Regional process „Ostholstein, erlebbar für alle“ (Ostholstein for all)
Regional process „Ostholstein, erlebbar für alle“ (Ostholstein for all)
Regional process „Ostholstein, erlebbar für alle“ (Ostholstein for all) to develop an action plan to implement the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2015-2018) 1 Our Vision: Ostholstein for all • Ostholstein shoulde be a region, where alle people in their diversity are welcomed as citizens, employees, guests or customers and can participate in all aspects of life without barriers. • That is inclusion! . Convention of the United Nations on the rights of people with disabilities (CRPD) Concretizing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in regard of the situation of people with disabilities Definition of important terms like discrimination because of disability, reasonable accommodation, universal design (Art. 2) Concretizing rights e.g. Accessibility (Art. 9) living indendently and being included in the community (Art. 19), personal mobility (Art. 20), education (Art. 24), health (Art. 25), work and employment (Art. 27) , participation in political and public life (Art. 29), participation incultural life, recreation, leisure and sport (Art. 30), awareness-raising-(Art. 8) The convention was adopted on 13.12.2006 by the General Assembly of the United Nation in New York, it came into force in Germany 26.3. 2009 The UN convention is signed by 159 states and ratified by 154 states of the world. Process cycle to plan an inclusive community Aktivregion WagrienFehmarn 2010 Initiation Inclusionsproject 2012-13 3. Inclusion conference End 2017 /2018 resolution Kreistag 19.3. 2013 Legitimation by political decision Basic Points main board 26.8.2014 Developing a planning structure First steps of implementation 2016-17 Analysing the initial situation Implementation 2. Inclusion conference End 2016 Kreistag Autumn 2016 1. Inklusionskonferenz 23.2.2015 political decision Draft action plan Inclusion Summer 2016 Action plan Steering committee 8.1.15 Inclusionscommittee 3.12.14 1. Inclusion conference 23.2.15 Kick off event inclusive administration 19.3.15 Discussion in open forums 6 forums 2015 -16 Rohrmann, A .; Schädler, J.: Inklusive Gemeinwesen planen. Eine Arbeitshilfe. 4 S.47 Hrsg. Vom Ministerium für Arbeit, Integration und Soziales, Düsseldorf 2014, 1. Inclusion conference 23.2.15 1. Inklusionskonferenz 23.2.15 5 Kick off: Inclusive Administration 19.3.15 Experts with disabilities explaining how to welcome disabled citizens in the administration 31.07.2015 6 Exploring the regional government buildung In regard to accessibilty 31.07.2015 7 Overall to simulate old age Hard to move, to see and to hear – very impressive for the participants 31.07.2015 8 Donut: Regional Action Plan Inclusion Coordination and giving impulses for activities in the regions Core tasks in the responsibility of the regional government Not the task of the regional process Helen Sanderson Associates Principles of planning • • • • • • • • • • • Participation of all stakeholders Participation of people with different disabilities „nothing about us, without us“, strong cooperation with the regional advisory committee of people with disabilities coordination of activities of different stakeholders in the region Awareness raising, Participating in the regional campaign „Ostholstein for all“ cooperation with similar projects and initiatives e.g. „Ostholstein, erlebbar für alle“, „Accessible Tourism“ Political process and cross-sectional task Monitoring the implementation phase Regional Action Plan Inclusion as a dynamic document Establishment of priorities because of limited resources Web page to create transparency of the process Inklusionskommission 3.12.14 10 Forums 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Forum „Truly inclusive? Inclusion in schools in Ostholstein“ Schulamtes Ostholstein with 80 invited stakeholders 5.03.2015 in Pönitz Forum „Accessible Infrastructure“ (public spaces, mobility, communication) with 60 people 21.05.2015 in Oldenburg. Forum „Accessible Housing with inclusive support services“ (assistance, care, health) 03.09.2015 Forum „Inclusion and Accessibility in the leisure time (cultur, sport, tourism)“ 26.11.2015 Forum „Inclusion in Work – transition school to work“ 28.01.2016 Forum „Inclusive Education“ (nursery, kindergarten, school, vocational education, adult education) 10.03.2016 Inklusionskonferenz 23.2.2015 11 Forum inclusive school The schools inspector Meyer opening the forum (sign interpreters in the background) 31.07.2015 12 Review meeting with stakeholder groups Students table 31.07.2015 13 Review meeting – What is not going well? Different colours for different stake holder groups 31.07.2015 14 World cafe Monica Gascard signing her opion 31.07.2015 15 Results from explorining the communities with students from our school for social eduaction and citizens ACCESSIBLE INFRASTRUCTURE 31.07.2015 16 playground Wallmuseum Oldenburg Accessble playground for all kids 31.07.2015 17 Early season in Grömitz People with disabilities use touristic infrastructure, even though it is not recognized and there needs are often not attended to. Outside the door Tourist information in Eutin Market places in Ostholstein (not) a place for all citizens Toilet for wheelchair users Mirrors missing participation of the users Family holiday New restaurants Eating underneath the high tables? Accessible shopping? Supermarkets for all customers Good Business Waiting for the accessible bus… 60-100% accessibles busses depending where you live. Wheelchair for going to the beach and into the water… Also mothers like accessible main entrances You can enter the building through the back door Using competences of citizens To overcome barrieres Traffic lights for blind people Sometimes … you never know… Tourism for all The structure of guests will change within the next 20 years Coordination of the process Dr. Stefan Doose Kreis Ostholstein Der Landrat Koordinierungsstelle Aktionsplan Inklusion „Ostholstein, erlebbar für alle“ Lübecker Straße 41 23701 Eutin Tel.: 0176 43029495 (AB) Fax: 04521 788-96553 E-Mail: Internet: Inklusionskommission 3.12.14 32
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