and Happy New Year To All the Members of The USAF Retired
and Happy New Year To All the Members of The USAF Retired
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All the Members of The USAF Retired Band Directors and Superintendents Society 1994 covc RETIRE! AIR FORCE BANDLEADERS AND SUPERINTENDENTS SOCIETY Founded ‘980 OCT NOV DEC 1994 Heiberg Aft VOLXIV NO 4 TAPS Edward Ft. Lauderdale Herald, September 12 Lt. CS. Aif Heiberg, founder of the first Army Air Corps band in 1941, died Friday in Fort Lauderdale, where he had lived for 31 years. Heiberg, 89, served more than 20 years in the Army and USAF became chief of air force bands during World War II and later was honored by the Air Force in ceremo nies commemorating the 40th and 50th anniversaries of the founding the Air Force band. Heiberg. a member of the Retired Officers’ Association, received the Legion of Merit from the Air Force and the Army Commenda tion Medal. He was born in Grand Forks, ND in 1 905, and lived in Washington, DC and Minneapolis before moving to For Lauderdale in 1963. He is survived by his wife of 31 years, Mary; two nieces, Patricia Berg of Minneapolis and Virginia Mulcare of Hayward, CA; and five nephews: Hoff Heiberg Jr. of Minneapolis; Eric Heiberg of Holland Mt Irving Heiberg of Bullet, WI; Robert Heiberg of Hayward, CA; and Vern Heiberg of Portland, OR. Burial will be at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. The family asked that contri butions, in place of flowers, be made to the First United Methodist Church of Ft. Lauderdale, or another charity. David Mcllhatten writes: Among the old timers who attended the funeral were Harry and Eleanor Meuser, Carl and Ruth Costenbader, Amald Gabriel, George Dietz, Norman Irvine, Lou and Mickey Krlebel. The full Military honors consisted of a horse drawn caisson, honor guard, the Ceremonial Band enlargedfrom Boiling AFB and a firing squad. CS. Heiberg was buried in an area where there are a number - V. D’Alfonso LOST AND FOUND Lt. CS. Edward Vincent D’Alfonso Ret., 63. a native of Monessen, PA, died September 27, 1 994. He retired as a musician/ teacher August 6, 1974. after 20 years with the US Air Force. He was a member of the Airmen of Note and retired as Commander /Cdnductor of the TAC Band, Langley AFB, VA. He graduated with a BA in music from Duquesne University. Survived by his wife, Helen Alyce D’Alfonso, of Yorktowti; a daughter, Debra D’Alfonso LeMoaI, of Palm Harbor, FL.; a brother, Julius D’Alfonso, of Monessen, PA; a grandson, David Andrew LeMoal, of Palm Harbor, FL; and a sister, Alice Rechichar, of Monessen, PA. Services were held at the Langley AFB Chapel, with the ACC Band providing the music, which was inspirational. Memorials to: Ed D’Alfonso Music Scholarship Fund, Christopher Newport University, SO Shoe Lane, Newport News, VA, 23606. A lifetime of love of music, friends and family. A great and kind man!" We will all remember the highly successful Williamsburg reunion as a memorial to Ed! One of our members, Joe Losh, is trying his best to obtain a copy of the march written by Chemetsky. Title: March of the Guards Mortrmen. Since Joe directs the Legion Post All Sousa Band in New York, he would like to program the piece and help this new march gain national recognition. He believes a copy of it was presented to either the Academy Band or one of the other bands. Anyone knowing how he could obtain a copy, please let him know. CONGRESSIONAL RETIREMENT PACKAGE from the Dec94 TROA magazine "I wonder if our retired mili tary members are aware of the largess that Congress members have bestowed upon themselves in their retirement package. In a recent article, syndicated columnist Jack Anderson wrote: "In general, congressional pensions are two to three times as generous as those in the private sector, with those retiring in 1 995 starting with an annual pension of $60,600.00. The average lifetime benefit package Is $1.9 million, thanks in part to a 4 percent annual cost -of -living allow ance that helps make the plan Inflationproof." While Congress delays our COLA and sometimes eliminates it, members of Congress are assured of a 4 percent raise annuafty. They don’t need to vote themselves a pay raise each year. I think that we should really Jump on our members of Congress about this 4 percent COLA in particular."" --_____ MaJ. James P. Wilson, AUS-Ret, Flippin AR Page I PERSONALS Don Kraft To say I enjoyed the reunion is an understatement. It was such a pleasure seeing old friends I hadn’t seen in many years, some of them in 40 or 50 years. Of course, they weren’t all real close friends, but musicians with whom I shared some memorable experiences, such as the Tattoos we played in England. We realy went over big with the English audiences. What a Band!! The three concerts presented for our benefit were really enjoy able, especially the Langley Band and The USAF Band and Singing Sgts. Seasons greetings to all Joe Henderson The job I have with the Gordon Bernard Calendar Company keeps me hopping, so there Is not much time to do the things I would like to do: Sailing, Gardening, Golf, taking leisure trips. Sally and 1 do travel, but it is business travel, and you don’t have the freedom to relax and enjoy It. We just returned from a 6 day stay in New Orleans. Sounds great doesn’t It? Except we were exhibiting at the Kiwanis Interna tional Convention. We go to San Antonio twice a year for the Music Educator’s Conventions, which is alJ work, except for the brief visit we have with Bill and Eve