Inf ma i - Republic Polytechnic


Inf ma i - Republic Polytechnic
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Message from the Principal/CEO
Greetings from the President of the 10 Student Council
Vision and Mission
REPUBLIC Code of Honour
Student Code of Conduct
1. Enrolment Matters
1.1 Confirming your Enrolment into Republic Polytechnic
1.2 Enrolment Checklist
2. Financial Matters
2.1 Applying for the Tuition Grant Scheme
2.2 Fee Payment Methods
2.3 Financial Schemes
2.4 Bursaries
2.5 Scholarships
2.6 Needy Student Fund
3. IT Matters
4. RP Student EZ-Link Card
5. Information for International Students
5.1 Student’s Pass
5.2 SOLAR System Application Steps
5.3 Payment Related to Student’s Pass
5.4 Accommodation at RP
5.5 Cost of Living and Studying in Singapore
6. Academic Calendar 2013
7. Student Enrichment Opportunities
7.1 An Exciting Student Engagement Platform
7.2 Co-Curricular Activities
8. Deferment and Withdrawal
8.1 Deferment and Withdrawal
8.2 Male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents Liable for
National Service
8.3 Tuition Fees Charged for Deferment or Withdrawal
Contact Us
Message from the Principal/CEO
Welcome to
Republic Polytechnic (RP)!
We are delighted that you have chosen
to join the RP community. In doing so,
you have shown that you share our
commitment to education that is innovative
and future-oriented.
As you embark on your journey at RP,
you must ask yourself: “What do I want to
achieve in life?”
If you do not yet have an answer, don’t
worry. One of our key objectives at RP is
to give you access to diverse opportunities
so that you can discover your passions
and talents.
And through our supportive learning
environment and unique Problem-Based
Learning (PBL) approach, we can help
you transform into the best you can be so
that you can achieve your goals.
What’s most important is that you are the
one who must answer this question. We
can certainly offer guidance along the way.
Ultimately, however, your dreams and
aspirations must come from within.
A World of Possibilities
At RP, we offer a vibrant environment
to support you in your journey as you
discover, transform and achieve.
With our PBL pedagogy, every day at
RP is a learning adventure. Guided by
facilitators, you will work in teams to solve
problems through creativity, research and
knowledge integration. This approach will
help to transform you into a resourceful
problem-solver and motivated self-learner
by the time you graduate.
Thanks to our close collaboration with
industry partners, you will benefit from our
industry-relevant curriculum. During your
time at RP, you will have opportunities
to participate in internships and industry
projects, all of which will give you a headstart once you enter the workforce.
In addition, our strong international focus
means that you will have opportunities to
participate in overseas study trips, servicelearning expeditions and competitions.
Such activities will enable you to discover
the world outside Singapore and gain
valuable international experience.
As an RP student, you can take advantage
of our wide range of state-of-the-art
facilities. These include the library, labs
with cutting-edge equipment, The Republic
Cultural Centre, the Sports Complex and
the Adventure Learning Centre, just to
name a few.
However, don’t forget that school is about
more than studying. While I certainly hope
that you will always put your best effort
into your studies, I also encourage you
to embrace a holistic approach to life.
Your time at RP is a golden opportunity to
make lifelong friends and try new activities
through our clubs and interest groups, so
I hope you will take full advantage of this.
We are confident your time at RP will be
full of rewarding experiences and that
together, we can make your RP education
a memorable one. We look forward to
seeing you on campus!
Best regards,
Yeo Li Pheow
Welcome from the President of the 10th Student Council
Hello fellow students!
The RP experience is truly unique and you
have entered the door to an exciting journey
of self-discovery.
On behalf of the 10th Student Council of
Republic Polytechnic (RP), I would like to
extend our warmest welcome to you.
One of the major highlights in RP is our
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy.
PBL, as you will quickly get to know during
Week 1, can be unnerving at first. However,
this learning and teaching approach will
eventually equip us with the skills needed
in the working world. For me, I took some
time to get used to this approach. It was
tough at first, but with an open mind and
the continuing support of facilitators,
classmates, and my peers, I managed to
overcome the anxiety. Today, as we have
mastered our first year jitters, we know we
have benefitted from the experience. And I
know that you will too!
We have fantastic facilities on campus and
are spoilt for choice when it comes to picking
a Club or Interest Group (IG) - and I strongly
encourage you to be part of an IG as that is
where all the fun begins! We have a wealth
of talents and skills, and we get to live our
passion here at RP! Do shop around when
the Co-Curricular Activities Fiesta comes
around. I am constantly amazed at what RP
has offered me and I shall leave it to you
to say “Yes!” and start your discovery and
journey with RP.
The 10th Student Council will always be here
for you. If you have concerns or would like
a chat with fellow seniors during your time
here, please reach out to us. We will assist
you in addressing your academic and
other student-related needs, and serve as
the link between the student union and the
RP Management.
Once again, welcome to the RP family.
An exciting RP experience awaits you!
Hang on tight, have fun, and enjoy this
new chapter in your life!
Best wishes,
Nur Liyana Gafoor
10th Student Council
Vision and Mission
An educational institution of choice for nurturing
innovative, entrepreneurial and cultured
We nurture individuals to prepare them for a
dynamic world in partnership with stakeholders,
leveraging Problem-Based Learning.
REPUBLIC Code of Honour
Regard and Responsibility for Others and Self
Excellence Mindset in all our Endeavours
Pursuing Dreams and Honing Talents with Heart
United as One RP, One Singapore, One World
Confidence, Faith and Trust
Leadership of Self, and of Others
Actions Guided by Morals and Ethics
Heart for and Commitment to Service
STUDENT Code of Conduct
Respect • Give it to get it
In RP, we encourage all students to respect themselves by
abiding by the Student Code of Conduct. We firmly believe
that respecting members of the RP community ensures that
the RP community will respect you too.
Self-respect is the
fruit of discipline; the
sense of dignity grows
with the ability to say no
to oneself.
Abraham J. Heschel
Excellence • Good is not enough
All RP students should aim to excel in their academic
objectives and in their personal goals. We encourage
students to give a hundred percent in ensuring academic
excellence and to be at their best behaviour at all times, on
campus and as RP ambassadors off school premises.
Excellence is not a
skill. It is an attitude.
Ralph Marston
Passion • Do what you love
We encourage all students to immerse themselves in the
wide range of student activities RP has to offer. Students
will have the chance to pursue their interests, or to try
their hands at something new. These activities imbibe the
Republic Code of Honour and aim to focus on student
character development and enhance social-emotional
Unity • Stand strong as one
We believe firmly in the One RP spirit, where students learn
to understand and respect one another’s differences. The
Problem-Based Learning approach and the vast array of
student activities encourage students to work together, to
give and take, and to support one another in all areas of
campus life.
Develop a passion
for learning. If you do,
you will never cease
to grow.
Anthony J. D’Angelo
Coming together is
a beginning. Keeping
together is progress.
Working together is
Henry Ford
Belief • The start of success
The RP approach aims to breed confidence among our
students. A confident student believes in oneself, and
in turn, has confidence in others. This form of mutual
trust ensures positive learning and social relationships,
which will serve our students well after they graduate.
Leadership • Chart your own destiny
RP encourages all students to take responsibility for
their own actions. Being empowered with the ability to
chart one’s own future is extremely powerful, hence,
the emphasis on social-emotional competencies which
aim to equip all students to make the right choices. We
hope that beyond personal leadership, RP students
will eventually be able to lead others.
Integrity • Be true to yourself
All RP students should be honest and do what is right.
We encourage all students to take responsibility for their
mistakes, and learn from them. A student with integrity is
someone who has a clear conscience and can be trusted.
Believe and act as if it
were impossible to fail.
Charles F. Kettering
The best years of your
life are the ones in which you
decide your problems are
your own. You do not blame
them on your mother, the
ecology, or the President.
You realise that you control
your own destiny.
Albert Ellis
A life lived with
integrity - even if it
lacks the trappings of
fame and fortune, is a
shining star in whose
light others may follow
in the years to come.
Denis Waitley
Compassion • Have a kind heart
We hope that all students in RP will eventually look beyond
themselves, and reach out to support others in need. The
RP community should be one where everyone can rely on
one another and no one takes advantage of someone else’s
A kind and
compassionate act is
often its own reward.
William Bennett
Enrolment Matters
1.1 Confirming your Enrolment into Republic Polytechnic
Congratulations! You have been made an offer to study in Republic Polytechnic (RP).
To confirm your enrolment, please complete the following four items by the deadlines
specified in your Enrolment Letter:
•Complete the Course Acceptance in the Enrolment System:
•Provide your Personal Particulars and other required information in the Enrolment System.
•Pay the Enrolment Fee^ that is applicable to Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents
and International Students. (Note: All Direct Admissions Exercise - Foreign (DAE-F)
applicants who have met the payment requirement during the application process are not
required to pay this Enrolment Fee).
