2015 Report to Synod - Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation


2015 Report to Synod - Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation
SYNOD 2015
Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation
Chairman’s Report................................... 01
Members................................................... 02
Anglican College.....................10
Richard Johnson
Anglican School......................30
Rouse Hill
Anglican College....................34
Loquat Valley Anglican
School Pittwater.......................16
Anglican College....................36
- 4.3 School Councils................. 05
Macquarie Anglican
Grammar School......................18
Anglican School......................38
- 4.4 Senior Officers of the
Corporation......................... 05
Anglican School..................... 20
St Luke’s
Grammar School.....................40
Anglican College................... 22
Thomas Hassall
Anglican College ...................42
1Background........................................ 03
2Charter.................................................. 03
................................................. 03
Management and Structure........... 03
- 4.1Board..................................... 03
- 4.2 Board Committees............ 04
- 4.5 Organisational Chart........ 05
Summary Review of Activities....... 06
Financial Results.................................07
Oran Park
Anglican College....................24
Trades Norwest Anglican
Senior College........................44
The Schools............................................. 09
Orange Anglican
Grammar School.................... 26
Anglican College....................46
Future Growth of the Corporation.....48
Anglican College....................28
Support Us............................................... 49
...we have a great need for gifted
and able Christian teachers.
Chairman’s Report
Schools are dynamic places where daily
we take up the challenge to create an
environment in which quality teaching and
learning can flourish. But, what do we mean
by quality teaching? This is a question asked
across all schools; it is also something for
which we all strive. Without going into detail,
there is much evidence that quality teaching
revolves around the ability of a teacher to
engage with and motivate student learning,
over and above socio-economic background
and student ability1. This “art and science of
teaching” is known as pedagogy.
However, in the context of gospel impact on
our Anglican schools, we need to also grapple
with the idea of quality teaching shaped by the
Bible. That is, is there such as thing as Christian
pedagogy? To quote Professor Trevor Cairney2:
Christian pedagogy encompasses and
includes a teacher’s beliefs and knowledge,
but it also extends to the teacher’s actions
in structuring the classroom environment
and opportunities for learning; the
decisions we make each day in creating a
rich learning environment; and the way we
pastorally build relationships with students,
parents, colleagues and other stakeholders
in the child’s education. It requires more
than just certainty about one’s beliefs, and
the imposition of these on the children in
our care.
Accordingly, across the Corporation, and
in other Anglican schools, we have a great
need for gifted and able Christian teachers.
Unless we are able to recruit quality Christian
teachers, our gospel mission is at great risk.
If we are to truly share “not only the gospel of
God but our lives as well”, if we are to further
develop Christian pedagogy, then we need
Christian teachers.
Synod, I ask you to raise the profile of this
great profession of teaching to more and
more Christians throughout our diocesan
churches and organisations.
Again, I wish to thank the many volunteers who
assist across the Corporation in so many ways,
including family members in schools, members
of School Councils and directors of the Board.
Thank you, particularly, to Mr John Hibberd
for serving Trades Norwest Anglican Senior
College (Anglican Technical College) as
Chair of its Steering Committee for five very
important years. We welcome Mr John Watson
as the new Chair. Thank you, also, to Mrs
Sandra Langford for seven years of hard work
in establishing the College from its beginnings
with the Corporation in 2007. We welcome Mrs
Gaynor McKinnon as Principal, who now takes
Trades Norwest into the next phase of our
trade training provision.
We welcome Mrs Brenda King as Chair of
Arndell Anglican College Council, releasing
Mr Greg Catto to focus on chairing our new
school in Orange. Thank you, Brenda and
Greg. We also welcome Mr Craig Mansour
as the new principal of Macquarie Anglican
Grammar School. Craig has moved from our
southernmost school in the Shoalhaven, while
Mr Mark Lewis, newly-appointed principal at
Penrith Anglican College, has moved from a
school in WA. Welcome, Mark.
Occasionally we have “big moments” in the life
of the Corporation, and in 2014 this occurred
with the retirement of Mr Barry Roots after
17 years as founding Headmaster of Penrith
Anglican College. Under Barry’s leadership,
the College has grown and developed into
the amazing Christian school that it is today.
Barry’s willingness to serve our God and the
Penrith community has been exceptional. We
are greatly indebted to Barry and his wife,
Pauline, for their tireless work. The second
“big moment” came with the resignation of Mr
Vanda Gould as a Director of the Corporation
after 32 years’ service. There is no doubt that
Vanda is one of the visionaries used by God to
establish and build the Corporation to the 19
schools existing today. We are grateful to God
for Vanda and his wife, Debbie.
Please continue to pray for us through the “big
moments”, and the small.
Tony Willis
Professor George Cooney Quality Teaching Paper for SASC Education Committee (2015)
Professor Trevor Cairney A Biblical View of Pedagogy in New Perspectives on Anglican Education; AEC (2015) p63
Deputy Chairman: Mr David Minty, MBA FIAA
Dr Bryan Cowling, BA DipEd MEd MEdAdmin
Mr Gregory Catto, ASA MAHRI MACS JP
Mr Tony Willis, BA DipEd BTh JP
Chief Executive Officer:
Dr Laurence Scandrett,
Mr Andrew Cox, BBuild CE(Hons) AAIQS AIMA
Mrs Jennifer Everist, DipTh JP
Mr Vanda Gould, BCom MCom FCA FCPA
AFAIM CTA ThC (Ret.04/14)
Rev Peter Greenwood, BE(Comp)(Hons)
BD(Hons) MA(Th) (Appt.05/14)
Mr John Hibberd, MBA DLI DipAII MAICD
Mrs Julie Pearson, BBus(Acctg) CA
Mr Martyn Mitchell, BSc DipTheol CA
Chief Operating Officer:
Mr Jack Chalmers,
Corporate Secretary:
Mr Max Caddy, BScDipEd MEd
Level 1, 420 Forest Rd
Hurstville, NSW 2220
Mr William Shields, BEcon(Hons) MEc
Tel: (02) 8567 4000
Fax: (02) 9570 2220
Mr Ron Webb, BA MEd(Admin) MACE MACEL
Web: www.sasc.nsw.edu.au
ABN 63 544 529 806
Report 2015
Pursuant to the Accounts, Audits and Annual Reports Ordinance 1995
The Corporation office is located at:
Level 1, 420 Forest Road, Hurstville NSW 2220
Ph: (02) 8567 4000
Fax: (02) 9570 2220
E: sasc@sasc.nsw.edu.au
W: www.sasc.nsw.edu.au
Business hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm (public holidays excepted).
Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation (the Corporation) was established in 1947 by
an ordinance of the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney – (now known as the) Sydney
Anglican Schools Corporation Ordinance 1947. Pursuant to the Anglican Church (Bodies
Corporate) Act 1938 the Corporation was later incorporated under the name ‘The Council
for the Promotion of Sydney Church of England Diocesan Schools‘ by virtue of the Order
published in the NSW Government Gazette No 55 of 1965 on 2 April 1965. The name of
the Corporation was changed to ‘Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation’ in 1990.
The entity, Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation (ABN 63 544 529 806), is registered with
the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), as are each of the three
Corporation-controlled entities: Sydney Anglican Schools Limited (ABN 20 076 452 974),
ATC Western Sydney Limited (ABN 66 126 481 178), and Capstone Finance Limited
(ABN 33 094 963 158). These entities provide reports to the ACNC, including annual
information statements, as well as the consolidated financial statements of the Corporation
group of entities.
4.1 Board
The Members collectively constitute the Board of the Corporation, which is responsible
for governing the Corporation; oversight for all financial matters concerning each of the
schools and the Corporation; development of financial policy; approval of property
purchases and building projects; the material well-being (benefits) of Corporation
staff; employment matters; communication with government bodies.
The Members of the Corporation are -
The Objects of the Corporation are to serve Christ by equipping students for his world
through efficiently operating strategically placed Anglican educational establishments that -
(a) up to two persons appointed by the Archbishop;
(b) nine persons elected by the Synod; and
(a) offer high quality education within a Christian worldview shaped by the Bible, and
(c) up to two persons appointed by the Board.
(b) communicate in word and deed the gospel of Jesus Christ to students, staff, parents
and the wider community, and
Member particulars are set out on the previous page. The normal terms
of appointment are for periods of three years, with eligibility of retiring
Members for re-appointment or re-election, provided that such reappointment or re-election would not result in that Member being a
Member for more than 14 consecutive years.
The Board meets monthly (usually up to ten times per annum) and at
other times when business requires.
(c) are financially accessible to local communities.
The Corporation’s Mission is to provide affordable quality Christian education.
Report 2015
In 2014 Members’ attendance at Board meetings was:
Number of meetings
eligible to attend
Number of
meetings attended
Mr T Willis (Chairman)
Mr D Minty (Deputy Chairman)
Mr G Catto
Dr Bryan Cowling
Mr Bill Shields (Chair)
Dr B Cowling
Mr Ron Webb
Mr A Cox
Mr Tony Willis
Number of meetings
eligible to attend
Number of
meetings attended
Mrs J Everist
Rev P Greenwood
*Committee members who have been appointed by the Board, but are not Members of the Corporation, are Prof George Cooney and Dr Norman McCulla
Mr J Hibberd
Summary of Finance and Audit Committee* Meetings during the Financial Year
Mr M Mitchell
Mrs J Pearson
Mr W Shields
Mr R Webb
4.2 Board Committees
The Board has established four committees to assist with the governance of
the Corporation. The Board appoints the Chair of each committee and each
committee’s other Member constituents. The Board may also co-opt other
persons to serve on the committees. These committees are the Education
and Strategic Development Committee, the Finance and Audit Committee, the
Governance Committee, and the Strategic Implementation Committee.
Summary of Education and Strategic Development Committee* Meetings during the
Financial Year
Number of meetings
eligible to attend
Number of
meetings attended
Mr David Minty
(Chair until August 2014)
Mr Martyn Mitchell
(Chair from August 2014)
Mr Vanda Gould
(Resigned April 2014)
Mrs Julie Pearson
*A Committee member who has been appointed by the Board, but is not a Member of the Corporation is Mr Niall Henderson.
Summary of Governance Committee Meetings during the Financial Year
Number of meetings
eligible to attend
Number of
meetings attended
Mr David Minty (Chair)
Mr Gregory Catto
Mrs Jennifer Everist
Mr John Hibberd
Mr Tony Willis
Summary of Strategic Implementation Committee* Meetings during the Financial Year
Mr Andrew Cox (Chair)
Number of meetings
eligible to attend
Number of
meetings attended
Mr Gregory Catto
Rev Peter Greenwood
Mr David Minty
(Resigned September 2014)
*A Committee member who has been appointed by the Board, but is not a Member of the Corporation is Mr John Ward.
