Until March 15, 2011 (Tue) From February 16 (Wed) through March
Until March 15, 2011 (Tue) From February 16 (Wed) through March
広報おうみはちまん 2011 年 3 月号 英語 Friends of Omihachiman March 2011 Year I – Edition 6 Summary Edition of the Omihachiman City Hall Official Informative かくていしんこく 確定申告 Until M arch 15, 2011 (Tue) THE PERIOD FOR RECEIVING ASSISTANCE FOR FINAL INCOME TAX RETURN AND FILING THE TAX RETURN AT THE CITY HALL: Is from 9:00 to 16:30 hours (attention in Portuguese, Spanish and English) From February 16 ( W ed) thro ugh M arch 15 (Tue) Only for Omihachiman Citizens Who needs to declare the Income < Shotokuzei> at the Omihachiman City hall: 1. Those who received employment income from 2 or more sources, it means, they received more than one paper of Gensen Choushu Hyo (Certificate of withholding tax) and he/she has not been making the year-end adjustment yet. 2. Those who have more than 1 paper of Gensen and the withhold tax at the source is still not deducted. Who needs to declare the Income for calculation of the Residential tax <Shikenminzei> at the Omihachiman City hall: 1. Those who have their address registered in Omihachiman as of January 1 of 2011 and that during the year 2010 obtain some income. As well as those that did not obtain any income and are not considered dependents of an active worker's. 2. Those that are dependents of a family that has their address registered in another municipality. 3. Those that has an alteration in the number of dependents (either in their country or also in Japan) Who doesn't need to declare at the City hall: 1. Those who are employed in a company and whose firms have already done the year-end adjustment and have already sent by mail to the City hall their employees report. The return of the excess withhold bye the company will be pay in December (please confirm it with your employer). 2. Those who are receiving government pension In case that there is a tax return you must submit the Tax Return Application <Kanpu shinkoku>: 1. Those who stopped working and the year-end adjustment <Nenmatsu chosei> was not accomplished bye the employer. 2. Those who suffered several losses for damages, they had medical expenses (you should enclose hospital, dentist, drugstore (only for medicines) receipts) or purchase a home through financing. For the dependents' recognition, please enclose the necessary documents (for example: birth certificate, marriage license and other requested documents and the translations of the same ones in Japanese). -1- 広報おうみはちまん 2011 年 3 月号 英語 Friends of Omihachiman March 2011 Year I – Edition 6 1. When the dependents live in other country you have to enclose the voucher of bank remittance and depending on the case, birth / marriage certificates with the translation in Japanese. Those who are paying Life insurance (Seimei Hoken) and National Health Insurance < Kokumin Kenko Hoken> should enclose the vouchers to obtain the due deductions. When attending at the City hall for declaration do not forget to bring the following: 1. Guensen Choushu Hyo (Certificate of withholding tax) *original 2. Personal Seal (Inkan) 3. Bankbook (the witness should have his/her own bank account) 4. Voucher of payment of National Health Insurance [Kokumin Kenko Hoken] (The City hall will send it by post mail after January 20). Do not forget to bring the voucher of payment of the Kokumin Kenko Hoken. 5. Voucher of payment of Life Insurance (Seimei Hoken) 6. Voucher of bank remittance (to prove that the dependents live outside Japan (in other country) 7. Birth Certificate and Marriage License (depending on the case) with the Japanese translation 8. Vouchers of the medical, hospital expenses (Please, organize the vouchers/receipts) of medical expenses, gluing the receipts in the historical sequence and divide them by Clinics / Hospitals to make the tax return form fill in process easier. Extraordinary attention days (Portuguese, Spanish and English) Date: March 7 (Mon) and 8 (Tue) Time: From 17:00 to 19:00 Place: Omihachiman City Hall – Tax Division [ZEIMU-KA] I nform ation: Zeim u-k a (Tax Division) Tel: 074 8-36-5505 in P ortuguese, Spanish and English: M achizuk uri Shien-k a Tel:0748-36-555 2 Note: Those who want to do the Final Income Tax Return of the 2 years previous to the year 2009 (Heisei 