian Aaron, Co-Founder Miso – Somrat Niyogi, CEO TVPlus – Ajay Shah, Co-Founder and CEO 11:45am – 12:45pm Social TV Research – Is There An Audience Actually Using Social Media While They Watch TV? How is It Measured? What TV Shows Are the Most Social? Are Those Shows The Most Watched Shows? Moderator and Session Keynote: Stacy Green, VP, Marketing and Communications, Mashable Speakers: Trendrr – Tom Donahue, President and co-founder Social Guide – Sean Casey, Founder and CEO Bluefin Labs – Jack Flanagan, VP of Sales Networked Insights – Dan Neely, CEO Nielsen – Deirdre Bannon, VP Media Analytics 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch and Networking Thought Leadership Series First of a Series of Lively Discussions on a Specific and Timely Topics that Will Effect the Future of Social TV. Great opportunity for lunch discussion! Sponsored By: 8 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Afternoon Keynote Speech Christy Tanner, General Manager, Executive Vice President, TV Guide Digital Ms. Tanner will discuss and reveal custom research from the TVGuide 10,000 person research panel on the use of Social TV Applications and Platforms during the 2012: Super Bowl, Grammys, Oscars and the NCAA Finals. This research will be revealed for the first time at The Social TV Summit San Francisco and is co-produced with the Social TV Summit. 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm What do Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley Investors Say About Social TV? Major Venture Capitalists Discuss the Future and What They Think Is the Business Model for Social TV. Moderator and Session Keynote: Jack Myers, CEO, Jack Myers Media Business Report Speakers: Time Warner Investments – Allison Goldberg, Managing Director Google Ventures – Joe Kraus, Managing Director Hearst Ventures – Scott Wolfgang, Managing Director Comcast Ventures – Louis Toth, Managing Director BBC Worldwide – Jenny Fielding, Head of New Digital Ventures 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Coffee Break and Networking Sponsored By: 9 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Social TV in Action: Real Brands. Real People. Real Results. Social TV is one of the hottest buzzwords in the media industry today, but how does it translate into actual programs that drive value for your business? How are network executives factoring in social media when developing new shows? With advertisers starting to build their own social TV experiences, are the content owners now competing with advertisers for social TV mindshare? This interactive discussion will showcase the biggest issues that digital executives are grappling with today and provide examples of successful programs that are creating new revenue streams, increasing brand engagement and driving viewership. Moderator and Session Keynote: Khris Loux, CEO of Echo Speakers: FOX Broadcasting – Laurel Bernard, EVP Marketing World Wrestling Entertainment – Jason Hoch, SVP of Digital Forrester Research – Elizabeth Shaw, Analyst, Emerging Media 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Ad Agency and Brand Executive Roundtable – How Are The Major Ad Agencies Playing in Social TV? What are the Terms and Conditions? How Was It Measured? What is the future for Brands and Agencies and Social TV Solutions? How are these Social TV Deals Done? Moderator and Session Keynote: Suzanne Stefanac, Founder, Story3 Speakers: Pepsico Beverages – Andrea Harrison, Director, Digital Engagement MEC Global– Jen Soch, Managing Director – Global Account Director Chevy Game Time Super Bowl Promotion Case Study – Paul Glomski, Co-Founder and CEO, Detroit Labs and Agency Exec TBA 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Cocktails and Networking – The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Cocktail Party Sponsored By: 10 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV OUR SPONSORS 11 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV TITLE SPONSOR 12 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV PLATINUM SPONSOR 14 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV © 2012 Echo. All rights reserved. Connect Conversation from Everywhere. Echo provides a real-time web platform that empowers brands to transform their websites into immersive, second screen destinations. Aggregate conversation from social networks and create a vibrant community right on your site, where you own the user experience. With Echo, fans can talk about your content using the social platform of their choice, while you get to monetize that conversation in real-time. ĕ Real-time Comments ĕ Real-time Forums ĕ Lifestreams ĕ Real-time Data Trending & Visualization ĕ Social Chatter ĕ Live Blogging ĕ Real-time Polling (SMS, Web) Connect viewers with your content like never before. Contact Echo today. (888) GO-REALTIME ĕ ĕ ĕ @echoenabled GOLD SPONSORS 16 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jack Myers discusses Silicon Alley, Silicon Valley Investors, the Future of Media and the Business Model for Social TV at J ack Myers is a media economist and chairman of Media Advisory Group, which provides economic insights, data and strategic advisory services to more than 250 media, advertising, marketing, entertainment and financial services companies. Jack speaks internationally on the impact of emerging media technologies on society, culture and business. Media Advisory Group publishes the weekly Jack Myers Media Business Report, Media Wall Street Report and Jack produces film documen- taries and is the recipient of the George Foster Peabody Award, won the Crystal Heart Award from the Heartland Film Festival, and has been nominated for both an Academy and Emmy Award for Best Documentary Feature. His most recent production is the has been nominated for both an Academy and Emmy FocusForwardFilms documentary series with Morgan Spurlock’s Cinelan Group and GE. Jack founded the Women in Media Mentor- ing Initiative and supports several programs to advance diversity and the careers of young professionals. His new book, Hooked Up: A New Generation's Surprising Approach to Sex, Politics and Changing the World will be published in June. ).