April 23, 2015 - Northern News Services


April 23, 2015 - Northern News Services
Dump life dwindling
Fort Simpson will need to find almost $1 million to pay for future closure
Volume 21 Issue 35
Junior Cadets
hit the land for
winter training
photo courtesy of Steve Nicoll
Photo courtesy of Steve Nicoll
Dehcho First Nations
seeks devolution dollars
Village eyes evac plan;
Cadet shooter shows
'I just don't see the
he's got what it takes to answers coming up'
bring home the bronze says deputy fire chief
Fort Liard youth make
self-esteem mainstream
Publication mail
Contract #40012157
2 DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015
Youth explore self-esteem
Three-day workshop teaches
young people in Fort Liard
the importance of self worth
by Andrew Livingstone
The workshop was facilitated by Amanda Welliver,
Acho Dene Koe/Fort Liard a motivational speaker and
Dylan Steeves was founder of Paradigm Esteem.
shocked at the images.
Welliver ran programming
Not shocked because of teaching the importance
the content but because of of self-esteem and selfhow the people in them were confidence, and as part of
the weekend, martial arts
At a selfinstructor Dan
esteem workRoss offered a
shop in Fort
course, allowing
students to earn
April 17 to 19,
a white belt at
Steeves, along
the end.
with 20 other
Through a
series of games
shown images
Dylan Steeves
exercises, youth
before and after
learned about
the images were
how to recogaltered for publication.
nize unhealthy situations and
The 14-year-old was build their self-esteem.
shocked at how media influAmy Thomas, who works
ences the perception of what with youth in the hamlet, said
people should look like.
they were first exposed to
"People don't have the Welliver at a Dreamcatcher
right to change your looks," Conference in Edmonton last
he said. "You're made the way year.
you are and you can't change,
After hearing her speak,
and you should be proud of she decided the youth would
who you are."
benefit from having Welliver
Northern News Services
"You should
be proud
of who
you are."
photo courtesy of Amy Thomas
It was a big celebration at the end of the three-day self-esteem workshop in Fort Liard from April 17 to 19.
Up front are Holly Fantasque, left, and Jordan Nelson. In the second, from the left, are: Amy Thomas, Logan
Hardisty, Kali Norn, Katrina Emmons, Ashanti Timbre, martial arts instructor Dan Ross, Megan Steeves,
Leona Berreault, Briann Nelson and Amy Duntra. In the third row, are, from left, Wyatt McLeod, Amanda
Welliver, Jayden Klondike, Curtis Lomen, Nezioa Duntra, Jolan Kotchea, Tyrus Bertrand, Johnneil Bertrand,
and Julianne Norn. In the back row, from left, are Terrance Kotchea, Ross Duntra, Tyrone Berreault, a jumping Dylan Steeves, James Duntra and Angus Capot-Blanc.
come to the community to
work more closely with them.
"Self-esteem is a big part
of everyone's life," she said.
"Everyone struggles with it
even if they're young or old.
The kids here have such talent, but some of the most
talented have the lowest selfesteem.
"I just wanted to get someone in so they could let the
self-esteem match the talent
and ability. I always wished I
could help them but I wasn't
trained in it and you do the
best you can, I've seen other
kids respond to that (Dreamcatcher) conference and it
was an opportunity."
Thomas said youth really
took to what Welliver and
Ross had to offer over the
course of the weekend workshop.
"Some of the more shy
students took charge and led
group activities and teambuilding activities," Thomas
said. "Students showed up on
time and were really into it.
They wanted to help out.
"They were
hard and doing
the work they
were doing
and it was a
general commitment."
Steeves said he faced selfesteem issues before being
exposed to Welliver's teachings – what he's learned has
helped him become a healthier person.
"I'm glad I took it because
it made me feel better about
myself and it doesn't matter what people think of you
and it's your own feelings
that matter," he said. "It made
me feel good, other people's
words don't matter and it's
your perception.
"There were bumps here
and there where people
wanted to make fun of me. I
just thought about things and
picked myself back up and
here I am."
Thomas said seeing the
youth open up about their
lives, and dedicate themselves to the workshop and
what it had to offer, was truly
"It's hard for them to
express themselves and to do
a three-day course to figure
out their feelings and what
makes them feel good and
bad, it was an impressive
thing to see," she said. "It
helped the kids get really in
touch with their emotions."
Briann Nelson, 11, said
she first wanted to go to the
workshop because it sounded
like something fun, especially the martial arts aspect.
However, the things she
learned about self-esteem had
the greatest impact.
"When she talked about
you can be who you really
are. It made me feel good,"
she said. "I
feel like I'm
going to be
more open.
" I t ' s
important to
self-esteem because it's good
for you to talk about your
Participant Ross Duntra
won the outstanding student
award for the workshop, and
Welliver said it was because
of his excellent attendance
and selflessness.
"He was always there
to help any student around
him," she said in an e-mail to
"His writing was truly
incredible. He risked vulnerability and wrote many personal things about himself
including sharing things verbally with us. He was a leader
and helped others in martial
arts and overall his behaviour
was superior and kind."
feature news
DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015 3
Did we get it wrong?
Deh Cho Drum is committed to
getting facts and names right. With
that goes a commitment to acknowledge mistakes and run corrections. If
you spot an error in Deh Cho Drum,
call the editor at (867) 695-3786, or
e-mail dehchodrum@nnsl.com. We'll
get a correction or clarification in as
soon as we can.
Fort Simpson businesses
broken into
Two businesses were broken into
earlier this month in Fort Simpson
and the RCMP are looking for any
information that can help lead to
an arrest.
