the heights report


the heights report
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
Volume 25
Issue 6
October, 2012
Permit # 1027
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Bellmawr, NJ
Heights Highlights
“No Mischief Night” Halloween Parade
Please Join Us on Mischief Night,
October 30th from 5:30 to 8:30
The “No Mischief Night”:
Halloween festival will begin at
5:30 pm on October 30th at the the
park on Station at the cannons.
We will have a Halloween costume
contest, (kids can join in as the
parade goes by) moon bounce,
hayride, pumpkin picking, kettle
corn, hotdogs, bobb for apples,
Santa may make an appearance at
the end of the parade on the 600
Fall Leaf Collection
Fall Season is here and the leaf
vac machines will be working
their way through town to pick
up your leaves. Crews will
be out working the machines
starting mid-October.
will be posted to indicate when
we will be working in your area.
Please be advised that delays in
pick up may occur depending on
inclement weather. Leaves can
be bagged as long as the bags are
open, canned or raked into piles
close to the curb line. Please do
not place leaves in the street.
Please call the Department of
Public Works with any questions.
Mayor’s Open Door Office Hours
Borough Hall, Mayor’s Office
Tuesday, October 9th,
3 to 6 p.m.
Tuesday, November 20th,
3 to 6 p.m.
The Official Borough Publication
18th Annual Haddon Heights Fall Festival, Craft and Corvette Show coming to
Downtown Station Avenue on Saturday, October 6, 2012!
The 18th Annual Fall Craft and
Corvette Show will be held on
Saturday, October 6, 2012 from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Downtown
Station Avenue in Haddon Heights,
NJ featuring fine arts and crafts, a
Corvette Show and entertainment for
children of all ages.
Welcome fall and celebrate with
a vast array of fine crafts, Corvettes,
food, and entertainment. Talented
artists and crafters from the tri-state
area will come and wow you with
unique gift and home ideas that will
capture even the most discriminating
taste. Make the downtown stores and
restaurants part of your itinerary as
well for great bargains and delicious
local food. A list of vendors will be available for your
shopping pleasure inside the Haddon Heights Public
Over 75 Corvettes will adorn the streets, each shown
at its best courtesy of the Garden State Corvette Club.
From vintage to modern, these magnificent cars from
their inception until today are cherished as part of the
American tradition. Meet the owners and get tips on how
to keep your wheels in tip top car show ready shape.
continued on page 17
The Soldiers Are Coming
The Borough will again host re-enactors
from the Second Pennsylvania Regiment of the
Continental Army and the British 43rd Regiment
of Foot in Camden County Park on North Park
Drive, on Saturday, October 13 from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m., rain or shine.
Haddon Heights is a registered town in
the Crossroads of the American Revolution, a
National Heritage Area between Philadelphia
and New York. The Revolutionary War
was a series of a few great battles but many
skirmishes. Troops fought in this corridor to
protect or sabotage movement between these
cities. Local militia harassed the British by
House and Fulling Mill, and stole food and livestock
destroying bridges, including the corduroy
bridge over King’s Highway, cutting down trees to and ravished the Patriot women. This war was fought
block roads and firing into the lines. The British in turn on our own soil.
continued on page 11
ransacked homes and businesses, including the Glover
What’s Inside
Mayor’s Message
Boro Bits
Municipal Muse
Live Work & Play
Business Spotlight 2
Featured Employee
Library Corner
Places of Worship
13 - 14
Dear Residents:
It seems like just yesterday that we were gearing up
for summer. With the anticipation of a beautiful fall season comes some great events
that generate a lot of pride in
our town. We all know our
town is a special and unique
place to live. I hope that all
of you are able to participate
in some way in one or more
of our civic events. Thanks to
our dedicated Borough staff,
volunteers and vibrant business community, we are able
to bring to bear a level of creativity and excitement that few
other towns can match.
On Saturday, October 6th, we will have our annual Fall Festival and Corvette
Show on Station Avenue. Our
town is known throughout the
area for this event. It is always
well attended by residents and
visitors alike. Four blocks on
Station Avenue will be full of
vendors and entertainment for
all ages. Our various civic
groups will also be out in full
force. Please come down
anytime between 10 a.m. and
3 p.m. to check out all of the
fun activities planned for you
and your family. Bring your
friends and your neighbors,
and maybe even make some
new friends while you’re
down on Station Avenue that
day. I will be there all day, so
please feel free to stop by and
say hello! We could not pull
off an event like this without
the dedication and support
from our volunteers and local
businesses, so I want to thank
them and encourage them to
keep up the wonderful community spirit!
On Saturday, October
13th, on North Park Drive, we
will again host the Revolutionary War living history event.
This free event will take place
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and
will feature re-enactors setting
up camps, portraying typical
troops on both sides of the
American Revolution. This
Mayor Edward S. Forte, Jr.
event is a great way to honor
and learn about the role our
own area played in the American Revolution. I would like
to thank Councilwoman Rose
Fitzgerald for all of the time
spent every year making this
event the success that it always
I am delighted to report that we’ve had our second
Neighbor’s Night Out event
of the year, with our Sunday,
September 23rd Pop-Up Italian Restaurant on Station Avenue. The hard work of our
Neighbor’s Night Out Committee really showed through
at this event and at the evening
event we had in June on Atlantic Avenue. I am thrilled that
we have brought back these
great events that raise money
for good causes and bring our
town together as neighbors.
As you probably remember,
the June event raised thousands of dollars to repair
our Public Safety Memorial
Clock. The September event
raised money to enhance our
holiday decorations on Station Avenue. Keep your eyes
peeled for more great Neighbor’s Night Out events next
year. I would like to thank the
entire Neighbor’s Night Out
Committee for all of their hard
work in putting these events
together. A special thank you
goes to our former Mayor and
current Councilwoman Susan
Griffith, who always goes well
above and beyond the call of
duty whenever a volunteer is
needed in town.
On the government end,
we haven’t taken our focus off
Do You Need the Fall
“Function Better Program”?
Each fall, many folks enjoy activities such
as going for cool afternoon walks as the
leaves are falling, attending football or soccer games, raking leaves, picking pumpkins, tending to some gardening prior to
winter and even doing some early Christmas shopping in town. If you find yourself
in a position where the bending, endurance,
balance, standing, walking and climbing
requirements of these activities may be too
difficult, too painful or even impossible, the
“Function Better Program” at WORK-UP
PHYSICAL THERAPY may be just what you
need in order to have a fantastic fall season!
The “Function Better Program” at
muscle strengthening and stretching exercises, activities to decrease pain, conditioning exercises on equipment as well as personalized instruction to promote safe and
independent function. After completion
of the “Function Better Program”, many
people report that they are pain free and
able to lead a more active and independent
WORK-UP PHYSICAL THERAPY is conveniently located at 135 East Atlantic Avenue
in Haddon Heights (just off Station Avenue).
Due to high demand, slots for the upcoming
fall session of the “Function Better Program” are limited and filling quickly.
To reserve a slot for the program, call
(856) 546-0377.
find that:
The Heights Report
• Individual attention is provided by a
licensed physical therapist during the
entire treatment session.
• The treatment sessions are provided in a
friendly and professional environment.
• Individuals of all ages and fitness levels
are welcome.
• Free transportation is provided
for local seniors.
• Medical monitoring is provided during
treatment to ensure patient safety.
• Low endurance
• Knee replacements
• Balance Problems
• Walking Problems
• Pain Problems
• arthritis issues
Jim Clements, PT, DPT, MS is the Director of
Heights. Dr. Clements completed his physical
therapy training at Thomas Jefferson University
and went on to receive a Doctoral degree from
Boston University as well as a Master of Science degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
Need a PeP-UP? Call WOrK-UP at
making sure that we carefully
administer the tax dollars we
ask you to contribute. I am
pleased to report that, although
many other towns around us
continue to experience financial crunches, with drastic cuts
in services, we have been able
to enhance the services we offer you while keeping the municipal portion of your property taxes well under control.
We have been able to build up
a surplus account, which, unfortunately, we did not have
for the many years when we
were depending on state “extraordinary aid” to balance our
budget. If we were still dependent on extraordinary aid,
we would have had to pass a
massive tax increase coupled
with drastic service reductions
on to you because the state no
longer provides extraordinary
aid to towns like ours. While
there is always room for improvement, I am pleased with
the progress we have made together.
continued on page 3
Lic. # 40QA00472300
(856) 546-0377!
