disability cycles -possible sources of funding


disability cycles -possible sources of funding
Get Cycling Community Interest Company, Hospital Fields, York, YO10 4DZ Tel: 01904 636812
About funding
Many UK charities or trusts provide grants for people with special needs, each with their
own criteria for providing funds. Grant money from charities and trusts is mainly provided to
pay for things that cannot be paid for by Government or Local Authorities. The amount
available may vary each year and they may only accept grants at certain times of the year.
Your eligibility for a grant depends on your own personal circumstances and the eligibility
criteria for the funding. For individual grants this may include your disability or condition,
age, gender, your religion, where you live, how much you earn and your profession or your
parents’ profession.
How to apply
Most UK charities will have an application form which you can obtain either by contacting
the charity direct or downloading from their website, though some prefer a personal letter
outlining why you are applying for funding and why you think they may be able to help you.
In most cases the charity will ask for a report or recommendation from a professional
involved with the disabled person to support the grant application. This may be a health
professional, social worker, family support worker, or in the case of children, their
headteacher. The named professional may be asked to include their report on your
application form or if you are asked to supply their contact details they will be contacted
direct by the charity. Some charities will not accept applications from individuals and
require that a professional applies on your behalf.
All application forms will ask contact details, information about the applicant’s disability,
what they need and why they need it. Some may also ask for financial information for
example they may ask how much you spend on your household bills each month and details
on any outstanding debts. This is to ensure that the money they give goes to those in most
need. If you are able to contribute towards the item or project say so in your application
with details of how much you are able to pay and whether you have fundraised to achieve
this amount. A charity may only be able to contribute towards part of your costs and may
ask if you have contacted other charities. Again, be honest about your answer as charities
will sometimes contact each other and agree to joint funding.
Once you have made your application don’t expect a quick reply. Some charities only meet
to allocate funds two or three times a year. Other charities may also have long waiting lists.
Information and text modified from http://www.disability-grants.org
Whizz Kidz
020 7233 6600
 The funding is for children: the child or young person must be aged 18 or under when you apply (any
application must be received before their 18th birthday)
 The child must have a permanent disability that affects their mobility
 The mobility equipment required must not be available through the NHS.
Powered, manual and sports wheelchairs
Trikes including companion cycles and quads (not the powered ones)
Buggies (including doubles)
Scooters (3 or 4 wheels)
They do not fund car seats, vehicles or vehicle adaptations, home adaptations, static equipment (e.g.
chairs, standing frames or static exercise bikes etc.)
Variety Club
(Easy Riders Wheelchairs for Kids Programme)
020 7428 8100
Disabled and disadvantaged children and young people up to and including the age of 18 years, who are
resident within the UK.
Electric wheelchairs, buggies, trikes, manual wheelchairs, sports wheelchairs, bikes
Applications for wheelchairs, buggies, trikes and bikes can be made from parents, physiotherapists,
occupational therapists or the child themselves providing that there is written agreement in support of
the wheelchair required from the appropriately qualified professional (ie: the child’s occupational
therapist or physiotherapist) who was present at the time of assessment.
There is no lower or upper limit on the level of grant which may be awarded. For a request exceeding
£5,000.00 an assurance must be given by the medical professional involved that the recommended
wheelchair, buggy, bike or trike is the only model suitable because of the child’s particular requirements.
A full written statement detailing the reasons for this must be included. Also for requests over £5,000.00
quotes from two separate suppliers must be supplied.
Dreams Come True
01730 815000
Terminally or seriously ill children
Any dreams! Each dream is unique and the charity liaise, co-ordinate, organise, fund and if necessary
accompany - to ensure that the child has an unforgettable experience, and that the parents and family can
share their joy.
Family Fund Trust
0845 130 4542
Any family caring for a disabled child or young person aged 17 and under in England, Northern Ireland,
Scotland and Wales, where they are eligible for, and can send us evidence of entitlement to, one the
following: Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit, Income based Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support,
Incapacity Benefit, Employment Support Allowance, Housing Benefit and Pension Credit. Families must
still however meet all other eligibility criteria.
The Family Fund helps families with severely disabled or seriously ill children and young people aged 17
and under to have choices and the opportunity to enjoy ordinary life. They give grants for things that
make life easier and more enjoyable for the disabled child, young person and their family, such as washing
machines, driving lessons, computers and holidays.
Children Today
01244 335622
Any young person, regardless of their condition or disability, up to the age of 25.