(-42 2' 1$42 +(*$42 UUU)?AI,WCPQAMK UUU,CBG?!GX!JMEECPQAMK UUU2MAG?J352SKKGRAMK UUUDMASQDMPU?PBDGJKQAMK UUUD?AC@MMIAMKH?AIKWCPQ UUUD?AC@MMIAMK,CBG?,CLRMPQ 3UGRRCPH?AIKWCPQAMK Marketing Made Easy Real-time data analysis and planning tools that take the guesswork out of marketing See what you have been missing at Networked Insights one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Companies” of 2012 OFFICIAL SPONSORS OFFICIAL STREAMING SPONSOR VENTURE CAPITAL SPONSOR 21 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV :DWFKLWRR0DNHV796RFLDO BUILD, MAINTAIN AND GROW YOUR AUDIENCE AND MARKET SHARE WITH WATCHITOO Watchitoo is the leading interactive television streaming platform. Embed Watchitoo on your website or any social media asset to stream television, post show Q & A or interviews. Your audience and stars can interact with each other via web cam, engage through chat or update their Facebook or Twitter accounts directly from within the platform. Promote Shows with Pre & Post Show Q& A’s Connect and Interact with Fans Create Unique Second Screen Viewing Seamless Embeds in Your Website or Social Media Asset Scalable to Thousands of Viewers Prep Your Guests & Other Great Features Learn More by visiting (212) 354-5888, PARTNERS MEDIA SPONSOR 23 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV 7KHILUVWDQGODUJHVWLQGXVWU\QHZVVRXUFHIRUVRFLDO79 ³/RVW5HPRWHLVGRLQJDQLQFUHGLEOHMREEUHDNLQJQHZVLQWKHVRFLDO79 VSDFHDQGSURYLGLQJPRUHLQGHSWKFDVHVWXG\OLNHH[DPSOHV´ ͲDŝŬĞWƌŽƵůdž͕^sWĂƚ,ŝůů,ŽůůŝĚĂLJĂŶĚĐŽͲĂƵƚŚŽƌŽĨƚŚĞŬ͕͞^ŽĐŝĂůds͘͟ :H¶UHQRZRIIHULQJDGYHUWLVLQJ)RUGHWDLOVHPDLODGV#ORVWUHPRWHFRP /RVW5HPRWHFRP_#ORVWUHPRWH_WLSV#ORVWUHPRWHFRP Identify | Manage | Monetize To sync, track, measure or protect your media assets, trust the leading name in the industry Civolution ( is the leading provider of technology and solutions to identify, manage and monetize media content. The company offers an extensive portfolio of cutting edge digital watermarking and fingerprinting applications for media protection (content filtering and forensic marking in pre-release, digital cinema, payTV and online), media interaction (ACR and synchronization for 2nd screen and smart TVs) and media intelligence (audience measurement and media monitoring for television, radio and internet). follow us on Twitter: @civolution “OUT OF BOX” INSIGHTS Trendrr.TV is a comprehensive service for networks, studios, brands, and agencies; delivering actionable insights around engagement on television. Over half of the top 50 TV networks are trending with us. How can we help you? | @trendrr | 212.242.3400 | #socialtv + + “BETTER TO FIGHT FOR SOMETHING THAN LIVE FOR NOTHING.” -GEORGE S. PATTON AND WE ARE INDEED READY TO FIGHT. At this very moment, there are more than 800,000 Military Veterans who are unemployed. 800,000 Fathers, Mothers, Sons and Daughters who courageously and successfully defended our Country and the American way of life. But this has to change. And it will. America Wants You is determined to fight for what’s right. We’re dedicated to knocking on every corner office door in America to ask companies large and small to make hiring military veterans a real priority. We’ll be asking you to join companies like Southwestern Energy ®, U.S. Steel® and CareerBuilder ® who have already pledged their support. So the question is, when America Wants You calls, will you answer? John S. Pike, CEO 560 Crestline Dr., Ste. 300 Los Angeles, CA 90049 858-255-4299 + Paid for by AWY + SPEAKER BIOS 30 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Andy Batkin CEO, Social TV Summit Andy Batkin is currently the CEO of Social Summits, LLC. (SSL), a strategic consulting company specializing in digital and social media,. SSL’s Strategic Consulting Group offers its clients digital and social media, interactive marketing, electronic commerce, and business planning and development services with a focus on revenue generation. SSL’s interactive publishing and conference division facilitates the growth of Social Media and Social TV, Online, and in person through the Social TV Summits worldwide. In 1996, Mr. Batkin founded SOFTBANK Interactive Marketing Inc. (SIM) after his company, Interactive Marketing, Inc. (IMI) was bought by SOFTBANK CORPORATION in Japan. Under his guidance as Chairman and CEO the company sold 50 million dollars of interactive media in its first twelve months and grew to be the world’s largest interactive media rep firm and largest single source of Web impressions reaching nearly half – a full 48.8 percent – of all active Web users through a portfolio of eight of its select, branded sites. In early 1995, under Mr. Batkin’s leadership IMI, became the Interactive Marketing Agency of Record, for Yahoo! and developed the branding and media strategy to create Yahoo! into a powerhouse Internet media company with a multi-billion dollar valuation. IMI was also the exclusive interactive advertising sales organization for Yahoo! for the first two years of Yahoo’s young life and handed over 1700 sales relationships to the new sales team that was developed by Mr. Batkin. IMI performed similar work for Netscape, ZDNet, Playboy, the National Football League, where Mr. Batkin created; NBC, MapQuest, and many others. In the five years prior, Mr. Batkin founded two companies, which specialized in using new and emerging interactive technologies to create advertising, promotional and marketing programs. In 1991, he founded The Creative Services Group and was its president and creative director. A year later, the firm was renamed Interactive Marketing Inc. (IMI). During this period, he began to focus the firm’s operations in three core areas: interactive marketing and promotions, interactive advertising sales, and conferences. IMI produced conferences such as The Conference on Interactive Marketing East & West, Camp Internet and Web Innovation conferences. All these divisions were rolled up to Interactive Marketing, LLC and were sold to SOFTBANK Corporation of Japan in June of 1996. Mr. Batkin is recognized as one of the founders of the interactive industry back in 1983, and has over 30 years of experience in creating innovative integrated marketing, digital media and promotional campaigns for Fortune 500 and Entertainment companies such as: Anheuser-Busch, BASF, CBS, NBC, FOX, Coca-Cola, Walt Disney, Sprint, TaylorMade-adidas, Toyota, the NFL; and Internet Media companies such as: YAHOO!, Netscape, Lycos, Sportsline, and 24/7 RealMedia. 31 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Andy Batkin (continued) Mr. Batkin speaks at many industry conferences and has been quoted in major publications such as: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Advertising Age, Brandweek, Mediapost, Business 2.0, and many others, on the evolution of digital and social media. Andy is a graduate of Boston University with a B.S. in Public Communications. He has served as treasurer of the NAIS (National Association of Interactive Services), and on the board of directors of the ISA (Interactive Services Association). He was also a founding member of the Internet Advertising Bureau (the IAB). He was the Chairman of the Interactive Promotion Marketing Council and a member of the Board of Directors of the Promotion Marketing Association. Mr. Batkin also served on the Board of Directors for the OVAB and was co-Chair of the Conference Committee and Chair of the Media Operations Committee. 