Issue 10 - Winterfold Primary School


Issue 10 - Winterfold Primary School
Contact us at
Ph: 9337 2936
Fax: 9314 6028
From the Admin Team
Term 2 Week 10, 29 June 2016
and look forward to seeing you back at school on
Monday, 18 July.
Dear Parents, Carers and Community Members,
The Winter Sports Carnival will take place today
with Winterfold entering teams in netball, football
and soccer. We wish them all of the very best and
hope that the weather treats them kindly.
Reports will be sent home with students on Friday, 1
July, the final day of term. Much consideration has
gone into the construction of each report. Please
take the time to carefully read the comments and
talk through achievements, accolades and any
constructive advice with your children.
The Admin Team
Thursday 30 June
Room 7 Stall Day - from 12.35pm in the
Under Cover Area (please note the change
of venue)
Cold, wet winter days are a great excuse for
grabbing a good book and finding a cosy corner to
read it. It is really important that students develop a
love of reading and as a child’s most important role
model, if you value it, then they will. The holidays
are a great opportunity to spend a day exploring the
local library or second hand book shops. If your
child finds a good series to read, it may well take
them through the holidays.
Friday 1 July
Last day of Term 2
Students and/or parents onsite after school is a
difficult area to manage, due to onerous Duty of
Care issues. The rules around this have never been
about students who are well-supervised by parents,
where there is no Duty of Care owed to those
students by the school. It is more about the
unsupervised students that children on a playground
attract. However, in an endeavour to support those
parents who wish to supervise their children for a
quick play after school, the Principal met recently
with a group of parents to further explore this
situation and will be informing our community soon
of some potential easing of this restriction. There
will, however, be additional onus placed upon
parents who wish to remain on site. More info to
follow soon….
Monday 25 July
P&C Meeting in the Library at 6.30pm
Monday 18 July
First day back to school for Term 3
Friday 22 July
Applications for Enrolment of new students for
Kindy and Pre Primary close
Reward Day
Reward Day this term, was held last week, on
Wednesday, 22 June, and incorporated ten giant
games being set up in the Under Cover Area.
All students from Pre Primary to Year 6 enjoyed being
challenged with their friends, whilst attempting the likes
of Twister, Checkers, Ludo, Jenga and Connect 4.
As we draw towards the end of another very
successful semester at Winterfold Primary, we
would like to thank the community for all of their
support. We wish you all a happy and safe break
Winterfold - An Independent Public School of Choice
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Chaplaincy at Winterfold PS
Applications for enrolment for children entering
Kindergarten and Pre Primary for the 2017 school
year should be made by Friday, 22 July 2016.
Please see separate articles below.
KINDY 2017 – If you know of any families in our area
who will have a Kindy aged child next year, please
advise them we are now taking Applications for
Enrolment. These are available from the office or
can be downloaded from our website
Applications close Friday, 22 July 2016.
Families will be contacted shortly after this date
regarding their application.
PRE PRIMARY 2017 – Most students currently
attending Kindy at Winterfold have already signed an
Application for Enrolment. Please contact the office
before Friday, 22 July 2016, if you haven’t had the
opportunity to sign the Application for Enrolment.
YEAR 1 2017 - As Pre Primary is now compulsory,
all existing Pre Primary 2016 students will be
automatically enrolled into Year 1 2017 - no further
enrolment action is necessary.
Did you know that in 2015…
Chaplains in WA had 100,000 significant
conversations with students
The top four issues Chaplains talked
about with students, were peer
behaviour concerns and mental health
Chaplains facilitated over 2,200 social,
Chaplains had over 15,000 conversations
with parents/caregivers
At Winterfold, we are lucky enough to have two
Chaplains – Janina and Chris – who provide
pastoral care to students and families, facilitate
social/emotional learning programs and
support, mentor and encourage students.
Janina is at school on Thursdays, and Chris is
at school every second Thursday, and every
If you would like to communicate with our
Chaplains, please contact the school on their
work days, otherwise you’re welcome to leave
a message at the front office and they will get
back to you as soon as they can.
We have places available for all year groups. Please
feel free to contact our Principal, Mr Steve Berry, to
discuss and take a tour of our wonderful school.
