June 2012 - Fargo Kringen Lodge #25
June 2012 - Fargo Kringen Lodge #25
SONS OF NORWAY KRINGEN LODGE #25 Featuring Fargo-Moorhead’s Most Unique Club Volume 15, No. 6 June, 2012 Published Monthly 722 - 2nd Avenue North • Fargo, North Dakota 58102 • Telephone (701) 232-9222 Lodge & Library Telephone: 701-478-5727 • www.sofnfargo.com • E-mail: kringen25@702com.net From The Lodge President Gary H. Olson John Peterson, at our last lodge meeting, treated us to Appalachian Mountain music with two fine string instruments. Many of you had a great time celebrating Syttende Mai with a excellent torsk & meatball dinner, the music of the Kringen Kor and the Kringen Accordion Band. This month many of you will join the youth of Kringen and travel to the Fjord Horse Farm on Sat. June 2nd to enjoy 60 horses and hospitality of Robert & Sally Kjorsvik. The trip to Edmonton, Alberta, on June 13-18th for the District Four Convention is a go with 14 delegates from Kringen and we will be picking up other delegates enroute with the bus as we cross the state. Plans for the International Convention hosted by our lodge are in the final stages for August 20-25 at the Ramada Plaza Suites and here at Kringen. You do not have be a delegate to attend the many events during the convention. Details for registration as a non-delegate are on our website: www.sofnfargo.com Hope to see all of you at Sankt Hans Night on Tuesday, June 19. Also at our Smørbrød Luncheon & Craft Show on Wednesday, June 20th. The Scandinavian Festival at the Heritage Hjemkomst Center in Moorhead will be on Friday-Saturday, June 22-23. Enjoy! PROSPECTIVE MEMBER DINNER PLANNED IN JUNE Every fourth Tuesday evening of the month will be a Prospective Member Dinner with the new member eating free. This month the new member dinner will be Tuesday, June 26th. Prospective members and their sponsors need to arrive between 5:30-6:00 PM so that they can give the prospective member his or her name badge so they can eat free when they go through the dinner line. We will be eating in the west end of the main dining room and the orientation program will begin at 6:30 PM. Sponsors need to phone lodge president Gary H. Olson at 218-233-5130 or e-mail: garyholson@702com.net to let him know who is coming so so name badges can be made up in advance. June 20 (Wednesday) Handmade Lefse & Flatbrød Smørbrød Rømmegrøt Potato Klubb From The Klub President Happy Father’s Day and Happy Flag Day! Bruce Bohnsack A huge Thank you to Phyllis, Harry, Gerda, Arnold, Julie, Mel, Ron, Gloria, Bert, Marlys, Del, Ron, Catherine, Marlys ,Vikki, Elizabeth and Sharon who helped butter and serve lefse from 2:30 to 8:00 pm at the Fargo Dome for the Marathon runners on Friday, May 18th. We buttered over 2,800 pieces of lefse. Uff da! The Mini Tours have begun but we need more of you to sign up for the Nisswa Tour on June 9th. There will be lots of music to enjoy and lots of food to try. We need at least 20 more to make this trip a go. Kringen Klub is open week days for lunch with our great volunteers serving you. See you there! Sankt Hans Annual Smørbrød Night Tuesday, Luncheon June 19, 2012 Turkey Dinner 5:00-6:30 pm - Reservations Required - CROWNING OF THE NEW SANKT HANS 7:00 pm Dance to Lillestrom Accordion Orchestra from Norway $11.00 per person - $5.50 ages 6-12 - Everybody Welcome! “In ‘Celebration’ of the Longest Day of the Year” Wednesday June 20, 2012 This is an important event for Kringen Lodge and Klub. It is a terrific fund raiser and it exposes non-members to our wonderful Norwegian heritage. As always, we need Norwegian baked goods: ☐ Krumkake ☐ Rosettes ☐ Kringle ☐ Pizzelles ☐ Sandbakkelse ☐ Flat Brød ☐ Spritz ☐ Almond Cake ☐ Other __________________ There will be a sign up sheet at the Klub to let us know if you can bring any of these baked items. We also need workers that day. Call Sharon Bohnsack at 237-3768 if you can either work or bring a baked item. Thank you! KRINGEN LODGE #25 Lodge & Library Telephone . ............