Clear away your footprints
Clear away your footprints
r c B a t a e n B a h d s r n c n h t s e r a c a t e B n nd a h d s h r n a c n t s c e B r t a a d e B a h n n n d h rs tc a n rs s c e B a r t a e n d e B a h d s n r n d c n t a e n rs ch B a t d a e Ba n n B a h d s r n a c n h t s e r a c a t d e B hB n n a d s c h r t n a ch n t s c e B a r t a a n d e B a h n n n d s h r tc a n rs s c e B a r t a e n d e B a h d s n r n d c n h t a e n rs c B a t d a e Ba n n B a h d s r n a c n h t s e r a a tc d e B hB n n a d s c h r t n a ch n t s c e B a r t a a n d e B a h n n n d s h r tc a n rs c e B a t a e n d B a h d s n r n c n h t a rs cfootprints B a t de e BaIn thisBa n n a h d s r n c n t Clear away your s r a de e Ba h Issue... n n d s c h r t a n c e B a t n d Ba h n na c h t s a r c B a t e n a Band Banders andersn ersnatch d B h n c h t a c B a t n h na c t s r a e n Band Banders h natc na a r e d a n a B r s d t a h r h n a n r B a c n B t tch and ch ersn ch B snat and snatc nder h B ders Ba natc Ban tch ders tch rsna Ban sna ande tch nder B snat Ba atch nder atch ersn rs B ersn Ban atch and ch B ersn h B snat and natc nders h B ders Ban natc Ban tch ders tch rsna Ban snat ander ch nder Ba snat Ba atch na an at der c tch der ch sn Ba ersn and atch and h B ersn h B natc ande natc ders h B ders Ban natc Ban tch ders ch snat Ban snat nder ch B nder Ba an d n e der B snat Ba atch nder atch ersn Ba rsn and atch ande h B rsna h B natc ande natc ders h B dersn Ban atch Band ch ersn ch B snat and snatc nder c e a n at er s r e B a s an c n a de h sn a t a h r h n a nde natc ders h B ders Ban natc Ban tch ders ch snat Ban snat nder ch B nder Ba snat Ba atch nders tch rsna Ban rsna ande tch ande h B rsna B atch rs h nat an nat der h B der Ba nat Ba ch ders ch sna an sna nde ch nde B na B tch der tch rsn Ba rsn and tch and na Ba ch der ch sn a sn nd ch nde B n B tc de tc rs B rs an tc an ers Ba a e a n s t r t B d n B a t d h n c a h an ch nd Ba snat Ba atch nder tch ersn Ba rsna ande tch ande h B rsna B natc ande atch ders B ersn Ban atch and ch B ersn h B snat and natc nders der e r h sna Ban snat nder ch nder Ba snat Ba atch nder tch rsn Ba rsna and tch ande h B rsna B natc ande atch ders B ersn an atch and ch ersn h B Ba tch der ch sn Ba sn nd ch nde B sna B atc nde tc ers B rs an tc an h rsn B nat and at der ers Ba atc an B d h n c a h e B s d n c nde B sn B atc nde tc rs B rs an tc an h rsn B at and at er ers a atc an h ers h na an na nde h dB a d h n c h B Ba rsn and tch and h B rsn B natc ande atc ders B ers an atc an ch ers h snat an nat nder h B der Ba nat Ba tch ders tch rsd e s a h d n c a h e n c n B n B ch nder tch rsna Ba rsna ande tch ande h B rsna B natc ande atch dersn B ersn and atch and ch B ersn h B snatc and natc ders h B ders Ban natc Ban Ba snat Ba tch nder tch rsn Ba rsna ande tch ande h B rsna B atc ande atch ers B ersn an atch and h B ersn h B nat and natc ders h dna nde ch nder B snat Ba atch nder tch rsn Ba rsn and tch ande h B rsna B natc ande atc ders B ersn an atch and ch ersn h B tch rs B sn an ch nd sn B atc nde atc ers B rs an tc an h rsn h nat and at der ers Ba atc an B na an at der B e B a d h n c h na Ba tch der ch sn Ba rsn and tch ande h B rsn B natc ande atc ders B ers Ban atc an ch ersn h B snat and nat nder h dtch nd sn B atc nde atc ers B rs an atc an h rsn h nat and nat der h B der Ba at a ch ers ch sB e c n B s a h d n c h sn Ba rsna ande tch ande h B rsna B natc ande atch dersn B ersn Band atch and ch B ersn h B snat and natc nders h B ders Ban natc Ban atc nde tc rs B rs an tc an h rs an at er ers a atc an ch ers h na an na de h da t B d n B d h n c h B s d n nde h B rsn B atc ande atc ers B ers an atc an ch ersn h B nat and nat nder h B ders Ba natc Ban tch ders tch rsrs an atc an h rsn h B nat and nat der h B ders Ba atc an ch ers ch sna an na nde h der B na Ba na de h der B at a ch er ch sn a n nd h de B na B tc de tc rs B sn an tch nd tch rs B sn an ch nd sn B atc nde atc ers B rs an tc an h rsn h nat and at der B na an at der e B a d h n c h B s d n c h a r e Ba tch der ch sn Ba rsn and tch ande B sna B atc nde atc ers B ers an atc an h rsn h B nde B sn B atc nde atc ers B rs an tc an h rsn h B nat and nat der h B ders Ba atc an rs an atc an h rsn h B nat and nat der h B ders Ba atc an ch ers ch sna an na nde h dna de h der B at a ch er ch sn a n nd h de B na B tc de tc rs a tch rs B sn an ch nd h Ba snat Ba atch nder tch ersn Ba rsna ande tch ande h B rsna B na an at der e r Ba tch der ch sn Ba sn nd ch nde B sna B atc nde tc rs B rs an tc an nde B sn B atc nde atc ers B rs an tc an h rsn h B nat and nat der h drs an atc an h rsn h B nat and nat der h B ders Ba atc an ch ers ch sna de h der B at a ch er ch sn a n nd h de B na B tch rs B sn an ch nd sn B atc nde atc ers B rs an tc an B na an at der e Ba tch der ch sn Ba rsn and atch ande h B rsna h B natc ande natc ders h dnde B sn B atc nde atc ers B rs an tc an h rsn h B rs an atc an h rsn h B nat and nat der h B ders Ba atc an na de h der B at a ch er ch sn a n nd h dtch rs B sn an ch nd sn B atc nde atc ers B na an at der e Ba tch der ch sn Ba rsn and atch ande h B rsna h B nde B sn B atc nde atc ers B rs an tc an rs an atc an h rsn h B nat and nat der h dna de h der B at a ch er ch stch rs B sn an ch nd Ba snat Ba na an at der e r Ba tch der ch sn Ba sn nd ch ndnde B sn B atc nde atc ers rs an atc an h rsn h B na de h der B at a tch rs B sn an ch nd d n a Ba atch nder atch ersnde B sn B rs an atc an na de h dtch rs Ba nd- dersn ander nders h ban tch b rsnat natch band tch b snatch bande andersnatc snatch band bandersna ersnatch ba ch bandersn dersnatch b atch bander andersnatch natch band h ban tch ba ndersn ersnat bande rsnatc snatch atch b anders ersnat bande de nd ch h rs a a c b r n snatch natch band bandersnat rsnatch ban h bandersn ersnatch b tch banders ndersnatch atch bande andersnatc snatch ban bandersna de an at ch er h tc b rs n d b bande andersnatc snatch band bandersna ersnatch ba ch bandersn dersnatch b atch bander andersnatch natch band bandersnat rsnatch ban h bandern c h ban t rsnatc e s dersna anders atch b ch ban ersnat h ban bande rsnatc natch dersna der hb de ch an snatch h tc rs n b d t bande andersnatc snatch band bandersna ersnatch ba ch bandersn dersnatch b atch bander andersnatch natch band bandersnat rsnatch ban h h ban tch ba ndersn ch ban ersnat bande rsnatc snatch deratch b anders ersnat bande de nd ch h rs d a a c b r n snatch natch band bandersnat rsnatch ban h bandersn ersnatch b tch banders ndersnatch atch bande andersnatc snatch ban bandersna ersnatch de an at ch er h tc b rs n d b bande andersnatc snatch band bandersna ersnatch ba ch bandersn dersnatch b atch bander andersnatch natch band bandersnat rsnatch ban h bandern c h t r e s de an at ersnat ers- ch ban s tch h b rs n dersna bande snatchBannad dersn1971 dh ban rat since tch ba ch bandersn dersnatch b atch bander andersnatch natch band bandersnat rsnatch bandHailing rthe snatcgreat ncmole a e B a e d n c h t r e b s r a a c e s h ban h b r n s d snatch anders bandeersannadersnnatac tchnaBtch bearnsndatc banndatecrhsna rsnatch ba h bandersn ersnatch b tch bander ndersnatch atch band d n b a a t n d t n c h t r e s c B banBda dersna eranders atch b s h ban 7th, 2007 banIssue rsnatc natchVolume 36, dersna aenrnderaenrdsenrastch dersc-h band d 9 • Wednesday February e a d a snatchnantactchh bh h t h r n b t ch er sn anders b anrdsneran tcd rs tscnhaB Banbandersn ersnatch b ch bander ndersnatch atch band tchsnbaatcthch natch atch bande andersnatc snatch band anderasBna anatc endesneae n d t n a e Babn s B s a c a r n b d h r h t n a n s a c a e c h s r n b d h t n erb n h t r n s r a c a e s B rs atcBhabnrdsna aannddeer Banrsnanatchde-rs natch bande dersna h ban tch ba ndersn bande rsnatc tchde t s e s a b r d n n a c d n h t r r n b s d B h a n a c e s n a a n d a e a h e e n h t r n b c d s n t n a c e s t d t d t h a c a r e r r h t a r n b d B c c h t nd ch er sn at ch ban a b na haBn e hbBaansndneatch ersnh nde sna snha ershnaBtcanrsd dersna ersnatch ba ch banders ndersnatch atch bande andersnatc snatch band tercrsnat tchrsnatcBhan atcBhabnad d nd dersnaettrccshn brasd h Ba hnBaatncdertcB Bna a n e d n a r h r n b d s t n ers a c n a e natch bande tch ba ndersn rsna nsantacchh Bras- banddeersn c attcchhb B h banders dersnatch Baenrsna andeatcanhdB esra b r n r B b h s rsnat BdaernsnahtchBannad a a a n s e n d a c n t n t t t n a c d e d h low cost, consider investing in a reusable vehicles. d a a a c c h t r n b d c t n ndn c ersnat snat and ndaer eKalmar h B ba de at dedresrs eresrnsa erdsneartsn atch ban sneartscnhat ch h an ch baifnat h atcBhansd snatrc rsnawaste, denrd trcsh B Jessica n natc cnhd B baBna chabsuch d n tcdehrsBna dersna ersnatch ba ch bande6.rsTonreduce a bottle as a Nalgene. compost b e e ch B ecrshnBaaThe s n h a n t n t a c r c c d a a s t h r t n ern B n a h h h a c e e natch bande deBrsann tch ba light ndersn all possible. Ba Editor tncahtchBscience batc tch B at Banndise clear annddersannadersanCampus s- Bande rsnnatdcherbsana h a ndhe2.rBsa a r Replace your incandescent Block off an arearin your b B h n t d s e a a c c n s d n h t t d h r a c a e a dersnna d a c h t r n e b n r r ndtec ch er nd sn sna antcdhefluorescent b nde your food-related snnd Ba hhB 4ttc dersbulbs. nat snnaattc cPage brsa-nde anlight BantdchBBaa rsnatc snatch bawaste natch atch bandeyardawhere ndnedr e anedresrnsa tcahnbdawith a chh Baatcnhde ersnatch tch Ban rshnaBbulbs s B r n t n r a s e c atchBan s d r e h r n b d B h n h n ers e a a r r c rs Our nadecompose. bamore n Baashadow d deersrsn Let’s make dersAlthoughdrslightly snahtcisBabeyond tch ba senrsantacmore expensive, ndersn for cavesBand up our can For tch ba nderinformaangive anndde of tcthe rss- na nnaattcchpresence n d n B rrssnat e d n e t s c a c s e n a a h n h h d e e t d h n h t r a d a c e t t a c d r r e n h t r B B c c b t s s n B cha sn a h anders nand a doubtdedirectly natc an e rsnato hsn affecting a h Ba less electricity b balover-marketed, lifestyles!nNo on ehow a they consume ndnatural rsnaathe tchconstruct hBBaa hBBatch Banmaterialistic ndn r Baan natch atch bande andertion nartscnhglobsnatch check h Ba tchance rsnat tchand atchmore denorsmoredentertainment, se bahttp:// Balast nddee r n s n e a r r d of our planet. In other words, n n d n B r s b consumption, longer. compost, out a t e ers n n c c c snantcatc d a d d natch bande ndersn atchBand h Bda atch sn h Ba ersrs- na ersern atcheisrsan htcBaAfter rsnhatBa n b r e c a s s e n n n a a t d n h B B B r a n t d t d d d al warming reality. top climate a a c c e no more this, no more that. Since we live in 3. Use your own bags for a a a c d t h t n B e n e e a c ersnat n nder h Ba bande rsnat h ders tch B rsnat Ba ndheBrasnnd anrsdneras tc deh rsnBaa ch ban h ned nartscfor rsndirt.html. chsociety, chgrocery store, denot se c experts convened last week arsnansuch ninBParis h a a r ahaprivileged wenare tunedsna shopping. At the h t e B a a c t a t t t t r r c c B c c d s B s h d n h e n n n a a erc h h s n n atrc atch you areBafrequently ndeand er tachnd the Bnadershn Bandatchanin a sin-ethe world, etorsourBplace snhatB nrd ndda hIntergovernmental four-day nBameeting, e as a result, asked, 7. Finally, always rer c s e s t B B d r na n d e a c a a e n a a t n B r r n a d n n n sna a tcchh ch one deor Batch an done atchis the tonly snh h dBasethough rscnhat oursnculture rs-plastic?” Which is cact Band“Paper use as opposed to recycle. sdneras tcaChange ate ndertcreleased rsnnatre-dBea nnwe BanrClimate BhanrsdnatcBhaBnPanel B B s e d d t a a r c d B h a e e h n h nd c n n r r t r h d d a s s s s B a B c e n n n n r port on Friday, February 2 . e e t e that matters. better? Neither, because reusThe recycling process uses B a a n a d s e a a a a r s rsnat nder nr tch tch ndneatrcshn B rshnB aatncdh BatncdherBa ersntcherBsnaan ndsenr atcah c d shna s atc n h n B a a Don’t worry; this is not a sermon about able shopping bags are now energy; if you can avoid c n s B B t B h tch B ders B aBnandde andc eerrsnadersntach Ba h nadtcehr natc aasustainable tcBhaA anddthe n s a a r at tch a B h n r e n n n labyrinth for mind s s c s n t t living lifestyle; let’s call it a available at most supermarkets! it, do! For example, that n n t n d h c c r d d d a h rssn dersa- tch h Ba erstc deerreminder B9aanndhealthy rsna erdsenrsantactc a ande Baanndd ch B e n t h a n a B B a c n t d t Page B a a c n a of what you can very easily Did you know that a reusable Daily Info in your hands? a e e e s nd h rB nder B h Ba rsnat anat andherBan dersnnderssnatch rsnaa tcthcour n snnaattcch rBsn s n n c c d d n h r n B a nnatce a a c h h h s e do to help planet. A clock-driven society bag only needs to be used 11 Spread the love to the next e e t r t tch B B rsBnaLabyrinth rsnat ch Bdel ndtc anc a deh BadersnaBandrsehrsBnGuillermo atn aatncdh chToro’s a ers tn derastcPan’s a a a c B h n e n h n h s e n r such as ours considers taking the time to do times to have a lower environsmiling student who passes d h d r d d s a d B B B B natc eersanfairy erBsanna B ande n nfor atadults ncd said and a ndbe he rstale ch Btch Baannisde c ato shnaBtca t adtec h r h B a c e t t r r r n B c n s s d s h the little things a waste. On the contrary, the mental impact than 11 plastic