66th MI gets new leadership


66th MI gets new leadership
Wiesbaden: Our home in Germany
Vol. XXIII, No. 22
Aug. 4, 2016
66th MI gets new leadership
By Jacob Corbin
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs
The 66th Military Intelligence
Brigade acquired new leadership
in a change-of-command ceremony
July 22.
Col. Devon Blake took command of the unit, following the
relinquishment of command by
outgoing commander Col. David
Maj. Gen. Christopher Ballard,
commanding general, U.S. Army
Intelligence and Security Command, thanked Pendall for his time
with and service to the 66th MI.
“Thank you for all of your
unwavering commitment to this
brigade and its mission,” he said.
“Your leadership has made a difference.”
Pendall, in turn, thanked those
he led during his time in command,
saying they were the future of the
intelligence field.
“I’m proud of you all,” he said.
“The last 25 months have been a
very special time for me.”
Ballard also expressed his pride
in what 66th MI is doing today and
what it will be doing in the future,
and stated that Blake was the best
person to take the reins of the unit
as it moves toward that future.
“She is the perfect officer to lead
and sustain the 66th’s legacy of intelligence excellence,” Ballard said.
Blake said in her short time with
the unit — only a week before the
change of command ceremony —
she was incredibly impressed by
the people she met.
“I’ve been constantly imSee ‘66th MI’ on page 5
Photo by Dee Crawford
Maj. Gen. Christopher Ballard, commanding general, U.S. Army Intelligence and
Security Command, passes the guidon to incoming 66th Military Intelligence
Brigade Commander Col. Devon Blake during a change-of-command ceremony
on Clay Kaserne July 22.
Use resources to stay
safe, ready and alert
By U.S. Army Europe
Anti-terrorism Division
Courtesy Image
Know who to report suspicious activities or behavior
to. Use U.S. Army Europe’s
iReport website, www.eur.
army.mil/iReport/ or mobile
app to submit information
to counterintelligence or law
enforcement officials.
Grant helps
promote literacy
$20,000 will go
toward books and
software, page 3.
August is Anti-terrorism
Awareness Month for the U.S.
Army, and U.S. Army Europe is
hoping to raise awareness of the
terrorist threat by following one of
the Army’s anti-terrorism themes
for the fourth quarter of fiscal
2016: “Focus on the use of social
media for anti-terrorism awareness and community outreach,”
including the risks associated with
terrorist use of social media as a
propaganda and recruitment tool.
Anti-terrorism is the defensive element of the nation’s fight
against terrorists through measures taken to detect, deter and
defend against potential or actual
terrorist plans or actions according
to Keith Horne, force protection
specialist for U.S. Army Europe’s
Anti-terrorism Division.
Horne said terrorism has
always been a threat to the U.S.
forces community, and perhaps
a greater threat to military communities outside the U.S. He said
that U.S. service members could
be in danger even when they are
not the terrorists’ intended target.
“There continue to be threats
within Europe, and what is most
important to understand is that
terrorism can happen anytime
Learn rules
for DoD this
election season
By Katie Lange
DoD News, Defense Media Activity
I’m sure you’ve all seen political posts in full
effect on Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat recently.
The opinions are just going to get louder, too, before
the election this November.
As members of the Defense Department, we have
a responsibility to be smart about what we post, as
well as how we participate in political activity and
how we support political campaigns. DoD employees are limited to certain political activities under
the Hatch Act, which is meant to protect employees
from political coercion at work, as well as make sure
employees move up in their careers based on their
merit, not political affiliation.
So for those who are politically active, here’s a
See ‘Vigilance’ on page 3
Summer hires
gain experience
Program connects
military dependents
with garrison jobs,
page 9.
See ‘Politics’ on page 6
Stay cool
this summer
See our listing of
outdoor swimming
pools in the local
area, page 16.
News and features
Ask the
Community comment: After waiting such
a long time for the German Kantine to re-open,
I am a little disappointed.
I remembered the old
Kantine offering fresher,
higher-quality food, in
larger quantity for less
money. Can we influence what
this contractor offers us?
Response: Your feedback
has been passed on to the German Works Council to address
with the Kantine operator. The
German Kantine is under a
special contract that was developed in coordination with
the German Works Council,
specifically to serve the German blue-collar workforce by
offering affordable meals in
a comfortable atmosphere. If
you continue to be dissatisfied,
the best thing to do is contact
your German Works Council
representative. He or she can
direct you to the German Kantine Committee to work a codetermined solution between
Management and the Works
Council. This is the best way
to affect change at this dining
Community comment:
Can any consideration be
given to extending the operating hours of the fitness
center? I feel that the hours
of operation of this facility do
not support the needs of this
community. This is my first
of 6 Military installations I
have been to that does not
offer a 24-hour fitness facility. I feel the current hours
don’t support the competitive
nature of our Military and the
high importance stressed on
fitness. Why do we not have
more hours available in this
gym? Why have an amazing
fitness center filled with great
equipment if you can’t keep
it open long enough for the
community that needs it?
Response: Dear Customer,
Thank you for taking the time
to give us your feedback in
regards to the Fitness Center.
It is our goal within the MWR
to try to provide and respond
to your needs as quickly as
possible. With that being said,
we understand the frustration
with the hours for the gym. We
are currently over the baseline
standards by having it open
100 hours a week. Baseline
standard is only 90 hours a
week. We unfortunately do not
have the ability to change that.
You are welcome to come in and
speak with one of the trainers
we have on staff and they can
provide you with some workout
variations that can address
all of your fitness needs in a
shorter timeframe so you can
still perform at your desired
fitness level.
Community comment:
We have an issue with non-
residents of Crestview going
through our garbage containers. We are the only housing
area in USAG Wiesbaden
that does not have secured
garbage containers. Given the
current security environment
we face as American military
members overseas, this presents a huge concern to the
residents of Crestview. It’s
very easy to spot somebody
who goes through garbage.
They start at one end of a
street and hit every garbage
container along the way.
With the frequency that MPs
drive through Crestview, they
obviously see them. Is there
something that can be done
to mitigate the security threat
this poses?
Response: USAG Wiesbaden has a project to install lockable trash islands in
Crestview. The trash islands
will be the same as the ones
we installed in Aukamm and
Hainerberg. The residents
will be informed through the
building coordinators when
the construction is supposed
to start.
-----------------------------------Editor’s note: In some cases,
questions and answers have
been summarized to address
multiple concerns about a
similar issue.
Have something you’d like
to share with the garrison, or a
question you’d like answered?
Send an ICE comment with a
question, or submit a suggestion via the link on the ICE
What are you doing to beat
Feedback: the
heat this summer?
Check out our website at
Herald Union published by
The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under
the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense.
The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised
in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status,
physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates: call Jaqueline Samad at civ
(0631) 3033 5537, email ads@herald-union.com; classified advertising rates: call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5530 or post at finditguide.com.
Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 090059623; Telephone: mil 548-2002; civ (0611) 143-548-2002; Email: army.wiesbadenpao@mail.mil; Home page: www.wiesbaden.army.mil.
Page 2
Herald Union
Chris Ferrante
“Going to the Opelbad.”
Anita Luich
“Actually, I am always trying
to find the sun! ...I make sure
to get out and enjoy the day.
This could include walking
along the Rhine, going to one
of the numerous festivals or
taking road trips to visit the
quaint little towns and see
this beautiful country.”
Allie Yingling
“You can’t beat the heat!
[But] I guess I have like 40
fans in my house and I just
try to lie down and stay really still.”
Spc. Chamone Simmons
“Well, I work in an [air
conditioned] vault so I don’t
really have to beat the heat.”
Kathy Stankovich
“[My son and I have] been
doing a lot of our sprinkler,
slip and slide and pool. And
lots of popsicles.”
Command and newspaper staff
USAG Wiesbaden Commander......................Col. Todd J. Fish
USAG Wiesbaden CSM..........Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington
Public Affairs Officer............................................Anemone Rueger
Editor..................................................Jacob Corbin (mil 548-2002)
PA Specialist......................................Amy L. Bugala (mil 548-2003)
PA Specialist. .....................................Emily Jennings (mil 548-2004)
Aug. 4, 2016 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
Literacy partnership encourages reading
IMCOM grant will
go toward books
and software
Story and photo
by Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Family and MWR Marketing
“I love reading. Every time I
can go to the library I just rush
down there,” said Emma Dean,
a 9-year-old at the Hainerberg
School Age Center.
Thanks to a $20,000 Installation Management Command
literacy grant, more of Dean’s
Child, Youth and School Services program peers will be
encouraged to develop a lifelong love of reading.
“This was a literacy partnership initiative with IMCOM
and we submitted a proposal
on how we could increase
leisure reading at the center
while encouraging children
to take it home with them,”
said Hainerberg SAC Director
Katherine Vahrenkamp.
“I think reading as a whole
has decreased among children —
they’re playing more video games
and such rather than reading.
“This literacy grant will be
used to buy books (both hard
copy and e-books) and the software program (Reading Plus)
to help participants keep track
of their reading,” Vahrenkamp
explained. “In the fall Reading
Plus will send someone out to
train our staff on how to use
the program.”
Books are being selected
from a recommended Department of Education reading list,
she added.
“Because it’s Internetbased, we have iPads coming
as well. That way the children
can find a nice quiet spot at the
center and continue reading,”
Vahrenkamp said. “And maybe
on nice days they can go outside
to read.”
The center director said
she is inspired to help youths
develop a “joy of reading” as a
lifelong reader herself.
“I loved reading when I
was a child. Lots of times I’d
finish books from the library
before I got home and my
parents would just leave them
in the car to take them back,”
she said, adding that the Clay
School Age Center was also the
Vigilance . . . .
Continued from page 1
and anywhere,” Horne said. “Members of
our U.S. forces community must continue
to be aware of local threats and strive to
maintain heightened awareness to detect
terrorist activities.”
One way the community can maintain its
awareness is to follow U.S. Army Europe’s
Anti-terrorism Division on Facebook or
Twitter, at www.facebook.com/StaySafeAntiterrorism and www.twitter.com/StaySafeEurope. Both accounts are updated often with
current and relevant force protection related
“The month of August is popular for vacations for most of Europe,” Horne continued.
“There will undoubtedly be higher numbers of
travelers visiting popular tourist destinations
throughout Europe, and with that comes an increased potential for terrorist-related incidents.”
Horne recommends families have plans
already identified and practiced, such as communications plans, in the event families become
separated, and to have pre-determined rally
locations easily understood by all members
of the family.
Gabby Couts (left) and Emma Dean spend some time reading at the Hainerberg School
Age Center.
“I know funding is getting
recipient of a literacy grant in
Fellow 9-year-old Gabby
the sum of $10,000.
tighter every year,” she said, Couts, who “usually reads
“We had to write justifica- “and we really appreciate the graphic novels and the ‘Goosetions (explain how we would fact that IMCOM sees this as bumps’ books,” said she, too,
use the grant money) and IM- an important funding issue. It’s is looking forward to having
COM informed us that we were wonderful of them to support more reading material at the
successful,” Vahrenkamp said. literacy and our children.”
Hainerberg School Age Center.
Resources to stay informed and safe
There are many resources
available to help service members and their families stationed in Europe stay safe.
AtHoc Alerts
Employees can
themselves and family members in order to receive community specific messages
and alerts via email, text messages or phone calls via the
AtHoc system. Find links to
self-register at www.eur.army.
Smart Traveler
Enrollment Program
Register any travel away from
their duty
State Department’s
Smart Traveler Enrollment
Program, or STEP. More information is available at https://
In the event of an incident nearby, use social media like Facebook’s Safety Check to let loved
ones know you are okay. Check
in with your chain of command
or supervisor in case there is an
accountability check.
Stay Informed
Listen to your local AFN radio
at www.
net for news updates.
Use mobile alerts to English
language news sources in Europe such as CNN, BBC, or
The Local to stay informed on
the go. Follow your unit’s or
garrison’s social media pres-
ences for local updates.
Report Suspicious Behavior
Know who to report suspicious
activities or behavior to. Use
U.S. Army Europe’s
iReport/ or mobile
app to submit information to counterintelligence or
law enforcement officials.
Stay Ready
The Army’s Ready Army website, www.acsim.army.mil/readyarmy/,
provides families
with targeted
information so
they can be informed, make a plan,
build an emergency kit and get
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ............................................................................ Aug. 4, 2016
Herald Union
Page 3
News and features
News flash
Housing office hours change
As of Aug. 1 the Wiesbaden Housing
Office will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon, and then 12:45
p.m. to 3 p.m., with the last customer
at 2:30 p.m. The office is closed
on training holidays from 8 a.m. to 12:45
p.m., with limited appointments in the
afternoon, and closed on U.S. federal and
German holidays.
Changes to car care services
The Exchange Car Wash located in
Mainz Kastel Station is permanently
closed due to equipment that is beyond
repair. The gas kiosk at the Mainz Kastel
Car Care Center is now closed Sundays.
The Hainerberg Express is open on Sundays for car care needs. Call civ (0611)
7238-6100 with questions.
Clay traffic update
Heerstrasse is closed through Aug.
28 due to construction. Upcoming road
closures at the same intersection include:
• Aug. 29 to Sept. 16, Heerstrasse and
King Avenue will be closed.
• Sept. 19 to Oct. 16, Lucas Street will
be closed.
Hainerberg traffic update
Mississippistrasse is now closed to
through traffic to support the Hainerberg
Middle School construction. Access to the
Self-Help Home Improvement Store, or
S.H.I.P. is still possible.
A new road segment along Virginiaweg
is being completed to facilitate the flow
of traffic around Hainerberg.
The portion of Texasstrasse near the
chapel now facilitates two-way traffic
to provide vehicle access to facilities on
The section of Texasstrasse that passes
in front of the elementary and middle
schools is still one-way traffic in the
direction of the Exchange.
Point-of-purchase upgrades
AAFES and the DeCA facilities
worldwide have recently converted their
point-of-sale equipment to accept EMV
compliant chip cards. EMV compliant
chip cards offer improved security and
reduce the chances of card information
being cloned and used by fraud syndicates
for fraudulent transactions.
During the conversion, customers
using chip cards at the commissary may
experience limited credit/debit card
At AAFES facilities customers using
chip cards are currently unable to get
cash back at registers. AAFES is working
with the vendor to restore the cash back
feature by late fall and apologizes for the
temporary inconvenience.
Page 4
Herald Union
Understanding how to fill out
VAT forms can help save money
Soldiers, civilians and
dependents can get
refunds on sales tax
Story and photo
by Erin Gavle
Special to the Herald Union
In the United States, a sales tax
is added at the time of purchase. In
Germany, a 19 percent value-added
tax is built in to products and services
(with a reduced 7 percent tax for
food), which can sometimes come as
a surprise to newcomers learning to
manage their finances while overseas.
The Value Added Tax (VAT) Relief
Program can be used by Soldiers,
civilians and dependents to obtain a
tax refund when purchases are made
on the economy, but in order to enjoy
the full benefits of this program it’s
important to under the process for
acquiring and using the forms.
The first step is going to the VAT
office. “There’s a briefing that we go
over with people when they first come
in to get VAT forms,” said Randal
Randers, tax relief clerk at the VAT
and Utilities Tax Avoidance Program
office. “The briefing goes over a few
things, like the general processes for
the forms, and also the few things they
cannot use the forms for.” Sponsors
must be present for this step, as they
are ultimately responsible for any
outstanding forms once they start
out processing.
Two types of VAT forms are
available. The NF-1 form costs $5
and can be used for purchases up to
2,499.99€. Only 10 of these forms
can be checked out at a time, but once
you return one, you are eligible to
take out a new one. The NF-1 form
is commonly used for purchases
like train tickets, short hotel stays,
groceries and clothing. Multiple
purchases from the same vendor can
be put onto a single form.
The other document, the NF-2
VAT form, costs $60 and is for purchases of 2,500€ or more — like a
car, for instance. Before an NF-2 can
be issued, certain requirements must
be met. “We need a quote showing
what’s being purchased and how
much it would cost without the tax,”
said Randers.
The buyer also needs to show they
are capable of making the payment in
full, he added. “That can be done one
of two ways. Either with a cashier’s
A sign hangs in the VAT form office with instructions on how to
properly fill out the form.
check, if they’re basically buying it
straight out. [They] can also [get a]
letter of intent, or a loan letter, showing that they’re approved to finance
the full amount without tax.”
Only one NF-2 form can be issued
at a time, and does not count against
the 10 outstanding NF-1 forms.
There are several items shoppers
should keep in mind before using
their VAT forms. The agreement
between the German and American
government doesn’t force all stores
to offer tax relief.
“They can accept [VAT forms],
but there’s no law requiring shops
accept them on the German side. It’s
voluntary based on the vendor,” said
Clifford Wix, program manager for
the VAT/UTAP office.
“I have seen situations where one
vendor one day said ‘yes’ and then
another family went back the next
day, and because they got a different
cashier, they said ‘no.’” The VAT
office provides newcomers with a
list of local vendors who will usually
accept the forms.
Even at VAT friendly stores, you
may run into some confusion, according to Randers. “If it’s a big box store
like IKEA, MediaMarkt, [or] Real,
anywhere where you have multiple
registers, usually the cashiers aren’t
trained on how to fill these out.”
“So the general procedures at most
of those stores is you go through the
register, just as you normally would,
and then go to the Customer Service
desk once you’re done with the purchase to get your tax refunded.”
Other vendors are more comfort-
able with the VAT process. “If you
go to a small mom and pop shop
[or] somewhere where there’s maybe
one or two cashiers at most, usually
they’re just going to fill the forms
out at the register, and they will not
charge any taxes on the purchase,”
Randers explained.
Each VAT form has several sheets
of carbon copies which must be
properly processed. The vendor keeps
one copy of the form; the shopper
should keep two copies; one for their
personal records and one to turn in at
the drop box located just outside of
the VAT office.
While there is no specific due date
for the drop box copy to be returned,
the sooner the better, in case there
are any mistakes with the purchase
or documentation. Confirming that
a form is completely filled out at the
time of the purchase is a simple way
to avoid confusion, and ensure you
are saving what you can.
