May - Robe
May - Robe
Community Newsletter May 2016 District Council of Robe, Royal Circus (PO Box 1) Robe SA 5276 Phone l 08 8768 2003 Fax l 08 8768 2432 | Email l Website l Mayor’s Report CEO Performance Review Prior to the 2016 CEO Performance Review, I requested that Council consider the expertise of a qualified Independent External Reviewer, this would be best practice and in line with community expectation. Chief Executive, Roger Sweetman, has advised Council he would be happy with this process and believes the involvement of an Independent Human Resource specialist would be appropriate. Robe Local Features in SBS Documentary SBS has been screening a documentary titled “Vietnam: the War that Made Us”. Local gentleman, Mr Graham Snook is one of the returned service men that are interviewed. Episodes of the three part documentary are available on SBS on demand, go to documentaries. Limestone Coast Climate Adaptation Plan Representatives from local Councils, Regional Development Limestone Coast, South East Natural Resources Management Board, Emergency Services, industry groups and other community groups have been working over the past 12 months on the Climate Adaptation Plan for our region. The importance of this Plan will become increasingly evident over time as the day-to-day reality of adapting to changing climatic conditions becomes a reality. Storm surge and sea level impacts are already impacting our coastline. With impacts on every South East coast town, Councils are having to deal with problems at greater expense and more frequently. For Robe, sand management and foreshore dune protection is a vital component. Implementing a comprehensive Beach Access Strategy will be key to ensuring ongoing resilience to the beach and dune system. Works Report Single coat reseals on Lord Syleham Street, O’Halloran Street and Sturt Street have been completed. The slip Lane on Sturt Street was also completed at this time. Work at the Greenways Tennis Club is progressing well, Major outcomes achieved included defining the reason for maintenance has been carried out on the roof to stop water being: “PLACE FOR SOCIAL INTERACTION, HOBBY/ leaks, a hand basin and toilets have been fitted and part of SKILLSHARING, SUPPORT FOR COMMUNITY PROJECTS AND the facia has been replaced. There is painting to be done and MENS HEALTH—REGARDLESS OF GENDER OR AGE.” some other minor work to be carried out yet. I am coordinating The site provided adjacent the Council works depot on the this work with Melissa Beggs from Greenways. Evans Cave road frontage will soon display signage advising of We have also done some maintenance work at the Bray Hall. the Men’s Shed and displaying phone number where interested Reinstatement of the old dump is also continuing with a layer of sand and the layer of rubble in place. There is another layer person’s can register for membership. of topsoil to go on yet. The EPA inspected the progress of the Plans are being drawn up for the shed with significant funds work and were happy of where we are at, considering this job secured by a local donor. Recognition of the donor will be in a has been ongoing for a number of years. ROBE MENS SHED ASSOCIATION The Robe men’s shed steering group met on 13th April and the group is powering forward to make the shed an on ground reality. forthcoming media announcement. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 8TH JUNE AT 7.30PM. If you are interested or require further information contact John Davidson 0457844195, Gary Thomas 0409357292 or Jackie Mackereth 0438686262. ALL ENQUIREIES ARE WELCOME. Roads graded in the last month were Barnett’s Swamp Road, Boomeroo Park Road, Bowyers Way, Nora Creina Road, Bowaka Road, Bog Lane, Baxter’s Hill, Jerusalem’s Hut, Powell’s Road, Tea Tree Swamp, Hermitage Road and Drabsch Hundred Line. Public Health Week 2016 South Australia’s first Public Health Week was held from 4 to 8 April 2016, aligning with the World Health Organisation’s World Health Day on 7 April. Public Health Week 2016 will raise awareness about and acknowledge the importance of public health activities in the day-to-day lives of South Australians. SA Health acknowledges and values the strong partnership and role of local government and other stakeholders in relation to public health planning and action. Public Health Week provides an opportunity to jointly celebrate the successes of local public health initiatives in protecting public health, preventing illness and promoting health and wellbeing in communities across our state. Public Health is what we do collectively as a society to create the conditions and environments that allow for the health and wellbeing of all South Australians. Public Health Week 2016 is to: raise