Now! - Alaska Cabaret, Hotel, Restaurant and Retailers
Now! - Alaska Cabaret, Hotel, Restaurant and Retailers
ALASKA CHARR 2015 ANNUAL REPORT ALASKA CA B A R E T, H O T E L , RE STAUR ANT & R ETA I L E R S A S S O C IATIO N SERVING THE INDUSTRY SINCE 1964 AK CHARR WHO WE ARE Since 1964 the Alaska Cabaret, Hotel, Restaurant & Retailer’s Association (Alaska CHARR) has represented and defended bars, restaurants, hotels and package stores. Our core mission is to keep government off your back and help you succeed. Alaska CHARR fights for your rights as a business owner in the hospitality industry, through lobbying on the local, state and national levels. We also have many initiatives that help you with your operation. WE HAVE PROGRAMS TO: • • • • Protect Members Improve your Profitability Provide Member Services Promote our Industry Future With Alaska CHARR Affiliates established in Fairbanks, Kodiak, Ketchikan, Juneau/Lynn Canal, Sitka and the Kenai Peninsula, we strive to provide the Alaska hospitality industry with the most comprehensive representation. LEADERS LEADERSHIP MESSAGE Chairman of the Board Darwin A. Biwer, Jr., Darwin’s Theory, Anchorage ANOTHER BUSY YEAR! This has been a very busy year for Alaska CHARR. A review of Title 4 (all the liquor laws for the State of Alaska) has been ongoing for nearly three years. This past year has been reviewing Senate Bill 99, which is the bill that will revise the existing laws in the next Legislative session. On top of that, The Initiative to legalize Marijuana was passed by the voters. The initiative (17.38) became law on February 24th of this year. Regulations defining the law have been promulgated and made public in three sets of regulations. Each set has been reviewed by a subcommittee of CHARR’s Government Affairs Committee. CHARR’s comments on the proposed regulations have been forwarded to the new Marijuana Control Board. The process of refining the proposed regulations will continue until they are finalized in late November. CHARR wants to ensure that nothing in the Marijuana regulations negatively affect the alcohol industry. Alaska CHARR is constantly working hard to represent the interest of our members in all aspects of government controls real or imagined. Members should be proud of the hard work Alaska CHARR does for all of Alaska. So, if you are not a member, consider the listed benefits but remember, there are the unwritten, unseen benefits that are being accomplished by CHARR every day. Alaska CHARR President & CEO Dale Fox, CAE Alaska CHARR staff works hard every day to serve and protect our members. The staff is busy teaching classes, writing the Alaska CHARR Magazine, organizing fundraisers, planning conventions, closely monitoring the legislative process, and taking care of the day to day operations of this organization. But our most important task is working with you, our members, to defend the industry. We need to hear from you, and value the time and input that you share with us because your voice is important to the success of Alaska CHARR. Our job is to make sure you are informed and fired up at the right time to do the most good. When we have a unified message and present our opinions effectively to decisionmakers we usually win. A L A S KA CH A RR 2 0 1 5 AN N UAL RE PORT | 3 LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES & SUCCESSES EVERY YEAR THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY FACES MORE SCRUTINY, MORE REGULATION, MORE TO FIGHT…WE’VE GOT A LOT OF ISSUES RECENT ALASKA CHARR POLITICAL VICTORIES FOR THE INDUSTRY • Moved the ABC to Commerce from Public Safety • Beat the Seward Alcohol Tax with 68% voting our way • Stopped the proposed Pesticide bill that would have hurt restaurants • Repealed the Federal Special Occupational Tax, saving every licensee $250 annually • Supported and won appropriations to improve detox and rehab • Defeated the proposed Mat Su Borough Alcohol Tax • Fought increased penalties for licensees and staff • Help elect a business friendly legislature • Prepared to raise the money to fight an Anchorage Alcohol tax • Won legal battle to tip back of the house employees with tip pooling • Stopped proposed Anchorage alcohol tax • Defeated proposed alcohol tax in Nome New Marijuana Statutes and Regulations: Alaska CHARR has been very involved in the rule making