For appointments at the
Haddon Heights
office, call:
Medicare and most other
insurances are accepted.
October, 2012
Boro Bits
Welcome... New Program Coordinator
Amy Lafferty is our
Borough’s recently hired
Program Coordinator. She
resides in Haddon Heights with
her family. Amy is a graduate
of Rowan University, where
she received her Bachelor of
Arts in Communications and
a specialization in advertising.
Throughout Amy’s college
and professional careers, she
dedicated much of her time
being actively involved in
numerous recreational activities
and philanthropic programs.
Only on the job a few
weeks, Amy has added three
new fitness classes, an Adult
Scrabble Club, a Social Media
Workshop, Acting Class for
Kids, Introduction to Canning,
Piloxing, (a mix of Pilates and
Kickboxing) and much more.
residents to share their talents
or hobbies. Please feel free
to contact Amy directly
with any suggestions or
questions at 856-546-2585
or at programcoordinator@ Her office
hours at the Community Center
are Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Mayor’s Message
continued from page 2
You can rest assured that
your municipal government
will continue to keep it about
you and your money – because
we work for you, not the other
way around.
To further our goal
of trying to find savings
where possible, we have
entered into a shared services
agreement with a number of
our surrounding towns. Along
with our surrounding towns,
we sometimes have equipment
that is not being used. This
agreement allows us to borrow
equipment that we might need
from other towns and vice
versa. This agreement will
allow us to avoid a situation
where we might have needed to
purchase expensive equipment.
The agreement also provides
that, for example, if our own
construction code official is
not available, we can borrow
another town’s code official
without having to pay for it.
This common sense approach
should result in greater
efficiency and savings over
time. It is a model for how we
can work with our neighboring
towns to save money without
giving up control over aspects
of our town’s government.
Please enjoy the fall
and remember to drive carefully,
as our kids are back in school.
Please be mindful that kids will
soon be coming home from
after school activities when it
is getting dark. Remember that
your municipal government is
here to serve you – feel free to
call, e-mail, write or stop by at
my open office hours (listed on
the cover of this paper) if there
is anything your government
can do for you.
Edward S. Forte, Jr., Mayor
The Haddon Heights Police Department is in need of
Crossing Guards. If you’re in good health, enjoy being
out doors and spending time helping children you may be
qualified. Interested applicants should apply at the:
Haddon Heights Police Department
625 Station Avenue
Haddon Heights, NJ
Please call 856-547-0614 x10 if you have any questions.
Crossing Guards typically start part time and move to a
permanent position when a post becomes available.
The starting hourly rate is $11.03.
October, 2012
The Heights Report
Municipal Muse
Submitted By:
Joan D. Moreland, RMC/MMC
Interim Borough Clerk
The following items were introduced or adopted at the
August 21st Council Meeting::
Public hearing and final adoption of Ordinance
Ordinance 2012:1385 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter
450-149C (3) of the Code of the Borough of Haddon
Heights Regarding Responsibility for Preparing and
Signing 200’ Lists. Hearing or seeing no comments from
the public, motion to close the public hearing was made
by Councilman Berryhill, seconded by Councilwoman
Fitzgerald. All members present were in favor. Motion
to adopt Ordinance 2012:1385 was made by Councilman
McCollum, seconded by Councilman Berryhill. All
members present were in favor.
Introduction of Ordinances 2012: 1386, 1387 and 1388.
Ordinance 2012:1386 – An Ordinance Amending
Ordinance 2010:1338 Entitled An Ordinance Amending
Chapter 213 of the Borough of Haddon Heights Entitled
Fees. Motion to introduce Ordinance 2012:1386 was made
by Council President Lange, seconded by Councilman
Berryhill. All members present were in favor.
Ordinance 2012:1387 – An Ordinance Amending
Ordinance 2010:1343 Entitled An Ordinance Amending
Chapter 213. Motion to introduce Ordinance 2012:1387
was made by Councilman DiRenzo, seconded by Council
President Lange. All members present were in favor.
Ordinance 2012:1388 - Ordinance of the Borough of
Haddon Heights, New Jersey, Establishing the “Public
Safety Memorial Clock Trust Fund. Motion to introduce
Ordinance 2012:1388 was made by Councilman DiRenzo,
seconded by Councilwoman Fitzgerald. All members
present were in favor.
Resolution 2012:137 – Resolution Supporting the “Drive
Sober or Get Pulled Over” 2012 Statewide Crackdown.
Motion to adopt Resolution 2012:137 was made by
Councilwoman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman
DiRenzo. All members present were in favor.
Resolution 2012:138 – Resolution Rescinding Resolution
2012:135 Entitled Resolution Authorizing the Issuance
of Tax Anticipation Notes of the Borough of Haddon
Heights Not to Exceed $2,000,000 for Fiscal Year 2012.
Motion to adopt Resolution 2012:138 was made by
Councilwoman Fitzgerald, seconded by Council President
Lange. All members present were in favor.
Resolution 2012:139 – Resolution Authorizing Payment
of Bills and Claims for August. Motion to adopt Resolution
2012:139 as amended was made by Councilwoman
Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman DiRenzo. Under a
roll call vote, Berryhill, DiRenzo, Fitzgerald and Lange
voted yes, Councilman McCollum voted no, saying too
much was spent on Project Garnet.
Resolution 2012:140 – Resolution Amending Resolution
2012:133 Regarding Cancelling Outstanding Check for
Municipal Court. Motion to adopt Resolution 2012:140
was made by Councilman McCollum, seconded by
Councilman Berryhill. All members present were in
Resolution 2012:141 – Resolution Providing for a
Meeting Not Open to the Public in Accordance With the
Provisions of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act,
NJSA 10:4-12. 1) AFSCME Contract, 2) EMS services
and 3) shared services regarding Municipal Court. Motion
to adopt Resolution 2012:141 was made by Councilman
DiRenzo, seconded by Councilman Berryhill. All
members present were in favor.
Resolution 2012:142 – Resolution Awarding a Contract
to Mall Chevrolet for a Three (3) Year Lease of A 2012
The Heights Report
Chevrolet Caprice PPV. Motion to adopt Resolution
2012:142 was made by Councilwoman Fitzgerald,
seconded by Council President Lange. Under a roll call
vote, McCollum, Berryhill, Fitzgerald and Lange voted
yes. Councilman DiRenzo abstained from voting.
Resolution 2012:143 – Resolution Awarding a Contract
to Mall Chevrolet for the Purchase of A 2012 Chevrolet
Tahoe SSV. Motion to adopt Resolution 2012:143 was
made by Councilman Berryhill, seconded by Council
President Lange. Under a roll call vote, McCollum,
Berryhill, Fitzgerald and Lange voted yes. Councilman
DiRenzo abstained from voting.
Resolution 2012:144 – Resolution Approving Application
to the New Jersey Historical Trust, DEP for a Grant to
Cover the Planning and Signage for the Glover Mill
Park. Motion to adopt Resolution 2012:144 was made
by Councilwoman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman
DiRenzo. All members present were in favor.
Resolution 2012:145 – Resolution Amending the
Awarding of a Contract to Wise Preservation Planning,
LLC for a Borough-wide Intensive Level Historic
Resource Study Update in the Amount of $28,999.
Motion to adopt Resolution 2012:145 was made by
Councilwoman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman
Berryhill. Under a roll call vote, all members present
voted yes.
The following items were introduced or adopted at the
September 4th Council Meeting:
Public hearings and final adoptions on Ordinances
2012:1386, 1387 and 1388.
Ordinance 2012:1386 – An Ordinance Amending
Ordinance 2010:1386 Entitled An Ordinance Amending
Chapter 213 of the Borough of Haddon Heights Entitled
Fees. Hearing or seeing no comments from the public,
motion to close the public hearing was made by Council
President Lange, seconded by Councilman DiRenzo.
All members present were in favor. Motion to adopt
Ordinance 2012:1386 was made by Councilman DiRenzo,
seconded by Councilman Berryhill. Under a roll call vote
all members present were in favor with the exception of
Councilman McCollum who voted no.
