Sept newsletter - Skaneateles Historical Society
The Museum at The Creamery THE SKANEATELES HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER Sept/Oct 2011 Vol. 26, No. 5 Laurie Winship, Editor SEPTEMBER PROGRAM: NEW DATE AND TIME We’re having a picnic! The September meeting of the Skaneateles Historical Society will be held on Sunday, September 18 from 1-4 pm at Bob Eggleston’s new office at 1391 East Genesee St. This is a special event in lieu of our usual program on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Please join us for food, games, and a tour of Bob’s newly renovated building. Hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks, and dessert will be provided. Please bring a salad or casserole to pass, as well as your own lawn chairs. And does anyone have a grill we could borrow for the day? Additional parking will be available across the street at ChaseDesign, so please be very careful crossing the road. In the event of rain, we will have the picnic at the Creamery and people will be driven in small groups to tour Bob’s office. Please call by September 13th to register-this is very important so we can plan the amount of food to prepare. You may call Beth Battle at 685-3296; Barb Patrick at 685-3115; or John Havemeyer at 685-7573. Bob Eggleston photo Bob Eggleston’s new office was built in 1903 as a trolley substation for the Auburn & Syracuse Electric Railroad; in the 1930s it was converted to a gas station; in the 1960s it became The Willows restaurant; in 1979 it became a design studio; in 1995 it became the Whittingham Insurance Agency; and in 2010 Bob Eggleston bought the building to renovate it for his architectural firm. Bob’s dedication to historic preservation is evident in the restoration of his building, as well as volunteering his time and architectural talents to renovate the old Creamery and design the museum expansion. The purpose of the Skaneateles Historical Society is to conduct and encourage historical research and to collect, preserve, and exhibit historical material in connection with the Town of Skaneateles. SHS NEWSLETTER! CREAMERY HOURS FOR SEPT-OCT Fridays, 1-4 Saturdays, 1-4 Or by appointment WHAT DO YOU THINK OF OUR NEW FORMAT? We welcome your comments on our new format, as well as any ideas for future articles. Write, call or email us with your suggestions ( And how would you feel about getting the newsletter via email? OCTOBER PROGRAM: A LIGHTHEARTED LOOK AT “THE PRIVY” The October program of The Skaneateles Historical Society will be a talk by Ms. Caroline Adrianson, of Marion NY. She is a 58year resident of and Town Historian for Marion. The old outhouses, she says, were places of escape as well as function, whether to hide from the endless daily chores or to sneak a stolen cookie. A photographic display and humorous anecdotes will entertain as well as enlighten about a long-lost part of our history, not to mention eliciting memories and stories from those attending. Feel free to bring along any relevant pictures and/or tales of your own, and join the fun. Please join us on Tuesday, October 25 at 7:30 pm at the Museum at The Creamery. This is the first program to be held since the museum expansion opened, so you will have an opportunity to shop in our new gift shop and see our new exhibits. All programs are free and open to the public. The Skaneateles Historical Society 28 Hannum St. Skaneateles, NY 13152 315-685-1360 PAGE 2 SHS NEWSLETTER! PAGE 3 David P. Miller photo On July 2, Bob Eggleston cut the ribbon to open our museum expansion. Many people, in addition to Board members and Steering Committee members, have donated generous amounts of time and talents to this project: Bob Eggleston, architect extraordinaire; Jean McGlynn, of McGlynn Interiors; Doug Miller, who polished all the cement floors in the expansion; George Nichols, helping with landscape designs; Sal Strods, who developed creek bank plans and helped obtain the DEC permit; & people who have donated in-kind services, including Marty Hubbard, Mack Studios, Kevin Rich, and Onondaga Heating. We also are planning to have a new interactive lake model built, with the ability to show what areas around the lake used to look like. Our current lake model is always one of the most popular displays; summer visitors like to see where they’re staying, and local residents enjoy learning new facts, including where some of the old steamboats were sunk. We’re grateful for all the community support we have received thus far, and continue to work hard at planning other fundraising events and grant opportunities to move forward with the rest of our plans. Expansion Construction Update by Bent Thomsen Following the official opening of our new exhibit areas and gift shop, it is time to shift our attention to the original Creamery building. We are ready to start work converting the old gift shop to an administrative office for the Museum Director. This will involve reconfiguration of some walls and installation of new doors as well as electrical work and A/C modifications. When that area has been completed, we will shift the contractor to the old cooler where installation of counters and shelving will allow that area to become part of the new research and work area that will be used by our volunteer staff as well as our visitors. Many of our files and resources will be shifted from the Meeting Room into this new research space. The removal of office equipment and some of the bookcases from the Meeting Room will allow more chairs to be in place for our monthly meetings which seem to draw growing attendance. The Meeting Room as well as the reconfigured office areas will need a fresh coat of paint. If you have experience with paints and brushes we would welcome your help. Your help