32 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jack Myers CEO, Jack Myers Media Business Report Jack Myers is a media economist and chairman of Media Advisory Group, which invests in early stage companies that advance and support the media and advertising business. Jack is the author of three books on advertising, writes the weekly (subscriber-only) Jack Myers Media Business Report and publishes and blog platform for industry thought leaders. Jack is the recipient of the George Foster Peabody Award for journalism, won the Crystal Heart Award from the Heartland Film Festival, and has been nominated for both an Academy and Emmy Award. For more than two decades, Jack has been among the media industry’s leading visionaries and economic forecasters. He has advised more than 250 media companies, marketers and agencies on business transformation, revenue-development and organizational best practices. Jack co-founded the Syracuse New Times, which remains the leading weekly in the Syracuse market. He joined the out-of-home division of Metromedia as a sales executive, moved to ABC-FM Radio as local sales manager then moved to CBS-Television Stations, where he became Director of Marketing, Business Development and Research. He was an early advocate of investment in cable TV and became EVP Content and Revenue for UTV Cable Network before forming his own business in 1985. In 1995, Jack was asked by President and Mrs. Clinton to lead a delegation of advertising executives to the White House Conference on Children’s Educational Television. He has co-produced six broadcast network primetime specials with advertiser funding support and executive produced the award-winning documentary Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream. Jack is a Board Member Emeritus of the Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University, served on the Advisory Board for the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at New York University, is a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, and serves on the boards of several charitable organizations including the John A. Reisenbach Foundation. 33 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Erik Martin Founder and GM, Erik Martin is the General Manager for social news community, and has been with reddit since 2008. Prior to joining reddit, he was Head of Digital for independent film/music label, Palm Pictures. He has also advised a wide range of film, music, TV, and web video companies on digital strategy. Before his internet addiction fully took hold, he was documentary filmmaker, and a senior agent and videographer for the public pranksters Improv Everywhere. 34 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Dan Simon CNN Technology Reporter Dan Simon is a correspondent for CNN’s Silicon Valley bureau. His reports are aimed at consumers to help keep them better informed about the latest technological innovations. Simon transitioned to this role in February of 2011 after spending five years at CNN as a general assignment correspondent based in San Francisco. He has a weekly segment called “tech trends” that airs during CNN Newsroom highlighting the most compelling trends in social networking, mobile and cloud computing. Simon frequently contributes pieces to CNN.COM’s tech industry coverage. Simon started at CNN as freelancer, contributing to the network’s Peabody award winning coverage of Hurricane Katrina. His work in New Orleans, eventually led to a full time position where he has been a frequent contributor to CNN’s primetime shows, including Anderson Cooper 360. He was an instrumental part of the network’s reporting on the national debate on illegal immigration, same sex marriage debate and CNN’s award winning 2008 Presidential election coverage. Before joining CNN, Simon was a Los Angeles-based correspondent for Warner Brother’s Celebrity Justice. In this capacity, his coverage of high-profile court trials led him to frequent guest appearances on CNN, NBC’s The Today Show and the nationally syndicated Dr. Phil. In addition, Simon was a reporter for KSAZ in Phoenix where he won seven local Emmy awards and a first place Associated Press award for his investigative reporting. Simon also served as a reporter for WWL-TV in New Orleans and KMTV-TV and KPTM-TV in Omaha, Neb. Simon is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Arts degree in American history. 35 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Adam Cahan Founder and Vice President of IntoNow from Yahoo! Adam Cahan recently joined Yahoo! with the acquisition of IntoNow, where he was the founder and chief executive officer. IntoNow is a platform and companion TV application based on real time indexing of television that deepens the connections between audiences, television content and advertisers. The addition of the IntoNow technology will enable Yahoo! to provide enhanced media experiences, bolstering its social engagement across the Yahoo! network and on all screens. IntoNow users are able to easily engage with friends around the shows they enjoy most. IntoNow helps people discover new shows, discuss favorites with friends and learn more about them, and provides recommendations for what is currently airing based on their interests and those they are connected to. Prior to creating IntoNow, Adam was CEO of Auditude a video adserving company (acquired by Adobe), and Executive Vice President of Strategy and Business Operations for MTV Networks. There Adam supported the Music and Youth (MTV, VH1, CMT, MTV2); Kids and Family (Nickelodeon, Noggin, NeoPets); and Entertainment (Comedy Central, Spike, Atom Entertainment) teams in areas of product, monetization, distribution and acquisitions. Highlights included partnering with Yahoo! for search monetization, Google for Hyper-distribution, redesign of and early development of Hulu’s founding principles. Prior to MTVN, Adam served in a leadership capacity at Google in Business Operations where he supported the development of brand advertising, wireless, and video products along with international market entry strategy. Adam’s background includes positions with NBC Universal and McKinsey & Company where as an Associate Principal he worked with clients in areas of technology and media. Adam has an undergraduate degree from Brown University and an MBA from Columbia University with Beta Gamma Sigma Honors. 36 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Chee Chew Director, Google+ and Hangouts As an Engineering Director in Google’s Kirkland office, Chee oversees Google+ real time communications and Chrome in Seattle and Kirkland offices. With real time communications, such as Google+ Hangouts, chat, and Google Voice, Chee strives to make the world a more intimate yet authentic place. Prior to Google, Chee spent 14 years at Microsoft starting as a code-crazy engineer on Windows 95, Internet Explorer 3, 4 & 5. Then transitioned to engineering leadership then General Manager responsibilities for Windows Mobile. He had the privilege of leading engineering teams from the first Pocket PC release through Windows Mobile 6. His last project at Microsoft was as General Manager of Games for Windows LIVE within the Xbox organization. Before Microsoft, Chee earned his bachelor of science and master of science in computer science from MIT in cooperation with Hewlett Packard Labs in Palo Alto. Chee was born in Malaysia, but grew up in South Carolina then Kentucky. He is now married with 2 kids aged 12 and 5. He enjoys karate, soccer, photography and traveling to new places. He has lived in the Seattle area since 1993. 