Postfeminism: As Seen on Screen


Postfeminism: As Seen on Screen
The inaugural Contemporary Fiction Seminar at UoB Presents…
Postfeminism: As Seen on Screen
Wednesday 26th February 2014, 5.30 to 7.30pm
Rm. 201, Arts Building, University of Birmingham (Edgbaston Campus)
Dr Hannah Hamad (KCL) will be presenting:
“Hollywood Fatherhood: Paternal Postfeminism in Contemporary
Popular Cinema”
Chair: Dr Michele Aaron (University of Birmingham)
Dr Hamad is Lecturer in Film Studies at King’s College London, and the author
of Postfeminism and Paternity in Contemporary U.S. Film: Framing Fatherhood
(New York and London: Routledge, 2014).
E: | T: @contemporaryfic
Lit &... Sport!
Saturday 7th December
2-4pm, Senate House
Wednesday 20th November 2013
6 to 8pm
The Court Room, Senate House
CFS Presents…
Lit &… Social Media
with Casey Brienza, Alistair Brown and Richard House
Wednesday 20th November 2013, 6-8pm
The Court Room (Senate House, first floor)
CFS Presents
“Lit &... POP!
With Cathi Unsworth and Mark Blacklock
Wedneday 23rd October 2013
Court Room, Senate House, 6-8pm
From Text to Book
Image © Linda Toigo
Reworking the (non) Literary Object
CFS presents a pair of talks on reworking textual material in the
digital age: Kaja Marczewska discusses creative practices of erasure
using non-literary texts; Linda Toigo presents her recent art project,
making history books history through creative destruction.
Saturday 25th May, 2-4pm, Room G35, Senate House
For further information email:
twitter @contemporaryfic
Gaming Culture
Saturday 16th March 2013
A panel on games, game theory and
gaming in popular culture; papers on
Game of Thrones, the American Gothic in
video games, and methods for critiquing
the representation of bodies in digital
Speakers: Dr. Diane Carr (IoE), Dr.
Jane Elliott (KCL), Professor Tanya
For further information email: | twitter: @contemporaryfic
After Buffy…
Wednesday 5th December
6-8pm, Room 261 (Senate House)
A Panel of Short Papers on Fanboy Auteur Joss Whedon
Chair: Dr. Stacey Abbott (Roehampton)
Speakers: Dr. Lorna Jowett (Northampton)
Professor Matthew Pateman (Kingston)
Co-convenors: Zara Dinnen (Birkbeck) and Tony Venezia (Birkbeck).
E @contemporaryfic
Dr. Will Brooker (Kingston) will discuss his new book
on the enduring popularity of Gotham's finest in the
21st century.
Wednesday 14th November 2012
6-8pm, Room G37, Senate House
T: @contemporaryfic
For further information email: | twitter: @contemporaryfic
Pynchon Now
Panel on the great American novelist
Saturday 13th October 2012
2-4 pm
Speakers: Dr. Martin Eve (Sussex); Xavier Marco del
Pont (Royal Holloway); Dr. Doug Haynes (Sussex);
Theory Shaping Fiction
Fiction Shaping Theory
A panel on research into the intersections of critical and
creative interventions in 21st Century Fiction
This session is co-organised by the Contemporary Fiction Seminar
and the Literary and Critical Theory Seminar.
All Welcome!
Wednesday 23rd May, 6-7.30pm
At the Institute of English Studies, The Court Room (Senate House, First Floor)
Papers from:
Mark Blacklock (Birkbeck):
“When is an ellipse not an ellipse?
Zero-ing in on Tom McCarthy's Men in Space”
Emilia Borowska (Royal Holloway):
“‘Then, the world began’: Kathy Acker, Badiou, Deleuze, and the
question of political emergence”
For more information/to register
E: | E:
Contemporary Fiction Research Seminar Presents...
Money: The Reckoning
£ $
An event hosted by Dr Joe Brooker (Birkbeck)
to launch a special issue of Textual Practice on
Martin Amis’s Money
Saturday 28 April 2012
At the Institute of English Studies, Room 264 (Senate House, 2nd floor)
With papers from:
Nicky Marsh (Southampton); Chris Hartley (Oxford)
Matthew Crowley (Brighton); Bianca Leggett (Birkbeck)
And a Q&A with special guest:
Alex Preston, author of This Bleeding City and
The Revelations (Faber)
On Saturday 28 April 2012, 14:00 — 16:30
At the Institute of English Studies
Contemporary Research Fiction Seminar at IES presents…
What Has HBO Ever Done for
Contemporary Television?
