AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter


AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
A I MH I F A M I L Y & F R I E N D S
AiMHi Family & Friends Newsletter
AiMHi, 950 Kerry Street, Prince George, BC V2M 5A3
Phone number 250-564-6408 ext 239
BC Government launches community consultations on
The BC government has launched a province wide consultation on
disability in British Columbia, including online dialogues and face-to-face
meetings. B.C. is marking the International Day of Persons with
Disabilities with the launch of a province wide consultation on issues
facing people with disabilities in British Columbia.
"This is something that affects almost every British Columbian at some
point in their lives," said Social Development and Social Innovation
Minister Don McRae. "We all have a stake and a role to play-family,
friends, communities, employers, non-profits and governments. This
consultation gives us the opportunity to work together toward becoming
the most progressive place for people with disabilities to live in Canada."
The consultation, which will be held online and face-to-face in
communities throughout the province, is led by a leadership team
representing the disability and business communities working alongside
Feedback from the consultation will inform the development of a white
paper, a document that will reflect public feedback and ideas. The paper
will be shared at a provincial summit in June 2014 that will bring together
a diverse group of leaders to develop strategies and actions for
addressing the issues facing people with disabilities in British Columbia.
The provincial Government has created a website for people in BC to be
part of the public consultation process, as well as organizing a series of
public consultation events. The website is located
"Whether living independently, landing that dream job, mastering life
skills or competing in the Paralympics, people with disabilities are living
independent, full lives – but there is more that can be done to reduce
barriers and increase accessibility. Whether you’re someone living with a
disability, or a friend, family member, neighbour, employer or co-worker,
you’re invited to share your thoughts about how government, businesses
and communities can better support people with disabilities to fully
participate in our communities.
continued page 2
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January 2014
Volume 2014, Issue 1
White Paper continued..…….….……….…………….2
Inclusion BCs Conference 2014
Inclusion BC Conference continued.……………..3
Mini-Miracles Clothing…………………….…………….5
AiMHi - Like us..Facebook, Twitter
AiMHi's Common Goods.…..……………………….….6
50/50 Draw information
Home sharing, Is it for You?….……………………….7
MCFD – New role for BC’s Representative for
Children & Youth
CNC Open House..…………………………..……………..8
Self Advocate Groups in BC Websites
Websites continued………………………….……………9
Abilitas Foundation - Cold Water Ranch Lodge
AiMHi news………………………………………….........10
Mardi Gras Snow Daze Festival…………………...11
AiMHi Planned Giving
Donation Coupon………….………………….………….12
Dates to watch for:
Jan 21 & 22 White Paper
Jan 31 - CNC Open House
Jan 31 - Snow Daze Festival
June 11-14, 2014 Inclusion BC
June 16, 2014 - 50/50 Draw
With the rising cost of postage
we are encouraging receiving
your copy of the Newsletter by
email. To do so, please contact
Wendy Goyer at 250-564-6408
ext 239 or email
AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
There are many different ways you can participate in the conversations .Your comments and ideas will
inform the development of a White Paper – a document that will reflect the voice of British Columbians.
This White Paper will form the foundation of a Summit to be held in June 2014 on the issues facing
people with disabilities in British Columbia. Community Consultations in Prince George will be on:
Tue Jan 21 - 7-9:30 PM (register) and Wed Jan 22 - 9:30-Noon (register)
*The consultation will close at 4 pm on March 11, 2014
For more information or to listen to the video go to:
Inclusion BC will host its 2014 conference, “Tides of Change: Justice, Diversity and Inclusion for All”
in Nanaimo, BC, on June 11-14, 2014.
Submit your workshops online!
Hundreds will register for this year’s conference, the premier conference in BC on developmental disability
and inclusion for all. The Inclusion BC Conference will feature a pre-conference day coordinated by the
Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship at UBC; dozens of informative and interesting workshops for self
advocates, families, service providers, advocates, and the community; keynote speakers and plenary; and
much more.