Forms are good for two years
when they are issued, and are no
longer valid after the date printed
on them. If you return an expired
form to the VAT office, you can’t
get a full refund, as the document
has personal information on it and
can’t be reused. However, you can
receive a $2 return credit that goes
toward a new form.
The documents don’t work retroactively. “If you bought something
yesterday and didn’t have the VAT
form, you couldn’t get a VAT form
today and get the tax off for the day
before,” explained Wix.
“You cannot pay or negotiate
before [you have] the VAT form [and
still receive tax relief],” he said. “You
can get a cost assessment, but if you
put down any money at the time — [if
you] pay one penny down — then we
can’t issue that VAT form.”
Tax relief is a benefit to military
living overseas; however, violating
the VAT rules can result in a loss of
money, and in more extreme cases
revoking your VAT privileges. The
VAT office aims to prevent the latter.
“When in doubt [about] when you can
or cannot use a VAT form, call this
office. We have the regulations here in
the office on a lot of the grey areas.”
The U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden VAT office is located in Bldg.
1023 East, Room 151, and can be
reached at DSN 548-9107 and civ
(0611) 143-548-9107.
Aug. 4, 2016 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
66th MI . . . . . . . . . . .
“[Together] we’ll contribute
to a safer and more secure
Pendall had one last thing
to share with Blake before she
took command.
“The only thing I have to
warn you about,” he said, “is
just how fast your time will go.”
Continued from page 1
pressed by your intellect,
maturity and the scope of
the roles and responsibilities
[that you’ve all taken on],”
Blake said.
“You make a difference
every day,” she continued.
Army Human Resources
town halls scheduled
By Herald Union Staff
Senior leaders with the U.S.
Army Human Resources Command will be in Wiesbaden
while visiting installations in
U.S. Army Europe this August.
Commanding General of
USAHRC, Maj. Gen. Thomas
C. Seamands, and Command
Sgt. Maj. Wardell Jefferson,
HRC Command Sergeant
Major, along with members
of their team, will host two
town halls to discuss policy
changes, provide education on
evaluation revisions, address
human resources related concerns and conduct professional
development sessions.
A town hall for enlisted
Soldiers will take place Aug.
24 from 9 to 10 a.m. and from
10 to 11 a.m. for all Army
officers, (LTC and below) at
the Tony Bass Auditorium on
Clay Kaserne.
The command is also
scheduled to visit the communities of Grafenwoehr,
Stuttgart and Kaiserslautern.
Wiesbaden Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Asso-
ciation chapter members and
S1 OICs/NCOICs are invited
to attend an AGCRA professional development luncheon
hosted by the USAREUR
G1, Aug. 24, from 11:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m., at the Little Italy
Restaurant on Clay Kaserne.
Please RSVP to Chief Warrant Officer 4 Sandra Albelo
at sandra.m.albelo.mil@mail.
mil or DSN 537-1126.
For more information,
contact Maj. Michael Perry at
mil or DSN 537-1122.
Celebrating 51 years of Army Community Service
Photo by Dee Crawford
Col. Devon Blake, incoming 66th Military Intelligence
Brigade commander, salutes during the change-of-command ceremony July 22.
The used
 
 
car guys
Weilerbacherstr. 110
67661 Kaiserslautern
Jacob-Pfeifer-Str. 100
67661 Kaiserslautern
Hillstr. 45
54529 Spangdahlem
Am Lanzenbusch 1
66877 Ramstein
 0631 680 312 10
 0631 987 41
 06565 957 315
 06371 920 000
www.usedcarguys.net ∙ info@usedcarguys.net
Photo by Karl Weisel
Wiesbaden Family and MWR’s William Mottley serves cupcakes to Rhonda Hickson
during Army Community Service’s 51st birthday celebration July 25. “To me, this is
an important thing to celebrate because ACS gives the military community options,”
said Hickson, a child care provider. “They have a lot of good information, and the services are great — even when I was in the military, they were great.” For more information on the various ACS programs and services stop by Bldg. 7790 in Hainerberg
Housing or visit wiesbaden.armymwr.com.
view our inventory - updated daily
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ............................................................................ Aug. 4, 2016
Herald Union
Page 5
News and features
Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 1
Tune in to 98.7 FM and stay informed
AFN Wiesbaden hosts representatives from various
community organizations and services during the
morning show from 6 to 10 a.m. Tune in daily to the live
conversations and stay connected to the community.
Army Wellness Center
Fitness and healthy lifestyles segment.
USO Tours and Travel
Looking to go with the USO? Find out when and where!
USO Programs and Classes
Classes, programs and USO events segment.
‘Things to Do’
Garrison Public Affairs staff discuss upcoming
off-post activities, events and German culture
Family and MWR
Spotlight on Army quality of life programs
Ask the Commander (Bi-weekly)
Live on-air Q&A with USAG Wiesbaden leadership
Subject matter experts from the following organizations also contribute to special recorded segments
that are aired at various times thoughout the day.
Catch your favorites throughout the week.
Army Community Service
ABC’s of Behavioral Health
SLO Down (School Liaison Officer)
Medical Minute (Wiesbaden Health Clinic)
Schedule current as of Aug. 2016 and subject to change
0 61 34 - 616 92
Page 6
Herald Union
refresher of what limitations
you need to be aware of:
Political activity
Active-duty service members (in and out of uniform)
aren’t allowed to engage in partisan political activities, meaning
no campaigning for candidates,
joining in on fundraising activities, serving as an officer in a
partisan club or speaking at a
partisan gathering. All military
personnel are also supposed to
avoid implying or appearing to
imply that any of their political
activities are endorsed or sponsored by the DoD.
However, when out of uniform, service members are allowed to express their personal
political opinions, donate money
to campaigns or organizations
and attend political events as a
spectator. But again, that’s out
of uniform — not in it. Here
are more specifics on the rules:
Use of social media
Family and MWR
Anton Hehn Strasse 09
55246 Mainz Kostheim-Kastel
Photo by U.S. Coast Guard
You are allowed to express
your personal views and politics via your own social media
platforms, but when you’re
doing that, and you’ve been
identified as a DoD employee
on that platform, make sure
it’s clear that the views you’re
expressing are your own, NOT
the DoD’s.
While you’re allowed to
“follow,” “friend” and “like” a
party or candidate, you’re not
allowed to share or retweet
information posted to that corresponding social media page.
You’re not supposed to post
links to that page’s content,
either. It’s considered partici-
pating in political activities.
Always remember — don’t
violate the Uniform Code of
Military Justice or service regulations. That means don’t show
contempt for public officials,
post unprofessional material or
release sensitive information.
Political activity
While on duty or in a federal
building, DoD civilian employees are not allowed to engage
in political activities, such as
sending or forwarding political
emails or posting political messages to social media accounts,
even from your own devices.
Don’t ever use government
equipment for those activities,
However, when it comes
to what you can do politically,
there are basically two groups
of civilians: Further restricted
employees and less restricted
Use of social media
Like the social media rules
for service members, DoD civilians are allowed to express
personal views and politics via
their own social media platforms, but they have to make
it clear that the views they’re
expressing are personal and not
the DoD’s.
Since further restricted employees (as listed above) aren’t
allowed to be part of partisan
political activity, they also can’t
share or retweet information
posted to the social media page
of a party or candidate. They
can’t post links from a party or
candidate’s account, either, but
they can “follow,” “friend” or
“like” them.
Further restricted employees include:
• Those appointed by the president and confirmed by the
• Those serving in non-career
senior executive service
(SES) positions
• Career members of the SES
• Contract appeals board members
• Employees of the National
Security Agency, Defense
Intelligence Agency and
National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency
The above people are prohibited from participating in
political activity, especially any
that’s sponsored or supported by
a party, political group or candidate up for election. You also
can’t solicit or receive political
contributions. However, further
restricted employees can make
monetary contributions, express
personal opinions and attend
campaign events or fundraisers
sponsored by a candidate — they
just can’t actively participate.
Less restricted employees
include all DoD civilians who
aren’t listed above, including
schedule C political appointees.
These people can volunteer
with a political campaign or
organization on their personal
time. That includes organizing
rallies or meetings, making
calls on behalf of a candidate,
serving as a delegate to a party
convention and working for
a party to get out the vote on
Election Day. Less restricted
employees still cannot solicit or
receive political contributions,
Aug. 4, 2016 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Community notes
Arts and crafts contest
Artists are invited to showcase their talents in the Family and MWR Army Arts and
Crafts contest. The competition
includes two separate divisions
— Novice and Accomplished
— with 10 categories in each
division: Ceramic Art, Digital
Art, Drawings, Fiber Art,
Glass Art, Metal Art, 2D and
3D Mixed Media, Paintings
and Wood Art. Winners at the
Department of the Army level
will receive $300 for first place,
$200 for second place and $100
for third place.
Participants must complete
an online profile and submit
photos of the artwork now
through Aug. 12 on the contest
website https://cloud.mwr.
army.mil/apptrac. For more
information about the contest
rules, see: 2016 Army Arts and
or stop by the Wiesbaden Arts
and Crafts Center.
Give blood
The Armed Services Blood
Program and the Wiesbaden
American Red Cross will host a
blood drive Aug. 16 from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. at the Tony Bass Auditorium on Clay Kaserne. All
blood collected stays within the
Wiesbaden community. Donors
must be at least 17 years old,
weigh 110 pounds or more, and
be free of cold or other illness.
There are also other specific
restrictions that may exclude
you from donation. To make
an appointment to donate, visit
www.militarydonor.com. Click
on “Donate Blood” then click
“Landstuhl, Germany” and find
a blood drive near you. Call
DSN 590-5885, civ (06371)
AFAP seeking issues
Let your voice be heard
through the annual Wiesbaden
Army Family Action Plan. Issues of concern for this year’s
conference are being accepted
now at the Wiesbaden Family
and MWR website at http://
wiesbaden.armymwr.com/europe/wiesbaden/wiesbadenevents/army-family-actionplan. Call Army Community
Service at civ (0611) 143-5489201 for details.
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden and Family and MWR
will bring live music to Clay
Kaserne, during a concert on
the lawn Aug. 25 at the Kroesen
Loop in Newman Village. The
Hessen Police Orchestra will
perform at 7 p.m. Community
members can bring lawn chairs
or blankets. Food and drinks
will be available for sale.
Training classes, or FAST classes, are available for Soldiers
looking to raise their GT score.
The 60-hour class is offered
at the Wiesbaden Education
Center once a month, except
for September and December
2016. Call DSN 548-1302
or email usarmy.wiesbaden.
imcom-europe.list.educationcenter@mail.mil to enroll prior
to the start of class.
Breastfeeding week
Wandering club event
Concerts on the lawn
In celebration of World
Breastfeeding Week, the Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic
is hosting a celebration Aug. 5
from 1 to 3 p.m. on the second
floor of the clinic, Bldg. 1201,
Clay Kaserne. Enjoy some
lactation cookies, snacks and
beverages and learn about
the support programs offered in Wiesbaden. Call civ
Everyone is invited to participate in the 3rd Annual Volksmarch hosted by the Wiesbaden
International Wandering Club,
Oct. 1 and 2. The event starts
at Burgerhaus Delkenheim
(Munchener strasse 2, 65205
Wiesbaden-Delkenheim). Par-
ticipants can choose from 5K,
12K and 20K distances. Start
times are 7:30 a.m.to 1 p.m. for
the 5K and 12K; and 7:30 a.m.
to noon for the 20K. The 5K and
12K are stroller friendly. Visit
de; or www.facebook.com/
WiesbadenVolksmarching for
more information, or email wiwcvolksmarching@gmail.com.
USO happenings
Mark your calendars for
some fun events offered by the
USO this month. Check out Sun
and Fun Day, Aug. 6 from noon
to 4 p.m.; and National Book
Lover’s Day Story Time, Aug.
9 from 9 to 10:30 a.m., at the
USO Cottage. Enjoy S’mores
Day at all USO locations Aug.
10; and Trail Mix Tuesday at
all locations Aug. 23. Bring
your four-legged friends to
the USO Cottage Aug. 31 for
National Dog Day Pet Photos
from 5 to 7 p.m.
Women’s Equality Day
The Wiesbaden community
is invited to a Women’s Equality Day observance, Aug. 24
from 11 a.m. to noon, at the
Wiesbaden Fitness Center.
The event, hosted by the 66th
Military Intelligence Brigade,
commemorates the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment
to the Constitution granting
women the right to vote. Contact Staff Sgt. Matthew Arnold
at matthew.e.arnold.mil@mail.
mil or call DSN 546-4506.
Learn guitar or bass
Wiesbaden Arts and Crafts
is the place to visit to pick up
professional lessons in acoustic
or electric guitar or bass. Cost
is $21 for a half-hour lesson,
and appointments are available from 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesday
through Friday. Call civ (0611)
143-548-9838 for more information.
Play in the playground
The New Parent Support
Program hosts play dates for
families with preschoolers at
alternating locations during the
summer months. Parents are
invited to socialize with other
parents while their children
play. The last playdates this
summer are: Aug. 12 and 26 at
Crestview Housing, Pluto Weg
Playground and Gazebo; Sept. 9
and 23 at Hainerberg Housing,
Californiastrasse behind Bldg.
7741. For more information call
DSN 548-9201.
Next CIE is Aug. 23
The next monthly Community Information Exchange will
be Aug. 23 at 9:30 a.m. at the
Community Activity Center.
Everyone is invited to attend
to learn more about what’s
happening in the community
during the month of September.
FAST class
Functional Academic Skills
www.wiesbaden.army.mil .............................................................................Aug. 4, 2016
Herald Union
Page 7
News and features
German American Olympics
Photos by Erin Gavle
Left: Brig. Gen. Eckart Klink, Commander of the Landeskommando Hessen, presents Master Sgt. Jose Velez with a badge to commemorate his performance in a German Olympic Sports competition in June. Velez was one of 14 athletes who participated in the sporting event. During the award
ceremony on July 22, Klink told the Soldiers, “From the bottom of my heart, I feel linked and tied to our American friends.” Right: 1st Lt. Joshua Addington, Spc. Jose Capa and Spc. Katia Blake were three of the soldiers who received gold, silver and bronze badges in the ceremony for their achievements in a German Olympic Sporting event, which took place on June 15.
50 Years
AAFES 121st birthday
in business
We at Auto Hollmann would like to invite you to stop by and visit our
Collision Center. We have seven collision/paint technicians with a combined
experience of years which enables us to fix your vehicle right the first
time. We at Hollmann feel that our employees are our strongest asset so
we work very hard to keep up to date with our training standards. Our
techs are factory trained along with various accomplishments from the
major paint manufactures.
Direct repair shop with most major insurance companies.
Climate controlled paint booth and prep station.
Drive-on frame and unibody straightening rack for both full frame and
custom made vehicles. We have our own paint mixing system to match
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24 hour towing at 0171-6538059
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+ We offer repairs on all makes and models
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Call or swing by Monday to Friday from 7 am to
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Hochheimerstrasse 111
55246 Kastel/Kostheim Phone 06134-3381
Page 8
Herald Union
Photo by Jacob Corbin
Suezet Zass (middle), an associate with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, along
with Mark Kaste (left) and Carrie Cammel, general manager, cut the cake marking 121
years of service to Soldiers, Airmen, retirees and military families during a birthday
event at the Wiesbaden Main Exchange July 25. On July 25, 1895, General Orders No.
46 established the exchange on military installations, directing post commanders to
set up an exchange at every post. Since then, exchanges have faithfully served alongside service members wherever they are called to serve, from Bagram to Barksdale,
Benning to Baghdad and beyond.
Aug. 4, 2016 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
Summer hires gain experience
Looking for
a mailbox?
Story and photos
by Erin Gavle
Special to the Herald Union
Most young people eagerly
await the freedom from schoolwork and responsibilities that
the summer brings. However,
a group of 21 especially motivated Wiesbaden youth
decided to dedicate six weeks
of their summers to hard work
and community involvement
by participating in the Summer
Hire Program.
The annual program gives
military dependents aged 14
to 22 the opportunity to make
a paycheck and work in a real
job around the installation. This
year, Summer Hires are paid $6
an hour to fill positions that are
either clerical or labor focused.
According to Christopher
Arthur, who is in charge of the
program, “The overall purpose
of [Summer Hire] is to provide
the youth of today [an] opportunity to work and earn skills
[that are] going to help them
in their future, whether that’s
going to college, or seeking
employment after they finish
high school, or putting on
job applications their [work]
Dezja Price, 16, a clerical
worker at the library, saw her
summer job as a valuable opportunity. “This is a crucial time
in my high school career where
I need to start making money,
so I can apply for college and
have those savings,” she said.
Additionally, she thinks
the customer service skills
she’s gained could be useful
in a future career. “I do want
to work with children [later]
on. I spend a lot of time in
the children’s section, and I
get to read to them, so that
really helps me [to see] that
maybe this is something I’m
interested in.”
Dennis Sarsozo, 16, spent
his summer as a clericalworker with the 2nd Signal
Brigade and was tasked with
researching and presenting a
briefing on demographics in
information technology. Sarsozo also thinks his Summer
Hire experience could prove
beneficial in the future.
“[My job] introduced me to
more fields I wouldn’t know
Photo by Erin Gavle
This mailbox, located in
Newman Village, is one of
several places to drop mail.
Dezja Price catalogs returned books July 26 as part of her job as a clerical Summer
Hire at the Wiesbaden Library.
of. 2nd Signal is known for its
network capabilities, so they
introduced me to a bunch of
network technicians, people
who route all the telephones
and servers and all that.”
Sarsozo also noted that
working in a real office allowed him to network and was
a good way for him to build
his resume and end the summer with a little more money
in the bank.
The Summer Hires aren’t
the only ones who benefit
from the program. According
to Quentin Harvey, postal
supervisor, “Summer Hires
are a great addition to the
workforce, especially during
the summertime when we have
all our vacations and things
like that going on for all my
civilians employees.”
JoAnn Ogreenc, supervisory librarian, agreed. “The
summer is a very busy time
for the library, so it helps to
have those extra hands to be
able to do some of the things
that frees up our staff to work
more with the patrons.”