(701) 478-5727 OFFICERS 2012 President***.......................... Gary H. Olson-(218) 233-5130 Vice President....................... Elaine Nelson-(701) 364-0834 Counselor........................Kent Hochgraber-(701) 282-7921 Treasurer.................................Steve Roerick-(701) 232-1094 Financial Secretary...............Paul Vesledahl-(218) 227-5083 Secretary...................... Janice Tommerdahl-(218) 861-6655 Marshall.................................Phyllis Fillafer-(218) 233-4024 Ass’t. Marshall.................. Shirley Williams-(701) 271-8727 Publicity Director...........Roger Butenhoff-(218) 236-8623 Historian..........................................Jim Berg-(701) 232-0977 Foundation Director..... Arnold Ellingson-(701) 237-9537 Social Director................... Myrna Bartness-(701) 364-0944 Greeter............................. Arnold Jordheim-(701) 469-2283 Greeter................................... Sanford Steen-(218) 233-6255 Cultural Director............Verlyn Anderson-(218) 233-0685 Music Dir./Musician......Joanne Schlanser-(701) 232-0728 Ass’t. Musician...............Evonne Anderson-(218) 233-0685 Sports Director......................Harry Fillafer-(218) 233-4024 Youth Director....................Doreen Grobe-(218) 236-6056 TRUSTEES Neil Larson (’12)***........................................ (701) 282-7131 Mike Benson (’13)***..................................... (701) 235-7480 Sharon Bohnsack (’14)***.............................. (701) 237-3768 ***Also members of Corporate Board KRINGEN YOUTH KLUBB Kringen Youth Klubb met Saturday, May 12 for their regular meeting. Our program consisted of learning about the Syttende Mai and why this is an important day in Norwegian history. Picture boards were used to give the youth a better understanding of how this day is celebrated in Norway, and how we at SON Kringen Lodge also celebrate this day. They also learned how to say “Syttende Mai” as related to May 17. The youth were very attentive and seemed interested in the discussion and visuals. Thursday, May 17, SON Kringen Lodge celebrated the Syttene Mai with a commemorative program. Twelve Youth Klubb members, donned in their Norwegian Bunads, opened the program with a mini barnetog. Kringen Youth were led by youth fiddlers, Angeline and Jamison Quanbeck, playing “Norge i rodt, hvitt, og blatt” (Norway in Red, White and Blue). The youth did a very nice job presenting the flags after the Kringen Kor sang the three anthems, our youth retired to the Viking Room for a Syttende Mai party of ice cream and cookies and were given small flags as a memento of the day. “Thanks, Kids, You were great!” In Friendship, “ha det bra” Doreen Grobe, Youth Director Jamison Quanbeck and Angeline Quanbeck Youth Fiddlers participating in SON Syttende Mai Celebration. CORPORATE BOARD DIRECTORS Bruce Bohnsack (’12)..................................... (701) 237-3768 Roger Roseth (’12)......................................... (701) 232-8068 Ken Hatlestad (’13)........................................ (701) 282-0511 Stein Rommesmo (’13).................................. (701) 232-0928 Paul Vesledahl (’14)........................................ (218) 227-5083 APPOINTED OFFICERS Posten Co-Editor..................Julie Fladgard-(218) 236-0092 Posten Co-Editor...........Sharon Bohnsack-(701) 237-3768 Sunshine Lady........................Julie Fladgard-(218) 236-0092 Kringen Youth Klubb members ready to participate in SON Syttende Mai Program. Sons of Norway Financial Benefit Counselors Ken Agather CLU, FIC, CHCF.................... 701-293-0202 Linda Briard........................................................ 701-866-6586 Gary H. Olson, LUTCF.......................Ofc. - 218-233-5130 FLAG DAY June 14 ATTENTION! If you have a birthday in June, come and join us at the Sons of Norway on the second Tuesday of the month. Enjoy an evening of dinner and dancing, plus cake and coffee. You will receive $2.00 off the regular meal which is served Honoring June from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. birthdays of Sons of Norway members. Birthday Committee Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival The Nordic Culture Clubs and the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County are joining forces to present the 35th Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival and the Midwest Viking Festival together from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on June 22-23. Come and enjoy the demonstrations and Viking life outside and then come indoors for another great lineup of entertainers, vendors, exhibitors and Scandinavian presentations. Sweden is the featured country this year. There will be traditional and contemporary outfits at the Style Show and new artists demonstrating their crafts in the Nordic Marketplace, as well as traditional favorites. If you would like to participate in the Style Show, please contact Evonne Anderson at 233-0685. If you would