Ordinance 2012:1387 – An Ordinance Amending
Ordinance 2010:1343 Entitled An Ordinance Amending
Chapter 213 of the Borough of Haddon Heights Entitled
Fees. Hearing or seeing no comments from the public,
motion to close the public hearing was made by
Councilman Berryhill and seconded by Councilwoman
Fitzgerald. All members present were in favor. Motion
to adopt Ordinance 2012:1387 was made by Councilman
Berryhill, seconded by Councilwoman Fitzgerald. Under
a roll call vote all members present voted yes with the
exception of Councilman McCollum who voted no.
Ordinance 2012:1388 - Ordinance of the Borough of
Haddon Heights, New Jersey, Establishing the “Public
Safety Memorial Clock Trust Fund. Hearing or seeing
no comments from the public, motion to close the public
hearing was made by Councilman Berryhill, seconded by
DiRenzo. All members present were in favor. Motion
to adopt Ordinance 2012:1388 was made by Councilman
DiRenzo and seconded by Councilman Berryhill. Under
a roll call vote, all members present voted yes.
Ordinance 2012:1388 - Ordinance of the Borough of
Haddon Heights, New Jersey, Establishing the “Public
Safety Memorial Clock Trust Fund.
Resolution 2012:146 – Resolution Imposing Lien on
Block 30, Lot 5, 310 Third Avenue. A motion to adopt
was made by Councilman DiRenzo and seconded by
Council President Lange. Under a roll call vote all
members present were in favor.
members present were in favor.
Resolution 2012:148 – Resolution Imposing Lien on
Block 137, Lot 8, 2020 Bryn Mawr Avenue. A motion to
adopt was made by Councilman Berryhill and seconded
by Council President Lange. Under a roll call vote all
members present were in favor.
Resolution 2012:149 – Resolution Authorizing Payment
of Bills & Claims for 1st Half of September. A motion
to adopt was made by Council President Lange and
seconded by Councilman Berryhill. Under a roll call
vote all members present were in favor.
The following items were adopted at the September
18th Council Meeting:
Resolution 2012:150 – Resolution Refunds of Tax
Overpayments. Motion to adopt was made by Councilman
Berryhill, seconded by Councilwoman Griffith. Under a
roll call vote, all members voted yes.
Resolution 2012:151 – Resolution Rejecting All Bids
Received for IT Services. Motion to adopt was made
by Councilman Berryhill, seconded by Councilwoman
Griffith. All members were in favor with the exception
of Councilman DiRenzo who voted against.
Resolution 2012:152 – Resolution Approving Shared
Services Agreement By and Between the Boroughs
of Audubon, Collingswood, Haddon Heights and
Haddonfield, Mount Ephraim, Oaklyn and the Township
of Haddon. Motion to adopt was made by Councilman
Berryhill, seconded by Councilwoman Griffith. There was
much discussion between council members regarding the
wording, “share and consolidate”. A motion to table the
adoption of Resolution 2012:152 was made by Council
President Lange, seconded by Councilman DiRenzo.
Upon a roll call vote, Councilmen McCollum and
Berryhill vote no, Councilman DiRenzo, Councilwomen
Fitzgerald and Griffith and Council President Lange
voted yes. Motion carried.
Resolution 2012:153 – Resolution Authorizing the
Payment of Bills and Claims for the 2nd Half of September.
Motion to adopt was made by Council President Lange,
seconded by Councilwoman Griffith. Upon a roll call
vote, all members voted yes.
Resolution 2012:154 – Resolution Authorizing the
Mayor to Execute Contract For A Private Collection
Agency to Recover Debts Owed to the Borough for Fines
and Penalties Issued by the Municipal Court of Haddon
Heights. (Penn Credit Corp.) Motion to adopt was made
by Councilman DiRenzo, seconded by Councilwoman
Griffith. Councilman McCollum abstained from voting
all other council members voted yes.
Resolution 2012:155 – Resolution authorizing Borough
Council to go into Closed Session to discuss the following:
EMS Proposal and Memorial Clock Bollards Damage.
Formal action may be taken. Discussion is expected to
be at least thirty minutes. Motion to adopt was made
by Councilman Berryhill, seconded by Councilman
DiRenzo. All members were in favor.
Resolution 2012:156 – Resolution Amending the
Borough of Haddon Heights Personnel Policies and
Procedures Manual. (Adding Collection of Cash Policy)
Motion to adopt was made by Councilman Berryhill,
seconded by Councilman DiRenzo. Upon a roll call vote,
all members voted yes.
Resolution 2012:157 – Resolution Setting the Curfew
Hours for Mischief Night and Halloween Night and Trick
or Treating Hours for Halloween. Motion to adopt was
made by Councilwoman Griffith, seconded by Council
President Lange. All members were in favor.
Resolution 2012:147 – Resolution Imposing Lien on
Block 132 Lot 12, 1939 Narberth Avenue. A motion to
adopt was made by Councilman Berryhill and seconded
by Council President Lange. Under a roll call vote all
October, 2012
Who to Contact Throughout the Borough, State & County
Mayor: Edward S. Forte, Jr. Cell: 609-605-8086
Council President: Kathy Lange Cell: 609-417-9703
Council Member: Rose Fitzgerald Cell: 856-524-8009
Council Member: David McCollum Phone: 856-546-5271
Council Member: Stephen D. Berryhill Work: 856-546-9800
Council Member: Richard (Rick) DiRenzo Cell: 856-449-9254
Council Member: Susan R. Griffith Cell (856) 655-5669
Solicitor: Albert J. Olizi, Esq. Cell: 856-466-9264
E-Mail -
Interim Borough Clerk: Joan D. Moreland 547-7164, ext. 24
Deputy Borough Clerk: Kelly Santosusso 547-7164 Ext. 23
E-Mail -
Local Numbers:
Police, Fire, & Ambulance Emergencies - 911
All other emergencies call 547-2222
Public Works –546-2580
(after hours emergency 1-800-793-4315 I.D. #201 EL)
Police Department – 547-0614
Fire Prevention Bureau – 546-7135
Ambulance Loan Equipment– 546-9575
Borough Hall – 547-7164
Construction Office – 546-2580
Overnight Parking -784-9161
CC Social Services -- 225-5143 or 8800
Welfare to Work – 427-0988
WIC – 225-5155
Health & Human Services – 374-6300
Division for Children – 374-6376
Food Stamps – 225-7789
Mosquito Control – 566-2945
Alcohol & Substance Abuse – 374-6316
Veterans Affairs – 613-1199
One Stop Resource Center – 968-4200
Parks & Recreation – 216-2130
Public Works (county) – 566-2980
Sr. Services & Services for the Disabled 858-3220
Surrogate – 225-7282
Sheriff’s Office – 225-5473
Rental Assistance – 614-3300
Homeless Prevention – 614-3318
Catholic Charities – 663-9800
PSE&G – 866-657-4273
Office of Economic Opportunities - 910-1180
New Jersey Officials
Chris Christie 609-292-6000
U.S. Representative
Robert Andrews
U.S. Senators
Robert Menendez
Frank Lautenberg
October, 2012
State Senator
Don Norcross
State Assemblyman
Whip Wilson
State Assemblyman
Angel Fuentes
John Rayser 546-7024
Ambulance Auxiliary
Louisa Benson 547-8629
American Legion Post #149
Bill Troutman 547-7453
American Legion Auxiliary
Pia Troutman 547-7453
Boy Scouts Troop #67
Lorraine Hoilien, 609-706-5822
Business & Professional Assn.
George Wise 546-1129
Circolo Italiano Club
Kathy Terranova 547-3110
Community Activities
Bob Hunter 856-465-7751
Cub Scouts Pack #163
Fred Rojek
Democratic Club
Steve Berryhill 546-9800
Friends of Hoffs Playground
Barbara Robinson 547-3312
Republican Club
Kimberly Kluchnick 547-1610
Haddon Heights Barrington Lawnside
Rocky Riley • 547-2569
Rotary Club
Robert Hunter 547-7132
Haddon Heights Rotary Club
Bob Hunter at bob@haddonheightslibrary.
com or Rich Israel at
meets weekly on Thursday evenings at
Tavistock Country Club. .