21) should go to the Omihachiman City Tax Office [Omihachiman Zeimusho] that is beside the Omihachiman City hall . Telephone: 0748-33-3141 January 1, 2010 January 1, 2012 January 1, 2011 December 31, 2010 Attention for Income tax return statement at the City hall: from the 2nd fortnight of February to the 2nd fortnight of March September Obtaining of Income October February June Residential tax should be paid to the City hall where you were registered as of January 1 of 2011 Source: Guide for December 31, 2011 Calculation of the Residential tax by the income declaration The payment of the Residential Tax can be made in a single payment in the month of June or in 4 payments in: June August, October and January Nikkei Workers -2- 広報おうみはちまん 2011 年 3 月号 英語 Friends of Omihachiman March 2011 Year I – Edition 6 This month taxes Maximum period of Payment 10 Payment of National Health Insurance <Kokumin Kenko Hoken> 9ª Payment of Insurance for care and assistance for elderly <Kaigo Hoken> しみん March 31, 2011 (Thu) うごき 市民の動き Omihachiman population Population: Base on the data of February 1, 2011 (Numbers among parenthesis mean comparative data with the previous month) Total: 81,849 residents (+21) Men: 40,196 (+6) Women: 41,653(+15) Foreign Population: 1.233 from 34 countries 健康<Kenko> PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES <すこやかだより> にゅうようじ けんしん 乳幼児検診 C Caalleennddaarr ooff M MA AR RC CH H,, 22001111 NOTE: Please Bring Mother-child Health Notebook (Boshi Kenkou Techo), answered questionnaire contained in the Baby’s Notebook [Akachan Techo], thermometer, and material for annotation Age 4 months Exam 10 months Exam Requirement Date and timetable Children born in the first two weeks of November of 2010 March 11 (Friday) Children born in the last two weeks of November of 2010 March 24 (Thursday) Children born in November of 2010 March 28 (Monday) Children born in the first two weeks of May of 2010 March 10 (Thursday) Children born in the last two weeks of May of 2010 March 22 (Tuesday) Children born in May of 2010 March 23 (Wednesday) Place ※ Registration from 13:00 to 14:00 Health Center (Hoken Center) of Omihachiman ※ Registration from 14:30 to 14:45 Health Center (Hoken Center) of Azuchi ※ Registration from 13:00 to 14:00 Health Center (Hoken Center) of Omihachiman ※ Registration from 14:00 to 14:45 Health Center (Hoken Center) of Azuchi -3- Notes There will be reading material for children. BCG vaccine application will be available too. If the child is not in good health conditions the day of the exam, the child can takes the pediatric exam next month. Those children who need auditory exams can request it, as well as those parents or responsible that have concerns about it can request the exams 広報おうみはちまん 2011 年 3 月号 英語 Friends of Omihachiman March 2011 Year I – Edition 6 1 year 8 months Exam Children born in the first two weeks of July of 2009 Children born in the last two weeks of July of 2009 In the 1 year 8 months March 8 (Tuesday) exam there will be March 23 (Wednesday) ※ Registration from 13:00 to 14:00 Health Center (Hoken Center) of Omihachiman fluoride application and orientation for brushing of teeth. Please bring toothbrush, cup and a towel 2 years 6 months Exam Children born in August and September of 2008 Children born in the first two weeks of September of 2007 3 years 6 months Exam Children born in the first two weeks of September of 2007 ※ Registration from 13:00 to 13:30 March 15 (Tuesday) March 2 (Wednesday) Health Center (Hoken Center) of Azuchi There will be fluoride application and orientation for brushing of teeth. Please bring toothbrush, cup and a towel Health Center (Hoken Center) of Omihachiman In the 3 years 6 months exam there will be an urine exam. Please bring the urine in a clean glass before the exam to the Health Center. Also there will be a fluoride application and orientation for brushing of teeth. Please bring toothbrush, cup and a towel ※ Registration from 13:00 to 14:00 March 17 (Thursday) けんしん がん検診 Inscriptions Open for the PREVENTIVE EXAM OF CANCER Name of the exam Requirements Period Cancer of the large Citizens from 40 Until March of intestine years old or more 2011 Cost 800 yen Medical Institution At clinics or hospitals authorized by the City Hall Please make reservation directly