•Complete the Pre-Enrolment Medical Form and the Declaration and Indemnity Form and
upload to the Enrolment System
IMPORTANT ADVISORY: The four items listed above must be duly completed by
the deadlines that are stated in your Enrolment Letter. We seek your cooperation to
strictly comply with the deadlines for confirmation of a place in RP. Failure to comply
with the deadlines may lead to the lapse of offer of an admission place in RP.
^ Please refer to “Information on Course Fees” found in the Enrolment Package for the Enrolment Fee payable.
Enrolment Matters
Additionally, you are required to complete the following as part of your enrolment process by
the stipulated deadlines:
•Upload a recent passport-sized colour photograph
of yourself for the RP Student (EZ-Link) Card in the
Enrolment System.
•Submit your application for the Ministry of Education
(MOE) Tuition Grant (not applicable to PFP students).
•Purchase and configure your laptop computer. If you
already own a laptop computer, please arrange to have
it configured. (Refer to page 30 for further details.)
•Apply for your Student’s Pass (only applicable to
International Students) from Immigration & Checkpoints
Authority (ICA).
•Complete the Appointment of Local Representative Form
and upload to the Enrolment System (only applicable to
International Students).
•Apply for Financial Schemes if you need assistance
in financing your fees and living expenses (optional,
subject to eligibility criteria).
•Apply to pay your school fee via GIRO (not applicable to
PFP students).
The above items are summarised in the Enrolment Checklist (overleaf), and further explained
in the other sections of this handbook.
NOTE: If you are unable to complete/submit any of the above documents before
the deadline given, please email with your personal
particulars and contact details for clearance to submit the required documents at
an agreed later date. Failure to submit the relevant documents may result in your
unsuccessful enrolment.
PFP: Polytechnic Foundation Programme is a one-year programme that prepares the top 10% of the Secondary
4 Normal Academic students for entry into Year 1 of their diploma course.
Enrolment Matters
1.2 Enrolment Checklist (Step 1 to 6 of 12)
Use the following checklist to track your completion of your enrolment tasks by
the required deadlines. Your compliance is required to confirm your placement
with RP.
Complete Course Acceptance.
Applicable to all enrolling students.
Due Date: Your Course Acceptance Deadline (Refer to your Enrolment Letter)
•Log in to the Enrolment System* and follow the instructions provided.
•Check the Enrolment System* for confirmation that the Course Acceptance
has been completed.
Provide your Personal Particulars and other required information.
Applicable to all enrolling students.
Due Date: Your Enrolment Deadline (Refer to your Enrolment Letter)
•Log in to the Enrolment System* and follow the instructions provided.
•Check the Enrolment System* for confirmation that your Personal
Particulars and other required information have been provided.
Pay the Enrolment Fee^.
Applicable to all enrolling students (except for students who enrol via DAE-F).
Due Date: Your Enrolment Deadline (Refer to your Enrolment Letter)
•Enrolment fee is non-refundable.
•Payment can be made:
--online via e-payment (using credit cards or Internet Banking) (not
applicable to PFP students); OR
--by Network for Electronic Transfers (NETS) to the payment counter at
the enrolment venue during onsite Enrolment; OR
--by cheque to the payment counter at the enrolment venue during onsite
Enrolment. (Refer to page 18 for further details.)
•Check the Enrolment System* for confirmation that payment has been
•If you are making payment after the onsite Enrolment, please do so at
RP’s One-Stop Centre. (Refer to page 18 for further details.)
^ Please refer to “Information on Course Fees” found in the Enrolment Package for the Enrolment Fee payable.
Enrolment Matters
Submit your Pre-Enrolment Medical Form.
Applicable to all enrolling students.
Due Date: Your Enrolment Deadline (Refer to your Enrolment Letter)
•Go for a Medical Examination and have the Pre-Enrolment Medical Form
(found in the Form Booklet of your Enrolment Package) completed by the
examining doctor.
•Scan and upload the Pre-Enrolment Medical Form to the Enrolment System*
•Submit the completed form to the One-Stop Centre at RP personally or by
post using the self-addressed envelope included in this package.
Submit your Declaration and Indemnity Form.
Applicable to all enrolling students.
Due Date: Your Enrolment Deadline (Refer to your Enrolment Letter)
•Complete the Declaration and Indemnity Form (found in the Form Booklet
of your Enrolment Package).
•Scan and upload the Declaration and Indemnity Form to the Enrolment
•Submit the completed form to the One-Stop Centre at RP personally or by
post using the self-addressed envelope included in this package.
Upload a recent passport-sized colour photograph of yourself for the
RP Student (EZ-Link) Card in the Enrolment System.
Applicable to all enrolling students.
Due Date: Your Enrolment Deadline (Refer to your Enrolment Letter)
•Your photograph must be submitted by uploading a suitable digital image
through the Enrolment System*; OR
•You may take your photograph at RP during the enrolment period and this
will be uploaded for you. (Refer to page 31 for further details.)
•Check the Enrolment System* for confirmation that the photograph has
been received.
Enrolment Matters
1.2 Enrolment Checklist (Step 7 to 9 of 12)
Submit your application for the MOE Tuition Grant.
Applicable to all enrolling students.
Not applicable to PFP students.
Due Date: 1 April 2013
Due Date: 10 April 2013 (For students who enrol via the JPAE-ITE)
•For Singapore Citizens:
--Complete the hard copy Application for Tuition Grant Form (refer to the
blue form) found in your Enrolment Package and submit the completed
form to the form submission counter at Agora Hall during onsite Enrolment
or by post using the self-addressed envelope included in this package.
•For Singapore Permanent Residents and International Students:
--Complete the Tuition Grant Option Form (refer to the green form) found
in your Enrolment Package and submit the completed form to form
submission counter at Agora Hall during onsite Enrolment or by post
using the self-addressed envelope included in this package.
--In addition, apply online at MOE’s website
Please refer to letter to Singapore Permanent Residents & International
Students issued by Ministry of Education (found in your Enrolment
Package) for online application period.
--Upon submission, you will be contacted to complete and submit other
required documents. (Refer to page 16 for further details.)
Purchase and configure your laptop computer.
Applicable to all enrolling students.
Due Date: 1 April 2013
Due Date: 10 April 2013 (For students who enrol via the JPAE-ITE)
•Purchase and configure your laptop computer. If you already own a laptop
computer, please arrange to have it configured. (Refer to page 30 for
further details.)
•You can purchase a laptop at special discounted prices during the IT Road
Show at RP or make appointment via
to have your own laptop configured. (Refer to page 30 for further details.)
Enrolment Matters
Apply for your Student’s Pass from Immigration & Checkpoints
Authority (ICA).
Applicable to all International Students only.
Due Date: 1 April 2013
To apply for your Student’s Pass:
•Students will be given the Student’s Pass Online Application &
Registration (SOLAR) application letter.
•Complete and submit eForm 16 online at (this
submission requires online payment for the processing fee of S$30,
payable only by Credit Card or via Internet Banking to ICA).
•Login and check the status of your application at if your
application has been approved. Once your application is approved, RP
will send your In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter to you via email. Please
note that the IPA letter will only be issued upon full payment of your
tuition fee for the first semester.
•Follow the instructions on the IPA letter to collect your Student’s Pass
from ICA. (Refer to page 36 for further details.)
•Dependant’s Pass holder who wishes to study in an Institute of
Higher Learning (IHL) is also required to apply for a Student’s
Pass (application must be made through SOLAR).
•All students are required to come for onsite enrolment on the
stipulated date in your Enrolment Letter.
•You should begin this application process as early as possible.
Failure to complete the procedures in Student’s Pass application
will result in the delay of issuance of RP Student (EZ-Link) Card.
•Students are required to ensure that they remain in Singapore
on a valid pass at all times.
Enrolment Matters
1.2 Enrolment Checklist (Step 10 to 12 of 12)
Submit your Appointment of Local Representative Form.
Applicable for International Students only.
Due Date: Your Enrolment Deadline (Refer to your Enrolment Letter)
•Complete the Appointment of Local Representative Form (found in the Form
Booklet of your Enrolment Package).
•Scan and upload the Appointment of Local Representative Form to the
Enrolment System*
•Submit the completed form to the One-Stop Centre at RP personally or by
post using the self-addressed envelope included in this package.
Apply for Financial Schemes.
Optional for all enrolling students, subject to eligibility criteria.
Due Date: 1 April 2013
Due Date: 10 April 2013 (For students who enrol via the JPAE-ITE)
•As applications are processed by RP as well as external agencies, you
should submit your application(s) by the Due Date to ensure that your fees
are settled in time.
•Applications are processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
•Various Financial Schemes are available to assist you in financing your fees
and living expenses.
•For all enrolling students (excluding PFP students):
--Subsidy Schemes (not requiring repayment) include the following:
»»Tertiary Tuition Fees Subsidy for Malays (administered by Mendaki)
»»Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme
--Loan Schemes (requiring repayment) include the following:
»»Central Provident Fund (CPF) Approved Education Scheme
»»Tuition Fee Loan
»»Study Loan A
»»Study Loan B
•For all enrolled PFP students only:
--Subsidy Scheme (not requiring repayment) includes the following:
»»Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme
You may apply for one or more of the above schemes, subject to eligibility
criteria. Refer to page 19 for further details and information on how to apply.
