Secondary Education
Secondary Education
Secondary Credentials of South Asia OACAC 2015 University of Oregon Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Amy M. Ullrich, Evaluator, ECE Inc. Steven Risch, Director of International Admissions, Old Dominion University Susan Whipple, Assistant Director Office of International Education, Marquette University Focus Countries • Pakistan • India • Nepal • Bangladesh • Sri Lanka Questions to be answered in this session: • What makes each of these country’s secondary education systems unique and what does their documentation look like? • How has the British secondary education system been incorporated within the traditional South Asian systems? • What documentation is preferred for admissions purposes? • What resources can I use for document verification? Pakistan Secondary Education Structure of Pakistan British Secondary System in Pakistan Pakistan Secondary & Intermediate Education General Grading Scale SSC / HSC / Intermediate US equivalent 60-100 A 50-59 B 40-49 C 33-39 D 0-32 F Close-up Secondary Education Board of Secondary Education, Karachi S.S.C. Part I (Class IX) Examination Statement of Marks 2010 Secondary Education Board of Secondary Education, Karachi Statement of Marks For the S.S.C. Examination Annual 2011 Science Group Secondary Education Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Lahore Secondary School Certificate Annual Examination 2012 Science Group British O-Levels Completed in Pakistan Higher Secondary Education Board of Intermediate Education, Karachi Higher Secondary Certificate Examination (HSCE) 2012 Science Group Higher Secondary Education Board of Intermediate Education, Karachi Higher Secondary Certificate Examination (HSCE) 2012 Reverse Science Group Statement of Marks Board of Intermediate Education Karachi H.S.C. Part I & II Intermediate Examination (Annual 2013) Higher Secondary Education Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Peshawar Intermediate (Annual) Examination 2013 Pre-Engineering Group (Part-II) British A-Levels Completed in Pakistan Pakistan Secondary Verification Resources Ministry of Education, Pakistan (not currently working) -Inter Board Committee Chairmen (IBCC) **Matriculation/SSC and Intermediate/HSC documents can be attested by the IBCC: Phone No: + 92 (51) 9250452, 9235020 (not currently working) International Education Guide: Islamic Republic of Pakistan, prepared by the International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) Alberta Employment and Immigration -PDF download available at: Selected Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education (complete listing can be found on the IBCC website): -Karachi: -Islamabad: -Lahore: -Peshawar: -Rawalpindi: India India at a Glance • Population: 1.2 billion (2011 estimate) • 50% of India’s population is below age 25 • Capital: New Delhi • Languages of Instruction: English and Hindi are the nation's two official languages, though regional languages (such as Gujarati, Malayalam or Urdu) are very common, especially at the primary level Indian Secondary Education System Secondary Grading If no grading information is available, ECE uses the most common scale: First Class: 60% - 100% Second Class: 50% - 59% Pass Class: 40% - 49% Condoned Pass: 35% - 39% Using the example on the right, remember to convert marks obtained to percentages before applying the equivalent grading scale. Secondary Grading continued… This Gujarat HSCE lists grading information on the bottom left of the document. Grade One (With Distinction) 70% and above Grade One 60% - 69% Grade Two 45% - 59% Grade Three all passing grades below 45% Secondary Class Ranking Central Board of Secondary Education A-1 Top 1/8th of the passed candidates A-2 Next 1/8th of the passed candidates B-1 Next 1/8th of the passed candidates B-2 Next 1/8th of the passed candidates C-1 Next 1/8th of the passed candidates C-2 Next 1/8th of the passed candidates D-1 Next 1/8th of the passed candidates D-2 Next 1/8th of the passed candidates E Failed candidates The nation wide central boards, especially the Central Board of Secondary Education have the reputation as being the most rigorous examination boards in India, and typically attract the strongest students. Sample All India Secondary School Examination, issued by the Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE, Delhi Secondary School Examination (2011-2013) new format Sample All India Senior School Certificate Examination, issued by the Central Board of Secondary Education Sample