The Chicago Junior Luvabulls Are Seeking New Members!
The Chicago Junior Luvabulls Are Seeking New Members!
Chicago Bulls Jr. Cheerleaders The Chicago Junior Luvabulls Are Seeking New Members! Come join us & perform at Chicago Bulls home games on the court at the United Center and perform all throughout the Chicagoland area. All girls ages 7 - 17 are invited to join our team. The Chicago Junior Luvabulls program goals include: • Building Self-Confidence • Building Self-Esteem • Developing Teamwork Skills No auditions or tryouts! Space is limited! Register to reserve your space for the 2012-13 season (season runs from October 2012 - April 2013). The registration form can be downloaded by going to; please complete and e-mail to The completed form can also be mailed to: C.C. Company of Illinois, Inc., P.O. Box 4712, Wheaton, IL 60189-4712. Confirmation will be provided via e-mail. Registration fee of $155 (please note change) includes registration costs, training camp, pom pons and a Junior Luvabulls t-shirt. Please note that tickets are NOT included in this REGISTRATION FEE. A separate order form to order game tickets will be available at the parent orientation meeting on Sept. 29, 2012 at UIC Flames Athletic Building, 839 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, IL 60608. Monthly tuition is $65. The Jr. Luvabulls uniform cost is at least $130 plus tax (please note change). Training Camp is on Sept. 29 at UIC Flames Athletic Building, 839 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, IL 60608. PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ACCOMPANY THEIR CHILD TO REGISTRATION AND ATTEND PARENT ORIENTATION. Something new for returning Junior Luvabulls only: returning Juniors must purchase a new top only, for a fee of $70.00. The full registration fee is due before parent orientation on Sept. 29. There are NO refunds or tuition breaks if you cannot attend the clinic on Sept. 29. (Possible facility sites: Chicago-UIC College Prep, 1231 S. Damen; Naperville-River Run Club, 4204 Clearwater Lane). For more information, visit or Call C.C. Company of Illinois, Inc. or call (630) 668-8115 Participant Name: Address: Date of Birth: City: State: Age: ZIP: Contact Person: Facility Preference : (choose one from selection above) Home Phone: Choose Only One: Adult T-Shirt Size: Payment Method: Credit Card: Work Phone: S M Visa L XL Youth T-Shirt Size: MasterCard E-mail Address: S M L (New or Returning) American Express (No Debit Cards Accepted) [$155.00] (No personal checks please; cashier’s checks or money orders only.) Credit Card Number: Exp. Date: V-Code: (Required-last 3 digits on signature strip on back of card) Agreement of Compliance Medical Treatment, Liability Release, and Appearance Agreement Advisor/Coach/Director: An Agreement of Compliance must be completed by each participant and signed by a parent or guardian in order for the individual to participate at a Junior Luvabull event. Please photocopy and retain for your records. Participant’s Name____________________________________________ Grade___________ Age_____________ Date of Birth________________ Social Security Number_____________________ Event Attending_____________________________________________ Event Dates________________________ Organization Affiliation_________________________________________________________________________ Medical History of Participant - Please provide details for all that apply. Allergies_______________________________ High Blood Pressure_____________________________________ Asthma________________________________ Recurring sore throat/ear infection_________________________ Convulsions____________________________ Medications currently taking______________________________ Diabetes________________________________ Pre-existing injury currently being treated____________________ Migraine headaches________________________Medical conditions currently under treatment________________ Heart trouble_____________________________ Abnormal/irregular menstrual cycle________________________ Contact lenses____________________________ Epilepsy/fainting spells__________________________________ Mental disorders__________________________ Other________________________________________________ Daily medication and schedule____________________________________________________________________ I, _______________________(parent or guardian) understand that ________________________ (participant) must be in compliance with C.C. Company of Illinois, Inc. regulations to perform/participate in the above mentioned event. I also understand that any violation of this agreement may result in the removal/disqualification of the team(s) or individuals involved. Regulations Parent/Guardian/Advisor/Coach/Director: The following release must be signed by each participant’s parent or guardian. A. I understand that by taking part in the above mentioned C.C. Company of Illinois, Inc. event, there is the possibility of injury or sickness to my daughter/son. I do hereby grant permission to hospital staff members to administer immediate treatment to my child should he/she be injured. B. I understand and agreed that by signing this waiver and acknowledgment, I am releasing and discharging C.C. Company of Illinois, Inc., the owners of the United Center, Chicago Professional Sports Limited Partnership (the “Bulls”), Chicago Bulls Limited Partnership, CBLS Corp., and all of their respective officers, agents, directors, employees, partners, shareholders, and representatives, and any and all of their respective subsidiaries or affiliates, the event facility, other individuals involved in the event and the official hotels from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that hereinafter may accrue against them and that in any way may arise as a result of my daughter’s/son’s participation in the above mentioned event, regardless of whether such claims, demands, or causes of action are based on fault or negligence or not. C. I give C.C. Company of Illinois, Inc. the right and permission to film, photograph, or video tape my daughter/son for any reproductions associated or in any way connected with said televised or filmed event; in particular, reproduction for use in any form of advertisement for C.C. Company of Illinois, Inc. promotional purposes. Insurance Carrier__________________________Policy Number_______________Phone Number_____________ Parent’s Name__________________________ Address________________________________________________ City___________________________________ State_______________________ Zip_______________________ Home Telephone_________________________ Work Telephone________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________ Date_____________________________
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