Enrolment Matters
Apply for GIRO.
Applicable to all enrolling students.
Not applicable to PFP students.
Due Date: 1 April 2013
Due Date: 10 April 2013 (For students who enrol via the JPAE-ITE)
•Complete the Interbank GIRO Form (refer to the yellow form) found in your
Form Booklet and submit the completed form to the form submission counter
at Agora Hall during onsite Enrolment or by post using the self-addressed
envelope included in this package.
NOTE: All International Students are required to attend the onsite Enrolment on
the date and time specified in your Enrolment Letter.
* The Enrolment System will be available from 20 February 2013. To access the Enrolment System, you may
refer to the details which are given in your Enrolment Letter sent to you together with this booklet. You may log
in from home, or you may come to RP to log in during the enrolment period which is stated in your Enrolment
Enrolment Matters
Financial Matters
2.1 Applying for the Tuition Grant Scheme
(Not applicable to PFP students)
All RP students are required to apply for the Tuition Grant Scheme from the Ministry of
Education (MOE), Singapore. The Tuition Grant Scheme is provided by MOE to subsidise
the high cost of tertiary education in Singapore. The Tuition Grant Scheme is provided for a
maximum of ten semesters of tertiary education.
In exchange for the Government subsidy received under the Tuition Grant Scheme, all
non-Singapore Citizen students (that is, Singapore Permanent Residents and International
Students) are required to sign a Tuition Grant Agreement by which the student will be
contractually obliged to work in Singapore for a minimum period of three years upon
International Students will be admitted to RP on the condition that they apply for Tuition
Grant. All International Students and students who are Singapore Permanent Residents are
required to attend a briefing on the Tuition Grant. A notification email on the date, time and
venue will be sent out nearer to the date.
For further enquiries on the Tuition Grant Scheme, please refer to MOE’s website for a list
of Frequently Asked Questions, available at You may also contact the
MOE’s Tuition Grant Unit by telephone at +65 6879 7333/4.
PFP: Polytechnic Foundation Programme is a one-year programme that prepares the top 10% of the Secondary
4 Normal Academic students for entry into Year 1 of their diploma course.
Financial Matters
2.2 Fee Payment Methods
Course fees must be paid by the stipulated deadlines. You will not be required to pay for any
amounts which are to be covered by Financial Schemes that you have applied for. However,
in the event that any of the Financial Scheme applications is not successful, the outstanding
amount will be due immediately.
2.2.1 GIRO (Not applicable to PFP students)
The recommended mode of course fee payment is by GIRO. All students are
required to sign up for payment by GIRO using the hardcopy Interbank GIRO Form
that is available in the Form Booklet. GIRO enables you to pay your course fees
and any other amounts automatically. It also allows RP to perform any refunds and
disbursements such as scholarships, bursaries, academic prizes, etc to you promptly.
It is a one-time application which authorises RP to deduct the amount payable from
your bank account after the tax invoice is sent.
Please complete the hardcopy Interbank GIRO Form found in the Form Booklet as
part of the enrolment process.
GIRO deduction will only commence after the bank’s approval has been received by
RP. In order for your GIRO arrangement to be ready in time for the payment of your
first semester’s fee, you have to submit the Interbank GIRO Form to us by 1 April
2013. For students who enrol via the JPAE-ITE, the deadline is 10 April 2013.
GIRO does not apply towards the payment of Enrolment Fee as this fee will be
collected during enrolment via other modes of payment suggested in the preceding
sections. Enrolment Fee is non-refundable.
2.2.2 e-Payment (Not applicable to PFP students)
Enrolment fee payment can be made online through the Enrolment System using
major credit and debit cards (MasterCard, Visa and American Express).
Acknowledgement of your payment will be given to you in the Enrolment System.
Financial Matters
2.2.3 NETS
Enrolment fee payment can be made during onsite enrolment period as indicated in
your Enrolment Letter, via Network for Electronic Transfers (NETS).
During non-onsite enrolment period, payment can be made via NETS using an
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) card at RP’s One-Stop Centre during their hours of
operation which are as follows:
Mondays to Fridays:
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
Sundays and Public Holidays:
2.2.4 Cheque
Enrolment fee payment can be made at the payment counter at the enrolment venue
during onsite enrolment period as indicated in your Enrolment Letter, via cheque.
Cheques should be drawn from a Singapore registered bank, crossed and made
payable to “Republic Polytechnic”. You are to indicate your NRIC/FIN, name and
telephone number on the reverse side of your cheque to ensure that the payment
is correctly made to your account. During non-onsite enrolment period, cheque
payments can be deposited in the cheque box located at the One-Stop Centre in RP.
Please do not deposit your cheque directly at the bank.
Financial Matters
2.3 Financial Schemes
There are various Financial Schemes available to students to cover the payment of their
course fees and/or living expenses, as described below. These schemes come either in
the form of a loan or a subsidy. Each of these schemes is subject to its specific terms and
In addition to loans and subsidies, a student may apply for bursaries and scholarships. There
are also Student Pocket Money Scheme and Student Emergency Money Scheme which are
available for needy students. Please refer to page 28 to check the eligibility criteria.
2.3.1 Summary of Subsidy Schemes
The tabulations below provide a summary of the fees and expenses that the
respective subsidy schemes can be used. Students are not required to repay the
amounts received through the subsidy schemes.
Subsidy Scheme
Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy for
Malays (administered by Mendaki)
(Not applicable to PFP students)
Post Secondary Education Account
(PSEA) Scheme
Up to 100%
Up to 100%
Eligibility to apply by Nationality
Subsidy Scheme
Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy for
Malays (administered by Mendaki)
(Not applicable to PFP students)
Post Secondary Education Account
(PSEA) Scheme
Financial Matters
2.3.2 Summary of Loan Schemes (Not applicable to PFP students)
The tabulations below provide a summary of the fees and expenses that the respective
loan schemes can be used. Successful applicants are required to make a repayment
for the loan received upon their graduation and the loan is subject to interest.
Loan Scheme
CPF Approved
Education Scheme
Up to 100%
Tuition Fee Loan
Up to 75%
Study Loan A
Up to 25%
Study Loan B
Up to S$2,000
Eligibility to apply by Nationality
Loan Scheme
CPF Approved
Education Scheme
Tuition Fee Loan
Study Loan A
Study Loan B
Financial Matters
2.3.3 How to Apply for Financial Schemes
The following shows the application procedures for the various Financial Schemes.
The relevant forms and documents must be submitted to RP by 1 April 2013. For
students who enrol via the JPAE-ITE, the deadline is 10 April 2013.
Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy for Malays (Administered by Mendaki)
(Not applicable to PFP students)
•How can it be done?
--Complete the form enclosed in this Enrolment Package.
--Submit the completed form and the necessary supporting documents to the
form submission counter at Agora Hall during onsite Enrolment or by post using
the self-addressed envelope included in this package.
•Supporting Documents Needed
--Photocopy of:
»»Birth Certificate & NRIC of applicant
»»NRICs of both parents
»»Pay-slips/income/CPF statements of all working family members
Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme
•How can it be done?
--Complete the PSEA form in the Form Booklet of this Enrolment Package.
--Submit the completed form to the form submission counter at the enrolment
venue during onsite Enrolment or by post using the self-addressed envelope
included in this package.
CPF Approved Education Scheme (Not applicable to PFP students)
•How can it be done?
--Apply online at
Scheme.htm (SingPass is required for both the CPF account holder and
the student for online application at the CPF website). Application must be
completed by the student and not by the CPF account holder.
--Forward the auto-generated confirmation email from CPF Board to
Financial Matters
Tuition Fee Loan Scheme (Not applicable to PFP students)
•How can it be done?
--Download the form from
--Complete the form and proceed to any DBS/POSB Bank with your guarantor
and the necessary documents to execute the loan agreement.
•Supporting Documents Needed
--The completed Tuition Fee Loan Application Form (the “Application Form”)
--The applicant’s and his guarantor’s original copies of identity cards or passports
--Letter of Offer (which must be signed in the presence of a bank officer).
Once the agreement is executed, a copy of the signed agreement must be submitted
to the form submission counter at Agora Hall during onsite Enrolment or by post
using the self-addressed envelope included in this package.
Study Loan A & B Schemes (Not applicable to PFP students)
•How can it be done?
--Download the form from
--Complete the form and submit with the necessary documents to the form
submission counter at Agora Hall during onsite Enrolment or by post using the
self-addressed envelope included in this package.
--RP will assess the application and contact the eligible students.
•Supporting Documents Needed
--Photocopy of:
»»NRIC of applicant
»»NRICs/Birth Certificates of all family members
»»Pay-slips/income/CPF statements of all working family members
NOTE: Applications for Financial Schemes should be submitted during the
enrolment period to ensure that your applications are processed without delay. All
the stipulated forms must be duly filled to prevent rejection by the financial scheme
organisations due to incomplete forms.