School Councils usually meet monthly (up to ten times per annum) at their
respective schools.
The Board appoints each person who holds the office of member of School Council.
Membership of the School Councils is detailed under the particulars of the individual
schools in the Schools section of this report.
4.4 Senior Officers of the Corporation
Chief Executive Officer
Dr L Scandrett, ME PhD MAICD AAIM JP
Chief Operating Officer
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
Corporate Secretary
Mr M Caddy, BScDipEd MEd
4.5 Organisational Chart
Board Committees
SASC Corporate Office
4.3 School Councils
School Councils are responsible for the oversight of implementation of policy, budget and
good standard of Christian education at the school; the formulation of long-term plans for the
school; the development of school budgets; supporting the Principal in the implementation
of policy; and ensuring a co-operative relationship with other Corporation schools.
School Councils
Report 2015
a. In the period reported the Corporation managed nineteen (19) schools:
Arndell Anglican College
P - 12
Claremont College
Danebank School
P - 12
Loquat Valley Anglican School Pittwater
Macquarie Anglican Grammar School
K - 12
Mamre Anglican School
Kemps Creek
P - 10
Nowra Anglican College
P - 12
Oran Park Anglican College
Oran Park
Orange Anglican Grammar School
P - 11
Penrith Anglican College
Orchard Hills
P - 12
Richard Johnson Anglican School
K - 12
Roseville College
K - 12
Rouse Hill Anglican College
Rouse Hill
K - 12
Shellharbour Anglican College
K - 12
Shoalhaven Anglican School
P - 12
St Luke’s Grammar School
Dee Why
P - 12
Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Middleton Grange
P - 12
Trades Norwest Anglican Senior College
11 - 12
Wollondilly Anglican College
P - 12
At 2014 School Census date (August),
these schools were providing education
for 13,121 students and employment
for some 1978 staff (full or part-time).
In addition the schools engage casual
relief staff as particular needs arise. Each
school in 2014 continued to extend its
Christian support and outreach within the
community which each serves. Further
particulars of each school are set out in
the School section of this report.
b. Each school, in general, has a Building
Fund, Scholarship Fund and Library to
aid its individual capital project and resource development. The financial
reports for each form part of the
Corporation’s audited and published Annual Financial Statements. In aggregate
these accounts amount to $3.9 million at
balance date.
c. In addition to those outlined above,
the Corporation has continued to look
towards the acquisition or development
of additional schools. Further particulars
are outlined in the Schools section of
this report.
Full consolidated audited Financial Statements and Auditor’s Reports have been separately lodged with the Diocesan Secretariat.
Operating Income and Expenditure
For financial year ended 31st December 2014 ($’000)
Operating expenses
Borrowing cost expense
Operating Surplus
Budget 2013
Actual 2013
Budget 2014
Actual 2014
Budget 2015
Balance of building, library and scholarship
funds as at 31 December 2014: $3.9 million
In addition to the matters set out in the
publication, the Corporation also reports to
the Diocese with regard to the Corporation’s
registration as a charity, risk matters, and other
financial compliance-related matters.
This was applied to:
Debt reduction
Capital works/property purchase
Supported by:
New borrowings
The Schools
Arndell Anglican College
Richard Johnson Anglican School
Claremont College
Roseville College
Danebank School
Rouse Hill Anglican College
Loquat Valley Anglican School Pittwater
Shellharbour Anglican College
Macquarie Anglican Grammar School
Shoalhaven Anglican School
Mamre Anglican School
St Luke’s Grammar School
Nowra Anglican College
Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Oran Park Anglican College
Trades Norwest Anglican Senior College
Orange Anglican Grammar School
Wollondilly Anglican College
Penrith Anglican College
Anglican College
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 12
118 Wolseley Road,
Oakville NSW 2765
Tel: (02) 4572 3633
Fax: (02) 4572 3849
Web: www.arndell.nsw.edu.au
Mr G Leechman, MA MEd MACE MACEL
School Council
Mr G Catto, ASA MAHRI MACS JP – Chair (Ret.12/14)
Mr K Fairfax, BCom LLB
Mrs R Holland, BA TCert MEd MACE MACEL (Appt.02/14)
Mr F Howe, BFA CPA
Mrs B King, ACA MIPA – Chair (Appt.01/15)
Rev B Macalister, BTh DipMin
Rev A Pinter, BA BTh DipMin MA(Th) (Ret.12/14)
Mrs A Sandell, BA DipEd ATCL PTC
CEO’s Representative:
Mr R Cosier, BEc FCA JP
At the core of what we do is the presentation of
a strong and rigorous academic curriculum.
At Arndell Anglican College we aspire to
be the school of choice in the Hawkesbury,
serving God, our students, families and staff
by providing a high quality and affordable
education in a caring Christian learning
We want the students of Arndell Anglican
College to graduate with:
• a knowledge of the Christian faith
• a developed understanding of who they are
and what they believe
• pathways to success in their lives and the
contemporary world, and
• a desire to add to the character of their
At Arndell Anglican College we value:
our shared Christian faith
a culture of lifelong learning
an open and respectful community, and
our connectedness to the Hawkesbury
Our vision for the College is centred on:
• a desire to create an authentic Christian
educational community
• offering a rigorous, well-balanced and
comprehensive education
• seeking to provide genuine care for
• contributing to the wider community of
Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation.
To help us turn this vision into a reality
we intend to:
• serve God throughout College life
• build, articulate and enact a culture of
leadership and learning
• provide our students with opportunities
to flourish
• nurture a staff culture that is prayerful,
biblical, relational, intentional, targeted,
professional and creative
• become the school of choice in the
Educationally we remain committed to
developing the whole child. At the core of
what we do is the presentation of a strong and
rigorous academic curriculum. But, at Arndell
Anglican College, education is more than just
learning to read, write and count. It is making
sure that our students have the opportunity
to practise thinking skills, to develop creative
and dramatic skills, to maintain and grow
high levels of emotional, mental, physical and
spiritual wellbeing. That is why we encourage
our students to learn across a variety of
subjects, be actively involved in our cocurricular programs and have the opportunity
to explore matters of faith.
The richness of the educational experience
provides our students with a wonderful
opportunity to develop a range of skills which
will prepare them well for life post school and
will enable them to flourish. The challenge
for our students is for them to take up these
The College offers a quality Christian
education. We believe that we are all a part
of God’s creation and, as such, we have been
designed to be in a relationship with him. That
opportunity comes through his Son Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Saviour. As a Christian
school we offer our students the opportunity to
explore the Christian faith, ask questions about
it and consider it in a deep and meaningful
way, allowing them to make an informed
decision regarding faith.
We continue to improve the curriculum delivery
of our biblical studies program with classes
taught by a variety of experienced Christian
staff. New Christian groups have developed
within the life of the College, and we are
pleased that these have been created through
student initiative. In 2014 we continued our
partnership with the Anglican Parish of Pitt
Town, in particular through sharing a Youth
Minister. This has proved to be a very exciting
development – one which God is using to
produce much fruit.
We thank the College Council, staff, parents,
students and the wider community for their
constant and generous support of Arndell
Anglican College over the course of 2014.
An Anglican preparatory school for boys and girls from
Kindergarten to Year 6
30 Coogee Bay Road
Randwick NSW 2031
Tel: (02) 9399 3217
Fax: (02) 9398 1437
Web: www.claremont.nsw.edu.au
Mr D Thomas, BA DipEd MEd (with merit) MACE
School Council
Rev C Segaert, BA BTh DipMin JP (Appt.01/14) - Chair
Mr R Assef, ACA BCom (Ret.12/14)
Mr M Christie, BEc LLM BCL (Appt.08/14)
Miss R Edwards, DipTeach GradDip(Curriculum)
Mrs J Hohne, MA MCIPD
Mr P Kaldor, BCom LLB
Rev Dr A Moore, MBBS BD MA
Mrs R Muffett, BSW BTh(Hons) DipMin
CEO’s Representative:
Mr A Williams,
BBus GradDipBM DipSIA DipFP GradCertPM CPA
Providing firm foundations for life
and learning is key for the College.
Claremont College is a thriving primary school
in the Eastern Suburbs, renowned as an
Anglican School that achieves excellence in
all aspects of its operation. The School aims
to provide a comprehensive and inclusive
education within a caring and supportive
Christian environment. The employment of
quality staff who are committed Christians
is given high priority and it is through the
Christian teaching and student welfare
programs within the School that children gain
an understanding of God’s love and care for
them in all aspects of their lives.
Providing firm foundations for life and learning
is key for the College. Complementing high
academic results and standards, the College
aims to ensure that all children develop the
necessary skills and learning dispositions to
equip them for success in the future. Claremont
College delivers programs in creative
and practical arts, technology, Mandarin,
Indonesian, sport, physical education, health
and personal development, within the context
of a Christian education.
The year saw the ongoing refurbishment
of a number of facilities, including the Year
2 and Year 3 classrooms. The classrooms,
in particular, have received a number of
architectural awards including a 2014 CEFPI
commendation; CEFPI, the ‘Council for
Educational Facility Planners International’,
is a worldwide organisation that shares
experiences, and best practice in planning,
designing and building great learning
environments. Claremont attracts the interest
of educators and architects from across
Australia and overseas, keen to learn about
our innovative approaches to teaching and
learning which are grounded in contemporary
research and evidence-based practice. These
works have certainly equipped Claremont
College to move confidently into the future,
positioning us as one of Sydney’s leading
innovative and progressive primary schools
with the academic results to match.
At Claremont, all children from Kindergarten
to Year 6 join together for weekly chapel
services to hear Bible-based talks presented
by the Principal and staff. The services include
singing and prayer and are a highlight for both
staff and students in the life of the College. In
addition to the Christian Education Program,
the gospel is promoted throughout the week
at the lunchtime Cru Group, a bible study for
senior students, and also a weekly breakfast
and bible study for the Year 6 children.
The children and parents generously
supported a number of charities during
2014, including the Vanuatu Cyclone Appeal,
The Cancer Council, The Sydney Children’s
Hospital and the sponsorship of a number of
children through Compassion, World Vision
and the Smith Family. Parent support and
outreach programs are also an integral part of
the ministry of the College. 2014 was a year
of great blessing in many ways and we are
thankful to God for countless opportunities
to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the
College community. In 2014 the Claremont
College Parents and Friends Association
continued its support of the College and
generously contributed towards a range of
projects and initiatives.