Between April 2 and April 7,
two businesses were broken into
by an unknown number of suspects
and a number of items were stolen.
One business reported the
theft of four Husqvarna chainsaws
and accessories, while the other
reported the theft of a Dewalt toolbox and drill bits.
Police believe that both incidents
happened during the same period
of time and witnesses are urged to
contact the Fort Simpson RCMP
detachment with any information.
Fuel costs drop
Two communities in the Deh
Cho region have seen a drop in
gas, diesel and home heating fuel
costs since the territorial government was able to purchase fuel at
lower prices.
Both Trout Lake and Nahanni
Butte will pay less for petroleum
products. Trout Lake will pay nine
cents less for heating fuel, 19 cents
less for diesel and 12 cents less for
gasoline, dropping the price from
$1.74 to $1.62.
Nahanni Butte residents will see
a smaller drop in cost for heating
fuel from $1.64 to $1.61, a three
cent drop, and a drop in diesel from
$1.86 to $1.75.
The communities are fuelled by
the Petroleum Products Program
through Public Works and Services.
Biathletes visit Bompas
Two of Canada's top biathletes will visit Bompas Elementary School and Thomas Simpson
School on April 22 and 23 to share
their stories with students.
Olympian Brendan Green, originally from Hay River, and his
girlfriend, Alberta's Rosanna Crawford, will speak to students at both
schools about their rise through
the ranks from the bottom of the
international standings to podium
contenders. The visit to Fort Simpson is the third and final stop on a
three-community tour that took the
pair to Inuvik and Fort McPherson
earlier in the week.
See next week's Deh Cho Drum
for more on the visit.
Public meeting in Liard
The territorial government will
be hosting a public meeting in Fort
Liard on April 23.
The meeting will be hosted by
the standing committee on social
programs to review two bills that
will amend two government acts.
Bill 44 will make amendments
to the Hospital Insurance and
Health and Social Services Administration Act, and Bill 47 will make
changes to the Child and Family
Services Act.
Andrew Livingstone/NNSL photo
If the current landfill in Fort Simpson isn't expanded in the next couple years to extend the lifespan, it will be filled to capacity.
The village is also in a difficult spot to set aside nearly $1 million to help cover the future cost of the facility's closure due to
tight fiscal restraints.
Landfill needs expansion
to remain open past 2018
Closure would cost nearly $1 million and no money set aside as of yet
by Andrew Livingstone
Northern News Services
Liidlii Kue/Fort Simpson
The Fort Simpson dump will
reach capacity in 2018 unless the
village coughs up the money to
extend the life of the dump to 2027,
according to a recent report on the
state of garbage disposal in the
And if the village doesn't act on
the growing list of issues with the
community landfill, particularly the
lack of any reserve fund to cover the
estimated $900,000 cost of closure
and post-closure maintenance 12
years from now, future councils
are going to be up to their ears in
The village is in a tight financial
situation. With a number of projects
and community needs growing and
a limited amount of money to spend
each year, the need to expand the
landfill and save for its future closure and maintenance is going to be
a challenging project to tackle.
Village Mayor Sean Whelly
said council and administration are
working on a number of the recommendations in the report, including
groundwater testing, something that
had never been done previously, and
removing bulk metals that include
appliances, old cars and drums, to
increase available space.
"We are trying to move toward
getting some of (the metals) out," he
said. "It's not all going to be done
in one year and metal prices aren't
high, so we would be footing some
of the cost of transportation, but
we're hoping some of the cost can
be subsidized by the value of the
The village is also planning to
do more regular covering of garbage
to limit contamination of water in
the area and to prevent leaching as
much as possible.
"We've surface-tested water in
the area around the landfill, there
hasn't been any underground water
testing and they ask that we do more
testing to see what the contaminates might be carrying away in the
groundwater," he said.
While the village is working to
deal with a number of recommendations in the report, Whelly admits
movement on the landfill needs to
speed up, and money needs to be
map courtesy of Golder Associates Ltd.
The current layout of the landfill, based on a site map created by Golder Associates – the
company tasked with determining the future of the landfill.
saved to deal with future costs.
"The more we can get out of this
landfill, the better, so we don't have
to go contaminate another site," he
said. "Dumps are inherently bad
and we need to try to minimize
potential damage as much as possible."
Completed by Golder and Associates, the report indicates that the
life of the landfill could be another
10 years, however, the capacity
depends on the planned and executed design of the fill areas and
on the annual capacity consumption. Built in 1980, it was estimated
the landfill would have a 20-year
lifespan and a study done in 2006
showed the facility had "substantial"
space left to meet community waste
needs. Based on current population trends, the annual landfill use
of approximately 2,900 square
metres shouldn't fluctuate drastically, unless the number of residents
But the urgency isn't just piling
up with the need to expand the facility – the urgency is also in the need
for future planning.
The estimated capital cost to
implement closure of the landfill
in 2027 is approximately $927,000,
according to the report. Money
needs to be allocated annually starting as soon as possible, the report
states, to the tune of approximately
$98,000 annually in order to have
the funds available at the time of
"Should the Village of Fort
Simpson not establish a reserve
fund for closure and post closure
activities, these costs will represent
an unfunded liability," the report
A new funding formula being
developed by the Department of
Municipal and Community Affairs
will help address the funding gap
for the future landfill closure.
The new formula includes dedicated funding toward landfill maintenance and build-up of reserves for
the exact issues the village is facing,
said Whelly.