37 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Pete Thompson General Manager, Microsoft Surface Computing, Microsoft Corp. As general manager for Microsoft Surface Computing, Pete Thompson is responsible for the group’s end-to-end business, including hardware, software, Web-based services development, business development and marketing. When he saw the prototype of Microsoft Surface™, Microsoft Corp.’s surface computer, for the first time, he was struck by the degree of simplicity of the user experience. He was enthusiastic about the innovative hardware, software and integrated services and believes the viral nature of the experience will lead computing in exciting new directions. Thompson joined Microsoft in January 2006. His previous experience focused on launching new product categories across various industries and scaling them to the mass market. These products included T-Mobile’s WiFi HotSpot service, Hewlett-Packard’s Officejet multifunction printers and Levi Strauss & Co.’s Dockers. Before joining Microsoft, Thompson was the executive director of marketing and business development for T-Mobile USA Inc., where he helped increase the company’s HotSpot network from several hundred locations to more than 10,000 worldwide. Before working at T-Mobile, he was at HP, Motorola Inc. and Publicis USA. Thompson holds a bachelor’s degree in international economics from the University of California, Los Angeles and a master’s degree in management from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management. 38 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Howie Stein Strategist, Entertainment Global Creative Solutions Howard T. Stein is the Strategist for Entertainment at Facebook Inc. As a member of the Global Creative Solutions team Howard is responsible for developing ideas and foundational social strategies that inspire innovation providing solutions for networks, studios, and fortune 100 brands aligned with existing entertainment properties. Additionally, Howard consults the creative community in building socially enabled film and television formats. Prior to Facebook, Howard served as senior Vice President of Digital Development at FremantleMedia North America where he developed and executed the company’s product, digital content and distribution strategies. Howard’s efforts helped define the direction of American Idol, America’s Got Talent, Price Is Right, and Family Feud’s digital presence as well as the company’s original digital content efforts. Previously, Howard was Head of Production and Development at Yahoo! where he pioneered Yahoo’s! Branded Entertainment sales and distribution strategy that combined the sensibilities of traditional media with technology. In this role, Howard executed the largest and longest running Branded Entertainment digital partnerships in Nissan Live Sets and Pepsi Smash that in aggregate generated over 75 million dollars in revenue. Mr. Stein started his career at E! Entertainment Television as a producer for E! True Hollywood Stories where he produced several episodes of the flagship docu-series. Howard’s creative eye, business sensibility, and rich understanding of the digital entertainment industry bring a diverse set of skills to Facebook. Mr. Stein has a Bachelor of Science Degree from California State University, Northridge where he studied Radio Television and Film while earning a degree in Psychology. Outside of work Howard consults for Face of Tomorrow a non-profit that provides surgical services for underprivileged children suffering from facial deformities around the world. He holds an Advisory seat with SoJo Studios; a gaming company whereby a portion of the revenues are donated to charities that are thematically aligned with the 39 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Marcus C. Liassides Executive Vice President of Myspace TV As Executive Vice President of Myspace TV, Marcus Liassides and his global team are driving video innovation and advertising solutions online, through connected TVs and companion devices, with the aim of delivering a new generation of engaged viewership and brand loyalty. Marcus also serves as Executive Vice President of Specific Media, an industry-leading multinational interactive advertising company with capabilities spanning original programming, cross-channel distribution and addressable advertising. Before joining Specific Media, Marcus was President and CEO of Move Networks, Inc. a provider of video solutions to telecommunications companies, network operators, and major media organizations. Its clients included world-leading TV operators and media brands Cable & Wireless, Comcast, ABC, ESPN, Fox, Televisa, and ProSieben. Marcus joined Move Networks following the acquisition of Inuk Networks in April 2008 where he was founder and CEO. Prior to founding Inuk Networks in 2004, Marcus founded and led several successful businesses under the ‘Fresh’ brand. ITM Communications acquired the Fresh Group of companies in 1999 where Marcus became Commercial Director, leading all commercial and technical development for the company. Named as one of the top 50 leaders in broadband and pay TV in 2008 by Informa Telecoms & Media, Marcus has been the recipient of national and international innovation awards and is the co-author of several patents. 40 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Janet Balis Senior Vice President and Head of Sales Strategy, Marketing and Partnerships As Senior Vice President and Head of Sales Strategy, Marketing and Partnerships, Janet Balis leads AOL Advertising’s Products and Services group. She leads key AOL teams across the organization to provide advertisers with creative solutions for building brands, articulate AOL’s offerings in the marketplace and develop creative and strategic partnerships. Balis also serves as the thought leader for AOL’s key clients and agency partnerships. Prior to joining AOL, Janet worked for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSLO) as EVP, Media Sales & Marketing, where she led sales and marketing across print, broadcast and digital media assets. Balis joined MSLO from Digital Media Strategies, a company she founded in January 2008 to guide entertainment and media companies – including Discovery Communications, Turner Broadcasting and Warner Bros. Television – on their digital strategy. Before founding Digital Media Strategies, Balis spent eight years at Time Warner. From 2004 to 2007, she was Senior Vice President of Sales Development for AOL Media Networks, supporting the company’s transition to an advertising-based business model, and establishing AOL as an innovative media partner to clients, including leading key sponsorships and branded entertainment efforts. Before joining AOL, she spent five years at Time Inc., where she was responsible for sales and marketing across the division’s 20 websites – including People, TIME, Fortune and InStyle. Balis was also co-founder of the Mascot Network, a network of sites for college students, and spent time at Goldman Sachs and A.T. Kearney. Balis was recently recognized by Advertising Age’s as one of the “2010 Women to Watch” and by Crain’s as one of the “Top 40 Under 40.” She serves as an advisor to a start-up developing an integrated media and retail business in the DIY/fashion space, and has served on the board of Ziplist. Balis has a BA from Columbia College and an MBA from Harvard Business School. 