Financial Matters
2.3.4 Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy for Malays (Administered by Mendaki)
(Not applicable to PFP students)
Students who are Malay Singapore Citizens or children of Malay Singapore Citizens,
and whose per capita monthly household income (PCI) is S$1,500 or below will be
eligible for the following Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS):
Per Capital Income (PCI)
Eligible Subsidy
S$1,000 and below
S$1,001 - S$1,200
S$1,201 - S$1,500
Further information is available from the Mendaki website at
2.3.5 Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme
The PSEA Scheme is administered by the MOE and an account is opened
automatically for all eligible Singapore Citizens.
Singapore Citizen students who have a valid PSEA and have funds in the account
can apply to use the funds to defray the cost of Tuition Fee and Supplementary Fee.
Students can submit the PSEA Standing Order Application Form found in the Form
Booklet which allows RP to make a deduction whenever the fees are due, subject
to the availability of funds in the account. Under certain circumstances, a student’s
sibling’s PSEA may also be used.
For any enquiries on the PSEA Scheme or to find out your PSEA balance, you may
call MOE at +65 6260 0777.
Further information is available from the MOE website at
Financial Matters
2.3.6 CPF Approved Education Scheme (Not applicable to PFP students)
Depending on the Available Withdrawal Limit for Education, and other CPF rules, a
student may use his/her own CPF savings, siblings’, spouse’s and parents’ (including
step-parents’) CPF savings to pay for up to 100% of his subsidised tuition fee, subject
to approval by the CPF Board.
To inform RP that you are applying for payment under the CPF Approved Education
Scheme, please forward the auto-generated confirmation email from CPF Board to
For students who have applied for PSEA (Standing Order) and CPF Education
Scheme, kindly note that deduction will be made from the PSEA first. Only in the
event where the fund in the student’s PSEA has been exhausted will the deduction
be made from the CPF account.
2.3.7 Tuition Fee Loan Scheme (Not applicable to PFP students)
Under the Tuition Fee Loan Scheme, students of all nationalities can apply for a bank
loan of up to 75% of the subsidised tuition fee payable (loan quantum is subject to
Financial Matters
2.3.8 Study Loan Schemes (Not applicable to PFP students)
Only Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents can apply for the
Study Loan Schemes.
•Study Loan A
Only students who have applied for the Tuition Fee Loan Scheme and/or who have
been awarded a tuition fee loan/subsidy through the CPF Approved Education
Scheme or Mendaki, can apply for Study Loan A, provided that the total amount of
the aforementioned loan and/or subsidy is NOT less than 75% of the tuition fees;
and with gross monthly income per capita less than S$2,400.
This scheme provides a loan to cover up to 25% of the subsidised tuition fee not
covered by all the other loan schemes.
•Study Loan B
Only students who have applied for the Tuition Fee Loan Scheme and/or who have
been awarded a tuition fee loan/subsidy through the CPF Approved Education
Scheme, Mendaki and/or Study Loan A can apply for Study Loan B, provided that
the total amount of the aforementioned loan and/or subsidy covers 100% of the
tuition fees; and with gross monthly income per capita less than S$2,400.
This scheme provides a loan of up to S$2,000 for any two consecutive semesters
to meet living expenses.
Financial Matters
2.4 Bursaries
The sections that follow provide bursary information pertaining to both students enrolled into
RP’s Year 1 full-time diploma programmes and for students enrolled into RP’s Polytechnic
Foundation Programme (PFP). To be eligible, student should come from a family with gross
monthly household per capita income (PCI)* not exceeding the amount stated in their
relevant sections.
*PCI =
Total Gross Monthly Income (including CPF) of Family
Number of family members living together with student
For Students Enrolled into RP’s Year 1 Full-Time Diploma Programmes
Bursaries are available to help defray living expenses for needy students who are Singapore
Citizens. To be eligible, student should come from a family with gross monthly household per
capita income (PCI)* not exceeding S$1,700.
Bursaries are awarded for one academic year which last over 2 school semesters. Students
may apply for bursaries again in the next academic year.
Bursary application for Academic Year 2013 will be launched in April 2013. Students will be
notified via their RP email account with details about the application procedure. Information
on bursary can be found at
For enquiries, email
For Students Enrolled into the PFP
PFP bursaries are offered to help needy students cope with school fees, compulsory/
miscellaneous fees, examination fees and living expenses. To be eligible, student should be
a Singapore Citizen with family’s gross monthly household income not exceeding S$2,500
or gross monthly household per capita income (PCI)* not exceeding S$625.
Each PFP Bursary is valued at S$870 for one academic year which last over 2 school
semesters. Students may submit an application for PFP Bursary during the enrolment
Information on PFP Bursary can be found at
For enquiries on PFP Bursary, email
Financial Matters
2.5 Scholarships
For Students Enrolled into RP’s Year 1 Full-Time Diploma Programmes
Scholarships are offered in partnership with industry partners and organisations to
deserving students based on academic merit, commendable co-curricular achievements
and leadership qualities. Scholarships are awarded for one academic year which last over
2 school semesters.
Information on scholarships can be found at
For enquiries, email
For Students Enrolled into the PFP
PFP Scholarships are awarded to deserving Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident
students enrolled in the PFP based on academic merit and commendable co-curricular
achievements. PFP scholarships are awarded for one academic year which last over 2
school semesters.
Information on PFP Scholarships can be found at
For enquiries, email
Financial Matters
2.6 Needy Student Fund
The Needy Student Fund (Student Pocket Money Scheme and Student Emergency Money
Scheme) is initiated by RP to help students from low-income families tide over their financial
difficulties or unprecedented crisis due to various reasons (e.g. loss of main breadwinner in
the family, retrenchment, mishap, hospitalisation, bankruptcy, etc.).
Students needing the financial assistance will have to exhaust their immediate support
network (e.g. social assistance, family, friends, etc.) and where possible, the various financial
assistance schemes already in place such as school fees subsidy, bursary and scholarship/
2.6.1 Student Pocket Money Scheme (SPMS)
The Student Pocket Money Scheme assists students from low-income families who
find it a challenge to sustain their daily living expenses such as food, transport and
other incidental expenses.
2.6.2 Student Emergency Money Scheme (SEMS)
The Student Emergency Money Scheme provides compassionate assistance to
students in emergency situations such as sudden deaths and/or hospitalisation of
immediate family members.
2.6.3 Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be existing full-time students of RP and fulfil the following:
•Student Pocket Money Scheme
--Monthly Household Per Capital Income (PCI) ≤ S$450/month
--Must be Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
--No disciplinary record
--Application Period:
»»Semester 1: April to July
»»Semester 2: August to November
•Student Emergency Money Scheme
--Monthly Household Per Capital Income (PCI) ≤ S$500/month
--Recent emergency and/or crisis situations (e.g. death/hospitalisation)
--Application Period:
»»Application is available throughout the year
Financial Matters
2.6.4 Application Process
Only completed application form with all supporting documents will be processed.
•Student submits completed application form to One-Stop Centre, Republic
Polytechnic Centre Level 1.
•Application form will be reviewed and applicant assessed for suitability.
•Eligible applicants are required to attend an assessment interview by the Welfare
•Applicants will be notified of outcome via the school official email.
For more information on eligibility criteria and submission timeline, please email
Financial Matters
IT Matters
As part of learning requirements, all
students are required to have a working
laptop configured by the IT Helpdesk
before term commencement. This must
be performed during the enrolment
exercise or through appointment made via
Please make sure your laptop meets the
following minimum requirement:
•2.2 GHz 64-bit processor
•250 GB hard disk space
•Wireless adapter must minimally support
IEEE 802.11g standard (Recommended
to support dual-band IEEE 802.11a/g/n
Students can purchase laptops at a package
price from RP-appointed vendors during
RP’s Laptop Road Show. For more details,
you may refer to
For students who intend to apply for
financial assistance in purchasing a laptop,
please refer to
laptopassistance.aspx or visit the Student
Assistance Scheme booth during the on-site
enrolment period.
Each student will be provided with an RP
login and email account upon successful
enrolment. Students will need to change
their passwords at the first login session,
and regularly thereafter.
IMPORTANT: As you will be issued with RP’s account(s) during your enrolment
exercise, you are reminded that your password shall be kept secret and shall not
be disclosed to anyone. Your use of the RP’s account(s) and RP’s IT resources
are subjected to your compliance with RP’s Computer Network, Email and Internet
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) ( As
a new RP system user, you are required to familiarise yourself with the AUP and
acknowledge it. Help-IT personnel will request you to acknowledge the AUP during
the account issuance process.
IT Matters
RP Student (EZ-Link) Card
RP will issue a Student Card to each
newly enrolled student. This Student Card
is to be carried with you at all times while
on RP’s campus as it identifies you as an
enrolled student and it is a requirement that
you produce the card when participating
in polytechnic-related activities, seeking
services such as the loaning of equipment or
for security checks.
The RP Student Card is also an EZ-Link
Contactless e-Purse Applications (CEPAS)
card which can be used for public transport.