"We'd be getting an additional
$60,000 or so from this for issues
like the dump and it's about enough
for us to put aside to cover that,"
he said. "The sooner this can be
approved, the better. We're going
to have to be innovative with what
we can do until this new funding is
"This was a wake-up call for the
village, this report. We don't have
any firm plans at this point, but it's
going to be a more pressing issue as
years go by."
Preliminary design of a solid
waste cell expansion indicates that
an area of approximately 7,600
square metres, corresponding to a
volume of approximately 24,500
cubic metres, could be constructed
to provide an additional 8.5 years of
capacity, to allow for use until 2027.
In order to expand the life of the
landfill, the village would need to
install four new groundwater monitoring wells, a bear fence, extend
the berm of the current site and
construct an additional landfill cell
with new berms.
The report recommends the first
three projects would need to be
done in 2015 and 2016, with the
expansion starting by 2018 in order
to meet community needs.
4 DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015
Evac plan needs update: fire dept
NNSL file photo
Nahanni Butte was faced with an evacuation due to flooding in recent years.
While Fort Simpson hasn't faced a major emergency in 24 years, representatives from organizations in the community including police, fire services, the
health centre and the power corporation, are working with the village to prepare a more comprehensive plan in case a flood were to happen.
Village preparing more complete
emergency response for community
though flooding unlikely this spring
by Andrew Livingstone
what we are missing at this
Liidlii Kue/Fort Simpson
Rowe said the flood of 1991
Fort Simpson's emergency that required evacuation of the
response plan is not compre- island exposed serious gaps in
hensive enough to properly the execution of an emergency
handle the potential dangers response plan. When residents
of flooding that come with were moved away to safety,
breakup every spring, says the the plan was to set up tents
to keep people warm, howdeputy fire chief.
At an emergency manage- ever, the location where the
ment committee meeting on tents were housed was already
April 15, Pat Rowe made it under water.
"Only one tent was set up,"
clear that the village plan
doesn't formally address a he said. "That proved the system was flawed."
number of issues
Rowe's bigthat would be
gest concern was
the lack of detail
properly executin the plan. He
ing an evacuasaid
tion of the island,
if water were to
in place and
breach the banks
outlining who
of the Mackenzie
Pat Rowe
is responsible
for what dut"The flood
ies in the event
event is going to
happen every year, and if – and of a flood, it leaves the plan
when – it does happen that vulnerable to being changed
the village floods, I just don't mid-execution and potentially
see the answers coming up," endangering residents.
"Every year we talk about a
a frustrated Rowe said during
the meeting of representatives flood, but there has never been
from the village, RCMP, fire a complete plan," he said.
Community members and
department, territorial government and the Northwest Ter- organizers meet annually in
ritories Power Corporation. the weeks leading up to the
While early indications of the breakup season to make sure
water levels on the Mackenzie everyone is on the same page
and Fort Liard rivers indicate with the plan and to make any
flooding is unlikely to happen, changes the committee thinks
the committee will meet in the need to be made.
One of the issues raised at
coming weeks to go through
the plan, address any gaps and the meeting was the required
co-ordination for the emerimprove its overall quality.
"We need to be prepared gency response once people
for the worst scenario, not the are off the island. While there
medium-case scenario," said is no comprehensive plan in
Mike Drake, regional super- place to address duties that
intendent for Municipal and may need to be handled in
Community Affairs. "We need the event of an emergency, the
to know what we are missing airport has been identified as
because we don't really know the temporary meeting point
Northern News Services
"There has
never been
a complete
for residents who have been
evacuated from their homes.
Drake said while it's unlikely
every resident would arrive at
the airport at one time, he
said staggered evacuation by
air would be the best way to
handle moving people to other
Later in the meeting, Drake
said that a full run-through of
the plan is necessary to identify gaps in execution.
"A walk through of the
emergency plan to make sure
it works needs to happen," he
said. "All kinds of things come
into play so we need to make
sure it works."
Mayor Sean Whelly said
the plan, last revised in 2011,
is scant on a lot of nitty-gritty
details of executing an evacuation, like procedure to make
sure people are evacuating,
who would get wood to start
a fire for warmth if necessary, temporary lodging for
residents who have left their
homes and a number of other
"If we have all the plans
in the document we can have
a comprehensive document to
work with," he said. "We have
to itemize the steps that happen before-hand and during
the emergency."
Rowe said it's important
to have a detailed plan with
responsibilities allocated so in
the case the village is flooded
everyone knows their roles,
reducing the risk of miscommunication and potentially
grave mistakes from happening.
"As long as it's carried
through to the end, we can't be
making changes mid-stream,"
he said. "It needs to go fullcircle in order to make it work
DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015 5
Landfill a future mess
Northern News Services
another decade.
The report indicates that in
The state of the Fort Simpson
landfill is a mess the current coun- order to properly close the facility,
the village needs to find approxicil has inherited after years of
mately $1 million in
neglect by past councils
funds over the next 13
to properly deal with the THE ISSUE:
years to cover the cost
of closure and long-term
A report completed on
maintenance of the site.
the landfill for the village
The scariest thing is,
and delivered earlier this WE SAY:
in order to pay for this
year highlights a number
down the road, the village
of issues. While some are PROBLEM
needs to start putting
minor, like building fenapproximately $90,000
ces to keep scavenging
bears and other animals out, other away annually to make sure the
issues are serious – and pressing. council who inherits this mess –
literally – can pay for it. With little
Testing to determine whether
to no money to comthere has been groundplete basic infrastrucwater contamination has
ture projects in the vilnever been done. The
lage like much-needed
landfill was built in the
road work and building
1980s. Think about that
renovations, this is a
for a minute. Mayor Sean
big issue.
