April 2016 Mayor`s Newsletter
April 2016 Mayor`s Newsletter
VILLAGE OF EVENDALE APRIL, 2016 Dear Neighbors and Friends: Spring is always an exciting time at Gorman Farm. Not only are the gardens starting to bloom, but there are baby chicks and piglets to see. Years ago, my wife, Joan, and I were visiting her family in her hometown of Coldwater, Ohio. Her grandfather very kindly took me to the County Fair where I had my first introduction to all types of farm animals. For a 24 year old “city boy”, seeing all those animals up close was a wonderful and unforgettable experience. You are fortunate to have a similar opportunity to make those same types of memories with your family right in your back yard. I hope you stop by the Farm to check out not only the baby animals, but also the many events and classes the Farm has to offer. I enjoy meeting new residents and businesses that have chosen Evendale to be their home. I recently received an email from the owner of Linehaul Heavy Duty who bought a building on Evendale Drive. He was complimentary of the services Evendale offers and the employees he had met. He pointed out that a smaller and more efficient government was the major incentive that Evendale offered over the other locations he was considering. I recently attended the annual meeting of the Hamilton Co. Board of Health Advisory Committee. The topic was the Zika virus that is spread through mosquito bites. The following are suggestions on ways to protect yourself and family from this disease: get rid of all standing water; clean out culverts and ditches where water may pool; add goldfish or an aerator to you landscaping ponds; use EPA approved Mayor Finan repellants like Sawyer Fisherman’s Formula Picaridin. Contact the Hamilton Co. Board of Health, 946-7800, if you want additional information. has open office Sincerely, hours on most: Tuesdays 9:00am - Noon Your Mayor Getting to Know Your Neighbors Thursdays 9:00am - Noon I have been an Evendale resident since 1977, currently living on Sherbrooke Drive. My two sons, Nick (now in Milwaukee) and Jon (now in Columbus) enjoyed childhoods and teen years participating in the programs offered by the Evendale Recreation Department. Since 1983, I have been either an Evendale Councilmember or Village Solicitor in all but three years. I have served with four mayors and 20 different councilmembers. Together we grew Evendale into the Village you enjoy today. A few of the projects we were in are: Eight new residential subdivisions; a green belt running from Cooper Road to Glendale Milford Road to buffer the residential areas from the commercial areas; doubled the recreation facilities; the 1932 Evendale School became the Cultural Arts Center; the Fire Department added paramedic service; the Gorman Farm, the Griffin Park, and the forests south of Cooper Creek and along Mohler were Chris Schaefer preserved; and, the Medallion Drive Industrial Park, Evendale Commons, Evendale Technical Center, the Tri-Health Evendale Hospital were constructed. The future of Evendale is both promising and challenging with the planned improvements to I-75, GE facility, and proposed office and industrial developments west of I-75. Mark Your Calendars: CPR at Fire Department April 9th ECAC Fine Arts Exhibit April 29th-May 2nd Village Shred Day May 7th Pool Season Starts May 28th Firehouse Chili Lunch June 8th DIVE-IN MOVIE July 15th FIRE DEPARTMENT Hamilton County Communications Center has upgraded the dispatching software to Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD). What this means to you is that when you dial 911, on certain occasions, not only will an Evendale Fire Department vehicle respond to your emergency, but the closest firehouse outside of the Village may also be dispatched. Evendale and other communities have signed a mutual aid agreement consenting to share resources with their neighboring communities. There will be no changes in the quality of service or care. This only means that we have a backup plan in place if our engine and/or squad are already on a call. Don’t hesitate to call the Fire Department, 563-2248, if you have any questions on this change. ADMINISTRATION DEPARMENT Evendale Shred Day Saturday, May 7th, 9:00 am – Noon Municipal Complex No need to remove staples, rubber bands or folders. Evendale Residents Only CULTURAL ARTS CENTER Crafternoon Tea GORMAN HERITAGE FARM Spring is here! We hope to see YOU on the Farm soon! Gorman Heritage Farm Kids Summer Camp registration is open and camps are filling up quickly! Stop by the Farm for a brochure or visit our website for information and to register your kids ages 4-15 for summertime fun and learning. Sign up for seasonal weekly baskets of farm raised, delicious produce. We only have eight Saturday CSA pickups left. Reserve your farm fresh chickens today! We have limited quantities of Farm raised pork as well as cage free eggs and local honey available in the Interpretive Center Shop. Come to the Farm on April 16th, 7:00-8:30 to learn all about bats, the benefits they provide for us and how you can help them thrive. A short program will be followed by a walk around the Farm to look and listen for our resident bats. All ages welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Cost is $5. VILLAGE OF EVENDALE Sunday, April 3 @ 2:00-4:00 pm $20 for adults, $10 for youth A series of lovely afternoons for ladies aged seven and older to enjoy tea and to make art in a fun and relaxing environment! April’s theme is RAIN. Participants will paint a rain themed canvas. Call 563.1350 to register. Disney’s Sleeping Beauty KIDS! Live Children’s Musical! Wednesday, April 13 @ 7:00 pm Thursday, April 14 @ 7:00 pm $8 per ticket Join us at St. Rita’s School for the Deaf The Evendale Cultural Arts Center’s young thespians take the stage in this special production of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Kids. Playhouse Off the Hill series presents, “The Garden of Rikki Tikki Tavi” Sunday, April 24 2:00 pm – Artmaking 3:00 pm – Performance begins Free Admission, appropriate for ages 5 and older Register @ 563.2247 This delightful comedy about sharing and cooperation is recommended for audiences ages 5 and up. Evendale Fine Art Exhibit Friday, April 29 6:00—9:00 PM Saturday, April 30 12:00—5:00 PM Sunday, May 1 1:00—4:00 PM Monday, May 2 12:00—6:00 PM One of the best fine art shows in the Greater Cincinnati area. More than 80 artists are exhibiting original artworks in this show. Page 2 TAX DEPARTMENT The due date for the 2015 Evendale annual tax return is Monday, April 18 th, (due to Federal Emancipation Day). A Tax Department drop box is available so that taxpayers may deposit tax information and/or payments after normal business hours. The drop box is securely situated in the lobby of the Police Department, and is located on the wall directly to the left of the entrance. The Police Department lobby is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additional tax information and tax forms are available on the Evendale Tax Department webpage, http:// www.evendaleohio.org/tax-department. If you have any questions, or need assistance with your tax return, please call the Tax Administrator, Cindy Vaske, at (513) 563.-2671. RECREATION DEPARTMENT SPRING CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS April 4 – May 27 $10 per class by March 31 $15 per class after March 31 FAMILY SPECIAL EVENTS MAX OF TWO CLASSES PER CHILD Please adhere to age guidelines when signing up. Children should remain in the same age class for the entire “school year.” MOSTLY MOTHER GOOSE Mondays 9:45 – 10:45 am (Min 8, Max 15) 18 months – 36 months, accompanied by a caregiver. No siblings in class, please. Child care available. 3 & 4 AND SO MUCH MORE NEW! Mondays 1:15 – 2:15 pm (Min 8, Max 15) 3 – 4 year olds. MUST BE POTTY TRAINED. GYM SHOES REQUIRED. READY – SET – GO! (choice of 2 times) Wednesdays 9:45 – 10:45 am or 11:00am-12:00pm (Min 8, Max 12 each time slot) 18 months – 36 months, accompanied by a caregiver. No siblings in class, please. Child care available. Family Pool Party Friday, June 3 6:30 - 9:30 PM Pre-Registration Required Early Bird Fees by May 30: $3 per person/ $5 per Eligible Family Resident After May 30: $10 per person/ $15 per Eligible Family Resident RESERVATIONS ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE Music, games, dinner and tons of fun! WIGGLE, GIGGLE & SHAKE Fridays 9:45 – 10:45 am (Min 8, Max 15) 3 – 5 year olds. MUST BE POTTY