Sons of Italy Lodge #2311
Tina Messina 609-320-8698
St. Rose PTA
Maureen Donnelly 546-6166
Haddon Heights Soccer Club
6:00PM - 1st Thursday of the Month
-SOF conf room
Al Oswald, President 547-2794
7:15pm - 2nd Monday of each month –
SOF Conference Room
Kevin Spaeth - 546-0788
Girl Scouts & Brownies
Miriam Mlynarski 547-1423
Heritage League
Rose Fitzgerald 547-3950
Good Neighbors
Sue 546-6677
Historical Society
Elena Hill, President 546-5065.
HH Field Hockey Club
Shannon Parkinson 310-0053
Project Prom
Trish Shields 547-5825
HH Mens & Senior Soccer Club
Frank Bellomo 546-9643
Friends of Library
Jodilyn Turner 546-5860
HH Elem. Parent Teacher Gr
Lisa Battino 782-1769
NJ Boys State
Peter Hill 546-5065
HHHS Band Auxiliary
Dave Brownback 546-8614
Haddon Heights VFW Post 1958”
Meetings are the 1st Tuesday at 7 PM,
at the Post Home, 615 E. Atlantic Ave.
Robert Furmanski 546-9049
Haddon Summer Music
Scott Glading 547-5553
Mizpah Free & Accepted Masons
Jay Foster 547-4598
HHHS Alumni Assn.
Paul DeMartini 546-7504
Cindy Skotnicki 310-1780
South Jersey Metal Detecting Club
– 6:00PM - 2nd Thursday of the
month – Borough Hall
Story Storks, Inc.
Barbara Funkhouser • 856-547-1235
Interfaith Caregivers
Mary Ann Bigelow 354-0298
Library House Tour Committee
Chris Walter 547-7132
Lions Club Had Hts/Barrington
President Kim Spaeth-Riehm
Sustainable Haddon Heights
Marshall Hatfield • 856-546-0391
Village Playbox
Steve Allen
Woman’s Club
12:00 p.m., the third Friday of every
month, Boro Hall Auditorium
September - May Delores Lindblade
All meetings will be held at the Municipal Building unless otherwise noted. Caucus
meetings will begin at 7:00pm in the 2nd floor Conference Room with the Regular/
Business meetings beginning at 7:30pm in the auditorium.
October 2 and 16
November 7 (Wednesday) and 20
December 4 and 18
Trick or Treating Hours will be
3 to 5 and then 6 to 8.
Curfew on Mischief Night and
Halloween will be 8:00 p.m.
The Heights Report
The Haddon Heights Police Department
“Hue & Cry” Undercover Traffic Enforcement Near Schools
By Chief Richard Kinkler
The Haddon Heights when a violation is
Police Department will have observed. This has resulted
a Zero Tolerance policy for in better compliance which
vehicles parked illegally and will improve safety around
speeding near our schools. It the schools.
will be enforced by an officer
My hope is that residents a Zero Tolerance policy.
Our goal is to have a
in an unmarked vehicle in read this article and comply
addition to regular patrol.
with statutes. We ask that safe school zone for our
Parking violators will you spread the word by children!
not be issued on the spot but telling your friends that the
rather mailed summonses Police Department will have
haddon Heights!
Community Calendar Display
Blocks Special Date Blocks are
Available - Pricing starts at ONLY
$5.00 (35 character listing on
specific calendar day)
(Deadline for Calendar 10/19)
Join the Haddon Heights Business
and Professional Association.
For more information about the
HHBPA visit our website
Station Avenue & White Horse Pike Signs
Please note that the scheduling of the time slots for
various Haddon Heights Activities/Events for the
corners of Station Avenue and the White Horse Pike will
now by coordinated by Marc Zito of ArtSign.
Marc can be reached at 856-546-4889.
Ralph’s Pizza
520 Station Avenue
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
Eat In or Take Out
Monday - Thursday
2 large pies for
Garlic & Tomato
Broccoli or Spinach
White Pie
Cheese Steak Hoagie Pizza
Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Salads • Wraps
Specialty Chicken
(Does not apply to specialty or
gourmet pizzas) Toppings Extra
Broccali Rabe
Roast Pork & Provolone
Roast Beef Hoagie or Club
New Jersey Monthly Magazine
named Ralph’s
Garlic & Tomato Pizza
“One of the State’s
25 Perfect Pizzas”
February 2010 Issue
Monday - Thursday 11a.m - 9:30pm
Friday & Saturday 11am - 10pm • Closed Sundays
The Heights Report
October, 2012
Stop In or Visit
for a
7 day pass!
Mention this ad & receive
10% off all services:
• New Landscape Lighting Installations
• New Sprinkler System Installations
• Irrigation start-ups, service, shutdowns
• Nightlighting service & bulb changes
• Gutter Cleaning
Zumba • Yoga • Aqua • Kickbox • BodyPump • Cycling
Coming soon...NEW juice bar!
Proudly serving residential &
commercial clients in Haddon
and surrounding communities
Marty DeNinno, President
50 E. Gloucester Pike • Barrington, NJ
NJ Irrig Lic #0016752
Not happy
with your
Stop in for a
with one of our
Walk-in or appointments
Cuts & Styling
for Women, Men
& Children
Open 7 days a week!
Tues - Fri - 9am - 8pm
Sat - 9am to 4pm
Sun - 10am to 4pm
Mon - 10am to 7 pm
Highlighting & Low Lighting
Plaza 500
Black Horse Pike
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
(Across from Mt. Ephraim Mc Donalds)
October, 2012
Facial Waxing
Make up
. . .and more to give you the
look you’ve been looking for.
15% OFF
All New Clients
on Any Service
The Heights Report
Phone: (856) 429-3002
(856) 478-0069
Serving South Jersey
for Years
Haddon Heights Code Enforcement
Phone: 856-546-2580
Fax: 856-546-2584
Construction Official
John Szczerbinski
Zoning/Code Enforcement
Officer Ron Newell
Inspection Schedule
Building, Electric, Plumbing and Fire
Monday through Thursday
*For inspections all calls must be made by 3pm
the previous day with the following information:
Permit Number, Address, Type of Inspection
We offer the following services:
•Driveways & Parking Lots
•Private & Rural Roads
•Patching & Repairs
•Handicapped Ramps
•Tar & Chip
•Deceleration Lanes
•Pathways/Jogging Trails
•Golf Courses
5% off Any of our Services
UP To $100
With this Coupon
•New Construction
•Speed Bumps
•Line Striping
Scan for
Hours of Operation
Zoning & Code Enforcement
9am - 1pm - Mon. - Thurs.
8am - 4pm - Monday through Thursday
5pm - 7pm Tuesday Evening By Appointment Only
Don’t Let a Little Bit of Rain Get You Down
Haddon Heights, NJ
We’ll Help Your Home Weather the Storm
The Heights Report
October, 2012
Where We Live, Work & Play
Halloween Costume Swap
Halloween Costume Swap
What are the kids going
to wear this year? Have
you been invited to a
party? The Parks and Rec
Department is sponsoring
a Halloween costume swap
on Friday, October 5th from
8:30 to 10:30 am at the
Community Center. Bring
in your outgrown costumes
and leave with something
Your Tax Dollars at Work -
“new to you”. This is a no
cost opportunity to trade
or swap a costume with
another Heights resident
or school parent. The
Borough is only providing
a place to make a costume
exchange ; we leave it up
to the participants to make
their own deals. Questions?
Contact klange@haddonhts.
Christmas Parade
Sponsored by the HHRC
Friday, November 23rd at 6:30 p.m. on Station Avenue
Bring the kids and come join in the holiday fun on Station Avenue
with our annual Christmas Parade. Station Avenue will be ‘‘lit up’
just prior to the start of the Parade!
Santa will be visiting Borough Hall immediately following the
Parade. Refreshments will be offered while the kids wait with
anticipation to tell Santa what their hearts desire! Each child will
receive a complimentary photo with Santa.
Refreshments and photos, compliments of the HH Drug Alliance and
the HH/Barrington Lions Club
Your Tax Dollars at Work - Water Remediation project on
E. Atlantic Avenue – this project will alleviate Station Avenue
flooding which has been a problem for many of our business
owners for decades.
When you decide to turn jewelry into cash, be
sure to find professional guidance from a Graduate
Gemologist and trusted member of the community.
Consider Michael's Jewelers and Gemologist,
where a welcoming enviroment and expert staff
will answer your questions and assure that you
get the most from your visit.
into THIS
Michael's pays the highest market prices.