Specialised equipment to improve, assist and enhance the lives of children and young people with
disabilities. Children Today will provide a wide range of mobility equipment for children and young people
with disabilities that are not funded through the NHS. These include powered, manual and sports
wheelchairs, specially adapted tricycles, bicycles, buggies and walking aids as well as specially designed
communication aids and sensory equipment such as fibre optic sprays.
Action for Kids
020 8347 8111 / 0845 300 0237
Young people up to the age of 26
Disabled children and young people, up to the age of 26 with specialist mobility equipment from simple
trikes to sophisticated powered wheelchairs. Most equipment is provided on a permanent loan scheme so
that they cover the cost of maintaining and servicing the equipment. When a piece of equipment is no
longer required, where possible, it is either adapted to be used by another child or is donated to a special
needs school where more children can benefit from the equipment.
Handicapped Children’s Action Group
0208 594 4100
Any child who has a disability up to the age of 16 years and the family financial circumstances must be
such, that they are unable to fully fund the equipment themselves. The family must be in receipt of either
working tax or child tax credits.
Handicapped Children’s 'Action' Group is a small, registered charity working to provide specialist
equipment for children with disabilities, learning difficulties and other special needs. The children, from
all areas of the UK are usually unable to obtain this equipment from the NHS. The equipment provided is
varied and includes powered and manual wheelchairs, specialist tricycles, standing and walking frames,
buggies, car seats, lycra body suits and splints, specialist seating, sensory and stimulation equipment and
specialist beds. The Trustees always consider any equipment recommended for the disabled child.
Lifeline 4 Kids
020 7794 1661
Children from birth to 18 years old. Each request will be acknowledged and provided it meets our criteria,
an application form will be sent by email or by post. The form contains questions relating to the
child/children's medical condition and requires backup information from health professionals together
with a financial statement of the applicant/organisation.
Any project to improve the quality of life for children born with, or who have acquired a handicap or
disability, can be undertaken. For the individual child they provide the full spectrum of specialised
equipment such as electric wheelchairs, mobility aids and varying items including specialised computers.
The Dream Team
01268 569096
UK-based sick, disabled and terminally ill children
The Dream Team is a registered charity that exists to grant the dreams and wishes of sick, disabled and
terminally ill children in the UK.
Children’s Hope Foundation
020 7700 6855
Children and young people affected by illness, disability or poverty
Children’s Hope Foundation is a young growing charity whose aim is to improve the quality of life for
children and young people affected by illness, disability or poverty by meeting, within our power, their
social and medical needs.
The Elifar Foundation
Any severely disabled adult or child, resident in the UK.
A wide range of specialised equipment, therapies and respite, which would otherwise be unavailable
because of a lack of funds or because there is no statutory provision. Grants will be considered to
fund/part fund any piece of specialised equipment or course of therapy, no matter how small. All
applications must be supported by evidence from a health care professional that the grant will make a
significant improvement to the applicant's quality of life, and that funds to purchase the equipment/
therapy are unavailable elsewhere. We also require financial information of the applicant (or family in the
case of a minor).
Make-a-Wish Foundation
01276 40 50 60
Young people aged 3-17 fighting life-threatening illnesses.
A wish is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a child fighting a life-threatening illness. Children and young
people are asked to choose their favourite wishes; these are the categories our wishes fall into: I wish to
be, I wish to have, I wish to go, I wish to meet.
Nihal Armstrong Trust
020 8459 6527
Children (up to and including the age of 18) with cerebral palsy, whose family are on means tested
Essential pieces of equipment, communication aids or specific services that their local authority does not
provide, under £1000
Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity
01494 890465
To be eligible, children must be living with one of the specific conditions of the blood or brain supported ,
and the family must be on a low income. See the website for details on the specific conditions supported.
A grant (£500 maximum) which can be used in many different ways. Examples include:
Contribution towards the cost of very expensive pieces of equipment such as a new wheelchair or power
packs for an existing wheelchair, Fibre optic sensory toys for severely disabled children, White goods such
as cookers or extra capacity washing machines or tumble dryers, Utility bills such as gas, electric,
telephone or heating oil costs, Travel and subsistence payments.
Smile for Life
0191 284 4166
Disadvantaged and disabled children
Specific pieces of equipment, supporting special activities and events, or assisting a child with an income
for a particular purpose.
Caudwell Trust
0845 300 1348
‘Yes’ to all below:
 Aged 18 or under?