process for Marijuana. CHARR testified on many bills impacting marijuana and worked with the Coalition for Responsible Cannabis Legislation. CHARR Marijuana committee also developed detailed helpful, recommendations for the regulatory process that the Marijuana Control board is considering now. Bruce Schulte, Chair, Marijuana Control Board, CRCL Board Member Wholesalers Association LEGISLATIVE ALASKA CHARR PROVIDES A UNITED VOICE TO EFFECTIVELY REPRESENT OUR INDUSTRY IN FRONT OF THE ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE When our industry has been faced with new and unreasonable alcohol taxes, CHARR has been at the forefront of the fight. Don Grasse, K&L Distributors and Alaska Wine & Spirits Wholesalers Association We are proud that Alaska CHARR’s political clout has been recognized by some of Alaska’s leading media outlets: CHARR has a lot of political power in Alaska…CHARR hires Kim Hutchinson, one of the most experienced lobbyists in Juneau, to represent its interests. Dermot Cole, Fairbanks Daily News Miner 7/22/12 The industry, through the Alaska Cabaret, Hotel, Restaurant & Kim Hutchinson, CHARR Lobbyist Retailers Association employs a top Juneau lobbyist to fight efforts to tighten alcohol laws. Kyle Hopkins, Anchorage Daily News 8/13/13 By fundraising through our annual CHARR PAC Raffle, we were able to contribute $26,000 to 48 industry-friendly candidates in 2014, and are prepared to participate in the 2016 races. Alaska CHARR’s Political Action Committee supports pro-industry candidates – and it really helps when we go to Juneau to have industry-friendly legislators. Jeanne Reilly, Reilly’s Irish Pub, Anchorage Working for you! AALLAASSKA KA CH CHAARR RR 22001154 AN N UAL RE PORT | 5 PROGRAMS CHARR PROGRAMS TO HELP YOU ALASKA CHARR WORKERS COMP PROGRAM Managed by Republic Indemnity As a small business owner I am always looking for ways to cut expenses. If I can get good rates on my workers comp insurance up front AND money back just for a being a CHARR member, then of course I’m going to do that! Christy Tengs-Fowler, Pioneer Bar & Bamboo Room Restaurant, Haines, AK ALASKA CHARR LEGAL DEFENSE FUND Thanks to the Alaska CHARR Legal Defense Fund, one of my employees who had made an honest mistake is being represented in court. Someone shouldn’t be made into a criminal simply because they can’t afford proper legal representation. I’m glad we have an association that believes in, and stands up for, its employees. Gary Superman, Hunger Hut, Nikiski LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HEARTLAND PAYMENT SYSTEMS Heartland is committed to full-transparency in credit card processing fees. We will show you how we do right by CHARR members and earn your business when we sit down with you and show you exactly where we can save you money. Dennis Sayer, Heartland Payment Systems TOOLS CHARR TOOLS TO HELP YOU SUCCEED Alaska CHARR wants to help you succeed with born on calendars and stickers, ID flip cards and other tools to keep your staff on top of their game. I think it’s great that TAP is a local program. I get my card at the end of class, and if I lose it, I can come to the office and get a new one right away! V Butler, Bartender, Pioneer Bar, Anchorage Alaska CHARR’s Training for Alcohol Professionals is the new standard in Alaska for Alcohol Server Training. This program was designed by Alaskans for Alaska’s hospitality industry. We now have over 40 instructors in 23 communities around the state. I appreciate that Alaska CHARR goes beyond just providing training like TAP and ServSafe. They also keep us updated with born on materials, keep us updated on changing laws with magazine articles and Facebook alerts and try to help us succeed as responsible industry members. LIC A PUB ALASKA OF THE CABARE TEL T, HO , RESTAU ASSOC AILERS & RET RANT RR OL ALCOIH NDEX PRICE ATION SK ALA A A CH Ron & Heidi Tidler, Barry’s Baranof Lounge, Anchorage IATION 2015/ 16 A PUBLICATION OF THE ALASK A CABARET, HOTEL, RESTA URANT & RETAILERS THE ASSOCIATION ALASKA CHA RR MAGAZIN E Alaska CHARR provides certified food protection manager training using the nationally-accredited ServSafe® Food Safety Program. SAVE THE DATE 2015 CONVENT ION LIBATION CELEBRATION ...PROHIBITION V.2 SEPT. 21 - 24, 2015 • FAIR BANKS, AK REGISTER TOD AY! SEPTEMBER /OCTOBER 2015 | VOL INSIDE THIS 53 | EDITIO N1 ISSUE The Alaska CHARR Magazine, the Annual Alaska CHARR Alcohol Price Index and our website,, are excellent sources of information on issues, activities and training for the state. SELMAN MEMO RIAL SCHO GOLF TOURN LARSHIP WINN EY SPECIAL ERS SPONSORS THANK YOU I refer to the Alcohol Price Index every time I’m preparing my orders; it’s a been a great tool for my business. Paul Thomas, Alaska Cache Liquor, Juneau AALLAASSKA KA CH CHAARR RR 22001154 AN N UAL RE PORT | 7 ALASKA CHARR ANNUAL EVENTS OUR INDUSTRY’S MOST IMPORTANT HOLIDAY! Alaska CHARR believes that the industry should celebrate the repeal of the restriction of American’s right to responsibly consume alcohol on the anniversary of the Repeal of Prohibition – December 5, 1933 – as a way to promote our great industry and remember the lessons of the past. Join us every December 5th in Celebrating “Repeal Day!” Happy Days are BEER Again! ANCHORAGE Darwin’s Theory Pioneer Bar Avenue Reilly’s Irish Pub Polar Bar Buckaroo Eddies Sports Bar Mad Myrna’s Value Liquor Chilkoot Charlie’s Carpentier’s Lounge Crazy Horse Silver Gulch Brewing Blue Fox JJ’s Bare Distillery Millennium Hotel Bernie’s McGinley’s Pub Little Italy Spenard Roadhouse WRANGELL Rayme’s Bar KODIAK Tropic Lanes & Lounge Tony’s Bar NOME Breakers Bar Polaris Bar Board of Trade Saloon CORDOVA Powder House HOONAH Office Bar KETCHIKAN Potlatch Bar Sourdough Bar Asylum Bar Arctic Bar & Liquor Store Best Western Landing 49’er Bar & Liquor My Office Sports Bar KENAI PENINSULA Kharacter’s Salty Dawg Saloon The Pit Bar Alibi Down East Saloon Seward Ale House Que’ana Bar Hunger Hut Wasabi’s Beluga Lake Lodge Linwood Bar High Mark Distillery INTERIOR Mecca Big “I” Ivory Jack’s Boatel Bar Oasis Restaurant & Lounge Red Fox The Pump House Kodiak Jack’s Turtle Club URSA Major Distillery Midnite Mine Silver Gulch HAINES EVENTS JOIN THESE GREAT MEMBERS & HOST YOUR PARTY THIS YEAR! 81st ANNIVERSARY REPEAL DAY PARTICIPANTS Fogcutter Bar & Restaurant Pioneer Bar & Bamboo Room Haines Brewing Port Chilkoot Distillery SITKA Pioneer Bar Baranof Brewing Ernie’s Old Time Saloon Pioneer Bar & Liquor Store JUNEAU/LYNN CANAL Triangle Club Marlintini’s Lounge The Sand Bar Viking Lounge CONTACT ALASKA CHARR FOR COMPLIMENTARY MATERIALS! A L A S KA CH A RR 2 0 1 5 AN N UAL RE PORT | 9 ALASKA CHARR ANNUAL EVENTS CONVENTION The Alaska CHARR Convention is a hit with lots of opportunities to learn from national speakers, and from other operators around the state. We’ve been known to have some fun too! I haven’t missed a single one of CHARR’s 45 conventions! I love seeing my friends from around the state, I learn a lot and I have fun! Value Liquor, Anchorage, Arlene Raney LEGISLATIVE SUMMIT EVENTS The Alaska CHARR Legislative Summit provides an excellent opportunity for Members to meet with their legislators and discuss important hospitality industry issues. The “no-pressure, no-program” Legislative Appreciation Reception is popular with overworked legislators. GOLF TOURNAMENT The Annual Selman Memorial Golf Tournament is one of the major fundraisers for the CHARR Education Fund. Charlie and Dotty Selman take care of the weather; it’s up to you to make the Hole in One! The Selman’s are proud to sponsor and play in the Selman Memorial Golf Tournament. Supporting our industry’s future was important to our father, and we believe in carrying on the tradition. It’s a great cause and fabulous time! Stan Selman, Club Paris, Anchorage FUTURE BUILDING OUR FUTURE WORKFORCE PROSTART Alaska CHARR manages the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation ProStart program, a two-year high school culinary arts and hospitality program that unites the classroom and industry. We are developing our best and brightest talent into tomorrow’s foodservice leaders, right here in our great state. Alaska ProStart is taught in 20 schools all across Alaska to more than 650 students statewide. ProStart has been a great experience for me. I’ve learned skills from my teacher and mentors in my area that helped me win the state competition. The mentoring I’ve received has helped me get to where I am today, in school to become a chef tomorrow. I thank CHARR for supporting the program and my future! McKenna Mitchell, ProStart student at Chugiak High School SCHOLARSHIP FUND Alaska CHARR Educational Fund gives