Please continue to pray for the education and
ministry of Claremont College. Our prayer
is that our students, parents and college
community are inspired for life …inspired in
their learning, inspired by Christ Jesus and the
life that comes from knowing him.
learning, academic foundations, character,
community, heritage, faith
An Anglican school for girls from
Prep to Year 12
80-98 Park Road
Hurstville NSW 2220
Tel: (02) 9850 1415
Fax: (02) 9579 3450
Web: www.danebank.nsw.edu.au
School Council
Dr R Sharp, BSc BE PhD FAICD Chair - (Appt.01/14)
Rev Dr S Anderson, BSc(Hons) PhD BD(Hons) DipMin
Mr M Daly, BCom LLB LLM Fellow FSIA (Appt.05/14)
Mrs J Everist, DipTh JP
Mr R Jarman, BBus DipTG
Mrs M Smith
Mrs A Stutsel, BA GradDipEd
Dr A J Watson AM, BA MA PhD DipREd
Mrs S Whitehall, TCert BEd
CEO’s Representative:
Mr M Caddy, BScDipEd MEd
...we encourage each girl to shine, to ignite her
keen mind and to develop her faithful heart.
“Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly
to the word of life.” Philippians 2:15-16
At Danebank, we encourage each girl to shine, to ignite her keen
mind and to develop her faithful heart. We aim to graduate girls who
are motivated to achieve their academic potential and to exhibit
understanding, wisdom and compassion in their treatment of others.
In 2014, Danebank girls shone in a range of areas. In particular, we were
delighted for our Year 12 students whose HSC results were outstanding.
Five students gained All Rounder Awards for achieving band 6 in 10
units. One student came first in the state in Modern Greek Beginners
and 98 percent of the cohort qualified to study degree courses.
Danebank was listed as the highest scoring non-selective school in the
St. George and Sutherland Shire regions.
These results were evidence of the girls’ talents and hard work, but
also evidence of the professionalism of staff. An extensive professional
development program assists teachers to manage change and to focus
on applying the most effective teaching practices. In 2014, we were
also pleased to see even more students attain high distinction level in a
range of external tests and competitions.
Danebank is a vibrant learning community. The enthusiastic participation
of students in all aspects of school life is a most pleasing testimony to
their strong School spirit and positive engagement. 2014 was notable
for the development of additional extra-curricular opportunities which
have been enthusiastically supported by the girls, notably in the areas
of music, chess and dance. Students excelled in public speaking, visual
arts competitions, debating and chess.
In sports, many girls shone. Two dragon boating crews competed
internationally in Ravenna, Italy. The girls distinguished themselves and
both crews returned home with gold medals. A number of students
were selected to join the national dragon boating team. Students also
reached national levels in athletics and softball.
Teaching staff are personally committed to the School’s vision. They
provide exceptional care for the girls, as Christian role models and
by giving girls encouragement and personal support. Students are
encouraged to uphold the Danebank motto, Ut Prosim (That I May
Serve). They serve others through many fundraising activities that
support worthwhile causes, such as the School’s continued support for
the Katoke Lweru School in Tanzania. Other community service projects
enable the girls to grow, to become confident and globally connected
as they seek to contribute to the welfare of others. The teaching of the
Christian faith and the outworking of Christian principles underpin this
work, through weekly chapel services, Christian education lessons and
Christian clubs and camps.
In 2014, we were pleased to welcome Dr Richard Sharp as the new
Chair of School Council. Dr Sharp has been a Danebank supporter for
many years with his daughter having been a past student, and with his
serving as School Council member since 2000. We thank him for his
expertise and stewardship.
We have been blessed in 2014 and it has been a joy to see our girls
shine like stars in the sky.
Loquat Valley
Anglican School
An Anglican preparatory school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 6
1977 Pittwater Road
Bayview NSW 2104
Tel: (02) 9979 5755
Fax: (02) 9997 2604
Web: www.loquatvalley.nsw.edu.au
Mr K Dalleywater, MEd BA(Hons) DipEd DipBibStud
School Council
Hon B Bishop, MP
Mr M Elkan, BSc(Arch) BArch BTh RAIA
Mr G Grainger (Appt.03/14)
Miss J Harris, BA LLB
Mrs R Scouller, TC DipEd BEd DipBibStuds Dip Law
Mr M Wentzel, BEc DipFP (Appt.02/14)
CEO’s Representative:
Mr A Williams,
BBus GradDipBM DipSIA DipFP GradCertPM CPA
We are renowned for our pastoral care and
attention to the individual needs of children.
Established in 1947, Loquat Valley Anglican School Pittwater is a highlyregarded co-educational primary school situated in Bayview, directly
across the road from beautiful Pittwater. We cater for students from
Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6, currently with an enrolment of about 210
children. Loquat Valley students enjoy right of admission to St Luke’s
Grammar School, Dee Why, from Year 7. Loquat Valley Anglican School
Pittwater is a candidate school for the Primary Years Programme (the
primary level of the International Baccalaureate). The School’s teaching
and learning approaches are innovative, child-centred and holistic. As a
member school of Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation, we treat very
seriously our mission to nurture children in the Christian faith.
At Loquat Valley Anglican School Pittwater, we strive to provide “Small
school care. Big school opportunities”. We are renowned for our pastoral
care and attention to the individual needs of children. Despite being
a small school we enjoy diverse, high quality programs and facilities.
Our classrooms are modern and well-equipped. Following the recent
injection of significant capital funds, technology throughout our school
is now robust, reliable and fit for the purpose of supporting innovative
teaching and learning. All classrooms are equipped with interactive
whiteboards, and our students enjoy ready access to iPads, laptop
computers and PCs. In 2015 our School will introduce a “Bring Your Own
iPad” policy for students in Years 5 and 6.
Each child at Loquat Valley Anglican School Pittwater has many
opportunities to thrive: in academic learning; in music, art, sport and
information and communication technology; through performances,
as members of choirs and bands; in outdoor education, part of which
is delivered in partnership with the Crusader Union’s Summit team;
in leadership programs; and in public speaking, poetry recitation and
debating. Subject specialist teachers for art, music, sport, French,
Christian studies, enrichment and learning support bring extra depth and
rigour to our learning activities.
Loquat Valley children are valued as unique individuals created and
loved by God, made in his image and invited to live in relationship with
him. A key mission for our school is that students will come to know
Jesus, will seek to serve him and will strive to be a blessing to others.
To this end, in addition to weekly chapel services, Christian studies
lessons and optional lunchtime groups, all Year 6 students complete a
Christianity Explained course, led by the Principal. The teachers meet
regularly to pray together and reflect on God’s word.
Our School is privileged to work with the ministry staff and parishioners
of St John’s Anglican Church Mona Vale in Christian Studies teaching
and other ministry initiatives. Our School continues to enjoy and be
blessed by the ministry of the Rev John Reid as our Honorary Chaplain,
who teaches part of the Christian studies program, is an occasional
guest speaker at chapel and meets weekly with the Principal to pray.
The council and staff of Loquat Valley Anglican School Pittwater work
very hard to build the School in every sense – spiritually, educationally,
physically and as a community. Our School enjoys generous support
and encouragement from the parents, not least through the excellent
work of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association.
The School’s five-year strategic plan, The Valley Vision, is readily
accessible via the School’s website. This document clearly articulates
the School’s aspirations through to 2018.
Small school care. Big school opportunities. Serving Christ by
equipping students for His world.
Macquarie Anglican
Grammar School
An Anglican School for boys and girls from
Kindergarten to Year 12
11 Currawong Road
Dubbo NSW 2830
Phone: 02 6841 6222
Fax: 02 6882 6468
Web: www.mags.nsw.edu.au
Mr G Fouracre, MEdAdmin BEd MACE (Res.06/14)
(Acting Principal) Rev L Stringer, BEd(Hons)
AdvDip Christian Ministry & Theology (Appt.06/14)
Mr C Mansour, DipTeach BEd MACE (Appt.01/15)
School Council
Mrs J Everist, DipTh JP – Chair
Mrs H Buster, CertIV(TESOL)
Rev P Howes, BMin DipHlthSc (Appt.06/14)
Mr D McCullough, (Appt.02/14)
Mr E Shields, BBus
Mrs E Shuttle, RN BVocEd GradCerteLearning
CEO’s Representative:
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
...a real sense of Christian mission
pervades the School’s culture.
Macquarie Anglican Grammar School is strategically placed to provide
a high quality education for the families of the central west region.
Situated in the thriving regional centre of Dubbo, the School has over
its 13-year history developed an enviable reputation for its standards
and achievements, emphasising academic excellence, pastoral care,
co-curricular engagement and growth in the Christian faith.
Macquarie Anglican Grammar School is a rich and vibrant learning
community with active participation from students, teachers and parents
in a full and varied program of activities. We are blessed with an active
parent community, who, through their support of the various activities
of the School, including our annual Spring Fair and Grandparents’ Day,
contribute greatly to the health and wonderful sense of community that
is enjoyed by all at the School.
Of all the many wonderful programs in the School, in 2014 we
celebrated a junior school musical and senior school play. We also
continued the tradition of the Great Macquarie Trek as students from
Year 7 to Year 11 attended the Department of Sport and Recreation
camp site at Lake Keepit for a week of challenge and growth.
Growth in 2014 saw the development of:
• a new food technology centre with two classrooms, pantry and
preparation area, storerooms and teacher work areas
• several landscaping and beautification projects around the School
• a program of repainting and refurbishment of existing classroom
• an ongoing program to introduce and maintain 21st century
technologies within the School.
Macquarie Anglican Grammar School enjoys strong Christian
leadership and a real sense of Christian mission pervades the School’s
culture. The School has a wonderful Chaplain and students are
challenged and engaged through Christian studies, chapel and other
related programs. The School’s staff facilitate Cru groups in both junior
and senior school, which are very well-attended. Indeed, many staff,
students and parents are impacted by the message of the gospel
through the ministry of the School.
Macquarie Anglican Grammar School community is thankful for the
ongoing support of Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation. The School
looks forward to a bright future as it continues to provide a quality
education delivered in a nurturing, caring Christian environment.
Anglican School
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 10
45 Bakers Lane
Kemps Creek NSW 2759
Tel: (02) 9834 1881
Fax: (02) 9834 1067
Web: www.mamre.nsw.edu.au
Mr V Branson, BA(Hons) BD(Hons) DipEd
School Council
Mr V R Gould, MCom FCA FCPA AFAIM – Chair
Mr D Bate, DipTeach
Mr P Calf, BSc(Arch) BArch(Hons) ARAIA
Mr P Graham, AssocDip(Bus) PMD MAICD
Mr J Lambert AM, BA Dip Ed MEd FACE (Dec.12/14)
Rev R Miller, BCom BTh BD
Mrs S Sheen
Rev M Snelson, BSc DipEd BDiv DipMin
CEO’s Representative:
Mrs M Perera, BEc CPA AGIA
...the School has continued to engage students
in the knowledge of the Christian faith...