LaBrutta. We had planned on going to Williamsburg in August, but again that is one of the busiest times of the year for the calendar business. I plan to retire, again, June 1, 1995. My sales manager says, "providing I can get a replacement that is accept able." Reminds me when I was stationed in Wichita laBs. I was choir director of Chapel #1. The Chaplain at Chapel #2 called and said his choir director was being shipped out, and would I direct the choir until he could find a replacement. Guess what? He found a replacement after I shipped out to Hickam 6 years later. I still play in the Longvlew Symphony 4th horn- my chops aren’t what they used to be just to keep peace in the family. Sally is the Symphony Manager and is starting her 27th year. She says I can’t retire until she does. We have a Coronado 1 S racing sloop that doesn’t get a lot of lake time, but we are looking forward to slower times when maybe we can relax and enjoy these "Golden Years.’ I have enjoyed reading the CODA and hearing all the tales of aches and pains that is all too com mon to all of us these days. Best to all. Jim Whittenton Sorry to have missed the RAFM IV reunion. We have been In Northem Virginia for a year now. Moved into a house we bought in late June and only have a few mQrQ boxes to go. We love our house and think the countryside is very pretty, but we sure do miss Texas. Fran is the Executive Assis tant for a corporate attorney and VP for a company in nearby Reston, VA. I now have nearly 11 years with Computer Associates and am the Project Manager for a Jarge contract we have with FDIC. Our jobs keep us very busy. Amald Gabriel The reunion at Williamsburg of the RAFM was the first that Renee and I have attended and I want to convey to everyone concerned our complete delight with all of the arrangements. The ACC Heritage of America Sand, The Airmen of Note, and the JSAF Band and Singing Sgts., were all magnificent. The golf tournament was so much fun even for the duffers and the setting was beauti firl. Most important of all, the reunion with old friends was heart warming. We came away with the feeling so beautifully expressed by The Airmen of Note.."So little time? We are looking forward to New Orleans in two years and encourage those who did not attend this time for you were missed to make plans for New Orleans in 1996! Vic Molzer Same old stuff going on with me here. Have mide two driving trips to Frankfcrt, KY in the past year to visit my daughter, stopping over in Denver and Lincoln, NE to visit with my younger and older brothers, respectively otherwise, no travel Sorry to miss you all at Williamsburg put a daughter thru Wiljiam & Mary there many years ago. - Rob and Mary Turner Bob is undergoing tests for some problems he has, -will keep you informed as to his progress. Sony we had to miss the Reunion at Williamsburg. Sony to hear about Tony Zavarella,-our son purchased his first grey pearl drum set from him, used it all through high school and college. Still owns it and It’s in his home in MD. We are reaUy fortunate to have the CODA and your Special Announcements. A real tribute to you and Vince. I know it must take many hours to assemble your newsletter and it has become a labor of love to keep us all in touch with fond memories and friends in the Music Field. Our son, Rob is visiting England we do all the research on our family and he gets to visit all the castles. Warwick was built by one of my Newborough ancestors. Hope every one had a Happy Thanksgiving and a Wonderful Christmas season. - Tom and Patricia Watts I retired in October 1992 and moved with my wife to Phoenix, AZ. For the past two years, I have been very busy getting adjusted to civilian life and the like. Well, you know how time slips away. We are the new kids’ on the block of the RAFBL Society, and happy to be with you all. Hope everyone has a Merry Xmas and a great year ahead. Hank tihland On 31 September 94 I departed for Turkey and spent an extremely interesting two weeks touring that fascinating country. I heartily recom mend such a tour to anyone who enjoys traveling: the hotels and food are good, the people are friendly, the scenery is unique and there is no end to historical sites to be visited. 1 went a’ a GLOBUS conany tour which was very well managed. The tour manager, Page 2 was a Turk who had lived in Los Angeles for several years and spoke excellent English sprinkled copiously with AmerIcan slang. Around the first of the year I plan to drive to southern CA to see friends and relatives. In May I possibly will go on a tour of China -nothing definite as yet. Enough for now-Best to you all_*Keep ‘em flying Buy Bonds -eat plenty of carrots for night sight. -fill in the blanks for other WWII slogans. ITC Alan Bonnet From the Editor As a courtesy to Alt Heiberg; Le,e,nunial Band and the Uunus the Guard increased their normal size. I was proud to present the US Flag to Mary Heiberg. John Award Presentation: The National Band Association’s "Citation of Excellence" was presented to our Vice President/ Treasurer, Herman Vincent for his lifelong contributions to music and music education. The presentation was made at a recent concert by the Lake charles Community Band, of which Vince is Associate Conductor. For those of you not too acainted with Vince, he was Conductor of the Kirkpatrick - *----*----------- Harold and Ladye Copenhaver Just returned from Girard, KS where Cope was inducted into the Wall Of Fame? The "WaIr is a part of a new 3 million dollar project and it honors