Whelly said the council
The territorial govplans to start monitoring
ernment is working
water in the landfill, but
on a new community
the chance the damage
funding formula that
has been done is a realLIVINGSTONE
will allocate desperateity.
ly-needed money for
In a territory and comthe village, but that's
munity that prides itself
not coming for a few years.
on protecting the land and the
Unless the village can find a way
pristine water systems, this is a
to increase revenues, the landfill is
going to be a major problem when
It's not the current council's
it comes time to shut it down.
fault. The plans to test groundwater can be applauded, but the
years of negligence is unacceptable. Doing the bare minimum
required to maintain the landfill
for the decades prior was a lapse
in judgement of previous councils, ITS OFFICES FROM THE VISITOR'S
CENTRE TO THE NEW OFFICE BUILDmany of which included current
But this isn't even the biggest
No, if it's going to cost more money the
environmental issue highlighted
town shouldn't consider moving until
in the report. The landfill is nearmore important projects are taken care of
ing the end of its life. Unless the
in the community.
village finds the funds, the dump
will reach maximum capacity in
4.5 years. And if council can find
Yes, the village has been without a
the money to build a new cell for
permanent home for far too long, and the
waste storage at the facility it can new space would make it more centrally
extend the life of the dump for
Yes, but only if the cost won't be too much
for the community to absorb and won't
result in a tax increase.
M ack en
zi e Ri ver
Fort Simpson
Nahanni Butte
Jean Marie Providence
Fort Liard
Trout Lake
Great Slave
Kakisa 3
Hay River
Are you concerned at all about the town
being prepared to handle a major flood? Go
online to www.nnsl.com/dehcho to vote in this
week's poll.
Published Thursdays
Michael Krutko of Fort Providence played with the Deline Warriors at the First
Air Rec Hockey Tournament in Yellowknife and helped them into the B Division
title on April 5.
Editor: Andrew Livingstone
9418-100 St. Fort Simpson, Box 435, NT, XOE ONO
Phone: (867) 695-DRUM(3786) Fax: (867) 695-3766
Toll free: (855) 873-6675
E-mail: dehchodrum@nnsl.com
Website: www.nnsl.com/dehcho
Also read in Fort Liard • Fort Providence • Fort Simpson
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6 DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015
Devolution money sought by Dehcho
Court may be an option, says chief negotiator
by Andrew Livingstone
Northern News Services
Deh Cho
The Dehcho First Nations
want the money it says is
owed from devolution and has
demanded the territorial government fork it over.
If the GNWT refuses, legal
advisers to the regional first
nations group believe it has
a solid court case that could
be won.
At the last of a series of
regional public meetings to
update members on the status
of Dehcho Process negotiations in Fort Simpson on
April 15, the negotiating team
brought to light, in its opinion, the use of devolution by
the territorial government as
a "blackmailing" tool to force
an agreement by withholding
resource royalty payments.
"They have no right to
blackmail us into signing the
devolution agreement and if
there is money available as of
April 1 to aboriginal groups,
then we should get our share,"
said lead negotiator Georges
Dehcho First Nations and
Akaitcho First Nations stand
to lose out on $1 million and
$500,000 respectively – their
estimated share of the first
round of post-devolution
resource revenues – by not
signing on to devolution by
April 1.
Now that the date has
passed the process to join
becomes more complicated, as first nations will be
required to negotiate with
both the federal and territorial
governments rather than just
the latter.
A letter was sent to Premier Bob McLeod and the
territorial government by
Dehcho Grand Chief Herb
Norwegian requesting the $1
million be paid to the first
nations. A response to the
letter hasn't been received,
however, Erasmus used strong
language suggesting anything
but a yes would force them to
take the territorial government
to court.
"If they don't send it to us,
our legal advisers are telling
us we have a number-one case
to go to court and force them
to give us the money," he said
to an audience of 30 members.
The territorial government
is working on a response to
this letter, according to the
premier's spokesperson Shaun
In a written response to
questions to the Deh Cho
Drum, the territorial government said it isn't "holding any
resource revenues back" from
the first nations. However, the
response seems to contradict
this claim.
"Should the DFN sign on to
devolution, the DFN would be
entitled to a share of resource
revenues from public land in
the NWT," stated the e-mail.
The territorial government has agreed to share up
to 25 per cent of its resource
revenues with aboriginal governments, all of which have
signed on except for Dehcho
First Nations and Akaitcho.
The nearly $1.5 million from
this past year's royalty haul
won't be distributed to the two
groups. The GNWT and its
devolution partners will determine what happens to any
amount of resource revenue
collected last fiscal year that
would have been available for
aboriginal governments that
have not signed on to devolution.
At the core of its position,
Dehcho First Nations legal
counsel believes the territorial government is withholding money because the group,
along with the Akaitcho, don't
support the GNWT's agenda
and therefore are being punished and bullied into making
concessions on land claims
agreements in order to gain
access to resource royalty
"It's not reasonable they
should be able to withhold
money that is owed," said
Chris Reid, head legal adviser
to the negotiating team.
Negotiations have been all
but non-existent in the past
few months after a war of
words erupted in the public
sphere and in the media over
a controversial offer by the
territorial government on land
quantum. Correspondence
between Norwegian and the
premier over the course of the
first few months of 2015 indicated the offer from the territorial government was, in fact,
take-it-or-leave-it, and the premier had contradicted himself
publicly on threatening to end
the negotiation process.