Each year, Harvey and
Ogreenc hope to get applicants
who are mature and can follow
directions. “We want someone
who has good customer service
skills, or who is at least willing
to learn those skills,” Ogreenc
The program allows Harvey to positively influence
Did you know community
members can mail stamped letters and postcards at any of the
four signature blue mail boxes
located throughout U.S. Army
Garrison Wiesbaden? Mail is
collected from these locations
Monday through Friday by the
time indicated on the mail box.
The locations and collection
times are:
Located at the Exchange
Mall just outside the middle entrance doors. Collection is at 2:35 p.m.
Clay Kaserne
Phillip Davis (front) and Aidan Newell, Summer Hire laborers, look for customers’ packages while working the
counter at the post office Aug. 1.
future members of the workforce. “They’re good kids, but
you know they’re also growing,” he said. “I like it because
it’s a chance for me to interact
with the youth of today, and put
a little mentoring in.”
Harvey explained that students participating in the program develop good character
while helping out the community. “It’s not always take,
take. You have to give a little
bit. You have to do a little output
[to] establish that work ethic.”
Every year there are a limited number of Summer Hire
positions available, based on
how many workers each organization wants, so applying
early is recommended.
Vanessa Lora, 19, who also
worked at the 2nd Signal Brigade, was one applicant who
learned this the hard way. “I
tried last year, but there were
just too many people who [applied earlier] so there were no
spots left.”
Fortunately, Lora secured
a spot this year and thinks it’s
been worthwhile. “As a college
student, extra money is always
good. And experience.”
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ............................................................................ Aug. 4, 2016
Welcome Center Bldg.
1023 parking lot. Collection is at 2:55 p.m.
• Newman Village at the
corner of Fontis Loop and
Via Principalis. Collection
is at 3 p.m.
• Outside the Post Office
front door Bldg. 1030.
Collection is at 3:15 p.m.
The last mail pick-up in the
community is at 5:30 p.m. at the
post office’s front door on Clay
Kaserne or the Finance window
(with ID card). The post office
is open Monday through Friday
from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and
closed U.S. federal holidays.
The Community Mail Room,
or CMR is open 24/7; however
the parcel pick-up window is
only open Monday through
Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
and closed on federal holidays.
Go to www.wiesbaden.
army.mil/postal for more information about the Wiesbaden
Post Office, Community Mail
Room or Official Mail Room.
Herald Union
Page 9
Sports and leisure
Sports shorts
Youth sports physicals
The Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic is offering youth physicals by appointment only
to non-enrollees (family members of DoD
civilians/contractors/DoDEA) Aug. 12 from
1 to 3:45 p.m. To make an appointment call
DSN 590-1303/civ 06371-9464-1303. Army
Dependents can book a youth physical during
any regular day appointment.
Wiesbaden Duathlon
Register today for the second annual Dirty
30 Duathlon Sept. 17 on Clay Kaserne at 9 a.m.
The competitive event is a five-mile run, 20-mile
bike, followed by another five-mile run. Register
at https://webtrac.mwr.army.mil. Registration
costs $15 before July 31, $20 before Sept. 7
and $25 before Sept. 15. Call DSN 548-9837.
German Hunting Course
Ever wanted to hunt while in Germany? Get
started with Outdoor Recreation’s U.S. Forces
German Hunting Class Aug. 1 to Oct. 21. Classes
meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 9 p.m.
with the final exam on Oct. 21. Cost is $250 and
participants must be U.S. citizens with a valid ID
card. Call civ (0611) 143-548-9801 to sign up.
Hit the greens
Bring together a four-person team for a
nine-hole golf scramble at the Rheinblick
Golf Course every Monday from 6 to 9 p.m.
Cost is $4 for Rheinblick members, $14 for
non-member ID cardholders. Or unwind with
a little friendly competition during the Friday
Night Scrambles Aug. 5 or 26 from 6 to 9 p.m.
Cost is $10 for members, $20 for non-member
U.S. ID cardholders. Call civ (0611) 548-5485.
G-A Exhibition Basketball Game
The German Professional Team, Fraport
Skyliners will face a Division I, NCAA team
from Boston, the Northeastern University
Huskies, right here on Clay Kaserne. Don’t
miss this free exhibition basketball game at the
Wiesbaden Fitness Center Aug. 25 at 3 p.m.
25-Hour Run
The USO is hosting a U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden team for this year’s 25-hour Run,
Sept. 10 and 11, at the Wiesbaden Kurpark.
Runners of all levels are invited to join 1,000
of our host nation neighbors for a day of fun
and friendly competition. Contact Capt. Latrice Boatner at DSN 548-0401, civ (0611)
143-548-0401 or Latrice.boatner.mil@mail.
mil for your slot.
Exchange offers streaming
coverage of 2016 Rio Olympics
By Army & Air Force
Exchange Service
Public Affairs
The Army & Air Force Exchange
Service announced that for the first
time U.S. service members worldwide will be able to watch NBC
Olympics’ streaming coverage of
the 2016 Rio Olympics from their
desktop and personal devices. This
benefit is being provided at no cost
to those who are currently serving in
the U.S. military or retired military
members by Comcast NBCUniversal in partnership with the Exchange
and U.S. cable, satellite and telco
NBC Olympics will stream 4,500
hours of coverage, including live
streaming all competition, as 10,500
athletes from 206 countries compete
in 35 sports from Aug. 3 to 21.
“We’re excited to partner with
Comcast NBCUniversal to deliver
the Olympics to service members
and their families, wherever they
are called to serve,” said Tom Shull,
Director/CEO of the Exchange.
“Go USA!”
“Few events unify the world
like the Olympic Games, and it
is only fitting that we make them
accessible for those who chose to
serve our country,” said Carol Eggert, Brigadier General (Retired),
and Vice President of Military and
Veteran Affairs at Comcast. “We
think it is extremely important to
support our employees who are veterans or members of the National
Guard and Reserve and the military
community as a whole. We are
thankful to the Army & Air Force
Exchange Service for working
with us to deliver the excitement
of the Olympics to the military
community, no matter where they
are located.”
Service members will access
NBC Olympics’ digital coverage
Image by Unsplash.com/Amy L. Bugala
from their computers or personal
devices by visiting NBCOlympics.
com or the NBC Sports app and
choosing the Exchange as their
service provider.
Due to content rights restrictions, an active shopmyexchange.
com account will be required to
verify eligibility. Content rights
restrictions will also apply to some
OCONUS locations.
When Comcast NBC Universal
offered the service, a collaborative
team including the Defense Media
Activity, Defense Information
Systems Agency, the Exchange
and DHI Telecom (an Exchange
Internet, mobile and IPTV provider)
swung into action to develop the
technical solution required.
Additional information will be
available on shopmyexchange.com.
To see a day-by-day list highlighting
events to watch, go to NBCOlympics.com.
In addition to the streaming
content, note that the American
Forces Network (AFN) will also
offer extensive NBC Olympics’
broadcast and cable coverage on its
television services for the overseas
American military communities
around the world.
“Once again we are extremely
How it works:
1. Visit nbcolympics.com
2. Click on the event you
want to watch
3. Choose provider and
select “Exchange”
4. Select login to shopmyexchange account
(If you don’t have and account, create one)
5. Authenticate with your
Exchange login
6. Watch the selected
appreciative of the International
Olympic Committee, its broadcast
partners around the world, and to
NBC Olympics for their excellent and extensive coverage of the
2016 Olympic Games being made
available to America’s military
Coverage begins with the
Opening Ceremony Friday, Aug.
5, on NBC. Competition begins
two days earlier on Wed., Aug. 3,
with women’s soccer on NBCSN
and USA Network. The Games
conclude on Sunday, Aug. 21, with
the Closing Ceremony on NBC.
Fitness Center dress code
Appropriate dress is required when using the
Wiesbaden Fitness Center. ACUs are permitted
only during lunch hours from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m., shorts should be longer than finger-tip
length when arms are straight alongside the
body, and exposed midriffs and flip-flops are
prohibited. For details, visit the FMWR website at www.wiesbaden.armymwr.com/europe/
wiesbaden/ and search “dress code.”
Page 10
Herald Union
See photos of recent events:
Aug. 4, 2016 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
Sports and leisure
New tool for
selection board
By Daniela Vestal
Army Human Resources
online training tool for Soldiers interested in understanding how the enlisted selection
board process works is now
The tool, which is meant
to provide Soldiers with an
interactive learning experience of the selection board
process, consists of an online
video with printable training
The video is 49 minutes
long and covers what a Department of the Army selection board is; how board members are chosen; how boards
work; and how to prepare for
your next board.
The video also details
the different types of selection boards, including the
Qualitative Management
Program and the Qualitative Service Program. The
last eight minutes of the
video is a mock board that
is designed to place Soldiers
themselves in the position of
Alexis Belme, left,
and Sarah Bennett
stand with their Girl
Scouts Silver Award
certificates for completing a community
service project that
benefited Army Community Service and
the Wiesbaden Red
Inspired by the Girl
Scout motto, “Be prepared,” Belme and
Bennett collected
more than $1,000 in
hygiene and toiletry
products for infants
and children, for the
ACS Family Advocacy program and
to help replenish
the Wiesbaden Red
Cross emergency
supplies. The project
took the cadettes 50
hours to coordinate
and execute. The
prestigious Silver
Award is the second
highest award of the
Girl Scouts of the
USA, and the highest
award a Girl Scout
cadette can earn.
board members and simulate
the experience of grading
and rating four different
The tool was developed
over the course of seven
months by the Department of
the Army Secretariat at Army
Human Resources Command.
“We waited to start the
video until the release of
the new (Noncommissioned
Officer Evaluation Report)
so we could incorporate it
and the Select Train Educate
Promote program into the
presentation,” said Master
Sgt. Tamika DeVeauxWallace, noncommissioned
officer in charge, DA Secretariat.
“Additionally, this tool
goes into great detail. We
reference several different
regulations and explain concepts that can help Soldiers
grow more successfully in
their careers. For example,
how something like a broadening assignment can assist a
Soldier’s career and change
how a board member views
their file.”
Outdoor Rec adventures
See some of Germany’s most famous
castles during the Wiesbaden Outdoor
Recreation Bavarian Express Castles
Tour Aug. 6; or explore the people,
places, culture and history of the Czech
capital during the Prague Getaway Aug.
27 to 28. Don’t miss a dazzling trip to
Cinque Terre — one of Europe’s famous
hot spots along the French and Italian
Riviera coastlines, Sept. 1 to 5. Visit
Outdoor Recreation in Building 1043
on Clay Kaserne or call civ (0611) 143548-9801 for details. For more trips and
tour go to wiesbaden.armymwr.com.
Rhine on Skates
Scouts earn silver for service project
A guided inline skating tour takes
place along the Rhine River from
Rüdesheim to Koblenz and back Aug.
27. The route is 135 kilometers (84
miles) with breaks and opportunities
to do less distances. The tour will pass
vineyards, castles and the famous rock of
the Loreley making this one of the most
beautiful challenges on eight wheels.
For more information in English go to
Photo courtesy
of Tisha Belme
Things to do
Barefoot Path
This two-mile sensory path in Bad
Sobernheim invites visitors to walk,
barefoot, on and over a variety of obstacles and ground textures to include
clay pits, wooden planks and stone paths.
This natural foot massage is believed
to have healing properties in addition
to being a fun activity for adults and
children alike. No pets are allowed on
the path, lockers are available to store
shoes and bags and you should wear
shorts or pants that can be rolled. Don’t
worry, there are nice foot washing stations at the end of the trail along with
other attractions. The path is open 9
a.m. to 8 p.m. Adult admission is 4€,
children are 2.50€.
Höllengasse party
in Assmannshausen
Join this traditional street party in
the heart of Assmannshausen, a village
famous for its red wines. It all happens
along the street of Höllengasse, or “Hell
Lane,” at the foot of the famous Höllenberg vineyard Aug. 27 and 28.
Rheingau Wine Festival
The 41st Rheingau Wine Festival
Wiesbaden will take place Aug. 12 to 21
between the Wiesbaden city hall, market
church and city palace. This festival offers top-class, still and sparkling wines
from Rheingau and Wiesbaden vintners
with tasting opportunities at more than
100 stands along with a diverse entertainment program.
Skydiving in Bitburg
Get a bird’s eye view of the beautiful
Eifel region during a tandem skydive
from the town of Bitburg, Aug. 13.
The jump will take place between the
altitudes of 3,000 and 4,000 meters
above sea level.
Cost is $299 per person (for jumpers), $49 per person (for non-jumpers).
Price includes round-trip transportation,
instruction and an experience of a lifetime. Videos are available for purchase
from the vendor. For more information
call (611)143-548-9801.
Rhein River Cruise
The USO hosts a Rhein River Cruise
Aug. 14 from Rüdesheim through the
UNESCO World Heritage stretch of the
Rhein to the famous Loreley. The tour
pick-up is at 8:45 a.m. on Clay Kaserne.
Tour costs $79 for adults; and $49 for
children under 12. Contact usorma@
USO Trips and more
Join the USO as they visit one of the
seven Ancient Wonders of the world
during an overnight trip to London
and Stonehenge Aug. 18 to 21. Explore
Polish pottery at the annual festival in
Boleslawiec, Poland during a tour Aug.
19 to 21. Relive the chill of the Cold
War era at Point Alpha during a military
history tour Aug. 20 at a deactivated
U.S. Army outpost on the inner border
between East and West Germany. For
trips and more by the USO, pick up
the current issue of the Eine Brücke or
contact usorma@admin.uso.org.
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Herald Union
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News and features
School bits
Back to school
Monday, Aug. 29 is the first day of school
for all students in grades one through 12. The
first day of school for kindergarten is Sept. 6.
School supply lists
Parents and students can find back-to-school
supply lists under “Parent Resources” at www.
dodea.edu/Europe. Be advised that many
classroom teachers have different supply lists.
School bus registration
If you are new to Wiesbaden, don’t forget
to stop by the School Bus Office, located just
outside the Wiesbaden Middle School entrance,
to register your child for a school bus pass. The
office is open 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m.
Monday through Friday. Call the office at civ
(0611) 705-2251 for more information.
Free/reduced lunches
Families may be eligible for free or reducedprice school lunches based on family size and
Applications are being accepted now at CYS
Services, Parent Central Services, Bldg. 1213
Annex on Clay Kaserne. A new application is
required each year. Call civ (0611)143-5489356, DSN 548-9356. To be eligible for this
benefit contact the local Exchange to establish
a lunch account.
Early release on Thursdays
Parents are reminded, beginning in the 201617 school year, Wiesbaden community schools
will implement a one-hour early release each
Thursday to facilitate collaborative staff development time. The change is being implemented
on a community-by-community basis across
the Department of Defense Education ActivityEurope. For more information or questions,
contact your student’s principal.
New student orientation schedule
Watch for school news updates via email from
the schools and on official social media sites.
• Aukamm Elementary – Aug. 19
• Hainerberg Elementary – Aug. 19 from
10 to 11 a.m. Class lists will be posted
on the front door of the school Aug. 24.
Kindergarten orientation is from 9:30 to
10:30 a.m. Aug. 26.
• Wiesbaden Middle School – Aug. 18 at
1 p.m.
• Wiesbaden High School – Aug. 24.
School sports
The Wiesbaden High School interscholastic
“Warrior” athletic department offers the following sports during the fall. Football (Camp
sign-up is Aug. 12; camp is Aug. 14 to 17, and
practice begins Aug. 18); Girls’ Volleyball
(Practice begins Aug. 23 for Grades 11 and 12;
and Aug. 25 for grades 9 and 10); Cheer, Tennis,
Cross country and Golf (Aug. 29); Swimming
is offered via community program. To join the
team visit www.wiesbadenwahoos.com.
Page 12
Herald Union
Overseas school lunch
prices to increase this fall
Families qualifying
for free and reduced
lunch will not be
affected by change
Army & Air Force
Exchange Service release
DALLAS — Starting August
2016, school lunch prices at all
Department of Defense Education
Activity (DoDEA) schools outside
the continental United States
(with the exception of Guam)
will increase because of rising
operational costs and to comply
with federal law.
“Wholesome, balanced meals
are vital to the academic achievement of school-age children,”
said Air Force Chief Master Sgt.
Sean Applegate, Exchange senior
enlisted advisor. “It’s important
for us to keep offering these
nutritious meals and, in order to
do so and to keep pace with the
increasing food and operational
costs, the school meal prices will
increase for the first time in more
than four years.”
The new increase is $0.10 per full
price for elementary students’meals,
making their new prices $2.50 and
a $0.20 increase for secondary students, making their meals $2.75 for
the 2016-2017 school year. The last
price increase was $0.35 per meal
in 2012. Families qualifying for the
Herald Union archive photo
Beginning this school year, school lunch prices at DoDEA schools
outside the continental U.S. will increase to $2.50 for elementary
school students and $2.75 for secondary school students.
Free and Reduced Meal Program
will not have an increase in the cost
of their meals. Per federal guidelines, the cost of a reduced-price
meal will remain $0.40 per meal.
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids
Act (Public Law 111-296) requires
DoDEA schools, as participants in
the USDA meal program, to raise
paid student lunch prices to a level
comparable to the rates used for
USDA reimbursement. To meet this
requirement, prices in the OCONUS
schools will be gradually increased
over the coming years.
As the designated School
Food Authority, the Army & Air
Force Exchange Service provides
schools meals on a nonprofit,
break-even basis, for the DoD
School Meal Programs (SMPs).
The SMP meets the same USDA
guidelines as schools in the continental United States by providing meals that have the required
nutrients for children.
For more information on the
School Meal Program, visit http://
UMUC registration begins; spouse scholarship offered
UMUC Europe Release
University of Maryland University College Europe (UMUC
Europe) announces registration for
Fall 2016 Session 1.On-site and
online courses start Aug. 22, with
registration open until Aug. 17 for
online classes, Aug. 21 for hybrid
(a combination of on-site and online
courses), and the day each on-site
class begins.