Outstanding High School graduates, the purpose of which is to promote pride in the student body and to encourage attainment of dreams. Cope was cited for his military accomplishments as well as his work in Higher Education. For a small town in SE Kansas this really is an anti tious project. He was the second person to be so honored; the first was last year, he had been the Mayor of Kansas aty for several years. They received a grand reception, guest of honor at the football game, sweat shirt, cap and a plaque. All a complete surprise to the Copenhavers. Mary Heiberg I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the society and members, during this trying time. Alt had a fine funeral service here in Ft Lauderdale and the burial at Arlington. I was able to go to Washington by having a friend accompany me. The military 5crAces were beautiful and so impres sive, as you well know. Full military honors. The 1J$AF Band cid a great job. They played some of AlPs favorites as he had requested. I coulcM’t help but feel that he was hearing It all on this ‘perfect weather’ day in that beautiful setting. Thanks to your effort s, several retired band members did attend. Although it’s sad to be alone, I thank God for %lng AIf & me 31 years of a very happy life together. cmi Reunion IV is going to be hard to beat. I was boiled-over at the quality of the ACC Band. Our bands were never that good when you and I were young. The USAF Band and Singing Sgts, plus the Note over played themselves. Gabe is better than ever. I was there from Thurs day PM to Sunday AM. I enjoyed every minute! Some may have seen me with a young man with a ‘jarhead’ haircut. He was lancecorporal Phil Brever, who is now attending the band school in Norfolk, a Marine. He lived in Ennis, TX about 20 miles from me played trumpet on a few jobs with me. Last year he sought me out and asked for guidance in passing an audition for the Ma rines. I made him clean up his fuzzy tone, learn his scales and a good solo and he passed with flying colors. He is doing well at the band school and is a gung-ho Marine for life, he says!! I can hardly wait for the New Orleans reunion in ‘96. - Richard Dick Academy Sand. F ACTIVE DUTY NOTES Two of our colleagues have been selected for Full Colonel 0-6: LTC Alan Bonner, The USAF Band LTC Bruce Gilkes, USAF Academy Band Congratulations, gentlemen!! Perry Still flying the line at US Air/ Piedmont Airlines. Just went over 10 years at the end of July. I have under 6 years to go and will be hitting the trout streams in CO, with by better half cheering me on, from the banks of the Frying Pan river ...l play one gig a year on New Years Eve, and have been playing trumpet duets with my 1 2 year old son Christopher, who has become a true jazz fan. The best to all. ease see accompanying articles Pate 3 The United States Air Force Band and Singing Sergeants Lieutenant Colonel Alan L. Banner Commander/Conductor The United States Air Force Band ‘pad The Singing Sergeants Washington, D.C. Lieutenant Colonel AM. L. Banner Coud uflor Commander In coneeflfrr me ReliredAir Force Musicians Reunion and the City of Williamsburg, Va. William & Muy Hall Saturday, August 27. 1994 8 pm Sonoran Desert Holiday Ron Nelson The Melody Shop March Kri L King Concertino in Eb, op.26 Carl Maria von Weber trans. 3. Landis Chic/Mailer Sergeant Steven C. Lawson, clarinet soloist Symphony No.4. FInale - Peter lilych Tchaikovsky Inns. V. F. Safranek Colonel Arnald D. Gabriel, USA?’ Ret, specWi guest conductor Conductor Emeritus, The United States Air Force Band The Phantom or the Opera Andrew Lloyd Webber an. CMSgt Michael Davis Senior Master Sereanl Patricia .4.?’. Wolfe and Technical Sergeant ties ilelsabeck, vocal soloists Pictures at an Exhibition SelectIons Modeste Mussorgsky tans. Lawerence Odom INTERMISSJON Opera Live! compiled by MSgt William C. Adcock & flgt Lynn Jennings Adcock I. Overture 2. 0 iSo babbino nra S. Habanera 4. Papageno/P.pagena S. Bridal Chorus 6.Un bel dl 7. Ride of the Vafleyrles B. Clii ml freon Ia SI momento . Sons le dense epaS II. La donna E mobile 11. Gypsy Anvil Chorus 12. Overture 13. Largo .1 factorum 14. Triumphal March’ IS. Senupre libera 16. Toreador’s Song THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO GIANNI SCHICCRI CARMEN THE MAGIC FLUTE LOHENGRIN MADAME BUfltRFLY DIE WALKURE LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR Moran Puccini Bust Moran Wagner Puccini Wagner Donizetti Delibes Verdi Verdi Rossini LARME RIGOLETFO IL TROVATORE WILLIAM TELL THE BARBER OF SEVILLE AIDA LA TRAVIATA Rossini Verdi Verdi first CARMEN The Higher We Fly John Denver. Joe Henpi & Lee Holdridge Based on the poem ‘High flight’ by John Gillespie Magee. Jr. an. MSgt David Nokes Master Sergeant Kelly Egan McDonough and Master Sergeant David IYokes, vocal soloists The Stars and Stripes Forever Member. "Fonner Member, The United Sites Air Force Band John Philip Sousa PERSONNEL Lieutenant Colonel Alan L. Bonner- Mabel, OK "COW CORNET MSgt Asdyth Scan - Shreveport, LA CMSgc Ronald Blais - Lincoln. RI SMSgt David Golden - Bethlehem, PA SMSgt Victor Bowman . Dixon, IL MSgt Clarence Mitchell - Portsmouth, VA TSgI Curt Christen son - Mt. Clemens, MI mgi Andrew L Wilson - Columbus, OH FLUTES SMSgt Judith Lapple - Rochester, NY MSgi Lawrence Ink - Rockvifle, MI MSgt Lucille Johnston Snell - Albuquerque, NM ‘T%z David Lankavich - MedicS, NJ - SOPRANO SMSgt Donna Baldwin Abraira - Dummerston, VT SMSgt Juhanne Sages Tun.nSef - Umsionrown. PA SMSgt Barbara C. Lewis+ - Lemoyne. PA flgt Lynn Jennings Adcock - Spring Grove, MN TSgl Carol Hawkins Wiley - Wilson, NC TRUMPET MSgt William C. Adcock - San Jose, CA MSgt James E. Dinner- flanisburg. PA OBOE MSgt Rebecca Brown Williams THE SiNGiNG SERGEANTS San Diego, CA ALTO MSgt Ronald Erier - Falls Church, VA CMS1t Glenda Ruth Shepelafl - Aberdeen, SD SMSgt Patricia A.l Wolfe+ - Massapequa Park, NY MSgt Kelly Egan Mcfloncugh - Comslag4 NY mgi Jennifer L. Lyons- Knoxville, TN ThgI Angela Burns - Greenville, NC TROMBONE MSgI Mark Williams ENGLISH HORN - Okemos. MI MSgt Jeffrey Gaylord - Western Springs, IL MSg Lindsey Smith - W illiamsson, MI mgi Matthew R. Vaughn . Richmond, IN CMSgI James H. Moseley - Beaumont. TX Rb ClARINET TENOR MSgs Jan Brooks Siegfried - Valparaiao, IN SASS TROMBONE SMSgI Chris A. Mallen - Catasauqua, PA lb CLARINETS CMSgt Steven Lawsont - Simi Valley. CA SMSgI Christopher Hire - Columbus, OH MSgt Janet DIals -Arlington. WA TSgt Lontne Haddad Poughkeepsie, NY TSgt Sharon Bonueau - Foxboio, MA MSgt Robert Little - Houston. DC TSgt Elizabeth Carnpeau - Pinckney. MI flgt Shawn Buck - Bmokside, PA SMS1t Karen Dembow Erler Cedarhursi, NY TSgt James Biyla - Chevy Chase, Ml TSgt Richard A. Drew - Solid, IL TSgt Jeffrey t Snavely - Milwaukee, WI EUPHONIUM TSgt Ann Baldwin Shrieves - Canton, OH TS3t Lance G Lafluke - Niles, MI TUBA CMSgt Robots N. Daniel - Lubbock. DC SMSgI Edward R. McKee - Roselle. NJ MSgt Jan Z Duga - Columbus, OH MSgt William D. Porter Il-Alcoa, TN SMSgt Richard D. Pearson - Carroilton, OH ISgm Nathan A. Sonuners -Sioux Falls, SI Thgt Richard. AJia.Bicoy - Ewa Beach, HI TSgt Kevin I. Sapp - Foil Myers. Pt BASS/BARITONE SMSgt George E. 3. Singleton - Charlotte, NC MSgt David Nokes - Menlo Park, CA TSgt Kerry Wilkerson - Greensboro. NC TS2t Alex Helsabeck+ - Winston-Salem, NC Superintendent. The Singing Sergeants Section Leader a Assistant Conductor. The Singing Sergeants I = Announcer I = + = CELLO TSgt Val Griffin - Oklahoma City, OK TSgt Timothy Tigges - Dubuque. IA BASS CLARiNET MSgt Jerome R. DeBello - Bonita, CA STR1NG BASS CONTRA-ALTO CLARINET TECHNICAL SUPPORT MSgt Frank Pappajohn - Morgantown, WV MSgt William Hones -Toledo, OH TSgi Bnan D. Jones - Panama City. Ft STAGE MANAGER TSgt Michael Ryan - Horseheads. NY BASSOON SMSgt Danny K. Phipps - Annapolis. MD MSgt Gregosy Brown - Mesa, AZ TIMPANI SMSgi Andrew Power UI * Fort Worth, DC ALTO SAXOPHONE PERCUSSION CMSgI Randall A. Eylest - Cay, IL MSgt Stuart Clemmer - Farinington. CT CMSgt Keith Young - Middlelown, OH MSgt John Thomas Ellisville. MS TENOR SAXOPHONE AUDIO TECHNICIAN Thgc Joseph Korgie - Columbus, NE MSgt Aubrey Adams - Medford, OK MSgt Patrick Shrieves - Freehold, NJ MSgt Craig CoUison - Spokane, WA Comments regarding this perfonnance may be addressed to: Commander, The United States Air Force Band, 23 Mill Street, Suite 5, Boiling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C. 20332-5401 Thgt William Man - Alexandria, VA BARITONE SAXOPHONE AUDIO ENGINEER mgi Kendall S. Thomsen - Walnut, IA PIANO/KEYBOARDS flgt Marek Vastek - Warsaw, Poland TSgt Maty Beth George - Buffalo, NY FRENCH HORN MSgt Kyle Penf - Bedford, IN TSgt Philip Munds - Nap. CA TS1t Samuel Compton - Chattanooga. TN TSgt Deborah L Stephenson - Dallas, TX MSgt Paul Fisher- Hershey, PA £ = t = = Superintendent, The Concert Band Concert Master Principal Color team provided by The United States Air Force Honor Guard, Washington, D.C. Information about future peifotmances of The United Slates Air Force Band may be obtained by witting to: The Office of Public Relations, The United States Air Force Band, 23 Mill Street SuiteS, BoIling Air Force Base. Washington, D.C. 20332-5401 - Lieutenant Colonel Steven Clark I Commander LIEUItNAP4T COLONEL ALAN I. BONNER COMMANDERKONPIJfTUR Lieutenant Colonel Alan 1.. Bonier is the comman der and conductor of The United States Air Force Band based at Balling Air Force Base, Washington. DC. Originally from Idabel, Okla., his cotter in the Air Force began in 1969 as principal trumpet with the Air Force Band of Ihe Rockies in Denver, Cob. S with the United States Air Force Academy Band in Colorado Springs, Cola. As an Air Force band leader, he has commanded bands in Illinois, Florida, New Jersey, Cabifontia. Texas and, most recently. Nebraska. He has directed tours throughout the United States. Puerto Rico, Canada. Greenland and the Azores. Of particular note. Colonel Banner led the Strategic Air Command Band on a six-nation tour of the Persian Gulf in support of our troops par ticipating in the United Nations Desert Shield/Desert Storm Operation. His other assignments have included deputy chieof bands and musk. office of ptthlk affairs at the Pentagon and vice commander of The United States Air Force Band. Colonel Banner isa I969graduate of the University of Oklahoma with a bachelor of music educatioriclegree. In 1981 heearnedamasterof music degree from the University of South Florida at Tampa. Colonel Banner is also a graduate of Squadron Officers School, Air Command and Staff College and the Air War College. His professional aftiliations include the Music Educators National Conference, the College Band threctors National Association, the NaSal Band Association S the Anwiican Eandmasten Association. He also is on the board of directots for the John Philip Sousa Foundation and National Band Association. Colonel Bonnerbecame thecommanderofThe United States Air Force Band on Match I, 1991. His military decorations and awards include the Air Forte