 Living in the UK?
 Is the household income/salary (not including benefits) under £45,000 gross per annum?
Specialist equipment, treatment and therapies for sick and disabled children across the UK
+44 (0) 1267 244200
Children of 16 and under with brain injury (both traumatic and acquired) and neurological problems such
as cerebral palsy, autistic spectrum disorder, epilepsy, learning difficulties, ADHD, behavioural and
emotional problems or developmental delay.
Products and services that give practical support and assistance to help directly improve the lives of
children with brain related conditions as well as providing information to help parents and carers to
optimise the quality of life of their child. Cerebra's Innovation Centre is on hand to provide adapted
equipment and bespoke solutions to problems when there is nothing on the market to meet a need.
Strongbones Children’s Charitable Trust
01708 750599
Children suffering from arthritis, scoliosis, brittle bone disease, bone cancer and all other conditions of the
bone. Applicants must be under the age of 21.
Medical equipment, wheelchairs, computers/software, respite breaks at our holiday homes, proven
household bills, sensory equipment, clothes, essential household items and social activities. The form
must carry the details of a qualified medical professional (i.e. occupational therapist, G.P, consultant),
school nurse or social worker. By signing the form you give us consent to contact the certified person to
confirm the child’s medical condition.
Brittle Bone Society
01382 204446
Anyone affected by Osteogenesis imperfecta
Wheelchairs or specialist equipment. The Society can also give help and advice on benefits, mobility,
education, equipment, medical issues including genetics, and other issues associated with OI. We can also
provide short term loan of specialist wheelchairs and other equipment when required.
React (Rapid Effective Assistance for Children with Potentially Terminal Illnesses)
020 8940 2575
React helps families caring for a child with an illness which is life-threatening or has the potential to
shorten their lifespan. Our purpose is to provide funding in situations where none is available elsewhere.
React works to give these children comfort, dignity and where possible, greater independence.
 Specialist or Medical Equipment (unavailable through your Health Authority)
 Domestic Equipment (household items which contribute to your child's comfort or quality of life)
 Hospital Expenses (travel, food or related costs)
The Elifar Foundation
Any severely disabled adult or child, resident in the UK.
Specialised equipment, therapies and respite, which would otherwise be unavailable because of a lack of
funds or because there is no statutory provision. Grants will be considered to fund/part fund any piece of
specialised equipment or course of therapy, no matter how small. All applications must be supported by
evidence from a health care professional that the grant will make a significant improvement to the
applicant's quality of life, and that funds to purchase the equipment/ therapy are unavailable elsewhere.
We also require financial information of the applicant (or family in the case of a minor).
The League of the Helping Hand
01444 236099
All ages, but only those who are living on a very low income, receiving the appropriate welfare benefits
and have exhausted all other funding sources including statutory funding, local and occupational charities,
will be considered for a grant. Only applications from official agencies are accepted; applications directly
from individuals will not be considered.
LHH is a national charity providing financial assistance to people who are in hardship due to illness or
disability. This includes physical and mental health problems, learning disabilities and people caring for an
adult or child with a disability. One-off grants are generally awarded towards essential household items
and specialist equipment not available from statutory agencies.
Margaret’s Fund
Women of any age. Applications must be made through a caring professional organisation, eg doctor,
nurse, charity sector worker or social worker. Margaret's Fund gives financial assistance to women in the
UK who are in need, and who are in ill health.
Disability grants, wheelchair grants and finance for medical equipment.
Miss Doreen Stanford Charitable Trust
People who are disabled, deaf or blind and in need. Also, children whose families are in financial need.
One-off and recurrent grants ranging between £500 and £1,500, mainly for equipment related to sickness
or disability. Applications must be made through a charity, containing details of the individual's income
and expenditure. The trustees meet once a year, in March, and applications must be submitted by the end
of January. A sae is required if the applicant requires a reply.
St Jude’s Trust
R G Millman: Administrator, St Jude’s Trust, Arnolds Fooks Chadwick , 15 Bolton Street , Mayfair , London ,
020 7499 3007
St Jude's Trust is for disabled or disadvantaged people who can apply for financial assistance from St
Jude's Trust. Applications are considered twice a year. Unsuccessful applicants are not informed.
Not specified
SF Charity
Any severely disabled person of any age living in areas where offices are located ie. in the Midlands and
parts of the North West of England
Equipment and services which will make a positive difference to quality of life; anything which would
make life easier for an individual or group of disabled people.