In 2008 the Board of Sydney Anglican Schools
Corporation approved the purchase of the
School, which was then known as Mamre
Christian College. Since then the School has
blossomed from 160 students to 524 at the
point of writing. The College has offered an
ever wider range of programs and rejuvenated
the teaching and learning processes of
the teachers and students. In addition, the
School has continued to engage students in
knowledge of the Christian faith, thus giving
them the opportunity to live life to the fullest
and to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
The aims of the School include serving Christ
and serving the community, advancing the
academic achievements of our students and
giving them a wide range of activities and
sports. The School has a vibrant Christian
studies program, including formal teaching,
chapel services, student Christian groups
and student and staff devotions each day. A
program of parent seminars is conducted with
a variety of engaging and relevant topics.
As the reputation of the school in the wider
community increases, the quality of applicants
to teaching positions has increased. The
co-curricular and sporting life of the School
has been enlivened over the last few years.
Students are receiving coaching in sports,
assistance with their academic work and are
provided with after-school care. The Football
Development Program has had extraordinary
growth with over 150 students training in the
morning and afternoon in a range of programs.
In addition to the renovation of many buildings
and the grounds, the School has added
new infrastructure over the last seven years.
This has included a new hall and canteen,
additional parking, a new electrical substation
and shade-cloth structures. The PreKindergarten rooms have also been renovated.
Finally, with government assistance, in 2014
we have built a new state-of-the-art, senior
studies centre for our increasing number of
HSC students.
The success of our Pre-Kindergarten makes
it likely that we will have two Kindergarten
classes in 2016, thus strengthening the future
enrolment of the School. The Literacy and
Numeracy Action Plan funding, assists our
infants children to succeed at Literacy and
Numeracy. Teachers have been trained in
direct instruction in these key areas and
additional funds have allowed the employment
of further teacher’s aides to support students
one-on-one and in small groups.
guest and cultural events are organised to
encourage a deeper knowledge of different
nations. The School hopes to continue this
kind of program for future years. We will also
be hosting staff and students from Mo’unga
Olive College in Tonga later in 2015.
As a result of positive changes, Mamre
Anglican School has been able to enhance
its profile in the community, attracting media
attention and excellent word-of-mouth
publicity. Over the last year the teachers and
the Chaplain have invested considerable work
in organising the Christian education program.
Chapels are well run and give students the
opportunity to show leadership. There are also
camps which are used to further develop the
spiritual insights of students. Each year we
hold a father/son camp in order to enhance the
relationships of fathers and sons.
Planning for 2015/16 will include continuing to
add value to the education of students through
further curriculum development and the
addition of stimulating extra-curricular activities.
Please pray for the spiritual and intellectual
development of our students.
The School hosted two Japanese school
groups during 2014 and two visits are planned
for 2015. ‘Buddies’ are provided for each
Anglican College
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 12
Cnr Princes Hwy & Bunberra Street
Bomaderry NSW 2541
Tel: (02) 4421 7711
Fax: (02) 4421 7722
Web: www.nac.nsw.edu.au
Mrs L Sampson, MEd(Hons) BEd(Hons)
School Council
Mr B Shields, BEc (Hons) MEc – Chair
Rev R Goldman, BArch BTh DipMin
Mr R Hockey
Mr A Jackson, CPA (Ret.12/14)
Mr T Johnston, FCA ICAEW
Mr P Rattenbury, ThC (Appt.03/14)
Mrs B Wade, BEd DipSchAdmin
CEO’s Representative:
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
The focus in the College is upon the
unique abilities of each individual child.
Located in the northern Shoalhaven, a community of approximately
97,000 people, Nowra Anglican College serves a student population
from Pre-School through to Year 12. Nowra Anglican College students
come from a wide range of social backgrounds, including 15 percent of
students from Defence families and almost five percent who have an
Indigenous background.
Nowra Anglican College aims to provide a challenging and supportive
learning environment. Differentiated instruction, innovative programs,
quality staff and a focus on technology equip our students well to meet
modern challenges. The focus in the College is upon the unique abilities
of each individual child. Out integrated programs facilitate inquiry-based
and research-centred learning within a collaborative setting. Cuttingedge technology enables children to be confident and competent digital
learners in all areas of the curriculum.
Our children’s journeys commence at our Pre-School, which is a place
where children learn in an environment that is dynamic and vibrant. The
learning journey commences in learning spaces which create a desire to
investigate and wonder. Each child and family is valued and respected.
The same philosophy flows into our junior school. The warmth of
each classroom space embraces you the moment you walk through
the front door, and all families are welcomed. French and music are
taught by specialist teachers in the junior school. Extra-curricular
lessons are offered in speech and drama and musical tuition. Children
are identified for our junior school enrichment program where they
engage in programs above and beyond the parameters of the
mainstream classroom.
The College is renowned in the Shoalhaven as a centre of excellence
in the performing arts. The biennial musical, music showcase evenings,
recitals, and drama nights draw large audiences throughout the year.
The vision for our students to have ‘Courage to Excel, Compassion to
Give’ is shown through our many programs and initiatives such as Years
3 to 11 camps, debating and public speaking, Duke of Edinburgh Awards
program, band programs, ski trips, sporting tours and our annual Year 11
outreach trip to Cambodia.
In the sporting arena, the College is also highly regarded. Every
year many students gain national selection in a wide range of sports,
including rugby, athletics, basketball, netball, hockey and tennis. Our
staff are highly trained, passionate and energetic. We aim to be a place
that staff, students and parents are proud of – where students feel
engaged, valued and confident and use their learning experiences to
make a difference in the world. In all that we do, we aim to be a living
expression of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Oran Park
Anglican College
A Campus of Thomas Hassall Anglican College
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 7
Peter Brock Drive
Oran Park NSW 2570
Tel: (02) 4604 0000
Web: www.opac.nsw.edu.au
Mr R Whelan, BComm MEd(Admin) DipEd MACE
School Council
Ven Dr G Huard, DipTh DMin – Chair
Mr G Angel, FCPA
Mr N Keast, BA DipEd MEd(Admin)
Mrs I Lin, BE(Chem)
Mr C Moore, BA(Hons) DipRehabC MSocAdmin
Mrs J Pearson, BBus(Acctg) CA
Mr E Siddall
Rev J Squire, BE(Hons) BD (Hons) DipMin
Rev D Clarke, BTh DipMin
CEO’s Representative:
Mr M Caddy, BScDipEd MEd
...a College that aims for excellence and
caters for a range of student learners.
Oran Park Anglican College entered a new stage in its development
with the commencement of the senior school in 2014. The first Year
7 class of 22 students enjoy the special privilege of being the most
senior students and have risen to the challenge of being leaders and
representatives of the College at many events. In addition to this class,
the College had seven junior school classes from Preparatory to Year
6 and welcomed its first double stream in Kindergarten, a sign that the
College is an attractive choice for local families.
As a campus of Thomas Hassall Anglican College, Oran Park Anglican
College is able to benefit from experienced leadership and the
opportunity to draw upon a pool of teaching expertise and specialist
input. In addition, students join with those from Thomas Hassall for
sporting competitions and special events.
At present, the small population has many advantages including the
personal care for each student and their family. The parents who
have invested in this new school are seeing growth in their children’s
confidence and abilities as they are nurtured by a very committed staff.
Students have had opportunities beyond the classroom to be involved
in lunchtime groups for dance, choir, band and Crusaders.
The most significant focus of 2014 was the Stage 2 building project
of 10 new classrooms designed for 21st century learners. This new
building clearly demonstrates to the community our commitment to
build a College that aims for excellence and caters for a range of
student learners.
There is significant growth in the surrounding suburbs and as more
families move into the area they are seeking a high quality education for
their children within a Christian framework. Oran Park Anglican College
offers this, and its population continues to grow with 100 new students
enrolled for 2015.
Oran Park Anglican College continues to partner with other members
of the Oran Park Town community. In particular, it has strong links with
the local Anglican Church and the minister regularly teaches at College
assemblies and encourages the staff team.
We thank God for his goodness in providing such an exciting opportunity
to be a lighthouse in and about the community. Please continue to pray
for the College and ask for the Lord’s provision and protection.
Orange Anglican
Grammar School
An Anglican School for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 11
7 Murphy Lane
Orange NSW 2800
Phone: 02 6360 4811
Fax: 02 6360 4822
Web: www.orangegrammar.nsw.edu.au
Mr L Elliott, BA(Hons) DipEd
School Council
Mr G Catto, ASA MAHRI MACS JP – Chair
Mr B Bennett, (Appt.03/14)
Mr D Bracey, CPA AFAIM FRMIA (Appt.03/14)
Dr P Drabsch, Assoc Dip Divinity & Mission MBBS (Appt.02/14)
Mrs P Hewett, (Appt.08/14)
Mrs B Johnston, BBus BLaw GradDipLegalPractice
Mr R Wykes, (Appt.03/14)
CEO’s Representative:
Dr L Scandrett, ME PhD MAICD AAIM JP
... to welcome, educate and inspire our students
to learn, achieve and grow in God’s world.
The motto of Orange Anglican Grammar School is ‘Seek the Truth’ (John
8:31-32). The truth we refer to here is Jesus’ teaching, revealed to us
in God’s word; it provides a foundation for our School’s programs and
activities and, for those who accept it, meaning, coherence and hope.
2014 was a year of significant development for Orange Anglican
Grammar School, after the School’s acquisition by the Sydney Anglican
Schools Corporation in September 2013. The year saw the development
of Trinity Sports Field, the construction of three primary classrooms and
a library, extensive IT and infrastructure development and a significant
increase in staff training and professional development. These exciting
developments have complemented the optimism and confidence that
have imbued this new era in our School’s history.
The capital projects we undertook were informed by our educational
philosophy, particularly in the promotion of the following outcomes:
• teaching and learning of such a standard that students are
encouraged to reach a level of attainment commensurate with their
gifts and abilities
• staff acknowledging the ‘uniqueness’ of each child and endeavouring
to extend each child in their learning experiences
• levels of differentiated learning that achieve teaching and learning
standards relevant to each child
• schooling as an exciting and engaging environment for all children,
irrespective of ability.
In 2014 the School published the new Strategic Plan, 2015-17, which
included a clear statement of mission:
We will strive to welcome, educate and inspire our students to learn,
achieve and grow in God’s world.