Documents from Andhra Pradesh State (Newer format ~ 2010) Sample of 2nd Year Intermediate Education Certificate –Andhra Pradesh State Sample Documents from Gujarat State Higher Secondary Education conducted by Universities Some universities offer their own higher secondary examinations. Known as: Pre-Degree Examination Pre-University Examination Pre-Professional Examination Pre-Medical Examination Pre-Engineering Examination Pre-Agricultural Examination If the university is recognized, consider any secondary exam they offer recognized. The AIU Handbooks have detailed information on any secondary level programs a university may offer. Recognized State and Central Boards of Secondary Education India Secondary Online Verification Resources • Central Board of Secondary Education (check results online from 2004-2014 in “Old Result Verification” link) • Goa State Examinations Results (SSC & HSC current results 2015) • Government of Tamil Nadu (SSC & HSC current results 2015) • Directorate of Government Examinations Andhra Pradesh (SSC current results 2015) Central Board of Secondary Education (check results online from 2004-2014 in “Old Result Verification” link) Nepal Nepal: Basic Facts Population: 26.6 million (2011 Nepal census) Capital: Kathmandu Languages of Instruction: Nepali (official language) and English (103 other various languages and dialects) Nepal Calendar: To verify the year in Nepal, add 57 years to our year (e.g. 1998 + 57 = 2055 year in Nepal). Nepalese Secondary Education System Reference: “Online Guide to Educational Systems Around the World-Nepal” NAFSA, Submitted by Aaron Bixler 2009 British Secondary Education System in Nepal Secondary Grading Higher Secondary Certificate or Proficiency Certificate US grade 12 **Grading scales may differ by time period of issue and institution in Nepal. The minimum passing grades may also vary by institution and type of program. Sample School Leaving Certificate Examination (SLCE) Mark Sheet Higher Secondary Education Provisional Certificate and Academic Transcript Proficiency Certificate Academic Transcript -issued by Tribhuvan University -Science and Technology section -note Certified Copy Attestation by the USEF-Nepal office Updates on Education in Nepal since the April 25, 2015 Earthquake -most extensive damage occurred to primary and secondary schools (approx. 6,000 public schools buildings & 500 private school buildings destroyed) -hardest-hit areas (districts of Gorkha, Dhading, Nuwakot, Kavre, Sindhupalchok, Dlakha and Ramechhap) has indefinitely postponed the HSEC Grade 11 and Grade 12 examinations due to the majority of examination centers being destroyed -in other areas the HSEB Class 11 &12 examinations were rescheduled for: -June 3-14, 2015 (Class 12) -June 16-27 (Class 11) -during the rescheduled examinations some centers had medical teams “to cope with any medical emergencies that might [have occurred] among the panic-stricken students who have just experienced the large scale death and devastation…” -British-based AS and A level examinations for students in Nepal were cancelled and the student will be able to take the examinations in November -Due to the widespread destruction of the Tribhuvan University administrative buildings and constituent colleges (whom administer the secondary school and proficiency certificate examinations), initially all TU examinations were postponed, but some classes resumed in June Nepal Secondary Verification Resources USEF Nepal: “TRANSCRIPT ATTESTATION In Nepal, most students receive only a single original (“official”) copy of transcripts and certificates. When applying to U.S. colleges, students send attested photocopies in place of official transcripts. Unfortunately, fake transcripts are on the rise in Nepal. Please encourage Nepali students applying to your college to send you copies of their original documents attested either by USEF-Nepal or the issuing university or examination board. USEF-Nepal attests hundreds of documents daily, scrutinizing each one before attesting copies, and verifying results with issuing boards when necessary. USEF-Nepal’s attestation services have been available to Nepali students for over twenty-five years. Many U.S. universities are already insisting on USEF-Nepal attested copies of academic documents.” Fax:(+977-1) 4410-881 Email: Verification Resources continued… Ministry of Education and Sports (SLC Examinations): Fax No. (977)-(1)-412199, 418673, 414887 email: Higher Secondary Education Board (Higher Secondary Certificates/Examinations): Results