Be advised: We pay more than any Cash for Gold
storefront or Gold Buying Show.
Don't get ripped-off. Stop in and compare.
519 Station Avenue • Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
856.672.1131 •
October, 2012
The Heights Report
Pinetina Center for Italian Art and Culture
La Cucina Dolce
Antonina Bellesorte
Dennis Coleman and Tami Davies-Caleman
Antonina Bellesorte opened Pinetina as a place where people of all
ages can immerse themselves in the delights of Italy – the beautiful language, fabulous food, and rich artistic traditions and culture.
A native of Italy, Antonina has taught the Italian language for many
years, working with schools and private students alike. Fluent in both
Italian and English, she also works as an interpreter for the Italian Consulate, the US court system, private companies such as AT&T, and government agencies such as the FBI and the Immigration Department.
In addition to her passion for language, Antonina is also a prize-winning cook whose delightful specialty meals have graced the tables of
many South Jersey families.
These interests have inspired Antonina to open Pinetina Center teach
Italian to individuals as well as small groups. While cooking lessons are
not possible in the E. Atlantic Avenue location, Antonian does offer the
fine art of Italian cooking to individuals and groups at other locations.
Annalisa Salomone was born in Bologna in 1975 to Italian artist teacher
Angela Quintavalle. She has degrees in art and business and worked for
Nike in Italy. Two years ago she moved to the US with her husband
because of his job. That is when Annalisa started doing full time what
she loved to do when in Italy: paint. At Pinetina Center, Annalisa assists
teaching Italian as well as painting.
You will find lessons for both adults and children at Pinetina. Using Montessori methods, children are quickly immersed in Italian culture
and language.
Italian for travelers provides the language skills needed to easily travel
in Italy.
Seniors can arrange classes that provide basic conversation without
homework or grammar lessons.
If you want to learn Italian but believe that your schedule will not allow you to go to the Pinetina center, conversational lessons are available
to you via SKYPE.
After raising four children and starting to enjoy four grandchildren, Dennis
Coleman and his wife Tami Davies-Coleman decided to listen to their relatives.
For years, friends and family who received gift baskets of pastries and cookies
from Dennis and Tami said, “These are the best since Nonna’s. You should open
a bakery.”
While looking for a commercial kitchen to produce wholesale pastries for restaurants, the couple learned that the storefront at 506 Station Avenue was for rent
and had once been a bakery. It was the ideal space and location for their needs.
After driving around Haddon Heights, they fell in love with the town. “It’s just
our style,” said Tami. “The architecture of the houses is very appealing and we
just had the feeling that we should be here.”
These decisions were easy for Dennis and Tami, but harder to execute since
they lived and operated a business at the Jersey shore during summer and had a
home in Pennsylvania.
Due to commuting constraints they had a soft opening with shortened hours.
Encouraged by the number of people who came in on Sundays, La Cucina Dolce
had an official grand opening in late September. Stop in or visit the website for
grand opening specialties through October. Delicious specialty cakes, pastries
and cookies will be available for all your holiday celebrations.
How did Dennis and Tami solve their commuting problem? “Easy, we have
sold the business and house at the shore, and our son may buy our Pennsylvania
home. We have become part of the charming Haddon Heights community by
renting the apartment behind the shop,” said Tami. “We now have the pleasure of
walking only a few yards to work.”
Pinetina Center for Italian art and culture
133 E. Atlantic Ave.
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
Phone: 609-502-6654
Mon CLOSED • Tue, Wed, Thur 7AM-4PM
Fri 11AM-8PM • Sat 10AM-3PM
Sun 8AM-1PM
La Cucina Dolce
506 Station Avenue
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
The Heights Report
October, 2012
Officer Daniel Kinkler - Police Department
I want to introduce you
to the newest member of
the Haddon Heights Police
Daniel Kinkler. He initially
started in law enforcement
as a Class II Special Officer,
graduated from the Cape May
County Police Academy. The
Special Officer Academy is
ten grueling weeks long where
recruits are tested mentally
graduated third overall in his
class and served two summers Haddon Heights Police Department - Daniel Kinkler
working for Ocean City PD.
Daniel then competed for
Rugby and Track.
the Haddon Heights position
Officer Kinkler is a lifelong resident of
against numerous other candidates who
were highly qualified. When the Hiring Haddon Heights. He has always wanted to
Committee selected Officer Kinkler they be part of the Police Department. The next
noted he had a genuine interest in serving time you are in Borough Hall check out
the community, a strong work ethic, is the police memorial case; inside there is a
involved with his family, and is well like picture he drew of his hero, John Norcross,
by friends and neighbors. Additionally, when Daniel was just five years old.
he passed an extensive background check,
physical fitness exam, psychological and I’d personally like to congratulate Daniel
academic testing. He has over seventy-five on his appointment as a police officer and
college credits and had been enrolled at the commend him for his dedication to law
University of Delaware, which he left so he enforcement and the community! Welcome
could apply in Haddon Heights. While at to our ranks.
Delaware he participated in the sports of
The Soldiers Are Coming
continued from cover
Soldiers will set up camp
across from the Hinchman-Hurley House. John
Hinchman sided with the
British after the Declaration
of Independence. Hinchman read a protest at the
Gloucester County Courthouse and was literally “run
out of town;” his property
seized. Three other colonial
houses remain in Heights:
Colonel Joseph Ellis House
on Sycamore, John Glover House on Sylvan and
Chalkley Glover House on
New Jersey Avenue. Glover joined the Patriot cause
and was “read out” of his
Quaker Meeting. Ellis enlisted with the New Jersey
Militia and fought with the
Gloucester County Militia
and is frequently mentioned
October, 2012
in “The Gallant Men of
the Delaware River Forts,”
fighting at Fort Mercer, and
Cooper’s Creek.
Re-enactors of the 2nd
Pennsylvania portray typical troops on both sides. The
2nd Pennsylvania is noted
for its valiant service with
Gen. Anthony Wayne. During this living history event
soldiers will set up camp and
campfires, service equipment, prepare foot conduct
drills and speak with local
compatriots. Patriot women
will prepare and cook meals.
Cannons and muskets will
be fired.
Refreshments, musket balls
and Continental money will
be available for sale. The
Encampment is free, rain or
shine. You and your families are invited to bring a
picnic and spend the day. A
one hour Walking Tour of
Revolutionary War Haddon
Heights will take place at
2:00 p.m. A brochure describing the history of these
houses is available at the Library.
For more information:
Rose Fitzgerald, Council &
Civic Events Director, 5473950
The Cabin and Community Center are now available to rent for
private parties and functions. What better way to celebrate a family
event! With Hoff’s Playground conveniently located next to the Cabin and adjacent to the Community Center, children can play within
view of adults enjoying their event.
The Community Center is located at 321 Seventh Avenue. The
center offers a spacious main room with french doors leading to a
fenced in yard. It is equipped with a full kitchen and sound system.
Round tables and padded chairs are supplied. The Community
Center accommodates up to 135.
The Cabin is located at 600 Lippincott Lane. The Cabin offers
a charming space which includes a gas fireplace, a small warming
kitchen area and audio visual equipment. Tables and chairs are supplied. The Cabin accommodates 55. If interested in renting one of
your hometown’s facilities, contact Kelly Santosusso at 547-7164
ext. 23.
3 D’s
Lawn Service & Landscaping
Fall Specials
Aerate and Seed
Entire Property $295
Fall Leaf Cleanups
Starting at $99
Gutter Cleaning
1 Story $75 / 2 Story $120*
*large 2 story homes add an additional $25
Pressure Washing
1 Story $165 / 2 Story $195
“We Take Pride in Our Work.”
Call Dave 856-979-1303 • 856-939-9144
The Heights Report
Registration Now Open for HHYA Winter Basketball
Now is the time to plan
for your children to stay
physically active during the
winter months. Basketball
is fun way to exercise with
your friends. Whether your
child is new to basketball
or a returning hoops player,
there is fun physical activity
available for everyone.
HHYA offers a recreation
(REC) league and a more
competitive travel league.
Registration is now open
for all boys and girls
offer instruction and fun
competition for boys and
girls grades first to sixth.
The time to register for both
leagues is September and
October. Don’t wait until
the last minute!