awareness about the significant role public health plays on a daily basis to protect public health, prevent illness and promote wellbeing strengthen existing partnerships with local government and partner agencies to support activities that highlight the importance and value of public health provide opportunities for councils to highlight their regional public health plans and showcase public health achievements and actions showcase examples of public health excellence in metropolitan and regional South Australia through the Minister for Health - Excellence in Public Health Awards for local councils. What is public health? Public health is the health of individuals in the context of the wider community and may involve a combination of policies, programs and safeguards designed to: protect, maintain or promote the health of the community at large, including where one or more persons may be the focus of any safeguards, actions or response, or prevent or reduce the incidence of disease, injury or disability in the community. Public Health touches the lives of all South Australians every day in unseen ways. In the background, food standards are monitored, public health surveillance maintained, immunisations delivered and disease notification registers managed. When something goes wrong in the public health domain, like food poisoning outbreaks and public swimming pool contamination, the impact can be devastating. Public health works behind the scenes to ensure South Australians avoid illness and injury and have enhanced quality of life. Chief Executive’s Report Beach Access Strategy Council considered the many responses received during the community consultation period in relation to the Draft Beach Access Strategy and to ensure that Council has all the relevant information before proceeding with the next draft of the Strategy, has deferred making a decision until it has met on site with officers of the Coast Protection Board and sought advice from a qualified landscape architect. This meeting will provide elected members with the opportunity to become fully conversant with all the issues relating to the strategy. The progress of this matter will be reported in future newsletters Council will be corresponding individually with all respondents advising them of Councils decision and Council would like to thank all those who commented on the first draft of the strategy. Draft Limestone Coast Bushfire Management Area Plan The public is invited to attend a public consultation session on the draft Limestone Coast Bushfire Management Area Plan. The session will be run as an “open house” style meeting so that the public can view the information and ask questions. The session will be held on 4 th May 2016 at the Robe Council Chamber from 3pm to 6pm. Removal of Street Trees Earlier this year several of the Norfolk Island Pines adjacent the coastal walking path on Mundy Terrace dropped large limbs, on one occasion landing on the public seating adjacent the coastal path. Fortunately no one was injured in this instance however to insure public safety, Council engaged an Arborist to inspect the trees and report on their condition to Council. The report was received and considered at the April Council meeting and in line with the recommendation, 2 Norfolk Island Pines in this location will be removed and 1 Eucalyptus in Victoria Street will also have to be removed. It is very unfortunate that this action has to be taken however the safety of the public is Council’s prime concern. Council will be replacing the two Norfolk Island pines in a suitable location on the foreshore and will also be planting a replacement street tree in Victoria Street. Council will also be undertaking maintenance of the existing Norfolk Island Pines to improve their health and ensure their longevity. 2 Chief Executive’s Report Robe Jetty Repairs At the time of writing this article Council is yet to receive advice from the Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure in relation to the condition of the Robe Jetty. Council will keep the community informed as this matter proceeds. Robe Golf Course Expansion Development Plan Amendment Council received and considered the community and government agency submissions relating to the Robe Golf Course Expansion Development Plan Amendment and would like to thank those members of the community who forwarded submissions. The Development Plan Amendment will be amended to reflect the matters raised in the submissions and will then be forwarded to the Minister for Planning for approval. Lease of portion of Lake Charra Reserve Council has resolved to offer a twelve month lease of portion of the Lake Charra Reserve to the operators of the Lakeside Caravan Park to allow for