For all successfully enrolled new students,
RP will apply for your Student (EZ-Link) Card
with Transit Link Pte Ltd. Therefore, all new
students are not required to individually apply
for the Student (EZ-Link) Card with Transit
Link Pte Ltd. Students will be informed on
the card collection date and time of their
Student (EZ-Link) Card at RP. Student may
then proceed to activate the card at any
Transit Link Ticket Office for public transport.
You are required to submit a recent passportsized photograph via the Enrolment System.
The photograph must meet the following
•The photograph should be in colour.
•The size of the photograph must be 400
pixels by 514 pixels in JPEG format.
•It must be taken against a white
•The image must show the full face without
headgear (headgear worn in accordance
with religious or racial customs is
acceptable but must not hide the facial
If you do not have the required photograph for submission, you may take your
photograph at RP during the onsite enrolment period. For enquiries, please email
RP Student (EZ-Link) Card
Information for
International Students
5.1 Student’s Pass
In accordance with the Immigration Act, any
foreigner who is not a Singapore Permanent
Resident, and wishes to study at RP is
required to apply for a Student’s Pass.
You are required to provide RP with a copy
of the NRIC and an update in the online
Enrolment System if you have been recently
confirmed as a Singapore Permanent
Resident. It is important that you update
the changes with us as there are differential
fee structures for the various categories of
citizenships. New application for Student’s
Pass must be submitted at least one month
and not more than two months before the
commencement of the course through
Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of
Singapore (ICA)’s Student’s Pass Online
Application & Registration (SOLAR) system.
Information for International Students
5.2 SOLAR System Application Steps (Step 1 of 5)
Student’s Pass Registration
RP will register you through the
SOLAR with the following details which
you have provided at the point of your
application to RP.
Personal Particulars
•Date of Birth
•Nationality (as appeared in your
travel document)
Course Details
•Course Offered
•Course Commencement Date
•Course End Date
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that the Personal Particulars in
the SOLAR letter are correct, as per your travel documents before
proceeding to Step 2. You would need to inform us of any discrepancies
between the registration information and your passport/identity
documents to avoid incurring additional processing fees/charges and
delayed processing time after submitting your Form 16 to ICA.
You will be issued a SOLAR application reference number from the
SOLAR letter which would be required for subsequent logins. You
may wish to contact us at should you
require any assistance.
Information for International Students
5.2 SOLAR System Application Steps (Step 2 to 4 of 5)
Completing eForm 16 (Student’s Pass Application)
Following the issuance of your SOLAR application reference number, you
may login to the ICA website to submit your Student’s Pass application:
1. Log on to
2. Under “eServices & Forms”, select “Student’s Pass”
3. Proceed to select “Student’s Pass Online Application and Registration
(For Polytechnics & Universities) (SOLAR)”
4. Under “Please click on the relevant buttons to access SOLAR”, select
5. You will be brought to the Student Login screen, key in your SOLAR
Application No. and personal particulars.
6. You are required to go through the list below to ensure that you have the
required documents/items ready before submitting your application.
Registration acknowledgment notice with login information
(SOLAR letter) and SOLAR Login Pin
Passport Details (including travel documents)
•Full Particulars/Passport Number/Date of Expiry
Valid Email Address
Singapore Address and Contact Details
One copy of your recent passport-sized colour photograph
The photo should meet the following requirements:
•Should be in colour and taken against white background with
matt or semi-matt finish
•The size of the photograph must be 400 pixels by 514 pixels in
JPEG format
•Taken within the last three months
•Must show the full face and taken without headgear (headgear
worn in accordance with religious or racial customs is
acceptable but facial features must not be covered)
NRIC/FIN of parents or foreigners residing/working in
Please do not complete this unless your parents are Singapore
Citizens/Singapore PR or foreigners working in Singapore
A credit/debit card or internet banking facility for the initial
processing fee of S$30
Information for International Students
Payment for S$30 Processing Fee and Submitting Application
A processing fee of S$30 will be collected by ICA at the time of submission of
the application. The fee collected is non-refundable regardless of the outcome
of the application or if you have withdrawn from the application after submission.
ICA would only process the application when the payment has been made.
Print out a copy of the completed Form 16, duly signed for submission to ICA
upon collection of the Student’s Pass.
Check the Application Status through SOLAR System
Processing of Student’s Pass
application would take about
three to ten working days.
Students would need to check
the application status regularly.
Once your application is
approved, RP will send your
In-Principle Approval (IPA)
letter to you via email. Please
note that the IPA letter will only
be issued upon full payment
of your tuition fee for the first
Information for International Students
5.2 SOLAR System Application Steps (Step 5 of 5)
Collection of Student’s Pass and Payment
All completion of formalities is strictly by appointment with ICA only.
Students are required to make an e-appointment with ICA and should be
present in person to collect the Student’s Pass.
Please plan your appointment carefully as rescheduling e-appointment may
take some time depending on availability of the time slot. Student’s Pass
will only be issued if the conditions as stipulated in the IPA letter are fulfilled.
Please bring the following listed documents when you collect your Student’s
Pass at ICA.
IPA letter from ICA
Embarkation/Disembarkation Card (IMM 27) of the student
which granted upon entry into Singapore
If the student is currently residing in Singapore on other long term
passes, he/she is required to bring along that pass.
One copy of your recent passport-sized colour photograph
The photo should meet the following requirements:
•Should be in colour and taken against white background with
matt or semi-matt finish
•The size of the photograph must be 400 pixels by 514 pixels in
JPEG format
•Taken within the last three months
•Must show the full face and taken without headgear (headgear
worn in accordance with religious or racial customs is acceptable
but facial features must not be covered)
Print-out of Form 16, duly signed by applicant
Information for International Students
5.3 Payment Related to Student’s Pass
An issuance fee of S$60 will be collected by ICA at the time of collection of Student’s Pass.
In addition, a S$30 multiple-level VISA entry fee for VISA is required for specific nationalities.
Useful Information
For further information, please visit the following websites:
•Student’s Pass Matters
•List of Countries Requiring VISA
•Frequently-Asked Questions on Student’s Pass Matters
•Contact Details of ICA
For further clarifications or enquiries, you may contact or visit ICA at:
Immigration and Checkpoints Authority
ICA Building
10 Kallang Road (next to Lavender MRT Station)
Singapore 208718
Tel : 6391 6100
Website :
Information for International Students
5.4 Accommodation at RP
Campus Heights is the on-campus housing
at RP, offering a convenient, safe and
conducive living environment.
Only first year International Students who
are offered admission to RP are eligible
to apply for accommodation at Campus
Heights. All applications are subjected to
approval by RP. Maximum length of stay at
Campus Heights is one year.
If you would like to apply for
accommodation at Campus Heights, please
Apartment Information
Each of the apartments comes with living
room, kitchen, balcony, service yard, 2
toilets, 1 study corner and 3 bedrooms
and is well furnished with air-conditioning,
television, washing machine, micro-wave
oven, stove, water heater, cabinets and
beds. Each apartment is about 127sqm and
is to be shared by 6 students, with 2 students
sharing 1 bedroom.
Rental Charges
Rental per bed space: S$271 per month
(excluding prevailing GST and utilities)
• The above rental amount is subject to changes
and is for reference only.
• Utilities charges will be shared equally among the
students living in the same apartment.
• Rental will be collected once every six months and
a deposit amount will be collected in advance.
For enquiries on accommodation at
Campus Heights, please email
Information for International Students
5.5 Cost of Living and Studying in Singapore
Living expenses will vary depending on the
individual’s lifestyle and spending habits.
The following is an estimation of expenditure
to factor into the overall financial calculation:
Rental per month ranges from S$400 to
S$1,000 per room, depending on occupancy
and type of housing.
In addition, on-campus accommodation is
available for first year International Students.
For further information, please contact
Living Expenses
While accommodation makes up a large percentage of one’s expenses, budget should also
be set aside for other necessities.
Type of Living Expenses
Public Transport
Monthly Cost*
•S$19.95 - S$200 (Mobile Phone)
•S$19.95 - S$208 (Internet)
•S$15 upwards per head, a meal
(Low-end restaurants)
•S$5 upwards per head, a meal
(Hawker centres/food courts/fast food)
•S$8 - S$24 per trip (Taxis)
•S$0.71 - S$2.80 per trip (Bus, MRT)
•S$80 - S$400 a month (Varying based on usage)
•S$150 - S$200 a month (for 1 person)
*Note that the amount mentioned is only an estimated budget based on an average student.
For more information on living in Singapore, please visit
Information for International Students
Academic Calendar 2013
(Not applicable to PFP Students)
Semester 1
Admin Day
Tuesday 16 April 2013
•Attendance of 1st year students will be
required for Admin Day.
Weeks 1-5
(5 weeks)
Wednesday 17 April Wednesday 22 May 2013
•Labour Day falls on Wednesday 1 May
(3 weeks)
Thursday 23 May Sunday 16 June 2013
•Vesak Day falls on Friday 24 May
•Graduation Ceremony 2013 takes
place from Tuesday 28 May to
Thursday 30 May 2013.