The School’s renewed focus is the development of a data-driven
learning community, aiming to enhance academic outcomes for every
student. The School’s educational culture is founded on a dynamic
curriculum, enriched by creative and engaging learning and informed by
research and adaptive practice.
The pastoral care focus aligns with the School’s vision statement
concerning our students:
To encourage optimistic, enthusiastic and enquiring students who are
respectful of others.
Progress was evident in many areas across the School. Our 2014
NAPLAN results were very strong, particularly in Year 3, an affirmation
of our ‘three-tier’ approach to literacy and numeracy development. The
graduation of our first HSC cohort in 2015 is eagerly anticipated.
Our relatively new School Council continued its wonderful work,
governing with assurance and faith. Our Council understands that all the
blessings we enjoy, the challenges that have helped us grow, and all we
will become, come to us by God’s grace.
Our values of love, hope, truth, respect and imagination (not just
speaking them!), provides a focus on building a hopeful community that
models itself on Christ’s own love, humility and service. Foundational
to the nature of pastoral care at Orange Anglican Grammar is the belief
that each person is created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis
1:27), with the inherent dignity that this implies. Each is created as a
social being, with the mutual rights, obligations and needs. Our program
is an individual and community response to Jesus’ call to ‘Love one
another as I have loved you’ (John 13.34). When a Christian school is
faithful to the call of the Gospel, compassion, justice and reconciliation
are evident throughout the life of the community.
Anglican College
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 12
Wentworth Road
Orchard Hills NSW 2748
Tel: (02) 4736 8100
Fax: (02) 4736 8300
Web: www.pac.nsw.edu.au
Mr B Roots, BA DipEd MEd PTC(Hons) MACE MACEL JP (Ret.12/14)
Mr M Lewis, DipT BEd MEd MACEL AICD AFAIM (Appt.01/15)
School Council
Mr V R Gould, MCom FCA FCPA AFAIM – Chair
Mr D Bate, DipTeach
Mr P Calf, BSc(Arch) BArch(Hons) ARAIA
Mr P Graham, AssocDip(Bus) PMD MAICD
Mr J Lambert AM, BA Dip Ed MEd FACE (Dec.12/14)
Rev R Miller, BCom BTh BD
Mrs S Sheen
Rev M Snelson, BSc DipEd BDiv DipMin
CEO’s Representative:
Mrs M Perera, BEc CPA AGIA
The College primarily exists to serve our Lord and
to help bring people into relationship with Him.
During 2014, the College hosted its inaugural
Alumni Reception. This proved to be a very
successful event with many of the alumni
students expressing positive views about the
many new buildings, equipment and increased
number of students and staff now housed at
the College.
These ex-students also were very keen to
share with staff what they had achieved since
completing their schooling at the College.
In 2014, 20 Year 12 students (one fifth of the
Year 12 cohort) were presented with a gift at
the final Year 12 Chapel service because they
had commenced their time at the College in
Kindergarten. It is a great joy each year to
see more and more students completing their
entire junior and senior schooling years at the
College. The Penrith Anglican College staff
delight in the fact parents have entrusted their
children into our care for such a long period
of time.
2014 marked the second year for our PreKindergarten classes at the College. Such was
the demand for places in the Pre-K program
that it has become the main entry point into
Penrith Anglican College. Our four-year-olds in
the Pre-K program are also introduced to the
great God that we serve.
The College continues to employ Christian
staff as a matter of course. All staff members
– teaching, administrative and support staff
are charged with the responsibility of sharing
their faith with the students through formal
teaching programs and in their daily dealings
with the children.
Fellowship groups operate on a weekly basis
at the College and large numbers of students
attend these in both the junior and senior
schools. Christian leadership, bible study and
prayer groups also meet on a weekly basis in
the senior school.
Students are given opportunities to take on
major roles in our weekly chapel services;
and some choose to be involved in the
chapel bands which serve each week at our
chapel services.
In 2008 the College became involved in the
Bush Church Aid “Dusty Boots” program,
travelling to Wickham, Western Australia as well
as other country areas and this involvement
has continued in successive years. In 2014
staff and students from the College travelled
to Broken Hill as part of this program where
they were involved in painting Bush Church
Aid House, gardening and maintenance as well
as being involved in assisting with music and
youth groups in the local Indigenous church.
As well, staff and students returned to Nepal
to continue a community service program
commenced there in 2010. Staff and students
also continued to take part each year in
community service work in Cambodia and Fiji.
A child sponsorship program, which began at
the College in 2007, continues. Each grade
from Pre-K to Year 12 sponsors a child through
“Compassion Australia”. There is also a group
of staff that sponsor three children through
“Compassion Australia”.
Christ Church @ the College continues to
operate at the College and many College
families as well as families not connected with
Penrith Anglican College have chosen Christ
Church to be their place of worship. A Friday
night youth group (Recharge) operates, with
attendance numbers continuing to increase.
We are thankful to God that we are part of
a larger organisation, the Sydney Anglican
Schools Corporation, and for such strong links
with so many other Anglican Schools in the
Sydney Diocese.
The College badge is dominated by the cross
of Christ and the College motto is “To serve
Christ”. Whatever else we do, it is our constant
reminder that the College primarily exists
to serve our Lord and to help bring people
into relationship with Him. We would ask all
members of Synod that they would uphold the
College in prayer and to particularly pray that
we might never lose sight of this.
Richard Johnson
Anglican School
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Kindergarten to Year 12
93 Hyatts Road
Oakhurst NSW 2761
Tel: (02) 9677 2455
Fax: (02) 9677 2528
Web: www.rjas.nsw.edu.au
Mr P Cockrem, BEd MEdRel
School Council
Mr S Poucher, AFPA – Chair
Rev N Ellis, BSc BTh
Mr D McCall
Mrs C McGregor, BA DipEd (Appt.03/14)
Rev D Mears, BSc BD(Hons)
Mr C Ross, BA DipEd MEd PTC ITC
Mrs A South, DipFashionandDesign
CEO’s Representative:
Mr R Cosier, BEc FCA JP
Students benefit from supportive
interaction and responsive assistance...
It is very encouraging when graduate students
visit and share their memories of being part of
the School community, and comment on the
School’s positive progress and development.
Their spontaneous observations reveal two
common aspects: an exceedingly warm
reflection about their school experience;
and the many different ways our School has
steadily grown and matured into a sizeable
community which is capable of generating
significant benefits for its community members.
Current students enjoy chatting and, generally,
have a positive view about the Christian
faith. Such positiveness is evident at primary
assembly or secondary chapel where students
have the opportunity to lead. There are also
many different opportunities in classes, home
groups, assemblies, lunchtime clubs for
students and staff to actively and personally
engage with Christian teaching and lifestyle.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we do not
need to worry, for His compassions never
fail. They are new every morning; great is His
faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:2-23)
Students benefit from supportive interaction
and responsive assistance from the teaching
staff, as well as during special events such
as grandparents’/grandfriends’ day, family
services, heritage festival, primary open
day and the School’s Bike Challenge. Over
50 primary students attended the inaugural
holiday camp (CRU Blast) and over 30
students in Years 9 and 10 were trained and
became capable assistant leaders, functioning
alongside Crusaders staff and volunteer
leaders from St Mark’s Anglican Church – an
outstanding community event!
The primary musical, “The Making of the
Greatest Musical of All Time” was written and
produced by our talented primary staff. It was
amazing to realise that every primary student
(plus some secondary students) had the
opportunity to participate. Students participated
as staff/parent helpers, tech crew/backstage
crew, ushers, parents made costumes or
did make-up, which made for a tremendous
experience for every primary student.
The fete/open day was a great combination of
activities and showcased impressive student
performances and samples of their learning.
Many parents gave their active support, time
and effort and the School community was
grateful. We received positive comments from
people via school tours and via staff who were
overseeing the displays of student bookwork,
models, projects, art and demonstrations.
Another successful activity was the pioneering
of a music tour to Orange and Dubbo. This
inaugural four-day trip involved 29 students
from Years 8-11 and five staff. Our goal was to
encourage and support the two Corporation
schools in the central west via music
workshops, as well as presenting a combined
concert of selected items for their school
communities’ enjoyment. Positive feedback,
about the concept and the visits, was received.
NAPLAN results are only one indicator of
student progress. The academic valueadded for individuals and for Year groups
overall is very high. The average longitudinal
growth statistics shows growth rates ahead
of state averages. This factor reflects well on
a purposeful, dynamic learning environment
which has positive impact.
Our Masterplan this year describes several
ambitious construction projects to complete our
Oakhurst campus and to plan the establishment
of an additional campus at Marsden Park in
2016. This vision is in response to continued
demand for enrolments, and development
needs at Marsden Park. By God’s grace,
the School looks to the future, ready to take
advantage of other opportunities and to work
towards further improvements for all.
“Blessed are those who live according to
God’s ways and who keep His teaching and
commands and seek Him with all their heart.”
(Psalm 119:1-2)
“Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk
in His ways. You will eat the fruit of your labour;
blessings and prosperity will be yours.”
(Psalm 128:1-2)
An Anglican school for girls from
Kindergarten to Year 12
27 Bancroft Avenue
Roseville NSW 2069
Tel: (02) 9884 1100
Fax: (02) 9411 3945
Web: www.roseville.nsw.edu.au
Mrs M Krimmer, MEd BA DipEd MACE
School Council
Mr S Sloan, BCom LLB LLM – Chair
Rev J Dickson, BTh (Hons) PhD
Miss C Hart, BSc(Arch) BArch(Hons)
Mr D Jury, BEc LLB (Appt.06/14)
Mr N Ingram, BSc(Hons)
Mr M Newton, BSc(Hons) AIHSM FCHSM CHE MAICD (Ret.12/14)
JP PTC (Corporation Deputy Chairman)
Mr S Shinfield, BBus CA MBA (Ret.12/14)
Rev J Smith, BA BTh (Appt.06/14)
CEO’s Representative:
Mrs M Perera, BEc CPA AGIA
Our purpose is to engage each girl... and to
empower all girls to make a positive difference.
Every girl renowned for
Who She Is
How She Thinks
How She Lives
Roseville College is a vibrant, innovative and
multi-faceted learning community based firmly
on the Christian faith. Our purpose is to engage
each girl in enriched learning experiences and
empower all girls to make a positive difference.
We aspire for every girl in our community to
flourish: developing her unique potential and
achieving her personal best in all aspects of
her life. The College theme for 2014, ‘Carpe
Diem’, underpinned by Psalm 118:24 ‘this is
the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice
and be glad in it’, epitomises the exciting,
vibrant and exceptional learning community
that is Roseville College. In 2014 the College
continued to honour its rich and distinctive 106
year-old heritage, transforming the lives of girls
through education.