The Act Foundation
01753 753900
Specifically the mentally and physically disabled
ACT provides grants to individuals and other charities, principally in the UK, with the aim of enhancing the
quality of life for people in need, (specifically the mentally and physically disabled), in the following areas:
Building - funding modifications to homes, schools, hospices etc.
Equipment - provision of specialised wheelchairs, other mobility aids and equipment including medical
equipment to assist independent living.
Financial assistance - towards the cost of short-term respite breaks at a registered respite centre.
Joseph Patrick Trust
020 7803 4814
Applications will only be accepted from, or on behalf of people with muscular dystrophy or a related
Powered wheelchairs , manual wheelchairs , electric beds , trikes , computers , vehicle adaptations , riser
chairs , mobile arm supports , therapy equipment (includes standing frames, exercise bikes), portable aids
(includes portable hoists, folding ramps etc.), discretionary payments (relief of stress).
Brittle Bone Society
01382 204446
Anyone affected by Osteogenesis imperfecta
Wheelchairs or specialist equipment. The Society can also give help and advice on benefits, mobility,
education, equipment, medical issues including genetics, and other issues associated with OI. We can also
provide short term loan of specialist wheelchairs and other equipment when required.
Other Options
Non-specific grant-making organisations based on occupation: (not an exhaustive list)
Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
Civil Service Benevolent Fund
Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution
Royal Naval Benevolent Trust
The Metropolitan Police Combined Benevolent Fund
ABF The Soldiers' Charity
The Solicitors’ Benevolent Association
Royal Artillery Charitable Fund
Ben – Motor & Allied Trades’ Benevolent Fund
Perennial (Horticulture)
The Benevolent Fund of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Lionheart (The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Benevolent Fund)
The Bankers Benevolent Fund
The BT Benevolent Fund
Licensed Trade Support & Care
Hospitality Action (formerly Hotel And Catering Benevolent Association)
Retired Missionary Aid Fund
The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
The Artists’ General Benevolent Institution
The Fire Services National Benevolent Fund
Electrical and Electronics Industries’ Benevolent Association
Sweet Charity (confectionary)
The Insurance Charities
The Wine & Spirits Trades’ Benevolent Society
The Printing Charity
Textile Industry Children’s Trust
The British Dental Association Benevolent Fund
Nautilus Welfare Fund
The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers’ Benevolent Fund
The Lloyd’s Benevolent Fund
Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Trade Benevolent Association
The Association of Royal Navy Officers (ARNO)
Royal Opera House Benevolent Fund
Actors' Charitable Trust (TACT)
The Rugby Football League Benevolent Fund
Schoolmistresses’ & Governesses’ Benevolent Institution
The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Benevolent Fund
Footwear Benevolent Society (formerly The Boot Trade Benevolent Society)
ISM Members’ Fund (The Benevolent Fund of The Incorporated Society of Musicians)
The Leather & Hides Trades’ Benevolent Institution
Equity Charitable Trust
Grand Order of Water Rats Charities Fund (Professional entertainers)
The Institution of Structural Engineers’ Benevolent Fund
Entertainment Artistes’ Benevolent Fund
Builders’ Benevolent Institution
Furnishing Trades Benevolent Association
Furnishing Industry Trust
Continued overleaf 
Specific occupation funding continued:
British Office Supplies and Services Federation Benevolent Fund
Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund
The Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators’ Benevolent Fund
The Commandos’ Benevolent Fund
The Provision Trade Charity
The Royal College of Midwives Trust
The English National Opera Benevolent Fund
The Institute of Physics Benevolent Fund
The Institute of Quarrying Educational Development and Benevolent Fund
The Cricketers Association Charity
The Rhona Reid Charitable Trust (medical or music professions)
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
The Institution of Plant Engineers Benevolent Fund
The London Shipowners’ & Shipbrokers’ Benevolent Society
Master Tailors’ Benevolent Association
Ambulance Services Benevolent Fund
The Bakers’ Benevolent Society
Benevolent Fund of the Society of Chiropodists
The Society of Radiographers Benevolent Fund
The Aircrew Association Charitable Fund
The Headmasters’ Association Benevolent Fund
British Motor Cycle Racing Club Benevolent Fund
The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) (formerly known as The Library Association
Benevolent Fund)
The Chemical Engineers' Benevolent Fund
British Racing Drivers Club (BRDC) Benevolent Fund
The International Dance Teachers’ Association Benevolent Fund