•UT 1 takes place from Monday 17
June to Friday 5 July 2013.
Weeks 6-15
(10 weeks)
Monday 17 June Tuesday 27 August 2013
•UT 2 takes place from Wednesday 17
July to Tuesday 6 August 2013.
•Hari Raya Puasa falls on Thursday 8
August 2013.
•National Day falls on Friday 9 August
Study Break
(2 days)
Wednesday 28 August Thursday 29 August 2013
Understanding Friday 30 August Test 3
Friday 6 September 2013
•All students without UT 3 debarment
Understanding Thursday 12 September •Only for eligible students based on
Test 4
Tuesday 17 September 2013
approved Leave of Absence^.
•Hari Raya Haji falls on Tuesday 15
October 2013.
(6 weeks)
Saturday 7 September Sunday 20 October 2013
•AY2013 Semester 1 Results will be
released on Monday 7 October 2013.
•Module Grade Appeal takes place from
Monday 7 October 2013 to Wednesday
9 October 2013.
PFP: Polytechnic Foundation Programme is a one-year programme that prepares the top 10% of the Secondary
4 Normal Academic students for entry into Year 1 of their diploma course.
Academic Calendar 2013
Semester 2
Weeks 1-8
(8 weeks)
Monday 21 October Monday 16 December 2013
(2 weeks)
Tuesday 17 December 2013 Wednesday 1 January 2014
Weeks 9-15
(7 weeks)
Thursday 2 January Thursday 20 February 2014
Study Break
(1 day)
Friday 21 February 2014
•UT 1 takes place from Tuesday 26
November to Monday 16 December
•Deepavali falls on Sunday 3 November
2013. The following Monday is a public
•Christmas Day falls on Wednesday 25
December 2013.
•New Year’s Day falls on Wednesday 1
January 2014.
•UT 2 takes place from Thursday 9
January to Wednesday 29 January
•Chinese New Year falls on Friday
31 January 2014 and Saturday 1
February 2014.
Understanding Monday 24 February Test 3
Monday 3 March 2014
•All students without UT 3 debarment
Understanding Friday 7 March Test 4
Wednesday 12 March 2014
•Only for eligible students based on
approved Leave of Absence^.
Tuesday 4 March 2014
•AY2013 Semester 2 Results will be
released on Tuesday 1 April 2014.
•Module Grade Appeal takes place
from Tuesday 1 April 2014 to Thursday
3 April 2014.
* Dates are accurate at the time of print. The most updated version will be available at
^ Refer to for more details on UT4 eligibility.
Academic Calendar 2013
PFP Academic Calendar 2013
(Applicable to PFP Students only)
Semester 1
Wednesday 27 March Thursday 28 March 2013
Weeks 1-5
(5 weeks)
Wednesday 17 April Wednesday 22 May 2013
•Labour Day falls on Wednesday 1 May
(3 weeks)
Thursday 23 May Sunday 16 June 2013
•Vesak Day falls on Friday 24 May
Weeks 6-15
(10 weeks)
Monday 17 June Tuesday 27 August 2013
Study Break
(2 days)
Wednesday 28 August Thursday 29 August 2013
Semester 1
(4 days)
Friday 30 August Wednesday 4 September
•All students
(6 weeks)
Thursday 5 September Sunday 20 October 2013
•Hari Raya Haji falls on Tuesday 15
October 2013.
•Hari Raya Puasa falls on Thursday 8
August 2013.
•National Day falls on Friday 9 August
PFP: Polytechnic Foundation Programme is a one-year programme that prepares the top 10% of the Secondary
4 Normal Academic students for entry into Year 1 of their diploma course.
Academic Calendar 2013
Semester 2
Weeks 1-8
(8 weeks)
Monday 21 October Monday 16 December 2013
•Deepavali falls on Sunday 3 November
2013. The following Monday is a public
(2 weeks)
Tuesday 17 December 2013 Wednesday 1 January 2014
Weeks 9-15
(7 weeks)
Thursday 2 January Thursday 20 February 2014
Study Break
(1 day)
Friday 21 February 2014
Semester 2
(4 days)
Monday 24 February Thursday 27 February 2014
Monday 24 March Examination
Wednesday 26 March 2014
(3 days)
•Christmas Day falls on Wednesday 25
December 2013.
•New Year’s Day falls on Wednesday 1
January 2014.
•Chinese New Year falls on Friday
31 January 2014 and Saturday 1
February 2014.
•All students
•AY2013 Semester 2 Results will be
released on Tuesday 11 March 2014.
Module Grade Appeal takes place
from Tuesday 11 March 2014 to
Thursday 13 March 2014.
Friday 28 February 2014
* Dates are accurate at the time of print.
Academic Calendar 2013
Student Enrichment
7.1 An Exciting Student Engagement Platform
As part of RP’s vision of nurturing Cultured Professionals, we believe that every student must
be given opportunities to heighten their social, creative, expressive and moral dimensions,
and make a difference for themselves and the community. To enrich, enhance and nurture
your development in RP and beyond, Office of Student and Graduate Affairs (OSG) hosts
an array of holistic services and meaningful activities through Adventure Learning, ServiceLearning, Student Wellness, Sports Development, The Republic Cultural Centre (TRCC),
Graduate Services as well as Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs).
For more information, please visit our website at
For enquiry, please email
Adventure Learning programmes take you on experiential
journeys unlike any others! The programmes and activities
at the Adventure Learning Centre (ALC) are conducted
by specialists with well-equipped facilities that are second
to none. As an RP student, you will be given opportunities
to challenge yourself through the individual or team-based
obstacles in the unique Year 1 Adventure Learning Programme
as well as other exciting programmes in the subsequent years.
Experience a whole new way of learning at ALC!
Visit us at
Service-Learning empowers students to serve both local and
global community needs. Students will have the opportunity to
reach out to such communities in Singapore and as far as in
Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. Our distinctive communitybased programmes are student-driven and facilitated by
dedicated staff, to enhance students’ learning and character
development beyond the classroom.
Visit and make a difference
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Student Wellness aims to preserve the holistic wellness of
students in the areas of physical, mental, social, emotional,
environmental and economic well-being. Here at RP, we
believe that care is integral to learning and students are
connected to a host of wellness support services:
•Student Care Services
Counselling, Mentoring, Special Needs Services, Student
Hospitalisation and Insurance, etc.
•Financial Assistance
RP-Administered Needy Student Fund, External Financial
Schemes, Laptop Assistance, etc.
•Wellness Education
Health and Wellness Information, Talks, Workshops,
Useful Resources, etc.
As a premier institution of sports excellence,
Sports Development realises the potential and sporting
aspirations of individuals through high-performance sports
competency programmes. We engage our students at all
levels (introductory/recreational/high performance) with
opportunities to participate within campus and at international
The Republic Cultural Centre (TRCC) is a focal point for
the artistic and cultural development of our students. The
cultural space offered by the TRCC facilitates the integration
of the community through a common appreciation of the arts.
Artistes are provided with a platform to realise their passion
and share that with a wider audience. TRCC is often referred
to as the Cultural Hub of the North.
Graduate Services and Club Republic (the Alumni Club of
RP) engages alumni and graduating students in polytechnic
life. Through communications, connecting alumni to the
institution and to one another, as well as celebrating
milestones, we enrich the lives of alumni and position them
to be supporters of and advocates for RP.
Student Enrichment Opportunities
7.2 Co-Curricular Activities
Co-Curricular Activities are an integral part of a student’s life in RP. Our holistic education
in RP also focuses on the non-academic and experiential learning aspects that develop
students in the following areas:
Sports and Health
Adventure and Outdoor Learning
Aesthetics and Culture
RP has a total of 12 Clubs and 88
Interest Groups (IGs) led by a group of
committed and capable student leaders
from the Student Council. These clubs
and their respective IGs offer a diverse
range of student activities that cater to the
various interests and talents of individual
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Student Council • Office of Student and Graduate Affairs (OSG)
The Republic Polytechnic Students’ Union
(RPSU) comprises all full-time students
enrolled in RP. The RPSU consists of a
community of Problem-Based Learners who
are well-versed in problem-solving process
skills, have good character and are equipped
with 21st century skills as they progress
to graduate with a diploma and enter the
working society.
RPSC strives to enhance the image of RP
as the institution of choice and to ensure that
students are well taken care of, making RP
an ideal place to study and to develop their
leadership competencies.
The RPSU is managed by the Republic
Polytechnic Student Council (RPSC) that
is made up of elected Executive Committee
Members and representatives from various
Schools and Centres in RP.
The RPSC aims to:
•Be the face and voice of RP students.
•Promote the REPUBLIC Code of Honour.
•Work with the management to improve
the welfare of RP students.
•Develop leadership initiatives and conduct
training programmes for RP students.
•Work closely with club representatives to
build a positive school culture.