41 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Greg Consiglio Head of Business Development, VIGGLE Greg Consiglio, joined Function(x) in 2011, bringing along his rich experience in new business development and strategic alliances. His most recent work includes leadership of business development at Ticketmaster where he managed teams responsible for online affiliate sales, business development, sponsorships and strategic alliances. Previously, Greg led the Asian operations and international business development for AOL. When he’s not building Function(x) businesses and revenue, Greg’s afterhours passions are for travel, skiing and music. 42 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV David Jones EVP, Marketing, Shazam David Jones joined Shazam in April 2010, bringing over 20 years experience in marketing, business development, and product and business strategy. At Shazam, David is responsible for all aspects of Marketing, including consumer marketing, segmentation, research, business intelligence, brand, PR, communications, events and partner marketing. David focuses on driving customer acquisition, engagement, activity and retention – and building the brand and reputation of Shazam in its respective industries and with consumers – through a wide variety of programs and initiatives. David is based in Shazam’s Palo Alto, California office. Prior to joining Shazam, David held Vice President of Global Marketing and Global Product roles at Friendster where he was a key member of the executive team that re-started Friendster in 2006, built it into the largest social network in Asia and a top 10 website of any kind globally in 2008, and successfully sold it to a large Asian conglomerate in late 2009. He has also held several marketing and general management positions at eBay Inc, including serving as the director of eBay’s U.S. media and entertainment business (including music), and roles focused on scaling the number of active members of the eBay community. David was previously the Vice President of Business Development at Blue Wireless and an associate partner at the management and technology consulting firm of Arthur D. Little. David holds a B.A. from Stanford University in Quantitative Economics with Honors & Distinction, 1990. 43 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Ian Aaron Co founder, ConnecTV Mr. Aaron is a 20-year digital media executive with a broad base of operational and strategic experience at the intersection of media, technology and distribution across the US, Europe and Asia. Mr. Aaron has served as CEO and President of public and private companies including Gemstar TV Guide (NASDAQ: GMST), TVN Entertainment and SoftNet Systems (NASDAQ: SOFN). Currently Mr. Aaron is a co-founder of ConnecTV, a social network and synchronized second screen platform focused on TV viewers in partnership with major television broadcast groups including Hearst, Gannett, Cox, Raycom, Post Newsweek, Meredith, Scripts and Belo. Mr. Aaron’s expertise includes major restructurings, turnarounds, startups and advising Private Equity and Venture Capital backed firms in the areas of Mobile, Social Media, Digital Mapping and Large Scale Video Services. In addition, Mr. Aaron serves on the Board of Directors of Pictometry International, a private equity backed leading provider of geo-referenced aerial image libraries and related software, and VDIO a new and innovative streaming social video service created by the founders of Skype. Educated in Electrical Engineering and International Business from the University of Illinois, Mr. Aaron began his career in R&D and Product Development at GTE residing both domestically and in Japan. Mr. Aaron has served on the boards of various telecom media and technology companies globally and is a frequent speaker at mobile, digital media and investment banking conferences. 44 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Somrat Niyogi CEO & Co-Founder, MISO Somrat Niyogi is CEO and Co-founder of Miso, creator of the industry-leading social TV platform. Before he led the way in making TV more social, Somrat worked in business development at the social advertising startup His experience also includes cloud computing, enterprise software and SaaS-based solutions for such companies as and Right90. Somrat graduated with a BS in Computer Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. Besides founding Miso, Somrat’s greatest achievement has been winning five first-place table tennis trophies. 45 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Ajay Shah Co-Founder and CEO, TVplus Randy is a serial entrepreneur and digital media veteran with experience across North America and Asia. At TVplus, Randy is focused on product and developing strategic partnerships for the company. Most recently, Randy was Founder & CEO of Red8 Interactive, an interactive agency based in San Francisco, Shanghai and St. Louis. At Red8, Randy established a production facility in Shanghai and built relationships with leading international media companies and brands, including Shop Channel in Tokyo, Fox Cable Networks and CCTV9 in Beijing. Randy represented Fox Cable Networks in Beijing on various strategic marketing and branding initiatives with CCTV9, China’s only all-English language broadcast network. Previously, Randy worked for CMGI based in Los Angeles and then Hong Kong, leading client services and business development for one of their online advertising businesses. In this role, he worked on many early stage digital initiatives, including web, mobile and video advertising. Randy is a graduate of the University of California at Irvine and a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. 46 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Stacy Green VP, Marketing and Communications, Mashable Stacy Green is vice president marketing and communications. Stacy joined Mashable in December 2010. Before joining Mashable, she held several positions in communications and marketing at The New York Times. She was responsible for digital communications for, and served as a spokeswoman for the website. She is on the board of directors for New York Women in Communications, where she serves as the vice president for digital media and integrated marketing. She is a graduate of Towson University and hails from the great state of Maryland. 