like to volunteer a couple of hours working as a greeter or with admissions or ticket sales (preferably wearing a bunad), contact either Anna Marie Johnson at (715) 232-2915 or Janice Tommerdahl at (218) 861-6655. In addition, the 3rd Annual Nordic 5K Run/Walk will be Saturday, June 23, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Register on-line at www.NordicCultureClubs.org. mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, to celebrate our MISSION STATEMENT:Therelationship with other Nordic countries, and to provide quality insurance and financial products to its members. KRINGEN POSTEN - JUNE 2012 International Cultural Corner The Folk Art Exhibition An Invitation to Visit The International Folk Art Exhibition will be on display at the Ramada Plaza Suites and Conference Center, 1635 42nd Street South, Fargo, ND during the International Sons of Norway Convention on August 24-25, 2012. The Exhibition is open to the public, free of charge. Visiting hours will be published in the August, 2012 Kringen Posten. Even though you may not be submitting an entry for this exhibition, please plan to visit this exceptional exhibition. It is an honor for our Kringen Lodge to host this international convention and a great opportunity for our members to visit and enjoy this wonderful exhibition of Norwegian Folk Art. See you there! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Evonne or Verlyn Anderson via e-mail at vanderso33@hotmail.com or telephone us at (218) 233-0685. Verlyn D. Anderson, Cultural Director New Member Sponsor Sarah Kerns Anna Eckberg LeRoy Hansen A. June Hansen Doreen Grobe Doreen Grobe Gary Olson Gary Olson MAY Congratulations to the Kringen Lefse Team and Moorhead Community Education for the Certificate of Appreciation. Folk Art News The Sons of Norway invites all members to participate in the 2012 International Folk Art Exhibition and Competition. All members, both amateurs and professionals, are encouraged to display their skills at Sons of Norway’s largest folk art event as part of the International Convention in Fargo on August 2225. Members can choose to compete, exhibit or both. Everyone who enters will receive a certificate of participation and a unique pin for their contribution. Members who enter the competition can win ribbons for First, Second and Third places in a variety of categories, a People’s Choice and the Best in Show prize for the judges’ overall favorite item. Information packets which include registration information are available on-line at www.sonsofnorway.com. Go to the website, then click on International Convention Information, then on Folk Art, and then at the end of the text information, there is a place to click if you want to learn more about the competition. Then you should have the packet of registration information. If you don’t have email, pick up a packet from Doreen at Kringen Lodge or call Verlyn Anderson at (218) 233-0685 and a packet will be mailed to you. See the Cultural Column for more specific information about the Folk Art competition. Verlyn and Evonne Anderson, Folk Art coordinators for the International Convention, vanderso33@hotmail.com KRINGEN POSTEN - JUNE 2012 2012 Mini Tours NORWEGIAN FJORD HORSE FARM Fort Sisseton – Roslyn and Sisseton, SD June 2, 2012 MYSTERY TOUR I June 4, 2012 BRAINERD AND PERHAM, MN - NISSWA SCANDINAVIAN FESTIVAL June 9, 2012 WALHALLA FROST FIRE THEATER July 29, 2012 Johnny Cash “Ring of Fire” MYSTERY TOUR 11 August 27, 2012 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS TOUR AND CHILI DINNER December 12, 2012 For more information call: Bruce Bohnsack at 237-3768 or Julie Fladgard at 236-0092 God bedring Donations - Report from April 16 to May 15, 2012 (All donations are for S.O.N. 52 unless otherwise noted.) (Get Well) IN MEMORY OF: GIVEN BY: Til minne IN HONOR OF: GIVEN BY: Ilene Neirby’s 85th Birthday Marv & Cora Stenberg’s 60th Anniversary Donation Donation Our heartfelt sympathy to: The Family of Earl Felland The Family of Levi Parmer The Family of Chet Vosburg The Family of Armond Erickson Margene Kreps and family on the loss of Wayne Irene Backlund, Pete & Donna Backlund, Erv Backlund and family on the loss of Wally Beryl Osmondson on the loss of his brother, Gene The Family of Ted Olsgaard Vern & Shirley Williams (Kitchen Fund), Glen & Lynne Rommesmo (Youth Klubb) Helge & Synnove Rommesmo, Glen & Lynne Rommesmo (Youth Klubb) Tuesday Night Dinner Crew (Kitchen Fund) Thursday Lunch “Pie Day” Crew Thank