bags? If you by. At the very least, spread the a a s n n a a a h h c n a storyndline a n n rse nder ernder dersn atcshnatch Ban thcB BBaa its With naritst nis true n h Bword. tcto h a a c dsersanded d d n s s r B t B n n n a s e e e a only waste in the situation is the one you are are going clothes shopping, ask for a bigger love to a nearby recycling bin instead of the a a s r a a a d B h r r r nde sn snatc tchreality tch deders anh Ba Bann deharsh B na cahtch ch Btc of with ofta ersnmixed nrastncaatwist a s Bda n r n n h a s e ahtchatchtcBhansimple a t h creating. So, here are a few tips bag with your first purchase, garbage can. n n r d B B B B a c tch B d a e tale a ane naBprincess, ndtech Bdaernsn anerdse narts ndaetcrhsna ande ndnatcnhdfairy rtscnhaBt of aratsclost ersn Badned dwill help h tachhBBanthis rse t that the environment and just put all of your stuff You can simply incorporate most of s n a c d n r a n a h e s e s r t n d r B r r r n BhaB c B c movie a epunch sdneapacks snaBtc sa s h Bofaemotions. n out of h ande tc anndatech without deabusy r a a n B n n a t d a c s time your into it – no store is forcing you these tips into your daily life. If we all just did n B h r trc ndtechrsn Ba h Bha Ba ande nderders rsn rsnat h n h ndersn nschedule. aattcch rsnhatBca s n sn s a c t n r n t c B c d d n a c e a a a a t s h h e e to take their bag! a little, it would count for a lot, and the race d B h r n a e t t t rsna c Beach s Laguna e c Bsa ch B Bacnh BhaBnand Baan nantd st-ch eersrn cups. artscnhatstory r d d h a r cnhd Bh BahndBearAnd c n e e c s e n h n t d r r d 1. Use reusable 4. Pack your lunch in to save our planet could perhaps be won. a d d c s s e n B B t naatc ande nd nantdcerhsnPageear14 n Banershna chrsB sndaers snate naatfan hofB Batc naatc anndatechrsn c h t d r a a B B c s c If you’re hot containers, and reuse your If you want to see your personal impact n h r n n a a t h h B a h atch Ban ch Ba nde ande atcnh n s nder rs Bsa ntc nantcd deB erasWoman. r r t ndderersnaa B d s s n a d s e B a n n s r e e She can be clever, creative, n d a a B h r beverages, you can buy a Ziploc bags by washing on the environment, take the Ecological n a a e Bnaa r r c s ssnna tch aBnde ndne h h B h BandersBand snatc tch rs attc snattcc derlet’s tac chh B r t B a c e n n a a h h t h r d B h a a commanding and, not forget, irn a n n c travel mug for fewer than them out at the end of Footprint quiz at B B B c t s n t t t d natcd h ersn h Ba ch BBand andd rB an esnrsana natcchh Ba eresnrs dd rsnaan a atch thousands atcBefore ch ancdhofeBrasn ten tsch B ers- nders dnatecrSome dollars. coffee the day. print. Not being an environmental saint r n t n a deers nadinsane. e a annddeersBnanrefutably s d B r n t B B c s e n d nd h aOval, anrsdne h Baander stampede h at my snna cc na t nx-chromosomes nderatch a B a B a a t t a B c h double shops (e.g. the and 5. Buy local alternatives myself, my quiz results said that if everyone B e c e n h n h rsnat ertc ersnBatand snatchdersnch sn sn natch Baan earsnnda Barsnnda h eBme ahdtraitor, cd t B c t r d adtecr h ndeartsc a n h a h h way to brandish it’s impore e Tim Hortons) will actually to produce. By purchasing lived like me, we would need 5.2 planets! I c s n t t n t r d r r d rsnsanat natchch B h Ba BanBdan B en crsh- B sndaertsc a e a andato a c c s e n t d e e h r a n h n h d a c e n r r tant say I’m addressing the so-called cahnB BaatcnhdBe t d charge you less if you bring locally grown food, you are need the following link on tips for following d n B s s n a B B d a n n a nrsna natch atchtch B ande aBtcanh rstn denrsd drsenrs erse chaBtchafemale”. na e d h a a t s a r r c e n B B c h r n s s “ideological Now, relax. Come t B a thermos to fill up. Your cutting the distance that a sustainable lifestyle just as much as anyone: n a c n n d s a e a h t s ndB dners andeartch nBdersn Bansndatch ndaetcrhs B atBcah aerndedersnnadersn nBdwater a s r n B n h r n e e B a on, ladies, this introspection was long a a c average plastic bottles are not it must travel to get to you, and s e n a a a t r r d h r nBdae B tch detrcsh Ba snhaBtc ndrsn ansdneatc ersnatch Bra anh tch tncah nnatctonbe tchBoverdue. cah s n a h d B h a c e a a c n t s n meant reused, so for an equally therefore cutting pollution emitted by n B B B t d h r a a t t d d s an an e n e ersna ersnsnatc chchB B da errsna dersnch Basnatch andande rhsnBa nBdaner Bd ndrsnatacnder atcehrsB nat arnsndaetcrhs Bde antc a c ndner ndanedrse-rst t c s d B h nsa aannd h BBa natch rsnathchBBantchhBBaa deWii ann your atc nastncah ch r d B t Playing with e e srnsn d B h rsannat d Brsannatdc r antdceh rsna dedersrn naatchersnnatachtch techrsnatch B andeBaanndde s e a c B n a h s e e Page 15 h r t d B r r a antc andcehrs Ba dershBa h BBanandeBandesnatdcersn ch rBsa nantcd nBaatcnhdBer tchsnBa e n h c n r andt d h d a s s logistics of the carnival. testants are judged based on their knowledge a s B a c n n n r rsna dersn atcnatchhBBantd Bthe ee at Everasince Baandefrom name cheB eersrnsn deerrssnna ndthe tcahtc h change h h a Michele Morningstar a s c n h t t r n t r r B B c B c n a c s s s e a t s Events are varied and encompass many of each other. Flowers, balloons and candles n a r a h h n d B h r n a aattcchh aatch aRevolution rs nownextremely dsneartsc popular to nade Ba BaBnandheBandne de nddethe erasn ders- activities: mini-volleyball tournaments will will also be on sale. Staff Writer r n d s h r n B B B ncahtB n n a c s e n e a t r a a d B h r r a c n n e n snah B tc hersn h Blatest at asnnatch nd tchndBearsn dee Bah Nintendo’s scnhatcBaenrd natcd sWii, tcatchnat‘new-gen’ d rsrnsndaetrcsnhatc tcrhsnBatachn atch take place; karaoke will bring out hidden h BaBahnsystem nd a denrd Outdoor competitions such as the Fivea c n a B n a d e e s n B r r r e created omnipresent dersatch d sna n drags on, Bnadthe ndreary, tcamongst rs Banrdsroar e ac dsenatcan Brasna Bhas s a e r n B n n a d s e h t a n r d As winter days are talents; a So You Think You Can Dance Person Ski and the Erotic Snow Sculptures c n d B h n t e a s e ersndaernew tscnh anrs- Band Bahespecially atcB snh BaBnad ch Btchand cBhandch Be sanatcnatch tgamers ndNintendo’s atdepressing n r a t e a a a c t s h r d B e e h the weather is and the workload competition is sure to attract many competiwill surely war m up the atmosphere. r n a c n h n h e c s an Band atrsn snNintendo Batnon-gamers. aend daenrdsenrsan rdsenrsantact h snatch detarget: atrcshnatacthas atncdhe BaBna sdne nrd B h r c e a h h r e d for classes doesn’t seem to get any lighter. tors. Valentine’s Day will be highlighted by Students can also sign up for a ski trip to c e t n t r r r t n B B B c c hdBeway rs rasnn thatdewe Ba sna ahnd athe to recreate BaBnandde tcshna decouple-related h Binaha fun tBc tcnwinter rasnnadeTorsnbreak naetch annadtcehtempted a c n t n nsd h a h a r d c s n B h up way, Student games, including the Dating Mont St-Sauveur for $25 (includes bus and B B t B n n a c e asnnd a rsen rsnBaatnde aatncdhers hancertainly rs natch and ater sna-tch de atchas cshnBworked, h r t n c deBrsgames e r a B B c t s s r nhplay d B h r n a a a Activities provides students with the opGame and the Couple Contest, where conlift ticket). h e Baatncd haBtc a c s e n atact nd er be found a nderBand sn aanndde nowhere tchBand htorBsshake sn snaup Berasnnadportunity nder andandersahtcBanadtwith hthings dtecrshn anhbut Baanderto h Bunits atce c a aalittle Comedy and laughs will spice things up r c t n B s n d t h a a n n s c c ehrsBna h r n t a B h n e e c s e toBBtouch hB h ttcchh Bsimply tchrblues: r winter d rsnabout rs ondrebay. natRare enough at Carnival sen c e t s e n a n d h r a a d s a a n n a c n B n forget the Week. as well. The ever-popular Ms. John Abbott t n B t d d n a c s e a anndde- r cdone a ersaor na der natch ersntach B ch B h ersBof these Bcelebration aanndd B snat ersheB nnabehold ersnrevolutionary r a n a d e rsnnaattch B a a n s s t t n d h r n n c c d B This weeklong is a long-upheld will be held in the Agora and reward guys a c s e n a h rs- h Ba B is earBfeat Baatcnhdone sn many anadthat aatcnh howning ntdcehr Btradition Band rshnainBt a natce n a c dehrs dcehrsnBbeasts, s e t t d h r a ntc d B c h n a c e e e c our province; John Abbott has dressed up as girls. There will also be an t s n n h n t d h r rsdnearst a deBrsan Bn Batn narsnasatearly ddeerto sna snatch will hdBehonoured rsuntil nhatasc March snnwait erthan anhave c s e n n c c d h r a d B a a h Baantd h a e c e n r t B this tradition for more 18 amateur comedy show and an open mike t t n a tBca r r d s e h B c c a a s s anan anda erns de dersnnatcshnatch h Baatcnh B achtcBh chhBB nerdsnear c to naccomplish. and Bander B t a n r h r n d d t B s s n a B c years. The Winter 2007 edition of this fesshow followed by a professional comedy B d s e n n a t s e h r a B aBtacnhd asnnat anderatch dersn andse dnedersdersna atc arstcnh srnsantcahtc nagain h nthe n a c s t r n B c B B h r a e B a c a a e n h h tival will once add some spice to show. Finally, the 2007 edition of College n t d h r a a B h nadnedr Batachnd B Ban Banders andersrsna Badcampus n neartclife.nndatechrsn B nhatBca andetchanBda s e d s h r n B h n e c e c t s a a Idol will take place during Carnival Week: r t h r a n n s s s t t dBeanrs eratch dersnch snatch h nde denrsdn Sections chBBand tch B tch erastna ndaertscnhatcBasnc ndn t h n aBnad a a a c n r a n t B a B s e Carnival Week allows students to get this singing competition will enable one local a a t r a c c n er B ah a ander nde dersn erssnna attcch snhatBchaB rsna dersBnadn-d activities andescate r n d B n n h r s B a nantactchsnrsantactchh BB tB n c e n d d involved in many different singer to compete with winners from other t h r a a d B h h e e h at h Batnch B Bande Banddersna rs- rsnatc h ch B atch Ban dBean dersnaancde rsnartscn t n a e a c a c n n e t d h tered throughout the college. For example, CEGEPs. Winners of such competitions n h a B s a c r r e n h dtcehrsB sna tc nder n ersn and snatc Band h Bad at sn Bearsnnd dersn dersnatc rsnantacontests abelly c rsn Campus..............................1 hB tchh B atwill eerrssnna anpool, te d h Batchh Banderh B flop bea held h at B the will take home the money: cash prizes will a c B c n h t n a a c s n a r a a n d n a c B B e n tch Bsnatc anad tncdh activities ders ders News...................................4 deBrasn B nantake a de h atin the aAgora, s c B h r n t a c s e d t B h r many will place be given out to the most talented… or the n n n d B h r e n c e a a a a hande nddeers rssnnaatct BanndehrsB-and andersn dersnat natch aatcthchand h tch BB tcthcB r n BanhdBan rsnaa B c c s e t a r h the Amazing Race challenge will cover most daring! d s a c e n r n dre sn a a tc erstncha B n tchh Ba and Baann snrastnalocations edre tch Bonncampus. h Ba Theh Bande Banders d a c e t anden nnddeeEntertainment....................8 n d rrssnnaa a s r many different Carnival booths will be positioned a c n n s r t t t B a atc ande ch ders crshnaB h ersnatch Bn rBsna at Comics..............................11 natc rsnatch tch tcd dtecrshn Baa s a a e n h r n B n a d e n a a s B n idea behind Carnival Week is that students in Casgrain and in Student Activities on t d B h d r n a a e B c c c ersna atch h Ba ch B ndeande ernsdnears aBta chd- ch Ban tn and andersn dersato B rshnthe n n s eget tnch B ersnatnderastch B rsnachtcBa tcanhdB t h r d chance participate in the celebraFebruary 6-8 so that you can learn more a c e n e t nd rsn-dersn t h tca a a n n h Ba BandArts....................................12 tch B natch Ba rsnaup ror nBdaeither hnBd tction, a e n d h a e s nder nBdanedresrnsa anadtecrshnaBaersnaB by actually signing by about Carnival Week and sign up for the n B r a narsna natchsnatch nde ders hB ato nhatc tch Btch BBand ndearnsderse c n ders natscOpinions...........................14 t B a a s t B h r joining a committee dedicated making various competitions that are offered. So n c c s e na hnBda aBtcanhd ern ersnat tch anndae atchrun ae crhsnB n ersnha Ba n t n n a s s r d d snatc tcBhanBda d B h r B e this week a success. Basically, students be gutsy, forget your winter worries. The c s e n a nBdanedr atchndaetcrhs-Ba ch Band h Ba Games..............................15 nrsdneratcnh rsnaatch nn a s e B s r d B h n a e the show: a group of six students headed by 2007 edition of this winter festival is sure c t a n n t d h Band a derssnatc tchchBBa BaBnadn d rsrsn dersna dee n n t h r ersnnaSports................................16 e a a a a a c e n r t Bill Mahon from Student Activities suggest to brighten your spirits. After all, we can all B n s n a d t t a ceh B ch rs ersna tch nantacth tan rsnde chbrainstorm, B tch BB ctchhBBaanndd hBBaannddeersandresrnsnaatch ideas, and participate in the use a little fun. s a r ndanan tcer tch B atc atch andeBa a tch BsnatchhB Ban ndersersrsnnaa erssnna Band adne d ders eBrsna Bantdch Baander ande natc Wednesday February 7th, 2007 • r B h n s t c n c d t h a h h e c t t na r B c a s ersn andersn natch B h Band ande Band atch rsB h c a t n a de n Bandersnatch Carnival Week Shopping for a roommate Marie-Eve Gagné Contributor Many of you are probably thinking about moving out sometime in the near future. Maybe you are planning on going to school out of province or maybe you are just going crazy living with your parents. Well, let this article serve as a warning to you. Living with a roommate can drive you crazy too, and make you wish you were living back home with your parents. Here are a few signs you have a horrible roommate, and should get out quick: 1. Gives her/his boy/girlfriend of two weeks a key to your apartment without asking you. Now the boy/girlfriend sits on your couch all day and watches TV. 2. Gets rid of your favourite channel on the digital cable you both pay for, and replaces it with the stupidest channels without asking you. 3. Decides to do laundry just as you finally fall asleep. 