Interest Groups under Student Council:
•National Youth Achievement Award
•Student Ambassadors
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Chiron • School of Applied Science (SAS)
The “Chiron Club” is committed to link students from the SAS
with the various IGs, including Astronomy, Conservation,
Culinary, Eureka, Maven, Pharmaceutica and Youth
Advolution for Health (YAH) Ambassadors. Our club and IGs
offer a range of activities that allow students to experience
the different aspects of “Science”. Our club has driven a
number of interesting and engaging activities such as:
•Freshmen Orientation Programme
•Ultimate Race
•Crime Scene Investigation (C.S.I.)
•Perfume Making Workshop
•Hot and Cold Workshop
•Many other science related events
Interest Groups under Chiron:
•Youth Advolution for Health
(YAH) Ambassadors
Cypher • School of Infocomm (SOI)
Cypher Club is the hub of the IGs with the groups forming
the spokes of the wheel of co-curricular activities in the SOI.
As the hub, Cypher Club provides the platform for all the
students in SOI to participate in all year round activities and
events such as the SOI Freshmen Camp, leadership camps,
CCA Fiesta, SOI Fiesta, service-learning trips as well as
enrolling in National Youth Achievement Award activities.
With such a wealth of activities and events, every SOI
student can expect to have an enriching student life as well
as develop character and leadership skills in leading and
managing people and events.
Interest Groups under Cypher:
•IT Security
•Mobile Devices
Student Enrichment Opportunities
•Open Source
Cyriva • School of Engineering (SEG)
Cyriva Club is the official student club of the SEG.
This club produces elite club committee members
that manage three departments: Media & Publication,
Welfare and Logistics. In addition, the club emphasises
on the individuals’ innate capabilities in creative
designs, public speaking, self-management, decision
making and critical-thinking.
Apart from our departments, one can enjoy their cup
of tea at Cyriva Club. You can sign up for the exciting
IGs such as Aeromodelling, Institute of Engineers
Singapore, Logistics Supply Chain Management
Student Chapter, Medical Electronics and Electronics
Some events that the club organises includes the
Amazing Race which is catered to those who are
adventurous and seeking for spontaneous fun. The
SEG Leadership Camp is a platform for the students to
exemplify their leadership throughout the camp. Cyriva
club also has the privilege of organising the Freshman
Orientation Programme for the school.
The club plays an active role in adding vibrancy to
student life at SEG by nurturing the talents and skills in
its students to create a better pool of future engineers.
The motto of the club is “Engineering the Future”.
Interest Groups under
•Institute of Engineers
•Logistics Supply Chain
Management Student
•Medical Electronics
•Electronics Hobby
Sports, Health and Leisure Club • School of Sports, Health and Leisure (SHL)
The students of SHL are represented by the SHL Club. The SHL
Club provides the opportunities for students to organise, manage
and volunteer at events to gain hands-on experiences with event
management. These opportunities provide practical organisational
experiences that complement their academic studies here at SHL.
In addition, the SHL Club organises an annual Leadership Training
Camp as well as workshops in order to enrich the students’
experience in RP.
Interested students can find out more about upcoming SHL
Club events and also contact us through
Student Enrichment Opportunities
SOHphisticate Club • School of Hospitality (SOH)
SOH Club oversees all the IGs under SOH which currently
consists of Jive, Storm, LOHAS, Petit Palate and Hotel
F.U.Z.E. This special team comprises representatives from
the various IG management committees.
When embarking on mammoth projects or events at SOH
level, the SOH Club committee will be the chief student
coordinators from the five IGs working synergistically
together to accomplish such tasks. The students behind
SOH Club are vibrant, vivacious and ever so passionate
about co-curricular activities.
Interest Groups under SOHphisticate Club:
•Hotel F.U.Z.E
•Petit Palate
Club:G • School of Technology for the Arts (STA)
Club:G (or Club Generator), is a student initiative IG by STA.
As student ambassadors for STA, the members focus on:
•Promoting school and students activities/events.
•Creating a bridge between students and staff.
•Hosting and managing student leadership driven events.
•Organising key events that showcase the creative talents
behind each STA student, while contributing to the artistic
goals of the school.
Fun-loving while steadfast, all members
opportunities to support the STA community.
Interest Groups under Club:G:
•Electronic Music Production (EMP)
•FILM Factory
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Business and Helicon Club (to be merged in AY2013) • Centre for Enterprise and Communication (CEC)
RP students have lived
up to our reputation of
being an innovative and
Business Club provides
opportunities to nurture
and develop students via
practical experiences and
engagements with industry
widen students’ perspectives towards becoming tomorrow’s
leaders. The various IGs also help to hone students’ skills
and mindset in business and entrepreneurship.
In Greek Mythology, Mount Helicon was inhabited by
inspiring Muses, who inspired the creation of literature and
arts. Helicon aspires to bring like-minded students together to
learn and share their interests. Helicon Club helps students
to develop their areas of specialties and foster strong
friendships and bonds during the annual Helicon Camp and
other activities. The activities like the annual service learning
and IG committee meetings aim to serve as platforms for
networking and collaborations amongst the IGs.
Interest Groups under
Business Club:
•Investment & Finance
Interest Groups under
Helicon Club:
•Japanese Culture
International Club • Office of Student and Graduate Affairs (OSG)
The International Club (ISC) was formed by a group of committed international students
studying in RP. The mission of the club is to look after the welfare of the international students
and help them integrate into Singapore’s community.
The management committee comprises a group of dedicated student leaders who are funloving and enjoy interacting with club members. The student leaders work closely with their
advisors in addressing the concerns and issues related to international students.
ISC organises many big scale events such as the Assimilation Programme, International
Star Singing Competition as well as the International Student Festival. These events offer
opportunities for students to showcase their talents as well as to encourage the integration
between the local and international students within RP. Besides planning and organising
events, the student leaders also act as the “foreign student ambassadors” in hosting
overseas visitors in RP and student helpers in overseas education fairs.
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Adventure Learning Club • Office of Student and Graduate Affairs (OSG)
Adventure Learning Club (AL Club) is
a relatively young club spearheaded
by students and well-supported by the
Adventure Learning Centre (ALC) staff
advisors. It serves as a platform for all
outdoor enthusiasts to come together and
share their love and passion for the outdoors
and various adventure pursuits.
Teamed with an experienced coach, with
years of outdoor experience, many of the AL
Clubbers stand to benefit from the trainings
which range from land activities such as
trail running, navigation, trekking, mountain
biking and sports climbing, abseiling to water
activities such as kayaking and diving. The
various types of training serve to fuel the
adventurers’ passion, hone their skills of
the different pursuits, build on their physical
fitness, as well as mental capability.
What’s more, AL Clubbers are given
opportunities to be certified in their skills
and various adventure pursuits such as first
aid, sport climbing, abseiling, kayaking and lifesaving. The AL Club also plans expeditions,
camps and leisure activities as a platform for the AL Clubbers to bond and get to know one
another better. On top of that, AL Clubbers conduct clinics to share their knowledge, skills
and experiences with other RP students.
All these adventures are not limited to Singapore; AL Club offers numerous opportunities to
travel to the outdoors of Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and India.
AL Club is definitely a family to join for all those who seek a fun, thrilling dose of adventure and
who love to be in the outdoors! Look us up on facebook at
Student Enrichment Opportunities
CREATE.REPUBLIC • Office of Student and Graduate Affairs (OSG)
CREATE.REPUBLIC was formed to develop
students who are culturally grounded,
artistically creative, youthfully expressive
and socially engaged with the community. Its
vision is to support RP’s vision of becoming
the cultural hub of the North and create
outstanding performing arts groups.
As one of the biggest clubs in RP, CREATE.
REPUBLIC has a total of 24 IGs that cater to
the diverse interests of our students across
all art forms, ranging from the traditional
sounds of Gamelan, to the contemporary
sounds of acoustic music and finally to
the various dance IGs that populate The
Republic Cultural Centre.
Segregated into its 3 clusters, Dance, Music
and P.A.C.T (Productions, Art, Cultural and
Theatrics), the IGs in CREATE.REPUBLIC
have won many competitions and garnered
accolades islandwide and have been widely
sought after by many corporate organisations
and the community.
Interest Groups under CREATE.REPUBLIC:
•Beats Encore (Percussion Ensemble)
•Latin Dancesport
•Campus Arts Productions (CAP)
•Modern Dance
•Chinese Orchestra
•Pentas Karyawan (Malay Cultural Group)
•Dikir Barat (Malay Cultural Group)
•Dragon and Lion Cultural Troupe
•Republic Rhapsody (A Cappella Group)
•Salsa Dance
•Gamelan Naga Kencana
(Gamelan Ensemble)
•Seni Silat (Malay Cultural Group)
•GEnRe (Guitar Ensemble)
•Tarian (Malay Cultural Group)
•Hip Hop
•Indian Cultural Group (ICG)
•Jammerz Arena
•String Ensemble
•Wind Symphony
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Service-Learning Club • Office of Student and Graduate Affairs (OSG)
Service-Learning Club (SLC) comprises
backgrounds who come together to
conceptualise, plan and execute ServiceLearning projects. SLC helms RP’s
signature Service-Learning projects. SLC
is an enriching experiential platform for
students to serve in local and international
SLC members are student ambassadors
who aim to increase the awareness
of Service-Learning in RP through the
projects they take on and hope to inspire
friends to serve.