you for all the generous gifts and support this past month. Note: If you know of a member who is ill, had surgery, is hospitalized, or has had a death in their family, please leave a message at the Kringen office: 232-9222 - or call Julie Fladgard: 236-0092. Note: When you give a gift to the Kringen Lodge Memorial Fund in memory of a deceased active member, their name will be added to the Kringen Lodge Memorial Plaque in the lobby at Kringen Lodge. Kringen Lodge wishes to thank people who give memorials. Birthday Open House Dorothy Kellerman 90th Birthday Sunday, July 8, 2012 at Kringen Klub - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm No Gifts please Kringen Lodge Memorial Fund In Memory of: Given by: Adeline Andvik Levi Parmer Earl Felland Arnold Ellingson, Wally & Irene Backlund (Library Fund) Norma Olsgaard and family (Library Fund) Levi Parmer Ted Olsgaard Phyllis Simenson Synnove Rommesmo Dale Haarsager Mel Larson Eunice Sitter Thank you to all the Sons of Norway members for helping me celebrate my birthday and the many cards I received. It really was a joyous day. Thanks again. Ilene Neirby Accordion band update Garfield & Dona Andvik Martell & Joyce Erickson Dorothy Moorhouse Ruth & Jeffery Parmer Bonnie Felland June 4 June 4 June 11 June 14 June 18 June 22 June 22 June 25 MAY LODGE DINNER WINNERS Roger Roseth Kevin Berg MAY LODGE DINNER SERVERS Vonnie Anderson Anita Leiseth June 11 June 20 June 24 NO Cards and Coffee Bethany on South University...................................................... 3:00-4:00 Practice at SONS..................................................................................... 4:15 Practice at SONS...................................................................................... 4:15 Eventide Chapel - Moorhead................................................................ 7:00 Bethany South University.............................................................3:00-4:00 Scandinavian Festival Session on Atrium Stage............................... 11:00 Scandinavian Festival Session on Auditorium Stage..........................1:00 Practice at SONS...................................................................................... 4:15 KRINGEN KOR SCHEDULE Eventide in the Chapel.............................................................................7:00 Practice at Stav Kirke................................................................................6:30 Stav Kirke--(Church services)................................................. 9:30 &11:00 The Lodge is Selling These Various Items: until September! All have Sons of Norway logo on them except the Calendars 2 Sizes Tote and Travel Bags (dark blue with red trim) Key Chains Travel Mugs Blue Coffee Mugs Shot Glasses Norway 2012 Vikingland Calendar Bob Lee 28 N 10 St, Fargo, ND Mobile: 701.866.0127 BobLee@ParkCompany.com REALTOR® 701.237.5031 • 800.288.7316 • www.BobLeeHomes.com KRINGEN POSTEN - JUNE 2012 2012 International Folk Art Exhibition and Competition at the Sons of Norway International Convention, August 23-25, 2012 The Sons of Norway, International is pleased to invite all members to participate in the 2012 International Folk Art Exhibition & Competition. All members, including Adult and Heritage members are encouraged to display their skills at Sons of Norway’s largest folk art event as part of the International Convention in Fargo, North Dakota on August 23-25. Please note that this year it will NOT be possible to send your items through the mail to the convention site. Bring your item to the Ramada Plaza Suites and Conference Center in Fargo on August 23 between noon and 4 p.m. See the Posten insert for instructions on how to obtain the registration materials. Entering the Contest Rules Participants must be current Sons of Norway members. It is not necessary to attend the Convention in order to participate in the Folk Art Exhibition & Competition. If you will not be attending, you may send your work along with a delegate from your lodge or district. DO NOT send your artwork to Sons of Norway Headquarters. Space for this year’s event is limited. In the event that there are more items than there is space to display them, pre-registered items will be given priority. This means that pre-registration is the only way to guarantee that your item will be included. To guarantee a place in the Folk Art Exhibition & Competition, send in all registration materials to the Sons of Norway, Fraternal Department