unpowered camping during the peak holiday season . In response to the concern raised by the community during the consultation phase the area to be leased will still allow for a walking trail around the lake perimeter. The lessee will be responsible to maintain the area and keep the water level in Lake Charra at a level which helps to eliminate the offensive order that emanates from the Lake. If this 12 month lease period is successful and all parties are satisfied with the arrangement, Council will consider extending the time period of the lease in twelve months’ time. Sale of Unmade Roads – Robe Golf Course Council has finally completed the formal process which will see the unmade portion of the road reserves, Evans Cave Road and Brewer Road, closed and transferred to the Robe Golf Club, Council and the State Government. Straddle Lift restrictions In response to engineering advice Council has had to place a 20 tonne lift limit on the Straddle Lift Jetty at the Robe Marina. While this restriction is in place Council are investigating all options with respect to providing an alternative lifting system at the Marina as well as the replacement of the existing Straddle Lift jetty. Rate capping Local Government usually takes an apolitical stance on state and federal issues as it has to work with whoever is in power in Adelaide and Canberra however there are occasions when Council needs to respond to a position taken to ensure that our community is provided with information on the implications of a certain action or policy. The South Australian Liberal Party have a recently released a policy which if elected would see the introduction of rate capping for Local Government. Presented below is the Local Government Associations response to this policy. 3 Chief Executive’s Report Rate capping continued… 4 LIBRARY/VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE NEWS ROBE PUBLIC LIBRARY NEW BOOKS FOR MARCH/APRIL 2016 ADULT FICTION: Far From True – Linwood Barclay The Waters of Eternal Youth – Donna Leon The Wedding Soup Murder – Rosie Genova Find Her – Lisa Gardner Train to Australia – Lidia Kardos The Total Package – Stephanie Evanovich Talk of the Town – Wendy Altschwager Return to the Little Coffee shop of Kabul – Deborah Rodriguez The Steel Kiss – Jeffery Deaver Everywhere I Look – Helen Garner An Isolated Incident – Emily Maguire Indigo Storm – Fleur McDonald Standing Strong – Fiona McCallum ADULT NON FICTION: Australian Midwives…Moving real-life stories of that everyday miracle…birth – Paula Heelan A Sunburnt Childhood – Toni Tapp Coutts Easy DIY Ideas for your Home … 58 Amazing Projects to Make Step by Step Champions…Conversations with Great Players & Coaches of Australia Football – Ben Collins & Dan Eddy Scatter Pearls … three Generations of Iranian Women & their Search for Freedom – Sohila Zanjani Gotta Love this Country – Peter Fitzsimons CHILDREN’S FICTION: Who’s There Beware! The Crow’s Tale – Naomi Howarth Counting Lions – Katie Cotton Boot Camp – Robert Muchamore (Teenage Fiction) Gangsta Granny – David Williams Ratburger – David Williams Billionaire Boy – David Williams Diary of a Wimpy Kid … Old School – Jeff Kinney Wednesday Knitting @ Mahalia Coffee—3:00pm Patterns are available at the Library for Trauma Teddies and new born beanies for anyone wishing to knit some. Donations of wool can be dropped off at the Library/VIC. ROBE VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Do you realise that we are not just here for Tourists…We have a large selection of Brochures from all regions in South Australia and a selection of Brochures from Victoria and other states. Call in and see if we have the information to help you plan your next holiday. ROBE VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE We are continually being asked by operators for an Events Calendar, but we can only make it work if your Club, Group or Organisation lets us know what is happening. Please supply us with posters, brochures & information so we can help promote your event, not only in the Limestone Coast Region but further afield. ROBE VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Don’t forget us when you are looking for a gift or memento of Robe: Magnets, Teaspoons & Keyrings Adult & Children’s T-shirts Adult Hoodies in a variety of colours 3D Books & Gift Cards Stubby Holders & Wine Glass Holders Scenic Books, History Books and much more… CHILDREN’S NON FICTION: 1001 Cool Cross Jokes 1001 Cool Riddles & Tongue Twisters DVD’S: 50 Years of Paly School … 10 DVD Collection(G) ABC Kids – I Love You, Dad(G) Burke & Wills The Club The Journalist Scobie Malone We are always getting requests from Visitors and Locals for Baby Sitters… If you are interested in Baby Sitting or are already supplying the service could you please let us know and we will pass on your information. Phone Wendy, Cassie, Bronwyn or Sandy on 8768 2465. 5 COMMUNITY NEWS Robe Meals on Wheels Roster—May 2016 Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Sally LeCornu Pam Robinson Margie McKay Diana Nolan Margaret Edgar Ian Bruce Jan Fisk Helen Lynch Mary Hay Jenny Gilkes Brian Gilkes Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Friday 13th Chrys Corbin Judy Will Chris Davidson Jeanette Lea Patsy Grummett Nev Grummett Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Pat Pex Irene Stratford Harvey Stratford Ruth Dening Cathy Carter Sharon Petrovic Heidi Tonkin Rose Perkins Carol Seymour Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Tessa Levinge Mary Weir Mary Peters Cathy Thompson Lorna Johns Brian Tippett Mary McInerney Irene Johns Met Riseley Helen Bayliss Monday 30th Tuesday 31st Wendy Leopold Angela Jauncey Betsy White Jeanette Mort Rosemary Williams Jenny Stevenson Janet Holmes RESERVES Irene Stratford 8768 1824 Margie McKay 8768 2164 Jenny Mathews 8768 2616 For alterations and additions please contact Kingston Hospital 8767 0222 If your rostered day is not convenient please arrange a replacement. Thank you, Jenny Mathews Roster Co-ordinator 8768 2616 ROBE GOLDEN OLDIES and SEA-CHANGE SOCIAL GROUP (Mon –Fri office hours) PROGRAMME for May 2016 Please note that this proposed program is subject to change by the co-ordinators, clients should contact staff listed below to confirm details WEDNEDAY 4th May 2016 ROBE SEA CHANGE – Bus & Lunch in Tantanoola – Bus pick up at 10:30. Kingston Bus will be used MONDAY 9th MAY 2016 GOLDEN OLDIES – Home Day, pick up at 1 pm Monday 16th May 2016 ROBE SEA CHANGE – Home Day – social chatter and games afternoon. Pickup at 1pm. Kingston Bus will be used Monday 23rd May 2016 GOLDEN OLDIES – Trip to Millicent – lunch and shopping, pickup at 10:30. If you have any queries please ring: Golden Oldies Jane Ryan Resthaven Naracoorte - 87624389 Julie Victory/ Cathy Barker: Kingston Community Health – 8767 0237 Or on the day Julie 0427776617 (Mon –Fri office hours) ROBE PLAYGROUP Fridays during school terms 10-11.30am. Term 2 2nd May – Friday 8th July 2016 6th May Kindergarten 13th May Robe Street Playground 20th May Kindergarten 27th May Robe Street Playground 3rd June Kindergarten 10th June Robe Street Playground 17th June Kindergarten 24th June Robe Street Playground 1st July Kindergarten 8th July Robe Street Playground Term 3 25th July – Friday 30th Sept. 2016 29th July Kindergarten 5th August No: 4 12th August Kindergarten 19th August No: 4 26th August Kindergarten nd 2 September No: 4 9th September Kindergarten 16th September No: 4 23rd September Kindergarten 30th September No: 4 Contact Sarah on 0409511 182 6 COMMUNITY NEWS WANTED - used postage stamps Margie Thomas from the Robe Lions Club is collecting used postage stamps for the Lions Australia Stamp Club. Each year, the Stamp Club trades both Nationally and Internationally with fellow Lions members. ALL profits from their trading, generally about $6,000 to $7,000, is then donated to the Australian Lions Mobility Fund who use the money to purchase mobility walkers. These machines enable severely physically handicapped children to walk and be mobile, often for the first time and each unit can cost several thousand dollars each. If you are able to help, please drop the stamps off to either the Post Office or our new Lions shop 'Second Chance'. Alternatively, ring Margie on 0418806775. ***please leave a 5 to 10 mm gap around the stamps*** Eucharist, cuppa & chat Fridays, 11:00am St. Peters Anglican Church, Robe. You are invited to join us. Enquiries: Fr. David, ph 8767 2672 Any dead or injured wildlife found Please contact Narelle Marshall— a representative of Fauna SA on 0417 304 743 Accepting all native animals including: birds, marsupials, bats, reptiles and echidnas Robe Art Gallery The Lapwing Gallery Open daily from 10am to 4pm Located on the south side of the Robe Institute. Paintings, mosaics and drawings by local artists. All welcome to browse or buy. Free Admission!! If gallery is not open, please contact Bernice: 8768 2114, Cathie 0433036251, Chris 8768 2594, or Pam 0408365660 Robe Football Club Thursday Night Teas 6:00pm to 8:00pm $12 adult meals & $5 children meals Chicken Schnitzel Beef Schnitzel Battered Flake Roast of the Day Salad and Vegetable Bar ROBE RSL SUB-BRANCH BUS – VOLUNTEER DRIVERS We are looking for additional volunteer drivers for our new bus. It is fully automatic and a dream to drive. Basic requirement is for a current car licence and a willingness to be involved. The more volunteers we have the easier it is for everyone. Interested, why not contact either Pam on 0408 365 660, Mary on 0409 682 320 to discuss it further. ROBE RSL SUB-BRANCH - BUS HIRE Robe RSL Sub-Branch has just taken delivery of a new 12-seater bus. The bus is used for transporting local people to various events throughout the year, including supporting The Golden Oldies [a local senior citizens group]. Should you as a member of our Robe community wish to hire the bus for a special event, group travel within the SE area, please contact the Robe RSL Sub-Branch and enquire as to costs and availability for hire. Ring either Pam on 0408 365 660 or Mary on 0409 682 320. KINGSTON/ROBE MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP Next gathering is on Thursday 5th May 2016 Kingston Community School Library 1pm -3pm GUEST SPEAKER : Ingrid Coombe from MIFSA Mt Gambier Consumers, Carers and community members welcome! For further information call Merilyn 87682583 Val 87682658 7 Thank You We would like to thank our friends in Robe for their kind words on the passing our Dad … Kevin McCabe from Hamilton. Dad spent the better part of 50 years visiting Robe and was known to many locals. After retiring Mum & Dad became Grey Nomads travelling Australia but Robe always had a very special place in their Hearts. Wendy White, Kerrie Boyd and Families. I am collating the Robe Football Clubs history since the Southern Ports Association days in 1926, through the Southern Ports Football League and then the Mid South East Football League. I would appreciate it if anyone has memorabilia relating to the club they would like displayed. Your donation will be recognised. Specifically I am after: Premiership photos for the following years; A Grade - 1931,1948,1953,1956, 1962, 1963, 1965, 2003 Senior Colts - 1962,1972,1983,2012 Junior Colts - 1987, 2007 Personal photos of the following people around about the detailed eras Allan Lawson Brett Deane Anthony McDonald Ian Regnier R Napier Ian Gould S Hunt P Murch A Wier T Wilfred M Timms P McKenny R Andriski Tony Dawson Brendan Brooks 1953 1987 1993 1978 1981 1972 1979 1981 2015 2015 1984 1978 1985 1979 1987 Roger Sweetman Vice President—Robe Football Club 0429799526 ROBE COMMUNITY BUS MAY 2016 The bus drivers for May 2016 will be: Ann Moore : 0428 843 477 and Tessa Levinge : 8768 2116 / 0427 799 978. The bus runs every Thursday morning for local shopping, bank, post office, library etc. All Robe residents are welcome to make use of this service. Please ring the driver no later than Wednesday afternoon if you wish to be included on the run. You will be picked up at approximately 10.00am and returned to your home between 12 noon and 12:15pm. The bus will be going to Mount Gambier in May – on Friday 27th May. - The driver will be Ann Moore; please remember to ring her prior to the day if you intend travelling to Mt Gambier. Please note: the bus will not run with less than 2 passengers. It is essential that the driver is contacted before 5pm on the Wednesday prior to the Friday to ensure the trip is occurring. Should there be any changes; a notice will be placed on the Lions Notice Board in the front garden of the RSL Hall. The bus will pick you up at approximately 8.00am and return to Robe by 5.30pm. The usual donations [$] towards the bus running costs of each trip is always appreciated. Hon. Secretary Phone: 0408 365 660 Friends of the Library: Robe Next meeting is April 21st at 10am. The weather has become cool—a good time for books again! Any queries, please phone Frank Turner 8768 2589 ROBE COMBINED PROBUS Box 571, Robe SA 5276 Next Meeting at Robe Bowling Club 10am Tuesday May 17th Gayle King - Walking the Camino President: Helen Lynch Phone 8768 2669 Vice President: Valma Jennings 8768 6206 Secretary: Lorna Johns 8768 2498 Treasurer: Mary McInerney 8768 2137 Committee: Pauline Tomlinson, Ian Bruce, John Petch, Pat St John. 8 Robe Auto and Marine 24 Hour Fuel...Now accepting All major credit cards Starcards K&S Fuels Local Fuel Cards Ph 87682597 9 Mc ARTHUR PHYSIOTHERAPY JANE NUNAN B. Physiotherapy Dr Peter Shakes – Dentist Mrs Jane Gould – Hygienist/ Therapist “Now you have a choice” Vic Street Dental is located at 13A Victoria Street Robe General dentistry with over 20 years’ experience Peter works closely with Jane Gould our qualified Hygienist/ Therapist. Jane participates in Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). Treatment for CDBS are bulk billed We aim to provide carefully tailored dental care We provide General Dental treatment We comply with all Australian standards We also support government subsidised treatment such as: Department of Veteran’s Affairs, CDBS & SA Dental Services Schemes Hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm 13A Victoria St PO Box 37 Robe SA 5276 BACK AND NECK PAIN DRY NEEDLING AND MASSAGE SPORTING INJURIES HEADACHES REHABILITATION WORK COVER AND AGED CARE CONSULTING IN ROBE EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR APPOINTMENTS PLEASE CALL 8737 0791 OR 0450 516 430 T 08 8768 2130 F 08 8768 2064 E 18.9 KG, 14 KG & 9KG WASHES 8768 2129 10 ROBE BEAUTY Microdermabrasion and skin rejuvenation facials Permanent hair removal available Book in now for a Consult Call 8768 2644 For appointments and enquiries 11 YOGA in ROBE (Robe Institute—Smillie Street) Bringing health and vitality to both body and mind. Learn to access inner stillness. CLASS TIMES: Tuesday: 9.00 am—10.30 am 6.30 pm—7.30 pm Thursday: 9.00 am—10.30am $15.00 per 1½ hour class ($12.00 for pension/ concession) Plus gold coin donation towards hall hire Beginners always welcome Suitable for any age group and fitness level Group sessions available on request All enquiries please call Pam Mobile 0402 730 785 12 Robe Yacht Club Hire Weddings & Functions: $350.00 Full day hire: $270.00 1 & 1/2 day hire: $300.00 Meeting: (3-4hrs) $82.50 All prices include GST For enquires or bookings please contact: Ph: 08 8768 2737 Fax: 08 8768 2738 Email: 13 KNEADY THERAPIES Do you suffer from any of the following ailments? Sinus headaches Back pain Sore feet Neck and shoulder pain General aches and pains. Take some time out to visit Elise Lehmann at Kneady Therapies to help relieve your ailments with— Foot Reflexology Sports massage Anma, Japanese massage Myofascial Release Cranio-Sacral Therapy Contact Elise on 0438 202 342 14 CARPETS SOLAR PANELS WINDOWS & SCREENS VACUUM SERVICE MATTRESS SANITIZING CONCRETE & PAVERS FLOOR TILES & GROUT TIMBER FLOOR BUFFING 15 SOLAR SYSTEMS, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, PIVOTS, SPLIT SYSTEM AND DUCTED AIR CONDITIONERS, UNDERGROUND CABLING, LED LIGHTING, CEILING FANS, SWITCHBOARDS, SMOKE ALARMS, PHONE AND DATA, ANTENNA AND TV OUTLETS, SOME WHITEGOODS For all your Electrical Needs call Anthony on 0419 821 409 Solar Accreditation Number: A5651539 Electrical Licence Number: PGE 158 682 16 17 18 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Council Meeting 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DAP Meeting 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 General Waste—Robe Township (to Drain L Bridge) General Waste—Longbeach Area (East of Drain L Bridge) Recycling- Robe Township (to Drain L Bridge) Recycling—Longbeach Area (East of Drain L Bridge) Waste Transfer Station Operating Times Access off White Street Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am Closed 2.00 – 3.00pm Type Boot Load 6’x4’ Trailer, Car Type Utes 8’x5’ Trailers or Similar, Large Utes Fees $20.50 $30.50 $56.00 Small Trucks (Single Axle –maximum 4 tonne) Mattresses Sofas/ Lounge Chairs Car Bodies Opening outside of operating hours $204.00 $25.50 $15.50 ea $51.00 $224.00 Half price for pensioners for car boot load only, on production of pensioner card. Green Waste Fee Normal Fees will apply to any Green Waste Products that requires mulching, however, Green Waste products that are segregated and do not require mulching (lawn clippings and leaves only) can be dumped free of charge. E-waste: no charge Cardboard: clean and uncontaminated cardboard can be deposited at no charge Municipal Household Waste: $3 a bag. 19 Publication Details The Community Newsletter is published, edited, designed, printed and delivered by the District Council of Robe. Community groups and organisations wishing to submit items should forward their information to Nat by Friday, 20th May. It is preferred that items are emailed to however handwritten items will be accepted and can be dropped into the Council office, posted to PO Box 1, Robe SA 5276, or faxed on 08 8768 2432. The views and opinions expressed in articles submitted to the District Council of Robe do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council as a body, nor as individual members. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy in published articles submitted by contributors other than Council, no responsibility is accepted for any errors that they may contain. Council reserves the right to edit or not publish any editorial submission. District Council of Robe Royal Circus, Robe PO Box 1, Robe SA 5276 T 08 8768 2003 F 08 8768 2432 Cr Rino Dell’Antonio T 08 8768 2907 Mayor Peter Riseley F 08 8721 4650 T 08 8768 1834 M 0407 454 647 M 0429 799 528 E crdellantoE Mayor Cr Lawrence Polomka Website M 0408 083 818 E Email Cr John Enright T 08 8768 2192 F 08 8768 2924 M 0407 133 887 E Cr David Loxton T 08 8734 2065 M 0419 349 913 E Cr Kristina Alexander M 0417 815 797 E Cr Harvey Nolan (Deputy Mayor) F 08 8768 1943 M 0429 180 954 E 20
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