Term 1 - Week 3 15 February 2013
Term 1 - Week 3 15 February 2013
Term 1 - Week 3 15 February 2013 Lindfield East Public School PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Andrew Stevenson Ms Buckle’s Retirement Celebration The LEPS community provided Ms Judy Buckle with a retirement celebration to remember on Wednesday. Students, parents and teachers that have been associated with our dedicated Assistant Principal over the past 12 years, turned out in numbers to say thank you and farewell. The 'High Tea' themed celebration featured a variety of musical performances and speeches from both past and current students. A photo slideshow encapsulated the colorful and outstanding career that started at Mt Druitt back in 1974 and an incredible parent made birthday cake was revealed to surprise Ms Buckle who turned 60 on the day. The great news for LEPS is that Ms Buckle has agreed to stay on as a STLA for 2 days a week in 2013. Her 40 years of experience and acquired knowledge and skills in education will be invaluable to this program. Thanks Ms Buckle, you've left a footprint on the hearts and minds of many, many students. We wish to acknowledge the many people who have contributed to today’s high tea for Judy Buckle. Thanks to everyone who attended the high tea, contributed food, stories, messages, photos, gift money and generally helped out. Thank you to the staff and parents who stayed and packed up so well. Your contributions are appreciated. Special thanks to: Parents Penny Walsh, Debbie Jenkins, Shauna Noble. Staff Mandy Cuneo, Susan Easey, Diane Read, Louise Scope, Jennie Rixon; Cheryl McNamara, Jenny O’Connor, Andrew Stevenson and Sakuna Pho. Students Year 6 Choir - Soloists: Anneliese T and Nicholas T, Laura A, Kate A, Sienna B, Walter B, Daisy C, Lucia C, Elizabeth F, Kathryn F, Sally G, Allegra K, Eric K, Chloe L, Adele L, Alice N, Grace P, Rebecca R A, Annabel R, Ryan R, Lauren T, Ruby v V, Hannah W, Jade W, Duet -Stephanie K, Vita J. Band, Cartoon - Luke Gerber, Satsuki Minoda, David Humphrys. Speakers Hannah Walsh and Abbey Constable. Lindfield East now has a Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/LindfieldEastPublicSchool Follow LEPS & Mr Stevenson on Twitter: @Stevenson_LEPS Ph: 9416 1955 Website: Email: Fax: 9416 2836 www.lindfielde-p.schools.nsw.edu.au lindfielde-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au ABSENTEE LINE: P&C www.lepspandc.asn.au/ 9416 5574 LEPS Market Place www.lepsmarketplace.com.au/ DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Diane Read 2013 Student Representative Council (SRC) Semester 1 Congratulations to the SRC reps for 2013! Our first meeting will take place on Tuesday 26 February. CLASS 2EH 3EH 2AK 2JO 2RH 2SW 3RF 3MS 3JR 3KJ 4CE 4SC 4ME 5ST 5MH 5CMY 4WS 5WS 6CL 6CM 6LM BOYS George M Alex H Kelm K Callam O’K Jack W Callum F Brandon C Zac G Brodie A Lachlan M Thomas O’S Hugh C Miles J Tom V V Isaac B Adam C Tristan S William P Jordan C Year 2 SRC reps GIRLS Kate W Billie A B Holly L Dani T Isabella H Harriet S Maya M Hannah N Amy O Cara R M Kate S Keanna C Elly K Allana J Ella C Mili S Sophia H Felicity E Laura A UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday 19 February Scriptures Commences Thursday 21 February Swimming Carnival Friday 22 February Welcome Back Night Monday 4 March Zone Swimming Carnival Monday 25 - Wednesday 27 March Year 5 Bush Camp Friday 29 March Good Friday Monday 1 April Easter Monday Friday 12 April Last Day Term 1 PARENT INFORMATION EVENINGS Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten) Monday 25 February Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) Monday 18 February Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) Tuesday 19 February Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6) Tuesday 26 February PSSA SPORT Following are the venues for PSSA Sport on Friday 22 February Cricket - Division 1 Lindfield East vs Gordon West @ Lofberg Oval Division 2 Lindfield East vs Chatswood @ Allan Small Touch Football Junior games will be played at Hassall Park and Senior games at St Ives Showground. Modball All modball games will be played at St Ives Village Green All games commence at approximately 9:45am and finish at 11:00am You can view all the draws and venues on the Ku-ring-gai Zone PSSA website