Merisous Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster, Air Force Achievemem Medal, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with two oak leaf clusters. Air Face Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters, National Defense Service Medal with one brunt sz South West Asia Service Medal. Air Force Longevity Service Award Ribbon with four oak leaf clusters and Air Force Training Ribbon. He cuneittly resides in Alexandria, Vt with his wife, lent, and their tee daughters, Kelly. Megan, and Beth Ann. THE UNITED STATES MR FORfE RAND THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE SINGING SERGEANTh, for over 50 years has endeared itself to millions of listeners through its exhilarating music, engaging concerts and masterful recordings. Since its forma tion in 1941. this multi-faceted organization, consist ing of the Concert Band, Singing Sergeants, Airmen of Note, Strolling Strings, High Flight. Ceremonial Brass, Chamber Players and Silver Wings, has con tinuously brought superb music and exciting entertainment to music lovers around the world. The Band has become a most effective goodwill ambassador for the the nation and has, deservedly, earned itsdistinguished reputation as "America’s International Musical Ambassadors". Throughout the years. components of The Band have journeyed to Europe, South America and Asia, perfonning in 49 countries and 41 world capitals, importing to its audiences a firsthand insight of America’s culture. Through their efforts, musicians of The United States Air Force Band have laid solid foundations for a better understanding among the peoples of the world. the 24-voice official chorus of the United Stares Air Force, is one of the most versatile and well traveled choral organizations in the world. Formed in 1945. The Singing Sergeants is die oldest professional chorus in the U.S. military. Although it maintains a strong emphasis on American choral music, the choni repertoire is quite extensive, representing a wide range of vocal music including opera, tradi tional and contemporary choral literature, oratorio, folk songs, pop standards, musical theater. jazz and even comedy. The group has appeared before every chief executive of the United States since President Harry S. Truman, as well as with the New York Philharmonic, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Florida. Houston and National Symphony Orchestras By performing at major national and international music conventions, symposia and clinics, plus touring to all parts of the country, The Singing Sergeants brings the musk S the people of the world together. Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of World War 11 COMAIAA’IthK. ‘7iN1UCIOR DEPUTY COMMANDER/ASSISTANT CONDVCZOR LAegaenan: L’uloa:el Lowell FL Graham Gate/c’: CO Lieutenant Douglas C. Monroe Livcniia MI .ii.r<7It!Vmflur BAND MAMA651 SMS8t Joseph R. Taylor. Jr. Washit.gtun NC FLUTE/&’ICCOI.O ‘MSgt V. Wcivice Fjcctr:d. Wytheiille VA AIC Kristen L Blunlock. Ruanuke VA MSgt Atc,ivoc..ii J. tttedford 110kM SrA Lawrence 0. Price, Bethesda MD SSgs James M. Jon es Corpus Chrls:i TX SrA David M. Crites, Fayette MO Sg: Roger 0. No rick, Alantugordo NM OBOE/ENG LISH HORN SrA Jo/icc L. tVa.tLer. Lincoln NE SM Nancy A. Armuld, Highland IN TROMEONE ‘MSgt Thomas O’Connor, Champaign IL SSgs William I. South, Betblehen, tA SSg, Gregory P. Werner, Loin: Mary’s PA SrA Craig A. LeDoux, Cannel IN BASSOON AICAm bet L Fere:,iz. Winsion-Sajen, NC USgs Joints J. t-r usak, Parson OH EUPHONIUM SMSgs Charles R. Hors-is, Jacksonville FL TSgi Burba,a S. Taylor. Kingsport TN E*FLA T CLARINET SSgv Alc,on A. C/iri:.;;iofuti. Buti::gbrook IL B-FLAT CLARINET SrA Sands a U. I-, coon. ‘uhinabia SC A I C Susan B. Kisu::: ‘nun::, Ru. usc, and VA TSgt Peset 0. Fonnuan. Satan Bathos a CA SA Jennifer U. Ln:,,lel,c:le, iVes:,nwv NJ SrA Allison L. thni gh. Albuquerque NM SrA Mary Jasiu.e t,raoker Wav-scns GA A IC Jnin:Jcr S ci. cacti., Wheeling WV BASS C L4RINET USgs Janice M. Bcugsson, Phoenix NY SAXC,11101.1E SSg: Michael P. U acrshalt Aberdeen MD SrA GregotyS. L.4.fffey. Rich,nocoi VA SSgt Joseph A. 0::. Lombard IL Scot: Ut,:., ‘cv hi, A::i.i a: VA LU MNET 5, A Joints J. Z..ic::gasa. hiculis on WI SSgt Peter L Air//ga, West Babylon NY SS David R. Tay:lun Jr., Milwaukee WI SrA Ke:ryA. .Moffis. Flint MI 1K IL/tMPET SrA Phitl:ppe V R,c.a/kccs. Chesapeak.e VA SrA Daci, T. Blur, Wheeling WV ".1 TUBA MSgt Larry F. Whi:comb, Auburn NY AIC Philip Burke, Housron iX * BASS SSgs Vincent 0. Osbo,n. Woseca MN USg: Kurt Kurosawa. Lang Beach NY .TIMPA NI/PERCUSSION SMSg: James A. Nierescher, Flint MI PERCUSSION SMSgs Joseph K. Toy/or, Jr., Washington NC SMS3I Elcain A. Hughes. Jr. Menfolk VA AICAnihony R. Detuzia. Hampton VA A IC Reid Swc Ad/lI, Ft La uderdale Fl PiANO Sgb Philip B. Cuilloutne, Flu: race XI VOCALIST MSi Terry R. Taylor, We,: Ccc rum CA ARRANGER lSgt A/do K. Forte, tIun:crille AL TSgt Al Newman. Brwtlysi NY AUDIO TECHNICIAN SSgt Ray Lnndun. Decatur IL Inc/ira its Pica:’ i,,at Ilcm ye. IN CON Retired Air Force Mu Thursday, Aug 6:00 ACC Band 1 OCT41 Constituted Air Fore Baud, B of the original 59 Air Force Bands - War. Assigned In *fliird Air Force. Sergeant, I Scrgeant, I Corporal, an cadre was to come from the 12th In 10 AUG 42 27 IEC 43 26 FEB 44 1OCT44. 