The Institute of Company Accountants Benevolent Fund
The Institute of Legal Executives’ Benevolent Fund
The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters Benevolent Fund
The RTRA Benevolent Fund (electronic industry)
Iprovision (formerly The Institute of Public Relations Benevolent Fund)
HM Inspectors of Schools’ Benevolent Fund
Environmental Health Officers Welfare Fund
Ethel Mary Fund For Nurses
Thomas Cook Pensioners' Benevolent Fund
Corporation of London Benevolent Association
The City of London Linen and Furnishings Trades Association
The Worshipful Company of Farriers Charitable Trust
Coffee Buyers Benevolent Society
British Association of Former United Nations Civil Servants Benevolent Fund
Association of Principals of Colleges Benevolent Fund
Gloucestershire Bowling Association Benevolent Fund
The Amalgamated Union Of Engineering Workers Fleet Street Branch Trust
The Horticultural Trades Association Benevolent Fund
The Grand Prix Mechanics Charitable Trust
The Rugby Football Union Charitable Fund
Driving Instructors’ Accident & Disability Fund
Confederation of Forest Industries (Formerly: Association of Professional Foresters Education and Provident Fund)
Church School Masters and School Mistresses Benevolent Institution
CABA (Chartered Accountants’ Benevolent Association)
Continued overleaf 
Specific occupation funding continued:
Care Professionals Benevolent Fund
The Commercial Travellers Benevolent Institution
Musicians Benevolent Fund
Non-specific grant-making organisations based on religion and/or religious work: (not an exhaustive list)
Retired Missionary Aid Fund
Retired missionaries from the Christian Brethren Assemblies who are in need. Help may also be given to
their dependants.
Closehelm Ltd
People of the Jewish faith who are in need.
Catenian Benevolent Association
Members of the association and their dependants who are in need.
Christadelphian Benevolent Fund
Members of the Christadelphian body who are experiencing difficult times.
The I W Griffiths Trust
People who are, or have been, engaged in Christian mission and are in need.
The Lind Trust
Individuals in full-time Christian ministry.
Women’s Continuing Ministerial Education Trust (formerly The Deaconess Trust Funds)
Ordained women, accredited female lay workers in the Church of England (including Church Army Sisters)
and religious sisters (both lay and ordained).
AJEX Charitable Foundation (formerly known as The Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen & Women)
Jewish ex-servicemen and women, and their dependants, who are in need.
The Arthur Hurst Will Trust
Women and members of the clergy who are in need and who have been forced to give up their work
because of ill health. The trust also supports widows and children of clergymen
The Retired Ministers’ and Widows’ Fund
Retired ministers, and ministers' widows of Presbyterian, Independent (including Unitarian, Free Christian,
Congregational and the United Reformed) and Baptist churches, who live in England and Wales and are on
a low income.
The Pyncombe Charity
Serving Anglican clergy under 70 years of age and their immediate families who are resident with them,
who are in financial need resulting from a serious illness or accident or special circumstance.
Ministers’ Relief Society
Protestant ministers, their widows and dependents who are in need. Children of deceased ministers must
be under 21 and of 'genuine evangelical and protestant convictions' to be eligible
Carlee Ltd
Jewish people in need.
MYA Charitable Trust
Individuals in need who are Jewish, worldwide.
The Bible Preaching Trust
Ministers of the Evangelical Christian faith who are in need. Theological students may occasionally benefit.
Continued overleaf 
Funding organisations based on region/religious work continued:
Buckingham Trust
People in need who are missionaries or Christian workers, or people with some Christian connection.
Applicants must be known to the trustees
Nazareth Trust Fund
The trust gives support to individuals known to the trustees who promote the Christian faith and/or are
Christian missionaries
Gibbons Charity
Widows and widowers and children of Shropshire Church of England clergy and clergy who have retired
and face hardship
Grant-finding websites
FREE service
A charitable service which helps people access the money available to them – through welfare benefits, grants and
other help. Free, accessible website designed to help find appropriate sources of financial support, quickly and
easily, based on your particular needs and circumstances.
Turn2us is part of Elizabeth Finn Care
Funder Finder
Payment for service required.
For anyone looking for funding. There are many grants, benefits and charitable organisations that offer financial
support. Through the use of FunderFinder software a resource that is applicable to your needs may be found.
Disability Grants
FREE service
Website dedicated to listing various grants for disabilities http://www.disability-grants.org