North is Ripe for Entrepreneurs - Legislative Assembly of The
North is Ripe for Entrepreneurs - Legislative Assembly of The
TABLED DOCUMENT 280-17(5) TABLED ON JUNE 4, 2015 --- -· - OPi lliOIIS .g ,.,.g .., .•,...-,w ·-e -R- --- - -.. , - ,ill DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, May 7, 2015 5 North is ripe for ei1trepreneurs Northern News Services Dene people of the North can We live in a world of incredbring into the business world ible opportunity. Pioneers have offers two advantages: they explored every corner of the earth, can cater to their own people's but man has yet to come demands better, and any closer in satiating his THE ISSUE· that traditional NorthJOB • ern authenticity is fellow's demands. Each OPPORTUNITIES much sought-after in step on that path to discovery only spreads the the south. WE SAY: Entrepreneurship horizon further. CREATE YOUR aligns with the values A career fair in Fort Liard's Echo Dene School OWN of freedom, resourcegave students in the fulness and using the Deh Cho an idea of what land that are chamkinds of opportunities they could pioned in the North. pursue after high school. It's with entrepreneurship that Principal William Gowans said freedom of lifestyle is achievable there are few job opporand in 2015 we can tunities in Liard, which still dream of being doesn't even have a hairadventurers. dresser. Schools need to focus more on stimuBut there's a job lating children's minds opportunity. And anyone in a way that can with a pair of scissors and a bit of initiative can ' teach them how they corner the hairdressing can best serve others market there in one fell STEWART and create _something . out of nothmg. swoop. BURNETT · Not everyone needs Where there is need, there is opportunity. to go to college, not everyone needs to Public school needs to place a higher priority on financial excel in school. All that matters is and entrepreneurial education. your ability to improve the lives of others. We are taught to get good Everyone needs to find a way to grades, get into college, get good grades there and then find a serve each other. In the North, we have the abun"career" working for somebody dance of resources. else. Rarely are we taught to grow up We have the need for services. We have bright, creative, eager to be the employer or learn how to young people. manage expense sheets. Now where are the entrepreNothing is wrong with working neurs? for someone else, but to create new jobs, we need leaders. And ·~~~~i =t that goes for the Deh Cho, too. Small communities in this DO YOU SUPPORT FRACKING IN THE region show incredible entrepreNORTHWEST TERRITORIES? neurial potential. Anything that you want but can't find locally is a Yes, we need economic growth and the jobs It could bring. future business opportunity. The unique perspective that PROVIDENCE RATIONS WATER 11'·1 :J;l•l!' 60% No, potential damage to the environment outweighs any economic benefits. 40% Sl!warliUndf,IHNSllft*> HAVE YOUR SAY Do youth in the Deb Cho have a wide variety of job opportunities? Go online to www.nnsl. com/dehcho to vote in this week's poll. COPS AND ROBBERS Keirah Simon, right, arrests Grayson Klein with a snap-on bracelet during recess at Bompas Elementary School. DEH CHO OFFICE: Editor. Stewart Burnett 9418-100 St. Fort Simpson, Box 435, NT, XOE ONO Phone: (867) 695-DRUM(3786) Fax: (867) 695-3766 ToU flee: (855) 873-8675 E-mail: Published Thursdays Also read In Fort uard • Fort Providence • Fort Simpson Jean Marie River • Nahanni Butte • Trout Lake Wrigley • Kakisa and occasionally Lynx River NOR'IIIEIIN.NEWS SEIMCIS tamD um; Norlhem owned and opetated of: Oeh 010 Drum • lnrMk Drom • Kiwlliq News • NWT News,INotth • MmiMit News/NOifh ~ Hay River Hub Memblrat canadian Community Newspepets Assoc:lallon Alberta PniSI Council Website: PUBUSHER: J.W. (Sig) ~ldason - ) GENERAL MAfWIER: Michael Scott - ADVERTISING - AdYertlslll& Muacer. Petra Memedi Call collect (867) 873-4031 or (867) 695-3786, and leave a message P08LIStU8 OFfiCE: Box 2820, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2R1 Pllollt: (867) 873-4031 FIX: (867) 873a507 E...t: Wlblll: SEND US YOUR COMMENTS Letters to the editor are welcomed by the Drum, especially new contributors. We attempt to publish a cross-section of public opinion. Not all letters will necessarily be published. Preference is given to short letters of broad Interest or concern. Letters of over 200 words, open letters and those published elsewhere are seldom used. We reserve the right to publish excerpts, to edit for length or taste and to eliminate Inaccurate or libellous statements. We may also choose to use a letter as the basis for a story. All letters submltted must be signed with a return address and daytime phone number. Opinions expressed In letters and by col· umnists are those of the author and are not necessarily shared by the editor or publisher. 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