TRAINED. GYM SHOES REQUIRED. Page 3 VILLAGE OF EVENDALE ADULT PROGRAMS (18 & UP ) MONDAY NIGHT CARDS & GAMES “Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.” April 4, 11, 18, 25 May 2, 9, 16, 23 *center closed 5/30 for Memorial Day 6:00 – 9:00 PM (come as early as 5:00 PM to socialize and find tables!) No fee. No sign-ups. Every Monday night at the rec center, we play a little cards and we make a little noise at the Domino table, and, we eat a little too much food. The best part is the little bit of time we spend with friends. Come alone, or bring others and play whatever game you like. We normally have two tables of Hand & Foot, and one table of Mexican Train Dominos. Bring a snack, appetizer or dessert to share and join us any Monday night in the Evendale Room. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. MEET AND GREET Monday, April 4 5:30 PM Evendale Residents $3.00 Guest of Resident Fee $5.00 (one guest to one resident ratio) Please register by March 31st. It’s Reds Opening Day! The game will be projected during our “stadium style” dinner. Debbie Conradi, RN will be speaking to our group on the “Power of Positivity.” WEAR YOUR REDS GEAR IF YOU HAVE IT. CARD MAKING Contact: Karen Martens, 554-1634 Enjoy an abundance of creative supplies needed to make cards! The group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:00 at the Recreation Center. Come test out your creative side! MADEIRA HIGH SCHOOL SPRING MUSICAL PERFORMANCE “YOU’RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN” Wednesday, April 13 9:00 AM Free for Senior Citizens. $5.00 lunch follows in the cafeteria at noon. Call the center by April 11 to reserve your spot with Evendale Recreation, 5632247. Transportation is on your own. A roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, peas, rolls and cherry crisp lunch follows the performance for $5.00 in the cafeteria. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… CINCINNAT MEMORIES II from the Cincinnati Preservation Association Wednesday, April 13 6:30 – 7:30 PM Free! No registration required. Join us at the Recreation Center for part two of a virtual tour of downtown Cincinnati showing old and current pictures of historic and memorable landmarks. Take this virtual tour from Music Hall to Chester Park with stops at the inclines, Crosley Field, Eden Park and ride on the Island Queen to Coney Island. This virtual tour uses a "memories" theme showing both "old" and current pictures of historic and memorable Cincinnati landmarks as well as a narrative that highlights the history and current use of the site. (Program II in the series of three) CHAPTER ONE BOOK CLUB Contact: Kay Bostrom, 733-0559 Join other book enthusiast in Evendale’s monthly book club which meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Evendale Room. Everyone is welcome. Come for a cup of coffee or tea and see what the group is reading this month! ROMEOS (a.k.a etired Old Men Eating Out!) Contact: Larry Gilland, 563-2318 This group meets the 2nd Wednesday each month at 11:00 AM to socialize at the Recreation Center and then heads out to enjoy lunch together at a designated restaurant around 11:30 AM. If you enjoy eating out amongst friends at local establishments, this group is for YOU! TRI-COUNTY PLAYERS “Bedroom Farce” Sharonville Cultural Arts Center April 23 at 8:00 PM Pay at the box office; $12.00. Bedroom Farcea comedy that contains a melee of events involving certain philandering characters, all occurring within similar moments of one another. Alan Ayckbourn’s clever uses of time and space makes this a very intricate and sophisticated comedy while also portraying the deteriorating and rebuilding of relationships among young couples. Call the Recreation Center, 563-2247, to make a reservation. When you arrive at the Sharonville Cultural Arts Center, tell them you are with EVENDALE RECREATION. You will be seated with our group. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… MEET AND GREET Monday, May 2 5:00 PM Art Exhibit & Appetizers 5:30 PM Dinner Evendale Residents $3.00 Guest of Resident Fee $5.00 (one guest to one resident ratio) Please register by April 28th. Come visit the Cultural Arts Center’s Fine Art Exhibit in the Flex Room of the Recreation Center. Enjoy appetizers and talking with some of the artists as you roam the exhibit. Dinner follows in the Evendale Rooms and Lobby. The menu includes pulled seasoned beef and pork on slider buns, gourmet macaroni and cheese, garden slaw, caprese salad, fresh fruit, Saratoga chips and dessert. JULIET’s (a.k.a. Just Us Ladies in Eateries Tasting Samples!) Contact: Donna Dick, 923-2027 The group meets the 2nd Wednesday each month at a designated restaurant. Join these ladies for lunch on your own; enjoyable conversation awaits you! RED HAT SOCIETY Contact: Marge Gassert, 563-2658 This group meets the 2nd Thursday each month at a designated restaurant. “A playgroup for women created to connect likeminded women, make new friends and enrich lives through the power of fun and friendship!” SUMMER CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Fun in the Sun Summer Program els and sunscreen should be sent on Mondays and Wednesdays for optional pool days; Leaders cannot apply sunscreen. Leaders are assigned to each area throughout Prior to the first day of camp, parents/guardians need to the day. An activity calendar will be available at the begincomplete the following paperwork upon registration: ning of the program. 2016 Participant Agreement Form (required) Parent/Guardian Drop-Off and Pick-Up Authorization ……………………………………………………… Form (required) Request for Special Accommodations form, if needed. SUMMER SPECIALITY CLASSES Allergies & Medical Conditions form, if needed Participants do not have to be enrolled in the Fun Permission to Dispense Medicine form, if needed. in the Sun camp to sign-up. FunShines Only: Fieldtrip waivers for Run Jump-n-Play, Lazer Kraze, and Pogo Play. ENRICHING KIDZ BETTER BABY SITTERS June 13 and 15, 11:30am – 4:00pm (Min 6, Max 25) SunBeams, Ages 3 – 6 $85 per person M-TH, 9:30 - 11:00 AM 5th – 8th graders. (Fun in the Sun staff will take kids to Early Bird Fees by May 22: $30 per Child, $40 per Eligi- and from class.) ble Family Resident Participants will learn sitter professionalism, important After May 22: $45 per Child, $60 per Eligible Family safety information, choking and cardiopulmonary resusciResident tation, how to handle emergencies, first aid, creative prob*Children who are entering 1st Grade may sign-up for lem solving, infant and toddler care and how to create a either program; parents choice. Child may not be en- marketing plan. Participants are asked to bring a snack. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... rolled in both SunBeams and FunShines. Must be potty trained and three years of age by 6/6/16; MISS MARLENA’S WONDERFUL WORLD OF ART Staff cannot change diapers. Children cannot enroll in (GRADES 1-4) the program if they turn three during the six week ses- Thursdays, 1:30 – 2:30 PM (Min 5, Max 15) sion. June 9, 16, 23, 30, and July 7 (Max of 20 Eligible Family Residents– first come, first $50 per person serve) Students will be engaged in a multitude of artwork, drawSunBeams is a highly structured morning program. Chil- ing and painting while diving into color and getting their dren are split into three age groups and rotate between hands dirty. three daily stations, including, but not limited to, gym (Fun in the Sun staff will take kids to and from class at the games, crafts, playground, song and dance, etc. Leaders Cultural Arts Center.) are assigned to each area and each age group. An activity …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... calendar will be available at the beginning of the program. MISS MARLENA’S WONDERFUL WORLD OF ART June 6 – July 13 (Program does not meet July 4 & 5) (GRADES 5-8) FunShines, Entering 1st Graders – Entering Graders M-TH, 11:15 AM - 4:00 PM Bring a lunch & wear sunscreen to camp every day. Early Bird Fees by May 22: $40 per Child, $50 per Eligible Family Resident After May 22: $55 per Child, $70 per Eligible Family Resident *Children who are entering 1st Grade may sign-up for either program; parents choice. Child may not be enrolled in both SunBeams and FunShines. (Max of 20 Eligible Family Residents – first come, first serve) FunShines begin their day with a group meeting followed by a pre-lunch activity. Lunch is eaten between 12:0012:30; vending machine and concession purchases strongly discouraged. Money can be sent for snacks during swimming only. After lunch, FunShines will choose between designated activities including, but not limited to group games, sports, arts & crafts, G & PG movies, reading books, Lego’s, outdoor play and more! Bathing suits, tow- VILLAGE OF EVENDALE 8th Thursdays, 2:45 – 3:45 PM (Min 5, Max 15) June 9, 16, 23, 30, and July 7 $50 per person Students will be engaged in a multitude of artwork drawing and painting while diving into color and getting their hands dirty. (Fun in the Sun staff will take kids to and from class at the Cultural Arts Center.) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... HIP HOP (GRADES 1-8) Wednesdays, 1:30 – 2:30 PM (MIN 5, MAX 20) June 8, 15, 22, 29, July 6, 13 $60 per person For both boys and girls! Our version of hip hop/jazz dance is extremely tasteful and clean and our priority is offering age-appropriate material. (Fun in the Sun staff will take kids to and from class at the Cultural Arts Center.) Instructor: Tippi Toes Dance Company To Register: andrea@tippitoesdance.com (Evendale doesn’t do this registration) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Page 4 ARCHERY SUMMER SESSIONS 2016 12-17 years old 6:00-7:00pm Class Min. 2, Max. 6 Session 1: Mon., June 6, 13, & 20 Session 2: Fri July 8, Mon. July 11, Mon. July 25. Session 3: Tues., Aug 2, 9, & 16 $40 Residents $50 Non-residents LACROSSE CAMP - NEW*** offered by Jump Start Sports Mondays June 6, 13, 20 27, & July 11 Ages 7- 10 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Ages. 11–13 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Minimum: 8 Maximum: 25 $50 per person Campers learn to play the fastest growing sport in the United Adults (18 or older) 6:00-7:30pm Class Min. 2, Max. 6 States! Lacrosse is action packed and lots of fun! The sport has elements of soccer, football, basketball and hockey. Once Session 1: Sun., June 5, 12, 19 you try lacrosse, you’ll love it! All equipment will be provided in Session 2: Sun., July 10, 24, 31 this highly instructional program. Campers will receive training Session 3: Sun., Aug 7, 14, Mon, Aug 15 on all fundamentals, including: passing and catching; fielding $60 residents $75 Non-residents ground balls; cradling; spacing, positioning, and defense. PlasTim Fortner, 3rd year 1st level archery instructor tic sticks and soft balls will be provided. No checking, stick Learning how to properly handle archery equipment, checking, or poking will be permitted! No helmets or shoulder proper shooting stances, safety procedures of an ar- pads will be used. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... chery range, and how to properly shoot and aim the bow. GOLF CAMP – Drive, Chip & Putt-Putt *if you have your own equipment, it is recommended Wednesdays, June 8 – July 13 1:00 – 2:00 PM that you bring it* $50 per person …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 1st – 8th grade (Min. 4, Max. 12) (if 1st camp fills – 2:30KAYAK SMART START – KAYAK IN THE POOL 3:30 time will be offered) Players of all skills are welSession I: Adults (18 and over) Mon, June 27 come – beginners are encouraged to sign up! The camp 8-9:30 p.m. Fee: $45 will be an introduction to the game of golf, basic swing Deadline to register: June 10 techniques and proper fundamentals through fun games Session II: Youth (10 -17) Tues., Aug. 2 and exciting challenges. The camp will be comprised of 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $35 three main areas of focus: full swing, short game & putDeadline to register: July 15 ting. Golf clubs and range balls will be available for use. This session will teach the basics of paddling a kayak on flat (Fun in the Sun staff will transport kids to Etters Custom water. Participants will be introduced to equipment and paddling techniques. Class is taught by an American Canoe Associ- Golf Center; bring water bottles) Trainers: PGA Apprentication (ACA) certified instructor. All equipment will be provided; es David Mullins & David Hartke …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... flotation devices must fit properly and be worn at all USTA YOUTH TEAM TENNIS times. Children must be accompanied by an adult for the Aug. Dates: 6/6/16 – 8/1/16 (no class 7/4) 2nd session. Mondays - on separate courts Great Parks waiver must be signed at time of sign-up. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... BASKETBALL CAMP WITH TRAINER SHERWIN ANDERSON Entering Grades 1-3 Entering Grades 4-6 Resident Fee: $65 4:15 – 5:15 p.m. 4:15 – 5:15 p.m. Non-resident Fee: $85 Tuesdays - June 7, 14, 21, 28 and July 5, & 12 REGISTRATION ONLINE begins 3/2/16 1:00 – 2:00 PM 1st – 3rd grade (Min. 4) USTA DEADLINE: 5/14/16 2:00 – 3:00 PM 4th – 8th grade (Min. 4) $30 per person Players of all skills are welcome – beginners are encouraged to REGISTER ONLINE: www.MidwestTeamTennis.com sign up! (Fun in the Sun staff will take kids to and from camp.) This program will provide a play-based program similar to Trainer: Sherwin Anderson …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... KIDS RUN THE REC RUNNING CLUB Little League Baseball. The children will be placed on teams, average of 6 per team (co-ed), and they will compete each week against another team in the program. Each team will have a uniform with a team name on the back. Tuesdays - June 7, 14, 21, 28 and July 5, 12 8:30 – 9:15 AM 7-9 year olds 9:45 – 10:45 AM 10-13 year olds Fee: Free, but registration is required at the Front Desk. ($45 value!) Each participant receives: Lifestyle Essentials, LLC staff will teach youth the basics of Racquet, foam ball & uniform t-shirt, USTA memberrunning, while having a lot of fun! Start with running/walking & ship be running two miles by the last class! Ace’s Kids Club Package contains: visor, enrollment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 5 card, wrist band, silly bands, activity book and birthday card from Ace. VILLAGE OF EVENDALE Fabulous Friday Fieldtrips for FunShines Entering 1st – Entering 8th Grades; 1st Graders enrolled in SunBeams are not eligible for trips. Pogo Play, Blue Ash Run Jump-n-Play, Mason End of Summer Pool Party Friday June 10th Sign-up deadline June 8 (max 100) $10 per person WAIVER NEEDED AT SIGN-UP. Available at the Front Desk. Includes two hours of free play and 30 minutes of inflatables. Socks must be worn by all participants. Please eat lunch beforehand. Kids may bring up to $10.00 for concessions. Meet in the Gym: 11:45 AM Return to Baxter Park: 3:15 PM Friday June 24th Sign-up deadline June 22 (max 100) $10 per person WAIVER NEEDED AT SIGN-UP. Available at the Front Desk. Includes two and a half hours of fun in the three inflatable arenas, indoor swing sets and indoor trampoline play. Socks must be worn by all participants. Please eat lunch beforehand. Kids may bring up to $10.00 for concessions. Meet in the Gym: 11:45 AM Return to Baxter Park: 3:30 PM Thursday July 14th 12:00-2:00pm Sign-up deadline July 12 $2 per person (Adult MUST attend with children) Come for pizza, snacks, music & fun with your fun in the sun friends as we say good-bye to another great summer! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lazer Kraze, Mason Friday June 17th Sign-up deadline June 15 (max 100) $15 per person WAIVER NEEDED AT SIGN-UP. Available at the Front Desk. Includes two games of laser tag, 20 minutes in the trampoline park, a slice of pizza, and a soft drink. Please eat lunch beforehand anyway. Socks must be worn by all participants. Kids may bring up to $10.00 for concessions and arcade games. Meet in the Gym: 11:45 AM Return to Baxter Park: 3:30 PM ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Coco Keys Waterpark, Sharonville Monday April 18th Friday July 8th Sign-up deadline July 6 (max 100) $10 per person Includes two and a half hours of play at the indoor waterpark. All participants must bring swimsuits and towels. Please eat lunch beforehand. Kids may bring up to $10.00 for concessions and video games. Meet in the Gym: 11:45 AM Return to Baxter Park: 4:00 PM SWIM TEAM May 23rd to July 23 Resident registration fee is $20 (includes t-shirt if signed up by 5/11). Starting May 12th, the resident fee will be $30 per participant* New parent orientation meeting on May 10th at 7:00pm in the Recreation Center. (Parents of current swimmers are welcome to come.) Parents register at the recreation center and pay the swim fee; after that, you should register on the