However, the negotiating
team met with territorial and
federal government teams on
April 21 at a hotel in Yellowknife to discuss a number of
issues, including land quantum. Media were barred from
the event at the request of the
territorial government, which
the Dehcho First Nations
reluctantly agreed to.
Erasmus told the crowd at
the April 15 meeting that the
issue of land hasn't been on
the table in almost a decade.
"Up until now we have not
been able to talk about land
so this is a big deal," he said,
adding it was approved for the
meeting's agenda in a conference call early last week.
"Land and land management
is essential to this. For nine
years we haven't talked about
it and if we can deal with this,
the rest of the issues will move
very quickly."
The GNWT said the reason for media being barred
was to address the Dehcho
First Nations allegations
regarding the territorial government's conduct in the negotiation process.
"While the GNWT firmly believes these allegations
are without merit, the serious
nature of theses DFN allegations requires that they be
addressed to each party's satisfaction prior to the resumption
of negotiations," the e-mailed
response stated.
photo courtesy of Hillary Deneron
Frederick Nelson took top spot in the adult jackfish
category of the Fort Liard Fishing Derby earlier this
month by hooking an 18-lb fish. Yvonne Nande was
second with a jackfish weighing in at 16 lbs even, and
Dale Timbre finished third with a 15.11-lb jackfish.
Flick and swim
weekend trip planned
Northern News Services
Deh Gah Got'e Koe/Fort Providence
The recreation department for the hamlet
is planning a swimming and movie day trip
to Yellowknife for 10 Fort Providence youth
on May 2.
The group will leave the community at 9
a.m. for Yellowknife and return at approximately 10 p.m. The group will spend the
afternoon swimming before attending a
movie showing at the Yellowknife movie
Students in grades seven to 12 are able to
attend, but space is limited so reserving a spot
as soon is possible is recommended. Space on
the trip can only be secured if the permission
slip is filled out and payment is made at the
hamlet office. Permission slips can be picked
up at the front desk of the hamlet office.
The cost for the trip is $20 per person and
includes the cost of admission into the swimming pool, a movie ticket and transportation
to and from Yellowknife.
Mother's Day lunch
in Liard
Acho Dene Koe/Fort Liard
Mothers in Fort Liard will get the royal
treatment on May 8 as the school will host its
annual Mother's Day lunch.
The school is expecting a big turnout again
this year and will be ordering Subway sandwiches from Fort Nelson, B.C., for the meal.
The food is brought in the night before and
lunch-goers will be able to put their own toppings on when it is time to eat, preventing the
bread from becoming soggy in transit.
In the past, the school has hosted the lunch
outdoors and the plan currently is to continue
this trend, weather pending.
with Andrew Livingstone
Mothers will also be treated to the option
of getting a manicure if they choose, a service
being offered by a teacher at the school.
Echo Dene School will also host the
Department of Education, Culture and
Employment's career fair on April 29 starting
at 1 p.m. in the school gymnasium, running
until the evening. Students will be able to
attend all day and the fair will be open to the
general public in the evening.
Community yard sale
Deh Gah Got'ie Koe/Fort Providence
Thrifters of Fort Providence, assemble.
Your time is here.
The annual community yard sale in support of the Deh Gah School graduating class
is scheduled for May 9 at the school gym.
With spring in full swing and annual housecleaning surely underway, residents can purchase a table for $20 to sell things they don't
need anymore.
And not only is it a yard sale, but a chance
to stock up on baked goods and crafts from
community members.
Space is limited, so book in advance of the
May 6 deadline to secure your table.
The community sale will run from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m. For more information please contact
Charlene Bonnetrouge.
photo stories
DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015 7
Junior Cadets rough it
by Steve Nicoll
Northern News Services
Liidlii Kue/Fort Simpson
A group of Fort Simpson
junior cadets recently spent
three days roughing it in a
camp setting as part of a Winter field training exercise.
A total of 14 cadets were
stationed at the Fort Simpson
campground site from April
10 to 12. The group of cadets
were required to set up and
maintain their campsite, as
well as work together to make
sure everyone was cared for
during the outing.
Cadets were involved in a
number of athletic events and
were required to set up their
own tents, build fires, cook
their own food and keep the
campsite in good order.
Capt. Steve Nicoll said
the three-day excursion was
an opportunity for him to
observe cadet progress with
training and allow them to
work on their self-confidence
and teamwork.
On the final day of the
exercise, cadets were sent on
an orienteering trek through
the village and surrounding area to capture flags and
accrue points.
Each team had two minutes to copy a map of where
flags were located and then
were sent out to try and find
- Text by
Andrew Livingstone
Capt. Steve Nicoll explains the game rules to Lance-Cpl. Sage Fabre-Dimsdale and Lance-Cpl. Stanley Cli.
Lance-Cpl. Sage Fabre-Dimsdale, left, and
Lance-Cpl. Akesha Hardisty are all ready for the
junior cadets winter field training exercise held
in Fort Simpson from April 10 to 12 at the village
campground site.
Cpl. Teagan Zoe-Hardisty, left, Master Cpl. Lia
Fabre-Dimsdale, Lance-Cpl. Akesha Hardisty, Cpl.
Ariah Thomas and Lance-Cpl. Shaznay Waugh
celebrate a perfectly pitched tent.
Cpl. Ariah
and LanceCpl. Akesha
Hardisty hang
upside down
on the
at the
during a break
from a winter
field training
exercise with
junior cadets.
Junior cadets march to the campsite for a three-day winter training exercise on April 10.