would preserve funds for upcoming paving and landscaping work. Concurrent with the construction activities just described, we will be busy working on expanding and enhancing our exhibits throughout the entire museum. The Skaneateles Historical Society 28 Hannum St. Skaneateles, NY 13152 315-685-1360 SHS NEWSLETTER! PAGE 4 OUR NEW GIFT SHOP IS NOW OPEN! by Karen Lengyel Stop and shop at our brand new gift shop located in the entrance of the museum. Our new items include beautiful glassware with an etching of a Teasel or Lightning Boat. These glass tumblers come in a set of four already gift boxed and are priced at $21.95. What a lovely gift for yourself or to give to someone to remember Skaneateles. You will also see boxed sets of notecards featuring a painting from our very talented local artist, Peggy Manring. Mrs. Manring graciously donated an original painting of Skaneateles Lake to be raffled with all proceeds going to the Skaneateles Historical Society. Stop by to purchase a raffle ticket and view this beautiful piece of art. The raffle will be held on December 4 at our holiday open house. However, the boxed note cards featuring the painting are available now for purchase. We wish to sincerely thank Peggy Manring for her generosity. FILICIA FUNDRAISER A SUCCESS, RAISING OVER $18,000! !"#$%&'%(") CHAMPAGNE & SLIDERS THOM FILICIA'S LAKESIDE “WORK-IN-PROGRESS” AT Peggy Manring painting We had a very successful fundraiser on August 27 at Thom Filicia’s Lakeside House in Progress. We’re so grateful for Thom’s generosity in opening his house to us for this opportunity to add to our museum expansion funds. Our sincere thanks to Dave Miller who spent an amazing amount of time coordinating this event. We also are grateful to the many other volunteers who donated their time to make this event possible, as well as our corporate sponsors who donated wine, champagne, food, etc.: Pleasant Valley Wine, Anyela’s, Heron Hill, Lamereauz Landing, Dr. Frank, Wegmans, Tops, Byrne Dairy, Saranac Beer, and Doug’s Fish Fry. Major donors for our auction items included Skaneateles Jewelry, Thom Filicia, Bill & Penny Allyn, Trump Soho NY, Greg Calejo, and Jimmy Buffett. Numerous other local merchants donated raffle items. We thank you all! The Skaneateles Historical Society 28 Hannum St. Skaneateles, NY 13152 315-685-1360 SHS NEWSLETTER! PAGE 5 VILLAGE HISTORIAN TO RETIRE by Pat Blackler In December of 2012, I will be retiring as the Skaneateles Village Historian. One of my final projects will be to find a replacement. The position is an appointment of the Municipality of the Village of Skaneateles. In the 17 years that I have held the volunteer position I have felt it has been an enjoyable honor. I’m looking for someone with a good interest in the history of Skaneateles to be a liaison for the Village in matters of historical significance. This may seem early notice for the request, but as I clean out my Creamery office, I would also like to train my successor. If you would like to know more about the position and what is to be done in the future, please call me. Or if, as you read this, I have sparked an interest, please call. The main duties are to research ancestors, at times write articles for publications, teach the fourth graders, conduct tours of the museum, help with exhibits at the Skaneateles Historical Society, and plan your own projects: let’s talk about it. Home, 685-7340; Creamery, 685-1360. The Skaneateles Historical Society is now a member of the Chamber of Commerce. There are many benefits for us, including increased publicity and the ability to work more closely with other organizations in the area. As part of this, we are participating in the Chamber’s After Hours monthly program on Thursday, October 6. We will be hosting interested Chamber members from 5-7 p.m. to give them a special opportunity to see our museum, especially the new expansion. The Blue Danube will be co-hosting this event, providing a sample of their cheeses and other goodies. This is a great example of how the Chamber is helping us raise our profile in the community. DATES TO REMEMBER September 18, Sunday, 1-4, picnic at Bob Eggleston’s October 25, Tuesday, 7:30, monthly program: “The Privy” November 22, Tuesday, 7:30, monthly program TBA December 4, Sunday, 1-4, Annual Open House, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Skaneateles Historical Society BOARD MEMBERS: President, Karlene Miller; V-P, David Bates; Secretary, Mona Smalley; Corresponding Secretary, Karen Lengyel; Treasurer, Betsy Foote; Town Historian, Beth Battle; Village Historian, Pat Blackler; Members-at-large, Bob Greene, John Havemeyer, David Miller, Barbara Patrick, Susan Spalding, Bent Thomsen MUSEUM DIRECTOR: Laurie Winship The Skaneateles Historical Society 28 Hannum St. Skaneateles, NY 13152 315-685-1360 HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP AND RENEWALS Please make checks payable to Skaneateles Historical Society, c/o David Bates, 5623 Mack Rd, Skaneateles, NY 13152-9511. Thank you for your support! ______________________(Clip and return)____________ NAMES/ ADDRESS______________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ email address____________________________________ Membership $_________________________ Small Jobs Fund $______________________ (helps pay for work our volunteers cannot do) TOTAL $______________________________ MEMBERSHIP LEVELS: Individual Friend Patron $15.00 $50.00 $100.00 FR O M : T H E SK A NEATELE S H IS T O R IC A L SO C IE T Y 2 8 H an nu m St Sk an ea te le s, N Y 1 3 1 Sponsor Benefactor Life SEPT-OCT NEWSLETTER Type to enter text Sept-Oct 2011 52 $250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 Vol. 26, No. 5
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