As an Anglican learning community, Christian
beliefs and values shape the leadership of the
College Council and senior executive team.
Our staff appreciate the importance of our
Christian values and there is a strong emphasis
on relationships that recognise, and seek to
honour and deeply respect, the individual
worth of others. The gospel is shared in chapel
services, assemblies, seminars, Christian
studies lessons and in interpersonal, caring
relationships that abound in our community.
All Roseville College staff are strongly
committed to implementing initiatives to
help each girl develop her unique potential
by fostering a caring and energetic learning
environment where girls are able to explore
and engage in well-rounded, diverse,
enriching, challenging and empowering
learning experiences. Our staff encourage
excellence in all pursuits and assist in the
development of each girl as a well-rounded
resilient young woman who is a global citizen.
Each of our teachers is dedicated to education
and learning and all aim to inspire and support
each girl to attain her personal best. The
foundational plank of the College’s learning
strategy is Carol Dweck’s research on ‘Growth
Mindset’, which clearly indicates that every
student can learn and every student can
improve. As such, all teachers strive to provide
learning experiences that enable each girl to
develop her individual potential; spiritually,
academically, creatively, physically and socially.
Throughout 2014, it was a delight to observe
our girls achieve well, both in and beyond the
classroom. This culminated in the HSC results
which again demonstrated Roseville College’s
strong educational credentials. Emphasis on
academic rigour, as well as encouraging each
girl to give of and achieve her personal best,
with an impressive 12 percent of graduates
named as all-round excellence achievers
and 40 percent attaining an ATAR of 90 or
above. Several students were in the top 10
in individual subjects and others received
nominations for the 2014 Board of Studies
showcase exhibitions. One student’s work was
selected for performance in ONStage.
Beyond the classroom, Roseville girls
participated in a myriad of clubs as well as
carnivals, excursions, outdoor education
field trips and camps, sports competitions,
debating, drama and music performances, the
da Vinci Decathlon, visual arts exhibitions and
competitions, international trips, leadership
programs, representative opportunities and
service learning.
In 2014, the College invested significantly in
the delivery of high quality and state-of-theart educational experiences for our girls; this
included the consolidation and expansion of
the College’s innovative IT facilities.
The College remains blessed with strong
Christian leadership and is committed to its
mission to provide each girl with enriching and
empowering learning experiences marked by
a passion for excellence.
Rouse Hill
Anglican College
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Kindergarten to Year 12
Cnr Rouse & Worcester Roads
Rouse Hill NSW 2155
Tel: (02) 8824 5844
Fax: (02) 8824 5877
Web: www.rhac.nsw.edu.au
Mr P Fowler, BA DipEd MEd(Admin)
School Council
Mr K Winter, BBus CPA – Chair (Appt.01/14)
Rev G Howells, BD DipMin BA MA
Mr W Nicholson, BA LLB DipLabRel&Law
Mr D Reynolds, BA DipLaw GradDipLegPractice (Ret.05/14)
Mr W Scott, BEd DipEd(Admin) MEd(Admin)
Mr M Wynn-Jones, BAppSc(Building)
(Hons) MAppSc (Appt.05/14)
CEO’s Representative:
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
The academic programs of the College
are innovative and challenging...
Rouse Hill Anglican College is a Kindergarten to Year 12 Christian school
located in the northwest growth corridor of the Sydney metropolitan
area. The College aims to provide a quality and affordable education
that will prepare our students to be meaningful contributors to society.
The College mission of ‘Christian, Caring and Dynamic’ is reflected
in the day-to-day interactions and program. In 2014, our College has
continued to provide a broad scope of service learning programs for all
students from Kindergarten through to Year 12. These programs seek to
ensure that there is a shared understanding of why service is important
and how it reflects the Christian mission of the College.
Our College continues to participate in overseas service programs. In
2014, a group travelled to Hong Kong and China. In Hong Kong, the
group worked with Crossroads International in their work to support
organisations and communities across the globe. During the time at
Crossroads, our group packed a large shipping container with vital items
to be sent to Zambia.
Our students continue to be presented with the gospel message
through our chapel program, which is supported by our Christian
education classes. Our chapel and Christian fellowship groups are also
well supported by youth ministry teams from our local Anglican churches
as well as Crusaders.
The academic programs of the College are innovative and challenging,
and student achievement in wider testing including NAPLAN and the
Higher School Certificate, has been pleasing and has allowed students
to enter a diverse range of tertiary programs.
The College has a strong co-curricular program with a broad range of
options for students to choose from in the areas of sport, performing
arts, interest areas, public speaking, debating and other non-sport
competitions. Our students are also developing strong leadership and
team skills through these programs.
The College is well supported by an active Parents and Friends
Association which seek to support the mission and activities of the
College through their service, social and fundraising initiatives. In 2014,
the P and F raised $60,000 towards the purchase and installation of
external seating and shade for some of our playground areas.
During 2014, a significant construction program was undertaken
including a new junior school block to accommodate Year 5 and Year 6.
The innovative interior design of this block has inspired student learning
and engagement. Some of the classroom spaces vacated by Year 5 and
6 have been converted to science laboratories and music classrooms.
Additionally, a junior school administration building was included in this
major project.
We are grateful for God’s grace and most wonderful provision and we
value your prayers as we continue to seek to honour Him through our
work at the College for “in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always
be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the
reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15
Anglican College
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Kindergarten to Year 12
Corner Piper Drive & Dunmore Road
Dunmore NSW 2529
Tel: (02) 4297 6029
Fax: (02) 4297 8473
Web: www.shellharbourac.nsw.edu.au
Head of College
Mr A Cummings, DipTeach BEd MEdSt
School Council
Rev I Rienits, BSc BE(Elect) BTh DipMin – Chair
Mr R Aubin, DipBus AAPI
Dr T Forrester, PhD BEd(Hons) (Appt.02/14)
Rev R Irving, DipTheol
Dr C Sharp, PhD BA LLB(Hons)
Mr R Sinfield
Rev M Williamson, BD(Hons) DipMin MTheol(Hons)
CEO’s Representative:
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
We remain, unashamedly, a College that values
faith, wisdom, compassion and respect...
I am grateful to God for the journey thus far
and to the staff, the Council members and the
families of this community who make, and have
made, those first ten years so memorable.
From a foundation student: My time at the
College equipped me with values, attitudes
and skills that prepared me for life beyond
school, which I have utilised in adulthood and
my university studies. The characteristics that
the College promotes and instil within the
community inspired me to pursue a career in
primary education, having recently completed
a Bachelor of Commerce. My time with the
College holds many memorable moments, and
I trust that the year groups that followed, and
will continue to follow, will experience and be
instilled with the Christian ethos, opportunities
and nurturing that I had at Shellharbour
Anglican College.
From my speech to the community
at Presentation Evening: We remain,
unashamedly, a College that values faith,
wisdom, compassion and respect: faith as a
foundation for this life and eternal life, wisdom
as a foundation for daily life, compassion
as a foundation for life in community and
respect as a foundation for relationships that
matter for today and for the future. We remain
unashamedly a College that longs for far more
for our students than the shallow trappings of
the good life. We long desperately for every
student, parent and staff member to embrace
and live a good life.
From a past Parents and Friends President: …
from the beginning we were welcomed into
a community that embodied what we now
identify as our core values: faith, wisdom,
compassion and respect. Our children were
well cared for and taught, and given many and
varied valuable learning opportunities both
in the classroom and outside it. I turned up
to my first P and F meeting to find a group of
dedicated and hardworking parents committed
to the wellbeing of the students and the
College as a whole, and have enjoyed ever
since the privilege of working alongside the
always changing but constantly faithful and
hardworking group.
From a foundation staff member: As the
appointed staff embarked on our journey to
take up teaching positions at Shellharbour
Anglican College, little did we know of the
enormous challenges and blessings we would
encounter along the way. Starting a school
from the grassroots is quite an overwhelming
experience but one in which I am truly grateful
to have been a part.
From past College Captains: The consistent
encouragement to get involved from when you
first walk into the College steadily develops
confidence, shaping individuals to contribute
positively to society and live a rewarding life.
There are the obvious examples of people
who have never swum 50 metres in their
lives, jumping in the pool and having a go, or
stage-frightened teenagers getting up and
singing with their house or hosting assembly.
After our six years at the College, we are able
to look back and appreciate the sometimes
daunting experiences placed upon us through
our schooling career. They have influenced
our character, ensuring we are well-equipped
for the challenges that will come our way in
the future.
In 2014 we spent time as a community
celebrating the theme of “ten years since”.
Cupcakes and commemorative badges
marked ten years from the day we opened our
doors and staff and students who had been
with us on that day shared personally about
their memories. While other activities marked
a range of milestones, we also committed to
producing a book, “The School on the Hill” that
reflected on our first ten years. As the editor I
found it a deeply satisfying and occasionally
moving experience to look back through ten
years of photos and engage past and present
students, staff and parents in making written
contributions to what became a book of
approximately 400 pages. Their contributions
are worth revisiting, at least in part:
Anglican School
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 12
17 Croobyar Road
Milton NSW 2538
Tel: (02) 4454 0688
Fax: (02) 4454 0504
Web: www.sas.nsw.edu.au
Mrs L Sampson, MEd(Hons) BEd(Hons)
School Council
Mr B Shields, BEcon(Hons) MEc – Chair
Rev R Goldman, BArch BTh DipMin
Mr R Hockey
Mr A Jackson, CPA (Ret.12/14)
Mr T Johnston, FCA ICAEW
Mr P Rattenbury, ThC (Appt.03/14)
Mrs B Wade, BEd DipSchAdmin
CEO’s Representative:
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
... an environment and community where
all children are respected and valued.
Shoalhaven Anglican School caters for students from Pre-K to Year 12.
The School focus is on connectedness:
connectedness with learning,
connectedness with our students,
connectedness with peers,
connectedness with our families and community
connectedness with our God.
mission is to provide students in the greater Shoalhaven with flexible
vocational and HSC pathways that enhance career opportunities.
Students are able to study subjects such as construction, primary
industries, hospitality, electrotechnology, entertainment industry and
information and digital technologies. Students attain a Higher School
Certificate together with nationally accredited Vocational Education and
Training certifications.
Our aim from this focus is to create an environment and community
where all children are respected and valued.
Our committed and caring team of educators deploy strategies that
allow our students the opportunity to re-define success:
Our students’ journeys commence in the GumNut Long Day Care
Centre, which is a place where children learn in an environment that
focuses on play. Individual programs cater for each child and links
between the Pre-K program and the junior school are evident.