Eagles website www.EvendaleEagles.org as a participant. Once the team coordinator confirms with the center that you have registered and paid there, you will be authorized onto the website. Volunteer positions are made available late on the evening of May 10th and filled on a first come, first serve. Every family is required to volunteer. Practices start Monday, May 23rd after school. Morning practices start Monday, June 6th. Suit fitting/ordering will be available in the Recreation Center on May 23rd, 4:00-6:00pm. Practice times depend on the swimmer’s age and are posted on the swim team website. Meets are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings; Championships are July 18 & 19 in Norwood (*except for any “new” member(s) who may want to find out more information about the program at the swim team New Parent Orientation Meeting - May 10, 7:00pm., in the Rec. Ctr. “New” swimmers should be comfortable and confident in the water on their own. The swimmer will need to be able to enter the water on their own and maneuver in an independent manner past the flags. Full evaluation dates and details online. VILLAGE OF EVENDALE GOLF CLINIC 6:30-7:15pm 12 and older FREE Register by April 15th at: Info@Lifestyle-Essentials.net or at the clinic location -Evendale Fitness Center, 513-563-2247 Improve your game through: Core Strength, Hip flexion/rotation, and Flexibility 2016 SWIM LESSON PROGRAM Session 1 – June 6-9; June 13-16 Session 2 – June 20-23; June 27-30 Session 3 – June 20-23; June 27-30 (Evening Classes) Each session fee is $15 per child, if registered, by Tuesday, May 31st. After May 31st, the fee per child is $20. Deadline to register 9:00pm, Wednesday, June 1st Swimming lessons available for age groups 3 & under all the way up to ready for a swim team. Each lesson is a ½ hour in length. Your child will be assigned a time between 10:00 and 11:45 am for morning classes and 5:30 and 6:35 pm for evening classes. The lesson coordinator or instructor (assigned to your child’s class) will email or call you, by 2:00 pm, Thursday, June 2nd, with the time of your child’s lesson before the start of each session. Rosters will also be posted at the pool. Page 6 ADULT SPORTS FITNESS CLASSES OPEN GYM PICKLE-BALL NIGHTS!!! Classes With Independent Providers (details online at www.EvendaleOhio.org) CARDIO & STRENGTH March 2 - May 4. No class - March 14, April 11, and 13 Mon., Wed. 9:30-11:00am Fees: $135 for residents $137 for non-res. Walk-In $9/class ____________________________________________________________________ EVENING YOGA Feb. 22 to April 7 (another session follows) Mondays 6:30-8:00pm Fees: Res. $42.00 Non-Res. $54.00 Walk-in $10/class ____________________________________________________________________ MAJOR BOOTCAMP Monthly sessions Tues., Thurs. 5:05-6:05am, Saturdays 8:05-9:05am Resident: 4 classes = $32 6 classes = $48 8 classes = $64 Non-Res.: 4 classes = $40 6 classes = $60 8 classes = $80 ____________________________________________________________________ TAE KWON DO Monthly Tues., Thurs. 6:15-7:30pm 1 person $25 2 or more in the family $20 each. ____________________________________________________________________ TAI CHI Thursdays, 11:00am-Noon No drop-ins as each class builds on the previous one. March 3—April 21 Resident $80 Non-Resident $90 April 28—June 23 (no class 6/9) Resident $80 Non-Resident $90 April 1, 15, and 29 FRIDAY NIGHTS 6:00-8:00p.m. No Experience Needed. Residents FREE — Guests, $2. Bring the family, bring your friends, challenge your neighbors, just give it a try! TENNIS—SPRING 2016 TINY TOTS TENNIS April 7, 14, 21 & 28 11:45am-12:30pm Fee: $10 at Courts or will be at the Recreation Center if weather is bad 3 & 4 year olds ___________________________ SPRING ADULT LESSONS Tuesdays and Thursdays April 12 – May 26 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. 3.5 and below Fee: $42 for Residents $70 for Non-Residents 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. 