This fall UMUC Europe is offering
courses in multiple subjects including
business administration, cybersecurity, and criminal justice. Learn more
about the thousands of classes that will
take place online, on military bases
in Europe, and in the Middle East at
To kick off the new academic
year, UMUC Europe is excited
to announce a $2,000 Spouse of
Service member (SOS) Scholarship
to help military spouses fund their
education. This scholarship is open
to both new and current undergraduate and graduate students. It can be
applied towards UMUC tuition or
refunded to help pay for other educational expenses. For information
on eligibility requirements and to
apply online, visit www.europe.
Interested in pursuing a career
in social work? UMUC Europe
is now accepting applications for
the Master of Social Work (MSW)
program. The deadline for applications is Sept.15.
For more information on registration and scholarships, or to
contact the U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden UMUC Europe program coordinator, call civ (0611)
143-548-1316 or email wiesbadeneurope@umuc.edu.
Receive updates from UMUC
Europe on Twitter and Facebook
at www.twitter.com/UMUCEurope
and www.facebook.com/UMUCEurope.
Aug. 4, 2016 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
US Soldiers train to join the elite
By Staff Sgt.
Corinna Baltos
24th Press Camp Headquarters
AREA, Romania — One shot.
One kill.
If you watch Hollywood
movies you may assume that
being a sniper is only about
killing people. However, while
snipers are trained to kill, they
also do much more.
Sniper combat missions
occasionally call for killing a
target, but the sniper team, usually consisting of a shooter and
spotter, is also trained to gather
detailed reconnaissance and
surveillance from a concealed
position for air-strikes and artillery while acting as a force
multiplier with fire support and
counter-sniper tactics.
It was these tactics that
soldiers from Headquarters
and Headquarters Company,
1st Combined Arms Battalion,
64th Armor Regiment, practiced at Smardan Training Area
from July 17 to 22. The soldiers,
many of whom are hoping for a
chance to attend sniper school,
have been stationed in Romania
since March in support of Op-
Photo by Spc. Devone Collins
Pfc. Kelly Desir of 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, reviews the field
observance map that was drawn in order to help sniper, Sgt. Corey Self, acquire a target
through a Mark 4 ERT (extended range tactical) scope.
eration Atlantic Resolve.
“This exercise is helping
us prepare for our live-fire exercise during [Exercise Saber
Guardian], as well as helping
soldiers get qualified to attend
sniper school,” said Sgt. Corey
Self, as he searched for his
target with a Leupold Mark 4
Long Range Tactical Scope.
During training, the soldiers
worked on improving the accuracy of their target detection
by practicing correct and rapid
identification of random pop-up
“We use the scopes to identify enemy threats or signs of
life, as well as look for things
that are hidden,” said Sgt.
Marlon Wilks.
After completing the sniper
range training, the Soldiers
traveled to Cincu, Romania to
take part in Saber Guardian.
Saber Guardian is a U.S.
Army Europe-led exercise,
in the spirit of partnership
for peace. It is designed to
promote regional stability and
security, while strengthening partnership capacity, and
fostering trust while improving interoperability between
Romania, the U.S., NATO
and the Partnership for Peace
member nations. It takes place
from July 27 through Aug. 7
at the Romanian Land Force
Combat Training Center in
Cincu, Romania.
USAREUR is uniquely positioned in its 51 country area
of responsibility to advance
American strategic interests
in Europe and Eurasia. The
relationships built during more
than 1,000 theater security cooperation events in more than
40 countries each year lead
directly to support for multinational contingency operations
around the world, strengthen
regional partnerships and enhance global security.
Tomorrow’s technology on display today
Story and photo
by William B. King
2nd Signal Brigade
Soldiers and civilians got
a peak at new technologies
during the Tech Expo at U.S.
Army Garrison Wiesbaden
July 28 and 29.
The expo, at the fitness
center on Clay Kaserne, featured more than 50 vendors
displaying some of the latest in
technology hardware, software
and services.
Col. Tim Norton, 5th Signal Command (Theater) G-3,
opened the ceremony by welcoming a large and diverse
group of vendors and attendees,
including several Soldiers from
the Bundeswehr CIS Command.
“It shows the importance of
industry and military teaming
to find solutions for the environment in which we operate,”
Norton said.
The Tech Expo was organized by National Conference
Services, Inc. For more information visit their website at
5th Signal Command (Theater) builds, operates and
defends network capabilities
to enable mission command
and create tactical, operational
and strategic flexibility for the
Army, joint and multinational
forces in the U.S. European
Command and U.S. Africa
Command areas of responsibility.
2nd Signal Brigade builds,
operates and defends Mission
Command System and networks to support unified action
anytime, anywhere.
Sgt. Maj. Ron Yingling of 2nd Signal Brigade speaks with a vendor at the Tech Expo at the
fitness center on Clay Kaserne July 28.
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Herald Union
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For your health
Soldier helps create possible Zika vaccine
Once initial tests were run by Springer and his colleagues, the virus strain was
taken into a clean room by researchers in
biohazard suits, who continued testing
it. Their job was to make sure the virus
strain had been deactivated (much like
the flu shot).
Last week, the ZPIV that PBF
researchers had been working on was
successfully completed. It’s now being
tested for purity, safety and immunogenicity (if it produces an immune
By Katie Lange
DoD News, Defense Media Activity
For the past several months, Army
Spc. Chris Springer has walked into
the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research’s Pilot Bioproduction Facility,
thrown on his lab coat and gotten to work
running tests for researchers closing in
on a Zika vaccine.
He’s one of very few service members to get to work on the Zika vaccine.
The Maryland facility doesn’t exactly have the high-tech feel one would
expect. The rooms are reminiscent of a
high school chemistry class – complete
with tin foil, glass jugs and plastic tubes.
There are pinkish-beige rounded bricks
lining the decades-old walls, which are
filled with refrigerators and freezers that
give off a collective hum. But it’s not
about the aesthetics there – it’s about
the life-saving products the researchers create.
Unlike many in the science and
tech fields, Springer chose the military
over a private-sector career, enlisting
in October 2013 after getting a bachelor’s degree from Sam Houston State
“I thought about joining throughout
my life. After college I looked at my
options, and it seemed like [the Army]
had the best opportunities for me,”
Springer said. “The military really is
the most diverse organization or group
of people you’ll ever meet.”
He said he had some family in the
medical field, so he decided to become
a medical laboratory tech. He went to
Where the process
goes from there
Photo by Katie Lange
U.S. Army Spc. Chris Springer flashes a smile as he puts some of his work
into one of the facility’s many refrigerators.
advanced individual training for the
specialty and also got an associate’s
degree and a certification. He was assigned to WRAIR as a viral technician
about a year and a half ago.
“I feel very fortunate. I actually
wanted to get a field unit, and they
put me here, which is pretty much the
exact opposite,” Springer joked. “But
I lucked out.”
How they made
the vaccine so fast
While many vaccines can take
years to create, this one took only a
few months.“We actually cleared our
calendar so we could do Zika,” said the
facility’s chief researcher, Dr. Kenneth
Eckels.So how did they make it so fast?
Here’s the gist:
Pilot Bioproduction Facility researchers received a Puerto Rican
strain of the virus, called Zika Purified
Inactivated Vaccine (ZPIV), from a lab
run by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention in February. Zika is a
flavivirus similar to West Nile, dengue
and Japanese encephalitis, which the
facility has worked on before. With
those viruses, researchers took procedures they tested in their lab and applied
them to producing a vaccine for human
clinical testing. Since those procedures
are already in place, and Zika is similar
to them, that’s also the goal for Zika.
If all of the testing is favorable, the
ZPIV vaccine will be given to clinical
researchers for phase one of human
trials, when human volunteers can test
it for safety and immune responses.
WRAIR officials hope trials will begin
by the end of this year.
WRAIR researchers have also begun
taking all they’ve learned about Zika and
transferring those techniques to Sanofi
Pasteur, a company with whom WRAIR
recently signed a cooperative research
and development agreement. Sanofi has
the capability to manufacture the vaccine
at a much larger scale for phase two and
three testing – when researchers actually
use the ZPIV in areas with active disease
to see how patients are protected.
If it’s successful, Sanofi will manufacture ZPIV on a commercial scale.
The Department of Defense will then
be able to get the finished product from
Sanofi for use.
Remember to stay hydrated as summer heat increases
By Health.mil
With the summer heat upon
us, it is important to take the
proper precautions when spending time outdoors.
The oppressive heat and
increased activities can cause
people to sweat, and the water
in their bodies evaporates to
help keep them cool.
Bodies need to have an
adequate amount of water to
maintain the proper balance of
electrolytes to function properly. All body systems and organs
depend on water for regulation
of cell health and vitality. This
includes the nervous system
(all the nerves and brain); cardiovascular system (the heart
and all of the blood vessels
that bring oxygen to the cells);
Page 14
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Army
With the current heat wave and temperatures often soaring to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it is important to take the
proper precautions when spending time outdoors.
pulmonary system (bringing
oxygen from the air into the
body and expelling carbon dioxide); gastrointestinal system
(allows absorption of water and
Herald Union
nutrients to bodies and gets rid
of toxic byproducts); and the integumentary system, otherwise
known as skin, the largest organ
of the body.
Skin maintains everyone’s
temperature. It is a protective
barrier for the internal organs:
urinary system (kidneys and
urine tract that detoxifies the
blood and helps maintain the
exact amount of electrolytes
and nutrients in our blood); the
musculoskeletal system (which
is a big reservoir of water in our
bodies); and many more important structures and processes.
Our body weight is comprised of approximately 50-to65 percent water. People need to
pay close attention to keeping
themselves and loved ones well
hydrated during summer fun.
Even mild dehydration can
make individuals feel really
bad – stomach upset, irritable,
mild headache, achy joints and
decreased performance.
When urine is dark rather
than a light yellow or clear
color, it’s a good indicator the
body is not getting enough
Just remember that dehydration and these symptoms
correlate with just about every
organ and system in one’s body.
Use common sense when
deciding what time of day to
be out and about performing
strenuous work and exercise.
Avoid these strenuous activities
between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
especially on extremely hot
days. Drink water and/or sports
drinks every 20 minutes. People
should keep water with them
and wear loose, light colored
Aug. 4, 2016 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
Bulletin board
At the movies August 4 - 17
Taunus Movie Theater
Thursday August 4
Bad Moms (R) 7 p.m.
Friday August 5
Suicide Squad in 3D (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Saturday August 6
Finding Dory (PG) 2 p.m.
Independence Day: Resurgence (PG-13)
4 p.m.
Suicide Squad (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Sunday August 7
Finding Dory (PG) 3:30 p.m.
Suicide Squad (PG-13) 6 p.m.
Monday August 8
Tuesday August 9
Wednesday August 10
Central Intelligence (PG-13) 7 p.m.
© 2016 Warner Bros. / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
It feels good to be bad… Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them
off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller
has determined only a secretly convened group of disparate, despicable individuals with next to
nothing to lose will do. However, once they realize they weren’t picked to succeed but chosen for
their patent culpability when they inevitably fail, will the “Suicide Squad” resolve to die trying, or
decide it’s every man for himself?
Thursday August 11
Suicide Squad (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Movie plots
Friday August 12
Sausage Party (R) 7 p.m.
Saturday August 13
Pete’s Dragon in 3D (PG) 2 p.m.
Pete’s Dragon (PG) 4 p.m.
Sausage Party (R) 6 p.m.
© 2016 STX Entertainmen / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
Sunday August 14
Pete’s Dragon (PG) 4 p.m.
Sausage Party (R) 6 p.m.
Monday August 15
When three overworked and under-appreciated moms are pushed beyond their limits, they
ditch their conventional responsibilities for a
jolt of long overdue freedom, fun, and comedic
self-indulgence. They become “Bad Moms.“
Tuesday August 16
Wednesday August 17
Now you See Me 2 (PG-13) 7 p.m.
© 2016 Walt Disney / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most
current at the time of publication. Please visit
https://www.shopmyexchange.com/ for the
most up-to-date schedule.
“Finding Dory” takes place about a year after
the first film, and features returning favorites
Marlin, Nemo and the Tank Gang, among others. Set in part along the California coastline,
the story also welcomes a host of new characters, including a few who will prove to be a very
important part of Dory’s life.
Central Intelligence — The story follows a
one-time bullied geek, Bob, who grew up
to be a lethal CIA agent, coming home for
his high school reunion. Claiming to be
on a top-secret case, he enlists the help of
former “big man on campus,” Calvin, now
an accountant who misses his glory days.
But before the staid numbers-cruncher
realizes what he’s getting into, it’s too late
to get out, as his increasingly unpredictable
new friend drags him through a world of
shoot-outs, double-crosses and espionage
that could get them both killed in more
ways than Calvin can count.
Sausage Party (Rated R) — An animated movie
about one sausage’s quest to discover the
truth about his existence. After falling out
of a shopping cart, our hero sausage and his
new friends embark on a perilous journey
through the supermarket to get back to
their aisles before the 4th of July sale.
Pete’s Dragon — The adventures of an orphaned boy named Pete and his best friend
Elliot, who just so happens to be a dragon.
Now You See Me 2 — One year after outwitting the FBI and winning the public’s adulation with their mind-bending spectacles,
the Four Horsemen resurface only to find
themselves face to face with a new enemy
who enlists them to pull off their most
dangerous heist yet.
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Herald Union
Page 15
Opelbad Neroberg
Clockwise from top left: Opelbad
Maaraue and Kleinfeldchen (top righ
the outdoor pools open this summe
Page 16
Herald Union
Aug. 4, 2016 ............................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
Compiled by Herald Union staff
ummer is here! What better way to beat the heat than splashing around
in a cool swimming pool? And while there are many fabulous indoor
swimming facilities to choose from in our area, now is a great time
to enjoy outdoor swimming and poolside sports. The following is a
partial list of open-air aquatic facilities in Wiesbaden and surrounding areas.
Opelbad Neroberg
This outdoor pool has the best view in the
city! Perched high on the hill overlooking
downtown Wiesbaden, it is surrounded by
woods and vineyards. The Opelbad features a
large slide, plus generous playground facilities
for children and outdoor play areas for chess,
volleyball and table tennis. When you get
hungry, just pop over to the on-site restaurant.
The pool is open daily from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Tickets are 8,20€ for adults and 2 to 3€ for
kids, depending on age.
More information in English: http://www.
This pool is huge, and the swimming pool
complex has extensive lawns for soaking up
the sun, as well as a giant playground and a
wide water slide. Sports range from volleyball
to badminton, table tennis and basketball.
There’s plenty for younger visitors, too, with
a water play area with an elephant slide and
Archimedes’ spiral. The pool is open daily
from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. all summer. Tickets are
4,20€ for adults and 1,50€ for kids.
More information in English: http://www.
otos courtesy of Mattiaqua
Neroberg, Kallebad,
ht corner) are among
Wiesbaden’s biggest pool is situated in the
middle of the landscape conservation area of the
same name. The swim complex lies between the
Rhine and Main rivers with a panoramic view
of Mainz’s old town. It has a diving area and a
wide water slide as well as smaller slides and
toys for younger children to play on. There is
room on the lawn for basketball, beach volleyball, ping pong tables, chess tables, badminton
and grassy areas for laying out. There is also
a restaurant on site. Maaraue is open every
day during the summer from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Tickets are 4,20€ for adults and 2,70€ for kids.
More information in English: http://www.
Kleinfeldchen Swimming
Just a few minutes from Wiesbaden city
center, the Kleinfeldchen swimming complex
offers fun and sports in the water. The swimming center indoors is an attractive fitness
center for young and old thanks to the swimming and teaching pools, baby area, separate
training hall, sauna and exercise activities, such
as aquarobics and aqua-jogging. In summer, a
32,000-square-meter outside area with plenty
of attractions awaits guests. A 10-meter diving
board, giant and high-speed water slides and
a non-swimmer pool with jet stream canal,
massage jets and whirl beds make a trip to
Kleinfeldchen fun for the whole family.
More information in English: http://www.
Outdoor Pool “Am Grossen Sand,”
Mainz Mombach
For a cool splash and fun in the sun, visit
this outdoor pool at Mainz Mombach. Kids can
enjoy a large kid’s pool with a playground and
a pirate ship in the water while swimmers can
work out in the Olympic Pool or in the multipurpose pool with water slide. The large grass
area with its many trees offers enough space in
the sun or in the shade, two beach volleyball
courts, a giant chess board, a mini basketball
field, ping pong tables and playgrounds. The
area has barrier-free access.
For more information, please visit the German site: http://www.schwimmbad-mainz.de/.
Outdoor Pool “Taubertsbergbad”
Visitors can enjoy a great day in the sun on
26,000 square meters in this outdoor pool next
to the train station in Mainz. The main pool
is 50 meters long and offers enough lanes for
many swimmers to work out. Others can enjoy
a fun time in the 600-square-meter beginner’s
pool or watch their kids have their first water
experiences in the baby pool. The grass area
offers space in the shade or in the sun, as well
as space to play badminton, Frisbee and other
summer activities.
For more information, please visit the
German site: http://www.taubertsbergbad.de/
Rhein River beach
Want to get the beach feeling without having to go far?
Either side of the Rhein River between
Mainz-Kastel and Mainz offers an artificial
beach for the summer.
For the beach on the Wiesbaden side, take
B455 through Mainz-Kastel, and just before
getting onto the final part of the bridge, stay in
the far right lane and exit right, then take the
first left following signs for Bastion Schonborn;
follow the street along the water front taking
you back under the bridge and to the historic
fortress; the beach is right behind it.
For the Mainz side, drive down B455 across
the river, stay in the far right lane and park at
the riverside parking garage and walk toward
the city along the river walk. The beach starts
right after the bridge and is open daily starting 11 a.m.
To see a video, visit: https://www.youtube.
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Herald Union
Page 17
8 Great Day Trips in Germany with the Kids
Tea house in Chinese garden in Luisenpark, Mannheim
Story courtesy of
There is so much more to Germany than the wonderful churches and
castles. Have you ever heard of farm
golf or seen a Celtic house? Kids and
adults alike will enjoy investigating
German houses of the past and whizzing down a hillside in a toboggan.
From swimming pools to steel factories, there are so many places to visit.