The REC League offers
allowing the opportunity
to teach the fundamentals
of the game and good
game competition is also
part of the program. The 9week REC league will begin
Sunday, January 6, 2013 and
end Sunday, March 3. Gym
space permitting, the season
is topped off with a few
“open gym nights” which
allows additional practice
for all children. The REC fee
is $50 for the first child, $40
for each additional child.
Fee includes an official
league t-shirt and basketball
for kids new to the program.
The deadline to register for
the REC League is Monday,
November 26, 2012. A $20
late fee will be assessed for
any late registration.
The HHYA boys and
girls travel league is offered
to interested players in
grades third through sixth.
It’s a competitive league
neighboring towns in the
Camden County Basketball
League (CCBL). Travel
league players are also
required to participate in
the REC League (Sundays
only). Skills evaluations
for travel basketball will
take place in November
and practices will begin
in December. Games will
begin late December or
early January. The travel fee
is $125 for the first child,
$80 for each additional
child. Fee includes the REC
league fee (and t-shirt) and
the travel league fee. The
deadline to register for the
travel basketball league
is Wednesday, November
7, 2012. A $20 late fee
will be assessed for any
registrations for travel are
not guaranteed and will
only be accepted space
Any first-time participants
with HHYA Basketball
receive a free basketball.
Registration and payment
for both leagues must be
completed online at www.
sponsorship is vital to the
success of HHYA Sports.
If you are a local business
owner or are employed by
a company that’s interested
in learning more about
the HHYA Sponsorship
Program, please email
H H YA S p o r t s @ g m a i l .
com. A board member
will contact you to discuss
marketing opportunities for
you and your business.
Philadelphia Union
midfielder Greg Jordan
signs autographs at
opening night for the
Haddon Heights Soccer
Haddon Heights Soccer
Club families and friends
enjoy festivities with the
Philadelphia Union at
opening night for the club
at Devon fields.
The Heights Report
October, 2012
Upcoming School Events at
St. Rose of Lima
St. Rose of Lima
Fall is in the air and the St.
Rose of Lima School students
are looking forward to a great
year ahead. Our principal,
Ms. Denise Winterberger, and
the St. Rose faculty and staff
welcomed 377 students on
the first day of school. The
students have gotten off to a
running start! Congratulations
to our Cross Country team for
having several top ten finishers
in their first meet on Sept. 8th.
Julia Bruno, Kat Soanes, Elise
Connelly, Katie Parkinson,
Mary Kate Donnelly, Liam
Sheldon and Chris Knapp all
placed in the top ten.
St. Rose of Lima School
will be hosting several events
in the coming months. Our
Fall Open House will be held
on Wednesday, October 17th
from 9:00 – 11:00 am, with
welcome remarks at 9:00 am.
This is a great opportunity to
see the school and visit the
classrooms. Please join us at
the Open House to register your
child for the 2013-2014 school
year. The St. Rose PTA will be
hosting Ladies Coach Bingo
on Sunday, October 21st from
10:30 am – 2:30 pm. It will be
a fun afternoon of great food,
friends and fabulous prizes! Our
Annual Christmas Bazaar will
be held on Friday, November
9th from 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
in the school gym. Please stop
by and enjoy delicious food,
September 29th – Welcome Back Luau
7:00 – 11:00 pm
October 17th – School Open House 9:00
- 11:00 am
October 19th – Children’s Fall Festival 6:30
– 9:00 pm
Octobrt 21st - PTA Ladies Coach Bingo
10:30 am – 2:30 pm
November 9th – Annual Christmas Bazaar
10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Above: St. Rose of Lima first grade students, John Capelli,
Lauren Miller, Emily Jenkins and Ozzy Olevsky, preparing
Haddon Heights Parent
for their first week of school.
Teacher Group would like to
Below: Matthew Jenkins and Nathaniel Warren, fourth grade
thank the residents of Haddon
students at St. Rose, are ready to start the school year.
Heights for their support.
We would like to extend
an invitation to all Haddon
Heights residents to join us
for our annual Hoots and
Howls Celebration on October
27th, from 1:00 to 5:00p.m. at
Cervino Field, 8th and High
Streets. This year’s event will
feature inflatable rides, many
games, great food and many
other surprises.
The rain
Haddon Heights to Receive Grant
Mrs. Renner, the Haddon
Heights Director of Special
Education, applied for an
granny’s attic and wonderful For additional information Autism grant through Autism
prizes, including a Mega 50/50 on school registration or our New Jersey whose funding
raffle. Last year’s grand prize upcoming events, please contact was supplied by the State
was over $8,300! Mega 50/50 the Advancement Office at of New Jersey’s Office on
raffle tickets can be purchased 856-546-6166 (ext.130).
Autism. Haddon Heights was
at the St. Rose rectory office.
informed that we are one of
three districts that are receiving
the grant. The grant will allow
Autism New Jersey to provide
Haddon Heights Jr/Sr High
for administrators and staff
throughout the Haddon Heights
Schools in Haddon Heights
Seventh Avenue Elementary
316 Seventh Avenue • 547-0610
Interim Principal Chris Ormsby
Child Study Team
316B Seventh Avenue
Jocqueline Renner • 547-1322
Glenview Avenue Elementary
1700 Sycamore Street • 547-7647
Principal: Samuel Sassano
Atlantic Avenue Elementary
21 E. Atlantic Avenue • 547-0630
Interim Principal Chris Ormsby
301 Second Avenue • 547-1920
Sr. High Principal: Ron Corn
Jr. High Principal: David Chando
New Beginnings Learning Center
Nursery School
1st Untited Methodist Church
704 Garden Street
Director: Gayle Iannitelli 547-4444
St. Rose Elementary
300 Kings Highway
Principal: Denise Winterberger
Snow Closing #610
Baptist Regional School
Third Avenue & Station Avenue
Head Adm: Lynn Conahan
Snow Closing #1262
Board of Education
316A Seventh Avenue
President: Rebecca A. Kitchmire
Superintendant: Michael Adams
All Haddon Heights Public Schools Emergency Closing #’s are 563
October, 2012
location is Atlantic Avenue
Please be sure to stop by
Michael’s Jewelers and see his
new ‘Haddon Heights’ charms!
Proceeds from the sale will
benefit the HHPTG!
Save the date for our
Second Annual Vendor Show
on November 17th at Atlantic
Avenue School! There will be
many new vendors showcasing
their goods just in time for the
School District.
Administrators and some
staff members will receive a
combined total of 12 hours of
professional development this
fall. The training will include
an overview of autism and
best practices. It will also
get into more specific topics
such as transitions, social
skills, communication, parentprofessional collaboration, and
data collection/analysis. The
district is looking forward to
participating in the grant.
Haddon Heights Public Schools Project
Do you have a preschool age
child, ages 3 to 5, experiencing developmental difficulties
with communication, learning,
socialization, or motor skills?
If so, your child may be eligible for free services through
the school district. The district
will evaluate children, when
warranted, beginning at age 2
years 9 months old. The district provides special education
services for eligible preschoolThe Heights Report
If you suspect your preschool
age child is developing differently or demonstrating problems learning contact Jocqueline Renner, Director of Special
Education, at 547-1322, Ext.
3005 for more information. Information is also available on
the Special Education, Project
CHILD FIND weblink located
on the school district’s website
Let Our Service
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Haddon Heights
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41 Haddonfield Road • Haddonfield, NJ 08033 • 856-428-2600
The Heights Report
October, 2012
Run for Reading 5K Run/Walk
Run for Reading 5k Run/
Walk – November 3, 2012
Story Storks is holding the
first annual Run for Reading
5k Run/Walk on Saturday,
November 3rd at 8 A.M.
at 7th Ave. and West High
Streets in Haddon Heights.
Registration begins at 7
A. M. Registration flyer
and online registration
is available at www.
Story Storks is a nonprofit
beginning at birth. The
organization was founded
in 2012 by three Haddon
Heights residents, Maureen
Hicks, Adrienne Evans and
Barbara Funkhouser. The
organization partners with
Cooper University Hospital
to educate the mothers of
the nearly 3,000 babies
born at the hospital about
the importance of reading
to babies from birth and the
impact that early reading has
on language development
and success in school. In
order to encourage reading,
Story Storks donates an
age appropriate board book
to each baby at Cooper
University Hospital that is
personalized with the baby’s
Proceeds from the event
will be used to purchase
books and program supplies.