4. Takes a 45 minute shower and uses up all the hot water, forcing you to take a cold shower. 5. Cooks macaroni and cheese and leaves the leftovers to rot in the pot on the stove for days. 6. Washes only the dishes he/she has used and leave that one cup you used for you to wash. 7. Invites his/her little brother or sister to stay overnight when you and your boy/girlfriend want to get intimate. 8. Has loud, animal sex at six o’clock in the morning 9. Takes down your Van Gogh poster in the living room and replaces it with a. Winnie the Pooh poster 10. Goes on your computer and changes your homepage to BANDERSNATCH When you live with someone other than a relative, you get to know the real person, which is why it can be difficult to choose a good roommate. People are different when you start to invade their privacy and intrude on their regular routines. This is one of the reasons why so many friends who decide to move in with each other end up as enemies. This is not always the case. Some friends have an enduring roommate relationship with one another, but they will inevitably come up with a complaint or two about the other person. Tolerance is the key to a healthy roommate relationship. You may have to adapt to some of your roommate’s habits, such as his love for singing in the shower. However, you also have to know your limits to avoid being taken advantage of, such as his love for singing in the shower at five o’clock in the morning. Either voice your complaints and come to a compromise or get out. Otherwise, your living situation will become excruciatingly uncomfortable. So, if you are thinking about moving out, don’t be surprised if your annoying roommate decides to step all over your joyous freedom. John Abbott College P.O. Box 2000 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada H9X 3L9 Phone: (514) 457-6610 ext. 5389 Fax: (514) 457-6091 Office: H-041 E-mail: Judy Gelsthorpe Editor-in-Chief Michael Read Assistant Editor-in-Chief Nicola Fleming News Editor Jessica Kalmar Campus Life Editor Ashley Fairweather Comics Editor Barbara Radziwon Entertainment Editor Christina Bucci Arts Editor The real price of love Allergic to roses Samantha Villeneuve Ariane Smoley Contributor Jessica Kalmar Campus Editor Justin Banks When you ask the average John Abbott student their opinion of Valentine’s Day, they tend to a) make an animal noise, b) relegate it as another holiday manufactured by Hallmark, c) grin abashedly as they think about their sweetheart. The latter is thus satisfied with their romantic life. So, let’s sum up their Valentine’s Day experience with the following MasterCard moment: chocolates: 10$, roses: 60$, romance: priceless. As Carrie once asked on the TV show Sex in the City: “have we become romance-intolerant?” Does the idea of a couple give us hives? Are we allergic to love? I believe this is so. After years of romance being foisted down our throats by the likes of Hallmark, and rejections, break-ups, and crushes too numerous to count, what is left but a brow-beaten body struck one too many times by the metaphorical Cupid’s arrow? As a result, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be particularly special for it to still mean something. Guys: don’t feel you have to fork over a paycheck for the cost of one night. Girls: of course you’d rather snuggle your honey over a teddy bear. Should you even choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day, can it not simply be a day to appreciate each other’s mere presence? So, my Valentine’s Day survival guide reads thus: a) If you are romantically attached, find time to thank your significant other for being there for you. Make them feel special without feeling the need to walk into a Hallmark. b) If you are single, don’t let your romance allergy get the worst of you. Rent an action movie and do jumping jacks. You’ll live. Nicolas Udy With Valentine’s Day just a week away, have you found the perfect way to show your love and affection for a special someone yet? Will it be with a heartfelt card? A bouquet of flowers? A box of chocolates? Or will you make a stop at the jewelry store, since “diamonds are forever”? A symbol of love, diamonds often come in the form of an engagement ring. They also come at an expensive price. For the children of Sierra Leone, diamonds do not have such a lovely connotation. Instead, they are often associated with terror, bloodshed, and war. Sierra Leone, a small African nation, has been devastated by an eleven-year civil war that has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the displacement of more than two million people. To fund their war against the government, the Revolutionary United Front, a rebel group, took control of the diamond mines. They then sold the natural resources for weapons. These conflict diamonds, also known as blood diamonds, played an important role in the continuation of the war. Although the war has been over since 2002, the aftermath of the horrific events has scarred the country – especially its children. Kidnapped, orphaned, maimed, drugged, forced to become sex slaves and soldiers, the children of • Wednesday �������������������� February 7th, 2007 Sierra Leone have suffered much abuse over the years. Free The Children, a non governmental organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty, has been focusing on Sierra Leone for the past few years. Now the largest network of children helping children in the world, Free The Children is helping rebuild the country with schools and peace building initiatives. Wondering how you can make a difference? By simply requesting to see the jeweler’s certificate proving your diamond is conflictfree, you are making sure it will never happen again. This is an effective way to bring the illegal diamond trade to an end. Moreover, you can put pressure on your government to make it illegal to import conflict diamonds On Wednesday February 14th, the Free the Children club on campus is having a bake sale in the Agora alcove to raise funds for Free the Children’s efforts in Sierra Leone; come taste some sinfully delicious home-baked goods. We guarantee a single bite for a good cause is the best gift one can receive on Valentine’s Day. For more information about the organization, drop by the club room (H-049, facing the Oval) or visit the site New members are welcome to join us at our meetings Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in H-028, where we discuss the multiple issues surrounding Sierra Leone, plan upcoming activities and reflect on current events. Opinions Editor Games Page Editor Sports Editor Eric Chan Production Manager Emilie Bruneau Office Manager William Attar Webmaster Bandersnatch is the student-run Alternative Press at John Abbott College. It is published every two weeks and is partially funded by the Student Activities Commitee and by advertising solicited members. Submissions are welcome and become property of Bandersnatch. Submissions must be sent via E-mail to and must be in Plain Text format (.txt) or Microsoft Word Document format (.doc). All submissions must include the full name and telephone number of the contributor, as well as the e-mail address if applicable. Bandersnatch reserves the right to reject submissions or to edit any submissions for length, legality, or clarity. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words but may be printed if they are worthwhile. Spelling and grammar will not be corrected on submissions as it is the responsibility of the contributor to correct them. Submissions should be dropped off at the Bandersnatch office, located in the basement of Herzberg, room H-041 (across from the hallway entrance of The Oval). Bandersnatch Campus Life Internment camps in Canada Leia Wesley Staff Writer In 1945, after Canada declared war against Japan, 23 000 Canadians who were of Japanese origin were thrown into Internment Camps. The reason behind this is because of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which leads to the conspiracy in Canada that the Canadians who were of Japanese origin were “spies” for Japan (the enemy). This initial fear was in citizens who were non-Japanese, the municipal and the local newspapers were all in favor for the internment camps. Those who were of Japanese origin were separated from their loved ones. Women and child were separated from the men and put into internment camps. Men where sent to road camps in B.C interior, or to the sugar beet on the Prairies or the POW (prison war camps) in Ontario. Some were even deported to Japan; Canadian citizen or not, if they refused to go into the Internment Camps. Around 4000 victims where deported to Japan. In 1943, the Canadian “Custodian of Aliens” came into effect. This allowed the government to sell off all their possessions to help pay for the internment camps. The possessions that where sold off ranged form houses, farms, clothing, and boats that belong to fishermen. In all there were ten internment camps that were made throughout Canada. They were three road camps, two POW camps, and five self-supporting camps by which held mostly women and children. Many of these camps did not have the right amount of space to harvest the large amount bodies that came into those camps, in result the camps where usually very small and cramped in space. In 1988, Canada finally acknowledged the injustice that was being done to the Japanese Canadians by putting them into internment, and paid 12 million for its victims. The Redress Agreement was signed by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney stating the “official acknowledgement of the injustices inflicted on Canadians of Japanese ancestry during and after World War II.” After what had happened in Canada in 1945 concerning the Canadian Japanese, the government is still withholding this very information from history textbooks. Jason Lambert, 17, C.A.L.L program, now feels differently towards the government after being informed about what had taken place in Canada concerning the internment camps. He said “The fact that these past actions are not being covered adequately in history classes does not only worry me, but it leads me to question the government. The Government is supposed to be the servant of the people, and not vice versa. The only harm that can be done now, concerning these racist actions of the Government toward Canadians of Japanese heritage is done through secrecy.” The Redress Agreement was issued because of the injustice committed towards the Canadians who were of Japanese origin. Malinda, 18, Sciences, said.” I think this topic is important to us, since it allows us to learn more about our country.” She also added “the government was wrong to do so. Luckily, they realized what they did was wrong and made a public apology.” Mark McGuire teaches this very subject in his humanity course, which informs students on this very subject, about the government avoiding educating Canadians about the situation. Mr. McGuire has made this very issue a goal to educate others, through educating his students. He hopes for this message to spread, so we do not continue living life ignorant to the past. Bus it Starting February 5th, the CIT bus service has arranged shuttles to John Abbott (right outside the Arctic Circle), and back to Hudson in the afternoon. The service is free during the month of February, and will then cost 45$ per month if you are under 18 years old, and 60$ if you are over 18. The service will run a trial period of four months. The bus leaves at 7:30 am on weekdays; it goes along Côte St-Charles, Main Road, Bellevue, Cameron, Harwood, and finally arrives on campus. There are two additional buses at 8:35 am and 9:35 am. The shuttle leaves the school again at 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, and 6:30 pm. So, citizens of Hudson, although these may not be the most convenient hours for you, rest assured that you are still luckier than the Pincourt inmates! Yes, SIR! The Student Information Recognition Program acknowledges students who are actively involved in the John Abbott community. In order to participate, students must meet with the SIR Program Coordinator in H-159, where they receive a booklet in which they must keep a log of all of the hours consecrated to the activity. The deadline for submission of booklets is April 27th. To qualify, students must go to school full-time, do well in his or her studies, spend a minimum of 60 hours on his or her activity during the semester, and the activity must be completely voluntary – no compensations allowed. Cher GI, Je suis étudiante en sciences de la santé. J’ai choisi cette orientation parce que j’aime beaucoup les sciences pures ainsi que travailler avec