Art, Science Technology of QDA
Art, Science Technology of QDA
The Art, Science and Technology of Qualitative Data Analysis Prepared for the 2014 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference: 35 Years: Celebrating Contributions to Canadian Evaluation by Werner Meier June 16, 2014 Presentation Overview Purpose: To demonstrate some techniques for conducting qualitative data analysis with the assistance of a computer software program, i.e. Atlas.ti 7 (see: My Goal: To impart to you my enthusiasm for using computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) to conduct evaluations. September 22, 2014 2 Presentation Overview A Three Part Presentation: The Art The Science let’s take 15 min walk down memory lane; let’s take 15 min to clarify some concepts and terms; The Technology let’s see how it has evolved and what it can do. …. of Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) September 22, 2014 3 Part 1 The Art of Qualitative Data Analysis Can You Relate? September 22, 2014 5 Is This Technique Familiar? September 22, 2014 6 Margin Notes and Drawings Known benefits? Summarizing is a good way to keep track of essential information while condensing lengthier passages. Clarifying ideas through a process of analysis, synthesis and evaluation will increase understanding of the text. Making connections within the text and to other documents will improve comprehension. Visualizing will help clarify complex concepts and ideas. Thoughtful reactions and questions about the text will enhance critical analysis. Any disadvantages? September 22, 2014 7 Is This Technique Familiar? Code: Code: Code: Benefits Source: Source: Source: Jonathan LeMaster, Writing and Drawing in the Margins, page 1 Fact, thought or quote: “When readers engage in this active reading strategy, they are clarifying, summarizing, and visualizing ideas presented in the text.” September 22, 2014 8 The Index Card System Known benefits? Facts, thoughts or quotations can be linked to a series of codes that correspond to the research topics. A flexible system that adapts easily to changes/additions in research topics and presentation sequence. Ensures that source references are well documented for footnotes endnotes to demonstrate the evidence base. Any disadvantages? September 22, 2014 9 Is This Technique Familiar? How does the PH Initiative align with GoC priorities? Interviewee Responses Aligned Yes Cannot comment This initiative is directly responding to many calls for strengthening the PH system. (Many reports recommended this initiative, especially following SARS) It does not command a large portion of the health system. Other areas are important but PH capacity is fundamental. It strengthen the PH infrastructure Created in response to the government’s response to SARS • Enhanced scientific response; • Assist with hospitals; • Vaccine production * No answer was provided. I could not directly link it to the Economic Action Plan but health is a prerequisite of prosperity. We need to have a public health and healthy Canadians to have a good economy. It's also related to the Health and Safety of the Nation (GoC priority): For example, SARS had an economic impact on the city of Toronto. Emergency Preparedness: We need to know how to respond to a PH emergency, thus, public health needs the capacity to respond. I would say that this initiative is due to the Naylor Report. Responses for Stakeholder #1 Total n Percent Responses for Stakeholder #2 Total n Percent Overall Total n Percent September 22, 2014 How aligned? Knowledge No No Transfer & Resp. Resp. Exchange 1 1 Health and Emergency Safety of the Preparedness Nation 1 1 1 1 2 50 3 4 75 4 6 67 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 4 50 2 6 33 0 2 0 2 4 50 2 6 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 50 1 4 25 2 6 33 1 2 50 2 4 50 3 6 50 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 10 The Excel Technique Known benefits? Easy transfer (cut/paste) of interview responses to standard template. Can create separate respondent profile columns for gender, age, occupation, country, etc. to allow sorting. A comprehensive list of mutually exclusive response categories (column titles) is grounded in the response data to open-ended questions. Easy to quantify responses to closed and open-ended questions. Any disadvantages? September 22, 2014 11 1994 Program Evaluation Standards Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation U2 Evaluator Credibility: the people conducting the evaluation must be trustworthy and competent to perform the evaluation in order for the evaluation's findings to achieve maximum credibility and acceptance. A3 Described Purposes and Procedures: The purposes and procedures of the evaluation should be monitored and described in enough detail, so that they can be identified and assessed. A4 Defensible Information Sources: The sources of information used in a program evaluation should be described in enough detail, so that the adequacy of the information can be assessed. September 22, 2014 12 September 22, 2014 13 Part 2 The /\ Science of Qualitative Data Analysis Grounded Theory Origin and Evolution: Developed since 1967 primarily by sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss and applied in a broad range of research disciplines. Main Purpose: To develop theories based on accepted standards of good scientific method so as to understand social phenomena. Main Characteristics: Iterative research design, theoretical/purposive sampling, empirical data collection, systematic data analysis, inductive reasoning, and theoretical elaboration/testing. September 22, 2014 15 Types of Research Approaches Deductive Reasoning Top – down General to specific Theory-based / driven Issues/topics are known Closed coding employed ‘Facts’ are gathered Conclusions tend to confirm / reject theory Inductive Reasoning September 22, 2014 Theoretical models developed Hypotheses tested Patterns observed Open coding employed Issues/topics unknown Better understanding Specific to general Bottom – up 16 Common Types of Analysis Descriptive Analysis: Presentation of raw data without interpretation. Comparative Analysis: Looking for similarities and differences across cases (see Miles and Huberman 1994). Inferential Analysis: Conjecture about relationships between variables to support hypothesis testing or an argument. Triangulation Analysis: Examination of findings for three lines of evidence focused on the same topic/issue/outcome. September 22, 2014 17 Evaluation Terms Data Sources: From where/whom the data was obtained, e.g. documents, web site, community center, health clinic, individual(s), etc. Data Collection Technique: How the data was obtained, e.g. content analysis, observation, focus group, interview. Line of Evidence Different combinations of data sources and data collection techniques. September 22, 2014 18 Concentric Circles Method Constant Comparison or Constructivist Grounded Theory Data Sources Data Collection Techniques 1. Reference Documents: 1: Content analysis: GoC policy statements, Dept. RPP / DPRs, program and project files; performance data & reports 50 reference documents 2: E-survey: 300 organizations with follow-up 2. Stakeholders: Health service delivery providers across Canada telephone interviews 3. Advisory Cmtte: 3: Tel. interviews: Health Delivery and Human Resources, including P/T government representatives w/ 25 committee members 4. Key Stakeholders: 4: F2F interviews: Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Nurses Association, College of Surgeons and Physicians, etc. w/ 10 senior managers of key health sector professional associations 5. Client Programme: 5: F2F interviews: Health Canada and HRSDC w/ 4 program managers September 22, 2014 19 2011 Program Evaluation Standards Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation U1 Evaluator Credibility: Evaluations should be conducted by qualified people who establish and maintain credibility in the evaluation context. A5 Information Management: Evaluations should employ systematic information collection, review, verification, and storage methods. A7 Explicit Evaluation Reasoning: Evaluation reasoning leading from information and analyses to findings, interpretations, conclusions, and judgments should be clearly and completely documented. September 22, 2014 20 Part 3 The Technology of Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) EMERGENCE OF CAQDAS Since 1988 HyperRESEARCH Since 1989 Since 1993 September 22, 2014 1991 Since 1999 as NUD*IST 22 Evolution of CAQDAS CDC EZ-Text - developed to assist health researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to create and manage interview data using database technology. C-I-SAID - Code-A-Text Integrated System for the Analysis of Interviews and Dialogues was developed to assist psychotherapists in clinical settings. Saturate - developed using multi-user ‘cloud’ technology. Dedoose - developed using multi-user ‘cloud’ technology; web-based pay as you go. CAQDAS Networking Project - Mission is to encourage the independent use of CAQDAS packages. September 22, 2014 23 Use of CAQDAS in Social Science Research Source: Sociological Abstracts database of 1,800 serial publications. Searched: Journal article abstracts in English. 1990-2004: 31 references to CAQDAS products; 220 to SPSS, SAS and Stata. (MacMillan and Koenig 2004); 2004-2014: 94 references to CAQDAS products; 601 to SPSS, SAS and Stata. CAQDAS Review Papers = 5; CAQDAS Methods Papers = 18; Applied Research Papers using CAQDAS = 70 2004-2008 < 10 / year; 2008-2014 > 10-20 / year September 22, 2014 24 Use of CAQDAS in Evaluations Literature Search Summary Source: Scholars Portal – Peer reviewed Journals w/”Evaluation” in the title = 15 Search String: CAQDAS products in Anywhere, English, PubYear 2008 to 2014. Findings: 67 articles referenced use of CAQDAS products: Nud*ist/NVivo = 37; Atlas.ti = 24; MaxQDA = 5; QDAMiner = 1; Others = 0 From 2008-2009 <10/year; 2010-2013 >10-15/year September 22, 2014 25 Use of CAQDAS in Evaluations Literature Search Summary Source: EBSCOList - Education Source Searched 2008-2014: Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation published 211 Articles Search String: CAQDAS products in Full Text, English, PubYear 2008 to 2013. No (0) references to CAQDAS products; 3 references to SPSS, SAS and Stata. September 22, 2014 26 Use of CAQDAS in Evaluations Literature Search Summary Use of CAQDAS evidenced in Journal Articles: 1. Evaluation and Program Planning = 15 2. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Educ. = 14 3. Evaluation = 9 4. Studies in Educational Evaluation = 7 5. American Journal of Evaluation = 7 6. Evaluation and the Health Professions = 4 7. Educational Research and Evaluation = 3 8. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice = 3 9. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation = 0 September 22, 2014 27 Use of CAQDAS in Evaluations The Demonstration Effect Using Atlas.ti September 22, 2014 28 Use of CAQDAS in Evaluations The Demonstration Effect Using Atlas.ti September 22, 2014 29 Use of CAQDAS in Evaluations The Demonstration Effect Using Atlas.ti September 22, 2014 30 Use of CAQDAS in Evaluations The Demonstration Effect Using Atlas.ti September 22, 2014 31 Use of CAQDAS in Evaluations The Demonstration Effect – How to: 1. Create an electronic evaluation database using secondary and primary data files; 2. Manage the evaluation database to reflect the lines of evidence; 3. Create a closed coding structure based on the Evaluation Matrix; 4. Search for and code text segments as evidence; 5. View and analyse the evidence; 6. Record the evaluation findings; and 7. Use data visualisation to demonstrate the evidence base for your findings. September 22, 2014 32 Primary documents (PD) are secondary reference documents and primary evaluation data products loaded into the Evaluation’s Hermeneutic Unit (HU) September 22, 2014 33 Evaluation database of primary documents available in My Library for searching and coding Primary documents grouped by lines of evidence September 22, 2014 34 Search only one line of evidence at a time September 22, 2014 35 Derive from the evaluation framework (deductively created) or emerge from the text (inductively created). September 22, 2014 36 Use the Evaluation Framework/Matrix as the basis for the closed coding structure Code by evaluation question Or, code by evaluation Indicator September 22, 2014 37 Use the indicators to comment and define the code when using the evaluation question September 22, 2014 38 This is the closed coding structure based on the TBS Evaluation Criteria plus other issues of interest to the Dept. September 22, 2014 39 Free/open codes of interest can be added to any evaluation issue during the coding process September 22, 2014 40 These are all open codes of interest, some assigned to specific evaluation criteria and others floating September 22, 2014 41 Segments of text selected by the evaluator to be included in the empirical evidence base September 22, 2014 42 Search & code the evidence September 22, 2014 43 Quotations are linked to codes which are shown in the margin of the primary source document Quotations are always shown in situ, i.e. where they appear in the primary document September 22, 2014 Example of text segment assigned an open code 44 List and review all quotations for any given code and view in situ. September 22, 2014 45 Quotations identified by unique ID shown in “Quotations Manager” with evaluators’ description and/or commentary among team members September 22, 2014 46 Graphical representation of the links between codes and quotations based on the evaluators’ interpretation of the evidence base September 22, 2014 47 September 22, 2014 48 Visualise your evidence base for any code within the network September 22, 2014 49 Compare your evidence and group text segments based on similar topics, views, etc. and assign a label September 22, 2014 50 September 22, 2014 43 text segments, i.e. bits of evidence have been compared, grouped and labelled creating new nodes in the network; relations among them and with the primary code have been assigned; visualization of the data improves analysis and reporting. 51 Quotation-to-quotation network (hyperlinks) showing semantic relations between quotations September 22, 2014 52 Inferential analysis generates a simplified network; visualization of the data improves analysis and reporting. September 22, 2014 53 Sort by lines of evidence, group similar interviewee responses, analyse and assign a label to each group. September 22, 2014 54 Inductive analysis generates new network nodes. Semantic relations with the primary code are then determined. September 22, 2014 55 All three codes and related nodes are merged into one graphic display of the evidence for the Evaluation Issue; visualization of the data improves analysis and reporting. September 22, 2014 56 Memos have a variety of uses depending on whether they are linked to quotations, codes, or other memos. They can be written to comment and reflect on quotations; describe and summarise code specific data; or, analyse, interpret, integrate and generally report on an Evaluation Issue. September 22, 2014 57 Create a memo in the ‘Memo Manager’ for each Evaluation Issue Use this memo space to document the evaluation findings during the data analysis and visualisation process, ensuring that the narrative reflects the graphic display of the evidence. September 22, 2014 58 When memos are systematically linked to codes and supporting quotations, it follows that the reflections, analyses, and interpretations contained in them are grounded in the evaluation evidence. September 22, 2014 59 Demonstrating the evidence base for any Evaluation Issue, related codes or nodes is then, literally, as easy as pushing a button. Quotations can be reviewed , scrutinised , delinked and categorised differently during the QA/QC phase of the evaluation. September 22, 2014 60 Generating an Evidence Binder is also, literally, as easy as pushing a button and easily convertible to an MS Word document. September 22, 2014 61 Can You Relate … Now? September 22, 2014 62 The Art, Science and Technology of Qualitative Data Analysis Thank You by Werner Meier June 16, 2014
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