8 DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015
New village office in question
Northern News Services
Members of council will
meet with Nogha Enterprises
and Liidlii Kue First Nations
on April 23 to further discuss
the village moving its offices
into the proposed Nogha
office building.
Mayor Sean Whelly said
the village was prepared to
decline the offer to sign a lease
agreement for the building
space and was drafting a letter to Nogha Enterprises when
the meeting was requested.
As is widely known, the
village is currently in a tight
financial situation and the cost
of moving into a new office office complex is crucial to
space wasn't feasible, said the success of this endeavWhelly. However, during dis- our," the letter reads. "We
cussions at the April 20 coun- would like to find an acceptcil meeting no comparative able approach for the village
that would enable
cost analysis had
its tenancy to probeen completed.
A number of COUNCIL
Project mancouncillors voiced
ager Barry Potfrustration over not Briefs
knowing a lot of with Andrew Livingstone ter
told the Deh
details about disCho Drum that
cussions happening
between the village and the in order for construction to
proponents, as outlined in a begin, leases needed to be
in place to provide assurance
letter sent to council.
"The presence of the vil- to the banks lending
lage as a tenant in our new the money for the multi-mil-
lion dollar project.
Council directed administration to send a letter to the
Fort Simpson Garden Society
to ask them to hold off on
beginning significant work on
the new garden located on the
edge of the golf course.
Since a new lease between
the golf course and the village hasn't been signed yet, a
number of councillors were
concerned about work beginning before a formalized relationship was in place. While
the village and golf course
will sign a new lease together,
questions about who would
be leasing the plot to the garden society raised questions,
particularly around the golf
course tenant subleasing to
another organization without
approval from the village.
Acting Senior Administrative Officer Beth Jumbo
informed council on April 20
that due to issues with the
delivery being completed by
the company filling the order,
the eight containers of new
dust control product didn't
ship on time and won't reach
the community until the ferry
is in the water.
Jumbo said the village will
use a limited quantity of calWhen questioned about cium remaining from previous
whether the village had to give years on some of the main
sublease approval, adminis- roads, but will have to use
tration said they'd look into a combination of water and
it, but weren't certain that this road sweeping, which began
stipulation was written into its on April 20, to mitigate the
dust until the new
product arrives.
Whelly said if it
Councillor Larry
wasn't part of the
standard lease agreepleased to see vilment, it should be.
lage staff sweeping
"I think they
the streets to try and
should all be like
remove as much dirt
that so the village Pascua-Matte as possible, and said
doesn't lose control,"
it should suffice in
he said. "They could turn the interim.
around and do something with
Council approved the
the land that may not be in the purchase of eight containers
public interest."
on April 6, half of what was
Councillor Renalyn Pas- requested by the public works
cua-Matte said the society had department, as a trial run to
plans to build a picnic area see if it will work more effectand a gazebo, with some of ively than the product used the
their supplies already on the year before.
new site – she was concerned
that not everyone was aware
of plans. She requested council, the golf course and the
garden society meet to discuss
plans for the plot and to make
sure everyone is on the same
Thomas Simpson School
graduates will be getting
The village also passed a iPads from the village as gifts
motion to provide free water to celebrate their completion
to the garden for the sum- of high school.
mer. The village made the
Council voted to approve
same arrangement last year, the purchase of 15 iPad Minis
said acting Senior Adminis- at an estimated cost of $4,830.
trative Officer Beth Jumbo. Council debated whether to
Last summer the garden used wait until other community
approximately 49,000 litres of partners who have helped pay
water at a cost of $530 to the for the grad gifts in the past
years had committed for this
year and paid their portion of
the cost. However, due to the
time restraints with ordering
the gifts and having them
delivered in time for the earlyJune graduation ceremonies,
The dust control product council voted to purchase the
approved for purchase by vil- iPads and then get other partlage council earlier this month ners on board.
didn't make it to the communLast year the village purity before the Liard River ice chased 25 iPads and paid a
crossing closed for the season third of the overall cost, some
on April 19.
Who gets the
final word on
iPads for high
school grad gift
Dust control
shipment beat
by ferry
Andrew Livingstone/NNSL photo
An employee with Ledcor, one of the main contractors on the fibre optic line being completed in the
territory, works to install the cable needed to link
Fort Simpson to the main line on April 20.
DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015 9
for injury
Worker injured in 2013
incident didn't have training
to work with ice auger
by Andrew Livingstone
after they had frozen over, an
unsafe procedure, according to
Liidlii Kue/Fort Simpson
the agreed statement of facts
Rowe's Construction Ltd. filed in the Yellowknife courthas been slapped with a house.
"There were no written
$40,000 fine after the company pleaded guilty to violat- instructions or guidelines
ing territorial safety regula- provided to workers ... with
tions in a 2013 incident that respect to the safe operation of
left a worker seriously injured. the ice augers they were using
Representatives from the on a daily basis," the docuFort Simpson-based company ments show.
On the day of the incident,
pleaded guilty in territorial
court on April 1 to violat- the two employees began the
ing Section 9 of the territorial day by re-drilling holes in the
General Safety Regulations. road that had frozen over the
The charge was related to a previous night. After a converFebruary 2013 incident where sation with the site supervisor,
a worker was seriously injured the general labourer put his
during the construction of an hand on the ice auger at the
moment the operator began to
ice road near Trout Lake.
The worker, who was drill.