es gens. Je suis également organisée et structurée, j’aime le travail logique et la résolution de problèmes. En fait, je cherche toujours à améliorer les choses. Dis-moi quelle profession choisir! -Mya- Chère Mya, Le GÉNIE INDUSTRIEL semble tout indiqué pour toi. Dans cette vague de compétitivité à laquelle les entreprises doivent maintenant faire face, la nécessité d’améliorer constamment la qualité, l’efficacité et la productivité de la chaîne logistique devient essentielle. L’essence même du travail de l’ingénieur INDUSTRIEL réside dans ce défi de taille, de même qu’en la gestion du changement, des équipes et des projets. -GI- Bandersnatch Campus Life Wednesday February 7th, 2007 • The news at a The science is clear at the next meeting, as it is the United States Jessica Kalmar glance that contributes the most to greenhouse gas Campus Editor Nicola Fleming News Editor Free prescriptions for some Starting in July of this year, Quebec seniors over the age of 55 and welfare recipients without health insurance will no longer have to worry about the cost of prescription drugs. This comes at the same time as the announcement that the price freeze on prescription drugs, in effect since 1994, will be lifted. With higher prices for medications, the government should be able to cover cost of free prescriptions for the less fortunate. However, some activists are complaining that this new policy should be extended to anyone living below the poverty line. Nevertheless, this should help over 280 000 people living in Quebec who could not otherwise afford their medication. Our presence is beyond a shadow of a doubt directly affecting the natural balance of our planet. In other words, global warming is a reality. After top climate experts convened in Paris last week for a four-day meeting, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report on Friday, February 2nd. The report features 2000 world-renowned scientists giving evidence on the process of climate change. The 46 countries that attended the summit agreed to discuss further plans at a future date in Morocco. The worst polluters – the United States, China, India, and Russia – did not attend the conference. Environmental leaders are hoping that President George W. Bush will be present Bird flu outbreak confirmed Japan has confirmed the fourth outbreak of the deadly bird flu this year. Last month, two dozen chickens were found dead at a farm in Shintomi. The birds were found to have been infected with the H5N1 strain that is also deadly to humans. As soon as this was confirmed, the farm was quarantined and the slaughter of the 93 000 chickens living there began in the hopes of stopping the spread of the dangerous virus. Since late 2003, the bird flu has killed 164 people, and prompted the slaughter of millions of birds worldwide. While it is still difficult for people to catch the bird flu, the World Health Organization is concerned that the virus may mutate into a more contagious form and kill millions. Groundhogs predict spring According to groundhogs across the country, winter should be over fairly soon. February 2nd, known as Groundhog Day, is the day on which groundhogs are woken up from their hibernation. If the sleepy creatures notice their shadows, it means that six more weeks of winter are to be expected. This year, the groundhogs’ predictions were unanimous: winter is almost over. Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam was the first to emerge this year. Punxatawney Phil, Pennsylvania’s groundhog whose line has been predicting the change of season for the longest, since 1886, is the original weather-predicting groundhog. Floodwaters devastate Indonesia At least 29 people are dead, and 190 000 are homeless as a result of massive flooding in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta. Excessive rains all week caused nearby rivers to burst their banks on Friday night and flood the city, which is home to 9 million people. Transportation in and out of the city was made difficult by the floodwaters, and many people wound up trapped in their homes without clean water or electricity. The water continued to rise on Saturday, making this the worst flooding the nation has seen since 2002. For now, the homeless are being sheltered on higher ground in mosques, government buildings and schools. • Wednesday ���������� February ��������� � 7th, 2007 emissions. “The world cannot solve the climate change problem without the United States,” Achim Steiner, head of the United Nations Environment Program, told the Associated Press. And what is Canada’s role in climate change procedure? Although Prime Minister Stephen Harper previously rescinded from Kyoto protocol, he seems to have taken an affirmative stance in light of the surface of new information. “We are working through the Kyoto (Protocol) process to try and get international action,” he said. As Canadians, we are lucky to live in a resource-heavy land, and must rid ourselves of the complacency that comes with an easy lifestyle, say the scientists who contributed to the report. With global warming will come hotter, drier summers, and warmer winters with rain instead of snow; but other regions will succumb to climate change before Canada. Hence, we will have to deal with mass migration problems, and a shortage of fresh water. In light of the recent publicity surrounding climate change, scientists believe that their message is becoming clear. Politicians are becoming more concerned with environmental issues; any person running for office is careful to work climate change protocol into their agenda. Senator Hillary Clinton, Democrat party leader hopeful, is addressing the issue, while Premier Jean Charest spoke at the Paris conference through a video link. Campaigns, such as the one recently held in Paris, show growing concern toward the environment; on February 1st, between 6:55 and 7:00 pm, there was a symbolic blackout throughout the city that even saw the lights of the Eiffel Tower being switched off. So, while there is growing awareness, it remains difficult to relate the small world we live in to the planet at large. Environment Minister John Baird said: “We must devote our energy to find solutions that would protect the fragile ecosystems of our planet, and we must adopt concrete measures to fight against climate change. And when I say ‘we,’ I mean Canada and all countries. Climate change is a global issue that requires a planetary solution.” Therefore, the question that must be posed is, are you willing to make personal sacrifices to save our planet? Thirty million for spinal cord research Nicola Fleming News Editor It was twenty years ago that paraplegic Rick Hansen finished his Man in Motion tour. Traveling to thirty-four countries after being paralyzed from the waist down when he was only fifteen, Hansen did the tour in order to raise money and awareness for people with spinal cord injuries. Over $26 million was raised for his cause over the course of his thirteen-month tour. He has been a spinal cord research advocate ever since, raising money to help paralysis victims. Today, over forty thousand Canadians live with spinal injuries. Some live in specialized care or rehabilitation centers, while others live at home, often with help from family or professionals. Last week, fresh hope was given to them with the announcement of new funding towards research. The donor: our own government. On Friday, February 2 nd, three government officials arrived at the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Center for a special announcement ceremony. These men were Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Manitoba MP Steven Fletcher, who was paralyzed from the neck down following a car accident in 1996, and Health Minister Tony Clement. The Prime Minister himself made the announcement: over the next five years, the Canadian government will be giving $30 million towards spinalcord injury research and rehabilitation. The money will be donated to the Spinal Cord Injury Research network, which was established by the Rick Hansen Foundation. Stephen Harper announced to those gathered at the Ottawa Hospital for the ceremony that his government is “proud to support the efforts of Rick Hansen – a true Canadian hero.” Rick Hansen himself was present for the ceremony, which to him was also a celebration of the 20th anniversary, which goes from April 2006 to May 2007, of his 40 000 km Man in Motion tour. He was optimistic and grateful, seeing the money as a sign of Canada’s belief that a cure for spinal injuries will be found and that the injured will be able to walk again. At the ceremony in Ottawa, Harper told the happy crowd “As the ultimate goal is to see people walking again, the majority of the funds I’m announcing today will be used to explore ways to reduce permanent paralysis.” This announcement gave hope to many. T he large sum of money is mostly destined to help get people walking again. Much of it will go to- wards research that explores ways to reduce permanent paralysis. A portion will be used to look into methods of emergency care and rehabilitation techniques in order to reduce the permanence of spinal cord injuries. The rest is meant to help those living with these injuries, whether in institutions or at home, to gain more mobility and independence. For more information on the Rick Hansen Foundation, visit http://www. Bandersnatch News African Union elects dignitary Hérouxville controversy Jessica Kalmar Campus Editor Michael Read Assistant Editor-in-Chief Earlier last week, Sudan’s president was passed over as leader of the African Union in favour of the West African nation of Ghana. Ghana’s president, John A. Kufuor, now resides as Chairperson of the African Union. The African Union, with its 53 member states (only Morocco is not a member), is similar to the European Union in concept. Established in 2001, it promotes democracy, stability, and human rights. The AU is also working toward economic sustainability. It hopes to establish one currency for the entire continent as well as a common market. The eighth summit of the African Union took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from January 22nd to 30th. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened the meeting with an appeal to end the stalemate that has arisen in Sudan; al-Bashir has refused UN peacekeepers into the war-torn area of Darfur. The refusal of al-Bashir as AU Chairperson can perhaps be attributed to his political decisions; this poses the question of whether he was humiliated. At last year’s AU summit, Sudan pressed to take the post of AU Chairperson. Instead, a deal was made that the Republic of Congo’s president would hold the position for a year, and then give it to al-Bashir. However, Sudan’s internal problems have not improved in past months, and Secretary-General Ban is concerned over the escalating violence in western Sudan. Despite the peace agreement that was signed in May between the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed faction in May, violence has been escalating and foreign aid operations are on the verge of collapsing. At the same time, Ghana is celebrating its 50th year of freedom since its independence in 1957, and the unanimous nomination of Kufuor as Chairperson is said to have something to do with commemorating the event. “The AU felt that everything should be done to commemorate the historic independence of Ghana in 1957,” South Africa’s president, Thabo Mbeki said in a statement. “The decision taken by the AU assembly in Addis Ababa, concerning who should chair the union during 2007, had absolutely nothing to do with humiliating or rejecting Sudan and President Omar al-Bashir.” Whoever the Chairperson may be, it remains of vital importance that the African Union focuses on the crisis in Darfur and put a stop to the violence. Lately, there have been multiple cases of cultural and religious disputes occurring across Canada. In Toronto, a judge ordered the removal of a Christmas tree from a court-house, due to it being offensive to non-Christians. In Montreal, there have been requests made to swimming complexes asking for gender-specific swim periods, as to accommodate gender segregating religious groups. A gym has blocked the view from its windows in an effort to block the view of their exercising female patrons from the Hasidic Jewish synagogue located across the street. A community center has banned males from their prenatal class, in favor of Muslim, Sikh and Hindu women. Another dispute has been over a document published by the city police which recommended that female officers rely on their male counterparts in the event of arresting men from certain religions. With all of this controversy floating about, one town has decided to put its foot down and stand its ground for what it believes are the cultural and ethical rules immigrants in Canada should follow. The town of Hérouxville has recently posted a set of cultural and ethnical ‘norms’ on their website as well as sent them to the provincial and federal immigration ministers. The declaration basically states that, within the town, it is forbidden to stone or burn women. Minors are not allowed to carry weapons to their places of education, this includes such religious daggers as kirpans, even though, after other controversy cases, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Sikhs can carry kirpans in schools. Children may swim in pools together and there is to be no gender segregation, boys and girls will have to swim together. As for women in general, they are allowed to dance, drive, make their own decisions and, if they’re an officer of the law, arrest men. The town council’s actions have sparked some rather opposing arguments on the situation. Salam Elmenyawi, leader of the Muslim Council of Montreal, found the entire five-page declaration insulting. Elmenyawi asks “why are they picking on Islam and Muslims?”, stating the declaration is a lot of stereotypical nonsense. “I can’t imagine Muslims immigrating there,” Elmenyawi said. In retaliation, André Drouin, one of Hérouxville’s six town councilors, stated that the town welcomed immigrants and looks forward to more immigrants joining their community. “We need them and we want them. And we also want them to have made the correct choice for them.” Drouin claims that the town has received at least 2,000 e-mails, the vast majority supportive. “I’m not a racist but, at a certain point we’re all going to end up that way,” is what Hérouxville resident Carole Casabon said. “If we travel abroad, we try to adapt to their way of life. But when they come here, they abide by their own rules.” Clydes EVERY WEDNESDAY IS WING NIGHT! Only 20 cents a wing. GREAT DEEJAY! Every Friday is Cheap Student Night! FREE Pool tournament Every Sunday Night Bandersnatch News Wednesday February 7th, 2007 • Hey everyone! Your Student Union has a lot of exciting events coming up … so keep an eye in The Daily Info so you won’t miss anything. First, SUJAC will have a booth at the upcoming John Abbott Open House to be held on Thursday, February 8. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. and SUJAC will be located outside the Student Lounge, across from the Theatre in the Casgrain building. If you have any siblings or friends graduating from high school, be sure to encourage them to come and check out John Abbott’s cool campus and programs. Next, SUJAC is inviting all you Sweethearts out there, along with your friends, to drop in SUJAC update to the SUJAC Office over Valentine’s to sip some coffee and munch some cookies – and other treats -while finding out what your Student Union does for you and meeting some of your reps. The SUJAC door is always open to you and the SUJAC Open House--which runs from Tuesday, Feb. 13, to Thursday, Feb. 15--gives us yet another chance to meet more of you! Then on Wednesday, February 21, from 10 am to 3 pm, there will be a lot going on in The Agora…at the Winter semester SUJAC-Club Day. Don’t be surprised if you see SUJAC reps and Club members wearing a patch over one eye and trying to get you to walk the plank! There will be a lot of different activities and you’ll be able to try to get your name into a Contest draw to win a prize! The SUJAC-Club Day….where you can find out more about joining SUJAC and/Congress and the various student Clubs and organizations…. will be a day you won’t want to miss. Last but not least, seats are filling up in Congress and if you’re interested in becoming a student rep, drop by the SUJAC Office in Penfield (101) and find out more about how you can get involved. Its not only great for your resume, being involved in the hub of the Abbott wheel will give you an opportunity to meet other students, make decisions on behalf of the student population – be a voice for the students! – and have a lot of a fun in a leadership role. Pile-up on 401 Will Attar Webmaster On the 1st of February, a 20 vehicle collision ������������������������������������ occurred on Highway 401. ����������� Two people died and eleven more were injured. It happened Thursday afternoon near Cobourg, Ontario, about 100km along the most traveled highway in Canada. The pileup itself happened at the height of a freak blizzard. Two people were killed instantly as a result of the accident. One man managed to stop his car without hitting anyone else, but was struck down by another car when he stepped out of his vehicle. He remains in critical condition. To deal with the many injured, N��������������������������������������� orthumberland Hills Hospital went into emergency mode for several hours after the accident, calling in extra staff. Throughout ����������� the night, rescue workers tried frantically to free the many survivors. In the initial report, rescue workers had recorded a death toll of five, but sometime overnight, police called a press conference to correct the error. “We have two confirmed fatalities as a result of the collision,” said Insp. Michael Johnston, detachment commander for the Northumberland detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. The chaos originated from two separate yet related incidents. A multi-vehicle crash caused a chain reaction with a nearby tanker truck. “It appears that the initial accident occurred in front of (the tanker) involving a couple of tractor-trailers and some small vehicles. The tanker truck, in an attempt to evade the accident, itself got into an accident and exploded,” states Gordon Glibbery, site commander for Northumberland Emergency Medical Services. Later in the afternoon, the fire was brought under control. Meteorologist Geoff Coulson claims that drivers were dealing with near whiteout conditions the afternoon of the accident. High winds whipped the falling snow around, reducing visibility to a dangerous low. As a result of the accident, traffic was stalled in every direction for several kilometers. At the scene of the crash, flames and thick black smoke were seen billowing into the sky from the twisted broken wreckage. Eastbound lanes were badly damaged from the fire and should be closed until Friday. • ���������� Wednesday February ��������� � 7th, 2007 the SPC Card gets you exclusive discounts at hundreds of Canadian retailers. TM †† come in today or call 1-800-HRBLOCK ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN**a trip for two to a SECRET DESTINATION to see New CDHigh” ity On ow n fi In “ n in stores LIVE IN CONCERT Individual results vary. †† Offers valid from 08/01/06 until 07/31/07. Valid at participating locations in Canada only. For Cardholder only. Offers may vary, restrictions may apply. Usage may be restricted when used in conjunction with any other offer or retailer loyalty card discounts. Cannot be used towards the purchase of gift cards or certificates. *To qualify, student must present either (i) a T2202a documenting 4 or more months of full-time attendance at a college or university during 2006 or (ii) a valid high school identification card. Expires July 31, 2007. Valid only at participating H&R Block locations in Canada. **NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Purchase of H&R Block products or services will not increase chances of winning. Begins 2/1/07 and ends 5/15/07. Open to legal residents of Canada (excluding Quebec residents) who are 13 or older and were full-time students for four or more months during 2006 at a high school, college or university. There will be 1 random draw to award the prize. Skill testing question required for award of prize. See for Official Rules and how to play without purchase. Odds of winning vary based on participation. Void in Quebec and where prohibited. † Bandersnatch News WHAT’S HOT AT THE PUB WEDNESDAY WING AND PITCHER NIGHT HOT WINGS COLD BEER THURSDAY STUDENT APPRECIATION NIGHT ON A BUDGET? THIS IS YOUR NIGHT! FRIDAY LADIES NIGHT COME PLAY ON THE POLES SATURDAY 99 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL TONS OF PRIZES TO BE WON Stockholm, syndrome ���������������� superbe Michael Read Assistant Editor-in-Chief Malgré la petite scène, Stockholm, la nuit, de Fannie Bellefeuille, était magnifique. Avec une mise en scène par Frédéric Thibaud à la Salle Fred-Barry, l’histoire de quatre personnes qui se rencontrent une nuit à un dépanneur prend vol sur la scène et captive les spectateurs. Commençant au dépanneur, Stockholm, la nuit introduit Ben (joué par David Buyle) et Julie (Christine Pinard), deux connaissances avec des liens amoureux qui se disputent quand Julie est en train de travailler. C’est au milieu de ce conflit qu’un voleur (Charles-Alexandre Quesnel) se présente, prêt à prendre l’argent de la caisse et à s’enfuir avec un otage. À ce moment, on croit que la malchance a prit Nathalie (jouée par l’auteure, Fannie Bellefeuille) par la main, lorsque le voleur la pousse dans sa voiture et s’envole de la scène du crime. C’est au-delà de ces événements que Ben et Julie se rendent compte de leur amour et que Nathalie devient victime du syndrome Stockholm. Thibaud à bien utilisé le petit théâtre à son avantage, créant une ambiance plus intime avec les comédiens. Les accessoires, les lumières dispersées le long du plancher, et deux bancs d’automobile pour représenter les autos du voleur et de Julie, étaient simples et, en même temps, parfaits. La mobilité des bancs d’auto laissait la liberté aux comédiens de changer l’emplacement de leur banc et en même temps permettait aux deux histoires de se développer. La musique a aussi joué un rôle important dans la pièce. En jouant l’accordéon entre les transitions de scène, Lucie Galibois augmentait l’ambiance intime. Les mélodies de Galibois captivaient les spectateurs chaque fois. Ce qui a surpris la majorité du théâtre est la fin de la pièce lorsque Galibois chante une chanson d’intonation triste qui représente tout ce que l’histoire de Stockholm, la nuit offre. Certains aspects de la pièce, par contre, n’étaient pas aussi agréables que d’autres. L’histoire d’amour entre Nathalie et le voleur était simple mais superbe alors que celle entre Ben et Julie était trop compliquée avec des détails complexes. C’était grâce aux talents des acteurs que la pièce, en ensemble, était si bien reçue, malgré quelques scènes ahurissantes. Le moment de la pièce où les quatre acteurs se trouvent sous une chute de sable avec une pelle était particulièrement déconcertant. La scène est bien symbolique, démontrant la mort qui est un thème ret- Behind the scenes Will Attar Web Master The two day concert started at 11am Saturday, January 27 th. This is only true for the fans, the bands showed up two hours earlier, waited outside in the cold, and had some work to do. We all go to these concerts excited and ready for a good show, but what we don’t really know is what goes on the day of the show from a bands point of view. As I said, the bands got there at 9am the day of the show and waited outside in the cold to be let in. Even though it was painfully cold, the bands had a chance to talk to each other and form friendships that would maybe last beyond this one gig. It all really depended on how their newfound friends did on stage. So the bands went in, gave in what • Wednesday ���������� February ��������� � 7th, 2007 ever money they collected after the last meeting, and sat/stood around with other people, warming up and mentally preparing for the day ahead. The head of the show then went on stage and explained how it would work: when bands would go backstage, the play order, amount of time, and the one song remaining warning. After this, some bands went to breakfast at Belle Province while others watched their stuff, and then they would switch after. After breakfast, the bands sat around and talked, some tuned up, some went over the songs, and some taught their drummers their songs. E ve n t u a l l y, t h e f i r s t b a n d , T h e Superstitions, went on. Other more experienced bands could tell they were new and could use a good show, so the members of Drown the Senses were seen dancing to their music while the members of Soundscape found a rhythm to clap to. At the same time, the other bands judged each other, seeing if they were better or not and where they stood among the others (were they the better more experienced band or the noobs). One by one, the bands went on stage and played their set. We all know what it is like to watch a band, but what is it like on stage? First answer, hot! There are lights from every which way pointing on you and it gets hot. Secondly, the members have to deal with poor monitors (speakers allowing the musicians to rouvé tout le long de la pièce. Bellefeuille a aussi implémenté le mythe d’une personne qui croit que quelqu’un mourra chaque fois qu’elle sent le soufre. Cet aspect produit un plus grand impact à la fin de la pièce. Alors, malgré ses défauts, Stockholm, la nuit a été une pièce incroyable. La mise en scène a été une des meilleures que je n’ai jamais vues. Le style de représenter les personnages de Bellefeuille était bien adapté à la petite salle avec l’aide de accessoires et d’outils biens utilisés. Selon moi, ça valait la peine d’aller voir Stockholm, la nuit. New releases In theaters Blood and Chocolate Catch and Release Epic Movie The Messengers Smokin’ Aces CDs Infinity on High - Fall Out Boy Not Too Late - Norah Jones DVDs Open Season Flags For Our Fathers The Grudge 2 Running With Scissors Upcoming releases In theaters hear each other), very limited time to find the right sound, and have to make sure not to foul up in front of a large amount of people. Once all that is aside, it’s all fun and games. After the show, other bands comment on their performance and fans greet them with compliments