no later than August 15, 2012. Entries must fall into one of the following categories: Rosemaling Norwegian weaving Hardanger embroidery (by hand only) Norwegian themed needlework (e.g. klostersøm, diamantsøm, and other traditional needlework) Hand knitting w/Norwegian design Crocheting and tatting Figure carving w/Norwegian theme using hand tools only Relief carving w/Norwegian theme using hand tools only Chip carving using hand tools Bentwood using hand tools Photography Other w/Norwegian theme (paintings, stained glass, kolrosing, etc.) There are three classes for each category: Adult professional including instructors of the craft and persons who sell their work Adult amateur who engage in a given craft activity as a pastime / hobby and do not sell their work Heritage members, 15 years old and under. All items submitted must have been made by the registered person All items must have been finished within the past two years A member is allowed to enter a maximum of two items per category All items must be delivered to the Convention Folk Art Committee by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 23rd Members who do not wish to compete may enter their items for exhibition only Artist’s signature All work should be discreetly signed Rosemalers and wood carvers may sign their objects on the back side only – these signatures will be concealed during the judging Paintings that have the artist’s signature on the front will have tape placed over the name and will be at the owner’s risk Order Your Red Kringen Lodge Vest Today! Our Kringen Lodge Vest features an embroidered logo on the back and the Sons of Norway Emblem sewn on the front. We encourage all members to get them in time for the International Convention here in August. We want our members to be identifiable to our guests and at any function we attend anywhere and anytime. The cost is $30 and checks may be made to “2012 International Convention”. Fill out the order form and return it to the Convention Box in the second office at Kringen or email the information to fargoconvention@gmail.com Name: ___________________________________ Phone #__________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Vest Size: M L XL 2X If you have any questions call Lynne Rommesmo Home: 280-1674 or Cell: 552-1302. 2012 International Convention Silent Auction Fundraiser We are in the process of gathering items for the Silent Auction to be held during the convention. Hopefully there will be a variety of unique items to offer for the bidding. Some examples of the things donated thus far are: Irene Backlund has donated a beautiful handmade quilt, the Ramada has donated a night’s stay and the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County has promised items too. All items will have a minimum starting bid. Vonnie Anderson will be coordinating the Silent Auction and can be reached at 701540-8623. This form can be placed in the Convention Mailbox in the Lodge office or sent to “International Convention Committee” PO Box 1777, Fargo, ND 58107. Name____________________________________ Address___________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Selling of Exhibited Items Email_____________________________________ Description of the Donated Item or Service: Prizes __________________________________________ All participants are welcome to sell their items if they wish The judges will award: First, Second and Third Place ribbons as the Judges see fit for each competitive category Honorable mention awards for non-competitive categories One People’s Choice award, chosen by popular vote One Best In Show award __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Value: _______________________________ PLEASE Support the 2012 International Convention Please consider placing an advertisement or greeting in our convention book. We are planning a fun and exciting souvenir book for the 2012 International Convention. Ads and greetings are placed to greet and send wishes to the delegates, Sons of Norway members and staff and other lodges. The pricing for ads is listed. We are also offering a greeting page for our members to participate and support the convention. The cost for this is $30.00 for each greeting. Checks are made payable to “2012 International Convention”, due by July 1st and sent to PO Box 1777, Fargo, ND 58107 or put in the 2012 Convention Box in the Lodge office. 