• We provide a strong pastoral care focus within a Christian framework.
Wellbeing is recognised as a key contributor to student performance.
Staff mentor and encourage students at a time when they are seeking
to make meaning of themselves as individuals. This support results in
a growth in confidence and connectedness.
Our junior school has a strong focus on student engagement, utilising
contemporary teaching methods. This includes a balance between
explicit instruction in literacy and numeracy alongside creative learning
experiences where ICT is integrated into the program to facilitate
learning. Program-based learning approaches, including ‘genius hour’
and the LetgirlsLearn Campaign, highlight our focus on 21st century
learning approaches.
This year sees the transition from a traditional senior school to a
vocational-based program of study for students in Years 10–12. 2015 will
be the last year that a traditional HSC program of study will be offered to
students in Years 7 to 12.
The South Coast Trades Skills Centre, operating under the banner of
Shoalhaven Anglican School’s senior school program, was launched
in recognition of a demand for alternatives to an “academic” HSC. Our
• Our integrated HSC program is facilitated via project-based learning.
Classroom- based subjects are studied collaboratively in a context
that relates to either everyday scenarios or students’ vocational
• Our programs allow students to explore one or two Vocational
Education and Training options and conclude their HSC having
the option of completing the equivalent of the first year of an
The opportunities available to all students in the wider Milton/Ulladulla
area, complemented by the academic senior school opportunities at
Nowra Anglican College, allow the Shoalhaven Region Anglican Schools
group to offer a ‘well-rounded’ education that meets the needs of a
diverse regional community.
St Luke’s
Grammar School
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 12
210 Headland Road
Dee Why NSW 2099
Tel: (02) 9438 6200
Fax: (02) 9905 1654
Web: www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au
Mrs J Robinson, BA DipEd TCert MEd(Leadership) MACE MACEL
School Council
Mrs R Harris, BA DipEd DipChildLit – Chair
Dr J Ashton, BA(Hons) PhD
Ms C Corbett, BA DipEd BSW VocGradDipFDR
Mrs E Ellis, BPropEc
Mrs V Hayman, MA BDes
Mr P King, BCom(Hons) CA FFin CFA
Rev C McDonnell, BSc DipEd BTh DipMin DipA
Mr J Turner, BCom(Admin)
CEO’s Representative:
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
...equipping young men and young women
to undertake God’s work of restoration...
St Luke’s Grammar School is located at Dee Why on Sydney’s Northern
Beaches. It is a co-educational school enrolling students from Pre–
Kindergarten to Year 12. In 2014 the School launched Learning@
STLUKE’S, which is an integrated teaching and learning approach within
a Christian Framework.
Learning@STLUKE’S has a strong research basis and has been
adapted from the work of Guy Claxton on Building Learning Power.
The framework seeks to ensure that students take ownership of their
learning and that the School moves from the “rhetoric” of lifelong
learning to the “reality” of it.
Learning@STLUKE’S provides for a common language for students,
teachers and parents about learning. While the School has taken the
Building Learning Power model to build learners who are Resilient,
Resourceful, Reflective and who practice Reciprocity, the inclusion of
a fifth dimension, Restoration, ensures that at the heart of the learning
is a commitment to equipping young men and young women to
undertake God’s work of restoration in the world by developing humility,
compassion, justice and grace.
One of the initiatives which has grown has been the running of an after
school Basketball Skills Development Program conducted by St Luke’s
students for students from a number of special schools in the area. This
has seen the St Luke’s students who have interacted with students who
need their assistance, grow in their appreciation of how they can make a
difference in the lives of others in a practical way.
The year has also seen many opportunities for students to experience
the wider world. In April the School’s senior concert band performed in
Singapore and in July a small group of students was part of the Beijing
summer camp. In September, history students travelled to Italy and
France. The end of year USA basketball tour provided the students with
a wealth of experiences in being hosted by USA families and playing
basketball against several east coast schools. A number of students also
undertook short exchange programs.
Building work has continued to be a feature of the School. In
accordance with the master plan, work was commenced on the School’s
frontage and junior school reception area. This work has significantly
enhanced the School’s street presence as well as securing the site.
The work undertaken in the junior school has created a better work
area for the staff and a more welcoming area for parents and students.
The final stages of the current master plan are being reached and the
School Council will look to the future which will include planning for the
expansion of the site.
Thomas Hassall
Anglican College
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 12
125 Kingsford Smith Avenue
Middleton Grange NSW 2171
Tel: (02) 9608 0033
Fax: (02) 9608 0044
Web www.thac.nsw.edu.au
Mr R Whelan, BCom MEd(Admin) DipEd MACE
School Council
Ven Dr G Huard, DipTh DMin – Chair
Mr G Angel, FCPA
Mr N Keast, BA DipEd MEd(Admin)
Mrs I Lin, BE(Chem)
Mr C Moore, BA(Hons) DipRehabC MSocAdmin
Mrs J Pearson, BBus(Acctg) CA
Mr E Siddall
Rev J Squire, BE(Hons) BD(Hons) DipMin
Rev D Clarke, BTh DipMin
CEO’s Representative:
Mr M Caddy, BScDipEd MEd
...to educate, inspire and equip our students to
make a significant and positive contribution...
Thomas Hassall Anglican College is a coeducational Prep-Year 12 College located at
Middleton Grange, in the heart of Sydney’s
South West. The College was founded in 2000
with a vision to ‘Grow and Nurture Excellence,
Wisdom and Service’. We hope to educate,
inspire and equip our students to make a
significant and positive contribution to society,
looking to the future with hope and optimism.
The College can be best described as a
vibrant Christian learning community. Our
students are exposed to Christ throughout
their learning and are encouraged to seek a
personal faith through an understanding of
God’s love and grace.
Whilst the College has a comprehensive
enrolment policy, we have achieved
significant continuous improvement in our
academic results and, combined with a
diverse co-curricular program and solid
wellbeing support structures, we ensure that
our students are well-equipped to reach their
full potential. We aim to create a positive,
dynamic and relevant learning environment
that will challenge each student to succeed
by utilising their gifts and talents to achieve
well beyond initial expectations.
Our facilities are spacious, modern and wellequipped for optimal learning. 2014 saw the
completion of our contemporary and unique
learning centre. This building has become
somewhat of a landmark both within our
College community and beyond due to its
design and presence on the campus. The
lower level houses our senior library, study
centre, media lab and IT help desk. The upper
level is used for middle years HSIE as well
as other learning areas. Since its opening,
the outdoor amphitheater has also been well
used for forums, events, presentations and
community gatherings. This state-of-the-art
facility encourages a range of teaching and
learning styles that are both collaborative for
staff and students and support enquiry-based
pedagogy. The much anticipated new cafeteria
and hospitality kitchen also began construction
for a 2015 opening.
We enjoy an IT-rich environment in both the
junior and senior schools which allows us
to be responsive to the changing role of
technology in learning and teaching. The
College has an iPad BYOD (bring your own
device) program in the senior school, which
has improved curriculum delivery and allowed
students to take responsibility for their
individual learning styles.
The College encourages and values the
partnership of parents, grandparents and
friends to participate and assist in the life
of our learning community. There are many
opportunities and events throughout the year
to encourage inclusiveness and volunteerism
from our whole College community. The
College also links with the local Mission Area
churches and co-hosts various activities aimed
at gospel outreach to young people from the
broader region. Participation in charitable
fundraising activities and community service
endeavours ensures our students have both a
local and global focus on the needs of others
as they learn the joy of giving and develop
leadership and service skills.
The reputation of the College continues to
develop and the demand for enrolments rises
as the College meets the needs of the Western
Sydney population growth. There will always
be new challenges in contemporary education
and we are committed to a process of
continuous review and reflection of our current
practice to ensure improvement, innovation
and effectiveness.
We acknowledge the excellent work of all our
staff; teaching, administrative and support,
as well as the Christian leadership of our
executive team and support and governance
of our College Council.
We commit the College to the glory of our Lord
Jesus Christ and pray that he will continue to
bless our work as we honour Him.
Trades Norwest
Anglican Senior
An Anglican trade school for boys and girls in
Years 11 and 12
1000 Old Windsor Road
Glenwood NSW 2768
Tel: (02) 8008 1300
Fax: (02) 8008 1301
Web: www.tradesnorwest.nsw.edu.au
Mrs G MacKinnon, BSc(Hons) BA(Hons) MEd MACE MACEL
Steering Committee
Mr John Hibberd, MBA DLI DipAll AFAIM
MAICD – Chair (Ret.12/14)
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
Mr A Cox, BBuild CE(Hons) AAIQS AIMA
Mr P Naylor (Ret.12/14)
Dr L Scandrett, ME PhD MAICD AAIM JP
Mr J Watson, PSM – Chair (Appt.01/15)
The students were all engaged in, or working
towards school-based apprenticeships...
The Board of Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation approved the
continued operation of the Anglican Technical College Western Sydney
during 2014. This was to be a pilot program to gauge the success
and viability of a new approach to trade training and Higher School
Certificate studies.
The year commenced with 13 students in Years 11 and 12, beginning an
integrated program-based approach to the HSC which did not involve
any HSC examinations. The students were all engaged in, or working
towards school-based apprenticeships in the trade of their choice. The
model for their pattern of work was changed from block release to two
days per week over the full year and this approach was greeted warmly
by employers.
To reflect the new program, the College was re-branded and is now
operating as Trades Norwest Anglican Senior College.
The success of the College was seen in the enthusiastic attendance
of the students and in their commitment to their studies in our HSC
program where they demonstrated a high quality of work. The HSC
studies program has been designed with a trade context, better
meeting the needs of our students. The relaxed nature of the College
classroom allowed the class teacher to operate as a mentor, rather than
as a didactic, teacher and we were better able to meet the individual
learning needs of each student.
The College’s registered training organisation provided the
accreditation for students in carpentry and electrotechnology, and for
all our Year 11 and 12 students, in Certificate II in business services and
in white card and first aid. Students in carpentry and electrotechnology
were able to return after Year 12 to finish their Certificate III qualification.
There were 41 post-school students completing Certificate III training in
these trade areas in 2014.
Changes to State funding support for trade training changed during
2014 and the College was not awarded a funding contract from the
government for new students in carpentry and electrotechnology
from 2015.
The College vision is ‘Building the right foundation’, and students
have been encouraged to consider the words of Isaiah, ‘The Lord
will be the sure foundation of your times, a rich store of salvation and
wisdom and knowledge’.