Information about Story
Storks including volunteer
opportunities is available at
Well Being
Why We Do What We Do - HH Good Neighbors
“A community needs a soul if
it is to become a true home for
human beings. You, the people, must give it this soul.”
Pope Paul II
For over 30 years, YOU,
the people of Haddon Heights,
have helped to give our community a soul. Through Haddon Heights Good Neighbors,
you extended a hand to those
who were down and provided
a voice of encouragement to
those who needed to know that
someone was listening.
With your generous support,
from October 1, 2011 through
September 30, 2012, we were
able to provide the following
assistance and payments:
•Holiday food certificates for
34 families (103 individuals);
•Hot meals to 16 residents of
Stanfill Towers;
•Security deposits, rent and
shelter payments for 10 families;
•Utility bills for 5 families;
•Medical expenses for 3 individuals;
•Transportation costs, storage
costs, and purchase of air conditioners for a total of 5 individuals; and
•20 deliveries of local, fresh
produce grown and provided
by the Haddon Heights ComOctober, 2012
munity Garden
Some of the people who received help can best express it:
“Thank you for being there –
you made our holiday so much
“We can now get badly needed
eyeglasses for our children.”
“You came along when we really needed you.”
Who are we? Haddon
Heights Good Neighbors
is made up of the people of
Haddon Heights, is operated by the people of Haddon
Heights and is exclusively
for the people of Haddon
Our Mission is to bring shortterm financial assistance of
a material nature to Haddon
Heights residents in need.
Woman’s club of Haddon
Heights will host a Christmas
Bazaar on Friday night Nov 16
@ 5 to 8 early bird sale and Sat
Nov 17 9 to 1
@Municipal hall
If you’d like to volunteer your
time, make a donation, or
inquire about receiving help,
please visit us at or contact
us at 546-6677. Tax-deductible monetary contributions
can be sent to:
Haddon Heights Good Neighbors
625 Station Avenue
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
Thank you for your continued
support. As we all know, the
economy for the past few years
has made life a challenge for
many of us, especially those
living on the margin who have
an unexpected short-term financial need. Each donation
you give is very important and
has far-reaching consequences for our neighbors. We appreciate your generosity and We now accept PayPal!
so do they.
Remember: No donation is
too small or too inconsequential!
The Heights Report
Library Corner
C. Len SChmidt & Son, inC.
610 Station Avenue • Haddon Heights, NJ
Serving the Residents
of haddon heights
foR oVeR 50 YeARS
Story Times at the Library
Toddler time is held on
Wednesday mornings at 10:30
am. The half hour program
includes songs, finger plays, a
few stories and a simple craft.
The library also hosts Story
Time on Wednesday evenings
at 7:00 pm and Thursday
mornings at 10:30 am. This
includes a few stories and a
simple craft you can make with
your children! Finally, the
library continues with LEGO
Story Time! This program is
for grades K – 6. The after
school program will start with
a short reading from some
favorite children’s authors.
Then, the rest of the hour will
be spent building LEGOS!
During the last 5 minutes, we
will dismantle our creations and
clean up. For more information
on all of these programs, please
contact Kathi Bernardi at 5477132.
9, 16 and 30. You may bring
your comfy chairs if you prefer
and don’t forget your popcorn!
This year’s Halloween Series
will feature a mix of PG and R
rated films. A schedule of the
Halloween Movie Series
The library will once again be three movies will be available
holding a Halloween Movie at the library beginning in
Series on Tuesdays in October. October.
Our movies will begin at 7:00
p.m. The dates will be October
All Work Done
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The Heights Report
M-F 8am-6pm
Sat 8am-5pm
to School
off any
2 Pair Pants Cleaned & Pressed
(Ladies orminimum
Any Dry 9/10/12
Cleaning, Shoe Repair or Alterations Drop off
October, 2012
Haddon Heights Fall Festival
continued from cover
If you’re looking for
family style fun, check
out street performances up
and down Station Avenue.
Singer/songwriter and USA
Worldwide Showcase winner
Irene Bolletino will grace the
stage in front of the Haddon
Heights Public Library starting
with the National Anthem at
noon until 3 p.m. In between
Irene’s performances, watch
some neat karate moves from
the students of the AmeriKick
Karate Studio and follow the
graceful performance of the
Nancy Mulford School of
Dance, and Sheila E’s Dance
Center dancers. Watch out for
our balloon animal maker and
free face painter.
Food carts for children and
adults are available in all the
blocks. Fair favorites include
funnel cakes, fried Oreos, root
beer floats, chili dogs, pizza,
and special water ice to name
a few.
Craft and food vendors are
still welcome to sign up for the
event. In order to maintain a high
level of service and to ensure
the safety of festival goers it
is required that food vendors
have permits from the Camden
County Board of Health. For
more information or to inquire
about space availability,
please contact Bob Hunter,
Haddon Heights Business and
Professional Association Vice
President by phone from 9 am
to 5 pm at 856-547-7132, or
through e-mail at fallfestival@ You may
also visit the Haddon Heights
Business and Professional
Association website at www.
For Inquiries on partaking
in the Corvette show, please
contact Jeff at 856-912-5200 or
Nick at 856-939-0506 or visit
The Haddon Heights Business
and Professional Association is
a non-profit organization that
provides support and enrichment
to Haddon Heights Businesses
and Professionals for over 35
years. The Junior Women’s Club
of Haddon Heights started the
annual Fall Festival many years
ago. They passed the reins to
Heights Business and Professional
Association who has organized the
Fall Festival for 14 years now.
Kick-Off Savings Time
Sports Specialties
613 Station Avenue • Haddon Heights, NJ
Tel: (856)547-3252 • Fax: (856)547-6818
10% off
$100 Purchase
With this ad
Exp 10/1/2012
We have ALL of Your Equipment Needs
Circolo Italiano Club
Circolo meets every second Monday at
Haddon Heights Boro Hall from 7:00
- 9:00pm. We have a program each
month which starts at 8:00pm and
usually lasts 45 minutes. Coffee and
desserts are available throughout the
“Remembering Yesterday for the People of Tomorrow”
October 15th - 7:00 PM
Fifty+ Years At the Glen
Celebrating the Anniversary of Haddon Glen Swim Club
Take the plunge as we review grass root
efforts of local residents to plan and
build this nonprofit, private swim club
on Walnut Avenue in Haddon Heights..
Wade into Haddon Glen’s unique
contribution to the town & community.
Dive into happy memories of summer
fun at the pool shared by a panel chaired
by Dr. Ann Marie Cammarota. Pictures,
memorabilia, and light refreshments will
be part of the program. Be prepared to
swap stories about the genesis of the club,
socials, 5k runs, swim meets and more
at this quarterly general membership
(Annual) meeting.
Future dates: Monday January 21st 2013 & April 15th 2013
Haddon Heights Public Library, 608 Station Ave
The HH Library is air-conditioned with full handicap access
October, 2012
October 8th from 8:00 to 9:00pm
One of our favorite members Peter
Damato will present a program on
Leonardo DaVinci, who was one of the
icons of the renaissance. Together
with Michelangelo and several other
great artists and artisans of the
period Da Vanci left a legacy of art,
thought, science, and culture which
has profoundly affected all ages since.
Peter will give a wonderful program on
this interesting, fascinating man. Please
plan to attend this great program.
November 12th from 8:00pm to 9:00pm
Ray Farnesi will present a program on
the “Hidden Treasures of Italy”. He will
touch upon many emerging small towns
that people are not aware of. He will
have pictures and present slides. It will
be awesome.!! Please attend.