47 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Tom Donahue President and co-founder of Trendrr Tom is President and co-founder of Trendrr and parent company Wiredset where he oversees operations, sales & business development for the company. In the last two years, Trendrr.TV has become the category-defining social TV intelligence platform for more than 30 of the top 50 TV networks and leading advertisers, who use it to quantify, qualify and leverage activities surrounding television programming. In addition, Tom has worked to advance the Trendrr.TV platform as a tool for curating real-time conversations and insights to fuel television productions, cutting edge mobile applications, and predictive indexes for leading cable TV networks and media organizations. The Trendrr.TV charts have become the definitive rankings for social activity surrounding TV shows and are used by TV networks and leading media publications, from Multi-Channel News, NY Post and Advertising Age, to Mashable and Lost Remote. Trendrr’s platform also powers charts for ABC, Time Magazine and Paid Content, and the underlying technology is leveraged by more than a dozen TV networks, including a recent real-time multi-platform service Trendrr recently launched for the Weather Channel in partnership with Twitter. Prior to co-founding the company with long time digital media veteran Mark Ghuneim, Tom spent 9 years at Sony Music / Sony BMG in roles of increasing responsibility, last serving as Vice President of Digital Sales & Marketing. He holds a BA in Philosophy from Clark University, and lives in Brooklyn with his wife and son. 48 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Sean Casey Founder and CEO, Social Guide Sean Casey is CEO and Founder of SocialGuide, Inc., the social entertainment guide and data analytics company that identifies, captures, and measures the real-time buzz for TV and movies. Casey has spent more than a decade developing digital products, applications, and television programming. Prior to founding SocialGuide in early 2011, Casey was SVP of Digital Products for He launched his first start-up in 2004, a web-based production system called UTVPS that helps manage, track and account for licensed media in TV programming. Casey’s television experience extends to the production of numerous series for VH1 and serving as producer/ writer for “The iPod Revolution” documentary for Discovery in 2006. He also served as VP, Interactive Products at iVillage from 1997 – 2002, pioneering products that have driven hundreds of millions of visits for the brand. 49 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jack Flanagan VP of Sales Jack Flanagan leads the sales efforts at Bluefin Labs, bringing over fifteen years of traditional and digital experience with him. Previously, he was the Chief Revenue Officer at Ace Metrix where he led the sales efforts to TV advertisers and marketers that allowed them to understand the creative effectiveness of their ads and their competitors in near real time. Before that, he led the sales efforts at comScore for the syndicated Media Metrix service with responsibility for North America, South America and Europe. Jack earned his BA in Marketing from Loyola College in Maryland. 50 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Dan Neely Founder and CEO, Networked Insights Dan Neely is Networked Insights’ founder and CEO. He has over 10 years of management, operational, and entrepreneurial experience with technology, manufacturing, and services companies. He understands the challenges companies face in gathering relevant, real-time insights about their customers. Dan has always loved data and math. He studied risk management and insurance to become an actuary. But while pursuing that career path, the enormous value presented by the world’s largest set of consumer intelligence ever assembled — social data — provided a way to apply his passions and skills to a much bigger opportunity. He wanted to use that social data to improve the quality, speed, and efficiency of market research providing actionable insights. In 2006, he launched Networked Insights. Previously, he served as Scient’s director of strategy. Scient was the fastest growing services company in history; it had a successful IPO, grew to over 2000 colleagues and launched over 40 ebusinesses. Before Scient, he worked on the team that launched esurance, the first online insurance company. Dan has been a visionary and a leader in social media analytics since the beginning. He is a soughtafter speaker, delivering talks and sitting on panels at conferences for iMedia, ad:tech, and OMMA. He has been quoted as an expert resource in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, iMedia Connection, and TechCrunch and has appeared on Fox Business News. He graduated from the University of Georgia. 51 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Deirdre Bannon VP – Media Analytics Deirdre Bannon is a Vice President, Media Analytics at Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and analytics around what consumers buy and what they watch. In this role, Deirdre is focused on driving thought leadership in the social media space and translating insights into actionable strategies for Nielsen and NM Incite (a joint venture between Nielsen and McKinsey & Company) clients. Deirdre began her career as a consultant with McKinsey & Company and has also managed online performance marketing for QuinStreet and Hotwire. Deirdre graduated from Princeton University and has an MBA from Harvard Business School. 52 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Christy Tanner General Manager, Executive Vice President, TV Guide Digital Christy Tanner has led a transformative integration of and TV Guide Mobile’s social, product, marketing, and editorial practices, setting new records for traffic and revenue in 2010 and 2011, while consistently delivering game-changing, market-leading innovation and the highest user engagement metrics in the competitive category. currently has over 24 million monthly uniques and over 6.5 million mobile app installations. Current goals are continued groundbreaking mass market entertainment products such as personalized Watchlists (recipient of 2011 AdAge Media Vanguard Award; over 500,000 active users) and social TV check-in (7 million; over 80 paid sponsorships). Ms. Tanner has a B.A from Brown University and an MBA from Columbia Business School. 