The injured employee's arm
hired through a sub-contractgot caught in the
ing agreement
auger due to his
with another
cotton gloves
company, was
freezing to it in
injured by an
the cold temice auger while
peratures and
working on the
his loose-fitting
road. The conjacket becomtracted worker
ing caught in the
had no safety
auger chain.
training to operIt took two
ate the equipKim Walker
rotations of the
ment and wasn't
ice auger to get
specific safety procedures to his arm out of the machine.
follow when working around His humerus, radius and ulna
– the major bones of the upper
an ice auger.
The company was hired by and forearm – were fractured,
the Department of Transporta- and three of his fingers were
tion to deliver crushed rock to dislocated as a result of the
the new airport site in Trout accident. He was medevaced
Lake and was constructing an to Edmonton where doctors
ice road between the rock sup- performed surgery on his arm
ply point and the community. and fingers, requiring metal
The injured employee, primar- plates and screws.
Kim Walker, spokesperson
ily employed by the Sambaa
K'e Development Corporation, for the Worker's Safety and
was working with an experi- Compensation Commission
enced ice auger operator to said in an e-mail that employhelp drill holes in the ice road ers in the territory need to
in order to properly flood the be mindful of their duties
under government regulations.
The operator had previ- Employers have a responsibilous experience using this type ity to their workers to provide
of machinery prior to being adequate training, equipment
employed on the project, and that is in safe working condiwas given two days of training tion, and train workers on any
by an on-site project super- potential hazards like how to
handle emergencies.
"When it comes to workHowever, no one on the
project provided the injured place safety, employers have
employee with training, certain responsibilities to their
according to court records. workers," said Walker. "PropThe employee worked with the erly training your workers is
ice auger for nearly two weeks the right thing to do. Finanwithout training, guiding the cially it reduces the potential
auger by hand into previously for costly losses in time and
drilled holes to reopen them productivity and it is the law."
Northern News Services
training your
workers is the
right thing to
Andrew Livingstone/NNSL photo
Jaxsin Martineau, 3, stops for a photo with his friend Charlie Antoine, 4, at the Open Door Society on April
10 DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015
What would you like to see the
village invest in to make the
community better
for the future?
with Andrew Livingstone
Leanne Jose
"They need to invest in a track
and field area because kids
don't have a place to do it."
Kelley Andrews-Klein
"They need to do a lot of road
repair, and pave all main
Student of the week
Marlon Nahanni-Lafferty
"A better rec centre so we can
have a skate park."
Brent Villeneuve
"To start up a summer baseball league and make the field
Coleen Selley
"Beautifying our village to bring
in more tourists."
Horoscopes April 23 to 30
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, your imagination is running wild,
and that can be a good thing. You are full of inspiration and fun
ideas this week, which only makes you more charming.
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you may need to open new lines
of communication to complete an important project this week.
Don't be afraid to engage others as your deadline nears.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, this week is a great time to put
plans you have been keeping private in motion. Enjoy this exciting
time and don't hesitate to share your excitement with others.
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, your love of competition comes
to the forefront this week. This competitive spirit may open new
doors for you. Make the most of these opportunities.
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, use this week as a time to conduct some
personal inventory. Opportunity awaits around the corner, and your
work this week will help you make the most of this new development.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, make this week all about spending time with your significant other. Plan a date night or sit and
snuggle. Enjoy every moment you get to spend together.
LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, your responsibilities beckon this
week. You enjoy being responsible, so don't sweat it when you
must make some decisions. Be confident that you will make the
right calls.
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you are ready to embrace the
great outdoors and all it has to offer. You never know what adventure awaits you, but you know one is on the horizon.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you have a lot of
energy this week. Put that bounce in your step to good use by fixing up something around the house or beginning a new fitness
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Your words will carry significant
weight this week, Capricorn. With that realization comes much
responsibility. Make sure you wield your influence accordingly.
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, a financial windfall might be
headed your way in the weeks to come. Allow yourself some time
to splurge, but do your best to save some money as well.
PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Bold action is awarded this week, Pisces. You are one of the few people in your circle willing to take a
few chances, and that will pay off soon.
Sky Lennie
"I want them to invest in sports
equipment because not everyone can afford it."
Age: 6
Parent: Krista Okrainee
School: Bompas Elementary School
Teacher's remarks: Scarlett is a hard working student
who excitedly gives her opinions and ideas in class. Lately,
she's been dedicated to improving her writing.
Favourite subject: Science
Book of choice: Frozen: the chapter book
Favourite food: Chocolate cake
Hobbies and pastimes: pulling pranks on her friends and
Career aspirations: A fashion designer in Hollywood
That boy's not interested
I'm a girl, 17, and I have known this guy my whole life.
The boy I'm talking about is dealing with a lot right now. Four
months ago his mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and
recently started treatment.
We were church friends until last summer when we worked
at camp together. As you can guess, I developed feelings for
him. We suspected it would happen, but I never made my feelings clear because he told me he didn't want that and I didn't
want to get hurt.
The more I kept it a secret the more hurt I got, especially
since one of my best friends was becoming close to him.
I was so stressed, after five months I told him the truth.
He told me he knew. I was hurt he didn't confront me about it
because I thought we had more trust than that.
He doesn't believe this is a big deal and doesn't appreciate that I put him in this position because he already made it
clear he doesn't like me that way. I was so hurt and confused I
didn't attend church for two months.
Recently I started going back, and he's noticed I don't look
him in the eye. Since my return, we've had numerous texting
conversations. In the first I apologized for everything. The rest
were to see how he was or him texting me stupid questions.
Who did you sit with at the hockey game? Are you having
people over this weekend?
Once, after I yet again apologized, he freaked out and
said he was tired of me making him feel guilty and trying to
change his feelings.