24 AUG 45 Esteemed Guests, The men and women of lie Air Combat Command ACC Heritage of America Band take great pleasure in welcoming you to the 1994 Retired Air Force Musicians’ Reunion and to otir concert. We are par icularly honored to have this opportunity to prforrn for you, our CC Ileagues and mentors. Tonigh: we feature music representative of a performance tra dition conc cived and developed by John Philip Sousa. Selections on our prc Qram range from the classics to the contemporary by composers who have made their mark in our industry. This is out music; it is music that moves the soul. To solidify this evening of music making, two of this band’s former commanders, Colonel Antald D. labriel USAF Ret. and Lieutenant Colonel Richard E. Thurston JSAF Ret., will he featured guest conductors. IEC 45 12 JAN 46 21 MAR46 28 MAR46 l’ersc,niiel reduced to 24-29 JUN 46 13 and moved In I a ng and moved to l3ro ik Assigned to The tic a I Assigned to Ninili Air Force lasc Assigned directly In Unit for suppor 26SEP47 25 AG 48 Redesignated 5641hz A SEP 53-FEB 54 OCT53 1 JUL64 DEC 65 1JUL70 15DEC89 1OCT91 -i T I JAN47 MAR50 Thanks to your work and vision, United States Air Force Bands are viewed as the musical standard for quality performance. It is through your efforts that we enjoy today’s success and celebrate our rich musical heritage. Relax and enjoy your time with colleagues and tiiend We welcome you. WELL E. G AHAM, Lt Col, USAF Commander/Conductor Redesignated 64th Ar Redesignated 564th Ar Rnk’sign:iled 564th A A ssigiicd to Ill Bombe Assigned to Fbi tI Air 1JUN91 Authorized strength: B nods men Several Bandsmen at at Boiling AFB. DC Temporary authoriza Began to produce loc Afl Hit Parade" Authorization for I o Began radio program Assigned to TAC, fi Redesignated 564t1z Redesignated Tactic Reassigned from Tac Command and redes Band Former Commanders/Band Leaders* Major James K. Berry 1943 Selection - ‘OJG Robert B. Kay 1943-1945 CWO Glyan A. Beckham 1945 WOJG Wilbur H. LØadbitter 1945-1946 Captain Robert M. Bussel 1946 1st Lieutenant Gordon V. Johnson 1946 Captain George B. Schold, Jr. 1946 CWO Edwin H. Sanford 1946-1947 CWO Elmer Reade 1947-1950 CWO Clyde C. Owens 1950-1951 1st Lieutenant David H. Peery 1951-1952 1st Leiutenant Gilbert W. Shrauger 1952 1st Lieutenant Henry 0. Sellers, Jr. 1952 CWO Adam B. Shadier, Jr. 1952-1954 Major Walter V. Halsey** acting 1954-1955 Major Robert SY. Libell** acting 1955-1956 1st Lieutenant Arnald 0. Gabriel 1956-1959 CWO Eldridge G. Bunton, Jr. 1959-1960 CWO Eugene A. Dieter 1960 Captain Carl %V. Costenbader 1960-1964 Tidewater Festival Overture - - The Patriots - - / - Rhapsody for Flugelborn and Symphonic B - SrA Jwnes J. Zingara, - - Symphony on Themes of John Philip Sousa II. Largamente; alter The Thunderer - - - … - - Flight Colonel Arnold V. Gabriel USA - - American Celebration - - - - Polka and Fugije fluin "Schwanda" Lieutenant Colonel Richard E. Thurswn CWO Eugene A. Dieter 1964-1965 . CWO Julius Sanger 1965-1967 Major Richard E. Thurston 1967-1969 Major Edward D’Alfonso 1969-1974 Captain Ronald V. Carl 1974-1978 - - - - The Last Days of Pompeii I. "In the House of Burbo and Straton II. "Nydia the Blind Girl" Ill. "The Destruction of Pompeii and Ny Captain David W. Rackley -1978-1981 Captain Richard A. Shelton- 1981-1984 This list reflects rank upon ussumption of command. *Smese commanders were assigned to the band as an additional duty. SSgt Donald S. Bruno was assigned the musical responsibilities as Bandleader. Musk from SzØk There’s No Business Like Show Business I Colonel Arnald D. Gabriel USAF Ret. Lieutenhnt Colonel Richard E. T colonel Arnalt:l 9. Gabriel retired From the United States Air Force in 1985 loilowing a distinguished 30 year career. at which time he was awarded. an unprecedented third Legion of Men; for his service to the L’SAF and contributions to music education throughout the United $tates. The youngest Œonductor to assume leadershp of one of our countrys premiere military bands, he served as Corn mander/Lonductor of the international’ renown US Air Forced Band. Symphony Orchestra, and Singinc Sergeants from 1964 to 1985 and. In February 1990. was named the first Conductor Emeritus of the USAF Band during a special concert at DAR Constitution Hall iii Washin2ton, D.C. One of the world’s most widely traveled conductors, he has directed orchestras and hands in all 50 of the United .States and in 4tr countries ii otind the globe. Richard E. Thurston is currently a consul pany of San Antonio, Texas, one of the woi and publishers. He retired as Assistant September 1, 1993. Prior to coining to S Oklahoma City, where he served as Dea Performing Arts at Oklahoma City Uni chmmunity orchestras and a community c Before joining the faculty of Oklahoma Director of Bands, Adjunct Professor of the School of Music at Yale University. Serving as a combat machine gunner with the United States Arm c famed 29th Infantry Division in Europe durin2 World War II. Gabriel was awarded the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge. and the French Croix tie Guerre. Fo’lkiwint his separation in 1946, lie received a Bacheloi ‘F Science degree and Master ol Science degree in music education from Ithaca College. In May 1989, his alma mater conferred upon Gabriel an honorary Doctor of Music degree. Gabriel is listed n the Inferno tso,sri / tV/u, ‘,c %Vl:o in Music 7th edit ion. ‘ A native of Oklahonia, Thurston attende where he earned bachelor’s and master’ served as assistant conductor of the Unive the Plymouth Michigan Symphony Orch Air Force and served five years as a navig joining the Air Force band program. As and conducted bands in Washington D.C From 199 to 1975 he was commander Force Academy Band in Colorado Sprin