THE CHURCH OF PENTECOST –U.S.A INC NEW JERSEY DISTRICT 2014 DECEMBER –PREACHERS PLAN STATEN ISLAND PIWC-EAST ORANGE JERSEY CITY PIWC PRINCETON TEANECK PIWC PIWCDOVER (NURSERY ASSEMBLY) 1st week Dec.3rd –Dec. 7th WED LOCAL FRI SUN LOCAL ELD. PATRICK OPPONG WED LOCAL FRI SUN LOCAL DN. RICHARD APPIAH WED LOCAL FRI LOCAL SUN ELD. BISMARK AGYEI WED LOCAL FRI SUN LOCAL ELD. JAMES MCKWEON WED LOCAL FRI SUN LOCAL REV. KWAKYE AKUOKO WED LOCAL FRI SUN LOCAL ELD.(DR.) THOMAS OWUSU -BOAHEN FRI LOCAL (LORD SUPPER) (LORD SUPPER) (LORD SUPPER) (LORD SUPPER) (LORD SUPPER) (LORD SUPPER) ELD. JOSHUA AKUFO SUN FRI (LORD SUPPER) SUN ELD. ERIC ESSIEN LOCAL (LORD SUPPER) DECEMBER 2014 PREACHERS PLAN 2nd Week Dec. 10th –Dec. 14th 3rd week Dec.17th –Dec.21st 4th week Dec.24th –Dec. 28th LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL ELD. AMOS MARTEY ELD. PATRICK OTU MANTEAW LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL EVANG. STEPHEN OMANE YEBOAH LOCAL ELD. DAVID ASARE BEDIAKO LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL REV. ADARKWA-ADUASAH ELD. PHILIP BOATENG LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL ELD. SETH TORKONO LOCAL ELD. EBENEZER ALLOTEY LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL ELD. KEN ASARE REV. ADARKWA-ADUASAH LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL DNS. MARIAN QUIST LOCAL DR. STEPHEN AMPOFO LOCAL LOCAL PASTOR CLEMENT AKO YOUTH MINISTRY LOCAL LOCAL MR. KONTOH ELD. SAMUEL ASSIFUAH 31st Dec. watch night 31st December Cross Over Service To Be Held At All Locals PATERSON DAY THEME: “MY EYES HAVE SEEN THE LORDS CHRIST( CHRISTOS KURIOS ) LUKE 2:26 ASSEMBLY NEWARK 2014 NEW JERSEY DISTRICT CHRISTMAS CONVENTION TH DEC 11 -14TH 2014@ NEWARK CENTRAL xz DECEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS 2014 NATIONAL & WORLDWIDE THEME: “FANNING THE PENTECOSTAL FIRE TO IMPACT GENERATION” 2 TIM. 1:5-7 LORD’S SUPPER: Lord’s Supper to be held on Sunday, Dec. 7th, 2014 at all locals. Giving towards missions should be encouraged. MONTHLY AND WEEKLY REPORTING (REMINDERS): *TITHE AND OFFERING REPORTING: Immediately after last Sunday of the Month. *WEEKLY REPORT: Latest by Sunday 7pm of each week. *MONTHLY REPORTING (Local Financial Statement, Bank Reconciliation, Tithe Sheet): Latest by the 5th of the month. PRE CHRISTMAS CONVENTION PRAYER: All local assemblies should dedicate December 1 -7, 2014 for pre-convention prayers for the move of God during the Christmas Convention. WATER BAPTISM Please be advised that there will be water baptismal service on Saturday, December 13, 2014 during the Christmas Convention at the Paterson Assembly Chapel. Time 2pm prompt. Every local should prepare their baptismal candidates. Presiding Elders are entreated to submit names of candidates to the District Secretary. DECEMBER 2014 PREACHERS PLAN 2014 CHRISTMAS CONVENTION: This year’s CHRISTMAS CONVENTION is scheduled for December 11 to 14, 2014 at Newark Central. The theme for the Christmas Convention is “MY EYES HAVE SEEN THE LORD'S CHRIST (CHRISTOS KURIOS --LUKE 2:26) ” . Presiding Elders must consistently make the announcement about the convention. Members must be reminded of the SPECIAL OFFERINGS at all sessions and especially on the Sunday of the convention. Fasting will begin Tuesday through Sunday. Space will be allotted to youth and children ministry on Saturday during the Christmas Convention. All Officers must endeavor to attend all sessions and are also reminded to encourage members to attend 31ST DECEMBER CROSS OVER SERVICE This year’s 31st December Cross Over Service falls on Wednesday. I will encourage all Presiding Elders to draw a program and copies sent to me. DISTRICT PRESBYTRY MEETING: All Elders, Deacons, Deaconess and Officers are being reminded of our District End of Year presbytery meeting slated for Saturday January 10th 2015 at Newark Central. Time 10am-2pm.This is mandatory for all presbyters and officers. DECEMBER 2014 PREACHERS PLAN END OF YEAR MEETING: The year is almost coming to an end. Please let’s start working on our reports since the area head may request for early submission. LOCAL Presbytery Meeting: latest by January 3rd, 2015. All local/District Movement Leaders must submit their reports to the appropriate office for review and signature before passing it on to the next level. All Presiding Elders and District Committee and Movement Leaders MUST submit their COMPLETE (TYPED) annual report to the District Secretary (email: ) by January 3rd , 2015. No Exceptions. District Executives Meeting: Friday January 9th, 2015 at Newark Central. District PRESBYTRY Meeting: Saturday January 10th, 2015 at Newark Central. 14 DAYS PRAYERS AND FASTING The district 14 days of prayer and fasting for 2015 is slated for January 12th -25th 2015 at local and District levels. The theme is will be communicated to you later. Schedule for 14 –day fast (January 12 - 18 January, 2015 at local level. (January 19th -25th January 2015 at the district level REV. JOSEPH ADARKWA- ADUASAH —(DISTRICT PASTOR) DECEMBER 2014 PREACHERS PLAN DECEMBER 2014 PREACHERS PLAN