Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Accessibility


Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Accessibility
Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and
1st Asia-Pacific
CBR Congress, Bangkok
Feb 19, 2009
Session B2: 15.30-17.00
C. Mahesh
CBR Forum
CBR and Accessibility
• This presentation is based on the work of
CBR Forum and our partner NGOs
• However, this presentation may not cover
all aspects of access
Highlight of this presentation
• This presentation focuses on Article 9 –
Accessibility of CRPD - Living
Independently and Being Included in
the Community
• Highlights some of the barriers faced by
persons with disabilities in rural areas
• Practices/ strategies adopted by CBR
programmes in catalyzing change
CBR Forum, Bangalore, India
• Established in 1996 (12 Years ago),
engaged in promoting CBR in remote/
rural/ least served areas
• Our purpose is to work with
– all Persons with Disabilities, their families,
communities, organizations and institutions
– on empowerment and inclusion of Persons
with Disabilities
– by facilitating disabled people’s
– to address the gaps that exist at various
• Currently we are working in partnership
with over 80 Partner NGOs in 17 states,
reaching out to approximately 40,000
Persons with Disabilities
The major Barriers to Access are
• Attitudinal Barriers - Family/ Community
• Physical Barriers – in the internal and external
• Availability of Information/ Communication in
accessible formats
• Institutional Barriers – E.g. Rules/ Practices of
educational/ financial institutions, barriers in
accessing social security schemes such as
Employment Guarantee/ Poverty alleviation
Among persons with disabilities,
the rules are not the same
Gender, age and the type of impairment are
factors that directly influence level of access
Accessible Environment means Creating and maintaining environments
in which people can participate
• In a dignified way
• With maximum independence and
• In an environment that is Safe and
Following are
Some Experiences from the community
Access within/ outside the house is limited
for a majority of persons with disabilities
There are instances where houses have been
adapted to promote greater independence
There are instances where houses have been
adapted to promote greater independence
Non-Availability of Appropriate Rehabilitation Services
further restricts/ limits access and affects self esteem
Shared/ Public Transport most often is not
available for persons with disabilities
Despite much advancements, the humble Tricycle/
bamboo stick is the only available resource that
fuels independent living for the poor in rural areas
Systems at Block Development Office where
persons with disabilities have to go for their social
security benefits are often insensitive
Lack of Access Leading to Dependency
For greater accountability payments of social security
schemes are routed through the Banks, however a
majority of the banks are inaccessible.
Eg. In Lohardaga, Jharkhand, the only bank in the
entire district is in the first floor
Education for All Campaign – has resulted in
greater access for children with disabilities
to Primary Education
Due to limited access to secondary/ higher
education/ vocational skills persons with
disabilities have limited or no sustainable livelihood
In some Cities/ Towns, innovations in private
transport such as the Modified Scooters/ Bikes
have greatly enhanced mobility and changed lives
Access in Hilly terrain is a major challenge
CBR Programme in Aizawl, Mizoram
Solutions that have worked
and being tried in CBR
Organising persons with disabilities at
various level and developing critical thinking
Making use of the Laws/ Policies/ Guidelines
1. CPWD “Guidelines and Space Standards for Barrier-Free
Built Environment” in1998
2. Persons with Disabilities Act 1996
• Chapter VIII, (sections 44 to 46) - Non-discrimination transport/ environment - within economic capacity
3. National Building Code (NBC 2005)
• Bureau of Indian Standards - for all construction
• Annex D – Clause 12.21 – Special Requirements for
Planning of Public Buildings Meant for use of
Physically Challenged
4. 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12)
• 3% Annual Outlay of all Dept./ Ministries for PWDs
• Setting up - ‘National Institute of Universal Design’
• Amending building bye-laws across the country
5. India – Signing and Ratifying UNCRPD
Enabling/ Ensuring Persons with Disabilities
speak up for their Rights – through
Block Level Advocacy Programmes
Dialoging with Govt. Officials
by the DPOs
Getting the support from the media
When local DPOs have demanded,
barriers to access have been removed
Some examples:
• Enrolment of children with disabilities in Govt. school and
provision of appropriate support in the school
• Home based education
• Change of class room to ground floor
• Employment for persons with disabilities under National
Rural Employment Guarantee Programme
• Demanding and Ensuring barrier free access in primary
schools, Block Development/ Dist. Collector’s Office,
Health Centres
• District authorities scheduling one day in a month to
address grievances of persons with disabilities
To conclude:
In a CBR Programme, a lot can be achieved
• We believe in the abilities of poor persons with
• Persons with disabilities from the local community are
in the forefront of all advocacy and lobbying actions
• By building a vibrant disabled people’s organisation at
various levels starting from the village
• By being optimistic
• By collective actions
• By framing the demand and taking up actions within
the legal framework
Thank you
For further details or information
please contact:
C. Mahesh
Advocacy Coordinator
CBR Forum
14, C.K Garden, Wheelers Road Extn.,
St. Thomas Town Post, Bangalore – 560 084
Tel: +91-80- 2549 7387

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