can be obtained on their website with the student’s symbol number and date of birth ( Tribhuvan University: Rector and Registrar Contact Information Fax:(977-1)4331964 Email: Email: Sample Verification Letter from USEF Nepal Bangladesh Bangladesh: Basic Facts Basic Facts • History: in 1947, West Pakistan and East Bengal (predominantly Muslim) separated from India and became Pakistan. In 1955 East Bengal became East Pakistan. In 1971 East Pakistan was renamed Bangladesh. • Population: 161 million (2012 estimate) •Capital City: Dhaka (until mid-1980s spelled Dacca) •Languages: Bangla (official, also known as Bengali), English Bangladeshi Secondary Education System Reference: “Online Guide to Educational Systems Around the WorldBangladesh” NAFSA, Submitted by Sonja Bhan 2008 British Secondary Education System in Bangladesh Bangladesh Secondary Grading *HSC candidates may take an extra course (fourth subject) for 120 additional marks HSC First division may be further divided up as follows: 60%-74% = "A" 75%-79% = "Star" 80%-100% = "Letter" or "Distinction" Secondary School Certificate Examination Chittagong 2007 Secondary School Certificate Examination, Dhaka 2007 SSCE Academic Transcript Higher Secondary Certificate Examination, Chittagong 2009 HSCE Academic Transcript School Issued Documents Bangladesh Document Verification Resources Online Verification of Bangladeshi Intermediate and Secondary Education Board Examinations Ministry of Education of Bangladesh provides online results of Intermediate and Secondary Education Board examinations (including JSC, SSC, HSC, Diploma in Commerce and Diploma in Business Studies examinations) from 1996 to present. Verification site: Other Contact Information: Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Dhaka Fax: 88-02-508886 or 88-02-9669811* Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Rajshahi Fax: 88-0721-774428 Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Comilla Fax: 88-081-6438 Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Jessore Fax: 88-0421-73181 Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Chittagong Fax: 88-031-671330 Ministry of Education of Bangladesh (verification link): Ministry of Education Bangladesh Verification Link Sample Sri Lanka Sri Lanka: Basic Facts Population: 20.3 million (2012 census) Capital: Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte (but largest city is Colombo) Languages of Instruction: Sinhala, Tamil, and English (students are now given the option of which language of instruction they would prefer, so many are choosing English) Sri Lankan Secondary Education System Reference: “Online Guide to Educational Systems Around the World-Sri Lanka” NAFSA, Submitted by Ravi Kallur & Nelum Senadira 2008 British Secondary Education System in Sri Lanka Sri Lankan Educational System Reform Introduced in 1999, fully implemented by 2000 Age of admission to Primary School is 5 Grade 1-5 = Primary Level (these grades now include Kindergarten)- 5 years Grade 6-9 = Junior Secondary Level - 4 years Grade 10-11 = Senior Secondary Level- 2 years Grade 12-13 = Collegiate Level Senior Secondary -student has completed 11 years of formal school years, s/he sits for the O/L exam. -passes in 6 subjects, including three with C passes, are required to enter the Collegiate Level Collegiate Level -leads to University Entrance Examinations -student studies 4 subjects for two years and then sit for the GCE A/L exam -students sit for 4 exams and must pass 3 for university admission -In addition, there are many international schools that coach students for the UK based O/L and A/L exams University Grants Commission-Sri Lanka -policies on university admission and enrollment procedures Secondary O and A Level Grading (2002-present) Department of Examinations: General Certificate of Education (O Level) Examinations Department of Examinations: General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examinations Sri Lankan Document Verification Resources Department of Examinations Sri Lanka -Input 2011 Index Numbers from O/L & A/L Examinations to confirm results Additional Verification Resources… For examinations prior to 2011: Department of Examinations P.O. Box 1503, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Telephone: +94-11-2786200, 2784203/4 Fax : +94 - 112785220 Email : For verification or documentation assistance and questions: Education USA/US-SLFC Office: Adviser: Nelum Senadira Email: Fax: 256-4153 Thank you!! This presentation may be downloaded at: