Growers healing
Growers healing
Northern Growers Craving for Control why you can’t lose the weight healing... a mother’s will to find answers New! PERSONAL TRAINING NOW AVAILABLE IN VALLEY EAST! Healthy back programs Strength/flexibility training WEight loss Fitness and nutrition Call today to book your FREE FIRST SESSION with a certified personal trainer! (Offer valid until Dec. 31, 2007) Family Wellness Centre Dr H.B. Nelson Chiropractor 3133 Hwy. 69 N.,Val Caron, ON (across from Val East Mall,) 705.897.6711 Craving for control BY JOANNE VAUGHAN Craving control starts with a seemingly insatiable desire for Are gas and bloating part of a healthy digestive system? food, but not just any food, sugar, sweets, simple uncompli- They are not. They are, however, the ever present companion cated carbohydrates. And you can’t get them in your mouth of many individuals. Gas is expulsion from yeast cells. Yeast and down your throat fast enough. The extreme relief and joy cells feed largely on sugars. So as you give into cravings and is immeasurable. Moments later you are in the throes of guilt, you experience the methyl gas expulsions, you can know the gas and bloating, not to mention other digestive symptoms yeast cells presiding along your intestinal tract are both feast- that you are not even remotely aware of. It afflicts millions ing and proliferating. It is neither normal nor healthy. You everyday. need a healthy population of intestinal flora, better known as Symptoms of craving control? probiotics or acidophilus, in order to control the overgrowth of It starts with an insatiable desire for something sweet or a unhealthy flora. Feed them; not the yeast cells. combination of sweet and fatty foods. Following the con- What do I do now? sumption of your favourite naughty food or foods is generally Consider the following outline of possible reasons we suffer a mucus reaction; upper intestinal mucus first, the urge to craving control. Think about yourself in each situation and clear your throat. Closely behind mucus is the bloating and consider on a scale of one to 10 how each situation applies gas. Then your pants start to take on that tight uncomfortable to you. Then apply the correction to achieve the control you feeling. Brain fog, itchy skin, redness in the cheeks are all need, deserve and require in order to enjoy a return to eating possible unpleasant consequences of succumbing to cravings. control, health and healthy energy. Why do you get these reactions? Because the foods you are Imbalance in blood sugar craving have cause and effect on your health. Food sensi- Balancing your blood sugar starts in the a.m. with breakfast. tivities, proliferation of unhealthy intestinal flora like yeast It is not necessary for you to feed yourself for a mountain cells, intestinal inflammation, interference with the absorption climbing expedition, but you do need to balance your blood of healthy foods, slowing down digestion, interfering with a sugar in order to get control of both your food choices and healthy hormonal system are some of those other problems. food volume through the day. Balancing your blood sugar in These are a thumbnail sketch of the expressions of an irri- the a.m. also gives you the best chance at sustaining energy, tated bowel and the concurrent problems that can both cause improving your ability to concentrate and enjoying a calm, and result from cravings. healthy digestive system through the rest of the day. }}} Twenty-five per cent of your daily food intake should be eaten the berries before you eat them. Try a quarter teaspoon of for breakfast. It needs to consist of healthy, easily absorbed xylitol. protein, healthy fats and a carbohydrate. So, here are some Cereal: Not so much. Why? Commercial cereals are notori- examples of how easy it is to choose a breakfast that will give ously full of taste-laden stuff that will invite you to the circle you the best shot of control through the day. of the yo-yo blood sugar imbalance for the rest of the day. Yogurt: It needs to be organic and no less than two per cent Cereals, organic or not, are a cover for and an easy excuse to mf. No more fat free, skim milk yogurt. First, you need the eat bad choices for breakfast. vitamin D content, which is the fat soluble vitamin found in Remember that craving control starts with how you feed your milk fat. Vitamin D content is added back to fat-free yogurt, body in the a.m. To ignore that simple rule is to invite crav- however, vitamin D relies on the presence of fat as the trans- ings in. If you do not balance your blood sugar in the a.m. it port system across the cell wall. Without the presence of fat, is next to impossible to get control through the day. On the vitamin D has much less biological activity in the body. Fat, other hand, to feed yourself properly and achieve a healthy and particularly healthy fats, slows down digestion leaving you blood sugar balance is to invite control throughout the day. feeling satisfied longer. Most common food sensitivities Second, yogurt is a predigested food, predigested by healthy Milk, but not just any milk, UHT milk or Ultra Heat-Treated: flora some of which you will recognize, like acidophilus. So, UHT has fat molecules emulsified to their very tiniest compo- organic yogurt is a good source of healthy intestinal flora. nent, which renders the fat molecules vulnerable to oxidiza- Third, yogurt is an excellent source of protein, easily broken tion, causing a histamine reaction. The real goal of UHT is down and easily absorbed by the body. About one cup is a to increase storage life of milk in your fridge for unnatural good starting point. Add a few things to make it interesting: lengths of time. Notable symptoms generally include mucus cinnamon, nutmeg, shredded unsweetened coconut, a table- and sinus pressure. Try organic goat’s milk, nut milks or spoon or two of assorted crushed nuts, either crush them or organic milk. chew them thoroughly. Add a few tablespoons of berries or Wheat and particularly gluten: If you have irritable bowel mango, banana, etc. Try one quarter to a half teaspoon of syndrome, you want to stay away from this. Gluten is notori- xylitol if you prefer a bit more sweetness. Use your favourite ously difficult to break down for sensitive individuals. Try using search engine to learn the wonderful health benefits of xylitol almond flours and other nut flours to prepare breads or cook- and this family of sugar alcohols. ies rather than wheat flours. Go to for Hemp hearts: Hemp hearts should be part of every man, some awesome recipe ideas. woman and child’s daily diet. Adults take five tablespoons Eggs: Generally it is the white of the egg that is the real daily and children take three to five tablespoons daily. Put culprit here. Try using mostly the yolk. Be unafraid of the them in your yogurt, or take them like medicine, one table- cholesterol monster; yolk contains lethicin, a fat emulsi- spoon in your mouth, chew, mix with a bit of water and swal- fier. Cholesterol is more of an issue of your liver and thyroid low. health. Eggs: Poached, a frittata or crust-less quiche made with two Addressing low blood sugar concerns or three rough cut vegetables, over-easy eggs cooked with Do as recommended in the a.m. Eat regularly through the extra virgin olive oil and a bit of butter or soft boiled. Don’t day, picking foods that have a component of a healthy fat, overcook your eggs. Overcooking changes the protein struc- protein and small amount of carbohydrate. So, for example, ture and in turn makes it more difficult to digest. a big salad with tuna or salmon or chicken, a few nuts and Oatmeal: Do not choose instant, microwaveable oatmeal. Try seeds and a carbohydrate like a slice of rye bread with a old-fashioned or steel cut if you prefer crunchier oatmeal. tablespoon of cheese, or some rice like a brown basmati and Here is the best way to handle oatmeal. Take a cup; soak it white basmati mix. That is delicious. in equal parts water or buttermilk or yogurt. Soak over night Hungry past the point of control in a bowl covered with plastic wrap or something like that and Don’t let yourself get hungry. People will often miss meals or leave on the counter. You are creating a predigested food wait until later in the day to start to eat. This generally comes with more easily absorbed nutrients. The next day add a few with an erroneous perception they are engaging in willpower optional ingredients like cinnamon, rather than brown sugar, hoping to lose unwanted weight. Willpower has nothing to a few nuts or seeds, sliced apple or banana or blueberries, do with craving control. Next time you succumb to cravings, homemade apple sauce or apple butter. You get it. Make it which should be much less after this article, do not be upset interesting, but presoak it! at yourself for ‘losing control,’ be darn right mad at yourself Cottage Cheese: Try an organic dry cottage cheese or an for allowing yourself to get that hungry in the first place. You organic creamy cottage cheese. It has the same basic nutri- will excite your survival instinct each and every time you let ents as yogurt. Some like yogurt and some like cottage yourself get hungry. Your hypothalamus, the root of hunger cheese. Add a few tablespoons of berries. Be sure to wash control, lies at the top of your brain stem, in the ‘ancient }}} brain’ region. It controls your hunger through a complex system sensitive to nutrient density and blood sugar balance. It does not see you live in the land of plenty. It does not empathize with your ongoing weight battle; it measures health and hunger by blood sugar levels and nutrient density of your cells. You let yourself go hungry, watch who is in control. It isn’t you. You will eat and you will not only eat you will eat foods that will have an immediate impact on your blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar levels drop, you risk losing consciousness. What is the best remedy; sugary, fatty food decisively to instantaneously raise your blood sugar levels. You will eat and you will not only eat sugary, fatty foods, but you will eat an extra 10 per cent for insurance. You are hardwired for that; it is rooted in physiology. Decide now to work with nature. You are not about to rewrite the book on willpower and craving control. You will excite your survival instincts each and every time you allow yourself to get too hungry. While breakfast largely determines your blood sugar balance, lunch and supper play an important role in craving control. • Twenty-five per cent of your daily intake of food should be consumed at breakfast. • Fifty per cent of your food should be divided between a mid-morning snack, lunch and a mid-afternoon snack. • Twenty-five per cent of the balance of your food should be consumed at supper. • Choose a healthy protein, healthy fat and a healthy carbohydrate at each meal. • Go to bed on a relatively empty stomach so you can start with natural hunger the next day. Want something sweet, but healthy? Bake cookies using nut flours rather than white flours. Bake macaroons using coco powder or a wonderful Swiss chocolate rather than ordinary milk chocolate. Have a macaroon about 15 to 20 minutes after lunch. Don’t avoid healthy sweets. Think, research and make healthy desert choices that will sustain your energy rather than interfere with good digestion. It is that simple. Balance your blood sugar in the a.m. with the food choices talked about. Check for food sensitivities with the list of most common offenders. Not sure what is causing your food sensitivities? Work with a professional to uncover the problem. The best has been saved for last – CHEW! CHEW! CHEW your food thoroughly before swallowing. Chew to break down the cell walls to release nutrients, chew to thoroughly start the digestion process, chew because your teeth are in your mouth and not, as most would believe, in your stomach, chew to prevent the lifetime achievement award of acid reflux caused by inadequately chewing your food. Joanne Vaughan, BSW BSc DSc, is a clinical nutritionist in North Bay. Flu season or insensitivity? BY Dr. Chris Mazzuchin With all of the leaves raked, rain troughs gutted and lawn products stored away, it is time for our bodies to also prepare for ‘old man winter.’ So how do you prepare for something that seems to sneak up on us in disguise, incognito or unrecognized? What would you say if I told you that flu and cold season is not a season at all, but rather an insensitivity to our environment? It was understood that before the Tsunami hit the Eastern hemisphere in 2004, there were some native tribes that knew it was coming. They knew because they lived in such a manner that they are in constant communication with their surroundings. This means interpreting and balancing your life and the environment in which you live. The common luxuries of our lifestyles such as oil, gas heating systems, refrigerators and freezers, microwaves and well insulated homes all prevent us from properly communicating between our internal weather regulator (called our hypothalamus) and our external sources of warning (called our five senses). When the weather starts to get colder, our metabolism is meant to pick up the slack with conservations of body heat (through increases in fat storage), water loss prevention, alterations in sleep patterns and biochemical changes in food digestion and assimilation. This causes our bodies to do different things with the same elements we may be exposing our bodies to regularly. Looking at vitamins B and C is a good example. They are both water soluble, which means our bodies can move, lose and exchange these vitamins in water, unlike vitamins A, D, E and K. Since they are water soluble, we lose them when we sweat or go to the bathroom. The rate of our loss or our gain is largely determined by our lifestyles Naturopathic Health Tips are just a click away Alive+Fit is pleased to bring you free access to health tips and advice from a naturopathic doctor. Send your e-mail to Q I am a 51-year-old woman and last March I had a total hysterectomy. I thought after having that operation I would not experience the menopausal symptoms as badly as some women do. However, I believe the hot flashes have taken over and I was wondering if there is anything from a naturopathic approach that I could use to help with the discomfort and unpredictability of these symptoms. A Menopause and the symptoms it brings can be a multisystem problem. By that I mean even though your hormones may be unbalanced, the emotional side to menopause and the challenges that brings can be just as important to understand. For the hormones, however, botanicals like Chastetree, Wild Yam and Black Cohosh can help tremendously. In addition to this, homeopathic preparations have been a ‘god send’ to some women, as they have said to me in the past. Nutraceutical wise, the one major vitamin you seem to be missing is a B-complex. Q A My daughter turned three years old early July this year. Her urine test showed uric acid crystals. What might be causing this in a child of this age? Is this diet? Can this be corrected? I know it can later cause kidney stones if she doesn’t drink enough water. Typically, uric acid is a product of protein metabolism. If she is producing uric acid crystals at her age it could be an ‘imbalance’ in her kidneys, liver or intestines. Imbalance could mean many things, such as insufficient digestive enzymes, decreases in intestinal flora or nervousness and anxiety about something. She may also be consuming a large quantity of ‘purines’ in her diet like beef, chicken or fish. This too could cause uric acid to show up in her urine. When the body is imbalanced it is always possible to re-balance it. The difficulty is the medicine or the perspective of the clinicians treating the disease. Therefore, the more people you consult with the better an idea you can get on possibilities and options for your daughter. The uric acid is a sign of something else going on to create the imbalance so make sure to have all of her organ systems assessed. Chronic fatigue: the modern day curse BY Dr. Tony Martin Chronic fatigue (CFS) and fibromyalgia are a modern day dilemma. Ninety five per cent of all cases of CFS and fibromyalgia occur to women. That’s why I entitled the book I wrote on this topic in 1999 “Steps to Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the Modern Woman.” This book was the result of studying over 500 ‘medically diagnosed’ cases of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I believe that fibromyalgia is a symptom of the overriding syndrome of chronic fatigue. When I studied the history of these 500 cases of CFS and fibromyalgia there where common denominators that a majority of these patients experienced: 1. long history of antibiotic use (many had taken antibiotics for treatment of acne) 2. the use of the birth control pill 3. exposure to mold 4. history of a traumatic event i.e. loss of a loved one, divorce, car accident, financial stress 5. cleaning with household chemicals 6. use of chemicals in personal hygiene products Based on research on CFS and fibromyalgia the number one reason people get this disorder is due to adrenal gland exhaustion The adrenal glands curve over top of the kidneys and they secrete key stress hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, a steroid hormone produced primarily by the adrenal glands, and adrenaline. The body is well built for stress, however, prolonged stress overtakes the adrenals leading to exhaustion and other symptoms. Remember adrenal gland dysfunction will suppress the thyroid, pineal, pituitary glands and the ovaries. These in turn will render the sufferer with a variety of symptoms including:exhaustion, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), low blood pressure, poor immune function, allergies, repeated infections (bladder, yeast, respiratory), fibromyalgia (due to abnormal secretion of cortisol) and sleep disorder. Treatment options for CFS and fibromyalgia Nutrition: food for the CFS and fibromyalgia patient is either helpful or can make a patient’s symptoms much worse. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for these patients to be quite disciplined about what they eat. Foods that help Anti-inflammatories found in Omega 3 fatty acids (Hemp seed, flax, fish (cold water), hot peppers (contain capsaicin which reduces inflammation), celery, red grapes, red grape juice (not wine and not from concentrate), apples, eggs, any type of berry (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry etc), extra virgin olive oil, and grapefruits and melons contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Food that aggravate CFS and fibromyalgia Sugar, pastries, including doughnuts, bagels, muffins (unless homemade with no sugar added), dairy products, soft drinks, junk food (chips, french fries) etc., and margarine. Supplements • The number one supplement that has been clinically proven to lessen fatigue and decrease inflammation is pine bark extract. That is why it is called the super antioxidant. • Probiotics are necessary for restoring the digestive tract and building immune function. • Omega 3 can be obtained by taking a minimum of five grams daily of hemp seed oil, which really reduces inflammation and helps to restore cellular function. Dr. A. W. Martin DC, Ph.D., RNCP, D.N.M. is a doctor of natural medicine practicing in Sudbury. He is the author of the new book “Medical Crisis – Secrets your Doctor won’t share with you” Ask a Naturopath (ie. the more active we are the more we use and lose) as well as our environment (ie. stressful surroundings speed up the loss of water soluble vitamins). In the summer, vitamin C is replenished easily through consuming fruits and vegetables, which are more in season and in higher quality. B vitamins are found primarily in meats and typically our winter season requires our diets to increase our consumption of meat. Remember centuries ago there were no grocery stores, so canned goods and meat were the only options. Meat also encourages heatproducing biochemical reactions in our body, to ward off colds and poorer circulation. So, how we seasonally cook and eat meat and vegetables is really the answer to maintaining a healthy and efficient level of vitamins B and C. Soups, stews and eliminating raw foods during the winter months allow for more easily digestible and highly concentrated mineral and vitamin meals that enhance our hypothalamus’s ability to efficiently regulate our body temperature and effectively communicate our body’s needs in relation to the weather outside. Using warming herbs and spices like garlic, cinnamon, oregano, onions and pepper enhance all of the above processes. Taking a dose of vitamins with our meals is also an excellent way to optimize our health and ward off the flu season that really isn’t a season at all! Dr. Mazzuchin is a naturopath at Life Zone in Sudbury. Send questions to SELFHEALING TRAINING & TREATMENTS FOR: CANCER • PARKINSON’S DISEASE • M.S. AND OTHER DISEASES All-inclusive packages Workplace Seminars In: • Stress Management • Smoking Cessation• Weight Management Other Topics Also Available EYE OF THE EAGLE RETREAT & WELLNESS CENTRE POINTE AU BARIL, ON 866 3663245 • Homeopathy… Wonderfully efficient for people with symptoms of: PMS, menopause, hormone imbalance ADD, ADHD, autism, memory loss, dementia Asthma, bronchitis, chronic chest colds Ear, eye infections, the flu Arthritis, back pain, bursitis, carpal tunnel Migraines ...There are NO SIDE EFFECTS and IT’S VERY INEXPENSIVE …The right homeopathic remedy ACTS IMMEDIATELY …Can be used SAFETLY and EFFECTIVELY at any age, while pregnant or nursing and with current medication Call for dates for upcoming info sessions on homeopathic medicine in your area. Manon Larose, H.D., Member of the Homeopathic Medical Council of Canada (HMCC) 705.222.6313 (Sudbury) Looking for an alternative to prescription antibiotics? Oil of Oregano, after thousands of years in use in the treatment of infectionrelated illness and disease, is making a comeback. Oil of Oregano contains antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic properties making it a natural remedy for dozens of conditions, including colds and flus, bronchitis, pneumonia, arthritis, cold sores, lice, candida, parasitic conditions. ear and throat infections, IBS and much more. Toxic overload BY DR. LAURENCE MAGNE Cancer strategy: Reduce toxic overload Since 1978 DURHAM NATURAL FOODS 10 POWER OF NATURE...OIL OF OREGANO SUPPLEMENTS • VITAMINS HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES ORGANIC PRODUCTS/MEATS Monday-Friday 9-9 Saturday 9-5 Sunday 12-4 1191 Montrose Ave. Sudbury, ON (705) 566-3820 An eminent German oncologist said that the main cause of cancer is environmental toxins. Others agree. While there are obviously other issues, fungus, viruses, genetics, etc., the major change that has led to the explosion of cancer over the last 100 years has been the introduction of tens of thousands of chemicals into the environment that we had never been exposed to before. Biotech companies have been aggressively promoting the use of genetically modified food. It’s a financial goldmine for them. Unfortunately, there are several problems with genetically modified food. Even scientists at the FDA resisted them till political pressure led them to approve it. Every independent study has shown problems; abnormal cell growth being high on the list. Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception writes, “More worrisome is that the “promoter” used inside GM foods could get transferred to bacteria or internal organs. Promoters act like light switches, permanently turning on genes that might otherwise be switched off. Scientists believe that this might create unpredictable health effects, including the potentially pre-cancerous cell growth found in the animal feeding studies. Foods are not required to be labeled as GM foods.The only way to make sure you are not eating food that has been genetically modified is to eat organic food or food labeled non-GMO. Eating organic food, of course, will also reduce the amount of chemicals you are ingesting. There are several types of toxic buildups in the body that need to be dealt with when fighting cancer. There is cellular toxicity primarily caused by the shunting of toxins into cells }}} due to excess acidity in the blood. There is heavy metal toxicity coming from years of exposure to highly toxic heavy metals. While many come from the environment, silver amalgam fillings, vaccines and some other drugs put mercury and metals into our body. And then there is the toxic buildup in the colon of undigested foods and hardened fecal matter. Nutrient absorption is disrupted, and toxins sitting in that decaying mess are reabsorbed back into the body. Colonic cleanses are good. Toxins and pathogens in water have led to many diseases. But did you know that what’s put in your water to purify it may be causing your cancer and heart disease? The French, with their lower cancer rates from consuming red wine, have made red wine famous for its health benefits. There is another side to their low cancer rates, though, that most people don’t know. The French do not drink chlorinated water. They ozonate their water to purify it. We don’t use chlorine because it’s safe; we use it because it is cheap. The long-term effects of chlorinated drinking water have recently been recognized. According to the U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality, “Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93 per cent higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.” Up to two-thirds of our exposure to chlorine is due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering. Install a shower filter to dechlorinate your shower water. Also limit exposure from the chemicals in the carpets and walls of your home, as well as in personal care items like shampoo, conditioner or skin lotion and cosmetics. Dr. Magne, PhD (c), is an expert in spontaneous remission. Discover for yourself the 10 ways to fight cancer by claiming a free report and audio on The cancer strategy is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Consult your health care professional about the use, or non-use, of any health-related products or medically related regimens. 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Based on the purchase of full program, excludes products, not valid with any other coupons, specials, or promotions. h*Ba e sed soon onaefull r progra u m, excludes proyo duct. join, theExp mires ore u Decyo sa .31, 2007ve. 11 Arthritis: Diet Dos & Don’ts BY HEATHER HODDINOTT For arthritis sufferers, that mid-afternoon doughnut, laden flax seeds provide a source of protein. Hulled hemp seeds with sugar, white flour and preservatives, washed down also provide a good dietary source of protein, and, unlike with a glass of cold milk, may be just the food combination soy products, hemp seed is free of tryspin inhibitors, which that feeds inflammation in the body. block protein absorption. Hemp seeds also have all the A complete revamping of dietary habits not only has the potential to reduce arthritic symptoms, but even to stop arthritis in its tracks, according to a northern naturopath. “Diet and lifestyle come to mind right off the bat,” when assisting patients with arthritis, says Dr. Kelly Wallace, a naturopath who practices in North Bay. Diet is one of the most common factors in causing or aggravating the disease, and controlling it, she says. Dairy and red meats can increase inflammation, which aggravate symptoms of arthritis, she points out. 12 “People think that their only source of calcium comes eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Processed foods, masquerading as healthy choices for the time-strapped individual, are best avoided if one wishes to keep arthritis symptoms at bay, she advises. Soda, potato chips, candy bars and junk foods are definitely a no-no. These foods are known to be inflammatory, high-sodium, acid-raising foods. Steer clear of foods that raise the acid levels in the body, which can aggravate or cause more pain in joints. Aim to alkalize the body, she suggests. from dairy,” Wallace says. “Though it is a source of calcium, When babies are born, scientists say that they are 100- you can get calcium from a number of food sources.” per-cent alkaline. As one ages one tends to become more Raw seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, as well as nuts acidic, in part due to the Western diet, which is largely like raw almonds and Brazil nuts also provide a good source centred around acidifying foods. This paves the way of calcium. for degenerative diseases like arthritis to develop, she Meat products needn’t be one’s main source of protein, she adds. There are legume proteins, which can be found explains. When revamping a diet, Wallace suggests adding more in garbanzo beans, kidney, lentil and lima beans, and also cold water fish, plenty of whole grains, nuts and fruits, proteins in grains like quinoa, millet, oatmeal and wild rice. and, if maintaining meat in a diet, strive for the lighter Vegetables like beets, broccoli, cauliflower, and of course meats like chicken or turkey. fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges and pineapple, and Wallace warns it is wise to stay away from the }}} ’ nightshade family of vegetables as these members exacerbate inflammation. These foods include eggplant, tomatoes, Use cooking herbs abundantly, she says. Herbs like ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists have found that garlic is also useful for this purpose, and components of some fruits like pineapple, which contain bromelain, are effective as well. Consider ways to modify recipes, like replacing milk with an alternative product such as a nut-based milk, like a nondairy almond beverage, found at health food stores. Study after study points to the açaí berry, harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, as one of the most nutritionally dense fruits in the world. Açaí offers a rich source of polythenols, making it a powerful antioxidant, according to a research study at the University of Florida. Its pulp is said to have 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes, as well as essential amino acids, essential fatty acids and dietary fibre and phytosterols, which promote digestive and cardiovascular health. Pure açaí berry juice can be found at health food stores. Eliminate enriched white flour-based products from the diet, as well, she stresses. Superfood bell peppers and potatos, but not sweet potatos. AçaíBerry Try alternatives like whole grain flours, arrowroot or, even better, spelt flour. Exchange eggs for apple sauce and sugar for molasses. Cook and bake with a healthier oil, like grape seed oil, rather than vegetable or canola oil. Some arthritis sufferers, depending on the severity of the disease, have been able to completely heal themselves and become arthritis free through dietary and lifestyle changes, Wallace says. Others find that dietary shifts help control the symptoms • Holistic pet foods/supplements • Bulk snack foods • Bulk baking supplies • Bulk spices • Vitamins/supplements • Hemp seeds/natural foods Ask about our savings program! 269 Hillside Dr. (Hillside Plaza) • Elliot Lake ON • 705.848.5000 and the debilitating effects of arthritis. The Wellness Shoppe your South End health food store ! w e N We carry a wide range of herbs, vitamins and supplements, as well as organic and gluten free foods See our new line of natural cosmetics such as nail polish, mascaras, lipsticks and shadows Concerned about interaction with prescription drugs? Have your concerns answered by a pharmacist We also carry chlorine and chemical free feminine hygiene products 1769 Regent Street • 705-522-9159 “Your supplement specialists” New in Canada “Clinical Irisscope” for Holistic Iridology New! Salba products Nutritional Assessments & Consultations Metabolic Weight Loss Cleansing & Detoxification Athletic Nutrition Natural Health & Beauty Products Mail Orders (705) 524-8114 • NEW SUDBURY CENTRE 13 14 When doctors have no answers How one mother unearths the solution to daughter’s failing health. BY SARI HUHTALA 16 Tears streamed down her cheeks, numbness overcame her body as thoughts about what doctors at West Parry Sound Hospital had just told her ruminated in her mind. Cindy Miller faced what many parents would consider their worst nightmare – the prognosis that her six-year-old daughter had leukemia. Little did she know her daughter’s plight would lead her to spend the next six months piecing together a puzzle of symptoms and circumstances that would unveil the truth about her daughter’s health condition. It was in July 2006, while at their cottage in Dunchurch, just outside of Parry Sound, that Miller and her husband first realized something was drastically wrong with their then six-year-old daughter, Brooke. Only a few days before, Brooke had been seen by their family doctor because of increasing concerns about pain that was developing in her body – pain that appeared to have manifested in Brooke following a severe bout of food poisoning. “She would whimper, ‘Mommy my legs are sore, my back’s sore,” and she’d be crawling to the bathroom,” Miller recalled. “I took her to see the doctor and he said, ‘There’s nothing wrong with her. They’re growing pains and there’s nothing we can do about it.” The pain that particular day in mid-July intensified. “Her whole body from head to toe was white. She had inflammation in her eyes. Her eyes were red and blood shot and there were big dark circles under her eyes. Her lips even went white. She was as white as a ghost. I took one look at her and realized something was wrong.” Miller and her husband rushed Brooke to West Parry Sound Health Centre. This, on the heels of a recent bout of food poisoning from undercooked pork, an illness which the whole family had muddled through, seemed like too much, too soon. They were advised to rush Brooke to SickKids Hospital within 24 hours as the symptoms suggested Brooke may be a victim of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, or even worse, leukemia. At SickKids doctors forged ahead with a battery of tests, }}} based on all of her symptoms, which mimicked both diseases. The remainder of the summer was spent at the hospital, Brooke enduring one test after another. The testing continued through till November. “Near the end she was just running down the hospital aisles, running from the needles, begging not to have any more tests because she had so many needles and tests,” Miller said. They tested her for leukemia, rheumatic fever, lymes disease, Kawasaki disease, salmonella and e-coli, and a slew of other conditions, and no tests came out positive. She had all the symptoms of leukemia and rheumatic fever. “You could actually see the deformation of the joints at the knees. They would actually feel hot to the touch. And the pain and the inflammation were staying from the top of her back down. She was in horrible pain.” “One of the best disease specialists in the world couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her,” Miller said. Although tests for rheumatic fever were inconclusive, in November 2006 doctors opted to remove her tonsils and adenoids with the premise that if her condition was rheumatic fever then the tonsils and adenoids were likely harbouring the infection. “That’s when I became so upset. They tested her for everything under the sun. The leukemia was a continuous test, and she was seeing a heart specialist, and no one could give me an answer.” Urging doctors to consider the possibility there was a link between the food poisoning and her daughter’s condition, Miller decided to take matters into her own hands. “I could just no longer take having no answers at all. So I finally thought if there was a parasite that got into the body and started to attack the joints then there’s got to be a way to get it out of there.” Brooke had also been placed on a lifelong prescription of antibiotics. The reasoning, Miller said, was that if it were rheumatic fever it would protect her until she was 18. “I took her off the antibiotics. I couldn’t take it anymore. It was so stressful. Everyday I was just thinking that this can’t be good for her system.” In December, after much research, she started Brooke on a 15-day parasite cleanse and probiotics, and had also enrolled Brooke in energy martial arts. Brooke continued to have inflammation flare-ups after the first treatment in December, but they appeared to decrease in intensity and frequency. She repeated the parasite cleanse once again in June 2007. Brooke has had no inflammation, no health complications or symptoms of disease since the cleansing in June. Miller suspected at the root of Brooke’s complications was the breakdown of healthy bacteria in her gut, stemming from antibiotic usage. Every year from September through to June Brooke seemed to be riddled with a cold, and asthmatic-like symptoms. Just prior to the food poisoning Brooke had just finished a prescription of a potent antibiotic. This, Miller suggested, set the stage for a parasite to set into her body. Body bugs: the good, bad, and the ugly Our body’s surface is colonized by trillions of microorganisms - ten times more than the number of cells in our body. Most of these ‘bugs’ are tolerated well. Some are beneficial, and some are irritating and can be pathogenic when their population is high. For many, the populations of these irritating organisms are not severe enough to be termed infection, but they are causing problems. This is called dysbiosis. Dysbiosis typically occurs: on the skin (acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, tinea, vitilago, cradle cap; the membranes of the respiratory tract (chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, ear infections, respiratory infections, asthma, allergies); the digestive tract (gingivitis, periodontal dz, gas/bloating, IBS, diverticulitis, Crohn’s food allergies); the urinary tract (chronic urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis); and the genital tract (pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic vaginal and uterine infections, cervical dyspla- sia – HPV, endometriosis, prostatits, herpes, infertility). When dysbiosis becomes systemic – bugs cross our surface and enter - you may see conditions like chronic fatigue, high blood pressure and cholesterol and lyme disease. Autoimmune diseases, attention deficit, autism and cancer, among others, are related to dysbiosis. Dysbiosis involves many types of organisms. Bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses are all involved to different degrees in different people. The key point here is that the whole community must be addressed, not just one part. If one population is suppressed, another can rise. The most common example is a woman getting antibiotics for a bladder infection, then developing a yeast infection the next day. Conversely, if yeast and parasite populations are suppressed, h. pylori (bacteria) can rise. Parasite cleanse tips 1) When you kill parasites, they release lots of toxicity and other organisms; this is why we get sick. When you do a parasite cleanse, you should be taking something for bacteria (golden seal or other berberine containing formulas are best), and possibly something for virus and fungi as well, together with support for draining the liver and kidney (and possibly the local site – pelvis, lung, skin etc). Probiotics always need to be used as well. Substances we call ‘sponges’ are needed to bind up the toxicity and carry it out in the stool rather than being absorbed across the intestinal membrane and brought to the already burdened liver. Greens are the best sponges, especially the sea greens.They are such good sponges, however, they may already be contaminated when you buy them. This is another reason quality-controlled products should be selected. 2) Kids are much more vital and don’t require as powerful of substances as adults. Homeopathics are usually sufficient. Some people are loaded so we need to proceed gently, especially if there are a lot of viruses involved ie. chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, lyme disease, HIV, herpes, HPV, etc. 3) In terms of a product’s effectiveness, quality control of the company is a big factor and the price usually reflects this. 4) In our society, almost everyone should consider cleanses. 5) In terms of side effects, if you push change too quickly, you can open a ‘can of worms’, when it comes to toxins and bacteria, etc. 6) It is not always necessary to consult a professional such as a naturopath. An otherwise healthy person can get away with more experimentation with cleanses, without consulting a professional. If one has any of the conditions mentioned above, it is prudent to consult. 7) A cleanse kills the bugs we don’t want around, puts the ones there that belong, and cleans up the toxicity that brings them around. 8) Frequency of a cleanse varies. In the beginning of treatment, cleansing is ongoing for many months; as many as two years for some. After this is accomplished, one to two times a year is sufficient maintenance. Article written by Todd Carricato, a naturopathic doctor at Elgin Integral Health Centre in Sault Ste. Marie 17 Something worth leafing through... The Hundred-year Lie By Randall Fitzgerald This book targets a large number of myths that we have come to believe about the wellbeing of the environment and our consequent health. In general we have come to believe these myths as truths and the author points out the potential danger of continuing to do so. He debunks these myths and raises the question about how safe we really are in our environment and whether or not it is possible to stop this trend. For the last 50 years or so, the author points out, our health has been decreasing as fast as the toxic chemicals keep increasing and are being released into our living space. He also offers a number of positive and practical solutions for both the individual and for society. “ Thought for the Season Arie Vander-Reyden ” “The best vaccine against common infectious diseases is an adequate diet.” - The World Health Organization 18 Healthy places to surf: provides consumers with useful resources, like a shopper’s guide to pesticides in produce and chemicals in everyday products, to protect health and the environment. BY DR. MICHAEL NENNONEN Take charge of your health Chiropractors have long been preaching the virtues of preventative health care, specifically when it comes to back and neck pain. Exercise, stretching, good nutrition and weight control, stress management and regular adjustments are all part of the plan. As a health care provider, I treat my patients to help them regain their health, however it is always the patients themselves who must take the primary role. I have found one of the more vital roles I play in my patient’s health care is the dispensing of advice. Of course the advice pertains to ways in which my patients can take care of themselves, mostly regarding the musculoskeletal system (muscles and joints), and is often nothing more than teaching a proper lifting technique or home stretching. However, as I speak with my patients I find our conversation naturally leads to the topic of overall healthy lifestyle. Nutrition, exercise, ample rest, mental health and stress management are all integral to not only the musculoskeletal system, but more importantly overall quality of life. To truly understand illness or injury prevention one must understand the process which causes disease or injury. To use the word prevention gives the impression that ill-health occurs suddenly and is an all-or-nothing phenomenon. In reality disease or injury does not work this way (there are always exceptions). It is a process, and one is sick or injured long before one doesn’t feel well. True prevention must also be a process and therefore must be incorporated into lifestyle - a more accurate term would be ‘health maintenance.’ Take a simple back injury for example. One would think the back injury occurred with the lifting of the grocery bag. However, it is probably the extra 30 pounds the person has on their belly putting excess strain on their low back, sitting on the couch all week watching football resulting in weak back muscles, sitting at a desk all week stiffening up the low back and a poor diet resulting in lack of oxygen and nutrients to the low back tissues, making the person more susceptible to injury. Throw in a stressful day which tightens muscles and fatigue causing inattention to proper lifting and the stage is set for the back injury. So we can’t blame the grocery bag. The person slowly and silently was setting the stage for injury and the lift was simply the final straw. The injury was a process. The person gradually became de-conditioned until the injury occurred. The ‘process’ of ‘health maintenance is exercise, good nutrition, proper }}} lifting technique and stretching breaks at work so that when the grocery bag had to be lifted, the low back was well prepared. The great thing is that a healthy lifestyle is all encompassing. What is good for the digestive system is good for the musculoskeletal system, is good for the nervous system, is good for the cardiovascular system, etc. A good example is the patient who, because of a back injury, becomes sedentary, then depressed, then obese and then develops high blood pressure and diabetes and his heart attack is what kills him – all from a back injury! All systems of the human body are reliant upon each other and completely interconnected. So eat well, exercise, get your rest and have a positive attitude. And, although this guarantees nothing, (there are factors out of our control like pollution and genetics), it gives you the best odds of living a long and happy life. All of the above mentioned strategies do not cost the health care system a dime, and are easily done in the comfort of one’s own home. Simple and cheap - what better combination? Your body is truly a temple and should be treated as such. It is really up to you, not some fancy test, to protect and maintain it. To simply rely on some expensive ‘early detection’ or ‘it’salready- too-late’ medical test is passing the buck, and a decision for which you may pay with your life, or at the very least your quality of life. Dr. Mike Nennonen is a chiropractor in Sault Ste. Marie. E-mail questions to Cleaning Green Considering widespread studies on the health impacts of exposure to chlorine bleach and dozens of other chemical-laden, toxic cleaners, why not explore a cheaper, toxin-free option? Hydrogen peroxide, H202, is perfect for cleaning and sanitizing areas, or diluted with water as a natural bleach for laundry and a powerful stain remover. Hydrogen peroxide is simply a combination of hydrogen and oxygen and is considered a top cleaning agent because of its ability to break down a stain from the molecular level. Oxygen cleaners, like peroxide, leave no environmental footprint and don’t leave a toxic burden on your body. Experiment with different levels of dilution with water to discover what works best. In the North 150-mile diet challenge Much of the food in your fridge and pantry likely traveled over 4,000 kilometres before finding its way into your home, while producing thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions on its way. Consider the impact of shopping locally. This is what Eat Local Sudbury, a non-profit co-operative that aims to connect local farmers with local eaters, is urging people to consider. While the 100-mile diet is gaining momentum across the globe, in the North, Eat Local Sudbury has revamped the diet to include 150 miles, since geography is one of the greatest challenges for northerners. The 150-mile diet challenge simply encourages people to commit to either a dinner, a day, a week or even a year of eating only locally produced product. This includes all products. Those in other parts of northern Ontario are encourage to take on the challenge, as well. Although the 150-mile diet may be more challenging to do in the winter months, Eat Local Sudbury offers resources such as a meat buyer’s club and local farm listings, and can also link people to places where they can find various products. Visit for more information. Organizers of Eat Local Sudbury encourage those who have tried the 150-mile diet to share their experiences by e-mail through the web site or to call 705-521-6717. The 100-Mile Diet book, by Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon and published by Random House, may be a good starting point for inspiration to take on the challenge. The book captures their one-year experience eating locally, buying all food and drink from within 100 miles of their home in Vancouver 19 HEALTH BITES Black is best when it comes to berries When it comes to choosing a berry for its level of antioxidants, black is best, according to researchers at Ohio State University Medical Centre. Scientists at the centre have been studying the cancer inhibiting properties in freeze-dried blackberries, black raspberries and strawberries for years. While berries in general contain antioxidants that help reduce damage to DNA caused by chemical carcinogens, the darker the berry is, the greater its level of antioxidants, researchers have found. In the university’s studies on animals, consuming a diet with five to 10 per cent freeze-dried berries has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer and cancer in the oral cavity and esophagus by up to 80 per cent. Preliminary research in humans indicate the berry is well tolerated and beneficial at the same dietary percentages as in animals, and there is no toxicity linked to long-term consumption of berries. Chew on this Craving a cookie or an afternoon snack? Reach for chewing gum if trying to limit calorie intake, researchers say. A recent study led by Marion Hetherington, professor of biopsychology at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland, found that individuals who chew gum before reaching for an afternoon snack experienced diminished cravings, reduced hunger and a feeling of fullness. The study suggests chewing gum can play a positive role in weight management. Asthma risk linked to chlorinated pool use Menopause relief with pine bark extract Symptoms of menopause may be alleviated through the use of Pycnogenol, pine bark extract, according to a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Researchers at HamMing Hospital in Taiwan studied 155 women ages 45 to 55 over a six-month period. Participants received either 100 milligrams of Pycnogenol or a placebo pill twice a day for the study period. Those who had taken the Pycnogenol reported improvements in their menopausal symptoms in comparison to the placebo group, who reported no change. Blood tests further indicated the Pycnogenol group had higher antioxidant levels than the placebo group, and improved cholesterol levels. avocado stops cancer in its tracks 20 Nutrients in avocados may have the potential of stopping pre-cancerous cells from developing into cancer, according to new research. Researchers at Ohio State University, through preliminary research, have determined that extracts from Hass avocados, those found most often in supermarkets, put an end to the growth of pre-cancerous cells that lead to oral cancer. The research suggests the nutrients in avocados may have the same effect on other types of cancer as well. The avocado’s cancer prevention properties are linked to its high levels of phytonutrients or phytochemicals, typically found in dark-coloured fruits and vegetables. Avocados are packed with antioxidants, as well as vitamin C, E and fibre. The study was published in the journal Seminars in Cancer Biology. Hint: Adding avocado to a daily diet can be as simple as scooping out the centre of the avocado and adding chunks to a salad. Water babies and children who swim in both indoor and outdoor chlorinated pools on a regular basis have up to nine times greater risk of developing asthma than children who don’t swim in chlorinated pools. In a study that examined the risk of asthma developing in 30 adolescent competitive swimmers, researchers found that more than 50 per cent suffered from bronchial hyperreactivity through continual exposure to chlorinated swimming pools. A further 73 per cent of participants were found to be sensitized to airborne allergens, a level that is more than double than that of the general population. Both bronchial hyperreactivity and sensitization to airborne allergens are considered predictors of asthma onset. While swimming instructors and poolside staff have been reported to have the greatest risk, children who swim in chlorinated pools regularly are also directly at risk, according to a recent study in the European Respiratory Journal. A separate study of 843 adolescents in three Belgian high schools sought to further determine the risk of asthma due to swimming in open-air chlorinated pools. The control group included students from a school that offered swimming lessons as part of its curriculum in a non-chlorinated pool, disinfected by copper-silver ionization. Youth who spent more than 500 hours in open-air chlorinated pools had three times more risk of developing asthma than those who had never swam in a chlorinated pool. Children who have higher levels of immunoglobin, an antibody linked with an increased risk of allergies and asthma, were found to have nine times the risk. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the Catholic University of Louvain’s department of toxicology. HEALTH BITES Choline explored as natural asthma therapy Results of a preliminary study on choline as an alternative treatment for asthma show potential for the natural compound to be used as a substitute for steroid therapy in asthmatics. Scientists at the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in Delhi, India have been studying the anti-inflammatory properties of choline, a nutrient typically grouped within the Vitamin B complex. Choline has been found to aid in reducing mucus production and preventing airway obstruction. Good sources of dietary choline can be found in foods such as eggs, cauliflower, navy beans, tofu and almonds. Sleep deprivation takes greater toll on women’s health than men’s A new study suggests that women who sleep five hours or less a night instead of the recommended minimum of seven double their risk of hypertension. Men, on the other hand, can get by with five hours of sleep or less each night without the same health consequences. The study was conducted by the University of Warwick and included 6,592 volunteer male and female participants from 20 London-based civil service departments. Cholesterol lowered in mate tea drinkers Mate tea drinkers may have an edge when it comes to lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Following on the heels of a recent lab study on mate tea, Elvira de Meija, a scientist at the University of Illinois, is embarking on major study on the antioxidant enzymes created by this herbal tea. In her initial study, participants consumed half a litre of either mate tea, milk or coffee. Those who drank the mate tea experienced a 10 per cent increase in enzyme activity associated with lowering bad cholesterol and boosting good cholesterol. “The tea used in the study was prepared at the same concentration used in South America, although they usually drink two to three litres per day,” said de Mejia. In her study, about four mate tea bags were used instead of one, in order to boost the concentration levels of the tea. Strength, aerobic training a prescription for diabetics A new study by the University of Calgary dispels the myth that resistance training is not effective, or can be potentially harmful, for diabetics aiming to improve glycemic control. 251 sedentary adults between the ages of 39 and 70, with type 2 diabetes, participated in the 26-week study, which explored the effectiveness of exercise on diabetes control. Study participants were randomly assigned to one of the four groups: one group did 45 minutes of aerobic training three times a week, another group did 45 minutes of resistance training three times a week, the third group did combined aerobic and resistance training for 45 minutes and the fourth group did no exercise. Researchers measured changes in the hemoglobin A1c value the end of the trial. A drop of one per cent in A1c equals a 15 to 20 per cent decrease in heart attack and stroke risk and 25 to 40 per cent decrease in risk of diabetes-related eye or kidney disease. Compared to the no exercise group, participants who did combined resistance and aerobic training experienced the greatest benefits in controlling blood sugar. 21 Ask a Yogi Healing power of breath 22 We live because we breathe. Stop breathing and see what happens. Nobody will argue this supposition. Yet breathing is primarily taken for granted. Most of us pay little attention to our breathing or the quality of air we take in. But, especially in the winter, this awareness can avoid a number of health concerns. Air quality has become a great concern in modern society. I live on a farm very close to nature and breathe air directly from an abundance of living trees and a forested area. Whenever I visit one of the big cities, within hours my eyes start burning and feel scratchy, and I don’t seem to be able to get enough air or oxygen. Consequently I tire quickly and my senses seem to dull. Maybe that is partly the consequence of having to deal with massive amounts of traffic, hordes of people, and a never ending onslaught on my senses. Maybe it has to do with the fact that my mind is constantly focused on coping and surviving, rather than just being and enjoying. Maybe my lifestyle has become something of the past. As little as one hundred years ago the atmosphere generally contained at least twice the amount of oxygen. Also, there was generally a lot less pollution and chemical toxins in the air. There were also no electromagnetic waves created by our modern technologies or the many radio frequencies, cell phones, television, satellites all emitting their specific waves and frequencies to this cacophony. Today, especially in the big cities, we are living in conditions that are far removed from what even our grandparents lived in. There is a constant bombardment of input and impulses that we quickly had to get accustomed to and we don’t really know the impact on our health and wellbeing. What we do know is that our breathing, our respiratory system, our lungs, our sinuses and the distribution of oxygen to our system has become highly challenged. The need to keep our breathing mechanism fine-tuned and clean has never been higher. So how do we do that? Yogis developed breathing exercises many thousands of years ago. They understood the direct connection between the life energy that is keeping us alive and our breathing mechanism. Breathing exercises were created to prolong a healthy, happy lifestyle and increase our quality of life experiences. Breathing exercises fall primarily into two categories: cleansing, detoxifying breathing, and energizing, maximizing breathing. In the cleansing breath we focus on the exhalation and try to push out the toxins that have accumulated in our system, especially the lungs and respiratory tract. Even a few minutes a day might prevent problems like colds, the flu, bronchitis and asthma. At least the chance of attracting one of these diseases can be minimized by keeping our lungs clean. And that is something that would be most beneficial in these coming winter months. The energizing breath sends fresh oxygen directly to our blood circulation by expanding the lungs and allowing the blood the opportunity to distribute that extra oxygen to our system. The focus here is on the inhalation and holding the BY Arie Vander-Reyden breath and expanding our lung capacity so we take in as much oxygen as possible. Unfortunately many of us have developed poor breathing habits. These can be caused by a large number of influences like stress, poor working or living environment, little exercise or body movement and poor diet. Many of us only breathe with less than 25 per cent of our lung capacity. Yoga postures and breathing exercises will help to develop proper breathing habits and will keep your lungs well functioning. Proper breathing engages the lower abdomen and diaphragm. If, when you breathe, only the top part of your chest moves, then chances are you are not getting enough oxygen and consequently not enough natural fuel to feel good and energetic. We know that there is a close correlation between breathing and our emotions. When we are stressed our breathing is short, irregular and shallow. In a relaxed, happy state of mind we breathe slowly and deeply. Certain exercises like yoga, swimming and walking automatically create deep and slow breathing. The related happy feeling is a big part of the benefits of this type of discipline. Laughing and singing stimulate natural cleansing breathing since both are focused on the exhalation, and both are emotionally greatly rewarding. In today’s society disciplining and directing our breathing has become an important part of remaining healthy and motivated. There are plenty of resources available to find out how. Let me know if your need assistance with that. And, happy breathing. E-mail Arie at Winter’s posture STEPS BENEFITS 1.Begin the posture in a seate d position with hands beside your back on the floor, palms facing down ward and legs apart, feet flat on the floor. 2. O n inhalation raise buttocks and belly toward the ceiling. 3. Lower the back of the head down toward the floor and hold the position. while holding your breath. 4. O n exhalation lower but tocks back onto the floor and cross legs below but tocks . 5. B end forward tucking legs under and relaxing arms beside the torso on the fl oor. 1.The flow creates a deep massaging of the spine and the muscles along the spine, which aids to pre vent lower and upper back stiffness and pain. 2.The contraction and expansion of the abdominal area deeply cleanses the small and large intestine. 3.Pushing the lower abdo men upwards in inhalation maximizes diaphragmatic breathing and consequent cleansing of the lung-sacs. 4.If you do this exercise for 10 minutes, then rest for a few minutes and do another 10 minutes; it will effectively strengthen your core. Yoga embodies your inner beauty. The table - sitting child pose flow NOVEMBER 20% off all 10-class passes (2 pass limit) DECEMBER 20% off 1-year membership 61 Elm St. (upstairs) • 705.662.1359 23 KIDS HEALTH ADHD alternative measures Dr. Jeffrey Phillips Today, Ritalin is almost synonymous with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, Ritalin need not be the only means of effecting children or adults with ADHD. Neither is it always the most appropriate mechanism. There are a number of alternative approaches to consider. Nutrition Most types of ADHD respond best to a higher protein and lower carbohydrate diet. Individuals with substantial tendencies toward inattentiveness and hyperactivity can respond well to L-tyrosine, an amino acid that serves as a precursor to serotonin in the brain. Other nutritional substances that can serve a treatment purpose include GABA, 5-HTP, Gingko Biloba, essential fatty acids, etc. It is necessary to assess the exact nature of the ADHD and the likely brain areas impacted before one can understand which nutrients are best likely to serve the individual. Proactive allergy testing 24 ALIVE+FIT / FALL 2007 Brain dysfunction often accompanies immune disorders, such as allergy. With Provocative Allergy Testing, one can identify allergies and sensitivities, and become aware of the symptoms generated by exposure to substances to which one is allergic or sensitive. There are also treatment options that focus on psychoneuroimmunological issues and improvement of the immune system resulting, in turn, in progress to brain function. Pollutants The Halton Board of Education noted that there was a geographical divide in the board. On the north side of a particular line going through the board there were substantial incidence of asthma, ADHD and various learning problems, as well as allergy. On the other side of the line there were lower incidents of the same disorders. Above the Niagara Escarpment where it was hypothesized that there was more fresh air, lower incidence of physical and psychological difficulties were noted. Below the escarpment, where it was thought that polluted air was being trapped as it came from Hamilton, and other areas, there was higher incidence of ADHD and other potentially related issues. Sensitivities Some individuals with ADHD demonstrate symptoms of varying intensity over the day. Allergies and sensitivities need to be investigated. Similar symptoms can result from hypoglycemia, wherein blood sugar levels go up and down over the day and impact mood. Other individuals may demonstrate ADHD symptoms that vary with the seasons. Those who are worse in the spring and fall may be experiencing mold, allergies, and/or Candidiasis (i.e., systemic yeast overgrowth). When ADHD symptoms are most common in the winter, consider indoor allergens, such as dust. Similarly, in the summer, one might direct their attention toward pollens and grasses. Neurofeedback Neurofeedback involves EEG readings of brain activities and various areas of potential impact related to ADHD. The individual going through neurofeedback is given the assignment of modifying their brainwaves, as monitored by a computer and on screen for the individual. For children, as they become successful in regard to meeting computer program demands in regard to brainwave management, they can, through their response, control the activities of a game on the computer, making the neurofeedback exercise fun. Individuals undergoing neurofeedback have been able to get off medication permanently. Cranial Electrostimulation Cranial electrostimulation involves the use of a device that looks somewhat like an MP3 player. Wires from a small MP3 playerlike device are clipped onto the ears, and a low level electrical impulse is released and travels through the bony channel of the ear to the lower aspects of the brain, stimulating that part of the brain and, in turn, stimulating rebalancing of neurochemical functioning and other functional issues of the brain. Prior to any treatment a full comprehensive assessment should be carried out. Without this, one is at risk for potentially simply identifying ADHD due to difficult behaviour on the part of a child. Such difficult behaviour could be the result of many other things, however, including anxiety, learning disability, trauma reaction, low self-esteem, abuse, low intellect, etc. Written by Jeffrey R. Phillips Ph.D., C. Psych., DABFE. Dr. Phillips is a psychologist at LifeWorks Centre in North Bay. HealthyB TES Easy, healthful tried and tested recipes kids will love! Tofu Snacks Foods for sexy hormones 1 block organic, firm tofu 2-3 tbsp Red Star nutritional yeast Bragg liquid soy, or another high quality soy sauce. 2 tbsp olive oil (approx.) Lightly oil a large cast iron pan and put it on medium heat. Slice tofu width-wise into 1/2 cm thick rectangles. When the pan is hot, place the slices snuggly one layer thick covering the pan. Sprinkle half of the nutritional yeast over each piece. Apply a few squirts of Bragg soy sauce over each piece. Fry for 2 minutes and flip over. They should be lightly browned. You may need to add more oil. Add the rest of the nutritional yeast and a few squirts of Bragg, fry for another 2 minutes again. Once the tofu is brown and crispy on both sides, it is ready to serve. Serve over a fresh green salad, add to a sandwich or just eat as a snack on its own. This dish can also be baked, if your oven is on already. Place your sliced tofu in an oiled baking dish, one layer thick. Sprinkle nutritional yeast over top and the soy sauce. Bake for 20 minutes; grill if you would like the tofu crisp. Spelt and Rice flour Crepes In a large bowl combine: 1 1/2 cups brown rice flour 1/2 cup whole spelt flour 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp sea salt Beat together: 2 large eggs 2 1/2 cups rice milk 1 tsp vanilla extract BY Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe Add to flour mixture and mix thoroughly. On a thoroughly oiled hot fry pan (a flat cast iron crepe pan works the best) pour a medium-sized ladle full of batter, turning the pan in a circular motion to spread the batter evenly. Flip after the surface of the crepe has bubbled and the crepe can be handled easily. Once the pan is evenly hot, each crepe should be cooked through in about 2 minutes or less. Your element should be between medium heat and hot on most stove tops. Because of the consistency of rice flour, the pan will need to be oiled before each ladle full is poured on. Serve with fresh maple syrup, fruit and yogurt. Nutritional note: Nutritional yeast is a non-active yeast, unlike yeast used for baking breads. It is an excellent source of B12 and can be found in health food stores or some bigger grocery stores with a natural foods department. If the yeast is of good quality, it should be bright yellow and flaky. Bragg Liquid Aminos can be found at your local health food shop. It is the best choice because it has no genetically modified organisms and has no chemical additives, sugar or colouring and is not fermented. Recipes provided by Sherry Milford, certified nutrition consultant. She can be reached by e-mail to Throughout history, cultures around world have been convinced of the power of foods, particularly when it comes to enhancing sex drive. Modern interest in the subject is not new, but now research on how food affects hormones is catching up with traditional theories. John Harvey Kellogg, M.D., founder of the “Snap, Crackle, and Profitable” Kellogg breakfast cereal corporation, believed that food could be so sexually stimulating that people suffering from sexual excesses should avoid all stimulating foods such as spices, pepper, ginger, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, all condiments, pickles, “flesh” foods in any but moderate quantities, chocolate, coffee and tea. Kellogg had no science to prove his recommendations, but today researchers know many of the foods purported to be sexual enhancers by him back in the 1800s do exactly that—enhance sexual arousal, stamina and satisfaction. Some foods actually contain hormones, while other foods act upon hormone receptors. Estrogens have a tangled relationship with food. Some foods and herbs block estrogens, that is, they keep estrogen molecules from fitting into estrogen receptors on cells. Some foods enhance the action of estrogen, making it stronger. Some foods contain high levels of estrogens and should be avoided or eaten in moderation. Some foods keep your estrogens at healthy levels by aiding the liver in detoxifying excess estrogens, while some foods contain progesterone that helps to balance out estrogens. Other foods stop estrogen-related cancers from forming. 25 Alcohol raises bad estrogens It has been known for over a decade that drinking alcohol increases estrogen levels in women. This is the reason why alcohol consumption increases the risk of breast cancer. You do not have to be a big drinker; just three glasses of wine a week can increase your risk. A study in The Journal of the American Medical Association shows that the increases in estrogen and breast cancer risk are much higher when drinking even small amounts of alcohol while taking estrogen therapy. The study found that when postmenopausal women taking oral estradiol drank the equivalent of just half a glass of wine, the levels of estrogen circulating in their blood nearly doubled. After a drink comparable to three glasses of wine, estrogen surged more than threefold. Another study by the same researchers found that estrogen levels rose in women who drank while using the estradiol skin patch, although the increase was just 40 per cent. Previous studies in men have found that alcoholic men have seriously elevated levels of estrogen. Good foods that balance estrogens These foods have been found to keep estrogens in a healthy range while stopping the conversion to bad estrogens – cancer-causing estrogens. Eat these foods often: dried beans/lentils/chickpeas, sesame seeds/flaxseeds (they contain lignans), whole grain rice and oats, alfalfa sprouts (rich in vitamin K; avoid if you are taking blood-thinners), mung beans, apples, berries (blueberry, cranberry, pomegranate, bilberry, blackberry, raspberry), pears, carrots, wheat germ/barley, non-genetically modified, organic fermented soy products (tempeh, miso, soy sauce, fermented soy powders), rice bran, grapefruit, extra virgin olive oil, borage, evening primrose oil, wild yam Great foods that inhibit bad estrogens Eat plenty of these foods every day to improve your estrogento-progesterone ratio. They are also cancer-preventing: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, flaxseeds (ground), buckwheat, figs, melons, green beans, squash, green tea and chamomile tea Share your stories of health and healing with readers. Email or call 1-877-989-1600 26 GLC The ugly estrogenic foods Avoid these altogether or limit their intake. These foods contain either estrogen, fit into estrogen receptors, or cause your fat cells to make too much estrogen: soy beans, tofu, soy beverages, soy oil, coffee (drink only organic if you like coffee), cotton seed oil (often found in sardines or other canned fish), corn oil, hops in beer (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), commercial chicken, pork and beef, commercial dairy products, farmed fish, alcohol Now that you know what a powerful effect foods have on your hormones make sure you choose organic fruits and vegetables from the great and good lists. Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe is the author of eight books. Her latest is Sexy Hormones (Fitzhenry 2007) just released this month. 1520 Queen Street East Sault Ste. Marie Located on the Campus of Algoma University College for recreation & fitness Largest Indoor Track in Town Cardio Room Strength Training Aerobics Squash & Tennis Yoga & Pilates Tae Kwon Do Massage Therapy Basketball, Volleyball and much more... Mention this ad & receive 1 FREE MONTH with any membership purchase.” Call or drop by today to find out what membership or program is best for you! 705.949.2301 ext. 4500 or visit our website at Northern Your guide to locally produced, organic or natural (hormone and antibiotic-free) meat and poultry products Growers N What is organic agriculture? Organic agriculture produces chemical free and genetically-engineered free product, using sound Warren/Verner Circle M Simmentals Beef, hormone free, naturally fed 9273 Hwy 17, Warren 705-967-5291 Gerber’s Produce Beef/produce: garlic, corn, and others Grass fed, no chemicals, no hormones 4 Giroux Rd., Warren 705-967-0968 Dalew Farms Pork, lamb, poultry, rabbit, eggs, beef, no antibiotics, animal by-products, or artificial hormones Located 5 minutes south of Verner, 10781 Hwy 64 705-594-1823 St. Charles F&R Farms Beef, venison, wild boar Naturally raised 390 Pothier Rd. 705-867-5350 Ferme Red Roof Farm 100% pure Canadian Highland beef, All natural, no chemicals, no growth hormones 329 Pothier Rd. 705-867-5376 Hawkland Farms Gelbvich and Simmental beef, pasture fed, ecological principles. Organic products are free of synthetic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, materials produced from genetic engineer- ing, synthetic hormones and subtherapeutic antibiotics, genetically modified organisms and synthetic processing substances. No chemicals greenhouse produce 1506 Nipissing Rd. 705-867-5629 Pilon Farms Beef, no hormones 434 Houle Rd., Noelville 705-898-2383 Heart & Home Farm Highland beef, naturally fed 678 Turcotte Rd. 705-867-2054 Manitoulin L&M Beef Farm Limousin beef/grain, Pasture fed, no growth hormones 880 Dupuis Rd. 705-867-2944 Yvon & Paul Turcot Red Angus cross beef, all naturally grown, no growth hormones 906 Dupuis Rd. 705-867-5616 Sunnydale Acres Red Poll beef, no hormones, No chemicals 109 Dokis Rd., Monetville 705-898-1396 Beaumarc Farm Purebred Limousine beef, naturally fed, no hormones, no chemicals 291 Mayer Rd., Noelville 705-898-3164 Martin Farms Pork, Angus beef, natural, grass-fed beef in 2008, freezer trade, deliveries 8 Hwy 540A, Gore Bay 705-282-1508 Joyce Farm Angus beef, natural, freezer trade, deliveries 38 Joyce Rd. S, Meldrum Bay 705-283-4232 Rob Breathat Beef, natural 429 Evergreen Dr. Springbay 705-282-3173 Burt Farms Beef, pork, poultry products, no growth hormones, no antibiotics, processed/marinated meats, full-scale processing facility, catering, freezer trade, deliveries 1295 10th Line, Gore Bay 705-282-0328 Algoma District Diena McKay Organic beef, OCPP certified, Richards Landing, ON 705-246-2073 Penokean Hills Beef, natural, hormone free, antibiotic free 25- and 50-pound boxes of roast, steak, hamburg mix Blind River west to Sault Call to place order 705-971-6328 Powasson Simpson Hill Farm Free-range chickens, grassfinished beef, 100% vegetarian feed 133 Simpson Hill Rd. 705-724-3640 Greater Sudbury Green Zone Farm Red deer and elk meat, naturally fed 333 Bonin St. Chelmsford 705-855-0452 (Call ahead) 27 Holistic and alternative Health The Feldenkrais Method Harold Tausch GCFP Private hands-on sessions to improve the quality of your movement. 600 Wellington St. E. Sault Ste. Marie 705-256-2224 North Channel Nutrition Nutritional Health Assessments Weight management plans Detoxification programs Call 705-287-1004 Love Light Energy Relax with reiki, quantum touch, hot stone massage. Call Dianne Gauthier at 897-7527 or 969-5257 Guardian Angel’s Therapeutic Energy Ionic foot spa, reflexology, reiki, hypnotism and past-life regression. 27 River Dr., Blind River Call 705-356-4283 1-888-375-8296 Bowen Therapy Barber Glenda, RMTBowen Therapy (Beside Pizza Hut) Val Therese Bowen Therapy offers pain relief for acute or chronic conditions. Call 705-969-5257 Golf Chappelle’s Golf Academy Full lesson packages, indoor range, lessons for men and women, private lessons, computer swing analysis. Complete custom repair and repair shop. Repairs to all makes. Contact 858-3333 28 Massage Therapy Healthy Touch 76 Front Street Sturgeon Falls Call 705-753-4555 Barber Glenda, RMTBowen Therapy (Beside Pizza Hut) Val Therese Bowen Therapy offers pain relief for acute or chronic conditions. Call 705-969-5257. NuWave Aromatix Pina Castellani, CAMT, MT 1165 Attlee Ave. Sudbury, ON P3A 3J5 (705) 524-2864 Danielle Mayotte, RMT 511B Stockdale Rd. North Bay Also available for appointments in Mattawa and Sturgeon Falls. Call 705-477-3513 Adam Lalonde, B.Sc, RMT 511 Main St. East with TrisFIT Private training/pilates Appointments 705-494-0811 Bed & Breakfast Piebird Bed and Breakfast An exceptionally relaxing heritage retreat. Nourishing, simple and inspiring. Sundried linens and homegrown local, whole-food breakfasts. Vegetarian lunch and dinners by reservation served in our century-old dining room. Nipissing Village, ON 705-724-1144 Chiropractics Lockerby Chiropractic Clinic Wellness care for the whole family. 431 Linda St. Sudbury 705-522-2136 Abundant Health Clinic 677 MacDonald Ave. Sault Ste. Marie Call 705-256-1909 Meditation The Ontario Ishayas Intro talks and courses available Contact Joanne: 705-673-8356 or 519-657-8576 Naturopathics Naturopathic Flu Clinic Wallace Integrated Health Centre, North Bay Safe, effective alternative to flu shot. Egg free, no mercury or formaldehyde. Does not contain live or attenuated virus. Ideal for children, seniors Call 705-474-2727 for appointment Non-invasive breast screening with infrared thermography North Bay Naturopathic Clinic Dr. Sabrina Giustra, ND 343 Airport Rd. Call 705-472-7007 to book an appointment. (No referral required). North Bay Call 705-472-7007 Sudbury Naturopathic Centre 346 Regent St. Sudbury Call 705-673-7997 reflexology NuWave Aromatix Pina Castellani, CAMT, MT 1165 Attlee Ave. Sudbury, ON P3A 3J5 (705) 524-2864 homeopathy Manon Larose, H.D. Call 705-222-6313 Fitness/movement Taoist Tai Chi Sudbury Club Morning and evening classes Call 705-688-0111 Courses Fitness Kickboxing Learn real boxing punch, block techniques and combinations. Course takes place Feb. 2, 2008 or Mar. 1, 2008, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Korean Martial Arts Centre, Sault Ste. Marie Call 705-848-6318 to register. Herbal medicine workshop/Reiki teacher training Call 705-842-2478 Pick up the latest issue of Alive+Fit at one of the following health food stores: Sudbury The Wellness Shoppe New Sudbury Nutrition Centre Durham Natural Foods Paris Natural Foods 1 Walden Natural Foods North Bay Nature’s Harvest Bins and Bins The Country Way Parry Sound Georgian Bay Whole Foods Sturgeon Falls Food in Bins Ananda Yoga and Meditation Centre 113 Second Line East Sault Ste. Marie Call 705-938-7733 Sault St.Marie High on Health Nutrition Centre Country Way The Wellness Store Garden of Eden Health Food Store DF Fitness Personal training, yoga, exercise, medical fitness Parry Sound Call 705-746-6081 Elliot Lake Grams or Kilos Bulk & Health Food Integral Qui Gong Classes Elizabeth Stewart Parry Sound Call 705-774-1409 The Fun In Fitness Club 162 King Street North Bay Call 705-472-9494 Espanola The Natural Choice Alive+Fit is available at over 350 businesses wellnessrelated business in Sudbury, Espanola, Elliot Lake, Blind River, Manitoulin Island, Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls and Parry Sound. Nutrition/Eatery Heal Thy Health Nourishment and Knowledge Personalized dietary support and menu plans. Vegetarian lunch and dinners by reservation. Nipissing Village, ON 705-724-1144 North Bay Call 705-472-9494 Purchase a Directory Listing for only $1.10/word. No minimum word count. Call 877-989-1600 or 705-858-7000 Fax: 705-858-3000 email: 29 Gain functional flexibility for peak performance Think for a moment the last time you gave your hip flexor muscles your undivided attention, treating them to at least two minutes of gentle stretching. Can’t remember when? And yet, today you have put your hip flexor muscles to use in practically every activity you were engaged in, with the exception of sleeping. The importance of stretching, particularly in the hip region, cannot be overstated. Yet, quite often, our lowerbody stretching consists of quick fivesecond, old-school techniques, focused on merely stretching out the quads (the front of your thighs), the hamstrings (the back of your thighs) and, if there’s a couple of extra seconds, the hip flexors – the region of muscles that cross in front of your hips. Even then, in our time-challenged schedule, we tend to devote more time to stretching our hamstrings with the hope that someday, with more stretching, we’ll be able to touch our toes. How often have you noticed that your hamstrings are tight, and so you decided to stretch out your hamstrings? Seems like the logical thing to do. But you may be missing the mark when it comes to increasing flexibility in that particular area. Interestingly, if you focus your effort on opening the hip region through targeted stretches that improve flexibility in this area, you’ll find an overall improvement in flexibility in other areas and increased efficiency of movement. Not only that, your lower back will love you for it. And, if you’re an athlete, your coach will love you for it. The following stretch increases range of motion in the hip region, and stretches the fascia of the muscle, the deep connective tissue, releasing tightness and restrictions in all the muscles surrounding the hips. 30 Stretch for success Do the following stretch slowly and rhythmically with your breath. The key here is to move slowly and gently into the stretch. You may wish to test the effectiveness of the stretch. Gently bend forward from a standing position, knees relaxed, and note how close you are to touching your toes. 1. Step forward with your left leg and kneel into a lunge position. Inhale and draw your right arm straight up above your head, resting your left hand on your right thigh. Exhale, lunging forward slightly, just enough to feel a slight stretch in the hip flexor area. Inhale back to the starting position. Repeat the stretch two more times, each time lunging forward a little more until you feel the tissue release. Be sure to continue the breathing pattern. Note: Legs should be far enough apart so that when you lunge forward the knee is not jutting past the toes. 2. Continue this stretch from the same starting position as above. Inhale, drawing the arm overhead. Exhale and lunge, pressing the hip forward, reaching the right arm over to the left side, into a side stretch. Repeat the stretch two more times, each time keeping the movement fluid and lunging forward slightly more each time. Repeat the stretch on the opposite side. Then, if you wish, test its effectiveness. Once again, from a standing position bend forward, keeping knees relaxed, and test how much closer you now are to touching your toes. Sari Huhtala is a Can-Fit-Pro certified personal trainer. E-mail questions and comments to BY SARI HUHTALA DISCOVER THE REAL YOU • DO THE THINGS YOU HAVE DREAMED OF • LIVE LIFE HIKING • SWIMMING DANCING • RUNNING • LAUGHING SANDRA JENSON, CFT CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER 705.256.6167 NEW! 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