Educators on Board program


Educators on Board program
Pangaea Exploration
is looking for a few
dedicated teachers
to join us on the expedition
of a lifetime!
Are you an adventurer at heart?
Do you desire to bring real world
issues into your classroom?
Can you develop meaningful ways
to create environmental change?
Pangaea Exploration is bringing together teachers from across
the US to join the crew of our 72’ sailboat Sea Dragon.
We will be embarking on the summer experience of a lifetime
as we sail the Great Lakes of North America.
Visit us at
In late June, our 72’ sailing vessel Sea Dragon will
begin its journey in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It will
begin sailing northward up the Eastern Seaboard,
travelling through the Bay of Fundy and onward around
Nova Scotia’s eastern coast. We will then make our way
inland, around the coast of Cape Breton Island, and on
through the St Lawrence Seaway, across Lake Ontario,
Erie, Huron and Michigan. We will stop in numerous cities on our tour to hold outreach
events. We plan to create events that bring together local NGO’s, community groups,
universities and businesses, to celebrate and protect the lake’s resources.
Pangaea Exploration is
planning an ambitious
four-month journey to the
Great Lakes region.
Educators, scientists, filmmakers and students will join us throughout the expedition and
will bring with them their personal enthusiasm for lake conservation. They will be
involved in the sailing of the vessel, while participating in research activities on board the
boat, and speaking to the public at open outreach events.
The goal of the Great Lakes expedition is to tell the stories of the Lakes.
We want to show the world what is really happening within this valuable ecosystem, and
we know that educators make the best storytellers!
During our expedition, we
want to highlight all of the positive
changes that the communities of the
Great Lakes have created. Through
community interest, action and
dedication, the conditions in the
Great Lakes have drastically
improved over the last 40 years.
Despite these positive changes, new environmental
issues are developing in this beautiful ecosystem.
Without immediate action, these issues could lead to a
drastic deterioration of the health of the lakes and its
Pangaea wants to create a network of dedicated individuals working together to tackle
these issues, spanning all over the Great Lakes region and beyond. We want North
America’s elementary and high schoolteachers to be the building blocks of this network.
Teachers are an incredibly
important source of community
inspiration. By providing teachers with
opportunities to get involved with
research and restoration efforts, they
will learn first hand how vital the
Lakes are to our lives. Educators will
also learn what actions will be
required in the future to properly
protect and conserve the Great Lakes
for future generations.
We hope that after their time with Pangaea, educators will be able to communicate
their passion for protection of the Great Lakes to their students and communities.
Cape Cod to Windsor
Join us as we venture along the Eastern Seaboard,
visiting the Bay of Fundy and beautiful Halifax,
Nova Scotia en route. We will sail through the St.
Lawrence Estuary, and begin our route to the Lakes
via the Seaway. This leg is a part of the Educators on
Board program. We are inviting educators from all
over North America to join us on this exciting
journey to better understand how the oceans connect
to the freshwater systems of North America.
Contribution: $2700.00/person
*Discounted contribution for Educators: $1950.00/person
Chicago to Windsor
August 18-26, 2013
This exciting leg of the journey will be the first leg of
the return expedition. We will be stopping by
beautiful Traverse City, Michigan, and Port Huron, on
route for our passage back through Lake Huron and
Lake St. Clair. This leg is a part of our Educators on
Board program, encouraging science and arts teachers
from across North America to get involved in Great
Lakes research and education.
Contribution: $2100/person
*Discounted contribution for Educators: $1470.00/person
How can you get involved?
We are looking for outgoing, passionate teachers with some background in science or
science communication. We would like you to join our expedition as a member of our
Outreach team!
While on board, educators will be
provided with:
 Premier sailing instruction from
Captain Eric Loss
 Education in Great Lakes
Research techniques
 Social Media Training
 Room and Board
 Opportunities to communicate
your passion through Outreach
We are also looking for teachers interested in coordinating outreach events on land! If
you are looking for a summer project but don’t have the time commitment to join us on
board, we encourage you to volunteer as a participant in our outreach events. We will be
holding these events in various ports of call throughout the Great Lakes.
For more information on logistics, costs, and possibilities, please contact Asta Mail, Great
Lakes Expedition Coordinator, at!