El Paso City Directory for the Years 1895-1896
El Paso City Directory for the Years 1895-1896
University of Texas at El Paso DigitalCommons@UTEP El Paso City Directories Special Collections Department 1-1-1895 El Paso City Directory for the Years 1895-1896 Frank J. McDevitt & Company Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.utep.edu/city_direct Part of the History Commons, and the Urban Studies and Planning Commons Comments: This directory is split into two files: (1) Personal names A - M (2) Personal names N - Z and the Business Directory. They are large, text-heavy, files so it may take a while to download. Please be patient. Recommended Citation Frank J. McDevitt & Company, "El Paso City Directory for the Years 1895-1896" (1895). El Paso City Directories. Paper 5. http://digitalcommons.utep.edu/city_direct/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections Department at DigitalCommons@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in El Paso City Directories by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UTEP. For more information, please contact lweber@utep.edu. LAW ~~b OI"P'IC£' OF' ~. !B~'''' E!- FASO.T~_XAS "SUNSET ROUTE," -- -THE OUTLET FROM THE EAST. THE GATEWAY TO THE WEST. COMPORED OF THE FOLLOWINO LINES, Galveston. Harrisburg til San Antonio Ry., Texas til New Orleans R. R. Company, New York. Texas til Mexican Railway. Gulj. Western Texas & Pacific Railway. Sabine and East Texas Railroad. he aciji; 0 nd I /" tlavintt: Direct and aU Pri1l n • /.<: ~~ITED S!1'I:TES MEXICO. ':t.r pUIlf1la~palae~ Buffet E1ar.o~ alll5QrouqQ Trai~5. ~ND SPECIAL FAST FREIGHT SCHEDULESI FROM NEW YORK AND OALIFORNIAI INSURE qUICKEST TIME, and, ailltJ, thr:re be!'f1g ONLY ONE LINE from PO;IItO! shipment til deatintrtion, 8f7a1J/~ UB to put Freight. thrQugh with few tho rid by da.mru}6 f)r no transfer. is ths minimum. PASTE THIS IN VOUR HAT-SI1IPPlNO and DlRBCTJONS. ProQl s.:wV" .... uod ~8l)Ollrd T~tory • ont~r ;l.lorwonLln~ PnnQ (.'allfornill.llad til, West _ • • . • UrdtT 91llltet I.iu~ Prom St. L""I_, Chl"aj(o, Lon'll"ln •• lIla.h"Ulr. Pitu·~ Cl\r>e$oathlOTn Pnrltlr barlt. Detroit .. n,l tbrlr ..... l.rrlmrl"" I at Sflw Om ..... I"'cii". '0' ""tha, Inf.o""aclalt C. W. BE/N, call 1m (I' ad,.. , "arnt. 0/ flo ... 1. J. PARK8, 1",'~ """"01111." AU'f B,n. I'dU •• lId 7/elll1. Houhn, 7,1ta. HOUf.II, 7ornlll. .gt. &oq 1fl,,,,UlHln fI"••• ar H. A. JONE8, e.... FrfJ.1tt Af£. HOII$tfl'l, 1,«,. ..,----~--~-------.\ T. E. HUNT, CtJmmfJrciai Agfmt. EJ Pruo, Texa •• El Paso County Historical Soclety .----:-:::=""':'==~=:=====f.-J JOHN BRUNNER, Fine Merchant Tailoring, '04 EL PASO STREET. ---- I. I I ~~ I ~ .. -- Are you a TAILORMADEMAN? Or do you buy your Clothes on the "thrown-together" ready-made plan? A LADYwould not think of buying a ready-made dress, as you know, and in the matter of wearing apparel the LADYis far in advance of the MAN. '1~ Why not follow her example and look neat and stylish? r ~ ~, ~ i!o I have the Choicest Assortment of I CLOTHS in EI Paso. for all seasons-of the year, and can grve you a PERFECT FIT as well as GUARANTEESATIS> FACTION. ~ . Country work solicited, and samples sent on application. Give me a TRIAL ORDER. ----JOHN BRUNNER. Fine Merchant Tailoring '04 h PASo STREET. f·.~·'. '---,.----~---' POMeroy'S £1 PUO Trl.llsflr L1VE~Y, i Co., ~~!-K~.~!' ~~~~~~~~ STABLE'I Freight and Machinery Transfer. lOIY1;'/'(IUlII 'lfU'.ll5TOOUIl oW1.II'TS D,. Tll/Uf'fS HOTEL VENDOME, .. '" ~ ~ , .' /)---'::--!p:::::!;;~e:;;;_2;;;:::;;;"_';,",~..a!~~..------" I I R:R:TES: $2.50 Ell PASO $4·50 TO PER D~Y. t. I TEXIIS. TIlo Glart, Wnltson & Lolton MuslG GO. i S.n Antonio Sttreet. Cotrnel"••••. Decker Bros., Everett, A Monarch, Spaulding, i K renick & Bach, ~ and Credendn . I Kimball, Pianos, Stan & Clark . Oraau». Ag~lJ19 for lb~WHITE ~ <if!. . Bicycles, ' and a IUJIline of Y Supplies. Se3llL~NCMJtCHINSS. I I POMEROY'S EL PASO TRANSFER CO.. II 01 buggnfle "u,1 Ti,e on111cuttl,ol'l%ed trousfer frl'igilt from. all,'aUroatl Prom!Jt ana ,'ellal,Te. C''"rot'S RM8fJlUlblt!. e t",an". -Tel No '" 18 I -e • EL PASO City- Directory. * *' FOR THE YEARS )I< *' -PUBLISHED BY- FRANK J. McDEVITI & COMPANY. COPYRIGHTED. 1895, EL PASO STEAM PRINTING COMPANY EL PASO, TEXA~. " -- -~-----., ~RTES OF POSTAGE. POSTA.LCARDS~One cent each, go without further charge to all parts of United States, Canada aud Mexico. "Reply Postal Cards" with card attached for paid reply, two cents each. Cards for foreign countries (within Postal Union) two cents each. LETTERS~Two cents for each ounce, or fraction thereof, to all parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Local, or "drop" letters that are for the city or town where deposited, two cents where the carrier system is adopted, and one cent where then: is no carrier system. FIRST Cr.ess-cLettcre and all other written matter whether sealed or unsealed, and all other matter sealed, nailed, sewed, tied or fastened in any manner so thnt it cannot easily be examined, two cents for each ounce or fraction thereof. SECOND CLA.ss~ODly for publishers and news agents, one cent per pound. Newspapers and periodicals (regular publications) can be mailed by the public at the rate of one cent for each four ounces or fraction thereof. Taren CLAss-On circulars, books, pamphlets, business cards, handbills, chromes, etc., not exceeding four pounds in weight, one cent for each two ounces orfmc'tion thereof. FOURTH CLAss-Articles of merchandise which by their form and nature, are not liable to destroy, injure, • 4 EL PASO CITY OmECTORY. or deface other articles, which -is prepared for wailing as to be easily withdrawn from wrapper, or examined, one cent per ounce or fraction thereof. Limit of weight four pounds. REGISTRATION-Letters or packages can be 'regis. tered by adding stamps to the amount of eight cents to the regular amount. MONEYORDERs-For orders 110t exceeding $2.50, three cents; over $2.50 and Dot exceeding $5.00, five cents; over $5.00 and not exceeding $10.00. eight cents: over $10.00 and not exceeding $20.00, ten cents; over $20.00 and not exceeding $30.00, twelve cents; over $30.00 and not exceeding $40.00, fifteen cents; over $40.00 and not exceeding $50.00, eighteen cents. LEGALHOLIDAYS IN TEXAs-January 1, February 22, March 2, April 21, July 4, December 25, and all days appointed as days offasting and days of thanksgiving. and every state election day. I) I Ell PASO ST~EET OI~ECTO~Y. [Owing to the irregularity in direction 01 many streets and the severfll additions into wbic11the city is divided, it ie 1I0t found practicable to arrange the eeeee names alphabetically. The corner of Bl Paso and Sao AlJlooio streets is made a !ltarting point for tjre main portion of the dty, 8.Sthe person who is not acqual.llted with 100000tioncan best trace from those two streeta.] All streets between the Rio Grande river on the west and Cotton avenue on the east. east and west San Antonio on the north, and the Rio Grande river on the south, are in the Campbell and Magoffiu additions. E1 Paso street, south, begins at Little Plaza and San Francisco street; runs to river. ~ I I I I E1 Paso street, north, begins atMain; runs northwest to Rio Grande street. San Antonio street, east, begins at El Paso; runs east to Cotton avenue. San Antonio street, west, begins at Durango; runs west to ri ver. Overland street, east, first south of San Antonio; runs east to Texas & Pacific reservation. Overland, west, first south of San Antonio; runs west from E1 Paso to over. Sonora, starts west of E1 Paso between San Antonio and West Overland; runs west to South Chihuahua. First, east, begins at Utah two blockseastof HIPaso; runs east to Texas & Pacific reservation; second south of San Antonio. Second, runs east from El Paso to Cotton avenue, west to river; third south of San Antonio. Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, 6 EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. an Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth streets run east and west from the river across EI Paso street to Cotton avenue, except Twelfth, which begins at £1 Paso street all river and runs east to Cotton avenue, and Thirteenth from Kansas cast to Cotton avenue. They are all one street farther south of San Antonio than the number calls for; in other words, Thirteenth street is the fourteenth south of San Antonio. Santa Pe, south, first west of El Paso; TUns from San Francisco south to river. Chihuahua, south, second west of EI Paso; ruos from San Francisco south to river. Leon, south, third west of El Paso; runs from San Francisco south to river. Durango, south, fourth west of E1 Paso; runs from San Francisco street to river. Anthony, south, fifth west ofEl Paso; runs from San Francisco south to river. Crosby, south, sixth west of El Paso; runs from A. T. & S. F. reservation to river. Brannon, south, seventh west of El Paso; runs from A. T. & S. reservation to river. Hyde, south, eighth west of E1 Paso; runs from A. T. & S. F. reservation to river. Nell, south, ninth west of Bl Paso; runs from A. T. & S. F. reservation to river. Lee, west, first north of west San Antonio; runs one block east and west from A. T. & S. F. reservation to river. Oregon, south, first cast of El Paso; runs from San Antonio south to river. Utah, south, second east of EI Paso; runs from San Antonio south to river. Stanton, south, third east of El Paso: runs from San Antonio south to river. Kansas, south, fourth east of El Paso; runs from San Antonio south to river, 1 EL PA.SO CITY DIRECTORY. r 7 Campbell, south, fifth east of El Paso; runs from San Antonio south to river. Florence, south, sixth east of El Paso, runs from San Antonio south to river. Ochoa, south, seventh east ofEt Paso; TUns from San Antonio south to river. Virginia, south, eighth east of El Paso; TUns from San Antonio south to river. St. Vrain, south, ninth east ofBl Paso; runs from San Antonio south to river. Hills. south, tenth east of EI Paso; runs from T. & P. reservation south to river. Taya, south, eleventh east of El Paso; runs from T. & P. reservation south to river. Park, south, twelfth east of El Paso; runs from T. & . P. reservation south to river. 'I'oruillo, south, thirteenth east of Bl Paso; runs from T. & P. reservation south to Cotton avenue. [The Cotton and Bassett additions lie in the eastern portion of the city. For its western boundary the Cotton addition has Cotton avenue, the river on the south and east to Elm street and then tbe Baasett addition.] Cotton avenue; begins at river, runs north to suburbs. A, first east of Cotton avenue; runs north from river to suburbs. B,second east of Cotton avenue; runs north from river to suburbs. C, third east of Cotton avenue; runs north from river to enburbs. Bassett, fourth east of Cotton avenue; runs north from river to suburbs. M, fifth east of Cotton avenue; runs north from river to suburbs. N, sixth east of Cotton avenue: runs north from river to suburbs. r-------- EL PASO CITY DmEC'l'ORY. 8 0, seventh east of Cotton avenue: runs north from . river to suburbs. Pecan, first nor-th of river; runs from Cotton avenue east to river. Cottonwood .second north of river; runs from Cotton avenue east to river. Palm, third north of river; runs from Cotton a .... enue cast to river. Apple, fourth nor-th of river; runs from Cotton avenue cast to river. . Pear, fifth north of river; runs from Cotton avenue east to river. Peach, sixth north of river; runs from Cotton avenue east to river. Chestnut, seventh north of river; runs from Cotton avenue east to river. Hickory, eighth north of river; runs from Cotton avenue eaat to river. Cedar, ninth north of river; runs from Cotton avenue cast to river. Birch, tenth north of river, runs from Cotton avenue east to river. Maple, eleventh north of river; runs from Cotton avenue east to river. Willow, twelfth north ofriver;runs from Cotten avenue cast to river , Pine, thirteenth, north of river; runs Cotton nveuue east to river. Ivy fourteenth north of river; 1"11OS Cotton avenue east to river. Locust, fifteenth north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to river .. Sycamore, sixteenth north of river; runs Cot.ton avenue east to river. Ash, seventeenth north of river; r-uns Cotton avenue east to rivcr-. Oak, eighteenth north of river; runs Cotton avenue to river. I EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 9 Elm, nineteenth north or river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Poplar, twentieth north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits, Spruce, twenty-first north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Palm, twenty-second north of river; n1l1S Cotton avenue east to dty limits. Magnolia, twenty-third north of river; 'runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Cypress, twenty-fourth north of river; runs Cotton avenue cast to city limits. Walnut, twenty-fifth north of rrver ; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. River, twenty-sixth north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Almond, twerrty-aeventh north of river; ruus Cotton avenue-east to city limits. Cherry, twenty-eighth north of river; runs Cotton avenue cast to city limite. Mulberry, twenty-ninth north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to cit] limits. Vine, thirtieth north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Tornillo, thirty-first north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Laurel, thirty-second north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Eucalyptus, thirty-third north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. .Pepper, thirty-fourth north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Redwood, 'thir-ty-fifth north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Ebony, thirty-si:x:th north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. Mahogany, thirty-seventh north of river; runs Cotton avenue east to city limits. 