scholarships to students from around the state who are pursuing a future in Alaska’s hospitality industry. Funded by the annual Selman Memorial Golf Tournament and pull-tab sales, the scholarship committee awarded $28,500 to 20 students this year. The recipients are from all across Alaska and studying at schools as varied as UAF, UAA, Harvard, Johnson & Wales, and Colorado College. To date, we’ve been able to award nearly 235 scholarships totaling almost $320,000! Thanks to CHARR and the Selman Scholarship Fund, I’m achieving my dream. Each step I take and the closer I get, the support I receive from CHARR makes me want to nurture my relationship to the organization. Their commitment in me singlehandedly has ensured I will be a college graduate very soon. Jay Griffith, CHARR Scholarship Recipient and student at UAA A L A S KA CH A RR 2 0 1 5 AN N UAL RE PORT | 11 ALASKA CHARR’S FINANCIAL STRENGTH BALANCE SHEET BUDGET As you can see in the balance sheet below, Alaska CHARR has increased its equity substantially over the years, which is a testament to the growth, strength and stability of your Association. Alaska CHARR is unique as a membership organization because of its incredibly diverse sources of revenue. Most organizations of our type are dependent on membership dues as the primary source of revenue. June 30, 2015 Current Assets Checking/Savings Accounts Receivable FY2014 INCOME ASSETS Other Current Assets $427,979.33 Building Income Training Department Income 83,353.17 388,401.34 $76,106.86 Convention48,819.00 $29,991.90 Alaska CHARR Publications Total Current Assets $534,078.09 Gaming & Membership Income Fixed Assets $1,256,164.20 Dividends47,780.93 72,071.51 425,427.43 Special Projects / Donations LIABILITIES & EQUITY Miscellaneous Income Liabilities Administrative Agreements 15,600.00 Total Current Liabilities Previous Fiscal Year Carryover 20,700.00 Accounts Payable TOTAL INCOME FINANCIAL TOTAL ASSETS $1,790,242.29 Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities $16,294.59 $17,947.62 21,575.00 822.63 $1,124,551.01 EXPENSE $34,242.21 Building Expense 149,212.05 Long Term Liabilities $829,001.09 Training Department Expense 168,101.59 Total Liabilities $863,243.30 Convention Expense 49,109.93 $926,998.99 Gaming & Membership Expense 195,813.13 $ 1,790,242.29 Legislative Summit 7,142.74 Board of Directors 11,847.64 Donation Expense Office & Administration Program Administration & Mgmt Professional Fees Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 7,750.00 137,071.46 236,598.17 104,384.59 Travel 21,079.50 Special Projects 27,762.49 Affiliate Dues Rebate TOTAL EXPENSE NET INCOME 50.00 $ 1,115,923.29 $8,627.72 MAJOR BUILDING SPONSORS SITKA CHARR CABARET, HOTEL, RESTAURANT & RETAILERS ASSOCIATION, INC CPA reviewed financial statements available for inspection at the CHARR Office. THANK YOU RAFFLE PARTICIPANTS AND PULLTAB VENDORS! We hold four raffle drawings a year benefitting Alaska CHARR, the Alaska CHARR Educational Fund and The Alaska CHARR Political Action Committee. CHARR logo as vector art (fonts converted to outlines). , Black & white with white background . Three color with white background 1. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all those who support our efforts through sale and purchase of raffle tickets, and selling pulltabs! If you would like to support Alaska CHARR, or local affiliate CHARR activities by selling raffle tickets or through placing a pulltab permit in your location, contact us today! The following wonderful Pulltab vendors support: 2. ALASKA CHARR • • • • • Barry’s Baranof Lounge Crossroads Lounge JJ’s Sports Bar Pancho’s Villa Polar Bar ED FUND • • • • • Crazy Horse Linwood Time Out Lounge Pioneer Bar Eddie’s Sports Bar STAFF & RESOURCES DALE FOX, PRESIDENT & CEO – legislative, governance, affiliate, board of director or association issues KIRSTEN MYLES, VICE PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS – operational questions, general staff issues, accounting or billing questions, scholarship information, event information, gaming questions CLARA MAXWELL, MEMBER RELATIONS DIRECTOR – membership information and member benefit questions, pulltabs, on-site renewals, event information, advertising FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! AKHLA / PROSTART • • • • Reilly’s Blue Fox Asia Garden Value Liquor