3.5 and above Fee: $36 for Residents $64 for Non-Residents __________________________ LADIES’ PRE-SEASON SESSION April 4 – April 28 Option 1 Tues. & Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Option 2 Mon. & Wed.: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Pre-registered by Mar. 24 - $40 Starting March 25 - $50 For the ladies team members who can’t wait until May! More Tennis Programs listed online at www.evendaleohio.org Page 7 Lifestyle Essentials Group Fitness Classes With use of your Fit-Flex Pass (class details online) First class is free, Walk-in after 1st class are $10ea. Mondays Spin Yoga Barre Pilates Tuesdays Simply Fit Fitness Fusion Strictly Muscle Spin-Core Wednesdays Spin Yoga Kickboxing Thursdays Barre Strictly Muscle Saturdays Spin Strictly Muscle 7:00-7:45am 9:30-10:15am 6:00-7:00pm 8:05-8:55pm Amy Monica Amy Sindy 9:00-10:00am 9:30-10:30am 5:30-6:15pm 6:30-7:30pm Jane Stephanie B. Amy Ericka 7:30-8:15am 9:30-10:30am 6:30-7:30pm Amy Alyssa Ericka 9:30-10:30am 5:30-6:30pm Amy Amy 8:30-9:15am 9:30–10:30am Amy Amy Resident FITFLEX FEES: 5 Classes= $35 10 Classes= $68 15 Classes= $98 20 Classes= $122 NON-Resident FEES: 5 Classes= $40 10 Classes= $75 15 Classes= $108 20 Classes= $138 VILLAGE OF EVENDALE Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Cincinnati, OH Permit #1542 10500 Reading Road Evendale, Oh 45241 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Administration Office Assistant to the Mayor Building Department Tax Department Village Clerk Cultural Arts Center Fire Department Gorman Heritage Farm Police Department Recreation Department Pool Weather Hotline Service Department 563-2244 956-2666 956-2665 563-2671 563-2244 563-1350 563-2248 563-6663 563-2249 563-2247 563-2246 956-2667 563-4338 Republic (Trash Service) Chamber of Commerce 771-4200 252-9646 VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.EvendaleOhio.org BUSINESS OF THE MONTH Christopher Dyer Memorial Scholarship For the past eight years the Evendale Chamber of Commerce has offered $1,000 one scholarship to Gorman Heritage Farm and St. Rita’s School for the Deaf and four to graduating high school seniors. Students that have at least a 2.75 grade point average or above and have been accepted to either a two or four year college degree program are eligible for this consideration. Evendale residents and Chamber business owners and their employee’s children are considered. These scholarship awards are funded through the Evendale Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing. This year the golf outing has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 21st. The deadline for filing an application this year is April 5th. Learn more about the Evendale Chamber of Commerce at www.EvendaleChamber.com. ADOPTED ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS The following ordinances were adopted by Council at its Regular Council Meeting on March 8, 2016. The complete ordinance and support information is available at the Administration Office. If you would like to view this information or if you have any questions, please contact our Village Clerk, Barb Rohs at 563.2244. ORD. #16-10 – Ordinance approving an additional appropriation in the Municipal Motor Vehicle Fund to resurface Plainfield Road and declaring an emergency. Unanimously Approved ORD. #16-11 – Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with American Bus and Accessories, Inc. and Rush Truck Center Cincinnati and declaring an emergency. Unanimously Approved . ORD. #16-12 – Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute an easement allowing Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to service the Cultural Arts Center and declaring an emergency. Unanimously Approved ORD. #16-13 – Ordinance approving Water Management and Sedimentation Control Plans for Silco Fire & Security parking lot and authorizing the Building Commissioner to issue permit and declaring an emergency. Unanimously Approved 11 18 25 17 24 Rikki Tikki Tavi Production 26 19 12 Council Meeting 27 20 13 Cincinnati Memories II Armchair Program 28 Blue Oven Bakery 21 Blue Oven Bakery 14 Blue Oven Bakery Sleeping Beauty 29 Evendale Fine Art Exhibit 22 15 30 Evendale Fine Art Exhibit 23 16 Bat Night 9 CPR Training 10 5 Council Subcommittee Meeting 8 4 Adult Meet & Greet 3 7 Blue Oven Bakery 2 1 6 Sat Thu Fri Wed Mon Sun Tue April 2016 Police Recreation Service Civic Events Council Cultural Arts Fire Gorman Farm
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