and praise. The fans only show up if you are a known band or have friends at the show. Generally, after a set, the bands usually stay a little longer then leave. I called Concerts First, the people responsible to Exposure, and asked about the winners. All they could say was that the band Ocean won first place, and that The Dangers came second. Hannibal Rising February 9 Norbit February 9 Music and Lyrics February 14 Ghost Rider February 16 CDs Let Love In CD + DVD - The Goo Goo Dolls February 20 DVDs Marie Antoinette February 13 The Departed February 13 Babel February 20 Flushed Away February 20 Upcoming events Eva Avila February 14 at 8, Metropolis The Barenaked Ladies February 19 at 7:30, Bell Center Scissor Sisters March 6 at 8, Metropolis Snow Patrol March 30 at 8, Metropolis Local band events Kronek February 20 at 8:30, Café Campus The Boxen March 3 at 8, Clyde’s Bandersnatch Entertainment Awarding the deserving Matthew Hachey Staff Writer W h e n s o m e o n e s ay s t h e wo r d s Golden Globe or Emmy, most people’s first thoughts are the annual TV award shows. As with any other award show, it is there that we honour the best of the TV industry; at least that is how it is supposed to go. In 2005, the critically acclaimed show called Lost won the Emmy for Outstanding Dramatic series, yet despite that win it was not even in the nominations in 2006. The show had not suffered a massive drop in either quality or audience, nor had the other nominees gained quality or audience members. The reason for this little list is to point out that the award shows do not seem to base their nominations or their wins entirely on the quality of the show, rather its popularity/influence among the general public. An exception for this would be The West Wing which over the last few years has lost audience members at the end of every season, though the quality did pick up in the last two seasons. To better illustrate this we will be making a short detour into the land of science-fiction. Since its beginning in 2003, the remake of the late 70’s TV show Battlestar Galactica has continuously challenged the “accepted” view on scifi television by barely using scientific explanations for situations. The premise of the show being that humanity had created a race of robots (called Cylons) to help them. Eventually, these robots rebelled and a great war was fought. The Cylons and Humans signed an armistice then for forty years neither side had contact with the other. Peace was never really an option since the Cylons come back and bomb the Twelve Colonies of Man with nuclear weapons, wiping out billions of people in a matter of seconds. The show itself centers on the last remaining warship (called a battlestar) and a few civilian ships, whose total population is about 49,000 people. Despite this concept, sounding heavily routed in sci-fi, all one would need to do is remove the setting in space, the scale of the destruction and the robots, then replace it with our current world and it would make a perfect match to post 9/11 events. The show pushes the edge of what is considered acceptable in not only science-fiction, but general culture as well. From the beginning of its run, the show has received a great deal of resounding critical acclaim, though the fans were more reluctant to accept it. The writing on the show borders on genius for the most part (the show had a rough patch in the late second season), and the acting is top quality. Many fans have an expression when talking about lower quality episodes: “It’s still better than most of the crap on TV today.” How many people would have put this article down right after seeing the words science-fiction? If you could find that out, then you would understand why when we get back into the “normal” culture, one can notice that the show is almost universally shunned by the general public. This is even more noticeable in the award shows and their nominations. Science-fiction shows rarely (if ever) achieve an award in anything more than technical categories. Please don’t say “that’s because it is a sci-fi show and doesn’t belong in the other categories”. Well to that I ask, how is that any different from putting House in the drama categ or y? A show like Battlestar Galactica may be set in space but its material is that of a dramatic show. House is set in a hospital and deals with medical mysteries, but its material is also of a dramatic nature. Does that mean that we should create a category for medical shows? The obvious answer would be no since it would be a waste of space. The same logic should apply to science-fiction shows. A term like sci-fi should not be an all encompassing idea since many shows inside of it have very different overall material focuses. At the very least a show like Battlestar Galactica deserves a nomination, not necessarily in Outstanding Dramatic Series. As I mentioned earlier on the acting is also expertly done and some of the cast members (Edward James Olmos for example) deserve at least a nomination. The next time you watch an award show, take a minute to look at the nominations. Regardless of what you believe their quality to be, examine the popularity of the show. With all of that it truly makes me question the validity of the award shows; do they actually give the award to those who deserve it or only the popular ones who do? A labyrinth for the imagination to get lost in Megan Kimberly Chan Staff writer G u i l l e r m o d e l To r o ’s P a n ’s Labyrinth is said to be a fairy tale for adults and it is true to its word. With a story line of harsh reality mixed with a twist of a simple fairy tale of a lost princess, this movie packs a punch of emotions. From the softest, heartfelt feelings of love between a girl and her mother and friendship to the beauty of magical creatures though without Bandersnatch Entertainment forgetting the gruesome reminder of war’s cruelty, this movie is not a disappointment. The beginning of the movie, the narrator tells the tale of an underground realm where a young princess dreamt of blue skies and the sun. One day, the princess escaped from her kingdom to the outside world where she discovered pain and death. The king wanted his daughter back and so he said he would wait for her to return. He waited for her to come back even if it meant that she would be in another time, in another body. Taking place in the postwar repression of Franco’s Spain, a young girl by the name of Ofelia goes to a military outpost in the mountains with her mother. There she meets her stepfather who is the captain of an outpost in the mountains trying to keep everything in control and who doesn’t take a liking to Ofelia in the least bit. Ofelia is a young girl of 11 years who adores reading fairy tales and holds her books close to her. This is a drastic change in life, and her stepfather could care less for her comfort or well-being. Met by fairies and a faun, Ofelia is told of this story of the princess and her awaiting kingdom. If she is the princess, she must prove so before the next full moon or she can never go to the other world. Ofelia’s mother is pregnant with the captain’s son and has been taken ill by the journey. There are resistance fighters in the forest which causes the captain to become even more irritated and resulting in the danger of her friends in the house. With the book given to her by the faun, Ofelia has three tasks to complete before she can get away from this life. While trying to figure what she must do, she has to deal with the difficulty of this new and hostile home where her mother can’t help her and where she’ll have to confront monsters the other world and this one. Actor Sergi López whom which Guillermo del Toro created the part of Captain Vidal specifically for and for good reasons, plays a man who is more of a monster than any in the forest. Sergi López does his job spotlessly of leaving the viewers with no sense of remorse for his character. Doug Jones is the man behind all the makeup who plays the remarkably realistic faun as well the the terrifying pale man. He has played in Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy and Hellboy 2 as Abe Sapien and he will be in the new Fantastic Four as the Silver Surfer. Although, it is Ivana Baquero playing Ofelia, who has only started acting but a few years ago, who steals the show. With her innocent but mature character who is lost in fantasy but dealing with the truth of life, she is a character who sticks to your heart and reminds you of the hope and imagination of a child. Wednesday February 7th, 2007 • Who’s gonna clean up that mess? Jessica Kalmar Campus Editor One, two, punch! One: the cadaverous man who keeps sneaking up from behind, two: the crows that seemingly escaped the set of The Birds; the punch is the stopmotion ghosts brought in by Hong Kong filmmakers Danny and Oxide Pang. Denise (Penelope Ann Miller) and Roy University of Ottawa (Dylan McDermott) uproot their kids to an abandoned house in North Dakota so that Roy can try his hand at sunflower farming. Jessica (Kristen Stewart) is the sulky teenager with a dark past, while toddler Ben arouses suspicion in his lack of speech. Meanwhile, Roy hires farmhand John (played by John Corbett), who is playfully disguised as a backwoods lumberjack with a habit of showing up in the right place at the right time. The first third of The Messengers attempts to establish too many horror movie dynamics, and doesn’t focus on just one, which poses the question of who – or what – the real threat is. The real horror lies in what we can’t see, as Ben continuously wanders after phantoms invisible to both the family and – at first – the audience. Although he is plainly tickled at the sight, Jessica’s experience with the ghosts is of a more violent nature. As she seeks to find out what happened to the farm’s previous owners, she ends up in the hospital as a result of a ghostly encounter. Her injuries are believed to be self-inflicted, making it even more difficult for Jessica’s parents to believe her claims. A bizarre plot twist during the movie’s last minutes turns it into a slasher film, thereby solidifying my belief that The Messengers is trying to borrow a piece from every horror movie ever made. The ghost story becomes completely irrelevant as Jessica is forced to confront an entirely different presence. Doors are a key motif in the film, with constant opening and closing, descending into the creepy cellar, and peering through keyholes. As Jessica searches for a place to hide at the end, one audience member, to our amusement, helpfully summed up the underlying scheme: “The people you looking for is not in that room!” Indeed, if this advice had been heeded, it would have taken the horror out of horror movie. The film delivers in terms of jump-inyour-seat scenes, and creative camera angles. In a memorable scene, Ben putzes down the hall after some ghoulish creature he catches sight of in the reflection of his spoon. The camera follows him from the rafters, giving us the ghost’s perspective. Other scenes are angled downwards, giving the audience a sense of Ben’s point of view. Although it doesn’t exhibit the signs of a particularly inspiring or original plotline, The Messengers is good popcorn fun. As someone who could not wait to see the movie after watching the promo, I can now say that it is not worth looking for many scary moments outside those in the trailer. However, if you enjoyed the stop motion phantoms of The Grudge and The Ring, you may find yourself equally attracted to this film. Innovative Programs: Co-operative education in Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa Co-op placements in Social Sciences: a distinctive strength Anthropology Economics International Economics and Development* International Development and Globalization (* subject to approval) Economics and Public Policy* Political Science Public Administration Sociology Conflict Studies and Human Rights* In addition, the Faculty offers many joint honours programs with the coop option. Salary (average) $ 5000 per co-op placement • Tel.: 613-562-5709 10 • ���������� Wednesday February ��������� � 7th, 2007 Bandersnatch Entertainment ¯\o_°/¯ What is this chicken? <”3 A message from our advertisers Bandersnatch Comics Wednesday February 7th, 2007 • 11 black and white and RGB Telephony Christina Bucci – Arts Editor Michael Read –�������������������������� �� ������������������������� Assistant-Editor-in-Chief children of pulp and paper they are sent out by the heard five hundred suffocating inside an airtight plastic bag eight and a half by eleven bleached and uniformed they strive to be unique but are identical to the naked eye static rising through the air, my phone, it lights up, flashes of blue catch my eye, ring. ringing, ringing, metaphorical in a sense, the ringing is a song, not the sounds of Bell’s past. fed into machines they never asked for this loud foreboding sounds electricity at its best they are dragged to face their fate frightened and confused what does it all mean? they do not know crack of the cell phone’s flip, sudden movements, like a pose, ear at one end, mouth at the other, ‘hello’. your VOICE, symphonic melody, laughter, like a child, sitting, I talk, listen, repeat, if only life were like this call. they come out sparkling and new black and white for some colorful for others