Keynote speakers at the Conference will include Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director, First Nations Child
and Family Caring Society of Canada, and John Radford, internationally renowned associate professor,
facilitator and strategist with a background in diplomacy and South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation process.
Our co-hosts of the conference are the Nanaimo Association for Community Living and Clay Tree Society.
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
Workshops will include the following themes and topics:
Self Advocacy, workshops and presentations by and/or for self advocates, including wellness, sexuality,
employment and self employment, art and self advocate initiatives
Youth, including programming by and for youth, including youth 9-14 and 14 and up, around art,
transitions, youth justice and children's rights
Employment and Transitions, including best practices, transitions, customized employment, social
enterprise, unemployment and finding work
Families and Children, including inclusive education, inclusive child care, family support, transitions,
family leadership and children and youth
Values and Ethics, including medical ethics, assisted suicide and euthanasia, genetic testing, and
human rights
Organizational Development, including senior staff development, leadership and succession, resource
development and board development
Inclusion and Advocacy, including network-building, friendships and relationships, advocacy,
movement building, working with media, social justice, housing innovations, and addressing poverty
First Nations and Aboriginal communities, including common legacies of institutionalization and
community concerns
We encourage the submission of workshop proposals that address diverse communities, multicultural
communities and Aboriginal and First Nations communities. We strongly encourage innovative, leading-edge
proposal and topics. We ask for proposals to be submitted before January 30, 2014. Workshops should be
submitted online at:
If you have any questions regarding workshops or workshop submissions, please contact Charlotte
Kates,, 604-777-9100 x. 527.
Call for Artwork: 2014 Inclusion BC Conference
The 2014 Inclusion BC Conference Planning Committee is seeking submissions of visual artwork and photography from
self advocate artists and artists with developmental disabilities. The theme of this year's conference is "Tides of Change:
Justice, Diversity and Inclusion for All". Together, united, we build inclusive, diverse communities and a vision of social
The artwork will be used on the cover of the 2014 Conference Program and on other promotional materials. The art must
be created by a self advocate or a person with a developmental disability who is willing to give us permission to use the
image of their artwork in these materials.
To submit a piece of art, send an email that includes the artist's name and contact information and a scanned image or
photo of the art to by January 30, 2014. You could also mail a photo with the artist's name and
contact information to Charlotte Kates c/o Inclusion BC, 227 6th Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3A5.
We will contact all artists who submitted images by February 16 to let them know what image the committee decides to
use. The artist whose work is chosen will receive a free conference registration or an equal cash honorarium for the use
of the image.
Please contact C. Lynne Kates at 604-777-9100 ext. 527 or, if you have more questions.
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
Sponsored in
partnership by:
What are Sibshops?
Sibshops are workshops designed for siblings that have brothers or sisters with special needs. Sibshops provide pedalto-the-metal celebrations of the many contributions made by siblings. Sibshops are a spirited mix of new games, new
friends, and discussion activities designed to honour and increase the self-esteem that siblings often need.
Did you grow up with a sibling who has special
needs? If you have and are over the age of 18, we
are looking for your expertise to participate in a
panel to discuss the good parts, the not-so-good
parts and the everything in-between parts of
growing up with a sibling who has special needs.
March 7th 2014 - 9:00am to 3:30pm
Understanding Brothers and Sisters
of People with Special Needs Unique Concerns,
Unique Opportunities
The core and heart of this workshop is
understanding, appreciating and supporting the
needs of siblings that have brothers and sisters with
special needs. Participants will learn the concerns
siblings face growing up with a brother or sister
with special needs and the struggles, triumphs and
opportunities typical siblings face. Hear what
siblings have to say about what it is like growing up
with families that have a child with special needs
and how parents, teachers and service providers
can be an important support for these siblings.
In this fun FREE workshop you will have the chance
to play games, teach the adults about what it’s like
having a sibling with special needs and interact with
other kids who may have the same experiences as
you! Lunch and refreshments provided.
March 8th 2014 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Demonstration Workshop
*This additional workshop is required for those that
want to become a facilitator.
Participants will learn how to start their own
Sibshop and learn how Sibshops are conducted by
participating in a live demonstration. This workshop
provides the materials to start, plan and conduct the
activities for future Sibshops. Come dressed in
casual clothes and comfortable shoes/sneakers for
action packed activities lead by Don Meyer.
Following the Sibshop demonstration, trainees will
receive a debriefing and finalize plans for starting
their own Sibshops. Workshops to be held at PG
Family Resource Centre Gym - 1200 LaSalle
Avenue, PG.
For more information Please call Jenn 250.565.2596
or email
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
Canada's premier source of special needs clothing for children,
suitable for:
Limited range of motion & impaired dexterity
G-Tube feeding
Cerebral Palsy
Muscular Dystrophy
Developmental disabilities
Toilet/changing needs
Catheters & Colostomy bags
IV tubes
Mini-Miracle produces quality clothing made from the highest
quality Peruvian Cotton with these unique adaptions:
Flat seem - reduced friction
Discrete adaptations so clothing looks normal
Easy access - snaps, Velcro, stretchy fabrics
Roomy seat to accommodate diapers (all ages)
Longer rise in the back to accommodate sitting in
Elastic waist for ease of dressing and increased comfort
Meetings Health Canada regulations for safety and
Tel/Fax 250-478-6331
3967 Stan Wright Lane
Victoria BC V8P 0A1
AiMHi now has a Facebook page – but we need some help getting our page out in the
Facebook world. You can help by finding AiMHi and LIKE us on Facebook!
This will help share AiMHi with others. Thank you for your support!
Remember to ‘Like’ us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!
If you haven’t already seen the AiMHi videos on TV,
go onto our website and follow the links.
Be sure to check out our latest videos, as seen on PGTV
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
AiMHi is making it easy for you to
With one phone call we will pick up your
donations from your home! All you have
to do is place your donations out on your
Your donations benefit others on so many
levels. Not only do your donations translate
into funds for much needed services, but it
provides employment opportunities for
people who have special needs!
Our message is simple – donating means recycling reusable items and helping AiMHi at the same time. It really is a win win situation.
On behalf of AiMHi I wish to express a sincere thank you to the Value Village team and to
our ‘Bin Supporters’ for embracing this partnership. Together we are making a difference
in the lives of others.
Donations are accepted at these seven locations:
 Vanway Transfer Station
 Hart Hwy Landfill
 Canadian Tire
 Our Saviours Lutheran Church
 First Baptist Church
 AiMHi 950 Kerry Street
Value Village pays AiMHi every time you donate.
50/50 Draw
Win up to $10,000.00
Raffle Tickets are $20.00 each
On Sale Now!! All proceeds go to AiMHi
For ticket
AiMHi or
watch for
booths in
BC Gaming Event License #56160 / Problem Gambling Help Line: / 1-888-795-6111 / Know
your limit, play within it. / Chances are up to 1 in 1000 to win the grand prize / Must be 19 years of age or older to purchase
Draw date: Monday, June 16, 2014 at approximately 11:30 am at AiMHi, 950 Kerry Street,
Prince George, BC V2M 5A3
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
Home Sharing
AiMHi - One Community - One Vision
Others by
Sharing a
Interested in a
rewarding and
flexible lifestyle?
Home Sharing is an
amazing way to help
others and give back
to the community.
Home Sharing
contractors offer
people with a
disability a supportive
living experience.
Home Sharing can work for you at any stage of your life. It doesn’t matter if you are a
couple, family unit or a single person. You may work outside the home, or may not, and
you could be retired. Contractors receive a fee for service including a contribution to the
monthly expenses of the home.
For further information regarding this opportunity including requirements as a contractor
with AiMHi, please contact Home Share Coordinator 250-564-6408 ext 251 or email
A New Role for B.C.’s Representative for Children and Youth
The BC Representative for Children and Youth has expanded their mandate to address youth with developmental
disabilities up to age 24. The Representative's office is distributing the following message to people who may be
affected by this expansion. Please see below:
Until now, my Office has advocated for children and youth up to the age of 18.
As of Sept. 30, 2013, my Office will also advocate for young people ages 19-24 who:
 are eligible to receive services from Community Living BC (CLBC) and
 who received an MCFD-related service within 15 months before they turned 19
For these young adults and their families, our staff will provide information or advice, or advocate on their behalf
about government services or programs. Anyone can contact my Office to find out if we may be able to help.
This new role will allow my Office to help youth during their transition to the adult service system, which is often a
difficult change. For more information or to contact an advocate, please visit or call the Rep Line at
Sincerely, Mary Ellen-Turpel Lafond, B.C.’s Representative for Children and Youth
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
Open House and Information Session
January 31, 2014
People with learning disabilities, development disabilities or barriers to employment are invited to the
CNC for an Open House
We will be show casing three programs
Adventure Seekers
This program is designed for
This program introduces
This program prepares
young adults aged 18 -30 who
students with developmental
people with learning
have severe to moderate
disabilities to the basic skills
difficulties for entry-level
developmental disabilities who
required for the world of
positions in competitive
want to continue learning after
work. The program
employment. The program
high school. It is expected
combines classroom
alternates classroom theory
that students will require a
instruction with supported
and job training placements
support worker.
entry level work placements.
based upon the student's
personal job plan.
Drop in to CNC between 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm on January 31st and explore these programs.
Families are encouraged to attend
For more information contact:
Rachelle Munchinsky, Coordinator for Adventure Seekers
250-562-2131 ext 5319
Rosemary Brbot, Instructor for TARGET and JET
There are many local self advocacy groups across B.C., but there are also a few big groups that represent self advocates
all over the province. You can visit their websites below for more information.
BC Self Advocacy Foundation - sole purpose is to assist people with developmental disabilities to become full,
participating citizens in their own communities. Visit their new website here.
BC People First - is an independent group of people who have been labeled and have been a provincial voice for rights
since 1981. President - Lorie Sherritt, Advisor - Meaghan Feduck. (Email
Self Advocate Net ( – website written and created by self advocates, for self advocates. Has
information about things like employment, advocacy as well as fun stuff like recipes and horoscopes.
BC Coalition of People with Disabilities (BCCPD) ( - raises awareness about issues that affect
people with physical and intellectual disabilities in B.C. Website contains things like community alerts, events, and
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
People First of Canada ( - supports people who have been labeled to speak for themselves,
to help each other, and are heard. It is directed and controlled by people who have been labeled. The website keeps track
of things that are happening across Canada and the world.
Inclusion BC has advocates on staff that help people with developmental disabilities get the support they need. We also
may connect you with a different group that can help you. Visit our Advocacy Support page for more information:
The Inclusion BC Event Calendar has many events for self advocates in communities across B.C. Many of these events
have special rates for self advocates. Inclusion BC also provides scholarships for self advocates to attend events.
 Click here to learn more about scholarships.
Something of interest….
Abilitas Foundation's Cold Water Ranch Lodge
The Cold Water Ranch Lodge was built with the understanding of respite as a short period of rest for the entire family.
Time for a child or adult with a disability and their loved ones to get away from it all for a few days. In the design of the
lodge, Abilitas has made every effort to make the lodge as accessible as possible for a variety of disabilities. (room for
specialized wheelchairs with a turning radius as large as 6′, overhead lifts, lowered counters, shallow sinks and many
other accessible features. It operates much like a hostel, a caretaker lives at the Cold Water Ranch, but there is no on-site
hospitality staff at the lodge. Guests are asked to bring their own bedding, towels, and toiletries; bring and prepare their
own meals; and clean up after themselves. This way we can offer the lodge at $0 per night for respite guests.
The Cold Water Ranch Lodge was built to offer
free and accessible respite accommodation to kids
and adults living with a disability, together with
their loved ones. Eligible individuals can book a
bedroom pod in the lodge at no charge and bring
their loved ones for a stay at the beautiful Cold
Water Ranch in Merritt, BC. The only cost of an
eligible stay is a one-time cleaning fee of $50.
Any booking eligibility forms or request to
book the lodge should be sent via email to For information call 604-854-1720. Bookings are not taken over the phone.
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In October ... Community Living Month with AiMHi hosting an Open House. Kerry's Kitchen
'Paying it Forward', delivering hot home made cinnamon buns to community members.
In December... was the
Festival of Trees..
Voting training sessions were held to help voters
understand how to have their voices heard...
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
Prince George's Mardi Gras of Winter Society Proudly Presents
Mardi Gras Snow Daze Winter Festival
Come out and cheer
on the contestant
could win AiMHi funds
that night – your pledges make a difference to local charities!
Call Julie O’Reilly for more information: 250-617-2284
Tickets - $50.00 each
Doors will open at 6:00 pm - Show Time at 7:30 pm
Tickets are available at the Snow Daze Office - 1529 - 8th Avenue
of AiMHi is You!
Since 1957 AiMHi has strived to offer the best supports and services to infants, children, youth and adults who have
special needs, and their families. This has been successfully accomplished, in part, due to the ongoing support of our
donors, sponsors, and the partnerships we have with individual citizens, organizations, and businesses in our community.
This support has come in the form of donations and planned giving which directly results in making a positive difference
in the lives of others. Together we invest in people; addressing their needs because we care.
How You Can Help
 Join the Sustaining Supporter Program
 Make a one-time donation
 Donate Securities
 Or make a planned gift of:
o Bequests in a will
RRSP’s and RRIF’s
o Life Insurance
o Real Estate
Visit our Website
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AiMHi Family and Friends Newsletter
□ Family Services
Funds will be used to increase access to quality services for families, who are raising a child with special needs, i.e.: Respite
Services, Family Networking Group Seminars, Wills and Estate Planning, Infant Development Program,
Children’s Life Skills, Family Support, Family Advocacy, Developing Personal Family Networks, Hospitality Industry
□ Community Access Services
Funds will be used to enhance Community Engagement, i.e.: Raising Awareness in the Community, Developing Community
Partnerships, Developing Community Personal Support Networks, Skill Building Library, AiMHi Internet Bistro, AiMHi
Community Garden, Community Access supports for people, ongoing and increased access to AiMHi’s building for other NonProfit Associations.
□ “Real Work for Real Pay” Services
Funds will be used to purchase equipment and supplies for training and to create new and enhance existing employment
opportunities for people, i.e.: Infinite Employment Solutions equipment, Kerry Kitchen, Supported AiMHi Business
(Document Shredding and Digitizing of Information), Employment Transition for Young Adults, and Training Resources.
□ Health and Wellness
Funds will be used to improve the quality of care for people who have disabilities and special needs, i.e.: Affordable and Safe
Housing, Medical Equipment, Advocacy, Prince George Self-Advocates Caucus, Self-Advocate Peer Advisor, Adventure
Odyssey / Emergency Funds Club, Summer Camps for Children, Youth and Adults, Bully Prevention and Training Resources.
□ Facility Needs (950 Kerry Street Building and Homes)
Funds will be used to address facility needs such as building enhancements, repairs, renovations to meet specific needs of
people served (mobility access), expansion and equipment needs for various departments, i.e.: Maintenance Shop, Parking
Lot, Snoezelen Room, Bike Warehouse, and the Purchase, Repairs and Renovations associated with Homes operated by
□ I give my donation without restrictions to use as best needed.
Yes! I want to support AiMHi, please accept my gift.
□$100 □$75 □$50
□$25 □ $ Other_____
Donations can be made by one
of the following methods:
□ Cheque made payable to
Postal Code: _______________________________
AiMHi □ Visa □ MasterCard
□ Donate on line:
Credit Card #
Expiry Date
Cardholder Signature:
□ Mailing List
□ Do not list my name – I
wish to remain anonymous
Is this a one-time gift? □Yes □No, I would like to make a monthly donation in the
amount of $___________commencing on the □ 1st or □ 16th of each month.
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If you wish to donate Securities call AiMHi