53 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Allison Goldberg Managing Director – Time Warner Investments Allison is Managing Director & Vice President of Time Warner Investments, where she is focused on equity investments in companies that directly enhance Time Warner’s ability to meet specific strategic goals, including the delivery of new services, enhancement of an existing product, entry or expansion into a key strategic market, completion of a strategic partnership, and critical research and development. Prior to joining Time Warner in July 2001, Allison was an Associate at Groupe Arnault, investing in and managing new media and technology equity investments for the private holding company of the Chairman of LVMH. Previously, she worked in the Global Media Group, Investment Banking at Morgan Stanley. Allison serves as a director or active observer on the boards of several portfolio companies including Adaptive Blue (GetGlue), Audience Science, Everyday Health, Exent, Meebo, Trion Worlds and Visible World. Previous investments include Adify (sold to Cox) and MediaVast (sold to Getty Images). Allison currently serves on the board of the New York Private Equity Network (“NYPEN”), and co-founded the NYPEN Women’s Forum. Allison graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where she received a Bachelor of Science in Economics. 54 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Joe Kraus Managing Director – Google Ventures Joe has been with Google Ventures since 2009, and his primary areas of focus are mobile, gaming, and local services. Prior to Google Ventures, Joe was a two-time entrepreneur. In 1993, he co-founded, an early Internet search engine, holding multiple positions in the company, including leadership roles in product, business development, and marketing. More recently, he co-founded JotSpot in 2004, a wiki company that was acquired by Google in 2006. While at Google, Joe had multiple product management roles including Blogger, Picasa, Sites, Friend Connect, and OpenSocial. In addition, Joe has been an active angel investor in multiple companies, including LinkedIn, Aardvark (sold to Google in 2010), Kongregate, and OpenCandy. Joe is also on the board of the Electronic Frontier Foundation ( Joe received a B.A. from Stanford University. 55 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Scott Wolfgang Managing Director – Hearst Ventures Scott Wolfgang joined Hearst Interactive Media in June 2006. He serves as a board observer at Hearst portfolio companies DoubleFusion and TurnHere and pursues acquisitions for the corporation in digital media. Before Hearst, Wolfgang had been a research associate at Thomas Weisel Partners and played an integral role in launching the company’s Internet Services coverage. Wolfgang began his career in the agent training program at International Creative Management (ICM). Wolfgang holds a BA in economics from Haverford College and an MBA, with a concentration in finance, from Columbia Business School. 56 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Louis Toth Managing Director – Comcast Ventures Louis oversees the investing activities at Comcast Ventures and is responsible for evaluating investment opportunities, coordinating due diligence efforts and assisting in the negotiation and structuring of financial terms for new portfolio investments. He focuses on technologies related to video and communications services, enterprise services and cloud/data center solutions. He also works with the management of Comcast Ventures portfolio companies on strategic, business development and operations issues, and collaborates with various Comcast business units on issues relating to new services, technologies and start-ups. Before Comcast Ventures, Louis worked in investment banking and at a venture capital firm focused on software and communications services and products. Louis graduated with honors and holds a MBA from The Wharton School and a MA in International Studies from the Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management & International Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He also graduated from the Management & Technology Program at the University of Pennsylvania with a BS in Economics from The Wharton School and a BS in Materials Science & Engineering from the School of Engineering & Applied Science. 57 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jenny Fielding Head of New Digital Ventures – BBC Worldwide Jenny Fielding is the Venture Advisor for BBC Worldwide where she evaluates digital opportunities and strategic investments globally. Jenny has also founded several start-ups including, Switch-Mobile, a disruptive VoIP mobile software company that was acquired in 2008. Previously, Jenny was COO of Wodan Capital, VP at JP Morgan and she started her career as an attorney at Wieden & Kennedy. She also sits on the Board and advises several companies and organizations including; Infinian, Textingly, Viki, Founder Labs and Astia. Jenny currently splits her time between San Francisco and New York with frequent trips to London. 58 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Khris Loux CEO of Echo Khris is CEO & Co-Founder of Echo, a real-time web platform that enables brands to rapidly build and implement real-time applications for social TV, social music, social news, social sports and social commerce. He is also co-author of the Synaptic Web & BackPlane. Prior to founding Echo, Khris founded security software firm, Securix, which was acquired by RSA Data Securities for $115M. A sought after speaker at industry events, Khris has spoken at dozens of marketing and technology conferences including The Next Web, OMMA Global 2012, SXSW and Web 2.0. 59 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Laurel Bernard EVP, Marketing Fox Broadcasting Company Laurel Bernard was named Executive Vice President, Marketing, for Fox Broadcasting Company in October 2011. Her responsibilities include day-to-day oversight of the network’s On-Air Promotion Planning, National Media, Affiliate Marketing, Multi-Platform Distribution Marketing and Marketing Strategy. Prior to rejoining the network, Ms. Bernard spent a year at Fox Searchlight Films as Senior Vice President in charge of media and promotions. Ms. Bernard originally joined FOX in 1989 as a Media Coordinator in the theatrical division. She rose through the ranks, ultimately serving as Vice President, Media for Fox Home Entertainment in 1998, Vice President, National Media at Fox Broadcasting in 2002 and Senior Vice President, Media and National Promotions for Fox Searchlight Films in 2006. She currently works on Fox hits like Glee, American Idol and Family Guy. Ms. Bernard earned her bachelor’s degree from California State University, Fullerton. 60 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jason Hoch SVP of Digital Operations World Wrestling Entertainment As the Senior Vice President of Digital Operations for WWE, Jason Hoch is responsible for leading the Company’s digital strategy across web, mobile, social and video platforms. Hoch is a 17-year digital veteran, the last 10 years acting in senior leadership positions across a wide array of media and entertainment brands. Previously, Hoch was Vice President of Product and Mobile Development for Discovery Communications’ collection of Digital properties. Hoch was part of the leadership team that was acquired for $250 million in a 2007 acquisition by Discovery Communications. Hoch also served as Vice President of Internet Operations for Imaginova where he coordinated and executed strategy across content and commerce for the company’s leading science sites. Hoch holds bachelor degrees in political science and history from the University of WisconsinMadison. 