10 EL PASO CITY DrnECTORY. Rosewood, thirty-eighth north of river; runs Cotton avenue cast to city limits. MOREHEAD Olive, first north ADDI'I'lON. of San Antonio, begins at north Virginia; runs two blocks northeast. Magoffiu avenue, secoud north of San Antonio; begins north Campbell avenue; ton avenue. runs northeast to Cot- . Myrtle, third north of San Antonio; begins north Stanton; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. Texas, fourth north of San Antonio; begins north Oregon; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. St. Louis, fifth north of San Antonio; begins north Oregon; TUns northeast to Corton avenue. Main, sixth north of Sail Antonio; runs Irom north Chihuahua) Satterthwaite addition northeast, tonortlt Oregon; thence northeast to city limits; Iiue of G. H. & S. A. track. Franklin, seventh north of San Antonio; runs from Fisher Satterthwaite addition northeast, to north Oregon; thence northeast to Cotton avenue. Missouri. eighth north of San Antonio; Fisher Sat-terthwaite addition; runs northeast to north Oregon; thenee northeast to Cotton avenue. Wyoming, ninth north of San Antonio; begins north Oregon; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. Idaho, tenth north of San Antonio; begins north Oregon; rUIlS northeast to Cotton avenue. Montana, eleventh north of San Antonio; begins north Oregon; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. Rio G.ande, twelfth north of San Antonio; begins north Oregon; runs nor-theast to Cotton avenue. Arizona, thirteenth north of San AntoDio; begins North Oregon; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. Nevada, fourteenth north of San Antonio; begins EL PASO CiTY DiRECTORY. 11 Reservoir, Satterthwaite addition; runs northeast to North Oregon; thence northeast to Cotton avenue. California, fifteenth north of San Antonio; north El Paso; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. River.sixteenth north San Antonio; begins Reservoir. Satterthwaite addition; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. Clitt, seventeenth north of San Antonio; begins North Leon, Satterthwaite addition; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. High, eighteenth north of San Antonio; begins Crosby, Alexander addition; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. Currie, nineteenth north of San Antonio; begins O'Baunon, Alexander addition; runs northeast to Cotton avenue. Oregon, north, first east of North £1 Paso; runs San Antonio north to city limits. Mesa avenue, second east of North EI Paso; runs San Antonio north to city limits. Stanton, north, third east of North of EI Paso; runs San Antonio north to city limits. Kansas, north, fourth east of North El Paso; runs San Antonio north to city limits. Campbell avenue, north, fifth east of North EI Paso; runs San Antonio north to city limits. Florence, north, sixth east of North El Paso; runs San Antonio north to city limits. Ochoa, north, seventh east of North EI Paso; runs San Antonio north to city limits. ViFgina, north, eightb east of North El Paso; runs San Antonio north to city limits. St. Vrain, north, ninth east; of North EI Paso: runs San Antunio north to city limits. Ange, tenth east of North EI Paso: runs San Antonio north to city limits. Octavia, eleventh east of North £1 Paso; runs Mag. ofiin aVL"IlUe north to city limits. 12 EL PASO CITY DlRBC'TORY. Noble, twelfth east of North El Paso; runs Mogoffin avenue north to city limits. Brown, thirteenth east of North El Paso; runs Mogoffin avenue north to city limits. Newman, fourteenth east of North El Paso; runs Magoffin avenue north to city limits. Austin, fifteenth cast of North El Paso; runs Cotton avenue north to city limits. Lee, sixteenth cast of North EI Paso; runs Cotton avenue north to city limits. See also Lee; Santa Fc runs to river. Dallas, seventeenth cast of North EI Paso; TUns Cotton avenue north to city limits. SATTRRTHWA.l1'E ADDITION. Santa Fe, north, first west of Nor-th EI Paso, begins San Francisco, runs north to Boulevard, recommences at north boundary Satterthwaite addition, runs to city limits. Chihuahua. north, second west of North El Paso, begins San Francisco, runs north to Upson avenue, recommences north boundary Satterthwaite audition, runs to city limits. Leon, north, third west of North EI Paso, begins north boundary of Satterthwaite addition, runs north to city limits. Durango, north, fourth west of North £1 Paso, begins north boundary Satterthwaite addition, runs north to city limits. Crosby, fifth west of North EI Paso. begins north boundary of Satterthwaite addition, runs north to city limits. O'Bannon,sixth west ofNorlh El Paso, begins north boundary Satterthwaite addition, runs north to city limits. San Francisco, begins at South El Paso and Little Plaza, runs west to river. 1 EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 13 Satterthwaite avenue, begins at North Chihuahua, Satterthwaite addition, runs west to Rio Grande. Upson avenue, first north of Satterthwaite avenue, begins at North £1 Paso, nus west to San Francisco. Ochiltree avenue, begins at juuctiou Fisher street and Upson avenue; runs northwest to Ft. Bliss reservation. Prospect avenue, second north of Satterthwaite avenul'; begins at junction North Chihuahua and Upson avenue, runs northwest to Lanham avenue. Boulevard, begins at North Oregon, west end Idaho; runs west to North Santa Fe, Satterthwaite addition, thence northwest to Houston. Rio Grande, west, begins at North Oregon, runs west to Boulevard, thence southwest to San Francisco. Nevcda, west, corner of East Nevada, begins at North Oregon, runs west to Reservoir street. Reservoir, begins at Boulevard, runs north to north boundary Satterthwaite addition. D, first west of Southwest Rio Grande, begins at Upson avenue, runs north to Ochiltree avenue. Hosack avenue, begins at Riverside Park, forming: west boundary Satterthwaite addition, runs north to north boundary Satterthwaite addition. MUNDY ADDITION. Houston, begins at San Francisco, r-uns north to Ochlltree avenue. Bliss avenue, begins at Hosack aveuuc.caetboundary of addition and runs northwest through addition. Star, begins at Houston avenue, runs southwest to Bliss avenue. Boulevard, see Satterthwaite addition. A.I.EXA.l\"DER'S ADDITION. This properly lies north of the Satterthwaite addition and northwest of the Morehead, and is traversed north 14 BL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. and south by the streets east and west ofNorth El Paso, already described in the Morehead and Satterthwaite additions as running north to city limits. Thesesereeta also run through that portion 01 the Alexander laid down on the map as outside thecitylimits. T'hestreets running- east and west outside the city limits in this addition, as you go northward, arc respectively,High, Currie, Hague, Blacker, Blanchard, Lowenstein, Kerber New York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Mississippi and Savage. I I, c I •I 1 • e ] d • 7 it c 1 ], d 6 TRINl'rY METHODIST CHURCH. Corner Texas and Stanton streets. Rev. C. J. Oxley, Pastor; residence, 712 NorlhCampbelI street. Official board meets first Tuesday in each month at 7:30 p. rn. Woman's Parsonage and Howe Missiou Society meets each Monday at 3 p. m. Church Conference after prayer meeting first Wednesday in each month. Services: Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Lord's Supper first Sunday of each month at 11 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. each Sunday; Junior 3 p. m. Senior 4 p, m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Cordially welcome. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 413 North Stauton street. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at9:45a.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Myrtle street, opposite Court House. Pastor, Rev. C. A. Hyland; residence 605 Mesa Avenue. Services: Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. 6:16 p. m. Junion Y. P. S. C. E. 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Communion of the Lord's Supper, first Sabbath in February, May.August and November. Monthly business meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E..first Wednesday evenlug of each month. 16 EL PASO CITY DIRECTbRY. I-'IR'::T BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner ofMagofEin avenue and San Antonio street. Pastor, L. R. Millican; residence, 614 Myrtle street. Services: Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m, Young People's Union at 4 P. m. Junior Union at 3 p. m. Lord's Supper first Sunday in March, June, September and December. Services during the week: Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Business meeting last Wednesday evening of each month. ST. CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Mesa avenue, near St. Louis street. Rev. Mayo Cabell .Martin, Rector. Residence at the rectory adjoining the church. Services: Holy Communion at 7:30 a, m. (except first Sunday in month, then at 11) and services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Stanton street, near the corner of Myrtle. Services:' Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. The church meetingfor worship and scripture reading and partaking of the Lord's supper at 1.1 a. m. every Lord's day. Every. body is welcome. MEXICAN METHODfST CHURCH. 512 EI Paso street. MEXICAN BAPTIST CHUll:CH. 510 El Paso street. CATtl0J.dC CttU~CtlBB. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Corner Myrtle and Campbell streets. Mass, 7 a. m. High Mass 10 a. m. Rev. C. M. Pinta, pastor. S.A.CREDHEART, (l£EXICAN) Fourth and South Oregon streets. Higb mass, 10 a. m. Mass, 7 a, m. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY, CHAPEL 17 OF HOLY FAMILY. 705 North Oregon street. Sunday 7 a. m. Mass daily 6:30 a. m .• lJroTBO STATES tTumCHUl OFFICE~S. District Judge, Hon. T. S. Maxey; District Attorney, Hon. C. U. Culberson; District Clerk, D. H. Hart; District Clerk Deputy, J. P. Hodgson; Marshal, R. C. ware: Commissioner, Hon. F. B. Sexton; Dommia, eioner, Hen. Peyton F. Edwards. l1i.t af Offlee1fs Qod Employees in the Customs Colleation.. Olstt'iet of peec del l'lol'ta, (Et PIlSO.) Tex&ls. Collector, Charles. Davis; Special Deputy Collector. James W. Magoffin; Assaycr, Thos. B. johnson; Clerks, Henry Braden, William E. Race; Storekeepers, John R. Fulkerson, James S. McDonough; Liqudating Clerk, James H. Adams; Deputy Collectors, Andrew J. Kyle, 18 ET. PA50 CITY nffiECTORY. RS.Newman,Jr.; Deputy Collector (at Deming), Seaman Field; Bond Clerk, Miss Nannie H. Beall; Inspectors, jnmes M. Dwyer, Jacob M. Jacobs, Benjamin P. Jenkins. Mounted Inspectors.c-W. C. Bend:y; (at Deming), 'Thee. R. Hcuatia; tat Yeleta) .Bcnigno Alderete; john N. Hughes, Cecilia Cadena, William Caples, Gee. M. Gai. ther, jus. H. Boone, Chas. B. Dowd, Peyton P. Bdwards. Wm. W. Davis. Assistant to Assaycr.-Chas. Davis. JT. Night Inspectors.c-Wm. R. Watson, jos. L. Dwyer. Inspectrcss.-Mrs. Nellie 'White. Custodian.-Chas. H. Davis. Jas. W. Magoffin,aeting collector. Custodian's Porce.e-william H. Tyndcll, Engineer; W. J. Joues, Watchman; Eli Graham and WilHam A. Dobbins. Janitors. Er. PASO CITY OI~8CTO~Y. ~ ~BATA, MRS. P. widow 114 Durango Mrs. Ysabel, widow 507 Anthony Abbott, Miss, dressmaker l09 S. Florence Abren, James, clerk St. Louis and Stanton Abuita, jesus , 607 Snu Fr aucisco Abuita, Lulu. , 607 San Francisco Acme Saloon, (R. B. Stevens) 225 San Antonio Acona, Luia, porter 706 San Vrain Acosta, Antonio, laborer 601 Fourth Acosta, Antonio,Jr.laborer 601 Fourth Acosta, Carlos, laborer 514 Fifth Acosta. Eulalia. servant 804 North Oregon Acosta, Mrs. Prancisca 423% EI Paso Acosta, Jesus, laborer l03 Main Acosta, jose, laborer. l03 Main Acosta, Miss M Near Santa Pe Pump House Acosta, Mrs. Maria, \ idow " 402 Fourth Acuna, Mrs. Patrie, widow Sixth and South Florence Adams, Alex.Jeborer " Bassett's Addition Adams, C. D. machirrist.. 608 E1 Paso Adams, E. baker Anthony, north Santa Fe track Adams, Harlan, clerk custom house 113 Olive A}{uerra, Antonio, servant , 721 Magoffin Aguerra, Cristoba1. 710 Sixth J .Abata, (ElL Y & POLLPBD FOR PUREDBUGS P/ID CHE~ICPLS. T~E PllnuOn, ElPaso and San llntonioSt~eets. 20 EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Agucrra, Cristobal, groccry ,. 425 El Paso Aguerra. Lupe, laborer 321 Seventh Aguerro, Mrs. E. J. dressmaker l09 South Florence Agui11ar, Julian 321 Santa Fe Aguillardo, Pedro " Rooms 503 South Oregon Goug, laborer Southern Pacific Yard ~h Jim, gardener Cotton Addition ~hJim, laundry 412St. Louis h Lee, g-ardener Cotton Addition h Mob, gardeuer.. Cotton Addition ~h Mong, gardener " Cotton Addition '/.Ah Ong, laborer Southern Pacific Yards ~h Salute, laborer Southern Pacific Yards ~h Sing,laborer Southern Pacific Yards ¥oAh Toou.Taborer Southern Pacific Yards ~h Toy,gardener Cotton Additi.on •/Ah Wan, servant 1150hve ~h Wing,laborer SouthernPacific Yards . Ainlla. jose, grocery 500 South Utah Ainsa, Alex, wholesale groccr 509 Mesa Ainsa, Mrs. Eloisa " 509 Mesa Ainsa, Frank, wholesale grocer 509 Mesa Ainsa, Manuel, wholesale grocer. 509 Mesa Aitken, George W. conductor 906 Mesa Aitken, J. S. bcokkeeper.. 1l3 Myrtle Ajala, Carlos, printer. 420 Fourth AJagrio, Dorato 711 South Stouton Alanza, Marcelo 1113 South Stanton Alhiar, Mereelo, laborer Myrtle and Alamo Albiar, Lna, laborer Myrtle and Alamo Alhiar, Ylario, laborer Myrtle and Alamo Albiar, Mrs. Guadalupe, widow Myrtle aud Alamo Albillar, Dionesia, laborer 416 Sixth Ah Go to SP~IHGEa'S for FUBNITURE, GBOGKE~Y,GHBPETS KAYSER & CO DRV·~DDDS·FURNISB[NGS • Corner . Tu,,,-. ami St. Lou", $tuctl. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY, 21 Allbright, S. S" cook. l09 Anthony Alcalar, Estafario ., 627 Fifth Alderete, L collector 404 South Campbell Alder, Mrs. Mary " ..211 Durango Alder, W. H. fireman 211 Durango Alderite. Mrs. C. widow " 564 Durango Allard, Wm. H. laborer 408 East Overland Allen, Cbas. conductor Sheldon Building Allen, Mr. Florence 307 North Florence Allen, Gee. engineer 705 Tays Allen, Mrs. Mary E 513 Myrtle Allen, R. A. dry goods ., St. Louis and Stanton Allen, Wm 307 North Stanton Almada, Mrs. Prancisca Fouth and South Utah Almaguar, Pedro, grocery 4'14 East Overland Almendarez, Faustina .,.G16 Fourth Almendarez. Lino 314 Fifth Almendarez, jesus., 704 South Stanton Almendarez, Miguel.. .., ., 820 South Stanton Almisa, Mrs. R. widow 576 Durango Altheimer, A. S. clerk " Sheldon Block Alva, Jo~, laborer 700 Anthony Alva, Mrs. A " 600 Anthony Alvarado, A.laborer 462 Durango Alvarado. Mrs. A 564 Durango Alvarado, Juan 807 South Stanton Alvarado, L. laborer 652 Nell Alvarado, Mrs. M 807 South Stanton Alvarez, Antonio, cigar maker 904 North Stanton Alvarez, Demetrio 604 Fourth Alvarez,Jesus, laborer 612 Nell Alvarez, Pablo, cigar maker 604 Fourth Alvanz, Pablo, laborer 514 Anthony KRlnPOllARD, PRl3CRIPlION3A3PlClAm OPENAll NIG~I L"JrA"SEb ..:r: q 22 &. CO•O.y Qoods.l'u.nlshlngs. COJi. Tax~l> JifiO 011&(101'1 S~R""'J5. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Alvarez, w 607 Canal Alvarez, Ynocente , 868 South Utah Alvares, Yuaz, cigar maker 4 South Utah Alviar, Juan, laborer , Florence and Frank Ames, George A. eigne maker l107 North Campbell Ames, Mrs. Ivy E l107 North Campbell Ames, John L. conductor 709 Mesa Arnajo, Mrs. C 700 Anthouy Amajo, H. baker, 712 Anthony Amajo, Mrs. P. widow 700 Anthony Amber, Wiley 128 Chihuahua American House 311 East Overland Anarcon, Mar-tine, waiter 204 East Overland A.tlcbonda, Juan, laborer 601 Fourth Anderson, Mrs. Selina, dressmaker L-indell House Anderson, Steve, porter 378 Santa Fe Anderson, Mrs. S. boarding house 378 Santa Fe Anderson, \Vm. lineman Sau Antonio and Olive Anderson. W. W. car accountant . Andrew, David, bartender 210 South Campbell Andrews, Arthur, Clerk Hill Building Andrews, joseph 1000 Third Andrews, Otis, fruit dealer 204 San Antonio Andrews, Otis, grocer 402 San Antonio Andrews, Mrs. S. M. nurse 301 Sonora Andreas, Mrs. Mildred, dressmaker 217 El Paso Anheuser-Busch Depot St. Vrain and East Overland Antreas, August, grocer, 317 St. Louie Apodaca, Blvardo, tailor 608 South Campbell Apodaca, Gabriel, laborer 409 Hill Apodaca, Mrs. L. widow 645 Sonora Aranda, C Second and Stanton Aranda, Crispiano, laborer 401 Second Go to SPRINGER'S for Furniture, Croc~eryan~ Car~et8. TaE PMllOll, ElPaso and San llntonio Streets. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY, 23 ArchcT,<i, ~. butcher , 388 Santa Fe Archer."R.. M 389 Santa Fe Archey, Mrs. K 404 North Oregon Arguello, Jose, cook 307 East Overland Arias. Busibia, laborer Second and Canal Arias, Jesus, woodyard Canal and Anthony Arlas, Marquez 65 Fifth Arias, Ramos, laborer 140 Santa Fe Arias, Rosario, restaurant ,..204 East Overland Arias, Mrs. Severana 65 Fitth Arias, Mrs. T Canal and Anthony Arleta, Cesario, Vendo 600 South Campbell Arietta., Bonifacion, laborer ..Seventh and South Kansas Arillo, Mrs. D Near Santa Fe depot Arlo, Mrs. L. laundress 500 South Oregon Armendariz, Mrs. T 556 Durango Armenda.riz, S. laborer 556 Durango Armendariz, F. laborer 215 Sixth Armendariz, Miss Leonore" 918 North Stanton Armcntez, Mrs. Romona 620 Fourth Armentee, Porfirio 620 Fourth Armistead, William, porter .408 EI Paso Armitage, William, bottler, 1520 Pirat Armstrong,.T. J. C. laundryman 507 Franklin Armstrong, L. C. florist.. 613 Magoflin Arnjo, Severo, laborer South Campbell and Canal .Arnold, Rafael, lather 202 Utah Arnstein, Sigmund S. merchant 119 San Francisco Aroustein, S. bookkeeper. 215 El Paso Arosca, Rigona , laborer 626 Main Arosca, Valentine, laborer 629 Main Arseja, Mrs. Clara 409 Second Arthuis, Reverend Joseph 707 North Oregon mu & POll~RD,P~[~CRIPJlON~ ~~PtCllm om m NIGHI rrnYSEhL'l .L'\M. 24 0. ICt. CO• nay .UID OR.O:OII .TR.~. EL PASO CITY DIRECl'ORY. Atherton, W. S. clerk Atherton, Mrs. Susan C Atkinson, H. A. carpenter Atler, 101m, Dairyman Anchondo, Paz, laundress Austen, Robt. bartender Austin, Wm. R.. . Avilla, Juan, musician Ayala, Miss Concepcion Ayala, Carlos, printer , , A:yala. Mrs, Consuela Ayalas, Miss Manuela, servant VI.lt Ofben LI:Idthen Come T. H, SPRINGER, Go,d.,l'""n,.hlnsa, COli.TI_S to [I., we 207 Texas 207 Texas 119 San Francisco Fifth ami Virginia 317 South Utah S19 East Overland 820 San Antonio 601 South Stanton 648 Nell .407 St. Vrain ,407 St. Vrain Fourth and St. Vrain will seu y,a, Auythlug!oryourUollile NORTH STANTON ilI.NDST. LOUIS STREET. • • T~E PllnhOn,ElPaso and San IIntonio Streets, EL PASO CITY DlRECTOR~. Baker, Morgan, bookkeeper Baker, P. S. laborer Baker. R. J. architect Balance, Miss Birdie, servant Balberino, L. laborer. Beldanhillea, Ursala, vendor Bclderae, Ysabel, atudcrrt.. Halden, Tiofolo Ball, Charles, carpenter Ball, J. K. physician 25 405 Missouri 207 East Overland 605 Myrtle 913 Mesa 630 Neil 520 Fourth 501 North Santa Fe Canal and South Stanton 105 South Campbell 314 San Antouio "" .. ",,298 Missouri Ball, Miss Z11f' .., , ""., Barado.Tose , Railroad cud Magoffin Barben, L, B. engineer" Second and Chihuahua Barber, L. W. Pres. El Paso Tanning Co" lOO Upson Barber, Mrs, M. E .., , " lOO Upson Barber. Miss TIelle ,.., , " 100 Upson Raregus, Antonio, laborer.. RearSixth and So. Kansas Barela, Jose, expressman 700 St. Vrain Barela, R.laborer , , 578 Durango Barges, Mrs. y., , " .." ..,.., ,., " , 642 Neil Barlow, Mrs. A. R. widow 614 North Kansas Barlow, Miss Mattie , 614 North Kansas Barlow,]oseph, painter "., , lOl Myrtle Barnie, Mrs. Ella, widow 501 El Paso Dames, I.A. clerk , " 613 Magoffin Barnett, Mrs. J 219 San Antonio Barney, n. S. mason " , 812 Myrtle Barney, Mrs. Mary L. 812 Myrtle Barnhart, H, B, lawyer 918 North Stanton Barnhart, joseph 918 North Stanton .Barnum, Frank C. barkeeper 300 East Overland Barnum, wm. S. saloon keeper 300 East Overland Baron,Jose,labol·er , Sixth and Ochoa KELLY & POLLARD, FDrFineStationery anHoilet Articles. • �AYSE~ & CO • 26 DlIYGoods, Shoes, flQt8, COli. TIlJUl.S RND OIlllOOIt lITIIIlBTS. EL PASO CrTY DIRECTORY. Barrosa, Goudalfo, grocery 401 Fifth Barrosa, Hearold, grocery Rear 700 South Utah Barr, J. J. carpenter 617 North Campbell Barra, Helena Rear 307 East Overland Barrett, Cbas. butcher; 400 San Antonio; residence 508 Magoffin. Barrett, T. E. butcher 580 Magoffin Barrios, Seriuu, laborer 1113 South Stanton Barrios, Juan , 1115 South Stanton Barrios, Mrs. Teresa, widow, servant ,..510 Sixth Barron, Pedro, barber 414 Leon Barroso, Mrs. Felipe 22 Santa Fe Basquez, Tnan, laborer. Canal and South Campbell Bass, Edwin A. merchant711 North Florence Bassett & Co., O. T. lumber dealers, St. Louis and North Stanton. Bate, Mrs. J oscfa 117 Anthony Baugh, H. S. bookkeeper 219 San Antonio Baugh, J. C. carpenter 712 Anthony Baugh, Mrs. Betty 712Anthony Beacbe, Charles, teamster 69 Fifth Beall, T. J. lawyer 115 Olive Beall, Mrs. Marguerite 115 Olive Beaur-al, Mrs. Marcella, widow, Sixth & S. Kan., rear Beattie, Hugo S 315 North EI Paso Beattie, Mrs. H. S 315 North EI Paso Bechand, Rudolph 1001 Third Becb, Mrs. N. E Boulevard and Santa Fe Bech, Mrs. Thomas 505 Wyoming Behr, E. bookkeeper 220 Chihuahua Bebr-, Mrs. Juli3 220 Chihuahua Behr, Louis E. collector 401 North EI Paso Behr, Mrs. L. E 401 North EI Paso W<:wUI Fqrnl.h yOtlr HOllie rrom Kitchen to P .....lor. Olv<:ul .. Cal!. T. H. SPRINGER, NORTH STANTON AND ST. LOUIS STRUTS T~E PllnlJOn, E1Paso and San Antonio St~eets, EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 27 Bcillinas, Leandro, 'laborer. 114 Santa Fe Bejal, Juan, laborer Fifth and Virginia Bejarano, Martine Seventh and Santa Fe Bejaa, Ynaeia, servant 891 Magoffin Bejereno , R. laborer.i. Near Santa Fe Depot Bela, Pancho , 606 Fourth Belardc, Mrs. Paz, widow Near Santa Fe Depot Bell, Mrs. L. M" proprietor. Hotel Pierson Beltran, Mrs. Roma, widow 314 Fourth Beltran, Miss Romoua 600 South Campbell Beltrafio, Mrs. Monico, widow 485 Tornillo Bendclf Henry, servant 1124 San Antonio Bendy, W. C. custom instector. 603 North Oregon Bendy, T. A. watchman 603 North Oregon Bendy, Mrs. Clara A. widow 603 North Oregon Bendy, C. C. salesman 603 North Oregon Bendy, Miss Creola 603 North Oregon Beuitae. Christina Rear 504 Santa Fe Benito, Franco, laborer 603 Main Benito, Juan, sboeuiaker 603 Main Benkel, Miss j'osephine, eervant.. 715 North Oregon Bennett, T. H. blacksmith shop, Main and Oregon; residence, 504 Fourth. Beuuiugbam, Mrs. Ag-nes 700 North Kansas Benningham, Edw. engineer. 700 North Kansas Benson, A. H. tailor 215 Sonora Benton, James, teamster 507 Anthon)' Benton, Mrs. Rosa 507 Anthony Benzel, A. printer 126 Leon Bernauer, R. salesman 512 North Stanton Berrien, E. V. (Emerson & Berrien) 891 Mag-offin Berrien, Mrs. Eliza " 891 Magoffin Bertsch, Albert, painter 101 Magofliu KELLY & POLlARO Garryth~ Fin~stlin~ of P~rtumein City. KElLY & POLLRRD FOR PURE DRUGS RlID CHEllIICRLS. 28 EL PASO CITY DmECTORY. Bertsch. Mrs. C .., 101 Magoffin Bexan, Stanley, foreman , 207 Mesa Bairds, Harry, cierk , Near Santa Fe Depot Bias, Robert B. merchant 413 Missouri Bias, R. B. grain dealer 321 San Antonio Bias, Eugene, clerk 412 Missouri Bias, C. E. clerk , ,321 San Antonio Biesquee, Maximo 809South Kansas Biggs, James, butcher 109SOutb Campbell Billa, Florentino, laborer 783 Fifth Billeva, Jesus, printer. 510 Durang-o Billingsby, Frank, firemen 114 North Stanton Biltran. Juan, laborer 524 Piftn Bine, Louis, clerk Commercial Hotel Bird, W. L. bartender 819EastOveriand Blscara. Ysabel, doc tress Sixth and South Campbell Bishop, R. H. baggage master , 311 Texas Bishop, Mrs. Mary 311 Texas Bisplinghoff, Elisha , 1l6 Upson Bisplinghoff Mrs. Mattie 116 Upson Bitner, Cad, musician 717 North Kansas Bitzer, Mrs. wilfred 717 North Kansas Black, Audrew, brickyard Bassett's Addition Black, C. C. carpenter 302 Hill Black, W. E. furniture dealer 40S El Paso Blacker, A. lawyer 800 San Antonio Blackley, Mrs. Ella 706 North Campbell Blanton, O. S. fireman 405 Texas Bloom, H. F. tinner 515 Tays Blum, Horace, bell boy, , Vendome Hotel Blum, Isaac, speculator " .. ,,, ,, 669 Anthony Blum, Mrs. Nancy 669 Anthony WE SELTA ON EASY PAYlofEN'l'S. CALLANDSEEOOR STORE T. H. SPRI NGER, NOATH STANTON AND ST. LOUll!l STREETS T~EPIl~hO~, ElPaso and Sanllntonio St~eets, 29 EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Blumenthal, B. clothing store, 107 EI Paso, Residence 607 Mesa. Blumenthal, I. merchant.. Grand Central Hotel Blumenthal, Mrs. Ida 607 Mesa Blythe, Mrs. S. E. , 704 Mesa Bojerane, Mrs. Juana, dressmaker, widow, 502 West Overland. Boone, James H. customs inspector 600 Second Booth, T. railroader 119·Anthony Borcherding, Arthur, traincaller 606 North Stanton Borcherding, Hepry C. foreman 606 North Stanton Borcherding, W. E. fireman 606 North Stanton Borenstein, Fred, clerk , W, F. Building Bargas, Jose, servant 700 Magoffin Boller, P. C. barber 212 El Paso Borunda, Hilario, laborer Sixth and South Campbell Bossong, H. G. proprietor Commercial Hotel Bovee, Fcclerk 403 North EI Paso Bovee, Mrs. De11a 403 North El Paso Bovee, Field V.car accountant 403 North El Paso Bovee, George S. clerk 403 NOrth EI Paso Bovee, George E 403 North El Paso Bovee, Sheldon, mail carr-ier , 403 North El Paso Boulder, Mrs. B. widow 212 Sonora Bowder, Dr, physician 103 m Paso Boyes, Miss Jos:ie. 402 Franklin Bradburn,James J. laborer 519 South Utah Braden, C. F. physician 708 North Oregon Braden, Mrs. M.G , 708 North Oregon Braden, Henry.clerk 708 North Oregon Brady, Miss Julia, scrvant.. 322 North EI Paso Brage, Mrs. Gustave, widow , , 1118 First Brannan, Jo110 '[e)l;a5 House TrAYSEO & CO • O.y Ooods, J:'l .1.'\0 Sho .. , Il.t., (':O~.TilJUUI AI"D Q~EQOIt SYIfEETS. j EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 30 Bratton, Henry, blacksmith 202 South Utah Braun, Gustave W. bookkeeper 859 North Oregon Braun, Mrs. Agusta 859 North Oregon Bravila, Rosa.. ·..··..··572 Durango Breese, W. L. teamster ·591 Tornillo Breiten, Henry, blacksmith, Texas and Oregon, Reeideuce 300 East Overland. Bremme, R. G., Mgr. Sauer & Co 311 El Paso Bremmer, Mrs. Annie ··.····· ..···310 Texas Brick, Mr. P. F ·..···910 North Oregon Bridgers, Miss M. C 602 North Stanton Bridgers, Samuel B 602 North Stanton Bridgers. Leigh T., rubber stamp manufacturer, 602 North Stanton. Bridges, Mrs. M. millinery 309 San Antonio Briggs, Mrs. M. M. widow Fourth and Tornillo Briggs, G. G. florist Fourth and Tornillo Briuck, Mrs C. E. widow Boulevard and Santa Fe Brito, Jesus, plasterer Canal and South Campbell Broaddus, Horace, Supt. Ice Co ·707 Myrtle Broaddus, May, watchmen .Ice & Refrigerator Co. Brock, W. Be lawyer. Sheldon Building Brockmoellcr, Hans, freight bundler, 317 North Florence. Brockway, Wm. trackman, Fourth and S011thStanton Brokenbrcw, R. H. Upholsttrt':r 207 Chihuahua Brown, A. E. dentist Sheldon Building Brown, C. C. dentist ·310 North El Paso Drown, F. B. painter ,. 600 North Oregon Brown, Frank E. fireman 'Texas and Mesa Brown, F. W. printer GOONorth Oregon Brown, Mrs. Florence 415 Mesa Brown, Joseph, tanl1er.. ······ ..···1219 Second TaE PllnllOn. El Paso and San Ilnlonio Sl~eets. EL l'ASO CITY DIRECTORY. 31 Browu, James, porter. 1301 Second Brown. James. mechanic 705 North Stanton Drown, ]00. W. cashier 908 North Oregon Brown, L. C. fireman 1112 Second Brown, Mrs. dressmaker 614 North Stanton Brunner, Jobn, tailor 804 North Oregon Bryant, J. A. sewing machine agt., Main and Santa Pe Bryers, Miss Lena, servant 504 North Oregon Buchanan & Powers, planing mill, 207 Mesa. S. H. Buchanan, residence 812 North Stanton. Frank Powers, residence 810 North Stanton. Buckler, C. N. district judge El Paso and Missouri Buchce, H. G. salesman l03 Wyoming Budd, Lewis B. clerk 905 Mesa Buerger, E. G. watchmaker l11 San Antonio Buoy, Charles, saloon keeper. 201¥.a Santa Fe Burge, J. C. photographer, 212 Santa Fe Burges, Richard F.lawyer 816 North Kansas Burges, W. H. city attorney Wells.Fargo Building Burns, Thomas ]. 419 El Paso Burnham, Parker, contractor 518 South Stanton Burnett, Edward. brakeman !11 North Florence Burrows, Frank, machinist .404 North Oregon Bcrrowe.Tobn, conductor 413 Mesa Bushong, J. C. photographer l11 El Paso Bustardo, Mrs. Luz 409 EI Paso Bustamente, Jose, minister 600 South Campbell Bustillos, Mrs. F. widow 321 Santa Fe Bustillos, Mariano 808 Fourth Buatillos, Juan, vendor Sixth and South Kansas Burlon, Bryan. fireman 207 East Overland Burton, J. B. W. lumber dealer 500 First Butierrea, A. laborer, Santa Fe and :pe{>ot Butler, B. W. bookkecper Sheldon Bt111dltlg • KELLY & POlLARO, For Fine Stationery anHoilet Aninle!. ITndSEh I,,1"'l. y 32 .. ~ & CO •Dry "ood a,Furni.hlng", COli. THXASAltO Dlj;ilQOfillntan5. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. eAB1L, REV. SAMUEL 707 North Oregon Cain, Thomas, brakesman 211 Texas Cain, Mrs. Sarah , 211 Texas Cajal, Antonio, laborer 208 South Stanton Calderon, Jesus, barber 106 San Francisco Calderon, Mrs. juila, widow 609 South Utab Calderon, Mrs. Manuela, widow 409 Seventh Calderon, Mrs, Petra, widow 1125 South Stanton Calisber, Jacob, merchant 702 Mesa Camario, N. laborer Railroad and River Campbell, C. H. engineer 305 Hill Campbell, Edgar 701 Mesa Campbell, James M. carpenter. ..Overland and St. Vrain Campbell, J elm L. civil engineer 501 Idaho Campbell, Mrs. Lizzie 501 Idaho Campbell, Mrs. M. D .408 Franklin Campbell, Robert F 7Q1 Mesa Campbell, Mrs. S.J .Tesas House Campbell, Stafford, druggist.. 602 Mesa Campbell, Mrs. T. 1 701 Mesa Campos, Juan Santa Fe aud River Candalea, Cristobel V ,......•. , , Ochoa Candelario, Petro, postal clerk 405 EI Paso Cano, Mrs. E. widow "Seventh and Canal Cantana, Miss Loupe, servant 411 North El Paso Caples, Richard, count)" treasurer 409 MagoOin Caples. William, inspector 420 First Capps, Mrs. B. A. dressmaker 386 Santa Be Caravejo, Simon " Rear, 1115 South Stanton Carabajal, Frank, laborer Second and Franklin Carabajal, Florend, cock. " 417 Second Caraeca, Pablo, Railroad and Magoffin Carillo, Manuel, laborer ,,501 Sixth IIrOO Nee~0Coml ~O 101. ".S~lin~er, N.SWnlononDSl.lool~ Sl~. TIlE Pl\I!hO~,£1Paso and San lIntonio St~eets, EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 33 Carleton, E. H, brakeman 623 North Campbell Carne, Albert E. merchant 409 Missouri Carmona, Mrs. Luz . widow Santa Fe and Depot Carmona, Mrs. Marguerita.serveu t.B'tu North Oregon Carmona, Severo.Taborer 70G Fifth Carpenter, C. C , 103 EI Paso Carpenter, Harry, clerk 312 Texas Carr, Frank Palmer Dining Hall Carrasco, Julian, student 501 North Santa Fe Carson, N. H. contractor 320 San Antonio Carter, Flourney, messenger. 809 Mesa Carvajal, Mrs. Attl:viana,seamstress 417 Seventh Casarez, Jose, laborer 615 South Kansas Casaz, Mrs. jenovevi, widow, cook, Sixth and S. Kansas Casas, Mrs. Antouia " 506 Durango Casas, Francisco 817 South Stanton Casanos, G. peddler 142 Santa Fe Casaiios, Mrs. Pabla 142 Santa Fe Casey & Cassiano, grain dealers 16 San Francisco Castel. Ysabel, grocery : 215 Sixth Castanada, E. woodyard, west of Railroad N.SantaFe Castaneda, Mrs. juana, widow 302 Beat Overland Caetanada. Gee. laborer 1313 Second Castillon, Mrs. Sofia Rear 600 South Campbell Castillo, Mrs. A 1115 South Stanton • Castillo & Son, Nijewelers 316 EI Paso Castillo, J. C. jeweler 316 E1Paso Castillo, 5 1115 South Stanton Castillo, V. L.jeweter 316 Bl Paso Castro, James, cook 117·Anthony Castro, "Martine, laborer 5] 7 Anthony Castro, Mrs. Lupe 117 Anthony Catbana, Mrs. Cista, widow Rear 617 Fifth K£LLY & POLLARD, For Fino Statio~oryan~ Toilot Arliclos. GOODS. FURNISHINGS. KAYSER & CO • DRV. Comer T=aa aDd St. Loul! St.«tII. 34 EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY, Catlin, Benj. S. city cler-k 609 North Oregon Catlin, Miss Ida ,. " 609 North Oregon Catlin, J. H. assessor and collector .. 609 North Oregon Catlin, MissLucy 609 North Oregon Cavajal, Pifano, laborer 627 Fifth Cereghino, Manuel. restaurant 414 Second Cereghino, J obn, clerk 414 Second Cerro, Juan, plumber 629 west Overland Chacon, Mrs. Marie, cook. 714 South Utah Chacon, Mrs. Merci, widow 714 South Utah Chacon, Rino 317 Sixth Chadivjjal , Dominquc, vendor416 Sixth Chalmers, W 325 Chihuahua ~hang Hing & Co EI Paso and San Prancisco Chaparo, F. laborer , 641 Neil Cheppero, Nester, porter 225 San Antonio Chapin, C. H. c1erk Commercial Hotel Chaporio, Mrs. C , A.Q7 Second Chaporio, W. barber 407 Second Chart, J ohn, carpenter The Arlington Charla, Romola, servant 607 S. Kansas Charley. Toy. laborer, 4148an Antonio Cbarmen. Harry, cigar dealer 405 81 Paso Chase, Mrs. Emma, cook Rear , 370 Santa Fe Chase, Herbert, driver. 218 South Campbell Chase, J. M. carpcnter.. 618 Myrtle Chase, Mrs. M, A. honsekeeper.. 1l3 Olive Chavarcja, Mrs. Alcjandra, servant. 603 S. Kansas Chavez, A. plasterer 700 Anthon)' Chavea, Antonio, laborer Santa Fe Pump House Chavez, Constancio, teamster Bassett's Addition Chavez, D. laborer Rear, 610 South Utah Chavez, Miss D. washing " " 619 Seco~d Go to SPRINGER'S for Furniture, CroG~erJ ano Car~ets. , , , , THE PARLORcORNEROFELPASO r: : : AND SAN ANTONIO 81'S. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 85 Chavez, Felix, printer Rear. 404 St. Vrain Chavez, Juan, laborer 518 Fifth Chavez, Mrs. Loretta, widow l03 Main Chavez, Ramon, servant 509 Mesa Chavez, S. teamster Bassett's Addition Chavez, Simon 700 Anthony Chavari, Catarina, laborer 7 South Kansas Chene..'Y. Miss Catherine 601 Magothn Childers, Mrs. Birdie, servant 701 Mesa Chipman, ]ames 115 Texas Chisom, Daniel, laborer Second and Tornillo Chisom, Milton, porter 505 South Campbell Chriss, Mrs. C. J. 912 Mis,<wUl; Christey, C. W. railroader.San Francisco and Durango Christey, Mrs. Frances ....... San Francisco and Durango Christman, Christina, proprietress Wellington House Christman, Fred Wellington House ~huen, Mar, waiter 118 San Antonio Oillegan, Ml"S. Jennie , 307 East Overland Cinteros, Mrs. Lorcta 512 Durango Ci-pientez,julian, cigaruiaker. Commercial Hotel Cisnero, Jesus, barber. 421 EI Paso City Meat Market, J. H. Nations, proprietor, 218 San Antonio. Clark, Mrs, Fannie 308 North El Paso Clark, Georg-e,porter 30B North El Paso Clark, Leigh, lawyer 30B North El Paso Clark, wm. A 214 St. Louis Clark-Whits on-Leitch Music Co. The, J. M. Leitch, secretary, 119 San Francisco; residence 505 North Stanton. Clardy, Z. B. lawyer, Wells, Fargo Building: residence 700 Mesa. KEllY & PDllftQU FOR PORE DQOGSB~D CHEfflICftlS. 36 EL PASO CITY nlRECTORY. Clegborn, M. teamster Fourth and Tays Clemons, John, barber. 516 Missouri Clifford Broa., grocers , Joseph and T. E. Clifford, 222 San Antonio. Cobler, Mrs. Plorence 314 North Campbell Cobler, G. W. engineer .." " 314 North Campbell Codero, Jesus, Iaborer.. l105 South Stanton Coffin, B. F. bookkeeper 103 Magoffin Coffin, Mrs. Cuba l03 Magoffin Coffin, C. O. farrier. 400 West Overland Cogswell, Mrs. F. F 114 North Stanton Cohen, Mrs. Clara, widow 610 North Oregon Cohen, Jake, salesman 213 San Antonio Colburn, Mrs. F. F 502 North Stanton Colby, Mrs. A. W. widow The Ardmour Coldwell, Mrs. Stella M Boulevard and Santa Fe Coldwell, W. M. lawyer Boulevard and Santa Fe Cole, Gee. policeman Rear 231 Hill Cole,]. M. printer l100 Second Coles, O. C. clerk Hotel Pierson Coleman, Roht. laborcr. 603 Canal Colliader, Henry, clerk l013 Virginia Collins. J : 126 Chihuahua Collins,}.]. baker 41.6 San Antonio Collins, M. J. carpenter 424 San Antonio Collins, Thos. salesman Oregon and Santa Fe Collinson, Frank, cattleman 310 Texas Collinson, Mnl. Jessie 310 Texas Colter, Chas. engineer 812 Myrtle Commercial Hotel (H. G. Bossong), Opposite Southern Pacific Depot. Compton, Ohas. F. brakeman 205 Texas Compl:Otl, Mrs. Maggie 205 Texas Go to SpnlNGEWS lor fURNITURE, CROcnny, CHRPElS THE PARLOR ,:CORNEROFELPASO , '.' , : : AND8AN ANTONlO STS. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. KELLY & POLLARD 37 Carry t~e FinBstlina of PeITumein City. rrr"'SEn Y I."\- L\.l""l 38 t> c:x: COn.y a CO'l. Goods,!,,,.nlshlngs, TSX/lS JIlfiD OIlBaoJ'!. 5T1l81OY1I. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Cranc,- engineer Hill and Overland Crawford, Mrs. Anna " ,604 North Oregon Crawford, G. G. carpenter 604 North Oregon Cristobal Vegas, student 501 North Santa Fe Croad. Mrs. Concha, dressmaker 203 San Francisco Crone, H. bartender Lindell House Crosby.]. F. lawyer 217 San Antonio Cross, Mrs. Sarah 910 North Stanton Crossman, M Park and First Cruz, Abram, laborer 600 Soutb Florence Cruz, Juan 613 South Utah Cuitbianee, Pedro. laborer Fifth and Ochoa Curtis. R. W. City ticket agent, Texas & Pacific 804Mesa. Curtiss, F. S. uierchaut.. 509 Wyoming Curtiss & Lambert, (Ed. Lambert and F. S. Curties.) groceries " 405 Mesa Curvin, Miss, servarrt , Hotel Dieu Custer Emanuel, teamster 1220 First Cuyes, Amefia, «crvarrt 859 North Oregon Cuaier, Miss Pleasaut " 701 North Stanton ~ABILE, JUAN,laborer Dabile, Pasqual. D'Aceas, Prof. teacher Dald, W. bookkeeper Daniell, Mrs. Elizabeth 614 South Campbell Rear, 700 Fiftn Sheldon Block 210 San Francisco 911 Missouri Go to SPRI NGER'S for Furniture, Crockery ano CarpelS, I T~E PJWIO~, E1Pasoand San Antonio Streets. BY. PASO CITY nrnECTORY. 39 ranien, I I M. L , " , 911 Missouri !Dantiua, Miss Concha, dressmaker Mundy Building Darbyshire, B. F. general agent T. & P. R. R., 815 East Overland. Darden, Mrs. Connie 669 Anthony Darden, R. H. teamster 669 Anthony Darr, J. M. car inspector. , Franklin and Florence Davilla, Mrs.Lucita 314 Sixth Davis, Britton, manager Corralitas Company, 217 San Antonio. Davis, B. H.lawyer 402 Magoffin Davis, Chas. collector of customs 139 Olive Davia, G. W. plumber 322 Sun Antonio Davis, Miss Lucile , 402 Magoffiu Davis, L. H. lawyer " 110 Santa Fe Davis, Martin B. assistant superintendent W. F. Co., 604 Mesa. Davis, Miss Molly 306Y.;,St. Louis Davis, Ww. M. tinner 629 South Campbell Davis, Wm. Wilson, custom inspector 402 Magoffin Daw, H. W. blacksmith l103 Franklin Day, Howard, laborer 1305 Second Day, J awes E. secretary 403 South Campbell Dean, Ernest, servant 606 North Oregon Dehlinger, Peter, inspector , 5961'ornillo Delany, H. H. driver. Second and 1'O,Ys Del Campo, Y ,,, 904 North Oregon Deletraz, Julian, jeweler 509 Soutb Oregon Delgado, Jose, laborer 351 Seventh Deliuro, Mrs. juaua Seventh and South Campbell Delima, Juan L Seventh and South Campbell Delio, MiqueL. , Santa Fe and Depot Delrio, Juan Ochoa and Canal KRm rOlURO, rRfSCRlrllONS ~SPlClAllY OPlNAll NIG~I KAYSER & CO 40 DRY,COODS·FURNISIDNGS. • C:(]rn~~TelU.... and St. Lotl;. Sttc<u. RL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Democrat, The. (McKie & Lamb) 104 South Utah Deon, Jay, cashier Wells Fargo & Co Sheldon Block De Rasa, Mrs. Merci .Sixt h and South Utah De Riemer, Edward, clerk ., 307 North El Paso Derr, Paul, engineer Den, S. G. brakeman Diamond, Ike, salesman 407 Franklin 407 Franklin : 213 San Antonio Diamond. N. merchant Hill Building Diavola, T'eodero, vendor 416 Sixth Diaz, Felice, laborer. Sixth and South Kansas Diaz, Louis, cook E1 Paso and Missouri Ifiaa, Mrs. Maria, cook.. 500 Fourth Diaz, Miquel, laborer. 608 South Campbell Diaa, Mrs. Orinata, widow Rear, 509 South Oregon Diae. Pedro, musician Rear, 806 South Stanton Dickinson, Mrs. Amy 305 North Florence Dickinson, Frank C. engineer 305 North Florence Dickinson, Fred P. dr-iver 710 North Cuurpbelt Dieter, Mrs. Annie E. widow ., Sl1 Upson Dietrich, Emilio, butcher. 710 South Oregon Diee, Apolonio. laborer 714 South Kansas Diverio, D ., 323 Seventh Dix, Olwiu T 707 Hill Dixson, Ashton 802 Nortb Kansas Doane. D. D. cattleman ., 621 Magoffin Doane, Mrs. Fannie ., 621 Magoffin Doane, Miss Maud, mailclerk 621 Magoffin Dobbins, W. A. janitor ..., 403 Franklin ,.,.ooe, Sing, restaurant .,.,.. ., 123 El Paso Doit, J ohu, janitor ., 403 Prnnkliu Dole, Wm. Painter ..San Francisco, rear M. L Lawrence Dominguee, Asceucion L ., 7 South Campbell Dominguez, Mrs. C. widow., 421 Second VhltOtl>e .... aod then Come to U., w" will Sell you Anythl.ngfo.tYOllr T. H. SPAI NGER, Boue NORTH STANTON "NO ST. LOUIS STREETS ,~~~ EI PAso Tf'loI!SfW Co.. ~'s LIVERY, SALE AND BOAIU>INO STABLE, HACKS,. SUS "NO IU'l:OOJll:o•• Preiahl and MachInery Transfer • 60 "........ - ..... /lUl"J'$ OfIl~IIS .. G. E. ttubbQrtd"& CO •• Wholesal. fttUlts, PFoduee and Commission, OQ.llSpeelaltiee. 01'... " end thoied Pl'<litll. !'tate, BatteI', 1!Im;leIlDd \ilIS$IOf!l <UIAP1!IS, . - - -a - __. .llOJJ:El Paso St1'leet. • :u.-,,, .. Oregon street. I) ~ I) ----e . • -* * "JIle * '* eH9 Wnoome \ tel , I; , ~inin~ Room. ** The best table in j El Paso. All the delicacies of the season. o 0 I, . I • --- . ~ TilE PMhO~,ElPaso and San Ilntonio St~eets. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 41 Dominguez, Mrs. Carniel.. 317 Sixth Dominguez, D. barber .421 Second Dominguez, Mr'S, E. widow 125 Anthony Dominguez, Faustina, laborer 411 Durango Dominguez, Ferman, laborer 608 South Campbell Dominguez, Prancesa, laborer 407 Texas Douiinguee, Miss Hetra 627 South Campbell Dominguez, Mrs. Jesus, widow 578 Durango Dominguez, Jose, clerk l07 South Campbell Dominguez, Mrs.Josephine 300 North Florence Dominguez, Miss j uilafia Saute, Fe and River Dominguez, Miss, servant. 1198San Antonio Domingues, Omprey, fruit vender 300 North Plcreuce Dominguez, R. laborer Santa Fe and Canal Dominguez, Mrs. Soloma 300 North Florence Dominguez, Mrs. W ., 419 Second Dandy, J. 1:;'.saloon Ninth and EI Paso Donnelly, H. A. agent 1311 Second Donnelly, J. J. railroader 414 West Overland Donnelly, Mrs. Lizzie, cook. Rear 119 San Francisco Donnelly, Miss Victoria V. dressmaker ...Rear 119 San Prcucisco. Donohoe, J. F. clerk ........ First National Bank Building Donohue, Mrs. Eugene B 313 North El Paso Donohue,John, conductor 313 North EI Paso Dormer, John, clerk : Mundy Building Dougher, Mrs. A. M. proprietor Grand Central Hotel Dougherty, Henry C. saioon 702 North Stanton Douglass, Mr. 111 South Utah Douglass, Mrs. Francisca, widow 364 Santa Fe Dowd, C. B. customs inspector. 212 St. Louis Dowe, Mrs. Anna, lodging house 211 St. Louis Dowell, John 231 Santa Fe KHlf & POllARD,P~f~C~IPlIO~~n~PEClUHom m ~IGH! " & CO • b.y ..1£,,1"'"YSEt"> 1. r'l Goods, Shoss, llots, C(l~.TInUl.SA/'lDO~aoof'lST~"BT&. 42 EL PASO eI'J'Y DIRECTORY. Downs, Albert]. saloon keeper 512 South Stanton Draper, Humphrey, englneer.. 7jl4 Mesa Dubuch, B. clerk. , 223 E1Paso Duchene, A. laborer 217 Sonora Duncan, Mrs. L. M 1008 Mesa Dunnigan, A. laborer l003 Franklin Dunstan, H. G. blacksmith 606 North Campbell Duran, Amia.Jaborer 601 Main Duran, Mrs. Apolonia, widow, restaurant, 200 East Overland. Duran, Mrs. Beatrice , 421 El Paso Duran, Ceaaria 708 South Utah Duran, Felipi, grocery Seventh and South Stanton Duran, Mrs. Hermandez Rear, 507 South Oregon Duran, Mrs. N 508 Durango Duran, Precilano, laborer Rear. 420 Fourth Duran, Ramon Lc Iabcrer Rear, 507 South Oregon Duran, Mrs. 'I'omaea, widow 601 Main Duran, Mrs. Ynea Seventh and South Stanton Dutton, Oliver, machinist 314 Sonora Duval, Gee. B. atableman 50S South Kansas Duval, W. M. railroader 314 Leon Dwyer, James, custom inspector, Overland and Chihuahua. Dwyer, Joseph L. custom inspector .....70B N. Campbell ->< CARHART, MRS. BEULAH \:"Earhart, George, fireman, , Earhart, Walter, Palace saloon 819 East Overland 212 St. Lou-is 205 San Antonio We will Furnish J'"ur Houle from Kitchen to Parlor. Give 0 .... Can. T. H. SPRINGER, NORTH STANTON AND ST. LOUIS STREETS f Tl!H PJ\~ItO~,HI Paso and San Antonio Streets, EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Earl, Harry, janitor, 43 Hill building Earl, Mrs. M. A. widow 214 St. Louis Earl, W. H. clerk l01 Upson EaSOD,JOSe, laborer Park and First Eaton, Archie L, 'I'rav. Pass. Agt 322 North £1 Paso Eaton, Mrs. B. H 322 North El Paso Bdalgo, Pablo, laborer " Canal and Stanton Eddington, Effie, teacher 501 Franklin Blamer.Toscph, collector 301 St. Vrain Blstner, Mrs. Ettie 301 St. Vrain Edwards, Miss Bessie W. schoolteacher, 304N.EI Paso Edwards, Charles, laborer 604 San Francisco Edwards, P. F. lawyer.. 113 North Stanton Edwards, David Hotel Vendome Edwards, Edward, candy store 208 St. Louis Edwards, Mrs. E 208 St. Louis Rdwarda, Mrs. Hannah 308 North Campbell Edwards, Harry, car repairer 308 North Campbell Edwards, J. L. car repairer 304 North El Paso Edwards, Mrs. L. W 304 North EI Paso Edwards, M. C. lumber dealer Stanton and St. Louis Edwin, john, barkeeper 204 South Utah Eggert, Miss Dolorosa HotelDieu Ehrenberg, Thomas, painter 409 Second Eichbaum, William 606 North Stanton Eicke, Fred, painter l01 Myrtle Blcampo, Antonio, grocery 421 EI Paso Elias, Mauuel, studcnt.. 501 North Santa Fe Elliot, Mrs. Eva, landlady ,', , The Victoria Ellis, Frank, bookkeeper 119 North Florence E11is,John, painter 119 North Florence Ellis, Mrs. L. proprietor Texas House Ellis, William, fireman, 119 North Florence KELLY & POLLARD Carry t~B FinBstLina 01 PBrtumc in City. ) 1C""SEt"> & CO • I -C\ ..I:"l""'l. 44 • Do,. "'ood., Sbo •• , liD", COl'!. TliXflS RHo Ol'lilGOfUITABIlTS. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Bllsburu, J. L. laborer 415 Second El Paso Boiler Works, McDuff}' & Sherry, proprietors, Main and Oregon. £1 Paso Cigar Mfg. Co., A. L. Whiteside, 209 Overland El Paso Commercial College, C. L. Grimland, principal, Mundy building. EI Paso Extract Co" Ad Munzenberger, manager, Santa Fe, near depot; residence 509 Santa Fe. EI Paso Foundry and Machine Co., W. N. Small, president, St. Louis and Ochoa. EI Paso Fuel Co., feed and building material, W. W. Fink and]. H. Smith, 411 Santa Fe. EI Paso Gas and Electric: Cc., Wehner & Wh-ite, lessees, Third and Chihuahua. El Paso and JURre'.t: St. Ry. Co., A. Lamour, Superintendent; 409 Santa Fe. EI Paso Meat Market, H. M. Pettersen, proprietor, 200 San Antonio. E1 Paso Steam Printing Company ....212 South Oregon El Paso Stables, C. C. Ballinger, proIL.....l06 Santa Fe E1 Paso Steam Laundry, W. C. Harvie, proprietor; 115 W. Overland; residence Pbccnix Hotel. E1 Paso Water Co., W. H. watts, superintendent, 125 San Francisco. Blsbach, E. dry goods Elsbach, Mrs. Eva, hairdresser Elsbach, Miss Hortense Ely, Mrs. H. 8 Ely, L. H Emerson, Geo. W. merchant Engler, Mrs. Augusta Engler, Chas Ern, Mrs. Dora 405 El Paso 210 St. Louis 210 St. Louis 113 Myr-tle Freudenthal & Co. 914 Nor-th Stanton ll04 North Stanton ,1104 North Stanton 216Y2 South Campbell WE SELL ON EASY PAYMENTS. CAJ.r~ANDSEEOUR STORE T. H. SPRINGER, NORTH STANTON AND ST. LOUIS STREETS TIiE PMIlOn, ElPaso and San IlntonioStmts. EL PASO CI'l'Y DIRECTORY. 45 Bscejeda, E. A. cigar maker 312 Soutb Campbell Bscejeda, Francisco, cigar 312 South Campbell Escajeda, Oabricl.. 313 South Campbell Bscajeda, Jose A. clerk 312 South Campbell Escajeda , M. clerk 300 St. Louis Escajeda, Maria Jose,saddlemaker, 312South Campbell Escajeda, Mariano, laborer 609 Second Escandon, Mrs. M Santa Fe and Depot Escontras, Mrs.1-'erfecto l09 Anthony Escorcia, Jesus, cigar-maker609 South Campbell Espejal Augustian, teamster 143 Santa Fe Espinaza, Mrs. Dolores, widow, servant, rear 312 South Oregon. Espinoza, Miss R 626 Sonora Baquero Mrs. L. widow Santa Fe and Depot Esquival, O. musician 319 Seventh Estrada, A. laborer 611 Second Estrada, Leandra., shoemaker 616 Nell Estrada, Miss Luce 633 Nell Estrada, P. laborer. 646 Nell Estrada, Pedro, laborer Fifth and Ochoa Estrada, Romola, cook 522 Fifth European Hotel. (Geo. W. Newell, proprietor), San Francisco and E1 Paso. Bvancs, Demetrio, groceT 418 Fifth Evans, Frank, teamster ·· 618 Tornillo Evans,]. S. engineer ···..·404, North Oregon ~ACIO. DESADANO Falvey, T. A.lawyer Faribault,]. F. news agent.. ·· ·..·..o 409 Fifth ··..·· 516 Myrtle ··· ..· ··.310 Wyoming " 46 BL PASO crrv DiRECTORY. T»E PII~ilO~, EIPasoand San IIntonioSt~eets. EL PASO ClTY DutECTORY. 47 Pirro. Julian, laborer Santa Fe and Canal Pirro, Mrs. Rosario Santa Fe and Canal Fitch, John B. reporter 419 EI Paso Fitzgerald, G. E. civil engineer 113 Myrtle Fitzgerald, Mrs.J. E 113 Myrtle Fitzpatrick, Miss Allie, school teacher, 508 North El Paso. Fitzpatrick, Arthur, engioeer 508 North El Paso Flanley, F. W. merchandise broker 309 Magoffin Flanley, Mrs. Ne11ie 309 Magoffin Flato, Harry, clerk Sheldon Building: Fteite. A. E. carpenter Commercial Hotel Flores, Amala, cook. 113 Chihuahua Flores, Mrs. Anna, widow 370 Santa Fe Flores, Mrs. Francisca 811 South Kansas Flores, Jose, laborer 613 Fifth Flores, Mrs. Rosa, widow Second end St. Vrain Flores, Mrs. Anna, widow Railroad and Canal Flores, C. woodchopper Seventh and Santa Fe Flores, Concepcion, laborer. 01d Fort Flores, Mrs. Domingo, widov Railroad and Canal Flores, Francisco, laborer Railroad and Canal Flores, Jose, porter......... .. 314 Fifth Flores, Julian, Iaborer.. , , 631 Nell Flores, Manucl.. 1113 South Stanton Flores. T. grocery " , 309 South Stanton I!0o, Jim,servant 514 South Utah Foneeca, Emilio, grocery 801 South Stanton ,Fong, Siug, restaurnnt 304 San Antoni.o Forbes, Mrs. M. A 30B St. LOUIS Ford, Mrs. Flora, widow 613 Mesa Ford.Tohn 3l4 San Antonio Fan'est, C. C. telegraph operator LindelI Hotel KELLY & POLLARD, For Fino SlationoryandTDiiotAnicles. TrnYset'>..,. & CO• D>".Goods, .'\1"1.. 48 Fa>n;shlngs, C:O~ TIlXAS "1'1-0O~1I00fl STFI"'STS. EL PASO CITY DlREC'.l'O]{Y. Foster, Mrs. Aunie 606 South Campbell Foster, A. G. lawyer70B Mesa Foster, Mrs. Fannie , " 708 Mesa Foster, Frank, engineer. 301 Hill Foster, John, laborer 606 South Campbell Foster, John, servant San Antonio Foster, Miss Cassie, typcwriter. 614 North Oregon Fournier, Thomas, bell boy , Veodome Hotel Fowler, Mrs. Annie 300 North Florence Fowler, E. J. clerk l100 Myrtle Fox, James F. plasterer. " 202 South Utah Pranjo, Mrs. Apolonia Rear 409 Seventh Fr-anjo, Carlos, grocery .400 Fifth Franjo, Trinidad, shoemaker .400 Fifth Pranklin, Miss E. cook 709 South Utah Franklin, Mrs. W. widow 509 South Kansas Freeman, Mrs. E. G. widow 508 Mesa Freeman, W. Pc railroeder " 214 St. Louis Freeze, P. K. blacksmith 218 Sonora Freidenbloom, J. A. merchant Sonora and Santa Fe Fremova, Vietor de Ia 402 Fourth Freudenthal & Co" merchants, S. J. and L. Ereuden, thai, 103 EII-'aso. Preubling, Hans, agent Texas and Mesa Freijas, Delphine, servant Hotel Dieu Friedman, Herman, cignrmaker 114 North-Stuntnn Prise, Mrs. C. A 614 Myrtle Prist. Joseph H. clerk Stanton and St. Louis Fry. W. R ~ 'Texas House Fuentes, E. laborer 626 Nell Fuentez, Mrs. Iuacia 522 Fifth Fuentez. Pablo, laborer 601 Main Fuhrman, Aug. shoemaker 202 San Antonio IIfOU N~~n0 COm~1~O10L H,S~liu~~r,N,SluuWunom loui~ 81~, T~E PJl~!lO~, ElPaso.and San Jlntonio St~eets, EL PASO CITY DmECTOR'i. Fuhrman, Aug. ]r Fuhrman, Mrs. Dora Fulkerson, John, clerk Fuller, Samuel, porter. Fuller, Thos. porter Fuller, Thos. porter Furro, Richard, laborer 49 202 San Antonio 202 San Antonio 113 Olive Tays and Third l000 Third 704 St. Vrain 602 South Kansas GABEL, ANTON,barber l06 San Francisco Gaddis, Miss Lillian 315 North EI Paso Gaebler, William. laborer 1116 First Gaither, GeorgeM. custom inspector 317 Magaftin Gage, Charles H. miner. Secoud and Ochoa Galdan, Anaetacio , 319 Sixth Galdan, Miss Juana, servaut.. 311 EI Paso Galindo, Antonio, shoemaker.. 143 Santa Fe Gallagher, F. A. physician l09 El Paso Gallardo, Antonio, clerk " , , 105 Anthony Gallos, Mrs, Juana, widow Seventlt and Santa Fe Ga11wey,Albert M. grocery 807 North Oregon Gamero, Miss Frandsen, dressmaker, 320 San Antonio Garcia, A. L. clerk , 425 El Paso Garcia, Amada, laborer .., , 415 Second Garcia, Antonio, laborer Rear 625 Fifth Garcia, Charles, laborer Second and 'Tornillo Garcia, E.laborer 611 Main Garcia, Bi laborer 704 Anthony Garcia, Bianio, laborer 607 Fourth KELLY & POLLARD, For Fine StalioneryanHoilol ArticlOs. VAYSEt"> &. CO•n.y L"l .l: '\- 50 "oods, l"u>nishlngs, COil. TSXlIS Al'l,o OIlE!GOl'l STJiElE!.TS. EL PASO CITY DiRECTORY. Garcia, Jacinto, laborer 800 Texas Garcia, Jesus, laborer Fifth and South Campbell Garda,Julia, cook " 500 Fourth Garcia, Leandro, laborer Railroad and Magoffin Garda, Luciano, laborer , Second and Tornillo Garcia, Marselo.Iaborer. 607 Second Garcia, Marcos, mechanic .Second and Tornillo Garcia, Pastino, laborcr.. Fiftb and South Campbell Garcia, Mrs. Petro, widow Rear, 700 South Campbell Garcia, R. laborer Rear, 610 South Utah Garcia, Miss Rita, servant 1101 South Stanton Garcia, Saniovia, laborer 506 Third Garcia, Tierce, laborer Fifth and South Campbell Gardea, Ramon, laborer 615 South Florence Garrison, Mrs Hill and East Overland Garlick, Mrs. C. widow 11.7 Nor-th Florence Garlick, William H. fireman 117 North Florence Garlington,]. C. teacher Mundy Building Oasherie, Miss Jessie 311 Missouri Gaskey, Frank, assayer 304 South Stanton Gatlin, S.]. cushier Sheldon Block Gau, Charles A 501 EI Paso Gauna, jose. waiter Vendome Hotel Gault, Jesse, druggist.. Rear, 504 Fourth Gault, Mrs. Rosa Rear, G04 Fourth Gay, L. M. carpenter. Fourth and St. Vrain Geddes, Marcus N_ fireman 407 Missouri Gemoeta, F. L. bakery 108 South Oregon Gem Saloon, G.]. Taylor. proprietor) 127 E1 Paso Gena, Mariana, laundress 364 Santa F~ Gentry, Mrs. Addie 390 Santa Fe Oenseke, Aug. waiter Vendome Hotel George, Mrs. Kate, cook 816 Mesa Go to SPRINGER'S for furniture, CroCKeryan~ Car~ets. TaE PJl~!lO~,EtPaso and San Ilntonio St~eets. ET. PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 51 Gerald, Clayton, driver 113 South Utah Germain, Thomas, lahorer 417 South Florence Ghiselin, J. R. cler-k 924 North Oregon Gibbs, Charles A.. bookkeeper. .,.50S North Stanton Gibbs, Warner A 508 North Stanton Giddings, Charles, brakeman St. Charles Hotel Giesmer,]. clothing agent Grand Central Hotel Gijelo Luis, laborer ........ Rear Sixth and South Stanton Gilman, William B. yardman 1402 East Overlard Gilson, H. W. banker. 319 Myrtle Gillison, Mrs. Annie, servant, Rear 60.0 South Florence Gilluly, James, conductor 403 Texas Gist, Mrs. Sarah, boarding house 501 Mesa Glime, Edgar, clerk Rear, 409 Hill Good, N. S. deputy sheriff 210 Texas Goodman, Isaac M. grocery 614 Fourth Goodman, L. F. mcrchant.. 512 Mesa Goodman, Max, musician 311 East Overland Goodman, Produce Co 501 El Paso Goodrich, Robt. R. civil engineer ..Cotton and Magcffin Gomez, Are1io,labor 320 South Florence Gomez, Antonio, servant 1008 Mesa GomL"Z, Frank, laborer 402 South Campbell Gomez, Guimalo, cook Rear, 600 South Campbell Gomez, Juau, laborer 633 Nell Gomez, Pedro, teamster 714 Sixth Gcmea, Trinidad, laborer Canal and South Campbell Gonzales, Anaetacic, cook. 1131 South Stanton Gonzalez, Anaetacic, laborer.. 710 South Stanton Gonzalez, Bicente, laborer. 597 Main Gonzalez, C. laborer 649 Nell Gonzalez, Carlos, cigermakcr 3 South Utah Gonzalez, Dorio, laborer ll01 East Overland IELl Y & POLLB~OFOR PUREO~UGSB~O CHEfflIGBLS. EL PASO ClTY DIRECTORY. Gonaulca, H Iaborcr.. 654 Nell Gonzalez, Jesus, teamster 800 Texas Gonzalez, Malcarea, laborer. 800 South Stanton Gonzalez, Ricardo, laborer Ochoa and Canal Gonzalez. Seferino, laborerSeventh and South Campbell Garburt, Edward, boilermaker 512 St. Louis Goes, Frank, barber 225 San Antonio Gould, F. J. salesman Orand Central Hotel Gough, William, proprietor St. George Hotel Graham, A. Eijanit or 609 San Francisco Grebam.}. H. railroader 215 Anthony Grandover, Fred. painter 513 El Paso Grandover, Mrs. R. widow 512 El Paso Grant,]. P. merchant 402 Franklin Grant, Ulysses S. watchman 400 South Stanton Gray, Mrs. James 404 Franklin. Gray,]. L. bookkeeper 370 Santa Fe Gray, T. ] 301 Hill Grayson, Edward, clerk l i5 San Antonio Grayson, W. R. printer 115 San Antonio Green, Vance, transfer wagon 606 Franklin Grenadero, Bspacion, printer 131 Chihuahua. Gregory, James, bartender 115 Texas Greenbolf, john, machinist 212 St. Louis Grennell, Charles A. laborer 312East Overland Greenwood, Miss N. bookkeeper 610 Mesa Greenwood, Robert L. Jetter carrier.. 608 Mesa Greer, Perry, carpenter 410 Franklin Griffin, Charles 501 £1 Paso Griffin, W. A. miner 212 Senora Grigg-s, F. A. engineer 411 Franklin Grigsby, Thomas, porter.. 316 Tays Grover, B. W. superintendent <:0.00.1... 721 Magoffin .&0 to SpnIKGEIl'S for FURNITURE, GBOGKEIlY, GHBPET8 '. THE PARLOR ,: cORNEROFELPASO • -, i : , , , , : AND SAN ANTONIO ~TS. EL PA.SO CITY DIRECTORY. 53 Grymes, Mrs. Mary 509 Wyoming Guberson, William, hack driver .., 207 East Overland Guch, S. W. laborer Seventh and Santa Fe Guerra, F. laborer 568 Durango Guerra, Jose Fourtb and Park Guerra, Juan, laborer Santa Fe Railroad and River Guerra, Mrs. Marian, widow 364 Santa Fe Guerra, O. teamster 521 Durango Guerra, Thomas, laborer .., 312 South Campbell Guerrero, Felipe Rear 503 South Oregon Guerrero, N. barber 409 EI Paso Guerrero, Mrs. W. widow Filth and Virginia Guillardo, Julian, tailor Santa Fe near Depot Gurney, Miss Della 711 North Florence Guetemente, Mrs. R. 810 South Utah Ouatamentea, B. laborer 400 Fourth Gustine, Charles, cook." 224 South Oregon Guticrrea, MrS!.Dora, widow 407 South Campbell Gutierrez, Jesus, grocery 519 South Oregon Gutierrez, Jesus, musician 40B Sixth Guiterrez, Jtlan, laborer Seventh and Santa Fe Ouiterrea, Mrs. Ursula, dressmaker 570 Durango Gutting, Fred, clerk 312 Texas Guzman, Mrs. Allgela,restaurant.. 212 San Antonio Guzman, Jose, laborer Rear714 Sixth 11AAS, IKE, salesman Hague,]. P. lawyer Haines, Mrs. Suc, groccry 617 North Stanton 105 Santa Fe 6'28 South Florence KELLY & POLLARD Carry t~e Finest line nf PIlrtume in City. TZAVSEt'>q. Cit " CO • Dl'Y Goods, ~" Shoes, t1111tS, COil. T&%IIS Rj'tD O~1I00fl. .$TII''''IT8. EL PASO CITY DrRECTORY. Hailes. George E. engineer 704 North Campbell Hall, Mrs. Anna, widow , 6 North Stanton Hale, George, lineman San Antonio and Olive Hammer, John M.laborer ,. 708 Hill Hammond, J. R, Pullman porter Main and Santa Fe Hambleton, B. E. custom inspector , 517 Myrtle Hamilton, George W. brakeuinu l012 First Hamilton, J. W. express messenger, St. Cbarlee Hotel Hampton, Alfred,imigrant inspector, 514 North Oregon Hannah, Leonard 612 Franklin Handio.T. E. fireman, 700 North Campbell Hausen, John, ranchman Santa Fe and Sun Francisco Hanway, William, brakeman 1106 San Antonio Harden, Frank, cashier T. & P. depot 217 Myrtle Harden, Mrs. Ma1")',widow 614 Missouri Harden, Oscar, driver 117 South Florence Hardin, - clerk. 217 Myrtle Harland, Joseph, barber 208 South Stanton Hartnack, A 210 San Francisco Harmer, R. M. architect Sheldon building Harper, Miss Annie, postal clerk 411 South Florence Harper & Bro., stationers, U. H. Harper and George Harper) 220 San Antonio. Harper, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow 411 South Florence Harris, Miss MabeL 247 South Utah Harrison, Levi, boiler maker " 739 Angela Hartwell, T. E. teacher Mnndybuilding Hartshorn, - sewing machines 322 El Paso Harvey, George, lawyer 609 Mesa Harwell, James, engineer 303 Tays Haskell. J. G. teamster Texas and Virginia Haskins, L. B. barber 225 San Antonio Ha..vcroft, E. C. telegraph operator Sheldoll building Go to SPRINGER'S for furniture, Croctery and Car~ets, Btcyc1es an d S uppI"les'l'hcClllrk,Whitsou&LeitchMusicCo, Sau Antonio, Corner Mesa Avenue. o • 55 EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Hawcroft, Robert, telegragh operator, Sheldon building Hayes, B. M. barber 513 El Paso Hazzard. Fred, carpenter. 402 Franklin Healy, T. H., Gen'l Pass. Agent Texas Central R. R. Olive and San Antonio. Hearold, George, policeman 614 Nell Heath, O. P. blacksmith Heatherly Mrs. L. L Heatherly, James A. clerk Heatherly, T. L. proprietor l003 Franklin Vendome Hotel Vendome Hotel Veudome Hotel Hedges, Miss Maude Helm, Chester R Heid, Charles L. night clerk Heid , Miss Maggie Heiderboff, Mrs. wido -cv Heimstead, August, laborer , 812 Myrtle 410 St. Vrain Vendomc Hotel , 409 Magoffin 220 Hill 321 Chihuahua Heire, H. drug clerk Mundy building Heitaelman, P. ticket broker 101 El Paso Heciple, W. F. laborer 124 Chihuahua Henry, Charles, porta 115 Main Herbert, Charles E. mining engineer. Hill and Overland Hernandez, Abilel1a.laborer Sixth and Soutb Kansas Hernandez, Atilano, laborer Rear 606 El Paso Hernandez, Cristobal, laborer 704 South Utah Hernandez. Francisco, laborer 700 Fourth Hernandez, Juan, carpenter 414 Fifth Hemandee.Tuan , laborer 26 Santa Fe Hernandez. Jesus. lnborer.. 1008 Virginia Hernandez, Pedro, shoemaker 423 EI Paso Hernandez, S. stadent.. 501 North Santa Fe Hernandez, Santiago, laborer 704 South Utah Hernandez, T. laborer 26 Santa Fe Herredia, Nicola, laborer.. Sixth and Overland KELLY & POLLARD, For Fine Stationery anHDilelArlicles, GOODS· FUltNISBlNGS . Comet Tuu nno!.St. St1«tlI. KAYSER & CO • DRY· Louil 56 EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Herrera, Mrs. Lupe, widow 384 Santa Fe Herres, Munico, laborer Utah and Canal Heil; Louis N. merchant , 903 Mesa Henderson, Miss Lucy, housekeeper.. ..Sheldon Building Hendricks. Sam 408 St. VraiJJ Henriquez, Celso, grocery : 900 South Stanton Henriquez, Julian, grocery 801 Fourth Henr-iques, Vidal, shoemaker 423 El Paso Henry, Edward, cook Texas House Heusbe, Robert L. car repairer 608 North Stanton Hickerson, Frank M.carpentcr 308 North Campbell Hickox & Hixson, jewelers , 111 San Antollio Hiegel, Miss M, servant " 607 Mesa Hierholzer, Henry, bartender .." " Lindell Hotel Higgins, George H. physician 608 San Antonio Rightow, Robert, porter Seventh and South Kansas Hilbert, Miss Hauuah 717 North Kansas Hildebrand, H. R. saloon keeper " 219 Missouri Hill, T. H. driver 426 South Stanton Hille, Aug. upholsterer "" 900 North Oregon Himafio, A. jeweler " 110 Durango Himatto, Jesus. Jaborer Canal and St. Vrain Himafio, Miquel, laborer " Canal and Virginia Hintze, John, bakery 310 South Oregon ~i"g:, Lee, laundry 414 San Antonio Hitchins. John, miner " Park and Fourth Hixson, Wm. F. merchant.. ,,613 North Oregon Hobart, Alfred C. conductor." 800 North Stanton Hobein, Miss Alice, nurse Hotel Dleu Hobein, Fred, engineer " ..".".401 St. Louis Boblitt, M. L. 'teacher. 501 North Santa Fe Hodson, J. P. deputy clerk federal court 350 Franklin Hoffman, Rev. A 603 MYTtle Vi.lt Otb.:n and tben Come to UI. we will Sell )'"()UAnytb!n/rrorynuf HOllie T. H. SPRINGER, NORTH STANTON AND ST. LOUIS STREETS TaE PII~IIO~, El Paso and San IIntonioSt~eets. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY, 57 Holland & Rheioharl, contractors ..226 South Stanton Holland, Thomas, carpenter 211 North Florence Holmes, A. H. miner 729 Magoffin Holmes, D. railroader Leon and San Francisco Holmes, Willirrn,Shoemaker ..Third and South Stanton Holmes, W. C grocer ,. 305 San Antonio Honarry, Miss Mary 9 South Stanton Hcueysuckles C. A. engineer 314 North Campbell Hood, H. M. manager Telephone Co. Monarch Buiiding Hood, jOI:ll H. broker 924 North Oregon Horan, Mrs. J. R. .413 North Stanton Hostetler, MrS. Sadie 707 North Stanton Honghten, Richard, car sealer 805 Texas House, Fred G. Jaborer 512 St. Vrain Howard, A. A. saloon keeper. 507 Mesa Howe, Mrs. Ella, postal clerk 621 Magoffin Howe, Walter E. lawyer. 706 Mesa Howley, E. B. proprietor Vendome Hotel Hoyt & Co. Oco. L. furniture dealer, (G. L. Hoyt, and E. A. Bass, a01 EI Paso. Houcbsheid, Paul, engineer. 501 Santa Fe Houck & Dieter, wholesale liquors 220 EI Paso Hubbard & Co. G. E. commission merchants. 404 El Paso. Hubbard, Miss Kate 501 Bl Paso Hudson, Andy, porter Astor House Hudson, Mrs. M. E Santa Fe and Boulevard Huerta, Jesus, student 501 North Santa Fe Hugarte Emanue1 707 North Oregon Hughes, James, £1 Paso Tannery ..Grand Central Hotel Hugbes.Tobu N. customs inspector. 709 Magoffin Hughes. W. D. EI Paso Tannery Grand Central Hotel Hugo,Leopold, clerlt 114 North Stanton 0, KRm POllARD,PRl~CRIPnON~WlClAln OPfNau NIGHf UnYSEh.q. & CO• D.y Goods, ..1:,,1"'1. 58 Fu.nlsblngs, CQ~. Tl'IXJUj "lU> 0111'100" STJlIIII'l'S. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Huiron, Mrs. Tomasa, widow.,; 210 Sixth Hull, Elliot C. (EI Paso Steam Printing Co.) 616 North Kansas. Hull, Walter B. (El Paso Steam Printing Co.) 616 North Kansas. Huning, H. A Santa Fe and Boulevard Hunt, John J.laborer Rear 608 El Paso Hunter, Frank E. county judge Hutchinson, W. driver Hutton. Mrs. F. widow " Hyland, Rev. Charles A 706 Mesa 513 Second 61~ Franklin 605 Mesa ] BANEZ, JOSE, teacher 50t North Santa Fe Irvin, Orlando C. physician 716 San Antonio Irwin & Co. druggists, 113 El Paso, W. A. Irwin, resldeuce, 713 North Stanton. We "Will FQrnl8h your T. H. SPRINGER, Hou ... rrOIn KitcbeQ to FOldor. Give '" .. Call. NORTH STANTON AND ST. LOUIS STRII:II:TS • .... Whitson & Ll'itch Music Co. .l"""lanosan d0 trgansTheSanClark, Aotouio Corner Mesa Avenue. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 59 KRl r & POlURD, PR[~GRlPnONS~SPlGlAlH OPlN~ll NIGHI "YSE'h' "n.. .l1- U ..l 60 & CO a liG'., ."JiI.lIT... D.y Goods, Sho •• , Call. THlUl6 Rl'IOOIlB(lOR EL PASO CITY DlRECTORY. Jelian, John, postmaster Julian, Lee, painter Jumonville, Roberl : 409 Mesa l01 Myrtle 324 EI Paso -~k""APLAN, ALBERT, bookkeeper 712 North Oregon 1\Karacky, George, merchant 416 El Paso Kaufman, Jake, cler-k 512 Mesa Kayser, Herman, merchant 119 San Francisco Kehoe, P. M. watchman 126 Leon Keith, A. T. conductor 321 Texas Keiting, Mrs. R. widow 604 San Francisco Keller, Mrs. E. lodging house 207 South Santa Fe Kelley, Charles C. machinist 314 North Campbell Kelley, Daniel 706 San Antonio Kelley, E. K. contractor : 419 West Overland Kelley, Mark, clerk 706 San Antonio Kelley William, blacksmith Rear 412 Soutb Stanton Kelley & Pollard, druggists, (C. E. Kelley and J. E. Pollard) Sheldon building. Kelly, Dewey, carpenter 303 Nor-th EI Paso KeUy, John, clerk Lindell Hotel Kendall, William, carpenter , 1516 First Kendrick, Mrs. Hattie, dressmaker,217West Overland Kendrick, Lindsay, laborer 604 South Campbell Kennedy, Alfred, porter 406 EI Paso. Kennedy. jobo. shoemaker 22'7 San Antonio Kennedy. William, laborer 409 St. Vrain Kerfoot, Mrs. M. A. widow 303 Ochoa Kerr,]. A. mouldcr 308 North Florence J WE SELL ON EASY PAYMENTS. CALLAND SEE OUR STORE T. H, SPRINGER, NORTH STA.NTONAND ST. LOUIS STREETS • T~E PA~!lO~,EtPaso and San AntonioSt,eets. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 61 Kerr, Thomas S. cabinetmaker 201 South Utah Kerr, William G. moulder. 308 North Florence Kief John L. conductor 711 North Stanton Kiefer, Charles C. stationer, 121 E1 Paso; residence, 211 Soutb Florence. Kienle, Emil, car repairer 312 North Florence Kilgore, Rev. S. G 618 Myrtle Kimball, Miss G. teacher l00 Upson Kimbrough, James, brakeman 501 South Oregon King, George E. architect.. 700 North Stanton King , George E.,]r., bookeeper 700 North Stanton King, John W. plumber 700 North Stanton Kingsbury, Mrs. W,H. boarding house 113 Myrtle: Kinne, Charles A 1100 North Stanton Kinne, J. M , 213 Sonora Kinney,A.J.laborer Hill and East Overland Kint, Fred , 311 Mesa Kinsman, Mrs. Major E. widow 708 North Oregon Kirk, Peter, engineer 212 st. Louis Kirksey. L. M. fireman 614 Myrtle Kiser, Henry, driver 605 South Stanton Klein, David, dry goods dealer. 221 San Antonio; residence 203 Texas. Kline, A. A. commission merchant 117 Boulevard Klink, John A. laborer 1110 Sen Antonio Kneeland, Mrs. Eva, widow Olive and San Antonio Kneeland. William, postal clerk ..Olive and San Antonio Kneezel, Edw. architect.. Sheldon Building Kneille, John, carpenter Hills Building Kohlberg Bros. cigar manufacturers, 115 EI Paso, (E. Kohlberg, residence 715 North Oregon. rKoreick. Samuel, clerk Hiils Building Kro.hmer, F. £. barber 129 £1 Paso KElLY .& POLURO FOH,PUHE:ORUGS ,BIID. CHEPlIGB~S. TTAYSER & CO • DRY. 1.)" 62 GOODS. FURNISBINGS. ComeT T""",.. and St. L01lI, ShC'rlll. BL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Krakauer , A. merchant , ,,400 Magoffin Krakauer, Albert, cler-k Sheldon Building Krakaner, M. hardware merchant -- San Antonio Krause, Ernest, architect 906 North Stanton Kreipes, Mrs. M. E. widow 320 San Antonio .Krupp & Bro., 11. notion store 223 San Antonio; H. Krupp, residence 215 San Antonio Kuhlewein, Mrs. C. widow 517 Myr-tle Kyle, Miss jessie , , 307 Soutb Utah ll'ACKLAND, J. C. cashier State National Bank, 816 Mesa. Lacey, Mrs. A. E. widow 311 Mesa Lada, G. 'laborer 629 Sonora Ladish, S. machine shop Utah and East Overland Lafon, Rev.]oseph 707 North Oregon Lagerfel t, Cad, civil engineer 306 South Florance Lallemaut. F.] '" 512 North Stanton Lamb,]. Hall, editor Lindell Hotel Lambert, Miss Maria 305 South Utah Lampkins. Miss Lottie, laundress 128 Chihuahua Lane, Mrs. M. E. widow Rear 608 El Paso Lane, Mrs. M. F. widow 1214 Third Lane, N. D. signal service observer604 Missouri Lane, W. A. carpenter 207 Mesa Lankford, Mrs. Henrietta, dressmaker 701 Mesa Larauella, Mrs. M , 414 Leon Latshaw, Don M. journalist.. Grand Central Hotel f~rl~m~& ~n~ ~!Oc~e~weuremerl~ce.~ullnM~ee.U.~~lin~er THE PARLORcORNEROFELPASO ,: : : ANDSAN EL PA.SO C1TY DIRECTORY. , AN'rONLO , , , 8TS. 63 Latta, W. B. telegraph oprerator 516 Myrtle Lawricella, Dominguez, storekeeper Third and Utah Lavajeti, Mrs 307 East Overland Lavilla, Mrs. Habina 613 South Stanton Lavina, Dominguez, laborer 572 Durango Lawrence, Charles, merchant Main and Santa Fe, Lawrence, 1. M. grocery 206 San Francisco Lawrence, Mrs. Mary, widow 415 Second Lawton, Harry agent 209 South Campbell Lawton, T. F. cashier Pacific Express Cc., Sheldon Building. Layton, Chas. H. salesman 113 Myrtle Leal, Baltinc, laborer 118 Seventh Leal, Mrs. Pafriana " 310 Sixth Lecon, C. laborer 599 Main Lecon, Lino, laborer" B59 South Kansas Lee, August, bartender 408 West Overland Lee, Mrs. C. housekeeper " Lindell Hotel *e, Yung, laundry 400 North Oregon Leech, Mrs. T. J 600 Mesa Leeser, Orlando, conductor 710 Mesa Leem aater , E. M. Dist. Supt. Pullman Palace Car Co., 1100 North Stanton. Leest, George, engineer 704 Mesa Legar-da, Dolores, butcher 420 South Kansas Leitch,"]. M. music dealer 505 North Stanton Leek, Frank, car repairer 600 North Stanton Lellngo, Line, laborer 116 Seventh Leming, Harry EI Paso and Missouri Lemon, E. D.eug:ineer 404 North Oregon Leech, lames, laborer 604 San Francisco Lengatat. Charles, undertaker 715 North Kansas Leone. Rey. Alex 707 North Oregon I K£llY & POLLAROCarry the FineslLine of Pertume in City. 64 EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Lepher, Gerard, blacksmith.. Opp. S. P. depot Ler-nia, Brebilic, musician ..· 210 East Overland Leroy, Mrs. Lola, w idow .gixtb and Ochoa Leslie, Miss Lysla 307 South Utah Levison, David. salesman 203 Texas Let.tea, Mrs. Rosa 119 Durango Levy, Mrs. R. E. chicken ranch 203 Santa Fe Lewis, A. A. barber. 225 San Antonio Lewis, Etta Madm, housekeeper 401 South Utah Lewis, George, laborer Rear 606 El Paso Lewis, George, cigannaker , 519 Utah Licon, Manuel, laborer Rear 803 South Stanton Licona, Mrs. Felix, widow." Rear 420 South Kansas Liggins, S. C. laborer 604 South Campbell Limley, F. G. bookkeeper 517 Myrtle rim, Quee, laundryman 410 San Antonio Lincoln, MissJu1ia 600 North Kansas Lindemuth, Thea. cook Santa Fc and Boulevard Linn, W. A. car repairer 610 North Stanton Lindsay, Miss Alice 600 Mesa Linquist. A. J 408 Franklin Litsey, Miss Florence, musicteacher710Norlh Campbell Lohner, J obn, capitaliet.. Vendome Hotel Lohnes, Miss May 312 Missouri Lolla, Mrs. Juana Rear, 613 South Stanton Lombardy, Mrs. F. K 406 West Overland Long, Charles, cook Texas House Long, Ebert, teamster 113 Main Long, George V. driver 308 South Campbell Long, Ralph W. collector 214 South Kansas Long, W. H. abstract office 214 South Kansas Longnemare, Charles, journalist, Cotton and San Antonio. ..... and0 flgans'theSanClark, Whitson & Leitch Mush: Co. .t'""lanos Antonio Corner Me&l!.Avenue. EL 1'.&SO CITY DIRECTORY. 65 Longwell, James, transfer company ,. 411 Mesa Look, Miss Gertrude, school tcachcT.440 North El Paso Look, George, contractor 408 West Overland Loomis. A. M. Teal estate agent, 229 Sail Antonio; residence 440 North EI Paso. Loomis, A. M. Jr. cierk , 440 North El Paso Loots, Louis, baker 310 East Overland Lopez, Angel, laborer , 570 Durango Lopez,]esus 601 South Kansas Lopez, Jesus, laborer 651 Nell Lopez, .]);l.all.laborel , 600 South Florence Lopez. Mrs. Manuela, widow 617 South Stannon Lopez. Miss Maria 412 South Utah Lopez, Miss Rosa 606 Anthony Lopez. Yeebel.Jaborer 375 Fifth Lotta, Ramon, laborer Rear, 420 South Kansas Loeaso, W. laborer Second and Tornillo Lotan, J. T. c1erk 321 Texas Love. Miss Virtye 401 South Utah Lowe, Charles, engineer 401 Texas Lowe, E. P. proprietor Evening- Tribune . Lowe, Oco. H. machinist Corner Kanas and Franklin Lucas, Frank, mechanic 612"h Franklin Lucas. J. W. blacksmith 612'h Franklin Lucero, .autonio. baker 614 Fourth Lucero, B. grocery , 407 El Paso Lucero, Benito, student 501 North Santa Fe Lucero, Mr s. Erancisca 715 South Stanton Lucero, Mrs. Lupe, widow 407 South Stanton Luckett. J. C. cler-k 601 North Oregon Luckett, P. H. clerk. 601 North Oregon Ludwig. J. brakeman 401 Texas Luigo, Mrs. Fabiana, servant 407 South stanton KELLY & POLLBRD fOB PUBEDRUGS BJlP GHE~ICBLS, IT "YSEt'> & CO• n.y Goods, Fa.nlshlngs, .£l .I:".l"'1 66 Call. TaXA.!!..ltD O~"OOfl6TllH"T"'. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Luigo,Jesus, laborer 310 Third Lujan, Henriquez, laborer Rear 523 Fifth Lujan. JauTI, laborer 424 San Antonio Lujan, Jaun! servant 111 South Utah Lujan, Mrs. Luisa, widow 613 South Stanton Luna, Lojena, laborer Fifth and Ochoa Ltrthey, Henry, bottler.. Fourth and Chihuahua Lyon, Horatio, messenger. 119 North Florence Lyon, J. K. justice of peace 119 North Florence Lyons, Mrs.]. widow 506 North Oregon Lyons, Robert E. clerk Corner Kansas and Franklin Lyons, T, C Lindell Rotel MABEE, HARRY, fireman 304 Hill / 'Mable, Mrs. V. L 126 Sonora Maceas, Mrs. Angela Rear 312 East Overland ~ack, Ging, laundry Rear St. George Hotel Mack, G. W. brakeman .4.11 Missouri Mackley, Mrs. A. J 614 Myrtle Madegnigo, Felice, music , Rear 118 Second Madino, Jose, laborer Seventh and Canal Medrano, Rafujio, shoemaker 523 Fifth Madria, Pedro, laborer 716 South Florenc(: Go to SPRINGER'S for Furniture, Crockerj an~ Carpets. Sheet """S'B ~""'\I.1 J.,.... '" 1= = = E."... LEITCH. SSD .Antonio RL PASO C1TY DlRECTORY. , , , Co~n ... l\'IGBIiIIR'II •• 67 Madrid, Mrs. Bieenta, widow 641 West Overland Madrid, Eletario, vendor 904 South Stanton Madrid, N. M. dairyman 712 Hill Madrid, Severana, expressman Rear 41.6 Sixth Maese, Pilaria, letter carrier 308 Tornillo Magoffin, Joseph, Vice Pres. State National Bank, 700 Magoffin. Magofiin; James W. deputy collector of customs, 700 Magoffin. Magoffin, Miss Josephine 700 Magoffin Magoffin, Mra.Octavia 700 Magoffin Mahoney, Mrs. A. widow 409 Franklin ;Mah, Din Pow, waiter 223 San Antonio /Mah, Fang, laundryman l06 South Utah ~ah, Wing Ouck, cook 223 San Antonio Malsa, Francisco, laborer 815 South Oregon Major, B. Be laborer 320 Hill Malcham, Mrs. Dora 1126 North Campbell Maldonado, Igacio, laborer 516 Fifth Malinary, Mrs. Eulogia 317 San Autonio Malinary, J. grocer 317 San Antonio Malone, L. F. car repairer 1001 Franklin Maloney, F. merchaut.. 612.1hFranklin Mana, Tomias, wheelwright GIO South Utah Manley, Miss Mamie, lodging house 419 El Paso Manning, A. F. engineer l011 Franklin Manning, Mrs. Susan, servant . Menqucra, Mrs. servant.. 619 South Stanton Manriae, Antonio, labcrer.. Santa Fe and River Maurlaa, Mrs. M. widow Santa Fe and River Manfiualez, Mrs. Carlotta, widow, 710 South Florence Marclian, Miss juuna. servant Utah near the canal Marcos, Felice. cook Sonora near Canal KELLYI POllS~O FOB POBED~OGSSlID CHEJIIIGBlS. IrAYSEt'> &. CO noy .. , ~ 68 • <loods. !,oonlshioos, "I'ID OflEOO1'l STIl .... T". COR. TlllU<5 El:. I'ASO C1TY DlRECTORY. Mardins, Mrs. Manuela, widow 401 Second Mar-i-ojo,Ambrose, drayman . Marks, S. C. train dispatcher.. Southern Pacific Yards Marofa, Apolonia, laborer. Rear 809 South Utah Marquez, Antonio, laborer Seventh and South Oregon Marques, Antonio, clerk Rear 312 South Oregon Marquez, Juan, Grocery Rear 321. Soutb Oregon Marquez, Pedro 515 South Oregon Marquez, Vicente, laborer. 80n South Oregon Marr,IMissAngelina K, postal clerk, 209 South Campbell MaLT James S, miner 20D South Campbell Marshall, Mrs. jas. A 506 Wyoming Martin, Mrs. Carrie, dressmaker. 386 Santa Fe Martin, M. Cabel, rector St. Clement's church ..Rectory Martin, J. B. saddler. Seventh and Santa Fe Martin, Otto, r-oadrnaster Campbell ~111l1Franklin Martin, P. J. conductor 309 Wyoming Martin, Robert, clerk North Campbell Martin, W. C. real estate 508 Mesa Martin, W. R. supt., G.,H. & S. A..Franklin and Campbell Martinez, Adrain, laborer .418 Fifth Martinez, Adrian. laborer Cotton addition Martinez. Benito, porter .404 El Paso Martinez, Creceucio, laborer 813 South Kansas Martinez, Fidelia, laborer 600 South Florence Martinez, Francisco. tailor 120 South Florence Martinez, Jesus, laborer. 113 North Stanton Martinez, Jose, laborer 408 Seventh Martincz, Lconado, vendor. 620 Second Martinez, Mrs. Luisa, willow Railroad and River Martinez, M Canal and Anthony Martinez, Pa.tricino , laborer Rear 617 Fifth Martinez, Mrs. S. widow 570 Durango Martinez, Santiago, laborer Thu·d and Oregon I Go to SPQIHGEIl'S for FURNITURE, OROOKEQY, ORRPET3 & Leitch ... and Suppll'esTheClark,\':hitSOll San AntOniO, Corller Mesa Bl'cyo[es EL PASO CITY THRECTORY. Marujo, Prancilano, laborer Marujo, Ramon, driver. " Masino, Mrs C Mast, A. C. engineer Mast, C. F. butchcr Mast, Frank, laborer Mathews, Mrs. L. C idow Mathias, Albert, merchant, 221 El Paso, Music Co. Avenue. 69 409 Hill 402 Four-th 562 Durango 401 Franklin 401 Franklin 401 Franklin 814 Myrtle residence 401 Magoffin. Mathiue, Mrs. Freda 401 Magoffin Mathias, Mrs. Henrietta, widow 1516 First Maxwell, James G., Manager Norton, Drake & Co ....... Mayers,John, expressmall 314 Third Mayhill, John, lodging house St. Louis and Stanton Meader, Leon A. blacksmith 414 South Stanton Medina, GabrieL.............. .. 404 St. Vrain Medrana, Otaviana, laborer Old Fort Medrano, Levona, vendor Rear 408 Sixth Meekins, Miss Ella B. teacher 517 Myrtle Meier, Charles, car repairer 310 North Florence Meisel, A. saloon 214 San Pracisco Melendrez, Pedro, grocery 315 West Overland Membritla, Ramon, laborer Bassett's Addition Mend area, Inca, laborer Sixth and South Kansas Mendez, Amelio, laborer 210 Fifth Mendeea, Juan, laborer Utah near the canal Mendivel, M Anthony and North Santa Pe Mendival, Mrs Near Santa Fe Depot Mcudivey, R. peddler Near Santa Fe Depot Mendoree, Ramon, meat shop .423lh EI Paso Mendoza, Mrs. A Santa Fe and Canal Mendoza, Antonio, tailor 411 Seventh Mendoza, Antonio, laborer S14 Third KfllmOll~RO, rRfSCRlr!lO~SRmCiUlY OPf~All~IGHr tl"nYSE'" q & CO . O.y .... \-"" 70 Good coa. TBXA5 e, Sh •••• tist•. Jl.~O Ol;j'SOJO!'4 6T'Il"IlIn. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY, Mendoza, Mrs. C. widow 648 Nell Mendoza, Castillo. teamster Seventh and Santa Fe Mendoza, Cristobal, baker 627 Fifth Mendoza. Mrs. E Seventh and Santa Fe Mendoza. Felipe. laborer 700 South Campbell Mendoza, Felipe, reudor Fiftb and South Campbell Mendoza, Francisco, laborer 619 South Stanton Mendoza, Jesus, vendor Fifth and South Campbell Meudoea, Mrs.Ieeus, widow, Seventh and SouthKausus Mendoza, lose, laborer .4·05Fourth Mendoza, M Santa Fe and Canal Mendoza, Manuel, laborer 811 South Stanton Mendoza, Maurice, carpenter Rear 404 South Vain Mendoza, Miss Refujia, servant, Boulevard and SantaFe Mendoza, Ynacio , laborer Rear 619 South Stanton Mengalt, Bdw. E. engineer Texas and Mesa Menor, Felipe. servant Rear 710 South Kansas Menoe, Romola. laborer 404 St. Vrain Menta, E. porter. 404 El Paso Mercado, Delcuraa, watchmaker 517 South Dreg-on Merriam 314 San Antonio Merrill, J. S. snloon 214 San Francisco Merriman, John, conductor 609 Mesa Mesa, Mrs. Cesario, widow First and Tornillo Mesa, Francisco, barber. Utab ncar Canal Mestez, Mrs. D. widow 614 West Overland Mcvcado, Antonio, laborer 500 South Utah Meza, Manuel, shoemaker Rear 600 South Florence Michel, W. A. fireman 382 Santa Fe Michero, Mrs. Lizzie 625 Mcgoffin Michero, Peter, restaurant 215 E1 Paso Michcro, Peter. 313 West Overland Michero, Randolph, saloonkeeper 625 Magoffin Go to SPRINGER'S for Furniture, Croc~ery and Carpets. & LeitchMu~icCo. BI'cycles and S"ppl1'esTheCllLrk,''':hitsoll Sau e utourc, Corner MeslI Avenue, _ - l,f EL PASO Cl"l'Y DIRECTORY. 71 Micon, Charles, saloon Second and Soutb Utah Miles, Mrs. Mary Rear 111 South Utah Miles, Will. laborer Rear 111 South Utah Miller, A. F. carpenter , " ~.Hill Building Miller, Mrs. Calestru, servant 406 Fourth Miller, Margerct 224 East Overland Miller, Pedro, laborer 406 Fourth Miller, Wm. bartender 508 South Oregon Miller, Wm. clerk " 1112 San Antonio Millican, Mrs. Georgia 601 Myrtle Millican, Rev. L. R. pastor baptist church 601 Myrtle Millichamp & Co. painters l01 Myrtle Millichamp, Mrs.Julia l008 Mesa Millichamp, S. W. merchant.. I00S Mesa Milliken, J. H. mining broker 308 North nl Paso Milliken, Mrs. Josephine 308 North E1 Paso Milliken, Miss Mary D 308 North El Paso Millspangh, Mrs. Lida 313 Myrtle Millspaugh, P. M. agent.. 313 Myrtle Milton, J. D. chief of police 20S Sonora Minas, Jesus! vendor 203 South Utah Minchin, Wm. fireman 404 North Oregon Miner, Marion C.lette:r carrier 809 Mesa Miner & Rojas, blacksmiths! 309 East Overland; T. L. Miner, Porfiro Rojas, residence, Utah Street and Accquia. Minjarez, Tebnrcia, vendor ..Canal and South Campbell Miranda, Mrs. A 615 Main Miranda, Antonio, vendor Rear 809 South Utah Miranda, Gaspar, laborer Utah near the Canal Miranda, Miss Incamaclon Fifth and Ochoa Miranda, Pcdro Ncar Santa Fe Depot KELLY & POLLARD, For Fine Stationery anHoiletArticles. 1 "YSEt'>~ & CO tr .E\r-a. 72 O.y Good., Sbo•• , lIa", & COli. TEllU<S Rl'tD OIl!!OOIl 5Tlll!liIT.lI. RL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Miranda, Mrs. Rcfuchio, widow, servant ..505 South Oregon. Mirano, Simon, carpenter 513 Anthony Mitchell, Mrs. L. J. widow, nurse Mundy Building Mizel, B. tailor 216 Sonora Modic, R. L. 911 North Kansas Mojuran, Mrs. H. widow 521 Anthony Molinar, Cruz, servant 715 Myrtle Molinar, Mrs. F 646 Nell It'IITCliEl.l.ll fi. GOOWIlf, Agent Mutual Life Iusurance Co. 115 El Paso; residence, 612 North Kansas. Molinar, Miguel.Taborer. 406 Seventh Molinar, S 646 Nell Mcmeen, Gus. hardware dealer 401 South Plcrenc Mornseu & Thorne, ironworkers 112 South Oregon Moi'iaz, Marcelanc, laborer 603 Fifth Mondanado, Julian, laborer ,.Franklin and Florence Mondrajon, H. laborer Old Fort Monqaero, Leonardo, laborer Fitth and Ochoa Montague, Mrs. A. Widow 418 North Oregon Montello, Pideli , blacksmith 614 South Utah Montello, Mrs. Marguereta, widow ,,608 South Utah Montez, B. dairyman :514 Durango Montez. Concha " Sonora near Canal Moutez, Patricia, laborer Fifth and Virginia Montfort & Co. J. R. saddlers, corner Oregon and Overland;]. R. Monfort, residence 305 Tays. Montfort, Mrs, P1easie, dressmaker 809 Mesa Montoja, Florence " l40 Santa Fe Montoja, Mrs. Pabla l40 Santa Fe Montoya, Eduardo, studeut.. 501 North Santa Fe Montoya, Julia, laborer 609 Sonora VI.it Othcu .nd then ceeee to U•. T. H. SPRINGER, 'WI'- will Sell youA.nythlug(Ofyo\lf HOU8C NORTH STANTON A.NO ST. LOUIS STREETS EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. 73 Montoya, Sisto, laborer 609 Sonora Moody, Fred. teamster Anthony and Canal Moore, M-issBelle The Ardmour Moore, Chas .., ., Grand Central Hotel Moore, Dora, scrvant.. 307 South Utah Moore, Edw. laborer Hill and East Overland Moore, Mrs. F. M. widow 614 North Oregon Moore, James brakeman lll North Florence Moore, Mrs. jennie l11North Florence Moore, Miss Kate, teacher 614 North Oregon Moore, Mrs. Margeret, widow " The Ardmour Moore, S. P 813 Nor-th Campbell Moore, Mrs. widow Hill BuildingMOTa, Miss Sibera 119 Main Morales, Miss Bernadina .4.14 Leon Moralez, Mrs. A. widow Sonora near Canal Moralez, Carlos, laborer 70B South Campbell Moralez, Frank, laborer Sixth and Canal Moralez, Jesus, vendor. 114 Durango Moralez, MissJesus Fifth and South Campbell Moralez, Miss Marie 414 Loon Moralez, Pedro, laborer 567 South Florence Moralez, Pilar 414 Leon Moralez, F. laborer Canal and Anthony Moralez, Ttodoso, laborer 708 South Campbell Morulea, Ysidro, laborer Seventh and Canal Moraljez, Pablo, driver.. Rear 904 South Stanton Moreford, Joseph R. saddler 315 Tays Morehead, Chas. president State National Bunk, 518 Myrtle. Morehead, Joseph, expressman 207 Anthony Morehead. Mrs. L 518 Myrtle Morehouse, Wm. A. Second and Ochoa V" J\e 11y & P011at'd ,.I1npQ"ted and Do:rnestlo ClgliI"". • , • • . Soda I51ihd mlnel'&l Waters. In Seas.on. rrA~'SEt"> & CO D,y Y L'l .I:\- a 74 Goods, FU'Dishing., COl'!. TIIXR5 II.fUl Ol'ti!Gort S'U!B"YS. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. We wlll Furnish -Y0llrHoull(' from Kitchen to T. H. SPRINGER, NOFlTH STANTON rl.rlDf. Give ut a CaU. AND ST. LOUIS STREE.TS .. •••• THIS • • DU~ECTO~Y--CAN BE FOUND ON SALE 212 AND 214 SOUTH STREET. P~ICB: OREGON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q~iI%m~«%(f%~~~~~~~~ JOSUUA S. RA1'NOr.ns, P~~',~~n' •~ " ~. ULVSSr;s.s.s'r1nv.YRT, Caebwr :>d , .. FLUU'''U'' . . •. ....,.•. Vi""-Pr~sidellt roe. P. IVILI.IAl\J<'l, Aau ••C..shl ..... esS\e...+ + + THE.;. ElJ PASO. -+. .;.~ TeXAS. 00 <eapital al)d S)urpius. $125,00. An__ STATE_ ..... National- Bank. eSTRBI>'SIlEO APllm IBBI. R IJVlllmatl tanklqg tuslness Traqsael8ll In III lis Iranelll. E' bal1ge xc 011 {IIIthe Principal Cities of the United States bought at par. HIGHEST PRICE PAID .,.ORMr;XICIlN ~~~~~~~~.o' a , , ~~?~~~~~~~ ~~ ~DO DOLLARS. ,.0' ,~~ Q <> ~~~ .... dO The Clark. '\\r1lltson & Leitch Music Co. .f"""lanOSan l'gans San Antonio Corner Mesa Avenue. HL PASO C1'l'Y DIREC1.'QRY. 75 Morse, James R. restaurant 207 Nortb Stanton Morton, W. J. assaycr 1216 Third Morvjo, Clemente, laborer Ochoa and Canal Moss,]. S. conductor 409lh Missouri Maya, jesua, student 50t North Santa Fe Maya, Miguel, student _ 501 North Santa Fe Moye, Edward, hardware dealer. San Antonio Moyer, Al, brakeman 214 South Campbell Moyer, B. H. conductor. 30G North El Paso MOYeT,Samuel, brakeman 305 North Florence Muela, John, laborer ...... Anthony near Santa Fe Track Mueller & Kaehler, groceries, 316 San A.ntonio: Fred Mueller, residence 306 North Florence; J. F. KachIer, residence 1.200 San Autouio. Mulcahy, Mrs. Katie 815 Myrtle Mulcahy, Michael, section foreman 815 Myrtle Muller, Fred, rnerclmnt.. 306 North Florence Mullin, Mrs. A 600 Mesa Mundell, Hilary, driver .,_.4G8 South Oregon Mundy Bros. live stock dealers Mundy Building Mundy,J. J. (Mundy Broe.) East El Paso Mnnn, Alex. machinist 311 Texas Munoe.Tose, laborer. , 696 Nell Munoz, Luz laundress 131 Chihuahua Munoz, Mrs. Mariana, widow !Hl Chihuahua Murdo, Mrs Dolores, widow, servant, 711 South Stanton Murdoch, J. A., Jr., broker 501 Mesa Murphy, Michael, driver l0S EI Paso Murphy Miss Nellie, milliner 300 North Ploreace Murry, C. M. grocer.. 620 San Antonio Murry, S. E. grocer 620 San Antonio Murtha, l'atrick, teanister 1206 East Overland I KfllY& ~Oll~RO.PRfSGRIPTmNS~ mGlmv om ~llNIGHJ . �AYSE~ & 76 co. ~~yGoods. II. TIQUl,S AnD Faroni.ahil..lgs, oR&OOI'l STJl.BE!TS. EL PASO CITY DIRECTORY. Myer, Henry, barber··············· Myle, H. C ······ ····.···· Myles, Mrs. Alice B.············· ..· Myles, Homan C. stock dealer- " 207 El Paso 1332 San Antonio 895 Magoffin 895 Magoffin mAC PHETRIDGE, C. W. grocer, 307 North EI Paso Mcarthur, C. laborer 621 North Campbell MeA vay, Lewis, grocery 2031;2 Santa Fe McBride, A. B. engineer 208 Sonora McCarier, Mrs. Ida 316 Texas McCarier,]. T. miner. , 316 Texas McCaffrey, James, nurse , Hotel Dien McCarthy, E. F. G. agent G., H. & S. A 60B North Campbell. McCarthy, Frank , , 309 Missouri McCarthy, Maggie, servant , , 510Mesn McCarthy, Mrs. Rose, widow 309 Missouri McChesney, Mrs. jessie Ploreuce and East Overland McClaghlin, Mrs. D. M. widow, boarding house 402 South Campbell. McCollister, Daniel, brakeman 220 Hill McCollough, Herbert 301 Hiil McComb, R. R. shipping clerk l04 El Paso McConaugheJr, G. M, superintendent gas co., 319 Chihuahua McCoy.Mrs. Susie 319 Texas McCoy, Wm. dr-iver , ,..•... , ,319 Texas McCreery, Mrs. L. D. widow 306 North EI Paso • WE SELl. ON EASY PAYMENTS. CALLAh'DSBEOun STORE T. H. SPRINGER, NORTH STAN'ON AND ST. LOUIS STREETS , \