Term 2 Week 2 5 May 2016 - Wheeler Heights Public School
Term 2 Week 2 5 May 2016 - Wheeler Heights Public School
Phone: 9971 8352, 9982 2475 Fax: 9982 5617 Email: wheelerhts-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website: wheelerhts-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Term 2 Week 2 5 May 2016 Special thanks to Anthony from Anthony’s Chickens at the Veterans Parade shops who kindly donated two prizes for our school fees lucky draw. Please be sure to visit Anthony and his team!! Staffing News Congratulations to Ms Cindy Waldock who has been appointed as the Premier’s Sporting Challenge coordinator working with the School Sports Unit. We know Ms Waldock will do a fabulous job in this role and we will miss her at Wheeler Heights PS. Staff Development Day Last week on the pupil free day all staff travelled to the city and took part in educational sessions at the Sydney Botanical Gardens and the Sydney Opera House. Already some grades have booked excursions for later this year or next year after our staff visit. School Cross Country Congratulations to all students from Years 2-6 who competed in the cross country carnival yesterday. There was a lovely atmosphere with many impressive performances. Special thanks to organisers Mrs Miller and Mrs McColl, Zoe and the canteen staff for their special treats and all teachers for manning the course. The District carnival will be held on Friday 20 May. Ribbons for the first 6 place getters in each age group will be handed out at the 9.15am assembly on Monday. Mother’s Day Stall Year 2 parents are busily organising the Mother’s Day stall to be held in the hall tomorrow. Please be sure to purchase your gift on flexischools today or bring along $10 tomorrow. Anzac Day Service Congratulations to the entire school for their excellent behaviour at our Anzac Service last Thursday. The Year 6 prefects ran the assembly very well and all Year 6 sang beautifully. Oliver F gave a wonderful performance of the Last Post and all students wore the red poppies which they had made. Principal for a Day – Will G 5W On Monday Will G from 5W was the Principal for the day. Will’s family had generously bought the prize at the Auction at the Trivia night last year. Will was able to talk at the morning assembly, visit classes and hand out stickers, have morning tea with a few friends and Miss Tekampe and have lunch in the staff room. Well done Will for being an excellent Principal on Monday. COMING EVENTS Fri 6 May Mother’s Day Stall Winter PSSA Rd 1 Mon 9 May Dance groups audition @ Newport PS Tues-Thus 10-12 May NAPLAN – Yrs 3 & 5 Mon 16 May School Captains to Parliament House P&C Meeting 7pm Tues 17 May Uni NSW Digital Tech. test Wed 18 May Kindy 2017 Info evening 7pm Thurs 19 May Rainbow Mufti Day Fri 20 May Walk to School day Pittwater Cross Country Fri 27 May School Tour 9.45am Sat 21 May School Development Day Sat 28 May Special Dance eisteddfod Band JAM- Sat & Sun Tues 31 May Uni NSW Science Test Thurs 2 June Bushlink visit Sun 5 June Special Dance eisteddfod Mon 6 June Indigenous performance Mon 13 June Queen’s birthday holiday Tues 14 June UNSW Writing test TBC Wed 15 June Uni NSW Spelling Test Mon 20 June P&C Meeting Thurs 23 June School Tour 9.45am Fri 24 June Syd Nth Cross Country Thurs 30 June Multicultural Speaking Finals Fri 1 July End of Term 2 Kindergarten 2017 Dates We have now planned the dates for school tours and information nights for our 2017 Kindergarten. Please see the flyer in this newsletter and let your friends and neighbours know. Winter School Uniform Please be advised that all students should now be wearing full winter school uniform. Financial training This week Mrs Jodie Sly our Senior Administration Manager and I went to the launch of the new LMBR management system. Over the next two terms Mrs Sly, Mrs Clifford and myself will be going to many training sessions as the NSW Education Department introduces this new organisational and administration program. NAPLAN Years 3 & 5 - May 10-12 Students in Years 3 and 5 will be sitting the NAPLAN tests next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Classes have been