http:www.ku-ring-gai-pssa.schools.nsw.edu.au/summer-sport CARE & RESPECT AWARDS From the Office Could any outstanding blue folders and text book money please be returned to the office ASAP. Term 1 Week 3 - K - 2 Rishi M Alex B Harvey C Arcadia T Oliver C Matthew W KMC KRC 1SE 1SE 2JO 2RH NEWS FROM THE LEPS GARDEN Thank you to all community members that looked after our chickens, guinea pig and rabbit during the holidays. It is greatly appreciated. Our chickens are happily laying lots of eggs, which the school canteen is using for the students’ healthy egg sandwiches and wraps. We will soon be selling our eggs again to the community from 9am on Thursday mornings outside the office. Vegetables from our garden will also be on sale at our Thursday morning market stall as more produce is grown and harvested. Look out for our stall in future weeks. If any parents would like to assist with planting and maintenance of the garden this year, please see Miss Marquet, or leave your name at the office. Mobile Muster LEPS will be taking part in a Mobile Muster. A box will shortly be available in the office foyer for you to drop off any mobile phones and adapters. Classes from years 5 and 6 will be learning about the benefits of recycling mobile phones instead of throwing them away, and will be assisting to run the program. What is MobileMuster? MobileMuster is the Australian mobile phone industry's official product stewardship program. It's a free mobile phone recycling program that accepts all brands and types of mobile phones, plus their batteries, chargers and accessories. Basically, it's the industry's way of ensuring mobile phone products don't end up in landfill - but instead are recycled in a safe, secure and ethical way. For more information, visit their website: http://www.mobilemuster.com.au/about-us/ WELCOME TO LEPS NEW ENROLMENTS YEARS 1 - 6 Starting at a new school in years 1 to 6 can be overwhelming, even if you had children enrolled for a while, in a big school like ours you may still feel lost. One of the first phrases you’ll hear in our neighbourhood is “I’ll meet you at the Deli”, which is the café in the row of shops in Wellington Rd, East Lindfield. We invite all of 2013’s newly arrived families and friendly souls in the LEPS community to join us for a coffee from 9:15am on Friday: March 1st, March 15th, April 5th To help us connect you with the other parents in your child’s class or start answering your queries, please email your names and contact details to: welcome2leps@gmail.com We would love to meet you, and welcome all feedback! Kind regards Debbie Jenkins (0419 258 650) & Eleanor Macintyre (0422 799 429) On behalf of LEPS Parent’s Auxiliary Welcome Back Night 2013 Friday, 22 February 2013 5:30pm to 8:30pm An evening for old and new families, actionpacked with fun, laughter and lots of surprises! A spectacular show including: School band Dancing Bop til you Drop School choir String ensemble Kung Fu performance Tae kwon do Lion Dance Amazing fireworks Delicious, fresh, international food stalls up to $5.00/plate: BBQ Asian Greek Souvlaki Friday, 15 February last chance for early bird $aving$ on your family ticket Book now at www.trybooking.com.au/38855 Tickets also available at the gate on the night More information on LEPS P&C website www.lepspandc.asn.au Bring a picnic rug and enjoy the entertainment CANTEEN NEWS Term 1 - Week 4 Monday 18 February Rebecca Baillie (am), Mandy Jones (pm), Jane Salmon Tuesday 19 February Lisa Reeves, Jenny Sully (am), Natalie Ioannidis (pm) Wednesday 20 February Pauletta Socrates (am), Danielle Nevin (pm), Caroline Everitt Thursday 21 February Samantha Beaumont Friday 22 February Jenny Kemp (am), Bronwyn Van, Claudia Neissing (pm) SWIMMING CARNIVAL VOLUNTEERS We have been overwhelmed by the response from the school community for volunteers this term! Thank you all so much! The roster is a work in progress and we hope to email you with your times and dates by the end of the week. SUSHI - NEW SUPPLIER FOUND! Unfortunately our sushi supplier (Kiboya in Gordon) has shut up shop, so we have been in the process of trying to find another source for our Wednesday and Friday sushi deliveries. We are happy to report a new supplier has been found and SUSHI will be back starting from next Wednesday 20 February!! It will then be available each