An Open Day, ‘Meet the Tradies’, held in September enabled us to
showcase the opportunities available at the College and to make
contact with prospective students from the local schools in the
northwest area of Sydney. Word-of-mouth has grown the College
population to include some students commencing in late Term 4 in order
to settle in well and prepare for the start of Year 11 in 2015, and this set
the foundation for strong enrolments for 2015.
During 2014 students were training in carpentry and electrotechology
on-site at the College, and in meat processing and logistics at local
TAFE colleges.
Anglican College
An Anglican school for boys and girls from
Prep to Year 12
3000 Remembrance Drive
Tahmoor NSW 2573
Tel: (02) 4684 2577
Fax: (02) 4684 2755
Web: www.wac.nsw.edu.au
Dr S Quarmby, PhD MEd(Admin) BEd(Sc)
School Council
Mr R Webb, BA MEd(Admin) MACE MACEL – Chair
Mr M Britton, ALGA JP (Ret.12/14)
Mr R Corry, BBus FCIS CA JP
Rev K Flanagan, BE(Mech) BTh DipEd MA(Theol)
Mr A Gruening, MBA AIMM
Mr C Nobbs, Fitting & Machining Cert, Marketing Cert,
Hydraulics & Diesel Cert, Office Management Cert
Rev G Taylor, BTh DipTeach GradDipEdStud
CEO’s Representative:
Mr J Chalmers, BCom(Hons) FCPA FCIS FGIA AIMM
... students and staff embrace their place within
the local, state and global community.
Under the grace of God, Wollondilly Anglican
College continues to grow. Despite competing
financial priorities, families choose to make a
quality, local, independent Christian education
a priority for their children. At Wollondilly,
our determined focus on Christian values,
exceptional pastoral care and an established
academic program is coupled with a strong
commitment to sport and technology as well as
the creative and performing arts.
Through the solid foundation of the Sydney
Anglican Schools Corporation, our students
are blessed with leading-edge facilities.
Comprehensive elective options for students
in Year 9 expand the learning experience,
together with wide ranging co-curricular
activities. Year 11 and 12 students occupy a
dedicated senior learning campus, which
includes contemporary learning areas, an
information resource and technology centre,
study provisions, recreation area and a student
car park.
Wollondilly students and staff embrace
their place within the local, state and global
community. In Vietnam, students have nurtured
orphans and constructed brick houses for the
homeless. In Arnhem Land, we have provided
respite to local missionaries in Sunday
Schools, youth groups and child-minding for
children of missionaries. Students correspond
with our sister school in the Drakensberg
mountains of South Africa, as well as with
our associated missionaries in Nigerian Bible
College. College families hosted visiting
exchange students from our link school,
Evangelischen Firstwald-Gymnasium in
Southern Germany and, in turn, Wollondilly
students spent several months near the Black
Forest experiencing a white Christmas.
A differentiated curriculum facilitates flexible
progression and extension of individual gifts
and talents. The EDGE Academy provides
acceleration opportunities for students with
exceptional talent. The College is well known
for its strong emphasis on pastoral care which
is supported by dedicated executive structures
that parallel teaching and learning.
Wollondilly offers academic, music and
dance scholarships. Music students can
be individually tutored in readiness for
participation in our ensembles, band or
musical performances. Creative students are
encouraged to take part in our annual College
musical which has sell-out performances each
year. Students enjoy access to eight computer
centres. Students from Year 3 onwards are
able to represent the College at regional,
state, national and international levels, as well
as in weekly competitions against other local
independent schools.
Our ongoing involvement in the Duke of
Edinburgh’s Award program offers students
challenging opportunities to develop new
skills. Other extra-curricular activities include
strings and vocal ensembles, classic guitar
ensemble, choir, dance groups, chess club,
College band, photography club and an
equestrian team.
The College has championed a charter of
building community. Working bees attract
between 150 and 250 people. Our Parents and
Friends Association hosts three large annual
events: the Country Fair, the corporate golf day
and a car show. These events attract thousands
of visitors each year to our College. This year,
the College saw a record number of students
participate in the Annual Festival of Thirlmere
Steam Festival and Street Parade. 200 staff
and students represented the College at local
ANZAC Day services. A WOOSH Club provides
after school care for working families and two
accredited Pre-Kindergarten transition classes,
offer our younger students an invaluable start
to their education. Our partner in Christ, the
Wollondilly Anglican Community Church, meets
weekly on Sundays.
Wollondilly Anglican College has been blessed
with a full complement of professional Christian
staff –teachers, administrators, technicians
and property staff dedicated to the provision
of quality education, a devoted parent body,
enthusiastic students and excellent resources
and facilities. Praise God!
Excellence, Endurance, Eternity
Future Growth of the Corporation
The growth of Anglican schooling is an
important element in the mission of the
Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney. Anglican
schools provide an opportunity not otherwise
available to bring the gospel to many
thousands of young people.
Growth of the Corporation – increasing
numbers of young people being exposed
to the gospel – takes place through the
establishment of ‘new’ schools, the ‘organic’
growth that has occurred as these new
schools (and other existing schools) continue
to increase in student numbers to reach
optimum enrolment levels, and – most
recently – with the acquisition of Macquarie
Anglican Grammar School, at Dubbo, and
Orange Anglican Grammar School.
The operating income of the Corporation’s
schools comes from a combination of
Commonwealth and State government
recurrent per capita grants, and parental fees.
We are grateful for continuing government
assistance, without which our schools would
be unlikely to be able to operate, and we
remain hopeful that the funding initiatives
established under the ‘Gonski’ funding
arrangements will better assist schools with
the greatest need. We are also grateful for
government assistance for the Corporation’s
capital expenditure needs.
Strategies for further growth of the
Corporation include expanding the enrolment
base of existing Corporation schools;
continuing to bring into the Corporation
appropriate existing schools and then to assist
with their growth; and, commencing new
educational institutions where practicable. In
respect of the latter, a new school will open
at Marsden Park in 2016, and planning has
commenced for new schools at Leppington
and Wilton.
The Corporation also operates preparatory
classes, or pre-Kindergarten, at a number of
its schools. While at some schools this is not
a new venture, other schools have found that
creating such opportunities for early childhood
learning has helped to secure regular school
enrolments, as well as provided Christian
care for younger children. In addition, the
Corporation operates a separate preschool at
Bomaderry (under the care of Nowra Anglican
College), a child care centre for children aged
three to five years at Milton (at Shoalhaven
Anglican School), as well as a number of outof-school-hours centres (OSHC or OOSH) at
various schools.
Regardless of how growth may occur, it will
take place only under God’s providence. Each
school aims to provide a quality Christian
education in a caring environment. Fees
are set at levels which aim to make them
affordable to the majority of local parents.
Our schools offer enrolment to all children,
whether from Christian families or not,
provided that parents acknowledge that their
children will be educated within a Christian
worldview shaped by the Bible. Through this
we pray that they will all be challenged with
the claims of the gospel.
In looking to advance the Corporation’s vision,
Serving Christ by equipping students for His
world, we are mindful of the prayerful support
of individuals and of the Synod, the committed
service of the Corporation’s teaching and
other staff, and the continuing Godly oversight
by the Corporation’s governors.
We look forward, under God’s guidance, to
further this growth.
Dr Laurie Scandrett
Chief Executive Officer
Support Us
You can help in this important way...
Make A Donation
Scholarship Funds assist financially with the
recognition of student achievement, as well as
with helping eligible young people to attend
schools. Particular prizes and scholarships
are supported by each Scholarship Fund.
Voluntary donations to Scholarship Funds are
tax deductible for amounts of $2 or more.
Building Funds assist financially with acquiring,
constructing and maintaining school buildings.
The future development of schools is
supported by each Building Fund. Voluntary
donations to Building Funds are tax deductible
for amounts of $2 or more.
Library funds assist financially with acquiring
books and resources, and the operation of
libraries. The expansion and updating of
library resources is supported by each Library
fund. Voluntary donations to Library funds are
tax deductible for amounts of $2 or more.
Arndell Anglican College Scholarship Fund
Claremont College Scholarship Fund
Danebank School Scholarship Fund
Loquat Valley School Scholarship Fund
Mamre Anglican College Scholarship Fund
Macquarie Anglican Grammar
School Scholarship Fund
Nowra Anglican College Scholarship Fund
Oran Park Anglican College Scholarship Fund
Orange Anglican Grammar
School Scholarship Fund
Penrith Anglican College Scholarship Fund
Richard Johnson Anglican
School Scholarship Fund
Roseville College Scholarship Fund
Rouse Hill Anglican College Scholarship Fund
Shellharbour Anglican College
Scholarship Fund
Shoalhaven Anglican School Scholarship Fund
St Luke’s Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Thomas Hassall Anglican
College Scholarship Fund
Trades Norwest Anglican Senior
College Scholarship Fund
Wollondilly Anglican College Scholarship Fund
Arndell Anglican College Building Fund
Claremont College Building Fund
Danebank School Building Fund
Loquat Valley School Building Fund
Mamre Anglican College Building Fund
Macquarie Anglican Grammar
School Building Fund
Nowra Anglican College Building Fund
Oran Park Anglican College Building Fund
Orange Anglican Grammar
School Building Fund
Penrith Anglican College Building Fund
Richard Johnson Anglican
School Building Fund
Roseville College Building Fund
Rouse Hill Anglican College Building Fund
Shellharbour Anglican
College Building Fund
Shoalhaven Anglican School Building Fund
St Luke’s Grammar School Building Fund
Thomas Hassall Anglican
College Building Fund
Trades Norwest Anglican Senior
College Building Fund
Wollondilly Anglican College Building Fund
Arndell Anglican College Library
Claremont College Library
Danebank School Library
Loquat Valley School Library
Mamre Anglican College Library
Macquarie Anglican Grammar School
Nowra Anglican College Library
Oran Park Anglican College Library
Orange Anglican Grammar School Library
Penrith Anglican College Library
Richard Johnson Anglican School Library
Roseville College Library
Rouse Hill Anglican College Library
Shellharbour Anglican College Library
Shoalhaven Anglican School Library
St Luke’s Grammar School Library
Thomas Hassall Anglican College Library
Wollondilly Anglican College Library
Make a bequest in your will today
(Suggested form of bequest)
I bequeath the sum of:
(in words and figures)
or the following percentage of my estate:
(in words and figures)
to ‘Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation’
for the purposes of developing Anglican
Schools, and I declare that the receipt
of the Corporation shall be a full and
sufficient discharge of the Executor.
For further information
or discussion on bequests:
Please contact:
Dr Laurie Scandrett,
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: (02) 8567 4000
Or write to:
PO Box 465
Hurstville BC 1481
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by equipping students for His world