elected to membership in the prestigious ciation, where lie has served as Secreta 2climax of his military career caine in 197 of the U.S. Armed Forces Bicentennial B joint service organization. In this post he Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the U.S he appeared as conductor in Australia, N 1980 he retired as a lieutenant cblonel af of Bands and Music, U.S. Air Force. In Fehi nary I 9’ 2, G abi el was inducted into the Na: unto! Band A.c.wuhiiu’n liii!! Fwne of 1_list ii ii is/ted fits fir! Co,i rho!, n_s, the you a gest md tic tee to ia ‘‘e received tins honor. -. Among the lit.i ndreds of major orchestras and hands he has conducted are the NI inneapohs, Pittsburgh. San Antonio. Memphis, Florida, Glendale California. York and Will arnsport Pennsylvania. Green Bay Visconsin and Fairfax Vir ginia Syiiiph--ny Orchestras, tfie Carahiniere Band and the Air ?o.rce Band Italy. the Band of t ]ie RoYal Netherlands NI arines, the Royal Hellenic Band IA thetis. Gicece. the S aff Music Coi;,s Bonn, West Germany, the National Band of the Canadian Forces Ottawa, and the Ganiagori 13 and and the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra Ja ran. His professional honors include the first Citation of Excellence awarded by the National Band Association, the Mid-West National Band and Orchestra Chnic S /963 Go/c! Medal of Honor and 1973 Disthi8uislied Service to Music Award, the rarely presented Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia National Citation for "significant contn hutions to mtiic in America". and the Distinguished Service to Music An-aid horn Kappa Kappa Psi. the national band fraternits. while the Danish C,ocs ‘t 5: Gte’t’c can be cotitlier I u’n his numerous military decorations. Gabriel continues to receive invitations to appear as a uest conductor and clinician at major state. ‘egional. and university music festivals across the countr as swell as to conduct outstanding school, college, municipal, and military hands and professional orchestras around the world. Recently retired as Chairman of th Department o Music at George Mason University in Fatrfak,Virginia. he remains on the facultw as Professor of Music and Conductor of the GMU Symphony While on active dtity, Thurston earned a University of Texas at Austin. Througho an active schedule as guest conductor, also noted as an arranger Of music for ha and-ensembles, with more than fifty pub . / Orchestra. He is Conductor and Music Director of the McLean Virginizh Orches tra - / THE NOTE TOURS RECENT EVENTS On August 26 the Note performed for the Retired Air Force Musicians Reunion in Williamsburg, Virginia. The event was or ganized by Airmen of Note alumnus Eddie O’Alfonso. Many ofthe Note’s alumni were in attendance including Tommy Newsom and former directors: Fred Kepner, Sammy Nestico, Bob Bunton, Gene Egge. Dave Napier and Dave Steinmeyer. Sammy gave the band a heartfelt introduction for what turned out to be a memorable evening. Its always a treat for us when the alumni get together. There’s always a good Airmen of Note story from years gone by. The next reunion is scheduled for New Orleans in 1996. Joining us this summer were Chris Vadala t the Capitol steps and Stanley Turrentine at the Henidon JazzFestival. Many of our local fans may remember Stanley’s performance in our 1992 Jazz Heritage Series. Its always a treat to play with the fabulous "Mr. T." On September 13 the Airmen of Note per formed at the annual Air Force Association Convention in Washington. D.C. The Note, along with selected members of the Strolling Strings. Singingsergeants and Concert Band, presented a show stopping tribute to Glenn Miller’s AAF orchestra. Also featured was Bobbie McCleary, the Note’s vocalist for over ten years. This performance was a preview of what is to be the format for the spring tour in 1995. OBITUARY We regret to inform our readers that Lt. Col. Edward fl’Alfonso LISAF Ret., passed away on September 27, 1994 at the age of 63. Ed had just recently organized the Retired Air Force Musicians Reunion in Williamsburg, Virginia. Ed retired as a musician/teacher after 20 years in the Air Force. He played French Horn on the Airmen ofNote between 1954 and 1955 and retired from the Air Force as commander/conductor of the TAC Band, Langley Air Force Base. its been a long time coming but the band is doing on a 15 day tour in Japan starting October 24. The tour is being co-sponsored by the Japanese chapter of the ‘Glenn Miller Birthplace Society." TheAirmen ofNote has been performing for the Birthplace Society Festival in Clarinda, Iowa Glenn’s birth place for the last several years now. Next spring the Note is offon a three week tour of the United States as part of The U.S. Air Force Band’s recreation of Glenn Miller’s AAF orchestra. The tour will begin in Day ton, Ohio and end in San Francisco, Califor nia. The Ml itinerary will be in the next newsletter. MILLER CD Manyofyou may rememberourGlenn Miller NESTICO AWARD The "Call for Compositions" for the first annual Sammy Nestico Award has generated a good number of entries. Our own Mike Crony and Sammy Nestico will pick the winner and present the award at the IAJE convention in Anaheim, California in early January, 1995. GUEST ARTISTS Our 1994 Jazz Heritage Series ended this year with Nick Brignola’s performance at the Baird Auditorium. Nick is one of the premiere virtuosos on ban-sax and his performance was true to form. Our next series began on October II, 1994 at the George Mason Concert Hall. Our guest artist