Wednesday and Friday. The varieties have remained the same : chicken teriyaki tuna/mayonnaise cucumber The cost is now $3.00/pkt. CANTEEN WEBSITE : www.lepspandc.asn.au/canteen Includes latest menu, information on how to order and news on menu changes, etc. BAND NEWS We welcome all new children who have joined the Band since registration night and hope that all the Band children are all settling into their rehearsals and practising all their new music! ALL FAMILIES WHO MISSED THE REGISTRATION NIGHT PLEASE DELIVER YOUR COMPLETED FORMS WITH PAYMENT TO THE BAND BOX ASAP. NO PAYMENT MEANS NO MUSIC and NO INSTRUMENT. Please contact us if problems. TRAINING BAND TUTORIALS MONDAY, FEB 18th. Monday morning Training Band rehearsals in 1st Term will consist of Tutorial Groups in which the Training Band is divided into six instrumental sections (flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, low brass (i.e. baritone horns, euphoniums and tubas ) and percussion. Each section goes to a different room to receive specialist tuition on that particular instrument. This is extremely beneficial in preparing the children for the ensemble rehearsals (held in the Hall on Wednesdays at lunchtime). Percussion will have tuition as well during their rehearsal on Wednesdays. TB- Please come to the Hall at 7.45am on Monday, February 18 to find out which room you will be going to. PARENT ROSTER:- ALL BANDS WEEK 4 Please be on time for rehearsal duty. If you are unable to attend your rostered time, please find a substitute, or as a last resort phone your Band Coordinator - PB: Sue Cheesman 8901 4422, CB Judi Howe 9416-7942, TB Elise Lee 0416 088 806 THERE WILL BE NO REHEARSAL FOR CB on Thursday 21 due to Swimming Carnival BAND CAMP In order for our band camp to go ahead, we require parent volunteers to assist with the supervision of your children while they are rehearsing, eating, relaxing and sleeping at band camp. We urgently require parents to volunteer for the following shifts: Overnight 9pm Friday 8th March to 9.30am Saturday 9th March Overnight 7.30pm Saturday 9th March to 8.30am Sunday 10th March Friday 8th March 5pm - Transport equipment from LEPS to Collaroy Centre Saturday 9th March 1pm - 4.30pm - Supervise outdoor activities Sunday 10th March 8.30am - 11.30am - Supervise rehearsals Please contact Alison Frost as soon as possible if you are able to be a part of our camp experience. All permission forms for band camp should be returned to the band box in the office as soon as possible. Payments are due on Wednesday 20 February. With thanks, Alison Frost 0404 146 134 alifrost02@hotmail.com LEPS Band Camp Coordinator 2013 BAND NEWS PRIVATE TUITION From next Monday, February 18, private tuition will start after school. Children are expected to have weekly tuition on their chosen instrument. The Band Committee manages an after school tutor program on a first come first served basis. Private tutors and their contact details are listed below for your convenience. Trish O’Hearn Brass (trumpet) 0402 003 214 / 4975 1118 Rob Cornish Percussion 0415 183 555 Michael Garlick Flute 0410 404 164 / 9948 2592 Scott Frankcombe Low brass (trombone, euphonium, tuba) 0412 692 140 Colin Smith Clarinet, flute, sax 0413 313 565 Steven Luke Trumpet 0438 271 566 / 9627 1566 Shaun Tarring Percussion 0408 977 029 DIARY DATES Band Meeting, Thursday, Feb 14 7.pm, Staffroom TB tutorials Monday, Feb 18 7.45am. Arrive at Hall Private after school tuition Monday, Feb 18. PB Welcome Back Night Friday, Feb 22, 5pm (assemble in 2JP, Mrs Pitt’s room (26) in Band Uniform). A separate email will be sent to PB. Band Camp (PB and CB) Fri March 8- Sunday- March 10 Thank you Louise Flaherty (0401 349 512) Band Convenor on behalf of the Band Committee UNIFORM SHOP NEWS Uniform Shop Roster – Term 1 2013 Uniform Shop Roster Term 1, 2013 Tuesday 29 January 2013 9 to 12 & 1 to 3pm 9 to 12: Andi Druckman PM: HELP NEEDED PLEASE From 9.15: Jenny Boyd Wednesday 30 January 2013 8.45 to 10.30am st Megan From 8.45: Camille Morgan Thursday 31 January 2013 8.45 to 10.15am Megan Tuesday 8.45am – 10.15am Thursday8.45am – 10.15am 05 February Megan 07 February 12 February 14 February Stephanie MacIntosh 19 February 21 February Andi Druckman 26 February Megan 28 February 05 March 07 March Noreen Kennedy 12 March 14 March 19 March