A lecture by Kim Akass (Hertfordshire)
and Dr Janet McCabe (Birkbeck)
The lecture will explore how the US pay-for-view cable channel, HBO,
has contributed to redefining the contemporary television landscape
with new ways of thinking about and producing television culture
Wednesday 28th March, 6-8pm
Rm 264, 2nd Floor Senate House
All Welcome
Janet and Kim are editors of the Reading Contemporary Television series for I.B.
Tauris. They have co-edited a number of collections including Reading Sex and the
City (2004) and Quality TV: Contemporary American Television and Beyond (2007).
Their latest collaboration TV Betty Goes Global will be published this November.
Contemporary Fiction Research Seminar Presents...
Post- Apocalypse Now !
A panel on the figure of the apocalypse
in our contemporary imagination
With papers from:
Dr Caroline Edwards (Lincoln)
Dr Monica Germana (Westminster)
Dr Gill Partington (Honorary Research Fellow, Birkbeck)
Chaired by
Professor Adam Roberts (Royal Holloway)
On Saturday 25 February 2012, 14:00 — 16:00
At the Institute of English Studies
Room 264 (Senate House, 2nd floor)
All Welcome
Wednesday 1st February 2012, 6-8pm, Room 265 (Senate House, second floor)
School of Advanced Study, Institute of English Studies, University of London
Dr Warren Buckland (Oxford Brookes)
'Wes Anderson and the New Sincerity: Or, What Comes After Postmodernism?'
Contemporary Fiction Research Seminar presents...
Illustration by F**king Tracer Illustrations @
CFS Presents...
Rewriting Exodus
American Futures from Du Bois to Obama
Dr Anna Hartnell (Birkbeck) speaks on her new book
Saturday 17 December 2011
Room G34 Senate House
All welcome
For further information and to register please contact Zara Dinnen and Tony Venezia
Contemporary Fiction Seminar presents...
Infinite, authentic, longing
A survey of postgraduate research in contemporary visual culture
Co-convenors: Zara Dinnen (Birkbeck) and Tony Venezia
(Birkbeck). To join the mailing list or for further information
contact them at
21 November 2011 (Monday)
Rm S261, 2nd Floor Senate House, 18:00-19.30
Holly Giesman (Roehampton): Holly’s research interests include documentary and
authenticity, cross-cultural documentary, creative practice as research, visual
anthropology, the anthropology of food, and tourism studies.
Christopher Holliday (KCL): Chris’ PhD interrogates the visual codes of the Hollywood
computer animated film, focusing on the contradictory elements of aesthetic design, style
and technique across a variety of texts, from Toy Story and Antz
to The Polar Express and Beowulf.
Daniel Marrone (London Consortium): Daniel’s research focuses on nostalgia and the
semiotic operations of comic books, and he investigates the possibility that comics are
Contemporary Fiction Seminar
Autumn 2011 Programme
Institute of English Studies
Inaugural session
Saturday 29th October 2011, 14.00 — 16.00
Rm G34 (Senate House, Ground Floor)
Dr. Dan Lea
(Oxford Brookes, general editor
Manchester University Press) will be talking on his
research for his forthcoming book on authenticity and
post-2000 British fiction in the work of Tom McCarthy
Rachel Cusk, Gautam Malkani and Niall Griffiths.
For further information and to register contact Zara Dinnen and Tony Venezia at
The Contemporary Fiction
Seminar Presents...
A Season on Shorts
April 2011
A screening of The Best of
Wholphin and a discussion on short
A session on McSweeney’s and the
contemporary American story
24th May 2011
Flash Symposium! a one-off event
on shortness. Short papers from
UoL research students followed by a
panel with guest speakers
Contemporary Fiction Seminar
A look at the Contemporary American Short Story
Wednesday 27th April, 6-7.30pm
Rm 322, 43 Gordon Square
Readings available at the CFS Dandelion page
Short Films
From the DVD
43 Gordon
Birkbeck Arts Week Tuesday 24th May 2011 6-9 pm
From fiction to GIFs: flash papers from UoL research
Special guest speakers:
Tom Humberstone (comics artist/editor, Solipsistic Pop)
Heidi James (writer, Carbon)
Ariel Kahn (Roehampton/London Met)
Andy Poyiadgi (film-maker, Schizofredric)
Alan Moore