still others come out blank some are simply lost caught up in gears, destroyed but no two are alike was it worth it in the end? not like they had a choice not wanting it to end, time flows as the timer ticks, little beeps flutter about, snapping us back to reality. ‘we should go’, must we really? return to the lives waiting, waiting outside the confines of my phone. Richard on Drums Barbara Radziwon -- Entertainment Editor orbiting rock, star Educational Displeasures Christina Bucci – Arts Editor Emilie Bruneau – Office Manager large and round you live far above my head lay far below their feet what is up and what is down all is relative My agenda is filling up fast, Textbooks tower over me Intimidating. Due dates around the corner, I haven’t started anything Lack of motivation. Broken promises of progress, Tons of time for my social life Procrastination. Uncertainty surrounds my future, Yet decisions must be made The pressure mounts. Too many sleepless nights, My mind drifts during class Fatigue. This semester is drowning me, Something has got to give. reflecting the light of another each and every day or should I say night don’t you wish that you could shine your own light once in a while maybe you’re just shy sometimes you hide behind us sometimes you block the light are you mad at us I’m afraid to ask you never seem to answer 12 • Wednesday ���������� February ��������� � 7th, 2007 The Railing Queens Trevor Smith -- Contributor Bandersnatch Arts Playpen War Tamara Nowicki �������������� –������������� Contributor The giant teddy bears stare at me Their large beady black eyes plotting against me I can feel it as I inch myself closer into the corner The large trucks have me surrounded Lined up in their individual rows Some are on their sides, their wheels still spinning I applaud my heroic strength My heroic side soon fades as I hear them again The twinkling color planes They spin above and around my head Around and around I know their tactics They are trying to put to me sleep... it will not work this time I fight my heavy eyelids as I grip my blankie This is a war I can win My breathing increases as I know there is no way out The white fence has me encaged within its walls One of the bears plops onto their stomach and starts to slither to me I was a goner, or so it seemed; I had my secret weapon Arching my back I open my mouth Taking in a deep breath I let out a loud yell I hear the heavy footstep of reinforcements I grin at my opponents I see the teddy bears being brought to their feet Their legs dangling as the trucks are thrown to the side The planes have ceased their aerial assault I giggle and applaud Feeling my second in command lift me up I grip onto her uniform; I am awarded my medal I suck on it happily as she strokes my hair Once again I am victorious Cathedral In a land so far away... Once there was a little boy, He saw the world so full of joy, As time flew by he met some more, some more, Boys from far off lands. These boys each had their own strengths, So they’d torment him until great lengths, It was this point the boy did fear, did fear, They would kill the joy from his land. Clutching what was left to heart, His joy from which he’d never part, Yet sadness were those boys combined, combined, They’d torment him. A Gift from Mother Nature Tamara Nowicki -- Contributor Bandersnatch Arts Slowly the boy joined their ranks, Just as bad as robbing banks, He lost sight of his values true, so true, What was he to do? Christina Bucci -- Arts Editor Michael Read -- Assistant-Editor-in-Chief The boys, they’d play their pranks all day, Keeping those with joy at bay, The boy felt sadness in their pain, their pain, Lead him to what lay in his heart. Seeing that the world turned round, Tomorrow always came through frown, As part of them he was still judged, still judged, He was not but their tool. One day will come, he’ll break the chain, And free some boys from their disdain, And those who came would see the joy, the joy, That once filled this boy... Wednesday February 7th, 2007 • 13 The filthy fleece: on smells A Laguna Beach story Bo Peep Contributor Samantha Villeneuve Opinions Editor er. You may leave the room smelling like a fourteen year old going clubbing but the rest of us end up half-baked and get lost on our way to our next class. Be considerate. Still, I can deal with over-applying a whole lot easier than I can with the under applied, or worse, the “not-bothering-to-apply-anything-not-even-soap”. T his is CEGEP, not seventh g rade where SpeedStick is a foreign object and where water burns. Stinky, please go home tonight, turn on the shower, stand under it for thirty minutes, lather, rinse, repeat. Apply deodorant. Later, set fire to all your clothes in a bio-hazard enclosed area then celebrate with friends and family as you have managed to rid yourself of B.O. Give yourself a pat on the back, Jim. Just don’t over do it. I’ll find you. I realize that you over-apply the “smell-g ood” in order to avoid the “smell-bad” but there is a limit, my friend. Heck, don’t we all hate it when we’re forced to sit, stand, or (heaven forbid) lay next to someone whose horrid body odor sends our olfactory nerves into permanent shock? On the contrary, someone who attempts to mask any stink that may be there by loading on the Tag, Axe or Baby Phat perfume has got the idea all wrong. I don’t need to have my breathing regimented by whomever I have the misfortune of passing in the halls. “No, not now. Wait for it. Wait for it. BREATHE. Hold. Hold.” No thanks. I enjoy letting my brain just do what it does. The locker room after g ym is no different. Some girls wash, some spritz themselves with a light body spray while others douse themselves in some gagworthy musk that they got as a sample from the Agora at lunch. If you’re that terrified that someone might smell that one drop of sweat, bring a complete change of clothes, or better yet – show- Woman. She can be clever, creative, commanding and, let’s not forget, irrefutably insane. Before thousands of double x-chromosomes stampede my way to brandish me a traitor, it’s important to say I’m addressing the so-called “ideological female”. Now, relax. Come on, ladies, this introspection was long overdue. Walking down the John Abbott halls, at the mall, in a coffee shop, the ideological female will use the words “like” and “Oh my God!” interspersed in her sentences. She wears Parasuco jeans and Mac eye shadow. She has a pink Razr phone and reads Cosmopolitan, She watches shows like The O.C. and America’s Next Top Model. Her and her counterparts, incidentally, all act like Taylor Cole and Kristin Cavallari. If you recognize those names then I may be talking to you. I think it’s time, ladies, that we recognize our abnormal emotional flux and bizarre habits. Sure, we can smile and bat our eyelashes but at the drop of a hat we turn rabid. I don’t think PMS is much of an excuse anymore and no, we’re not all clinically insane. I think we’re falling into character. These actresses are no longer imitations, they’re setting the guidelines for us. We’re the dough, they’re the cookie cutter. It’s not that it really matters if our mascara is running; it’s that it wouldn’t happen to Paris Hilton. Alex Kelly, Brooke Davis, Carrie Bradshaw. All these icons are the same, manipulative, rich, prissy, drama queen. Why emulate these plainly despicable characters? Sure, have your nails done but don’t shit a brick if they break. Why pop your boyfriend’s eardrums because he’d like to hang with the boys for the Superbowl weekend? So someone bumped into you in a crowded hall – no reason to lodge your high heel up their ass. Your best friend slept with your ex? Is that supposed to explain why she’s in the hospital? Why not just judge these mock-ups for what they really are? Yes, gorgeous but also shallow and stupid. Ladies, we were presented with a frivolous image of what we should be and we bought into it. Well, this definition of femininity is a lie. We’re individuals, not the same movie star. Despite what they tell you at the beginning of Laguna Beach – the drama is not real. It’s simulated. So why believe it when you screech, “What do you mean you have to run errands for your mother? Are you cheating on me?” Life isn’t about the static close-ups as a thundering score plays in the background. It’s not about intense lighting and poignant lines like, “Darryl, I’m pregnant.” If it were we’d all get annual abortions and have plastic tits. I’d like to think we’re a little more profound than that. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS 1) SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE COMPETITION: Do you think you have what it takes to compete head to head in our Dance Competition. We choose the music. You must dance for up to two minutes. The audience decides if you move on to the next round. Come on, show us what you’ve got. $75.00 Cash prize to the winner! Monday February 12 Tuesday February 13 Wednesday February 14 Thursday February 15 Friday February 16 So You Think You Can Dance Competitio n 11:30 Amazing Race All day ƆƆƆƆ “Belly Flop” Competitio n (Pool) 11:30 Film “Casino Royale” 10:30 & 1:00 Open Mic Comedy and Comedian 1:00 Karaoke 11 :30 – 12 :30 John Abbott “College Idol” 12 :30 – 2 :30 MiniVolleyball Tournamen t 4:15-6:00 (Gyms 1 & 2) Valentine’s Day balloons, candles & roses sale All Day ƆƆƆƆ Couples Contest 11:30 Dating Game 1:00 Ms. John Abbott Beauty Pageant (for men) 1:00 Ski Night Mont StSauveur Bus leaves at 4:15 (Cost $25.00) 2) OPEN MIC AMATEUR COMEDY CONTEST: Compete in our “open mic” amateur comedy contest for your chance to win $50.00. You need to prepare up to 3 minutes of material. If you ever wondered what it would be like to be on the big stage, then this will be your opportunity. 3) JAC AMAZING RACE: Be part of our “Amazing Race” JAC style. Can you and your partner solve the riddles and complete the tasks needed to win the “Amazing Race”. Pick up an info sheet and register. 4) JOHN ABBOTT “COLLEGE IDOL”: We want the best to compete in “College Idol”! On stage with microphone in hand. We want you to sing up a storm for your fellow students and the chance to compete in the Inter-collegiate College Idol against the winners of the other English colleges in March. Our judges and the audience will decide who will be this year’s IDOL. It could be you. Please sign up in Student Activities. Grand prize is $100.00. 5) MINI VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT: Teams of 4 or 5 (mixed or female) are wanted to compete in this year’s edition of the annual Carnival mini volleyball tournament. This event is limited to 16 teams (max). Deadline to sign up is February 12. Grand prize is $80.00 and bragging rights. (P.S. only 1 varsity player per team is allowed) Pick up a registration form with all the rules from Sports and Rec (C-128) or Student Activities (H159) now. 6) SHOW YOUR LOVE OR BEST FRIEND how you feel about them. It’s Valentine’s Day! Get them a heart-shaped balloon or candles ($2.00 for 1, $5.00 for 3) or get them roses (price $5.00). All Day 7) COUPLES CONTEST: You and your partner can win big. Enter our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest and compete in a variety of events that will test you physically and see how well you know your partner. Win a romantic night out. 8) DATING GAME: Calling all singles. Back by popular demand is the Dating Game. Try your luck at finding love on the live stage. You can be the one to ask the questions or answer them. 9) BELLY FLOP COMPETITION: It’s back! The traditional Carnival Belly Flop competition taking place in the Pool. $75.00 goes to the winner after two dives. Pick up an info sheet from Student Activities and register your name. You can be crowned the next champion. 10) MS JOHN ABBOTT BEAUTY PAGEANT (A BEAUTY CONTEST FOR MEN): It is the most popular event of the year and we want you in the show. A beauty pageant for the most daring willing to dress in drag to strut their stuff on stage. Want to participate? A $150.00 grand prize awaits you with prizes for those placing 2nd and 3rd. Pick up an info sheet and register in Student Activities. 