Here are some ideas for great day
trips that you can do, with or without
the kids…
the skyline. Cable cars run all over the
plant like a chair lift runs up a mountain. Walking around, smelling the
dust, noticing the weather feeling the
immensity of the factory sparks the
imagination into seeing what it would
have been like to work there. A tour of
the plant takes around 3 hours and is
well worth the short drive to the Saarbruecken area.
1. Potzberg Wild Animal Park
Every day from spring to fall there
is a Birds of Prey Show at the Potzberg Wild Animal Park. Even visitors
who don’t speak German get a thrill
when the hawks swoop past. The spacious zoo has several animals and is a
wonderful way to catch a glimpse of
the wild boar that dominates the local
3. Luisenpark Mannheim
If you haven’t seen storks in the Ramstein area, you are sure to see them at
Luisenpark. This unique and large park
in Mannheim contains playgrounds,
restaurants, and animals. Pink pelicans
and flamingos play in the water. A butterfly may land on you in the butterfly
house. Hidden behind the Chinese Garden are two Terra Cotta Soldiers from
an ancient Chinese burial site. From
relaxing in the shade, climbing in the
playground and viewing snakes in the
reptile house this park offers something
for everyone.
2. Voelklinger Huette
The Voelklingen Steel Factory closed
its doors in 1986 when its equipment
and manufacturing processes became
obsolete. It is the only preserved plant
of its kind and now a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. Visitors are permitted to
walk all around the plant for a fascinating self-guided tour. Blast furnaces
that look like large canisters dominate
4. Keltendorf Steinbach
This Celtic living history museum
lets visitors experience life in Germany 2,000 years ago. Children may get
the opportunity to cut and sew leather
to construct their own coin purse, or
pound copper to make a medallion. See
how grain was ground and check out
the construction of Celtic structures.
Plan ahead. This small museum is
Photo by Ph0neutria / Shutterstock.com
only open on the weekends.
5. Freilichtmuseum Bad
About 500 years ago, several years
after the Celts, and several before modern times, the Freilichtmuseum gives
visitors a more recent look into Germany’s past. It turns out that life wasn’t too
much different from the American Pioneers. There wasn’t water or electricity
inside the houses, cooking was done
over open fires, and houses were swept
with hand-made brooms. A walking
trip through all the buildings can easily
last four hours as there are many open
buildings. Rest at the restaurant or pack
a picnic. Visit during a special event
to see live demonstrations of what life
was like.
6. Natural Swimming Pool
The natural water filtration system
gives this swimming pool its name.
Hidden behind a building on the edge
of Landstuhl, it’s surprising to see a
large grassy area, water slide and landscaped swimming pools. Little ones
can toddle among the pebbles in the
ankle deep water, while big kids enjoy
the low platform diving board and inner
tubes. If all the play builds up the appetite, brats can be purchased or visitors
can enjoy a picnic. A day can easily slip
away as everyone enjoys the afternoon
swimming, sunning and relaxing.
7. Alpine Slide Peterberg
Although the thought of sliding down
a hill in a metal cart on a track may seem
frightening, it’s actually quite fun. The
cars are towed up and then released at
the top for a curvy, fun-filled ride down
the hill. Each car has breaks which are
easy to use, and parents can ride with
their small children. In the winter there
is a lift to bring skiers up the hill. It’s
not too often we get the opportunity to
spend an afternoon like this.
8. Farm Golf at Heuhotel Schanz
With wooden shoes attached to a
stick visitors try to hit a soccer ball into
a bucket recessed into the ground. The
course is laid out in a farm field like a
golf course. After the round visitors can
grab a beer and a bite to eat, and that’s
not all. There is also a hay hotel. That’s
right, you can spend the night in the
barn on the hay.
For more information on each trip,
please visit http://militaryingermany.
and follow the link for each trip
Author’s profile: Julie Norkoli is a
DOD Civilian spouse and a homeschooling mother of three living near
the Ramstein AB in Germany. She loves
to travel and is actively involved in the
German community through several
Travel and Events for American Families
More lifestyle stories on: www.militaryingermany.com
Page 18
Herald Union
Aug. 4, 2016 ............................................................................. www.herald-union.com
Photos by Igor Zakowski, Fir4ik / Shutterstock.com
www.herald-union.com .................................................................................. Aug. 4, 2016 Herald Union Page 19
Ham &
Ham & Cheese Spaetzle
Ingredients (for 4 people)
4 cups fresh mushrooms sliced into
quarters and washed
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup diced ham
1.5 pounds spaetzle
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon white pepper
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 cup grated Gouda
Allow butter to melt in pan. Don’t let it get past warm. Add mushrooms, diced ham, and spaetzle. Heat all for 5-7 minutes, on medium
heat, stirring occasionally. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add
grated Gouda and chopped parsley. Divide equally into four bowls
and you have a nice comfort food dinner. If desired, you can top with
nicely browned onions.
A nice summer salad of tomato, cucumber and lettuce will compliment this meal well.
Enjoy your meal!
Page 20
Herald Union
Photo by YesPhotographers / Shutterstock.com
Aug. 4, 2016 ............................................................................. www.herald-union.com
Upcoming beer and wine festivals
across Germany
Aug. 5 - Aug. 7: Berlin International Beer
Approximately 320 brewers from 86 countries are expected to be present with about
2,000 beer varieties for this festival’s 20th
anniversary. For more information, visit www.
Through September: Bierboerse
This moving German beer festival was cre-
Aug. 17 - Aug. 21: Rothenburg Weindorf
This annual festival gives visitors the opportunity to try more than 70 different Franconian
wines. Music, food and a variety of vendors
will be available for patrons. For more information, visit www.bavaria.by/beer-wine-festivalsevents-bavaria.
Aug. 18 - Aug. 22: Ruedesheim Wine
Ruedesheim hospitality and wine culture at its
best. You’ll find fine rieslings and fruity pinot noirs
coupled with live music, fine food and high spirits
in abundance in Ruedesheim’s market square. For
more information, visit www.ruedesheim.de/en/
ated more than 30 years ago. Originally established as a local summer festival, it now travels
to more than 20 cities that are mainly located in
the Rheinland area. For more information and
dates for one closest to you, visit www.bierboerse.com/veranstaltungstermine.htm.
Sept. 23 - Oct. 9: Cannstatter Volksfest
This annual beer festival is the second largest
after Oktoberfest, attracting millions of visitors.
Lasting for 17 days, large beer tents sponsored
by various breweries offer more than 5,000
seats for patrons. For more information, visit
Aug. 19 - Aug. 21: Weinfest der
Attracting more than 200,000 visitors, this wine
festival provides patrons with brilliant fireworks and
pageants along with its delicious local Mosel-region
wines. For more information, visit www.mosellandtouristik.de/en/culture-events/wine-festivals.
Aug. 24 - Sept. 4: Stuttgarter Weindorf
This unique wine festival has been held for
more than 40 years in Stuttgart, attracting millions
of people from all over the world. For more information, visit www.stuttgarter-weindorf.de.
Aug. 25 - Aug. 28 and Sept. 1 - Sept. 4:
Mainzer Wein Markt
This cozy and relaxing wine festival takes place
in the Stadtpark of Mainz. The festival offers two
Photo by Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock.com
Sept. 17 - Oct. 3: Oktoberfest
It all started with a royal wedding and ended
with the most famous beer festival in Europe.
If you want to go, plan early and make reservations. It fills up fast! For more information, visit
Sept. 23 - Oct. 16: Oktoberfest
Can’t make it to Bavaria? You still have time
to go north. This festival is held annually at
Zentral Festplatz, just outside the city center.
For more information, visit www.berlinerfestplatz.de.
Photo by pogonici/Shutterstock.com
It’s sad to think that we are
already halfway through the summer. Pretty soon the leaves will
change, the temperatures will drop
and we’ll see the sun less and less.
But don’t throw the towel in just yet.
There’s still plenty of time to enjoy
the last few months of summer and
plenty to look forward to! Festival
season is right around the corner and
what better way to get started than
to visit some of the best beer and
wine festivals Germany has to offer.
weekends of wine tasting with more than 100
stands serving local wines and delicacies. For more
information, visit www.mainzer-weinmarkt.de.
Aug. 31 - Sept. 9: Rheingau Wine Festival
Wine enthusiasts, this one’s for you! Rheingau
vintners offer several hundred wines and sparkling
wines from more than 30 vintner stands. For more
information, visit: www.frankfurt-tourismus.de/
Sept. 9 - Sept. 13 and Sept. 16 - Sept. 19:
Duerkheimer Wurstmarkt
Duerkheim Wurstmarkt is one of the oldest and
largest wine festivals in the world — think Munich
Oktoberfest but with wine. Guests can sample more
than 150 different wines at more than 50 different
venues during the 600th year of this festival. For more
information, visit www.duerkheimer-wurstmarkt.de.
More events on: www.MilitaryInGermany.com
Photo by Igor Normann/Shutterstock.com
by Katie F. Boltuch
Contributing writer
www.herald-union.com .................................................................................. Aug. 4, 2016 Herald Union Page 21
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1999 VW Passat Sport Combi,
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2 Litre Opel Vectra, Automatic,
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with black leather interior. New
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a tune up and some body work
(some rust) but runs great. 500 Euros or best offer. US inspection
good until 8 August 2016. Münzenberg Germany (Giessen area),
phone: 0176-47318879, email: ge
Car repair service
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2002 Mazda MPV 2.0L Diesel, 7
seater, Manual 66892 Bruchmühlbach-Miesau Germany, $4000
2002 Toyota Rav4 SUV with
AWD, $8,995, US specs, Manual,
Cruise Control, Power Locks, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive,
Power Windows, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: in
2000 Skoda Fabia, good on gas,
dependable, dealer maintained,
asking $2500 obo, for more info
contact Brian at 0176-31508726
2005 BMW X5 (3.0i/V6) Great, safe and dependable family car. Silver exterior with black leather interior. Very smooth and clean car.
We PCS in less than two
weeks...first respectable offer ta2014 VW Tiguan, $27000, email: kes it...very negotiable and willing
to show and test drive anytime
between now and second week
of June. Again...After doing research make me a good offer and
it's yours. Call or text 0151-29006454 or email clay.lancaster@
2001 VW Passat Sport Combi,
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Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior,
HiFi System, Perfect Condition,
Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@
europeanmotors.org, Web: http://
2000 Ford Transit, Van USAREUR Inspected Camper Cheap, 2003 BMW 318i 143,412km/
Kaiserslautern Germany, $1700, 89,112miles Excellent condition.
email: ianandrewriden@gmail.com New top-rated all-season tires.
$6100. absheres@ymail.com
ECU upgrades
2001 BMW 320i Sport Sedan,
$7,995-, EU SPEC, Automatic,
Leather Sport Seats, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, 12 Months Warranty, 1 Owner Vehicle, Call: 0176 2273 0967,
Email: info@europeanmotors.org
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Page 22
Herald Union
2006 Pontiac G6 GT, 3.5L, V6,
87,500miles, Bright White, Black
Premium Leather interior, $8,495,
tors.net, 0176-93136972
2006 Porsche Cayenne Turbo,
132,000 mi, Porsche Tiptronic,
Full Black Leather with full Black
Alcantara headliner, Details: One
owner. Picked up new at the factory in Leipzig March 2006. Special full leather and carbon fiber trim
interior. Windows are factory Thermal/UV protected. Engine cooling
system upgrade and new drive
shaft installed by Porsche. Audio/
NAVI includes telephone card slot
(system works in Europe and the
USA). Included are 4 each 20 inch
custom rims with high speed tires
mounted and 4 each 18 inch rims
with winter tires mounted. phone:
0152 5733 5095, email: trfman@
2007 Lexus SC430 Coupe/Convertible, $25,795, US specs, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control,
Power Seats, Alloy, Power Hard
Top, Perfect Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european
motors.org, Web: http://www.euro
2007 MINI Cooper "S" Hardtop,
$12,695, US spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated
Seats, Alloy Wheels, Power Glass
Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call:
0176-22730967, Email: info@euro
2005 Mercedes ML 270 CDI 4x4, peanmotors.org,
Turbo Diesel, 2.7L 5 Cyl, Turbo
96,900 KMs/60,000 Miles, Obsidi- 2007 Mustang GT, 4.8L, V8,
an Black Metallic Price: $16,990, 300HP, Coupe, 74,262 miles, manual, gas, Grey Metallic, Black
Premium Leather, $13,995, conmark@americanmotors.net,
2006 Honda Accord "EX" Sport tact
Sedan, $9,995, US spec, Manual, 0176-93136972
Power Glas Sunroof, Cruise Control, Cloth Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european
motors.org, Web: http://www.euro
Lindberghstr. 5
Tel: 0 62 21-76 61 67
Tel: 0 62 21-76 61 02
Fax: 0 62 21-76 61 64
2006 Peugeot 206 CC RC-Line
Convertible, 1.6 Liter/108 HP, German Spec., 15" Winter & 17" Summer Tires + Rims, JBL Sound System, German Inspection until 04/
2017, Great Condition, asking
€4500, Call 0173-6345979 (Kaiserslautern)
2006 Nissan Frontier Truck, 4X4
SE King Cab, Manual Transmission, 79,000 miles, Silver Paint,
Clean/non-smoker, Passed Inspection,
2008 Nissan Altima 2.5, Nissan
Altima Nissan Altima Family Car
Sedan pass inspection safe reliable, Eulenbis Germany, $6000,
phone: 015161138848, email: ore
2008 Toyota Sienna LE, miles:
88600, Seats: 8, new all season tires, located in Kaiserslautern Germany, $11000, email: tony.montes
Aug. 4, 2016 ............................................................................. www.herald-union.com
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
2009 Saturn Vue w/ 85,228 mi.
Red ext/tan int. 2.4 lt engine. 4spd auto trans, A/C, heated seats,
For Sale as is. 12 mos left on inspection. New battery. See photos on FIG classifieds web page.
Call/text 01739208379 for test
2010 Volkswagen GTI, 2.0L Turbo 200HP, Sport Hatch, automatic, gas, Dark Grey Metallic, GTI
Cloth Interior, $15.995, contact
mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2010 Volvo XC90 Safe, clean, reliable, leather, DVD, Navi, Blutooth, 83k miles dealer maintained new tires clean! 3rd row seating seats 7, SUV 6-speed Automatic trans, all wheel drive, Mainz
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Cou- ley.4579@yahoo.com
pe, $25,995, US Spec, Automatic,
Cruise Control, Power Glass SunSet of Monster Green Borbet
roof, Power Seats, 20 inch Alloy
9x16 with new tires, Bolt pattern
Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call:
4x100, €550, 0631/91572
0176-22730967, Email: info@euro
2007 Chevrolet Corvette, 6.0L,
V8, 400HP, 71,591 miles, red,
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T, black leather interior, $26,995,
5.7L, V8 Hemi, Coupe, 55,531 mi- contact
les, manual, gas, Black Crystal, tors.net, 0176-93136972
Black premium Leather interior,
$24,495, contact mark@american 2003 Volkswagen Golf for sale
motors.net, 0176-93136972
2010 MAZDA 3i Sport Sedan,
$10,995-, US SPEC, Automatic
Transmission, Cloth Seats, Cruise
Control, Front Wheel Drive, Alloy
Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call:
0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro
peanmotors.org, Web: www.euro
2005 Audi A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI
German Specs $4800 Contact
0160 968 44778
2011 Mercedes ML300 Turbo
Diesel, €23,000, Grand Edition
model with many extras. Ride in
style for 1/4 the price of a new
ML. excellent condition, contact:
email: papyporsche@aol.com
2010 Toyota Corolla "S" Sport
Sedan, $14,695, US spec, Automatic, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Power Glas Sunroof, Alloy
Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call:
0176-22730967, Email: info@euro I have a Fantastic Range of Tires
http:// in Stock at Great Prices, €, 0631/
2011 Audi A3, Katzweiler Germany, $16,000.00 OBE, phone:
01714720276, email: garrity@my
quix.de.Audi A3 Sportback 1.6TDI
Diesel 5-speed, privately owned.
German specs. Heated cloth
seats, air conditioning, cruise control, Xenon Lights and Bluetooth.
Dealer maintained, up-to-date on
service (last service was performed 30 June 2016). Currently
USAREUR licensed. Professionally cleaned (interior shampooed,
exterior waxed and wheels cleaned). Winter tires on rims and winter floormats. 101000 km. Price
$16,000. All reasonable offers will
2011 MINI Countryman "S"
ALL4, $23,795-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Glass
Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@
europeanmotors.org, Web:http://
2012 BMW 128i, 3.0L, i6, 230HP,
28,470 miles, Blue Metallic,
Cream Leather interior, $25,495,
tors.net, 0176-93136972
2012 BMW 328i Hardtop Convertible, $28,995, US Spec, Manual,
Leather, Cruise Control, Heated
Seats, Alloy Wheels, Navigation
System, Perfect Condition, Call:
0176-22730967, Email: info@euro
2012 GMV Acadia,
3.6L V6
288HP, 63,764 miles, automatic,
Gas, black metallic, grey leather,
$24,995, contact mark@american
motors.net, 0176-93136972
2012 Hyundai Elantra, 1.8L, Sedan, 48,050 miles, automatic,
gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Leather
interior, $15,995, contact mark@
2012 Volvo XC60, 3.2L, V6, SUV,
32,059 miles, automatic, gas,
Black Metallic, Black Premium
Leather, $29,495, contact mark@
2012 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L, V6,
210HP, SUV, 23,598 miles, gas,
Black Metallic, $24,995, contact
mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2013 Audi A3 Quattro, 2.0L,
220HP, 6,788 miles, automatic, like new, $34,995, contact mark@
2012 Jeep Patriot, 2.0L, 158HP,
SUV, 16,961 miles, automatic,
gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate
Grey interior, $15,495, contact
mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2013 Dodge Dart, 2.0L 160, Sedan, 36,591 miles, automatic,
gas, grey metallic, Diesel Grey
Cloth interior, $15,495, contact
mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon,
3.6L, V6, 285 HP, 49,209 miles,
SUV, manual, gas, Silver Metallic,
Dark Slate Grey interior, $29,995,
tors.net, 0176-93136972
2013 Ford Focus, 2.0L i4, Hatchback, 23,642 miles, automatic,
gas, deep cherry red, Dark Slate
Grey interior, $14,995, contact
mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2012 Mercedes ML350, Fully
Loaded, Palladium Silver, Black
01703196798, email: nunntc@
2013 Lexus ES 350 Base
$8,800USD!!! The car is accident
free, with a low mileage, well
maintained and service regularly.