to the medical institutions Citizens of 20 Cervical Cancer years old or more *Exam every 2 (please see the list 1 ) All the year 1.700 yen If you want to take the exam outside Omihachiman city, years please inform to the Health Center (Hoken Center) Citizens of 40 Breast Cancer All the year 2.200 yen * from 40 years old or more to 49 years old *Exam every 2 1.700 yen * from 50 years years old or more -4- Please make reservation directly to the medical institutions (see list 2) 広報おうみはちまん 2011 年 3 月号 英語 Friends of Omihachiman March 2011 Year I – Edition 6 List 1 Authorized Clinics and Medical Institutions: Ueda Women’s (Horigami-cho) Tel: 0748-32 3517 Oota Sanfujinka (Takakai-cho ) Tel: 0748-32 3517 Suguiura Iin (Azuchi cho Higashi Oiso ) Tel: 0748-46-3038 Sogo Iryou Center (Tsuchida cho) Tel: 0748-31-1206 Tsurusaki Sanfujin-ka (Demach i) Tel: 0748-36-7501 List 2 Authorized Clinics and Medical Institutions: Sogo Iryou Center (Tsuchida cho) Tel: 0748-31-1206 Every Monday from 10:30 It is possible to take the Breast Cancer Preventive Exam on Saturdays!! Place: Sogo Iryou Center (Tsuchida cho) Dates: January 22 (Sat) and February 5 (Sat) Cost: Citizens From 40 to 49 years old: 2,200 yen Citizens From 50 years old or more: 1,700 yen Requirements: Citizens older than 40 years old Number of vacancies: 70 people Information and reservation of the exam: Health promotion Department < Kenko Suishin ka > Telephone: 0748-33-4252 個別接種指定医療機関<kobetsu sesshu shitei iryo kikan> Medical Institutions authorized to provide individual vaccination MEDICAL INSTITUTION MEDICAL INSTITUTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS TELEPHONE ASANO IIN SENZOKU CHO 0748-37- 0246 HORIE IIN KAMO CHO 0748-34- 8131 ISHIZUKA IIN MIYAUCHI CHO 0748-31- 3618 MATSUZAWA IIN TUCHIDA CHO 0748-32- 4508 JYU OU CHO 0748-36- 8012 MIYAKOSHI NAIKA IIN SHIRATORI CHO 0748-32- 0028 KITANOSHO CHO 0748-32- 5211 MIYASHITA IIN NISHI HONGOU CHO 0748-37- 5114 SAKURAMIYA CHO 0748-33- 3200 YAMAMOTO IIN SHINMACHI 0748-32- 3311 KAWASHIMA IIN NISHOURAI CHO 0748-37- 6020 SHIRITSU SOUGOU IRYOU CENTER TUCHIDA CHO 0748-33- 3151 KAWABATA IIN NISHI HONGOU CHO HIGASHI 0748-38- 0153 DEMACHI 0748-33- 7601 NISHIMOTO CHO 0748-36- 7001 TAKAKAI MINAMI 0748-37- 8714 KONISHI IIN TAKAKAI CHO 0748-33- 3322 TAKEZONO IIN AZUCHI CHO JYOURAKU JI 595 0748-46- 2450 SHIBATA IIN TAKAKAI KITA 0748-31- 3637 SUGIHARA IIN AZUCHI CHO HIGASHI OISO 1418 0748-46- 2450 SEKIGAWA IIN TAKAKAI MINAMI 0748-37- 6191 MIZUHARA IIN AZUCHI CHO KONAKA 218 0748-46- 6611 TAKADA NAIKA IIN HIYOSHINO CHO 0748-33- 1203 OKISHIMA CHO 0748-33- 3151 TAKAKAI CHO 0748-33- 5565 TAKAKAI CHO MINAMI 3- 3-5 0748-38- 0341 IRAKO IIN BORIS KINEN BYOUIN ORITA IIN KUBO IIN TOMO KODOMO CLINIC NISHIKAWA SYOUNIKA IIN NISHIHARA JIBI INKOUKA OKISHIMA SHINRYO JO (Shiritsu Gougo Iryou Center) OTA SAN FUJINKA (Only for rubella) Information: OMIHACHIMAN HEALTH CENTER <Omihachiman shi Kenkou Suishin-ka> Telephone: 33-4252 Fax: 34-6612 Address: Omihachiman shi Nakamura cho, 25 AZUCHI HEALTH CENTER <Azuchi Hoken Center> Telephone: 0748−46−2313 -5- 広報おうみはちまん 2011 年 3 月号 英語 Friends of Omihachiman March 2011 Year I – Edition 6 今月の相談 [Human Rights Consultations] <Jinken Soudan> Date: March 10 (Thursday) and 24 (Thursday) from 13:00 to 16:00. Place: Omihachiman Jinken Center {Omihachiman Human Rights Center} Date: March 24 (Thursday) from 13:00 to 16:00. Place: Friend Mart of Azuchi Reservation is not needed Information: 0748-36-5881 [Division of Promotion of Gender Equality and Human Rights] <Danjo Kyodo Sankaku/ Jinken Seisaku-ka> [Consultation on Women’s and child’s rights] <Josei to kodomo no Jinken Soudan> Date: March 12 (Saturday) from 9:30 to 11:30 Place: Jinken Center {Omihachiman Human Rights Center} Have to make previous reservation Phone: 0748- 37-8890 from 8:30 to 17:15 Registration: Jinken Center {Omihachiman Human Rights Center} [Judicial consultation with lawyer] <Houritsu Soudan> [Omihachiman City Hall, Machizukuri Shien-ka Division] Date: March 22 (Tuesday) from 10:00 to 16:00 for the first 10 applicants Place: Omihachiman City Hall, Shimin Soudan Shitsu (Citizens consultation room) Have to make reservation by phone on March 10 (Thursday) from 8:30 hrs Phone: 0748- 36-5566/36-5552 [Juridical consultations with Judicial Clerk] <Shiho shoshi soudan> Date: March 14 (Monday) from 14:00 to 17:00 Have to make reservation by phone on March 7 (Monday) from 8:30 hrs [Omihachiman City Hall, Machizukuri Shien-ka Division] Phone: 0748- 36-5566/36-5552 the consultations will be guaranteed for the first 4 applicants [Judicial consultation with lawyer] <Houritsu Soudan> Date: March 17 (Thursday) from 13:00 to 16:00 hours Place: Office of the Social Well-being [Himawarikan Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai] Phone 0748-32-6111 Have to make reservation by phone on March 10 (Thursday) from 9:00 am. The consultations will be guaranteed for the first 6 applicants 日本語教室<nihongo kyoshitsu> JAPANESE CLASSES Omihachiman Japanese class <Tampopo> Date: 5, 12, 26 of MARCH of 2011 Place : <Jinken Center of Omihachiman (Human Rights Center) Information: Machizukuri Shien-ka , Omihachiman City Hall Telephone : o748- 36-5552 Azuchi Japanese class Date : 5,12,19 of MARCH of 2011 Place: <Azuchi cho Kouminkan> Azuchi Community Center Information: Azuchi Office Telephone: o748- 46-3141 -6- 広報おうみはちまん 2011 年 3 月号 英語 Friends of Omihachiman March 2011 Year I – Edition 6 外国にルーツを持つ子どもの学習支援 Support Activities for foreign children < WORLD AMIGO CLUB> Dates: 5, 12.19,26 of March of 2011 from 10:00 to 12:00 Place:Omihachiman Jinken Center Cost: 100 yens each time Requirements; Students of Elementary School <Shogakko>, Junior High School <Chugakko> and candidates to the entrance exam of High School <Kouko> , children that want to learn Japanese are welcome too! Coordinator: World Amigo Club (WAC) Information: Omihachiman City Hall, Machizukuri Shien-ka Telephone: 0748-36-5552 Fax: 0748-36-5553 交通災害共済に加入しましょう With a small contribution of each one, the people that were victim of traffic accidents will be able to claim money gift as a token of sympathy. This subsidy of mutual help was established jointly with the provincial government and municipal city halls. Qualification of application for insurance: Japanese or foreigners that have a residence registration in their city, those who works or study in the city Coverage period of mutual aid insurance: From April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012. (you can also apply in the middle of the year, however coverage period will be from the next day after application until March 31 of the following year) Membership fee: 500 yen per person per year Where to apply: At the City Hall in the responsible department (in this case at Machizukuri Shien-ka) When you can claim this insurance: If the member was victim of some traffic accident involving bicycles, cars or motorcycles. Also if the member dies or is hospitalized or goes to the hospital for treatment due to traffic accidents in Japan. Where to claim: At the City Hall in the responsible department Period of request: Within 2 years after a person is afflicted by a traffic accident Supplemental request: Even after the first request, if the victim needs continuous treatment, the victim can request a supplemental amount if it is between the 2 years. -7- 広報おうみはちまん 2011 年 3 月号 英語 Friends of Omihachiman March 2011 Year I – Edition 6 Payment amount: The payment amount including money gift as a token of sympathy is calculated based on the number of days spent for actual treatment by hospitalization or going to the hospital. If a person dies within one year after the occurrence of traffic accident directly due to traffic accident, the condolence money shall be paid. The payment amount can vary from 20,000 yen (for the cases considered light) up to 1,000,000 yen if the victim dies. Further inquiries can be made to Machizukuri Shien-ka (at the Omihachiman City Hall) ☼ If you drive drunk, without license or when the accident was provoked by considerable negligence, the insurance can be denied. The member was hospitalized or goes to the hospital for treatment due to traffic accidents Report the traffic accident Treatment Office Claim the insurance Approval of the request City Hall Sending the documents to the Citizen’s traffic accident mutual aid insurance Office You can find this information at the official site of the Omihachiman City Hall http://www.city.omihachiman.shiga.jp/contents_detail Publish by: Machizukuri Shien-ka Phone: 0748-36-5552 Fax: 0748-36-5553 E-mail:010406@city.omihachiman.lg.jp -8-