Megan 21 March Andi Druckman 26 March 28 March 02 April Noreen Kennedy 04 April 09 April 11 April If you are able to assist in the uniform shop between the hours of 8.45 - 10:15am on a Tuesday or Thursday please contact Carole at shop@lepsuniform.com with preferred day and contact number. UNIFORM SHOP PRICE LIST SCHOOL UNIFORM ORDER FORM – TERM 4, 2012/TERM 1, 2013 P&C Uniform Shop - 9415 6536 - Tuesdays & Thursdays 8.45 -10.15am. GIRLS UNIFORM CIRCLE REQUIRED SIZES PRICE Summer Tunic Winter Tunic Long Sleeve Shirt Blue Pants 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 10, 12, 14 $45.00 $51.00 $20.00 $35.00 School Bag (K – 6) Library Maroon Bag Library Blue Bag Excursion Maroon Bag Band Bag BOYS UNIFORM Short Sleeve Shirt Grey Shorts Long Sleeve Shirt Grey Trousers 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 8, 6, 8, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 $15.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 UNISEX Hat Navy Zip Jumper Waterproof Jacket Skivvy (K – 2) Raincoat S(55cm),M(57cm),L(59cm),XL (61cm) 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 4, 6, 8 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 $13.00 $36.00 $40.00 $15.00 $30.00 HAIR: CIRCLE REQUIRED COLOUR Clips x 4: Navy or Maroon Navy, Maroon & Gold Ribbon Navy & Light Blue Ribbon Black & Gold Ribbon for Band Ponytail Navy Satin Ribbon Ponytail Navy Grosgrain Bow Pigtail Navy Satin Ribbons Pigtail Navy Grosgrain Bows SPORT Polo Shirt Maroon Shorts Maroon Skort Track Pants Soccer Shirt Cricket Shirt Touch Football Shirt Lycra Swim Cap (3 – 6) Netball Visor 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 10, 12, 14 (Yrs 3 – 6) 8, 10, 12, 14 (Yrs 3 – 6) 8, 10,12,14,16 (Yrs 3 -6) Red; Yellow; Green; Blue One size fits all (Yrs 3 - 6) $25.00 $18.00 $32.00 $25.00 $32.00 $17.00 $28.00 $ 5.00 $ 7.00 SOCKS / TIGHTS Grey one pair/pack Grey Triple Pack White Triple Pack Grey Cotton Tights Grey 40 Denier Tights Soccer/ Modball Socks (socks in shoe size) 9-12 13-3; 2-8; 7-11 9-12; 13-3; 2-8; 7-11 6-10 ; 10-14 (size in age) 10-14+ (size in age) Small 9-2, Medium 2-7 $ 5.50 $13.00 $13.00 $10.00 $10.00 $ 8.00 QTY COST BAGS PRICE SUB – TOTAL $ COST $55.00 $11.00 $12.00 $10.00 $11.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Alice Band: Summer, Winter, Navy, Black $ Elastics x 4: Navy or Maroon $ Lycra Headband: Navy/Black/Maroon $ Scrunchie: Summer or Winter $ Scrunchie: Navy, Maroon or Black $ Pompodour scrunchie – 2 tone $ OTHER ACCESSORIES Scarf (Yrs 3 – 6) Art Smock: S, M, L String Ensemble Polos: 6, 8, 10, 12 Black Band Pants Boys: 8, 10, 12, 14 Black Band Pants Girls: 8, 10, 12, 14 Black Band Polo: 10, 12, 14 School Badge Signature Soccer Ball - small Signature Soccer Ball - large Signature Bear Umbrella – Small (Yrs 3 – 6) Umbrella – Golf QTY 3.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 9.00 $ 8.00 $16.00 $17.00 $25.00 $25.00 $17.00 $ 3.00 $10.00 $17.00 $20.00 $12.00 $20.00 SUB – TOTAL Credit Card Surcharge 1.5% TOTAL Acceptable payments: CASH, EFTPOS (in person), CHEQUE or CREDIT CARD (Mastercard, Visa + 1.5% surcharge). Orders can be emailed to shop@lepsuniform.com or dropped into uniform box at the office. Orders will be filled and sent to Teacher’s lockers. Please ask your child not to open bags as items may be lost & will not be replaced. TOTAL OWING $ Credit Card No: Circle method: CASH, CREDIT, CHEQUE (Payable to: LEPS Clothing Pool) - - - Expiry Date: CHILD’S NAME: ______________________________________________ Class: NAME: Phone No: ______________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________________________________________ WILLOUGHBY GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL WILLOUGHBY GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL A Leader in Girls Education A Leader in Girls Education Please join us for OPEN NIGHT Extension Class Placement Test for Year 7, 2014 Wednesday 13 March 2013 Year 6 students will have an opportunity to sit a placement test for our Year 7 extension class for selected students. 6.15 – 9.00 pm Saturday 16 March 2013 School Hall 9.15 – 11.30 am School Hall Principal: Ms Elizabeth Diprose Phone: 9958 4141 Fax: 9967 2174 Please ring the school for further information and to book a test place. Principal: Ms Elizabeth Diprose Phone: 9958 4141 Fax: 9967 2174