Gary “Butch” King - Master Guide


Gary “Butch” King - Master Guide
Let Experience be your Guide to Alaska
Gary “Butch King” - Master Guide
Starting as the “camp boy” for legendary Alaska Guide Lee Holen back
in 1966, Butch King has come up through the ranks of Alaska big game
guiding. He has guided sportsmen from the Arctic to the Aleutians for nearly
all species of Alaska big game. Doing every job from camp boy to Master
Guide, he has guided and outfitted hundreds of successful big game hunts
during his long career.
Butch has dedicated his life to guiding sportsmen in Alaska where he
shares this unique lifestyle and great responsibility with his wife, Kathy.
This is not a part time job for the Kings, who spend spring, summer and fall
guiding on the Alaska Peninsula.
Butch first learned to fly at age 14, and obtained his student pilot license
at age 16. A commercial pilot by age 18, he has logged well over 10,000
hours flying the Alaska bush in all types of aircraft. He currently holds ratings
to fly both floatplanes and single or multi-engine wheel planes, in visual
or instrument flight conditions. Butch is also an FAA licensed aircraft and
aircraft engine mechanic.
Butch has been awarded “Professional Hunter of the Year” at the Safari
Club International Convention, “Outfitter of the Year” by Dallas Safari Club,
and “Alaska Professional Hunter of the Year” numerous times by the Alaska
Professional Hunters Association. Recognition for a lifetime’s work is nice,
but what Butch enjoys most about being a guide and outfitter is showing
people Alaska, where he and Kathy were born and raised.
Wildman Lake Lodge is home to Alaska’s finest big game guides and
bush pilots, including: “Wild Bill” Lomax who joined Butch & Kathy back
in 1983 as a bush pilot and guide with expertise in remote bush construction.
Together, they have taken Alaska
big game hunting to the next
level, providing first class lodge
accommodations and the most
comfortable camps on the remote
Alaska Peninsula. Wildman
Lake Lodge is surrounded by
large State and exclusive Federal
guiding concessions in the Alaska
Peninsula National Wildlife
Refuge, which guarantees
Butch exclusive guiding rights
Our 2nd #1 SCI Bear taken by Jan Erik Blom, to thousands of square miles of
World Hunt Award #1 No. American Trophy
Alaska’s best moose and brown
bear habitat.
Gary “Butch” King - Master Guide
Butch King - Pilot / Master Guide
Guiding Sportsmen on the Alaska Peninsula Since 1971
Alaska Brown Bear - Trophy Alaska Moose - Wolves - Wing Shooting
Gary “Butch” & Kathy King
home at Wildman Lake Lodge
Butch King & Bill Lomax with the 81
inch Trophy Moose taken by Mark
Rose , Awarded #1 Alaska Moose 25th Boone & Crockett Awards
Three 10 ft. plus Record Book Bear:
Scott Ackleson 29-0/16
Ray Cuppy 29-5/16
John Smoll 30-6/16*
*Our 1st #1 SCI Bear, Received the World
Hunt Award, # 1 North American Trophy
Website: - Email:
2024 Stonegate Circle - Anchorage, Alaska 99515 - Phone (830) 640-3536
Wildman Lake Lodge - Alaska Peninsula Hunts
Website: - Email:
2024 Stonegate Circle - Anchorage, Alaska 99515 - Phone (830) 640-3536
Guided and Outfitted Trophy Hunts
Aircraft, Equipment and Facilities
Alaska Brown Bear
The safety, comfort and success of our hunters are our primary
concerns. Unlike most Alaska guides, whose base camp is a pup
tent, we have established a
first class hunting and sport
fishing lodge right in the
heart of the Alaska Peninsula
wilderness. Wildman Lake
Lodge is a modern facility
with a professional kitchen,
spacious dining room and comfortable “Trapper’s Den” overlooking Ocean
River and the Aleutian Mountain Range. Wildman Lake Lodge has eight guest
rooms with showers and bathrooms, full time heat, electricity and satellite
communication including WiFi, making Wildman the ultimate Alaska hunting and
Kathy’s professional kitchen staff at
fishing lodge. Four jet boats and four specially-equipped bush aircraft are based
Wildman Lake Lodge
at the lodge, used exclusively to transport our clients, gear and supplies to and
from our strategically located spike camps. These camps are checked regularly
by radio or Sat-phone and serviced as needed by our experienced Wildman Bush
Our professionally guided and fully outfitted Brown Bear hunts
consistently produce some of Alaska’s largest bears each season. Our
hunting clients have received numerous awards from Safari Club,
the Alaska Professional Hunter’s Association and Boone & Crockett.
On three occasions receiving the World Hunt Award for “Best North
American Trophy” and twice for the “Number One” SCI Brown Bear.
At this writing, our clients have taken five of the Top Ten Brown Bears
in the Safari Club International Book of World Records and “First Place
Brown Bear” in both the 2010 and 2011 Alaska Professional Hunter /SCI Awards. What
this means to you, the hunter, is that this area has the biggest Brown Bear on the Planet!
We hunt thousands of square miles of Alaska’s finest trophy brown bear and moose
habitat, managed by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources as well as two vast
Federal Guiding concessions in the Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge. Combined,
our hunting area is about the size of Kodiak Island.
Spring and Fall Hunts
On even numbered years we hunt spring bear in May, and on odd numbered years, we hunt fall bear in October. Our
hunts are one hunter per guide unless two hunters wish to hunt together. With about a 90% opportunity to take a nice mature
bear, our success rate is high on trophy class bear averaging in excess of nine foot. Several bear in the ten to eleven foot class
are generally taken each year. Although not everyone takes a bear on these hunts, and not every bear taken is a ten footer,
you won’t have a better chance to take a record book Brown Bear anywhere in the world.
Here are five of the Top Ten Safari Club Records taken by our hunting clients.
Jan Erik Blom 30-8/16 SCI
Albert Carlton 30-07/16 SCI John Smoll 30-6/16 SCI
Al Landreville 30-6/16 SCI
Peter Ma - 30 0/16 SCI
Alaska Moose
Moose hunting is done in some
of the more brushy country in our
concession areas, where they feed
on willows and begin to gather their
cows for the rutting season in midSeptember. The Alaska Peninsula
moose population is on the increase, providing an excellent
opportunity for hunters looking for a trophy moose. Hunting
is done on foot from comfortable spike camps. We are hunting
trophy moose in the 60 to 80 inch class and have maintained a high
success on huge bulls in recent years. Our clients have received
several awards for top ranking trophy Alaska/Yukon moose in both
the Safari Club and Boone & Crockett record books. Wolves may
be taken on any of our hunts for a nominal trophy fee.
Trophy class bull moose in
the 60 to 80 inch class are
the rule, rather than the
exception on our fully guided
trophy hunts!

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