Full Options!!! Tires are 100% great, the Car is in perfect shape. In2012 Nissan Maxima, 3.5L, V6, terested buyer should contact
290HP, Sedan, 24,250 miles, au- me: autuorimaria56@gmail.com
tomatic, gas, Deep Purple, Beige
Cloth interior, $23,495, contact 2013 Nissan Altima, 3.5L V6
mark@americanmotors.net, 0176- 240HP, Sedan, 24,300 miles, au93136972
tomatic, gas, storm blue, black
premium cloth interior, $20,995,
2012 Toyota Rav4 "Limited" V6 contact
SUV with AWD, $24,695, US tors.net, 0176-93136972
spec, Automatic, Cruise Control,
Power Seat, Alloy, Navigation, 2013 Toyota Avalon, 3.5L, V6,
Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, 268HP, Crimoson metallic, Black
Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@ leather interior, $25,995, contact
europeanmotors.org, Web: http:// mark@americanmotors.net, 0176www.europeanmotors.org
www.herald-union.com .................................................................................. Aug. 4, 2016 Herald Union Page 23
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
2013 Toyota Highlander, 2.7L,
SUV, 17,109 miles, automatic,
gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $26,495, contact mark@
2013 Toyota Rav4, 2.5L, SUV,
14,837 miles, automatic, gas, Red
Candy Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $22,995, contact mark@ameri
canmotors.net, 0176-93136972
2014 Ford Mustang 5.0 GT/CS
Coupe, $28,895, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy
Wheels, California Special Pack,
Perfect Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european
motors.org, Web: http://www.euro
2014 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0L, V8,
405HP, Coupe, manual, gas, Gun
Metal Grey, Black Premium Leather interior, $32,495, contact
mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2014 MINI Countryman JCW
ALL4, Blue, $34900, 12821 miles,
Manufacturer Warranty, Automatic, Panoramic Sunroof, Leather,
Navigation, Auto Climate, Xenon
Lights, Heated Seats, Rain Sense
Wipers, Upgraded Sound System.
Call or text 017680420465
2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4, 2.4L,
SUV, 2,715 miles, automatic, gas,
Deep Blue Metallic, Dark Slate
Grey interior, $21,995, contact
mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
7 Seat German Spec Dec 2012
Prius+ (US Equivelant to Prius
V).(not sold in the US). Perfect for
touring Europe with family. 45L
tank that gets approx 650KM. Approx 50 Euro to fill up without US/
Esso prices when outside of Germany. Rear Camera. Winter and
Summer tires. Panoramic moonroof. Scheduled maintenance conducted on 8 June. Internal Navigation with Euro maps. $16000. bot
Audi A3 Sportback 1.6TDI Diesel
5-speed, privately owned. Heated
cloth seats, air conditioning, cruise control, Xenon Lights and Bluetooth. Dealer maintained, up-todate on service (last service was
performed 30 June 2016). Professionally cleaned(interior shampooed, exterior waxed and
wheels cleaned). Winter tires on
rims and winter floormats. 101000
Guaranteed Used Cars at Great
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017699970323,0631 414 898 19,
Chrysler PT Cruiser, diesel, 2.2l,
standard, AC, no rust, no accident, 190000k, winter+summer tires,
pet+smoke free, 5l on 100km,
€2500, stefandsanya@gmail.com
Hyundai Accent, GLS, 4, door,
BMW 316 I 4door Automatic , or 0151-45261009
automatic, ABS, power stering,
Blue , Elec windows FT All WeaCute Little Car needs a good ho- 1.4 LTR, $1550, if you have any
ther tires, very good and dependame,
Mercedes car for dispose of, accident, non
ble family car $ 1799. OBO, 90,
A160,1999, 145,000 KM, Sil- operational, we remove it for
ver.This little car is in perfect con- you.Email ddundkk@hotmail.de
dition inside and out with low mileage for its age.Great for scoo- Intake manifold, never used, for
BMW 318i Manual transmission, ting around town and parking!It a civic type R or a Acura Acura
alloy wheel, climate control with A/ has automatic transmission, air RSX
C. Just passed inspection. Loca- conditioning, power steering, bra- isabell_1_98@yahoo.com
ted: Bruchwiesenstr.21, Landstuhl kes and windows, radio with CD 017622987498
or call 0170-7333610
player, European specs.Email: Mer
Pho- MAZDA MERMACY 1998, TURBMW 320d touring, HU 04/2017, ne:06227-384-9939.
Automatic transmission, 110 kW
Daihatsu silver met, 4 door, 5
(150 PS), Diesel, FR 05/2004,
speed, 1.0 LTR , year 2002 air
170,000 km, full leather grey, Acci2,200, ddundkk@hotmail.de
cond, summer tire and winter tident-free, full serice history, full
res, CD player, ABS, air bags, $ Miles; 128,500, Color: Black/Enequipment, all comfort, Negotia1100, and we deliver, if you have gine:2.5 L turbo inline 6, Capacible €8700, call 0176-62056022
any cars for dispose of, accident, ty:18 gal, RANGE (C/H) 306.0/
Non operational, we remove it for 432.0 mi./EPA (C/H) 17/24 mpg/
BMW 316 I 4 door Automatic ,
you, email for info ddundkk@hot AWD, winter mode, 5 speed shiftBlue , Elec windows FT All Weamail.de
able automatic, leather interior,
ther tires, very good and dependable family car $ 1799. OBO, 90, Ford Escort SE, 1998 blue, auto- Power Sun Roof, Traction ConGERMANY,
email: matic, US mod, all season tires, trol, Stability Control more!!!
$1699, and we deliver anywhere, hp2ronin@gmail.com
if you have any cars for dispose
MINI Cooper Cabrio, green, insiCamper For Sale, $29000, of, accident, non operational, we
de black and part leather, new tiwill
ed_thornburg@yahoo.com, Merceres (all year tires) on aluminium
des-Benz Marco Polo with Activirims, lots of extras, all services doty Package-loaded. Auto, diesel, ddundkk@hotmail.de
ne, Accident-free, FR 09/2005,
Ford Kuga, 2015, $28,500, GerAC, stove, frig, awning, sleeps 4.
76000km, Petrol, 85 kW (116 PS),
man Specs. Titanium (Escape)
replacement engine, Negotiable
Car for sale, Honda SUV, 96,000 1.5l Eco-Boost. 150hp. 6 speed €8,400. 0176-62056022
miles; Automatic 5-spd; 4-cyl manual. Polar Silver Metallic. LeaVTEC 2.4 Liter; 20 mpg city/26 ther Heated seats. Keyless entry, MINI Cooper S - 2010 Camden
mpg hwy; moon roof; summer push button start. 4 winter and Special Edition 6-speed manual
and winter tires; multi-disc CD; summer tires, auto headlights, transmission, pale silver, < 45 K
AC; power doors & locks; cruise and much more. eapropin@out miles. LOADED: Navigation, a/c,
control. dock130@yahoo.com
seat heaters, sunroof, parking senGood Year Ultra Grip Winter Ti- sors, new clutch and brakes, cruiOPEL , CORSA, 3 DOOR, BLUE res with steel rims, 175/65 R14. se control, Bluetooth and more!
MET, 5 SPEED, NEW GERMAN Excellent condition used one win- Stuttgart-Vaihingen,
EUROS ter. Rims 4x100. $175; Call: 0162- $13500, phone: 0152-5276-7136,
email: kris@morrisx2.com
True Vine Ministries
Sunday Worship: 2:00 p.m.
Christliches Zentrum Wiesbaden
Daimlerring 8B
65205 Wiesbaden
Night of Prayer
August 12th
8:00 am, Sunrise
Movie Matinee
August 27th
2:00 pm, War Room
Sunday School
(Youth, Teens, and Adults)
Sunday – 9:30 am
Equipping His People by Teaching His Word
Pastor Ronald Henry
Chevrolet HHR LT, 2009, Mileage
78000 mi, Options Air Conditioning, All Season Tires, Pwr mirrors, Power locks, Power seat,
Power windows, Alloy wheels, Body Sedan Doors 5, Engine 2.2L
4cyl, Auto, Patriot Military Sales
Tel: +49 (0) 631 357 8231
Sunday Worship Service
Sunday – 11:00 am
Bishop Kendall L.
Washington Sr. &
Pastor LaYona
welcome you!
Johannes-Gutenberg Str. 2
65719 Hofheim Wallau
Phone: 0151-23550671
Immanuel Baptist Church
Serving the English Speaking
Community of Wiesbaden for
Over 50 Years.
Over 15 Nations Represented.
Sunday Services:
Bible Study - 11:15
Worship - 12:30
“Member of International Baptist Convention”
15 minutes from Hainerberg P.X.
Page 24
Friedrich-Naumann-Str. 25 | 65195 Wiesbaden
Tel: 06122-12730 | www.ibc-wiesbaden.com
Herald Union
Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Worship Service
Children’s Ministry Provided
Mitsubishi Cosama, 1.6ltr, green,
4-door, 5-speed, ABS, power
stearing, German TÜV till Jan
2017, my phone is 0175-3213199,
$1500, ddundkk@hotmail.de
Motorhome - See Europe in style. Fleetwood Tioga 1996, 31ft x
100 inches. Sleeps 5/6, queen
master bed and separate shower
and toilet. Beautiful with many luxuries. $15K OBO. Call Scott for
Nissan Almera TINOdi, 2002,
German specs, pw.windows, 2nd
owner, no accidents, TÜV summer/2016, AC, 5seat, standard,
great travel car, no rust, POV inspection guaranteed, €2400, full
tank goes 1100km, call 015145261009
GERMAN TUV, ddundkk@hot
PT Cruiser, 2.2 Diesel, 2003,
Green plate, 5 speed, 4 door, TUV
new air cond, 2 set of tires summer/ winter, ABS, power stering
elec windows, and locks, key less
entry, price €2000, if you want
any cars for dispose of, accident,
non operational, we will remove it
for you, email for info ddundkk@
Sale by Owner: 2013 VolvoXC90
R-Design Platinum 7-seater. Execellent cond rating! Fully-loaded:
Platinum, Climate pkgs, NAV,
Bluetooth, sun/moon rf, BLIS, rear
sensor, leather int, black metallic
ext. $29,928, tiffanylanigan@ya
Stand out from the German Cars!
2013 Dodge Challenger SXT Plus,
Dodge Challenger 2013 Dodge
Challenger Red white DVD player,
Kaiserslautern West 67659 Kaiserslautern Germany, $18500,
phone: 015174374670, email: colo
Thinking of buying a new Quality
Pre-owned car, then look no further, we have over 150 cars in
stock. Patriot Military Automobiles 09662-702 6280
TYRES for Mustang, I changed
my tyres to get Europeen Spec
homologation for my Mustang GT
2014 (back to France this Summer) I sell 4 tyres Pirelli P ZERO
255/40 ZR 19, approx 6000
miles200 US $ only famil
Very well maintained 2004 VW
Phaeton V10, black, 4door diesel
luxury sedan, leather, wood, sunroof, summer & winter speed rated tires, cellular phone, premium
stereo/CD player, Stuttgart Germany, $8,000, additional $350 for
roof rack rails and large ski box,
email: aeroestates@gmail.com
Aug. 4, 2016 ............................................................................. www.herald-union.com
Have fun with the locals
Sat, Aug 13
Frankfurt, Genussakademie Fressgass
Find out what Thailand truly tastes like at this year’s
Authentic Thai (Authentisch Thailaendisch) at Die Genussakademie Fressgass in Frankfurt am Main on August 13 from 6:30 p.m. Admission costs €79. For more
information go to www.frankfurt.de
Photo by Piyachok Thawornmat / Shutterstock.com
Young Goethe in Frankfurt
Thu, Aug 4
Frankfurt, Goethehaus
Before Goethe helped turn the Thuringian
town Weimar into the picturesque village
it is today, he grew up in a beautifully
decorated, four-story house in the heart
of Frankfurt, which has been turned into a
museum in his honor to display his early
life as well as elaborate wallpapers and
furniture. Admission costs €5. For more
info go to www.frankfurt.de
Bettina Mauel – Licht und Farbe
Thu, Aug 4
Frankfurt, Palmengarten
Bettina Mauel’s new art exhibition at the Palmengarten in Frankfurt between July 18 and
August 21 focuses on light and colors in scenic nature paintings. Admission costs €7. For
more info go to www.palmengarten.de
Bibliobike im Park
Mon, Aug 8
Frankfurt, Guenthersburgpark
The city library’s bibliobike will be stationed in Guenthersburgpark from August
8 to 12 to welcome children between 3
and 6 years to read, play, craft and get
creative. Admission is free. For more information go to www.frankfurt.de
Rheingauer Weinwoche
Fri, Aug 12
Wiesbaden, Schlossplatz
Wiesbaden’s Schlosspatz will turn into
the number 1 place to be for every wine
lover of the area thanks to the Rheingauer
Weinwoche (wine week) between August
12 and 21 including around 120 booths
offering culinary delicacies and over 30
live acts. Admission is free. For more information go to www.wiesbaden.de
Discover wool, hemp and flax
Sat, Aug 13
Neu-Ansbach, Hessenpark
Discover local natural fibres at the Hessenpark in Neu-Anspach and learn about
the harvesting, washing and processing
of wool, hemp, flax and co in fascinatingly
interesting presentations on August 13 and
14. Don’t forget to stop by the cloth market
on both days and stock up on colorful fabrics. Admission costs €8. For more information go to www.hessenpark.de
European Championship
Sun, Aug 14
Wiesbaden, Kurhaus
Can you think of a better way to spend
a Sunday than swimming through the
Raunheimer Waldsee for 2 km, cycling
across the Taunus for another 90 km before finishing off with a casual 21 km run
in Wiesbaden’s picturesque Kurpark? No?
Then we’ll see you at this year’s Ironman
70.3 on August 14 from 8 a.m. For more
information and registration visit www.
Sun, Aug 14
Eltville am Rhein, castle
Visit Eltville’s Burgsonntag on August 14
and enjoy live music with a glass of local wine or home-baked cake in front of
the beautiful castle. Admission is free. For
more information go to www.eltville.de
at €9. For more information go to
Fade Into You
A Series of Film Screenings
Wed, Aug 17
Mainz, Kunsthalle
Gabriela Denk will be presenting several
international short films about nature at
the Kunsthalle in Mainz on August 17
from 7 p.m. as part of her series of film
screenings Fade Into You. Admission
costs €4 including a glass of wine. For
more information go to www.mainz.de
Bernhoft & Band,
Anthony Strong & Band
Fri, Aug 5
Wiesbaden, Konzertmuschel
The English jazz legend Anthony Strong
and grammy-nominated musician Jarle
Bernhoft from Norway will be playing at
the Konzertmuschel in Wiesbaden on
August 5 from 7 p.m. Tickets are available from €30. For more information go
to www.wiesbaden.de
American football
Sat, Aug 13
Wiesbaden, Europaviertel
Wiesbaden’s American football team is
playing against the Kirchdorf Wildcats
at their home stadium at the Europaviertel on August 13 from 5 p.m. Tickets
cost €10 at the box office and promise an hour of all American fun for the
whole family. For more information go to
I Killed The Prom Queen live
Mon, Aug 15
Wiesbaden, Schlachthof
We are so glad I Killed The Prom Queen
did not base their band’s name on true
events because Johnny Cash might just
be the only one that can pull off a concert in prison and you would really miss
out. See them live at the Schlachthof in
Wiesbaden for an epic Metalcore show
on August 15 from 6:30 p.m. Admission
costs €25. For more information go to
American football
Sat, Aug 14
Frankfurt, Volksbank Stadion
Watch an exciting American football
game at Volksbank Stadion in Frankfurt on August 14 as the Samsung
Frankfurt Universe play against the
Rhein Neckar Bandits. Tickets start
Rockfield Open Air 2016
Fri, Aug 19
Mainz-Kastel, Reduit
See the region’s best bands live at the
Rockfield Open Air at Reduit in MainzKastel from August 19 to 21. Admission is free. For more information go to
All events listed on MilitaryInGermany.com and in print are subject to change without notice. Please check directly with event organizer.
More events on: www.MilitaryInGermany.com
www.herald-union.com .................................................................................. Aug. 4, 2016 Herald Union Page 25
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
Volvo Model: XC90 T6 AWD RDesign Year: 2016 Color: Bursting
blue metallic Upholstery: Charcoal Nubuck / Nappa leather with
contour seats Transmission: 8speed automatic w/ geartronic, in
fo@vipsales.eu or 06134-284943
Volvo V50 2008 Diesel, $3500,
phone: 0631-30 3355 30, email:
jthompson@t-online.de. German
specs, 225,000KM, Black Metallic
w/Black Leather interior, great mileage (4 liters/100KM), station wagon style (not sedan), 5-gear standard transmission, air conditioning, heated front seats, front seat airbags, side airbags (front),
electric windows, on-board computer, electric side mirrors, radio/
CD, central locking with remote
control, cruise control, ABS, ESP,
multi-function steering wheel, outside temperature indicator, fold
down rear seats, 2 sets of tires
(winter & summer). Drives great!
VW Passat, Wagon, 99,1.6 LTR,
silver, 5 speed, ABS, power stering, air cond, winter tires, German TUV, lots of new parts & dealer maint, elec window, keyless
White all black interior BMW
328i, Fully loaded M Sport package BMW with 63000 miles. In
good condition! Heated seats, navigation, comfort access package
and so much more. Email for more details. The picture of the car is
Ford Ka - Model 2004, €1380, ste
140.000km, silver, 5speed, very
clean. Great car for the winter,
new winter tires, front-wheel
drive, phone calls 0152-06786080
Great Hyundai Computer screen17 inch. comes with stand. Dual
voltage. Includes VGA monitor
cord. Works great. $40 bretheleni
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
HPXP with Mouse,
2 AFN decoders with remotes
Caution: Some Classified
and 2 satellite dishes , decoders
ads have become a target
18 months old call 06374for scams. Please be cau9154656 or email rohokie@ya
tious if potential buyers offer
IPAD 2 Air MF532LL/A 32GB Wiyou payment methods other
Fi + cellular White with Logitech
than cash.
blutooth keyboard, IOS 9.2, 32Gb
big-al@mer 2 each 120V Cisco Wireless-G Inwitz.de, phone: 0637160179
ternet Home Monitoring Cameras
MIXER- Model WV54GCA, with manual
LG Freezer, good condition. For
pickup only. Kaiserslautern city. 2 Large green glazed terra cotta
planters/flower pots, 15 wide x 13
€80. Call Jacky 0179-5352827
220 v Braun Coffee Maker, $8,
high. Contact Eric and Mia at
phone: 0176-683-90188, email: Mia Juicer, spout is broken but 063759949676, $20, eyates9761@
017622987498 Rodenbach $20,
220V Fan, 220V fan, Zum Wäld- isabell_1_98@yahoo.com
220 v Flood Light with 444 cord,
chen 66851 Queidersbach Germa$20, phone: 0176-683-90188,
ny, $10, phone: 017679004262, Router, Belkin N150,
email: pinter7641@yahoo.com.
duvall.roundtree@ jcambr@yahoo.com
220 v Waffle Iron, $10, phone:
Small freezer, €80 OBO, email:
AC unit, 220v mobile air conditioning unit. Cools the whole floor. The perfect system to watch sa- 3 sleds, $12.00 for all, phone:
tellite programs in English or Ger- 0151-5321 9555.1 plastic tobog300 OBO.rigs26@aol.com
man Sony Bravia LCD flat screen gan and 2 saucers
AEG front loader washing machicolor TV and Atemo AM 500 HD
ne. Good condition. Kaiserslau4 new Michelin tires: 215/70
Satellite receiver selling as a comtern city. For pickup only. Call
R16X. $400.00. contact email cris
plete set. $195. for both, al@mer
Jacky 0179-5352827
AEG ÖKO-favorite, 220 volt dish Treadmill - Proform 635 CW, 50 Plastic Clothes Hangers.
washer, ex. condition. More info $249, timboney_52@hotmail.com, Black.
please call after 1700 hrs. 0163- well maintained/functioning tread- ble.chefsteven2015@gmail.com
mill. Adjusts for speed & slope. Adidas Traxion Soccer shoes for
AFN Scientific Atlanta PowerVu Cross fit ski poles adjustable for men size 8.5, soccer soccer
Decoders 2ea, 80cm satellites tension. Emergency situation stop. shoes adidas adidas traxion used,
2ea, stand alone 6ft satellite Treadmill walking jogging, 66892 75385 Bad Teinach-Zavelstein
stand. 06233-44888
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau Germa+4932212152735, email: asti.wb@
Braun Coffee Maker, $10, phone: ny, €500, email: rigs26@aol.com
email: TVs, Voltage Regulators, €250,
Aeropostale Hoodie. Turquoisepinter7641@yahoo.com
blue. Lettering “aero” and zipper
Electric Meat Slicer, 240 volt me- Whirlpool front loader washing at the front. Size M. Barley worn.
at slicer electric kitchen applian- machine for sale, €150, ysamek@ €13. janina.wuttke@gmx.de
ce, Vogelweh 67661 Kaiserslau- googlemail.com, German 220V.
Alessis 110V/220V digital perfortern Germany, $20.00, phone: Please call after 1700 hrs. 0163mance/studio piano w/chair, mu015259526762, email: justin.hasel 8853574
sic stand, stool, hard case 750$,
White leatherette case for IPAD call 06374-991073 pls leave a
Fire tv stick /with Kodi, $75, mini W/removable bluetooth key- message
email: sellit1212@gmail.com.
board, $45.00, firm. al@mer Antique wooden end table/night
Foot Massage Bath. 5 Massage witz.com / 06371-60179
stand, includes white marble
Settings. With Heating. Massage- White Mini IPAD. Infrequently counter top, 34 tall x 19 wide.
ball + Massagebrush. 3.3ltr. 100 used. No scratches or blemishes. Contact
Watt.220V. User Guide. Orig. Box. Latest
installed.$169.00. 063759949676, €90, eyates9761@
$15. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Antique China Cabinet w/ Table
& Chairs, antiques and old stuff.
Antique 100 y.o. German china cabinet, matching dining table with
4 chairs.See photo on KA classifieds webpage. Contact Eric and
Asian wooden door mat/floor
mat. Size 35 long x 23 wide x 1.5
high. Use in entry way to dry wet
shoes/in the bathroom under a
bath mat to prevent mold. Contact
063759949676, $20, eyates9761@
Beautiful Mori Lee Wedding
Dress, Only worn once!! and we
are still together! Make this your
wedding dress on a budget.Size:
8-10Color: White creamThe train
is approx. four feet long (not royal
long!).It is looking for a home, so
contact me if you are interested.
Beautiful mostly green oriental
ceramic bowl from Hong Kong
with fish motif on inside. Bowl
and small pedestal stand are 14.5
tall together and 13 wide. See
photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at
063759949676, $80, eyates9761@
Beautiful, intricately designed
embroidered tapestry wall art.
Golden toned Unicorn and Lion
motif. Cloth sleeve to insert hanging bar. 37.5 wide x 36. See photos on FIG classifieds web page.
Black DKNY fabric purse with
snap closure. Removable strap.
Converts easily to clutch style
handbag. Contact Eric and Mia at
063759949676, $30, eyates9761@
Black Dooney & Bourke leather
drawstring closure with adjustable
shoulder strap. Excellent condition, only used a couple times.
063759949676, $50, eyates9761@
Large vase, €20 OBO, email:
Original slow cooked BBQ
Restaurant —
Take-out — Catering
Honored with
Certificate of Ap
rters, V Corps
y Europe”
United States Arm vice and
g ser
for outstandin
first class food!
Typical Bavarian
i meals
and a cool beer on tap.
We are looking forward
to your visit!
Wilhelmstraße 58-60
65183 Wiesbaden
Tel: 0611 / 1667 – 101
Fax: 0611 / 1667 - 102
email: info@paulaner-wiesbaden.de
Please visit:
or join us on Facebook:
Page 26
Herald Union
Authentic Barbecue • Smoked ribs
Beef brisket • Pulled Pork
Bavarian beer
Homemade Key Lime Pie
Daily specials
and much more…
Visit our nice beer garden!
Kloppenheimer Str. 20
65191 Wiesbaden
WED-SUN: 4 P.M. - 10 P.M.
Aug. 4, 2016 ............................................................................. www.herald-union.com
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
Bohemian Crystal Wine Glasses,
Six Bohemian Crystal Wine Glasses, 24% lead crystal. Perfect
wedding ot anniversary gift. See
photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at
063759949676, €15, eyates9761@
Book: Sophie Kinsella "Confessions of a shopaholic" in good condition, $3, 0175-6298926, pick up
in Hochspeyer or on Kleber
Brass candle holder wall sconce.
Perfect if youre renovating a formal parlor or looking for an old
world European accent in your
stairwell house. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949676, $20,
Brass Stand Lamp, 110v or
220v.Contact Eric and Mia at
063759949676, €60, eyates9761@
Cafe curtain set in two packages.
Flower Basket pattern. One pair
60 x 36 tiers in one package, one
pair 60 by 36 swags in one package, See photos on FIG classifieds
web page. Contact Eric and Mia
at 063759949676, $10 for both,
Capiz Shell Ceiling Light Fixture,
email: pinter7641@yahoo.com
Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition
books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley,
Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald
Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom
Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or
Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg
Omelet Tray, Brush. Stainl.Steel
Lid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert,
Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup,
2Egg Holders, Beaker with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box,
Craftsman Gas Lawn Mower,
$150, 2 years old Please contact
Cream colored Kipling shoulder
bag, durable nylon fabric w/ zipper closure & adjustable strap,
can be worn as a satchel across
body, gorilla mascot included.
063759949676, $30, eyates9761@
Decorative Japanese Plate, Decorative ceramic plate from Japan. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949676, $30,
Drinking Cup.Stainless Steel.350
ml.Dishwasher Safe.WMF, Germa
Egg Cooker. Cooks 10 Eggs at
Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching
Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush.
Stainl. teelLid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy
Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker
with Piercing Pin, User Guide,
Orig. Box.chefsteven2015@gmail
ESPRIT Curtains 19Euro each in
very good condition, Pick up in
Hochspeyer or on Kleber Kaserne
Cell 0175-6298926
For Sale, €150, ysamek@google
mail.com, German 220, Whirlpool
front loader washing machine.
Please after 1700 hrs. 01638853574
For That Special Collector a Beautiful The United States Commermorative Presidential Collection,
German Beerstein. Kaiserslautern and famous German Cities
Design. Pewter Lid. 9.5"High. Bottom is a little chipped (don't see it
Guinea Pig and Bird cages.Multiple guinea pig and bird cages for
sale from $15 to $40. Cages sold
in pet stores for much, much more. Call Dave in Miesenbach at
Hand-carved Indonesian table +
6 chairs + two matching cabinets
$990 Indonesian and Thai dolls each $35 Antique French Louis
XIV cabinet - $750Set of 6 Indonesian shadow dolls - $125, call
Grill, stainless steel, with side burner, built in bottle opener, end tables.5 min from Vogelweh Base.
Phone: 0631 41414256, email: cly
Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a
bow on the back. €15. For pics
see www.finditguide.com. Contact janina.wuttke@gmx.de
Laundry Basket Rectangular.White.With 2 Handles.Very Sturdy.
Items for Sale, Crane tabletop
leg/arm exerciser, $25.00, Callaway Clones Golf Clubs, 3-9 Irons,
PW, SW, good condition, $40.00.
Contact Tom Rewis, Casa.rewis@
t-online.de or 0171-363 0906.
Japanese Sake Cups, Five rustic
pottery style authentic Japanese
sake cups, characters represent
good fortune, heath, wealth, happiness, See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949676, $20,
Khaki Fossil soft canvas purse
with brown leather accebts, snap
closure with adjustable shoulder
strap. Great condition. Contact
Eric and Mia at 063759949676,
$25, eyates9761@aol.com
Living room coffee table w/smoked glass top. ohenecken 67661
Kaiserslautern. $100.00, phone:
0631 41414256, email: clyburnter
Lot's of things, All Free. A stand
for a terrasse Satellite Dish, A Garden Classic Spreader, A 110V
Alarm Clock. A Proctor Silex
Stream Excel 110V, 2 Line Cordless Phone with headset 110V, A
Must sell 65 year old flawless solitaire .45 carat diamond ring set in
white gold. Asking best offer
$700. Will accept $ or €. Call:
06332-41560 from 9 - 18:00.
Must Sell, Swarovski crystal at
half the value given by the
Swarovski company! The last two
Retired pieces, whale $690, turtle
$150. Both for $755. Will accept
best offers $/€: call 06332-41560
between 9am to 8pm. Can deliver
to RAB!
My husband has various movies
for sale 3 Euro each. Pick up in
Hochspeyer or meet me on Kleber Kaserne. Phone: 01756298926
New never worn fitted caps, New
York Mets. The price is $10 ea,
caps sizes 7 3/8 and 7 3/4, will
mail vial APO brethelenius@google
New with tags boy-clothes Size 5/
6,4 € each Pick up in Hochspeyer
or on Kleber Kaserne, mela
Official New York Mets Jerseys
and Equipment, Official MLB New
York Mets Jerseys from MajesticTeam set of jerseys for sale!
Enough to outfit your whole baseball or softball team! These are official jerseys from Majestic. They
have been used for a couple seasons, but are still in good shape.
The black home jerseys are in
good shape. The Orange Spring
Training Jerseys have some fading in the ventalated under arm
area, but still are good to go.
Org. Thomas Sabo Charm, price
new was 49€, never used, was a
bday present, selling price €20,
for pics please see classworld.com, s.vogl75@web.de
Retro Ice Buckets, Classic retro
ice buckets, perfect for your next
cocktail party. One white and one
peach colored. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949676, $10 each,
Set of 2 red embroidered pillows
and a set of 2 chocolate/gold brocade pillows, both sets 16 x 16,
zipper on back for removal/cleaning. Contact Eric and Mia at
063759949676, $30 per set,
Set of 4 new summer tires from
bridgestone, mounted on Avanti
racing rims in excellent condition
size 225/50 r 18 95w and 245/45 r
18 96w will fit infinity G35 or G37
model cost new 1,200.00 euros
asking $800.00 OBO contact Jorge at 01738843588 or RICK AT
015232718434auto, rims tires, Erfenbach 67659 Kaiserslautern
Outdoor patio set. High quality
brushed metal and wicker. 4
chairs with cushions, table with
smoked glass, large sun umbrella,
two side tables. Just outside Vogelweh base, $200.00, phone: Set of three pink vases, different
063141414256, email: clyburnter shapes but matching in color, perry@yahoo.com
fect for shabby-chic feature or to
Pelican Drones, Pelicandrones, upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot
phone: 850-359-2602, email: Peli mail.com
Spiralizer with 3 extremely sharp
interchangeable inserts between
Picture (blue water lillies) Monet
copy 35 x 43, $40, phone: 0176Blade, Spaghetti Blade and Thick
683-90188, email: pinter7641@ya
Blade.2 stainless steel corers.4
Non-slip suction feet to ensure
Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choo- stability.Orig.
se from, all dressed. Price Obo Box.NEW.bethmary100@
Call: 0176-90796039
Small grey felt shoulder bag with Stargate Atlantis Set. Complete
mushroom design, perfect gift, Series,
€20 jenniferwilking@hotmail.com
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Herald Union
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Unique offering in Germany, Beautiful, handmade Korean motherof-pearl jewelry box; artisan crafted using the traditional Najeon
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Chilgi method. Contact Eric and
Striped hand-made felt shoulder Mia at 063759949676, $375,
bag, large, trend colors, perfect eyates9761@aol.com
jenniferwilking@hot Various Boy-Clothes Sizes: 4 - 6
in excellent condition. Pick up in
Super Mario kart lunch cooler, Hochspeyer or on Kleber Kaserne. Phone: 0175-6298926 Each
item is 3 Euro / Pajamas 5 EUro
Super Mario Kart Wii Reversible
throw. Fitted sheet pillow case
and lining. Never used. Paid over Various KIDS Movies for sale 3
$100, asking $65,017622987498. Euro each except for the Thomas
the train ones (they are new in
Swarovski Pegasus - From the
package) 5$ each. Pick up in
1998 "Fabulous Creatures" SeHochspeyer or meet me on Kleries. Retired in 1998, Asking
0175$500.Ph. 06374/944828
Tae Kwon Do sparring gear plus
bag. Helmet, body padding, arm Various pictures, €10-50 OBO,
guard, and shin guard. Teen/adult See FIG online for pictures, email:
med size. Contact Eric and Mia at gosia19@hotmail.com
063759949676, $30, eyates9761@ Victorian style garden stand. White painted iron, 71 tall. indoor/outaol.com
Tapestry Wall Hanging 1, Beauti- door use, includes 4 terra cotta/4
ful, intricately designed embroide- ceramic flower pots. See photos
red tapestry wall art. Golden to- on FIG classifieds web page. ConEric
ned Unicorn and Lion motif. Cloth tact
sleeve to insert hanging bar. 37.5 063759949676, $75, eyates9761@
wide x 36. See photos on FIG aol.com
classifieds web page. Contact
Eric and Mia at 063759949676,
$120, eyates9761@aol.com
Target practice, eco warrior
shoulder bag, hand-made felt, environmentally friendly bag made
using only wool, water and soap,
€25, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com
The Swarovski Pierrot measures
8". This is the first edition of "Masquerade" series. Retired in 1999.
Two very nice embroidered tapestry wall hangings with floral rose
patterns. Cloth loops to insert
hanging bars. 14 wide by 42 long.
Two(1) almost new 3 wheel walkers/rollators with baskets and
bags for sale, Paid 80Euros, asking $40 for each. One (1) new
175Euros, asking $100. Call Larry
lemery1366@yahoo.com for details.
Vintage 3-Tier Tea Cake/Dessert
Server. Made from bone china.
See photos on FIG classifieds
web page. Contact Eric and Mia
White Dooney & Bourke leather
purse with brown accent edging,
zipper closure with adjustable
shoulder strap. Good condition.
063759949676, $40, eyates9761@
Wine bar tools in wooden base,
Includes cork screw and two cork
stoppers. Edelstein (onyx) handles. Contact Eric and Mia at
063759949676, $10 for the set,
Wine holder, €15 OBO, email:
Winter, sleds. 3 Winter Sleds,
$12.00 for all, phone: 0151-5321
9555.1 plastic toboggan and 2
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
2013 pair of lazy chairs, leather
white. €230 for both chairs. Like
new condition. Please contact
Nathalie at macarthurnathalie@
3 & 2 Seat Couches, €500.00,
3 Drawer Wide Cart White.With 4
Size:25"H.x22"W.x15"D.Each Drawer:7"H.x19.5"W.x13.5"D.Lots Of
Storage Space.Very Sturdy.Made
Vintage Classic Video game from gmail.com
Mattel - Classic Baseball. A must
have for the collection. Still works 3 metal shelves/racks/organizers.
great. $20 brethelenius@google Silver metal frame bathroom shelves. White metal hanging rack for
18 pairs of shoes. Black wire fraVintage Italian porcelain serving me 3-tier organizer. Contact Eric
bowl with tray, ornate rose floral and Mia at 063759949676, $20,
motif, perfect complement to eyates9761@aol.com
other antique wooden furniture,
See photos on FIG classifieds 4 drawer dresser, dresser draweb page. Contact Eric and Mia wers cabinet, 66879 Reichenbachat
€30, Steegen Germany, $35, email:
Wall Sconce, One brass 220v
candle holder wall sconce. Perfect if youre renovating a formal
parlor or looking for an old world
European accent in your stairwell
house. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949676, €15,
Adjustable Full/Queen Size Bed.
Headboard, Footboard and Rails.
Cherry Wood.Very Sturdy.Assembly is easy, no tools required.
Schrank $650. Call 06374-991073
pls leave amessage.
American Bedroom Set, €190,
(or make offer), consisting of dresser with 3part mirror, and 2 night
tables, solid oak with brass handles, very beautiful 06302-5554 fran
Antique 100 yr.old German china
cabinet, matching dining table
with 4 chairs. See photo on KA
classifieds web page. Contact
Eric and Mia at 06375-9949674,
€950, eyates9761@aol.com
Antique Brittany French Bench
for 300$, antique French Louis
XIV Schrank 650$, antique German dark oak buffet $500 Call
06374-991073 pls leave message
Antique English Book Case, $75,
45 inches high, 11 inches deep,
29 inches wide. Curved Door with
Glass Insets. Side Panels with
Glass Insets, 2 Glass Shelves.
Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call
0159 0297 6140.
Antique reproduction secretary
desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and
Mia at 06375-9949674, €120,
Antique wooden dining table & 4
chairs. Chippendale style. Center
leaf extension that folds underneath when not needed. Chairs
upholstered in blue velour. See
photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at
Antique wooden German buffet
& china hutch circa early 1900s.
Chippendale style. Buffet & hutch
in 2 pieces for easy PCS shipping. Lots of storage options. See
photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at
Beautiful antique 8-drawer vanity. Tilt mirror & mirrored side wing
storage. Four parts for easy transport. Can also be a writing desk.
Great condition. See photos on
FIG classifieds web page. Contact
Bed Room suit, Bedroom suit,
email: freddie.johnson@gmx.net
Bed, Single w/mattress. Solid
wood frame. Mattress like new
Brown Corduroy Upholstered
Chair, $25, Buyer Must Pick Up.
Please Call 0159 0297 6140,
Cherrywood Coffee Table and
End Table Set, $250.00, Akdippoli
Complete bed with a memory foam mattress, 66879 Kollweiler
Germany, €550, email: gosia19@
Complete German Water Bed
Luna- 12 Years Old, May need
one of two new water mattresses.It's disesembled. Must Pick
Couch Relax Chair, €199, great
furniture use as a relax chair or
bed diff moves, cover washable,
like new, was new 398 euro at moebel martin, from a smoke and
pet free home, cell 015145261009
Couch set, €900, stefandsanya@
Dark brown matte wooden coffee
table with a drawer, 66879 Kollweiler Germany, €100 OBO,
email: gosia19@hotmail.com.
Dining Room Set, Table chairs
china cabinet, 66879 Reichenbach-Steegen Germany, $100,
email: swoodbury91@yahoo.com
Dining table and 4 chairs, Dark
brown dining table and 4 matching chairs, email: gosia19@hot
Dresser and 2 night stands, €70
OBO, email: gosia19@hotmail.com
Huge Entertainment Cabinet, cabinet
66879 Reichenbach-Steegen Germany, $50, email: swoodbury91@
Metal frame bed and mattress
145x200 cm, €100 OBO, email:
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www.herald-union.com .................................................................................. Aug. 4, 2016 Herald Union Page 29
German Leather Sleeper Couch
Midnight Blue, Bought Apr 09,
€1500 OBO, 190 cm length X 87
cm height X 90 cm deep, Single
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com owner, Must pick up, Like new
condition, phone: 06227881406,
Farmer style dining table + 6
chairs. Natural unstained wood. 6'
look.com, pictures available upon
x 3', like-new suede seat cushirequest
ons. Excellent condition! From kid/
pet/smoke-free home. See pho- IKEA Furniture pre-assembled
tos on FIG classifieds web page. (and gently used), IKEA, coffee taContact
at ble, side table, 2 shelf units, ba063759949676,
$350, throom storage cabinets, sofa, dining table with chairs. 70563
Stuttgart Germany, $500, phone:
Full size canopy bed. Rose orna0152-5276-7136, email: kris.w.mor
ment on headboard & footboard.
Black wrought iron w/ gold highlights. Includes 2 maching lamps Large 4 Section Closet (Schrank),
and canopy fabric. See photos on $250, 7ft 4in by 11ft 5in (3 sectiFIG classifieds web page. Con- ons are 3ft 3in wide, 1 section is
at 1ft 8in wide). Two Clothes Han063759949676,
$295, ging Rails, Many Shelves. We will
help take apart. Buyer Must Pick
Couch Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140
guest bed futon, 70563 Stuttgart
Germany, $60.00, phone: 01525276-7136, email: kris.w.morris@
msn.com.Good condition. Nonsmoking, non-shedding dog home. Comfortable couch and guest
bed (for one). Flattens out for sleeping. I have napped on the couch
about 10 times and my Mom slept
on the bed for a week. Couch configuration
80&quote; long x 31&quote; high
x 35.5&quote; deep Bed configuration measurements: 80&quote;
long x 47.5&quote; wide x
14&quote; highPick-up only. I can
suggest a delivery company, if
Mantel Clock from the 60 era.
Key wind chines on the half and
full hour, $70.00, spvendor@
Solid wood child's dresser $40
Used, signs of wear Non-smoking
home Pick-up only (should fit in
an SUV)70563 Stuttgart Germany,
phone: 0152-5276-7136, email:
Microscope, Lomo MB-10 stereo
microscope with various parts
and lenses included. Excellent Thomasville bedroom dresser
condition. €400 obo, jcambr@ya mirror and nightstand, $80.00,
phone: 0151-5321 9555
White Modern Wardrobe, wardrobe schrunk modern wood white,
Vogelweh 67661 Kaiserslautern
015259526762, email: justin.hasel
Office desk and chair, Office,
66879 Kollweiler Germany, €150
Old fashioned tea service trolley,
Europen themed ceramic tile surface, comes w/ unique matching
serving tray; useful as end table/
Large 6 drawer dresser, dresser lamp stand. See photos on FIG
chest of drawers, 66879 Reichen- classifieds web page. Contact
bach-Steegen Germany, email: Eric and Mia at 063759949676,
€50, eyates9761@aol.com
Large wicker storage chest. Perfect for toys, blankets, linens, pillows, anything. Embroidered tapestry seat/lid cover. See photos on
FIG classifieds web page. Contact
063759949676, $75, eyates9761@
One Each 2&3-Seat Couches,
€500.00. Like new from smoke &
pet-free home, anthracite-colored
cloth front & back. New price
1450€ asking 500€. Pick up in Siegelbach. Call 06301-7988092 after 8PM. parwk@superkabel.de
Recliner couch loveseat leather,
$390, stefandsanya@gmail.com,
real leather black, works great not
often used, very comfy, back pillows come off easy to carry, cell
Love Seat, $75, Warm Gold Fa- 0152-06786080
Pull out dining table with 3 bric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Solid Bunk Bed, youth bed bed
chairs, €60 OBO, email: gosia19@ Pick Up. Please Call 0159-0297 bunk, 66879 Reichenbach-Stee6140.
La-Z-Boy Rocker Recliner, $75,
Dark Green Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please
Call 0159 0297 6140.
We’ve been making
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Solid oak bookshelf/entertainment center. Adjustable shelf positions. 61 tall x 60 wide x 20.5 deep. TV area 34.5 high x 38.25 wide x 20.5 deep. See photos on
FIG classifieds web page. Contact
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
Veterinary Technician, Full-Time,
at Tierarztpraxis Delorme-Goldberg, vet technician, Daimlerstrasse 7 66849 Landstuhl Germany,
phone: 06371 914 314, email: in
Two Lamps, Zum Walchen 9
Queidersbach Germany 66851,
$20.00, phone: 017679004262, Contract Phlebotomist Position,
duvall.roundtree@ fulltime position. Interested candigmail.com.Two lamps. Pink in co- dates must submit the following
lor. Can be used as night stand by 15 August 16. A copy of High
bulb. School Diploma and a certificate
of completion in Phlebotomy pro220VPlease contact DuVall
gram or medical assistant proVintage Chairs, Two vintage solid gram that includes Phlebotomy
wood chairs with gold velour training. A Phlebotomy certificatiupholstery on seat cushion and on by a nationally recognized
back (on front and rear). Matches agency is preferred. U.S.Citizens
well with other antique furniture. and Local Nationals may apply.
See photos on FIG classifieds PCS costs are not authoriweb page. Contact Eric and Mia zed.•Background checks requiat 063759949676, $60 for both, red.•Length of Contract: 1 to 5
years;starting on or about 1 SepVintage German China hutch, An- tember 2016Regional Contracting
tique wooden German buffet & Office
china hutch circa early 1900s. mail.mil or 0637194644881 or
Chippendale style. Buffet & hutch 590-4881. For more info see
in 2 pieces for easy PCS ship- www.finditguide.com/jobs
ping. Lots of storage options. See Independant Customer Service
photos on FIG classifieds web pa- Representative with good commuge. Contact Eric and Mia at nication and Computer Skills nee063759949676,
$575, ded. Contact Dnorby1@gmail.com
Information Assurance SpeciaWardrobe, €60 OBO, email: list, Consultant needed: Informatigosia19@hotmail.com.
on Assurance Specialist Position
White IKEA Twin Trundle Beds w/ on the Installation Management
Mattresses, $175, Buyer Must Command (IMCOM) This is a NonPick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 TESA position Requirements: US
CITIZEN and valid Active SECRET
clearance Primary location: SemWhite luxus designer couch, 37in bach, Germany. Position: Full TiW X 82in L, asking $875.00 or me Consultant/40 hours a week
BO. Excellent condtion. More in- Rate: $32-$34 an hour Proposed
fo, please after 1700 hrs. Cell Start Date: 1 August, 2016, email:
White Metal Modern Coffee Table, white metal modern coffee table table small, Vogelweh 67661
Kaiserslautern Germany, $45.00,
phone: 015259526762, email: jus All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
2001 BMW R1150RT; 38000KM
(German spec cycle); Excellent
mirSolid rustic oak dining room,
condition; $4800/OBO (just redu€500, (or make offer) cabinet ror and a stand: €100 OBO, email: ced!); Stuttgart area thomas621@
3,80m long, table 2m long with 8 gosia19@hotmail.com
chairs. Hel-Sus80@gmx.de
Wooden bookshelf. See photo
Lookin for Sportster parts or a bion KA classifieds web page. Conke ( Ironhead too ) which needs
some work, basket case or sittin
longer time too. BT Ultra Classic
perhaps too. Just make me your
Wooden cabinet, €150 OBO, offer what you have and we will
email: gosia19@hotmail.com
see. 2wheelmechanic@web.de
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Page 30
Herald Union
Aug. 4, 2016 ............................................................................. www.herald-union.com
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
WTB: Harley-Davidson, Saarbrücker Allee 65201 Wiesbaden
Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory
service experience, please always ask for credentials and
deny payments up front. For
cleaning services, arrange
for payments after a final
walk-through and inspection
of the clean house.
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
I am creating a new group on Facebook. I love riding my bicycle
and would like to have a group of
people that also love riding. Anyone can create an event as we
grow we will have a format of those who want to plan a ride.I am a
single track rider, not real technical mountain biking but love the
trails. If you are a hardcore mountain biker, road biker, family fun rides please join and lets get some
events planned.This is a group for
any nationality....Lets Ride. If interested please visit and join the
group on Facebook at "Kaiserslautern Area Biking Group"
Single man, 63, non-smoker, B-1
level German speaker would like
to make the acquaintance of a
non-smoking lady, of similar age
(+/-) for sunny times and interesting moments. General Wiesbaden area, please. agameone@ya
Ballet Dimension / Sobir Utabaev, Kinderballet starting age is
5, Contemporary (adult / children),
Classic ballet, Ballet for adults
with stretching, Ballet with pointe
shoe, Repertoire, Single sessions
also available. Call 017624127318
or 06314145856
College Resume Writing Workshop, August 10,2016 13:0015:00, Location TBA, $15.00/student, max. 10 students, Kaiserslautern Tutoring & College Prep
serving the Kaiserslautern area,
gmail.com to register.
Energetic Adult Pet Sitter Available.n home pet sitting in a 4,000
square foot house with a large
fenced in yard complete with bushes and trees. Long walks included daily for dogs through fields,
woods, town, and heath. Price determined by species, size, and
care required. Experience includes: dogs, cats, small and large
birds, rabbits, fish, lizards, and
guinea pigs.Dogs must pass an interview to ensure compatibility
with our gentle mixed breed dog.
Cat sitting available by phone arrangement only. felvus.mj@hot
WM is lookin for american female
40 + for friendship and perhaps
more..., I like rock music, bbq, enjoy nature, swimming, rock concerts and more. Ride motorcycle
and keep this until. Prefer Wiesbaden and K-town area, but other
areas are also welcome. Please
free to start a conversation.email: Get rid of your Mommy tummy
with Shape It Up - Personal Training by Stefanie, personal training
training workout mom fit fitness
sports pronatal postpartum trainer shape, Wiesbaden Germany,
€4500, phone: 017683149715,
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com email: stefanie.meinhardt@gmx.de
There have been reports of
pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please
choose your pet carefully.
Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling
the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/
or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice,
consult your Veterinarian.
Kennel for dogs and cats
Phone 0611-421185
Cell 01573-5283573
Silvia Pässler
Auf der Aulenkaut 12 a · 65199 Wiesbaden
House for Rent 66894 Bechhofen, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, liv rm, din rm,
Kitchen, 120 sqm, € 850 w/o utilities, E-Mail: franco.b@gmx.de
New ren. apt. 125sqm, 3 bd, 1
bth, 125 sq meters, Nanzdietschweiler Germany, €585.
Find this on FindItGuide.com for
more details
Superior Real Estate in Siegelbach, 5 bd, 2 bth, 195 sq meters,
Siegelbach Kaiserslautern Germany, €525000, email: filipe-oliveira@
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
Prince Of India Frankfurt, Indisches Restaurant Frankfurt Indian
restaurant near Frankfurt Train
Station, Baseler Str. 54 60329
Frankfurt am Main Germany,
email: indianrestaurantgermany@
Would you like to date local and
interested women in Wiesbaden?
We connect you with great single
women who love the American
way of life. Contact us: USLove
Wiesbaden@gmail.com or on Facebook/USLoveWiesbaden
All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com
Real Estate Services are offered by registered businesses
as well as private people. To
ensure a satisfactory service
experience, please always
ask for credentials and deny
payments up front.
One family home for rent, children and pets allowed, Im FluerWanted winter tires for a BMW
chen 33 67659 Kaiserslautern,
225/50 R17 preferably on rims.
Germany, € 1.090 .-, + util E-Mail:
Email thebrit58@hotmail.com with
the price and location.
Mackenbach, 5 min from Ramstein AB, quiet living area. RamWanted: a good quality, fully
stein school district. Open floor
functional DIRECT DRIVE turntaplan, floor heat on both levels. Larble i.e. Dual, Nakamichi, Denon.
ge attractive kitchen, open firePhono cartridge not necessary.
place in living room, 3/4 bath on
bottom floor, full bath upstairs. 3
bedrooms, 2 with walk-in furnished closets. Large attic; lots of
storage space. Hot & cold water
faucets for washer; dryer vent; European & American TV jacks
throughout. Large 2-car garage
with workroom and large standup attic. Large, beautifully maintained yard with fruit trees and garden area and large patio. Payments within most LQA limits,
Beautiful 2-bedroom 1.5 bath
apartment; 12 miles from Clay Kaserne PX and Commissary, 2 bd,
1.5 bth, 82 sq meters, €895,
email: schmitt365@outlook.com.
“Doctor, doctor.
Give me the news.
Find Great Doctors
at FindItGuide.com
4 bedroom/2.5 bath FreeStanding house in Geiselberg -- 1460
Euro + utilities on 1/2 acre fenced
yard adjacent to Pfalzerwald, 4
bd, 2.5 bth, 140 sq meters, Hauptstrasse 36 67715 Geiselberg Germany, €1460, phone: 06307912538,
gmail.com. Available 1 Sept 16
Dream House In Weinstrasse - 30
Min From Ramstein, 2 bd, 1.5 bth,
180 sq meters, Swimming Pool,
Beautiful Yard, New Construction,
67273 Weisenheim am Berg Germany,
Apartment in Landstuhl, 3 bd, 2 01623305535, email: bretheleni
bth, 105 sq meters, Landstuhl us@googlemail.com
01622679106 (Markus Lasarsch),
email: a.o.wittmann@freenet.de.
Sign up for FREE today!
Grace Studio is a family friendly
business that offers a wide variety
of dance, body & mind and German classes for all ages and levels, daytime and evening with
the best instructors who care
about each student.phone: 01757775211, email: balletmaster1@ya
Beautif house in SchönenbergKübelberg.236 sqm, 5 rooms,
BIK, 2.5 baths, laundry rm, gas
heating, wooden ceilings, Laminate and tiled floors, fully fenced
yard, small dogs ok. 1450 € +
08762059.Call 06371/12971, email:
Polish/Russian/German via Sky- ne.de.
pe. Levels A1 - C2., Polish Russian German Skype online tuition
courses, $10, email: marion.abra
Dog transporter, brand new,
used 2x, front slanted doors for
easy access, width 31in, 25in tall,
29x19in interior, grey and black
color, €50. Can deliver to Ramstein, call between 9 a.m. to 7
p.m. 06332-41560
Grace Studio will host a 7-Day
Summer Intensive with 5 amazing
guest teachers for Ballet Pas De
Deux & Variations, Modern Contemporary, Theater, Tap Dance,
Hip Hop, Yoga, German lessons
for interm/adv. students, phone:
From June 26 to August 28, 2016, you will be seriously
challenged at Dynamikum in Pirmasens with the special exhibition
‘conundrums.’ Find the answers to over 30 puzzles and brain
teasers by weighing, guessing or disentangling. In addition to the
exhibits on loan from the Mathematikum in Giessen, you will find
exhibits made by Dynamikum itself, along with a colorful program
including workshops, live experiments and a lecture by Dr. Boris
Nikolai Konrad, a world champion mastermind.
Conundrums, Tricks and Cool Stuff
your personal
dog trainer
i come to your home!
Cell: 0170-204 0880 www.dogschool.marionvelten.de
Im Rheinberger · Fröhnstraße 8 · 66954 Pirmasens · Telefon: 06331-239 43-0
Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. · Sat, Sun, Holiday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
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