61 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Elizabeth Shaw Analyst, Emerging Media – Forrester Research Elizabeth serves Interactive Marketing Professionals. Her research focus is on emerging media including gamification, tablets, mobile, youth marketing, and interactive and social TV. She helps leading brands assess how and when to test emerging technologies and how to integrate emerging channels into the overall marketing mix. In addition, Elizabeth is proficient in social media and word-of-mouth marketing. For more than ten years, Elizabeth’s diverse interactive marketing experience has spanned agencies and midsize companies and has included work as an independent consultant. Most recently, Elizabeth was a consultant for Cisco Systems, assisting its corporate affairs marketing team with developing, implementing, and managing integrated social strategies. Prior to Cisco, Elizabeth was a senior associate at Zocalo Group, Omnicom’s first sister agency to focus on social media and wordof-mouth marketing. Previously, she was the national marketing director for Aquent, the world’s largest creative staffing firm. Elizabeth began her career in public relations at Ketchum, a leading global communications firm. She has been quoted in such media outlets as The New York Times, Businessweek, and The San Francisco Chronicle and speaks at leading industry events. Throughout her profession, she has been active in the Business Marketing Association, American Marketing Association, and Word Of Mouth Marketing Association. Elizabeth holds a B.A. from the University of Colorado, Boulder. 62 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Story3 Suzanne Stefanac Founder, Story3 Suzanne Stefanac is a social media strategist who enjoys straddling the bleeding edge. She began as a technology journalist during the early days of personal computing; was at the forefront of early web publishing as editor-in-chief of Macworld Online in 1995 and producer of Quincy Jones’ We Are the Future website in 7 languages in 2004; an interactive television pioneer as executive producer/show runner for MSNBC’s hour-long, nightly show THE SITE in 1996 and as a entrepreneur/co-founder of interactive television infrastructure company RepondTV in 1998; innovation lab director at AFI; festival producer for AFI Digifest; co-chair Primetime Emmy’s Interactive Media Awards Working Group 2006-2011; book author, Dispatches from Blogistan, Act Like Nothing’s Wrong, and Bringing Design to Software; and speaker, Digital Hollywood (Transmedia Day host 2011-12), TVOT, SXSW, Sundance, MIPTV, Picnic, X|Media Lab, CES, NAB Keynote (2008). 63 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Andrea Harrison Director, Digital Engagement Pepsico Beverages Andrea Harrison is a Director of Digital Engagement for PepsiCo Beverages, helping lead trademark Pepsi digital brand marketing including Paid, Owned and Social Media. Her specific emphasis is creating 360-degree experiences for consumers emphasizing the intersection of digital behavior and media consumption. This includes leading digital integration for sponsorships such as The X Factor, the Super Bowl and the Grammy’s. 64 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jen Soch Managing Director – Global Account Director, MEC Global Jen serves as Managing Partner, Account Director, where she is responsible for strategic client development and marketing priorities on MEC’s Global Citi account. In this role, she coordinates the various agencies that service Citi. Additionally, Jen works with MEC clients in the emerging Advanced TV Space. Prior to joining MEC, Jen served as Senior Vice President, Activation Director of Advanced TV at MediaVest USA, where she helped clients navigate the complex world of Advanced TV platforms including addressable advertising, interactive television, video-on-demand and set-top box data. Before that, Jen worked at MediaCom as Account Director on Hasbro and launched a new traffic and clearance process and procedure to all Hasbro advertising partners. Prior to MediaCom, Jen spent time honing her craft at Media Planning Group, Earthlink and Ammirati Puris Lintas. Armed with 20 years of experience in traditional and emerging media, including roles in international media planning, Jen has worked on a broad spectrum of high-profile accounts including Dell Computers, Intel, Compaq Computers, Iridium, Hasbro, Goldman Sachs and UPS. Jen has also served as the Director of Advertising for EarthLink. Jen’s work with Mars earned her a 2009 Emmy nomination in recognition for work with Virtual Chanel content and delivery. Also, her work on a multi-media initiative with Kraft, A&E and People magazine was recognized with three annual awards that recognize creativity and effectiveness of Advanced TV programs: Mediamagazine’s Creative Media Award in Interactive/Enhanced Television, the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s MIXX Bronze Award in Interactive Television and Runner-up in Digital Hollywood’s OnDemandies. Jen is the co-chair of the 4As National TV & Radio Committee. From 2009-2010, she was the chair of the 4As Digital Video Innovation Committee. She holds a B.S. from Lehigh University, an M.B.A. from Fordham University Graduate School of Business, and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, the MBA honor society. 65 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Paul Glomski Co-Founder and CEO, Detroit Labs and Agency Exec TBA Paul Glomski is CEO and co-founder of Detroit Labs. Detroit Labs partners with ad agencies and brands to create and build mobile apps. Detroit Labs recently partnered with Goodby, Silverstein & Partners to create the Chevy Game Time app, a first-of-its-kind second screen experience during the Super Bowl. The app lets iOS and Android users answer trivia questions about Chevy commercials and other facts surrounding the big game. The app also included interaction through twitter feeds, video streaming, push notifications and real-time updating poll results. 66 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV 2012 SUMMIT SCHEDULE EVENT LOCATION DATE Social TV Summit - LA Los Angeles, CA July 18 Social TV Summit - NY New York, NY November 14 2012 Alumni Special Must be Purchased by June 1st, 2012. Conference Attendee Cost LA New York $1395 $1495 Alumni Cost $1195 $1195 Please communicate with Bridget at or Call 310-406-8855 and Tell Her What Conference You Want to Attend at the Alumni Special Discount. Look forward to Seeing You in 2012! 67 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT SF Index Agenda SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV