Inclusion...the right thing to do!
Inclusion...the right thing to do!
The Voice Inclusion...the right thing to do! An open letter from co-founders Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel The Bubel/Aiken Foundation grew out of the relationship between the two of us and Diane’s son, Mike, a 13 year old with autism. The bond between us grew strong as we shared a vision of a world where children like Mike could be fully immersed in society. We had both witnessed children with disabilities repeatedly turned away from activities opened to typical children. We met while Clay was pursuing a degree in special education at UNC-Charlotte. As part of that pursuit, Clay completed an independent study project where he created a foundation that focused on providing the support system for recreational and educational programs around the country to open doors to children with disabilities that had thus far remained closed. We realized that an organized effort could encourage and facilitate community inclusion and empowerment of individuals with disabilities. This shared goal grew into reality on July 28, 2003 when Continued on page 2 2009 Champions Gala Featuring a special performance by Clay Aiken and recognition of our Champions honorees including our first ever Bubel Aiken Founders’ Award, the 2009 Champions Gala will be a celebration of the inclusion of people of ALL abilities. The evening will promote awareness of the benefits of inclusion and support the National Inclusion Project’s programs which give children with disabilities the opportunity to experience life with their typical peers. Including Samuel Documentary film has the power to change public perceptions. Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth made us keenly aware of global warming. Supersize Me made us look at fast food with a more skeptical eye. Now comes Including Samuel, a film that puts a spotlight on the social and educational inclusion of children with disabilities. The National Inclusion Project is proud to partner with the creators of Including Samuel, an award“We hope everyone will join us for an enjoyable winning documentary by photojournalist Dan evening including dinner, silent and live auctions, Habib. The film comes to entertainment - all in support of inclusive public television for Disopportunities for all children,” said Clay Aiken. ability Awareness Month in October, with support from Individual the National Inclusion Projtickets go ect and CVS Caremark All on sale Kids Can. Tuesday, August 11! Before his son Samuel was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Habib rarely thought about the inclusion of people Continued on page 4 National Inclusion Project 104 TW Alexander Drive, Bldg. 1, P.O. Box 110104, RTP, NC 27709 Tel 919.314.5540 Fax 919.314.5541 Newsletter created for National Inclusion Project by Good News The Voice Inclusion...the right thing to do! An open letter from co-founders Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel, cont’d. we officially announced the creation of The Bubel/ Aiken Foundation. In the six years since, the Foundation has established itself as a leading voice for inclusion working with a “Who’s Who” list of youth organizations – YMCAs, Best Buddies International, Boys & Girls Clubs, CampFire USA, 4H, the ARC – as well as many other local parks and recreation departments, community centers, and privately-run programs. The Foundation has formed partnerships with Johns Hopkins University’s National Center for Summer Learning, the University of MassachusettsBoston’s Center for Social Development and Education, the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability, the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration, and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s FPG Child Development Center. In 2008, both of the Foundation’s cutting edge inclusion models – Let’s ALL Play and the K-12 Inclusive Service Learning Program – were closely evaluated with overwhelmingly positive results. Children with and without disabilities in these programs saw growth in motor skills, social skills, and selfesteem, and the impact of the friendships made will last long into the future. In six years, the Foundation has worked with hundreds of programs, trained numerous staff members and leaders, and provided inclusive opportunities for over 20,000 children. This far-reaching impact would not have been possible without the dedicated support of countless volunteers and supporters. With your help in raising awareness and funds through projects like Wrapping for Inclu- sion and Change for Change as well as local fundraising efforts like cookbooks, gatherings, and online donation drives, the Foundation has dedicated the vast majority of every dollar into making an impact with our programs. As we realized the impact the Foundation has already made, it became apparent that even bigger accomplishments could be on the horizon. To that end, we along with the rest of the Board decided that a new name for the Foundation would establish longterm credibility and stability. We sought a name that would signify the Foundation’s position as a national leader on inclusion as well as recognize the Foundation’s start and the efforts of its faithful supporters. After much thought and deliberation, we are proud to introduce the organization we cofounded as the National Inclusion Project. The National Inclusion Project is poised to continue to make an impact with thousands of children nationwide as well as raise the national consciousness about the need for and benefits of inclusion. We are excited beyond measure to see Clay’s original “project” become one that so many people have invested time, energy, and dollars in to see doors opened for children who may have never gotten the opportunity to participate in life the way their peers do. The National Inclusion Project is moving forward hand-in-hand with supporters, families, program providers, and other advocates to see the vision of full inclusion nationwide become a reality. Please join us in our push to make a difference in communities all over the country. National Inclusion Project 104 TW Alexander Drive, Bldg. 1, P.O. Box 110104, RTP, NC 27709 Tel 919.314.5540 Fax 919.314.5541 Newsletter created for National Inclusion Project by Good News The Voice Inclusion...the right thing to do! Bubel Aiken Founders’ Award Diane Bubel and Clay Aiken are proud to establish the Bubel Aiken Founders’ Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service to be given annually beginning with the 2009 Champions Gala on October 17, 2009. It was through grassroots volunteer efforts that the National Inclusion Project was started and it is through those efforts that we have been able to make such huge strides for inclusion nationwide. The award will recognize a person, group, or Beta Alpha network who fully embraces the mission of the National Inclusion Project and makes an “above and beyond” effort to raise awareness and support year-round. The Board of Directors and Staff will choose the award winner based on the nominations received. GoodSearch & Goodshop Help the National Inclusion Project every time you shop online and search the web by downloading the GoodSearch/GoodShop toolbar! Each time you shop at one of more than 1,000 participating top stores (from Amazon to Zazzle!), National Inclusion Project will earn a percentage of the purchase price - at no extra cost to you! It also includes a search box and each time you search the web, about a penny is donated to National Inclusion Project. h t t p : / / w w w. g o o d aspx?charityID=75569 To nominate a deserving volunteer, visit to fill out the form. Partnership Update The National Inclusion Project recently presented it’s Let’s ALL Play program at FPG Inclusion Institute. Check out our blog on FPG’s website. National Inclusion Project 104 TW Alexander Drive, Bldg. 1, P.O. Box 110104, RTP, NC 27709 Tel 919.314.5540 Fax 919.314.5541 Newsletter created for National Inclusion Project by Good News The Voice Inclusion...the right thing to do! Including Samuel, cont’d. with disabilities. Now he thinks about inclusion every day. Including Samuel chronicles the Habib family’s efforts to include Samuel in every facet of their lives. The film honestly portrays his family’s hopes and struggles as well as the experiences of four other individuals with disabilities and their families. Including Samuel is a highly personal, passionately photographed film that captures the cultural and systemic barriers to inclusion. The National Inclusion Project encourages supporters, volunteers and grantees to watch the film and host screening parties in your communities. Go to to: • View the broadcast schedule. • Watch the film trailer. • Download the “Screening & Outreach Kit” with discussion questions, photos, templates for posters and invitations, and more. • Download free material from the ‘Resources’ section which features published research, curriculum and articles, plus links to dozens of organizations and media. • Purchase the DVD. National Inclusion Project supporters and volunteers can receive a 10% discount off the individual DVD, and 20% off purchases of 6 DVDs or more, by using the coupon code IS10IP. “I’m proud to have the National Inclusion Project as a partner on this film,” says Habib, filmmaker in residence at the University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability. “Our missions are the same: to make sure ALL young people have the opportunity to fully participate their community.” Habib and his wife Betsy McNamara were honored as Champions for Change at the National Inclusion Project’s 2008 Gala, and Including Samuel was screened for supporters and volunteers before the event. The film has been shown at universities and independent theatres across the country. The film has also been featured on All Things Considered, Good Morning America, as well as in the Washington Post and Education Week. The film won the Positive Images in Media award from TASH, an international group committed to the full inclusion of people with disabilities. Mercy Corps, an international global aide agency, translated the film into Arabic so it could be used to support Iraq’s emerging disability rights movement. NOTE: If you don’t see your station listed on the INCLUDING SAMUEL broadcast schedule, please call the Audience Services department of your local public television station and urge them to broadcast the film. National Inclusion Project 104 TW Alexander Drive, Bldg. 1, P.O. Box 110104, RTP, NC 27709 Tel 919.314.5540 Fax 919.314.5541 Newsletter created for National Inclusion Project by Good News