Treasure Chest for Drama
Room 7 Stall Day
Hello Winterfold Families,
Room 7 are setting up Market Stalls to sell healthy
food items that they’ve made as part of their Design
and Technologies Learning Area of the Australian
They have been advertising their yummy products
around school, so keep a look out for their posters to
see just what is on offer!
When: Thursday, 30 June
Time: 12.35pm
Where: Under Cover Area
*please note change of venue
Prices: Gold Coin
For our Drama lessons, we are creating a
Treasure Chest and are looking to fill it with all
your old costume jewellery! Maybe you could
go through your beautiful jewels in the holidays
and bring in any non-valuable ones to the
office, for donation to our Treasure Chest, next
We are looking, for example, for beads, old
coins, silver dishes or goblets, rings, big
earrings, bracelets, metal chains or anything
else that you think would look good in our
Treasure Chest. If you are passing an op shop
on your holidays, you may even be able to find
some cheap jewellery to donate to the school.
Thank you so much,
Mrs Rickers, Drama.
Winterfold - An Independent Public School of Choice
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P&C News
Did you know that each and every bit of plastic
that is made is on our earth forever? Unlike
paper, plastic does not break down and
disappear. When it does break down, it breaks
down into smaller particles that enter our
waterways, litter our land and are eaten by
P&C Sausage Sizzle!
On Friday, 17 June, the P&C held their first
After School Sausage Sizzle. It was a
great success and we would like to thank you all for
your continuing support. I am happy to let you
know that we raised $215. WELL DONE TO ALL!
We have a challenge for you:
Plastic Free July
This is a worldwide initiative that aims to raise
awareness of the amount of single-use plastic
in our lives.
To begin with, it can be
overwhelming to think of avoiding ALL singleuse plastic, so below is an easy starting point
for you:
Refuse the Top 4:
Plastic Bags
Plastic Water Bottles
Plastic Straws
Plastic Coffee cups
You can find more information at
Our delicious NAIDOC week menu
started today and it is delicious!
Enjoy our kangaroo skewers, lemon myrtle
pikelets and riberry bread.
Thanks to all our volunteers this term, it has
been a massive effort to keep up with the
increase in orders and we did it all with a smile.
Jump Rope for Heart - Jump Off Day
Last Thursday morning, Winterfold Primary staff
and students showcased their skills and
stamina, supporting the Jump Rope for Heart
The morning was a huge success, with some
cool music, fantastic skipping skills, smiles,
laughter and incredible stamina!
I am happy to announce that we will
Another great community
Congratulations everyone!
I would like to thank Jill Craven, Nic Johnson,
Leeanne Willows and Bruce Phillips who
volunteered to run our P&C Sausage Sizzle. A BIG
thank you to you all. We will be holding another, so
please stay tuned.
It was so great to see the Volunteer Contact List
being filled out by so many parents. Thank you for
volunteering. The P&C will email you all during the
year to ask for your help for our upcoming events.
Please note, if you didn’t write your details down
and you would still like to volunteer, please contact
the P&C on
Future P&C Events/Fundraisers for Term 3:
Chris’s Open Day
Father’s Day Breakfast
Art Exhibition
Fun Run
stay tuned, more information and dates to follow.
The Canteen still needs volunteers, so if
you have an hour or two to spare, please
help? The canteen, as you know is open
on Wednesdays and Fridays, and we are still
struggling for helpers.
The canteen offers free training and $5.00 toward a
meal for all volunteers. Please contact us by email
on or call Pip on
0466 528 320. Thank you!
Don’t forget the P&C are on Facebook. Find us at
Winterfold Primary School P&C Association.
This page is a closed page and will be well
monitored by the P&C Facebook committee.
“Please Like and share’’.
If you have any questions or comments, send us a
message, we would love to hear from you.
Next Meeting
Our next P&C Meeting will be held at the school
library on Monday, 25 July at 6:30 pm. If there is
anything you would like to talk about or ask the
P&C, please email us at or contact Sunnie
Sciascia, President of the P&C on 0404 129 338.
Hope to see you at the next meeting.
Happy school holidays!
Winterfold - An Independent Public School of Choice
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Entertainment Book:
Our Entertainment Book fundraising drive has
finished. We have raised over $600 so far.
We have just a few books outstanding, and hope to
finalise the figure soon.
If you have changed your mind and still want a
book or digital membership please visit
Winterfold - An Independent Public School of Choice
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