The Heights Report
Places of Worship
Haddon Heights Baptist Church
Every Week
Sunday Services 10:45 AM & 6 PM (Child care provided)
Sunday School & Special Ed 9:30 AM
WEDNESDAY 7:00-8:30 PM AWANA -- Ages 3-6th grade will resume in September
AWAKEN (7-12th grade) begins in Rm 209
Prayer & Bible Study in Fellowship Hall
Ladies’ Bible Study – in room 306 (last class meets May 2nd) will resume in September
THURSDAY9:30 – 11 AM Heart to Heart Ladies Bible Study will resume in September
8:00 PM COLLEGE & CAREER (Ages 18 – 30ish) at 205 4th Ave, Haddon Heights
(meets every other Thursday)
We are located at: Third & Station Avenues • Haddon Heights • 856-547-3579 Email:
Stephen F. Parsons, Interim Senior Pastor
Worship Directory
Ascension Lutheran Church
4th & Highland Avenues
Pastor George Dietrich
First United Methodist Church
704 Garden Street
Rev. William Benjamin
Baptist Church
3rd & Station Avenues
Interim Sr. Pastor
Stephen F. Parsons
First Presbyterian Church
7th Avenue & Green Street
Rev. Eliza S. Cramer
Secretary: Joan Rugge
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
WHP & Green Street
Fr. Henry Jansma
Joy Community Fellowship
1701 Sycamore Street
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
Pastor Mark Savidge
First Church of Christ Science
3rd & Station Avenues
Reading Room - 604 Station
Parents Need Support? Try Gospel-Centered
Beginning September
30 for six weeks St. Mary’s
Episcopal Church will provide
a study in sermon and small
group of parenting and family
life: Gospel-Centered Family:
Becoming the Parents God
wants you to be! We at St.
Mary’s understand what it
means to live the gospel of
Jesus Christ in your daily life.
So, in this very practical study
about family life, we will focus
on what it means to rest in
grace as parents, to respond
with grace to our children and
to teach them to hope in grace
themselves. This emphasis is a
must for parents, grandparents
and all those adult role models
in your family. Find our
more on our website www. or call us at
(856) 547-3240.
Is your school or organization
hosting an event?
Want your community to know?
Let us know by emailing
Kelly Santosusso
Questions about how to submit?
Contact the Boro
at 547-7164, ext. 23.
We Look Forward to Hearing from
St. Rose of Lima Church
300 Kings Highway
Pastor E. Joseph Byerley
Associate Pastor,
Rev. Jerry Gomez 547-0564
TABLES AVAILABLE FOR St. Mary’s Annual Multi Family Flea Market
White Horse Pike & Green Streets
Haddon Heights, NJ (across from CVS)
Saturday, October 20, 2012 - Set up: 8 AM (no earlier)
Table rentals (6 to 8 feet) $25 each
Spot rentals (bring your own table- no longer than 8 feet): $20 each
Please bring all appropriate items for sale at a church function, including:
A Holiday Tour to Benefit
The Haddon Heights Library
Clothes, accessories & shoes • Books • Jewelry & watches
Furniture & rugs • Appliances • Crafting materials
Collectibles• Toys and games • Household items – just about anything!
CDs, albums, videos, DVD’s, software
Electronics including TV’s, computers, cameras, phones
Tools • Bikes, exercise equipment and other sports equipment
Beauty products • Baby clothes and products • Musical instruments
Friday, December 7, 2012
For inquiries, please contact St. Mary’s office at 215-547-3240 or call Susan
Tracey at 609-313-4251.
Ticket Prices: Pre-Sale $15 / Day of Tour $18
The Heights Report
12:00 – 3:30 and 6:30 – 10:00.
Purchase Your Tickets at:
Haddon Heights Library
April Robin Florist
Freshest Flower Florist
Taylor Made Memories
October, 2012
Senior Scene
At the Community Center
Bridge club
All Seniors are welcome to join our
new Bridge Club. Enjoy good company
and a good game! Come join the already
thriving Bridge Club. 2nd & 4th Tuesday
of the month 12:30–3:00pm NO COST
Come and learn how to play this fun
game! Mah-Jongg is a game of Chinese
origin using 144 small tiles bearing
various designs, played by four people
around a square table. The winning player
is the first one who completes a particular
pattern using 13 tiles. All seniors
Welcome to the Community Table
We’re starting our third year of Seniors getting
together at a Community Table on Tuesdays.
Why not join us! A Community Table is a long
table where people come for lunch, sit together,
order from the regular menu, pay their own bill
and socialize with new and old friends. The
Haddon Heights Senior Citizens group will meet
at the Community Table anytime between 11:30
and 1:30 p.m. at the following Haddon Heights
restaurants. Please join us!
welcome! Fridays afternoons 12:30 p.m.
– 2:30 p.m. NO COST
Location: Senior Room, Community
Men’s Cards and Coffee - Senior men
are invited to join together for cards and
coffee Thursday mornings. Please contact
Kelly Santosusso at 546-2585 if interested.
Thursday mornings, 9:30 a.m. NO COST
Location: Senior Room, Community
Any ideas for senior programs? Contact
Amy Lafferty at 546-2585
For more information on Haddon Heights and the great
services it offers, visit
First Tuesday, November 6 – Kunkel’s – ElecTo find out how to contribute to the Heights Report, call
tion Day
For advertising information, please call 267Second Tuesday, November 13 - Village Cheese
Third Tuesday, November 20 - Station House
Fourth Tuesday, November 27 - Anthony’s - $13
incl. tax and tip; $16 incl. tax, tip and beverages
Call Rose Fitzgerald at 547-3950 for more information.
First Tuesday, October 2 – Kunkel’s
Second Tuesday, October 9 – Village Cheese
Third Tuesday, October 16 – Station House
Fourth Tuesday, October 23- Anthony’s - $13
incl. tax and tip; $16 incl. tax, tip and beverages
Fifth Tuesday, October 30 – ROAD TRIP!
Keg & Kitchen, 90 Haddon Avenue, Westmont
– Their short rib sandwich is worth leaving town
for! Call Rose Fitzgerald if you need a ride 5473950.
October, 2012
About our community: Offering a unique blend of friendliness, excellent schools, a convenient location and a diverse
housing stock, Haddon Heights is a great place to live, to
raise children and to do business. Spirited, civic-minded
residents initiate and support many community organizations and activities. Customers enjoy the tree-lined streets,
the diverse shops, fine restaurants and excellent library, all
of which energizes the town’s main street and enhances the
home-town feel. Haddon Heights, the friendly community!
Haddon Heights is up and Running on
Channel 19!
Can’t get to your computer and want to
know what’s happening in Heights? Tune
in to Channel 19 for the latest information
about your town. Channel 19 will be a
great source of information to many of our
residents, including senior residents who
may not have access to computers. Spread
the word!
Get Your Business Noticed
Advertise in The Heights Report
and have your ad delivered
to over 3,000 homes and
businesses in the borough
For Information and Rates, email or call
Discounts for multi-issue
Published bi-monthly
Next issue date is October
The Heights Report
Daniel R. White, Jr.
Dominic Bocchicchio
Real Estate Assoc.
Brian Bygott
Real Estate Assoc.
Amy Gannon
Real Estate Assoc.
Joseph Bozza
Real Estate Assoc.
Merry White
Pat Driscoll
Real Estate Assoc.
Dolores Fermano
Real Estate Assoc.
John Gagliardi &
Janis Danielewicz
Tony Horneff
Real Estate Assoc.
Robert Hughes
Real Estate Assoc.
John Janeczko
Real Estate Assoc.
hometown properties to cheer about
Haddon Heights Duplex
Haddon Heights 2 Story
4BR/2BA $289,900
Short Sale
Jeffrey “Jeff” Tofts
Real Estate Assoc.
Sam Kalifa
Real Estate Assoc.
Paul Whitman
Real Estate Assoc.
Haddon Heights 5 BR
2 BA / 2 Half BA $399,900
Haddon Heights Triplex
Haddon Heights Bungalow
3 BR / 1 BA $189,900
Haddon Heights Bungalow
3 BR / 1 BA $189,900
Haddon Heights 3 BR Ranch
1 BA / 2 Half BA $199,900
Haddon Heights Ranch
3 BR / 1 BA $249,999
Audubon Colonial
4 BR / 1.5 BA $249,998
October, 2012
Audubon Colonial
5 BR / 1.5 BA $234,900
1st Flr
MBR Suite
Haddon Heights Cape
3 BR / 2 BA $250,000
Mike Wood
Real Estate Assoc.
Tom Lewis
Real Estate Assoc.
Haddon Heights Twin
3 BR/ 1.5 BA $139,900
Haddon Heights Bungalow
2 BR / 1 BA $259,900
Haddon Heights Cape
4 BR / 1.5 BA $186,900
Barrington Cape
3 BR / 1 BA $129,999
Mt. Ephraim Bungalow
5 BR / 2 BA $199,999
The Heights Report
Amy Smith
Real Estate Assoc.
Haddon Heights Duplex
Oaklyn Colonial
3 BR / 1 BA $184,900