was trumpeterAllen Vinutti along with Col. Arnald 0. Gabriel USAF Ret. conducting popularity we have decided to reissue the the George Mason Symphony Orchestra. The next scheduled concert in the series will be on March 3, 1995 at the George Mason album once more. In keeping with current technology and with respect to radio station later. album released back in 1982 titled "The Glenn Miller Tradition." Because of its immense standards, the album will be on CD only. In this latest project the original recording was digitally remastered, and four new arrange ments were added to the existing fourteen selections. The four new arrangements were recorded in The 11.5. Air Force Band studio and mixed at Bias recording studio. Person nel and credits from both the 1982 and 1994 projects are included in the liner notes. With the completion of the new artwork and cover design the album should be released in sev eral months. Concert Hall with a guest artist to be named BACK TO THE BEACH On October Ii the band performed with Bob Hope. Miss USA and Wayne Newton for the biannual fund raiser in Ft. Walton Beach, The event was sponsored by the Air Force Assistance Fund Agency and all proceeds wentto the Air Force Enlisted Men’s Widows and Dependents Home. Florida, BACK TO THE FUTURE AON MAILING LIST 24 If you know of anyone else who would like to be on the Airmen of Note’s mailing list, please have them send their name and address to: ATTN MSgt Dudley Hinote USAF BAND BABN IS 23 MILL ST SUITE S BOLLING Afl DC 20332-5401 202 767-1756 For information regarding booking inquiries call MSgt Craig Gentsch at: 202 767-4582. Nov New York NY ,. ..Macy’sParade Dec ....Remembering Glenn Miller Constitution Hall. Washington. DC 12-14 Jan...jntAssocofjanEduIAJE 20-21 Anaheim. CA Jan IJutchinson, KS 30-3? Mar 22-23 8-29 JanFestival Mobile Jazz Festival Mobile, AL Apr PensacolaJazzFestival Pensacola. FL May Glenn Miller Tour TEA THE BAND OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCES IN EUROPE dmeiioa i 4?aical dmIasado4 Lieutenant Colonel Roger W. Sebby Commander/Conductor - First Lieutenant John P. Graulty The members of the - Deputy Commander/Assistant Conductor Band of the United States Afr Forces in Europe are "America’s Musical Ambassadors". Based at Einsiedlerhof Air Station in Germany, these 60 musicians represent the United States and its Air Force in over 38 countries across Europe, Scandinavia, Asia and Africa. The USAFE Band is composed of several performing groups. These include: the Concert Band, the Ambassadors jazz ensemble, Galary popular music ensemble, the Ceremonial BanS Wings of Dixie, Brass Quintet, Woodwind Quintet, and several protocol combos. Each of these groups travel extensively, performing more than 500 concerts each year for both civilian and militazy audiences. The combined repertoire of the USAFE Band ranges from classical music to latin thythms; show tunes to modern jazz, rock and pop; and of course the traditional big band sound. In addition to performing for more than 1.2 million people in live concerts each year, the USAFE Band can be heard on radio and television broadcasts bringing the music of America to millions of people across the globe. Recently awarded the Air Force Organizational Excellence Award, the band was recognized for exceptionally meritorious service by the Secretary of the Air Force. Previous official recognition includes six Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards. The band earned these awards by maintaining exceptionally high professional performance standards in its role as American ambassadors of goodwill. As "America’s Musical Ambassadors", the members of The Band of the United States Air Forces in Europe use the "international language of music" to foster friendship wherever they perform. TH E BAND OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCES IN EUROPE Unit 3315 -APO At 09094-5000 im e 4 ica ‘s SudicaI d1mtqz4ado* Kim A. Rodriguez Phone: 011-49-631-536-6663 Fax: 011-49-631-52491 Clinton in Harmony with Air Force Band While military members look to the president as’ commander in chief, members of the Band of the United States Air Forces in Europe can also look to him as a fellow musician. This summer President Clinton’s trip to the Baltics and Europe brought him to Ramstein Air Base, Germany. There he spoke to some 8000 members of the Kaiserslautern Military Community and soloed with the USAFE Band. Following his speech, Clinton mingled with the audience, shaking hands with as many guests as time would allow. While greeting the audience, he stopped to enjoy the performance of the USAFE Band. Aware of the president’s particular musical interest, and hoping for an impromptu performance, the band had prepared for the occasion. Staff Sergeant John A. Fritz brought along an extra tenor saxophone. Master Sergeant Peter J. Sandberg prepared a copy of the solo part. As Clinton listened, band commander Lieutenant Colonel Roger W. Sebby seized the unique opportunity and invited the president to sit in. Accepting the instrument from Fritz, and to the delight of the musicians, the president sat down and played "Night Train." Following the performance Clinton, with a big smile on his face, autographed the sheet music. Departing, he shook hands with band members and thanked them for the chance to share in the gift of music. Upper President Bill Clinton stops to enjoy the sounds of Staff Sergeant Jack Ryder’s saxophone. Lower President Bill Clinton sits in with the U$AFE Concert Band -J