KIMBERLY DICKENS, TRAINING DIRECTOR – alcohol and food safety questions, on-site or special classes, retail materials HANNAH KNAPP, PROSTART DIRECTOR – ProStart program questions, teacher resources, ProStart event information, food safety questions, scholarship info DELIA MORENO-SOLIS, CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE – general information, TAP renewals & duplicates, TAP instructor materials A L A S KA CH A RR 2 0 1 5 AN N UAL RE PORT | 13 REPRESENT NATIONAL AND LOCAL REPRESENTATION NATIONAL RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION The NRA represents almost 500,000 restaurant industry businesses and stays on the forefront of issues important to our industry. In addition to being one of the top lobbying groups in Washington DC, the NRA also has a fantastic array of products and programs to help restaurateurs succeed. Glenn Brady, Silver Gulch Brewing & Restaurant Fairbanks/Anchorage, National Restaurant Association Board Member AMERICAN BEVERAGE LICENSEES As the nation’s largest trade association that acts on behalf of beer, wine and spirits retailers, ABL does a fantastic job representing our interests at the national level. Jodi Blakley, Mecca Bar, Fairbanks, ABL Board Member YOUR LOCAL CHARR Your local CHARR organization is very important to address local issues. Often when groups can not get laws passed in congress or the state legislature they decide to work on local city councils. Your local CHARR is critical when the issue is at City Hall. Ketchikan CHARR is a well-respected business organization in our SITKA CHARR CABARET, HOTEL, RESTAURANT & RETAILERS ASSOCIATION, INC community; we donate, participate and support a variety of causes and charitable activities. People know who we are, know our Salmon Derby that supports scholarships, our Safe Ride programs, our wine and beer festivals that raise money for students – by being a positive, united force in their communities CHARR Affiliates can call upon their neighbors to rally behind us when we need help against unfair or targeted proposals. Steven Kantor, 49’er Bar, CHARR Board Member & President of Ketchikan CHARR, Ketchikan BOARD ALASKA CHARR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board Darwin A. Biwer, Jr. Darwin’s Theory Anchorage Term 2014 – 2016 Vice-Chairman Paul Thomas Alaska Cache Liquor Juneau Term 2014 – 2016 Treasurer Bob Klein Anchorage Distillery Anchorage Term 2013 - 2015 Secretary Jeanne Reilly Reilly’s Irish Pub Anchorage Term 2014 - 2016 Stan Filler Ernie’s Old Time Saloon Sitka Term 2014 - 2016 Glenn Brady Silver Gulch Brewing Co. Fairbanks Term 2014 - 2016 Gary Superman Hunger Hut Nikiski Term 2014 - 2016 Robert McCormick Glacier Brewhouse Orso Anchorage Term 2013 - 2015 Jodi Blakley The Mecca Bar Fairbanks Term 2014 - 2015 Steven Kantor 49’er Bar & Liquor Ketchikan Term 2013 - 2015 George Gatter, Jr. Tony’s Bar & Liquor The Navigator Kodiak Term 2013 - 2015 John Jackovich Big “I” Fairbanks Term 2014 - 2016 Fred Barber Old’s River Inn & Liquor Kodiak Term 2014 - 2016 Deb Barry Rendezvous Rockwell Juneau Term 2013 - 2015 Jon Blakley Alaskan Brewing Co. Juneau Term 2014 - 2015 Sassan Mossanen Denali Brewing Twister Creek Talkeetna Term 2014 - 2016 George Tipton My Office Ketchikan Term 2014 - 2016 Rondy Matthews Kharacter’s Bar Homer Term 2015 - 2015 A L A S KA CH A RR 2 0 1 5 AN N UAL RE PORT | 15 T H A N K YO U ! The Alaska CHARR Board and Staff would like to thank all the valued Alaska CHARR Affiliates and Members for all you do to make Alaska CHARR a Success! The Top 10 Ways Members Get Involved with Alaska CHARR 1. Joining and staying current in Alaska CHARR 2. Being active in your local CHARR Affiliate 3. Staying current and educated on industry issues 4. Operating and Serving responsibly 5. Educating your employees and patrons 6. Contacting your legislators and local government officials 7. Attend Legislative Summit 8. Be a Sponsor at Convention or the Selman Memorial Golf Tournament 9. Attend Convention 10. Participate in Committees Each of us contributes to the success of the organization in a different way. There are numerous ways that you help and we thank you for all of them! Contact Info: Alaska CHARR 1503 W. 31st Avenue, Suite 202 Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 274-8133 Fax: (907) 274-8640 Email: Find us on Facebook!