11) CARNIVAL SKI NIGHT TO MONT ST SAUVEUR: Calling all skiers. Join us for a fun night of ski at Mont St-Sauveur. For only $25.00 you get transportation and a lift ticket. Space is limited on the bus. Rentals are extra ($13.00 for skis and boards). Sign up asap in Student Activities to confirm your spot. 12) FILM “CASINO ROYALE”: It’s the latest of the James Bond flicks starring the new Bond guy Daniel Craig 14 • Wednesday ���������� February ��������� � 7th, 2007 Bandersnatch Opinions The lowdown on Crackdown, a hands-on demo Matthew Hachey Staff Writer What would you do if you were a cop? How about if you were an agent in a crime fighting agency? Now, imagine you’re an agent with super-human powers and the whole city is your playground. In that case, welcome to Crackdown on the Xbox 360. This preview is entirely based around the demo that was released over Xbox-Live a little while ago, so a few gameplay features will be different in the final version due out February 20th. Set in a futuristic city named Pacific City, you are part of an organization simply known as “The Agency”. Its prime directive is to eliminate the three main gangs within the city: the Los Muertos, the Volks, and the Asian Shai Gens. The demo starts you off in the Agency garage where you choose one of three cars to start your version of law enforcement. Personally I found a great attraction to the Agency supercar, the reason for which I’ll explain when I get to the abilities your character can improve. Once you have chosen a vehicle you are set free into one of the districts of the city. To access it from the Agency headquarters (given the name “The Keep”), you have to drive through a long underwater tunnel which allows you to gain quite a bit of speed before exiting. At that point, there is a small force of Peacekeepers (the city’s police force) engaged in a firefight with Los Muertos gang members. You could defeat them any way you choose: shoot them, round-house kick them, or simply drive over them. Once they’re eliminated you’re informed that an Agency supply point has been captured by a gang and you have to retake it. If you do not feel like doing this at the moment, you can head off through the city to do whatever you feel like, during which you will probably kill a gang member, or twenty, and will notice that depending on how you do this, glowing orbs will fly into you. Those orbs represent experience points for different ability categories and each one is color coded. The specific abilities that you can upgrade are: agility (cyan orbs), driving (purple orbs), explosive (blue orbs), strength (brown orbs) and weapons (light-blue orbs). Remember before I said that I had a preferred car because of the ability upgrades? When you kill gang members while in a car, perform stunts (through glowing purple circles), or win races, you will gain points in your driving ability. As you gain levels, your handling of cars will improve greatly and -when using Agency cars– the vehicle you are using will undergo an upgrade. For example, I was level three in driving when I entered the supercar and it was upgraded so that it had a bigger frame as well as four nitrous oxide boosters. As you progress in other abilities you gain upgrades like being able to jump higher (around 15 feet at first level), or being able to pick up an object that ways two tonnes (third level). From a graphical point of view, the game looks quite beautiful. Though that does not mean that it has photorealistic graphics, nor anything extremely detailed. What makes the game look beautiful is the way they chose to do the graphics. Everything has a hint of cell shading to it and this lends to the idea that you are essentially becoming a superhero. In terms of multiplayer, Playing with your Wii... in many different ways Justin Banks Games Page Editor Ever since the name change from the Revolution to the now extremely popular Wii, Nintendo’s latest ‘new-gen’ system has created an omnipresent roar amongst gamers and especially Nintendo’s new target: non-gamers. Nintendo has attempted to recreate the way that we play games and has certainly worked, with units nowhere to be found anyplace other than Ebay. Rare enough simply to touch or behold one of these revolutionary beasts, owning one is a feat that many will have to wait until as early as March to accomplish. Much like the Xbox 360’s launch last year, Wiis have been scarce for quite some time, not unlike the Playstation 3 which can be found almost anywhere at this time, with some stores in possession of piles of units. Having finally procured one through sheer luck, I have finally witnessed Nintendo’s idea in person and am now able to give advice to those who have still not decided on getting one. Nintendo’s idea for gameplay to be Bandersnatch Games Page more important than graphics is one that many are shunning, but it’s in hopes that they’ll attract those who were previously not into gaming. The wii-mote is the main cause of this, being an entirely new form of controller it has motion detection and acts as an on-screen pointing device. It all sounds great in theory, but will it make you want to buy it…hell yeah. At first it definitely takes some getting used to, as the controller doesn’t do exactly as you’d want it to, there are only certain motions that it will recognize according to what game you’re playing and in most cases, a simply flick of the wrist will give you a 93MPH pitch or heavy-hitting swing in Wii Sports baseball. The built-in vibration and speaker in the wii-mote make for a very interactive experience, giving off the crack and feel of the bat as it makes contact with the ball. Boxing also tends to be more complicated than given credit for as most punches won’t work as they’re intended to, but rather end up being almost entirely head punches. Golf, bowling, and tennis control almost entirely as they would if you were actually playing them with the exception of having to hold and release the B button for your bowling and golf swings. In Wii Sports you’ll be using your very own Mii —a personalized cutesy avatar— as your character; watching yourself run around on a tennis court is nothing short of entertaining. Other games played were Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Madden NFL ’07, Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam, Red Steel, Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, and Rayman Raving Rabbids. Out of all of those, Red Steel is the only one that players may want to avoid; being a first-person shooter it has more dependability on the ability of the on-screen pointing and is much to sensitive for its own good; one little movement will make your disembodied arm fly towards the edge of the screen as if to slap you for not being able to control it. With practice it can be fun, and like the incredibly deep fighting controls in DBZ: BT2, it can be hard to find others to play with you if they’re not willing to dedicate at least an hour to becoming accommodated to the new control styles. Zelda is anything but boring, incorporating the new interactive Wii control-scheme into the already original, allowing you to swing the Wii-mote for a standard slash or shake the tiny nunchuck attachment to perform a spin-slash. The use of the pinpoint precision from the IR transmitter in the Wii-mote gives the ability to shoot arrows and everything else projectile with extreme accuracy; you’ll never want to aim with a control stick ever again. Madden is essentially also a remake of the version from the other consoles, also with a deep control system; for example, when on offense the nunchuck and Wii-mote are used to control the feet and arms respectively, dodging with the feet and shoving away pursuers with your arms. Downhill Jam is a different sort of Tony Hawk game; it’s the first in the series to focus around racing. Entirely downhill,(obviously) the game is controlled by holding the Wii-mote horizontally and flicking it to do tricks—doing so gets you boost--while airborne, although grinding on rails is definitely the fastest way through a track. Finally, Rayman is a collection of crazed minigames, all designed around the Wii-mote they range from pulling worms from a bunny’s teeth to pushing a mining cart as fast as you can so that when it the final version of the game will allow players to use Xbox-Live to play cooperatively. The demo does allow for this, but players cannot join a game already in progress. Even with all of this fun, I was somewhat disappointed to learn that after achieving level two in an ability the demo then imposes a 30 minute time limit. Within that time I was able to get a fairly good understanding of how the game works and must admit that I am curious to see the final product. Anyone who wants to try out the demo prior to the retail release just needs an Xbox 360 with Xbox-Live gold; the demo itself does not cost anything extra. Hope to see everyone in Pacific City come February 20th. suddenly stops will let loose a superman-dressed bunny. Needless to say, Rayman takes a backseat to the cute and devious bunnies of the game. Backwards compatibility was a problem for the Xbox 360 but the Wii has no problems there at all. All previous Gamecube games are perfectly compatible with the system so long as a Gamecube controller is connected to one of the 4 controller ports on the side of the console, also provided are two Gamecube memory card slots so no data is lost in the transition to the Wii. If there’s a wireless internet connection anywhere nearby the Wii then access to the Virtual Console download center is available where you can download previous Nintendo games, and even some from the Sega Genesis for a price. All except for the Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 games can be played by holding the Wii-mote horizontally—a Gamecube or classic controller is required--and not only do they run without a hitch, you can exit and then come back later at your saved status, previously unavailable in those games. Popular for more than being the latest thing, the Wii is loads of fun and more so with a bunch of friends flapping their arms around like maniacs, it can even get grannies into the game. Just be careful, if you’re beaten by your elders you’re surely not to hear the end of it. Wednesday February 7th, 2007 • 15 JAC Sports Press Release LADY ISLANDERS WIN The John Abbott women’s basketball team jumped right back into the AAA playoff hunt on Friday night with a huge 76-63 over Ste-Foy. Going into the game the Dynamiques were 10-2 and they were ranked 4th in Canada. It was the third straight game the Lady Isles had played a team ranked in the top five in Canada. The 6-8 Lady Isles are battling the Dawson Blues for the final playoff spot. The Blues who lost twice this past weekend are now 5-9. Stephanie Lawrence poured in 31 points to lead all scorers. She was 5 for 7 from beyond the 3 point arc and had a season high 14 rebounds. Bianka Lapointe had 11 points in the fourth quarter including 3 straight threes for a total of 14 in the game. Teresa Semalulu had 11 points, 12 rebounds, 3 assists and 3 steals. The Lady Isles made a season high 9 of 17 3-point attempts (52.9%). On Wednesday in Laval they lost 71-56 to fifth ranked Montmorency. The Nomades led 34-23 at half time. Lawrence led the Lady Isles with 11 points and Leah Lavoie and Semalulu 16 • Wednesday ���������� February ��������� � 7th, 2007 had 9 points each. Marie-Roberte Jean was the leading rebounder with 7. WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL 4-0 At Edouard-Montpetit in Longueuil on Sunday the Lady Islanders volleyball team won all four matches against Marianopolis (25-14, 23-25, 15-11), Valleyfield (21-25, 25-22, 15-10), St. Laurent (25-15, 25-13) and EdouardMontpetit (21-25, 25-21, 16-14). They were led by captain Tiffany Wood (13 kills, 8 aces, 49% kill, 2.23 reception) Victoria Waizmann ( 14 kills, 8 aces, 5 stuff blocks) Meghan Wood (11 aces 93% serving) Jennifer Weiler (11 kills, 5 aces, 100% ser ving) and Natasha Oke ( 12 kills, 4 stuff blocks and 90% serving). ISLANDER AAA STUMBLES The first place AAA Islanders had a tough week losing 2 games and saw their league record drop to 8-3. In Laval on Wednesday the Isles ran into a buzz saw losing 97-69 to Montmorency. The Nomades led 43-31 at half time. Anthony Moore led the Isles with 15 points including 13 in the second quarter. Alex Grant-Corbett had 9 and Gerry Moore, Sasha Lois and Marvin Louis all had 8 each. At home on Friday night the Islander struggles continued in an 85-76 loss to Ste-Foy. The Dynamiques led 42-30 at half time. Twice in the second half the Islanders came back to with in 6 points. Gerry Moore led the Isles with 21 points and had 4 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 steals. Anthony Moore, Sasha Louis and Bazile all had 12 points each. Kyle Ber nard was the leading rebounder with 7. The Islanders made only 1 of 17 3-point shots (7.1%) while the Dynamiques were good on 13 of 34 (38.2%). ISLANDERS SURVIVE SCARE The John Abbott Islander AAA basketball team hung on to a 63-61 win over Edouard-Montpetit in Longueuil on Friday night. The 8-1 Islanders struggled throughout the game and were held to their season low 63 points Anthony Moore led the Isles with 14 points and had 4 rebounds; Sasha Louis and Kyle Bernard each had nine points and Marvin Bazile scored 8 points and had a game high 14 rebounds. Colts Win Big Nick Udy Sports Editor Roughly142 million people gathered around their TVs this past Sunday to watch the 41st Super Bowl, where the Indianapolis Colts went head to head with the Chicago Bears in torrential rains to decide this year’s NFL Champions. With the help of their strong defense, Manning and their newly added kicker from the Patriots, Vinateiri, the Colts found their rhythm and marched down the field to defeat the Bears for their first Super Bowl title. The game ended 29-17, the score not quite depicting how exciting the game really was. It was not the most entertaining Super Bowl ever (especially considering halftime entertainment was provided by Prince) but it was the type of game that kept you interested until the end. The opening kick was returned by the Bears for a touchdown, and there were two occasions where there were two turnovers in two plays There were also disagreements among the officials and as many impressive plays as impressively poor ones. Manning threw 25-38, while Grossman wasn’t very aggressive with 20-28. Bandersnatch Sports
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