But I'm still hurt he doesn't like me, isn't too concerned
about being friends again and is so close with my best friend.
I'm trying desperately to fix this and he doesn't even care.
Now I don't want to make him out to be a bad guy, after all
he's got a lot on his plate right now, even if that's no excuse.
You may say I need to let it all go. And in most cases
you're right, but this is someone I have to see once or twice
a week. We have a lot of friends in common. I can't just shut
him out or act like it's no big deal.
I can tell whenever it's brought up, it causes him grief, and
he doesn't want to discuss it further. How do I fix this?
with Wayne & Tamara Mitchell
Hanna, a few days ago Tamara showed me a YouTube
video of horses clustered on a grassy hilltop in the mountains.
A mountain biker, a grown man, brazenly moves toward
one horse, who seems to be standing guard over the others.
This horse doesn't care for the man's advance. As the man
draws nearer, it swishes its tail back and forth. Yet the man
doesn't break stride, even when the horse puts its ears flat
against its head.
As the horse goes stiff-legged, its entire body rigid, the
man walks closer and holds out his hand to touch the horse's
muzzle. In a flash the horse bites the man's arm, breaking the
flesh but not the bone. The man retreats in pain.
Three times the horse signaled Do Not Advance. Three
times the man ignored him. Does this situation sound familiar? This boy wants you as a friend. He thinks despite your
feelings, you will stop coming on to him. He wants things to
be the way they should be once someone tells another no.
And somehow you think he is the inconsiderate one.
A bad guy would trifle with you and take advantage of
your crush. Be glad he isn't that kind of guy.
Be patient. Someday you'll find a man who shares your
feelings, a man who won't put his ears back at your advance.
If you have any questions or comments for Wayne or Tamara, please
forward e-mail to confidential@nnsl.com or write to Wayne &
Tamara Mitchell, Station A, Box 2820, Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2R1
sports & recreation
DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015 11
Simpson shooters hit mark
Three cadets make national round of marksmanship competition
in Edmonton, team finishes third
Master Cpl. Brent
Villeneuve is awarded a
third-place medal by Capt.
Todd Nicol at the
conclusion of the
competition held on April
11 and 12 in Edmonton.
Villeneuve went on to
compete in the national
portion of the
competition, one of three
shooters from Fort
Simpson who qualified.
by Andrew Livingstone
Northern News Services
Liidlii Kue/Fort Simpson
Fort Simpson Cadets
were on target at the regional
marksmanship competition in
Edmonton on April 11 and 12,
so much that three shooters
made it to the national stage.
And for Warrant Officer
Michael Gast, the opportunity
to shoot in the national competition fulfilled a personal
goal he set.
"I was just happy I made
it," he said after qualifying
through the regional portion
of the Alberta & Western Territories Cadet Marksmanship
competition. "I wanted to see
how well I could do and I am
happy with my accomplishment."
The biggest performance
of the weekend came from
Master Cpl. Brent Villeneuve
who placed third in both the
standing and prone – laying
down – shooting competitions,
allowing him to compete at the
national level.
The team, overall, finished
third in the regional competition, a big accomplishment for
the always competitive squad,
said Capt. Steve Nicoll.
"They've been shooting
since October and I felt they
were ready to go," he said. "I
was pleased they got a medal
as a team, but I was also happy
with some of the individual
bests because I like to see that
personal development."
The 18-year-old Gast said
competing in that environment, with more than 100
other cadets in the room, can
be challenging, especially
when a shot isn't as good as
"When you make a mistake and it's not the score you
wanted, and you have to keep
shooting, you have to really
stay focused," he said, adding it's the time leading up to
shooting that can also be difficult. "You have to wait a long
time. I try to waste my energy
so that I'm more relaxed when
I shoot, almost tired."
Master Cpl. Sky Lennie,
15, admitted she was nervous prior to shooting and felt
it played a factor in how she
"I tried to stay calm but I
didn't shoot as well as I usually
do," she said. "I wasn't doing
all the steps I was supposed
to do."
There is a routine that
shooters need to follow if
they want to stay focused,
said Nicoll: naturally align the
rifle, calm the breath, aim at
the target, squeeze the trigger
softly and following through
after the shot.
While this may seem easy,
Nicoll said when you're doing
it repetitively for a long period
of time, it can be tiring.
"Standing is harder because
you're like a tree waving in the
wind," he said, compared to
prone shooting where you have
the support of the ground.
Nicoll said the fact the team
had three shooters compete at
the national level exemplifies
the quality of talent and dedication from the cadets.
"Having three shooters at
nationals shows we can compete with anyone in the south,"
he said, adding that since he
got involved in cadets in 2007
they've had national shooters
every year.
While learning to shoot
is an important tool that all
Northerners should have,
Nicoll said it goes beyond the
actual skill of shooting the
rifle into learning life-long
"I feel the ability to concentrate translates to the rest
of their life," he said. "Being
a Northerner, knowing how to
safely handle a rifle is important for everyone."
AGE: 11
photos courtesy of Capt. Grant Cree
Fort Simpson shooters participated in the Alberta & Western Territories Cadet
Marksmanship Stage III and IV Competitions. Chief Warrant Officer Robert Herald, front, prepares to take a shot during the competition, while Michael Gast,
third person in, prepares to shoot.
Tamara loves the feeling of gliding
around the rink. When she talks about
speedskating, she's enthusiastic about
how much she loves to skate, and the
trips to Yellowknife to compete. When it
comes to soccer, she enjoys the running
aspect, and playing solid defence.
12 DEH CHO DRUM, Thursday, April 23, 2015
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