practising test procedures and all students should be ready to go on Tuesday. Good luck boys and girls! Opportunity Class (OC) Test applications Year 4 parents will have received an email recently with information regarding applications for the OC class in Year 5 and 6. These notes should be returned to your class teacher and applications made online at www.schools.nsw.edu.au/ocplacement by Friday 13 May. David Scotter Principal SPORT NEWS PSSA AFL Teams - Important Notice Mouthguards are compulsory for all players participating in PSSA AFL games. If students do not have a mouthguard they will not be allowed to play. Please ensure all players have a mouthguard before our first game on Friday. Thank you, Mrs Priscilla Wright Pittwater Zone Rugby Union Last week, four Year 6 boys went to the Pittwater Zone Rugby Union trials. Ezra P, Archie S, Jett K and Owen H all did a great job and were fine representatives of Wheeler Heights Public School. Congratulations to all the boys especially Ezra P and Archie S who were selected for Pittwater to trial in the Manly-Warringah Zone team. We wish them the best of luck! Pittwater Zone Netball Trials This Friday, Mia H, Georgia N and Gabbie W will be trialling for the Pittwater Zone Netball team after their PSSA game. We wish these girls luck for their trial and we know you will represent Wheeler Heights with pride! Pittwater/Manly Zone Touch Football Trials This is a call out for any senior students (both boys and girls) who play touch football at a high level. This should include several years’ experience in playing for their district/club and playing in representative teams. If you feel you qualify, please see Mr Blanshard to put your name forward for nomination in the Pittwater/Manly Zone Touch Football Trials. PSSA Autumn/Winter Competition - Wheeler vs Narrabeen North PS Round 1 sees Wheeler taking on the mighty Narrabeen North. Please make sure your child has brought in their Permission Note and Behaviour Contract by Friday at the latest to be able to play. Money is not due until next Friday (Round 2). Netball Girls are at Boondah; Soccer Girls and Boys are at Narrabeen North Public School; Rugby League Boys are at Narrabeen Reserve Field 4; and Mixed AFL is at Narrabeen Reserve Field 6. Please ensure that your child has a drink bottle, hat and sun cream (as well as any uniforms or safety gear required). Just a reminder, training sessions are mandatory and if children are injured they should still attend sessions and observe. All notes and draws are on our school website. For up to date information, please download the Primary Parent Planner App and ensure that you have the correct teams/years selected. Looking forward to a great 1st Round of competition Yours in Sport, Mr T Blanshard Assistant Principal Stage 3 Sports Coordinator WHEELER HEIGHTS DANCE PROGRAM th Glen St Auditions will be held on Monday 9 May during school hours. Please make sure permission notes have been returned to Mrs Richards. Makeup, costumes & jazz shoes will NOT be required for the audition. Seniors will be performing at assembly 12/5/16 & juniors will be performing at assembly 19/5/16. Assembly starts at 2:30pm and parents are welcome to attend. st 1 Eisteddfod is on Saturday May 28th “I’d Rather be Dancing” at Pittwater House Junior arrive 12pm, start 1pm Senior arrive 12:30pm start 1:30pm nd th 2 Eisteddfod is on Sunday June 5 “Extreme Dance” at St Ignatius Collage Riverview Junior arrive 8:15am Start 9:15am Senior arrive 8:40am start 9:40am Notes with more details about eisteddfod’s will be emailed and sent home soon. Kind regards, Deneille and Jasmine - Dance Parent Liaison CHESS NEWS Good luck to all our NSW Junior Chess League players tomorrow! This year, we have many first-timers to the competition, so extra credit to them! All players will surely enjoy a fantastic experience (win or lose), and perhaps we'll be seeing another Championshipwinning team in the making? Thank you to all who have returned Term 2 chess coaching payments - please keep them coming in. There are still places available in the Monday beginners' class. Ms Zillhardt ANZAC Day On Thursday K-6 students commemorated ANZAC Day by participating in a whole school service. The Year 6 leadership team led the ceremony and spoke about the sacrifices faced by soldiers and their families. Oliver F. played the Last Post. Students followed one minute of silence to show their respect. Year 6 students sang “I Am Australian” and also created artworks that helped them to reflect on the meaning of ANZAC Day. All students are to be commended for their exemplary behaviour during the ceremony. Thank you to the Year 6 teachers for organising this event. Event Boys Age Boys Girls 8/9 years Boys Girls 10 Years Boys Girls 11 Years Girls 12/13 Years Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Name Liam K Leo B Saxon G Oliver M Jett C Cooper D Thomas J Josie J Emily G Lily M Ava F Alannah C Destiny J Alejandro B Gethan H Max T Ryan K Kai L Wil O Lulu R Millie D Maddie K Taylor N Polly H Summer A Joshua B Toby J Jago B Jae M Oliver K Zac C Mia H Neve B Elise T Abigail G Lauren H Lily R Oliver H Daniel J Ollie O Oliver F Liam R Ben C Imelda R Honey P Lillie L Abbey A Sienna T Amy W Wheeler Heights Public School Cross Country Carnival Results 2016 Wheeler Heights Public School ...a hidden gem Kindergarten 2017 Is your child starting school next year? Come and join us! School Information Evening Wednesday 18 May 7:00—8:00pm School Tours Friday 27 May 9:45am Thursday 23 June 9.45am Tuesday 9 August 2pm Wednesday 7 September 9.45am K2017 Parent Information Evening Wednesday 19 October 6:30pm Orientation Mornings Fridays - 11, 18 & 25 November Visit our website 36 Veterans Parade, Collaroy Plateau Phone: 9971 8352 Faculty/Executive/Kindy O/Transition to School information/ Brochures& Flyers/ Fax: 9982 5617 BAND NEWS BAND EVENTS www.whpsband.wordpress.com NSSWE PERFORMANCES BAND JAM 2016 – GENERAL INFO Welcome to term to Term 2! This week is a busy week for our Senior and Intermediate Bands. To participate, you will need to obtain and return a permission/payment slip to cover the two-day Band Jam. These will be issued shortly. Please take the time to complete the slip and return it to us (with payment) to the Band Box in the Office by Tuesday, 19th May. Payment can be made by cash, cheque (made out to WHPS Band) or by direct deposit (see details on the permission/payment slip). On Monday night our Intermediate Band performed to great acclaim at Forest High School at the NSSWE June Concert Series. Our Intermediate Band was the most junior band to perform on the evening. Given the calibre of pieces they are now playing, it is hard to believe that they were all in the Training Band last year. They are clearly developing as a band in musicality and attitude. Congratulations to Cassie and her Intermediate Band for their mature and accomplished performance on Monday night. This band is going places! On Thursday night our Senior band is set to perform at the same event, no doubt to similar accolades. BAND TOUR REVS UP! The inaugural WHPS Band tour 2016 is ON!! Yes, that’s right folks, due to the overwhelming response from the expression of interest we sent out in Term 1, planning for our band tour is now in full swing. There is no turning back from here! We will be touring the Blue Mountains area between 23rd-25th October. 'The mountains will be alive with the sound of music'. We will be playing at some local schools and doing some sightseeing along the way. Please secure your child's place on tour by paying the $100 'commitment deposit' - this is now overdue. We will shortly also be re-sending the information sheet and asking that all intermediate/senior/jazz band children be aware that they are welcome to come on the tour even if they haven’t returned an expression of interest – the more the merrier - it’s not too late to get on board. This is an annual fun and intensive musical workshop, held over two half-days as follows: Saturday, 28 May 2016 • 3.15pm –sign-on and commencement • An afternoon of band rehearsals and a small group tutorial session for every child. A late afternoon tea will be provided. • A pizza dinner will be provided at around 6.30pm together with a secret movie, concluding at 8.00pm. Sunday, 29 May 2016 • 8.15am –commencement • A morning of band rehearsals and two small group tutorial sessions for every child. Morning tea will be provided. • 12.00pm – Band Jam Performance. All parents and friends are welcome to attend to our informal performance and see just how much our bands have progressed! We plan to finish no later than 12.30pm. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE… When you’re practicing, why not practice the hard bits first? The easy passages will then seem even easier! As the famous philosopher (and former WHPS Band President) Aristotle once said: The best way for a student to get out of difficulty is to go through it. REHEARSAL ETIQUETTE Musicians are reminded that it is their responsibility (not the parents’ nor the conductors’) to help set up and pack away the music stands, chairs and percussion instruments at the beginning and end of every rehearsal. Unfortunately there has recently been a growing cascade of children vacating the hall immediately at the end of rehearsal without helping, leaving the same old faces to do the same old tidying up. Please be warned - this behaviour is now under close surveillance. EVENTS FOR THE DIARY… ANTHONY MACDERMOTT whpsband@gmail.com / 0417 277 89 WHPS Band Tour - 23rd-25th October Intermediate Band – K-2 Assembly Thurs 5th May All Bands – BAND JAM – Sat 28th & Sun 29th May All Bands - Arts Alive Combined School Band – Thursday 9th June Northern Beaches Music Festival – 19th or 26th June – TBC CANTEEN NEWS bites from behind the counter CANTEEN MANAGER The canteen is looking for a Canteen Manager for Wednesdays only. This will be every Wednesday as well as the occasional fill in if needed. This is a very rewarding position. A wonderful opportunity to be involved with the school. The job description is attached. PSSA PSSA starts this week so please remember to put PSSA on your lunch order. JUICE We are now using a company http://www.preshafruit.com.au/range-kids.html The Juice is 250ml flavours Pink Lady, Granny Smith, Apple and Passionfruit and Apple and Raspberry at $2.50. See you in the canteen. Zoe & Tracey roster week 3 - 6 MONDAY 9th TUESDAY 10th WEDNESDAY 11th THURSDAY 12th FRIDAY 13th Kobi Simmat VACANT Janette Helyar Therese Soltau Philippa Blaxall Mona Johnson MONDAY 16th TUESDAY 17th WEDNESDAY 18th THURSDAY 19th FRIDAY 20th Jo Ramdeen Leanne Tester Karen Nitch Sam Wheeler Penny Soegaard Susie Wu Jo Gaw MONDAY 23rd TUESDAY 24th WEDNESDAY 25th THURSDAY 26th FRIDAY 27th Emma Ruttyn Jenni Nelson Tanya Zanelli Merryn McLachlan Deneille Gigg Jeanette Helyar Tracey Brilman MONDAY 30th TUESDAY 31st WEDNESDAY 1st JUNE THURSDAY 2nd FRIDAY 3rd Kareena Carols VACANT Ann Crowe Michele Freebain From 10am Leanne Tester Kara Moorhouse Wheeler Heights Public School Parents & Citizens Association Supporting our Students & School POSITION VACANT - CANTEEN MANAGER - WEDNESDAY Wheeler Heights Public School CASUAL POSITION up to 5 hours per week plus filling in, when needed e.g sick. The Wheeler Heights P&C Canteen aims to provide a prompt, professional and polite service to the parents and students of the school. The P&C is currently seeking applications for a Canteen Manager (1 day, Wednesday 8:30 - 2pm) The Canteen Manager reports to the P&C Association through the chair of the Canteen sub-committee and the P&C Executive. Rate of pay is in accordance with the Industrial Instrument (Level 2) Fast Food Industry Award 2010 & will only be paid for the hours worked. This position is a hands-on position requiring you to provide a prompt, professional and polite food service to the teachers, parents, and students of the school, liaise with suppliers and manage a team of volunteers. The Canteen Manager plays a vital role in the school community. The position is open to school parents and other members of the broader community for an immediate start. POSITION DESCRIPTION Planning, organising and monitoring the day to day operations of the Canteen, including (but not limited to): • Identify opportunities for improvement, raise with the sub-committee and implement when approved; • Helping to manage the menu, pricing, preparation & delivery of food; • Helping to manage ordering of stock to ensure it is kept at an appropriate level; • Liaise with existing suppliers & seek new suppliers when necessary; • Comply with all necessary regulations including food standards & OH&S; • Attend Sub Committee meetings (1 a term, each term on a Thursday, Week 5); • Provide the P&C Canteen sub-committee with a report for each P&C meeting (2 times/term); • Manage Flexischool orders and updating of Flexischools information on the school website/app. ESSENTIAL CRITERIA • Communications and Interpersonal Skills, proficient in English. • Organisational/Management Skills. • Ability to lead and motivate a team of volunteers to ensure a harmonious workplace. • Demonstrated ability to work with limited supervision. • Experience working in a shop environment or training/qualifications. If you are interested in applying for the position please email your typed application including resume and additional information (maximum of 3 pages) addressing how your skills and experience meet the above Essential Criteria to mailto:whpscanteen@gmail.com If required, a short-list of applicants will be interviewed by a selection panel including a school representative, a P&C representative and a school parent. The successful applicant/s will be subject to a Working with Children Check. rkfcloj=mof`bifpq cêçã=^mofi=OMNS éêáÅÉë=ëìÄàÉÅí=íç=ÅÜ~åÖÉ=ïáíÜçìí=éêáçê=åçíáÑáÅ~íáçå GIRLS WINTER Tunic Skort Blouse Trousers Navy GIRLS SUMMER Tunic Polo Shirt Skort White Tie (spare for summer tunic) SPORTS & GENERAL Sport Polo Shirt Sport Shorts Sloppy Joe Trackpants Sport Jacket Poncho Rain Coat School Backpack Library Bag $60.00 $42.00 $25.00 $25.00 $55.00 $25.00 $35.00 $5.00 $25.00 $20.00 $35.00 $30.00 $45.00 $20.00 $10.00 $45.00 $10.00 ORDER ON LINE www.flexischools.com.au BOYS WINTER Long Sleeve Shirt $25.00 Trousers $25.00 BOYS SUMMER Polo Shirt $25.00 Shorts $20.00 ACCESSORIES Baseball Cap $15.00 Bucket Hat $15.00 Slouch Hat $15.00 Alice Band (Summer & Winter tartan) $10.00 Hairbow Pk2 (Summer & Winter tartan) $10.00 Tights Grey $12.00 1 Pair $5.00 Socks Ankle Grey or White 3 Pair Deal $10.00 Socks Long White or Grey $8.00 Socks Sports PSSA $10.00 m~óãÉåí=ãÉíÜçÇëW=`^peI=`ebnrbI=bcqmlp NKRB=ëìêÅÜ~êÖÉ=çå=~ää=`êÉÇáí=C=bcq=é~óãÉåíë mäÉ~ëÉ=åçíÉW=ïÉ=~ÅÅÉéí=sáë~=C=j~ëíÉêÅ~êÇ=çåäó lêÇÉê=çå=äáåÉ=îá~=ïïïKÑäÉñáëÅÜççäëKÅçãK~ì cäÉñápÅÜççäë=çêÇÉêë=ÅäçëÉÇ=QWMMéã=qÜìêëÇ~ó=C=~êÉ=ÇÉäáîÉêÉÇ=íç=óçìê=ÅÜáäÇDë=Åä~ëëêççã=çå=cêáÇ~ó qÜÉ=ìåáÑçêã=ëÜçé=áë=çéÉå=ÉîÉêó=cêáÇ~ó=Ñêçã=UWPM~ã=íç=VWPM~ã=C=êìå=Äó=é~êÉåí=îçäìåíÉÉêëI= `çåí~ÅíW=ïÜéëìåáÑçêã]Öã~áäKÅçã April 2016 Saving Chloe Saxby My name is Nyree Saxby and I am the mum of Chloe Saxby, a gorgeous, affectionate little girl, who was like any other healthy child until she turned three. She had just started dance lessons and loved them. Then overnight, she lost the use of her legs. After eight months of testing, Chloe was diagnosed with Vanishing White Matter Disease (VWM), an extremely rare, degenerative and terminal brain disease that affects mostly children. With VWM, a bump to the head, a temperature, a cold or even a fright could kill Chloe. Chloe is now seven and this monster of a disease has already robbed her of the ability to walk and of a normal childhood. Next it will paralyse her little body to the point that she won’t be able to hold her head up, talk, see, hear or eat – she will lose the ability to do everything. Chloe will experience a lot of pain and suffering and die at a very early age, if the cure is not found in time, as life expectancy is between five to ten years from onset of the disease. We have seen what this disease does to young children and it terrifies us. There is hope, with promising research underway to stop this disease in its tracks. There have been a number of breakthroughs recently in Professor Orna Elroy-Stein’s research. Progress however, is hampered by a lack of funding. With only seven cases in Australia and around 172 worldwide, pharmaceutical companies don’t see it as commercially viable and it is therefore left up to the families affected to raise the funds to save our children. Over the past 3 years we have ran marathons, done Bunnings BBQ’s and endless fundraising; however it is a drop in the ocean compared to the funds we need to raise. Speeding up the progress of this research comes at a cost of approximately $2.6 million to get to pre-clinical stage. Chloe is a patient of Dr Hugo Sampaio, Neurologist at Sydney Children’s Hospital who states “In the world of rare diseases research, the last decade has seen tremendous efforts to establish international collaborations. There are currently two major research collaborations underway aiming to find a cure for Vanishing White Matter Disease, both of these are outside of Australia. The research taking place under Professor Orna Elroy-Stein at the University of Tel Aviv is showing some promise and may be lifesaving for Chloe and other children like her”. Prof Elroy-Stein believes that with significant funding for more sophisticated technology and manpower, she will be able to greatly enhance their research and reduce the time required to realise the goal of finding the cure. The University of Tel Aviv is recognised as a world leader in the study of brain science and neurodegenerative disease. We need to raise these funds now, as Chloe doesn’t have the luxury of time to wait for funding to arrive in eight to ten years – it will be too late. We have turned to social media with a video called Saving Chloe Saxby http://www.savingchloesaxby.com in the hope that it appeals to the greater good in humanity to raise the desperately needed funds. Our story was covered by Simon Bouda on National Nine News on 27 February http://www.9news.com.au/…/saving-chloe-saxby-family-of-dyin… as well as various other television, radio, online and print media coverage. To exponentially progress the research with the hope of bringing clinical trials forward to save not only Chloe but over 170 children worldwide, our fundraising goals are: 1st Milestone: $840,000 – to fund a specialised Confocal Microscope to speed up and further the already promising research 2nd Milestone: $1,400,000 – reaching this will also fund a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter and hiring of additional research assistants 3rd Milestone: $1,700,000 – will additionally fund live cell imaging and MRI analysis equipment 4th Milestone: $2,600,000 – to enable an outsourced program to facilitate characterisation of the drug like molecule with the potential to lead to pre-clinical stage Chloe Saxby and Vanishing White Matter Disease Inc is an Australian Registered Charity with DGR status. We really appreciate your time, consideration and any assistance you can offer us in our quest to save our daughter and put an end to this disease for all children. For further information, please visit our website – www.chloesaxby.com.au Sincerely Nyree Saxby Mother of Chloe Saxby 0423 760719 nyree@savingchloesaxby.com Chloe Saxby and Vanishing White Matter Disease Incorporated Australian Registered Charity ABN:59276626144 - Charity Fundraising Number: CFN/23384 All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible - Contact Details: nyree@savingchloesaxby.com Tel:+61 (0)423 760 719 www.savingchloesaxby.com Hi, my name is Chloe and I’m really excited to be in class 1-2L at Woonona East Primary School this year. Even though I am in my pretty pink wheelchair, I am really just like you, I love to play, laugh, sing and dance, make new friends and annoy my big sister Madeleine. My muscles in my legs are not as strong as they used to be so I have to be in my wheelchair to keep me safe from any falls I might have. I also wear my special caps because I am not allowed to be bumped on my head as that would put me in hospital! Sometimes I’ll have equipment that makes it easier for me to do things like cutting and writing. Mum and Dad also say it’s really, super important for me not to get sick. My favourite colours like most girls are pink and purple and all the colours of the rainbow. I love fairies and princesses and rainbows. I really, really love Taylor Swift and I love playing One Direction on my iPad to make my sister Mads run out of the house with her hands over her ears! Lucky she likes 5 seconds of summer just like me! Chloe xx