The Service-Learning projects have allowed students to
showcase and hone life skills including leadership, project
management, community collaboration skill sets. Students
get to enhance their project management skills by managing
the project from conceptualisation to execution and display
their flair for creativity. They also gain volunteer recruitment
and management skills as they work with their peers to ignite
their passion and interest to serve.
SLC also conducts trainings and workshops for students to
be more equipped for Service-Learning projects, as well as
interesting workshops such as balloon sculpting, magic and
kite-making that students can then apply in their ServiceLearning projects when working with various beneficiary
groups especially children and the elderly.
Besides leading projects, student leaders are given
opportunities to attend national youth events such as
conferences, forums and dialogues to expand their visions
and enrich their experiences.
Like us on Facebook:
Interest Group under Service-Learning Club:
•Operation Smile
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Sports Club • Office of Student and Graduate Affairs (OSG)
The RP Sports Club is a student organisation in the campus
that caters to the recreational sporting needs of the RP
population. It provides the administrative, financial and
logistical support for the sports IG members.
In line with our vision to bring sports to life, the RP Sports
Club spearheads a number of major Sports Club projects
namely Sports Camp, Battle of the Annual Republic Games
(BRAG), Republic Run and Ultimate Team Republic
Challenge (UTRC). The Sports Club will also participate in
the annual POL-ITE and IVP games.
With the combined efforts of our entire group of recreational
sporting members, RP Sports Club strives to cultivate the
sporting interest in every member of the RP population.
Interest Groups under Sports Club:
•Cue Sports
•Dragon Boat
•Table Tennis
•Intellectual Games
•Ultimate Frisbee
•Water Polo
•Sepak Takraw
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Deferment and Withdrawal
(Deferment is not applicable to PFP students)
8.1 Deferment and Withdrawal
Students who have confirmed their enrolment and
subsequently decide to defer or withdraw from RP are required
to submit their application for deferment or withdrawal.
Deferment or withdrawal request made via the phone will
not be accepted. Note that absence from class does not
constitute to withdrawal from the course of study. Students
are still considered as enrolled and are liable to pay the school
fees until a withdrawal application is officially submitted to
RP and approved. Application will be processed after all the
outstanding dues are settled. All current school rules shall
apply until the approval of the application is obtained.
Students who defer or withdraw from RP may be liable to pay
the tuition fee. The date the application is received by the
Office of the Registrar shall be used to determine the relevant
quantum for the tuition fee applicable. See the section on
“Tuition Fees Charged for Deferment or Withdrawal” for
more information.
Students seeking to defer their studies must provide a valid reason for deferment. They must
also provide supporting documentation together with their application as shown in the table
Reason for Deferment
Documentation Required
Medical memorandum or certificate from a Singaporeregistered medical practitioner
National Service (NS)***
Enlistment notice or SAF/SPF/SCDF 11B
Other Reasons
Relevant documents as appropriate
***Note: Males who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents may be liable for NS and, depending
on their age, may not be allowed to begin their course of study in RP unless they have received approval
from Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) to defer their NS. See the section on “Male Singapore Citizens and
Permanent Residents Liable for National Service” for more information regarding the admission of males
who are liable for NS.
PFP: Polytechnic Foundation Programme is a one-year programme that prepares the top 10% of the Secondary
4 Normal Academic students for entry into Year 1 of their diploma course.
Deferment and Withdrawal
Once your application for deferment or withdrawal
is approved, the Office of the Registrar will issue
an official letter of confirmation to notify you on
your successful deferment or withdrawal from
Students who have successfully deferred
from their course of study must confirm their
intention to resume their study at the end of
their deferment period by sending an email to Students who fail
to notify RP on their intention to resume their
study at the end of their deferment period will be
deregistered from RP and if they do not indicate
their intention to return within one year after they
have been deregistered, they will not be allowed
to resume their course of study, thereafter.
Refer to page 59 for the tuition fee that will be
chargeable for students who defer or withdraw
from RP after confirming their enrolment.
International students who cease to be students
in RP and who are in possession of a Student’s
Pass issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints
Authority (ICA) must surrender the Student’s
Pass to ICA within seven (7) days of the
termination of student status.
Male students who have commenced their study
at RP are not allowed to defer to be enlisted for
Deferment and Withdrawal
8.2 Male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents Liable
for National Service
Males who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents may be liable for National
Service (NS). In accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) stated at, NS-liable males will be granted NS deferment to pursue their course of study in
RP starting in 2013 provided they are:
•born on or after 1 January 1994 (for Secondary 4 Express Stream students); or
•born on or after 1 January 1993 (for Secondary 5 Normal Stream students); or
•born on or after 1 January 1992 (for students with Nitec or Higher Nitec qualifications
from ITE)
If you are liable for NS but do not fall into the above categories, you will have to apply for NS
deferment with MINDEF so that you can begin your studies in RP at the start of the Academic
Year 2013.
Please note that if you do not submit your official documentary evidence that indicates your
NS deferment status, RP will not allow you to begin your course of study. However, your
place will be reserved for you to commence your studies after you have completed your NS
You may request for a letter of certification as proof of admission for your onward submission
to MINDEF as supporting documentary evidence in your application for NS deferment. You
can make the request for the letter of certification via email at
sg The letter of certification will be available for collection after 5 working days upon the
submission of your request via the help-enrolment email. To avoid delays to the release of
your letter of certification, you are required to make full settlement of your enrolment fee
and complete your online course registration. Please note that the final decision on your NS
deferment rests with MINDEF.
To reserve a place in the course you have been offered, please proceed with the online
enrolment and indicate clearly your NS liable status under the section on verification of
personal particulars. You are required to upload the relevant documents as indicated in the
table below.
NS Status
Document to Upload
Confirmation of deferment letter from MINDEF
Serving full time NS
Regular serviceman
11B & SAF sponsorship letter
Completed full time NS
Letter of Certification from MINDEF
Served part time NS
Letter of Certification from MINDEF
Letter of Exemption from MINDEF
Deferment and Withdrawal
Note: If you have not received your Enlistment Notice from MINDEF by 17 April
2013, please email with your personal particulars and
contact details for clearance to submit the notice at an agreed later date.
If your request to reserve a place is approved, you will receive a letter confirming the
reservation of your place from us by May 2013.
8.3 Tuition Fees Charged for Deferment or Withdrawal
If you have confirmed your enrolment in RP, and you subsequently decide to defer or
withdraw from RP, you will be liable to pay the tuition fee as follows:
Period of Notification of
Deferment or Withdrawal
Tuition Fee Chargeable
16 April 2013 or earlier
No Tuition Fee except for Enrolment Fee
17 April 2013 to 23 April 2013
25% of Tuition Fee and Supplementary Fees*
24 April 2013 or later
100% of Tuition Fee and Supplementary Fees*
* Note: For the first year of study, your Enrolment Fee will be applied towards your Supplementary Fee. Please
refer to “Information on Course Fees” found in the Enrolment Package for the Enrolment Fee payable.
Deferment and Withdrawal
Contact Us
Address: 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964
RP Main Line: 6510 3000
Fax Number: 6415 1310
For Enquiries on:
General Matters
IDA NEU PC Plus Programme (Laptop Assistance)
Student Assistance Schemes (Needy Student Fund)
Bursary Matters
Scholarship Matters
Student Admissions Matters
International Student Admissions Matters
International Student’s Pass Matters
Enrolment Matters
Student Finance Matters
IT-related Matters
Student Academic Matters
General Enquires
School of Applied Science
6369 8903
School of Engineering
6369 8905
School of Infocomm
6369 8904
School of Sports, Health and Leisure
6369 8913
School of Hospitality
6369 8912
School of Technology for the Arts
6369 8906
Centre for Enterprise and Communication
6369 8901
Please dial +65 before the number if you are dialling from overseas.
* Major Public Holidays refer to New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year and Christmas Day.
Contact Us
Operating Hours
6510 3000
Mondays to Fridays
•8:30am - 6:00pm
•8:30am - 5:00pm on eve of Major Public Holidays*
•8:30am - 6:00pm
•8:30am - 3:00pm on eve of Major Public Holidays*
Sundays and Public Holidays
6510 3001 / 6510 3008 /
6510 3009
Mondays to Fridays
•8:30am - 6:00pm
•8:30am - 12:30pm on eve of Major Public Holidays*
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
6697 1000
6697 1500
Mondays to Fridays
•8:30am - 6:00pm (During School Days)
•8:30am - 5:30pm (During School Vacation)
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
Useful Websites
Area of Concerns
Online Enrolment
Laptop Configuration
Orientation Programme
Our Campus
Student Handbook
Student Finance Matters
Contact Us
9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964
Tel: (65) 6510 3000 Website:
All rights reserved. Reproduction whole or in part
without permission is prohibited.
Information is correct at time of print.
ORG Jan/2013