2012 International Convention Greetings Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact phone or email: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CONSIDER PATRONIZING OUR ADVERTISERS Ja, 605 2nd Avenue South Moorhead, MN 56560 University Drive Manor 1201 2nd Ave. N., Fargo, ND 58102 • 1 Bedroom Units for Senior 62+ or Handicapped/Disabled • Newly Remodeled Kitchens • 2 Elevators • Rent Based on Income - Privately Owned (Gov. Subs.) STEVE WRIGHT 218-233-1321 Ve’re Local! Openings Now Available! Call Our Office for a Personal Showing 701-232-4423 University Drive Manor does not discriminate against any person because of Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex or Handicap (Disability). TTY relay number for North Dakota: 1-800-366-6888 robertspcsolutions.com Where broken PC’s go to get healthy! Free Pickup & Delivery ~ FM Area Brian Roberts Computer Repairs Owner Build New Computers Ph: 701-261-1023 Virus/Spyware/Malware Removal brian.roberts@robertspcsolutions.com This space donated by Charles E. Olson 73 Broadway Fargo, ND 58102 President 1572 - 45th St. N. Fargo, ND 58102 215 South 7th St., Fargo, ND 58103 West Side of Island Park Reasonably priced accommodations Conveniently located next to MeritCare Hospital 1202 27th Street South P.O. Box 9135 Fargo, ND 58108-9135 www.heartlandtrust.com 717 - 4th St. N. • Fargo, ND 58102 For Reservations Only Call Toll Free for ND, SD, MN & WI 1-800-223-2913 HERITAGE HOUSE 401 6th Ave. North Fargo, ND 58102 DONNA BYE Family Owned...Serving All Faiths For Over 80 Years Owner, Licensed Funeral Director (701) 237-6441 800-393-6441 larryboulgerfuneralhome.com President FUNERAL HOME JOHN RUNSVOLD 123 South Tenth Street Fargo, ND 58103 www.boulgerfuneralhome.com Steven M. Halverson Phone (701) 235-2002 Fax (701) 235-8771 Toll Free 1-877-333-3494 steve@heartlandtrust.com Office: 701-237-4950 Fax: 701-237-5027 “Financial relationships built on trust” Quality Herring And Lutefisk Lutefisk Hotline: 1-800-882-0212 Website: www.olsenfish.com Larry Boulger FRED SCHLANSER HANSON-RUNSVOLD Since 1910 Specializing in fine gifts from Norway, Sweden, Denmark & Finland Olsen Fish Company We Know You Susan Rusch (701) 282-0421 reside.relax.rehab. 201 University Dr S ♦ 701.239.3000 4255 30 Ave S ♦ 701.478.8900 www.bethanynd.org Member FDIC | statebanks.com (218) 287-2311 (218) 233-2371 Dilworth, MN Moorhead, MN Toll Free: 888-771-7228 Carrol T. Juven Telephone (701) 232-2491 Manager Office 701-234-9326 701-232-3222 KRINGEN POSTEN - JUNE 2012 Home 701-232-6632 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Permit No. 1002 FARGO, N. DAK. PAID Kringen Posten Permit #1002 is the official publication of Kringen Lodge #4-025. Kringen Posten is published 12 times a year by Kringen Lodge #4-025. 722 22nd Ave. N., Fargo, ND 58102. Non-profit bulk permit paid at Fargo, ND. Annual membership in Kringen Lodge includes subscription to this newsletter. Sons of Norway Kringen Lodge #25 722 Second Avenue North Fargo, ND 58102 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FLAG DAY June 14 JUNE 2012 S M T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 Thank you. F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 plant a little extra produce to bring to the club later this summer. IN YOUR GARDEN THIS YEAR... Lunch Served Daily - Mon.-Fri.: 11:00-1:30 Daily Specials plus Homemade Soups and Salad Bar Tuesday 5 Social – Walleye Dinner $10.00 Adults / $5.00 Ages 6-12 (Includes tax)...5:00-6:30 No Cultural Night until September Thursday 7 Lodge Meeting....................................................................... 7:00 Monday 11 Corporate Board Meeting................................................... 5:30 Tuesday 12 Social – Meatball Dinner $10.00 Adults / $5.00 Ages 6-12 (Includes tax)...5:00-6:30 Honoring June Birthdays Dance to the Rockin’ 60’s.................................................... 6:45 Thursday 14 NorSweDane Folkdance Practice...................................... 7:00 Tuesday 19 Sankt Hans Turkey Dinner - Reservations Required $11.00 Adults / $5.50 Ages 6-12 (Includes tax)...5:00-6:30 Crowning of Sankt Hans..................................................... 7:00 Music by the Lillestrom Accordion Orchestra from Norway.......................................................................... 7:30 Wednesday 20 Annual Smørbrød Luncheon and Craft Show Norwegian Ethnic Foods (See Ad-Page 1) .......... 10:00-3:00 Fri / Sat 22-23 Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival in Moorhead Rømmegrøt, Potato Klubb, Handmade Lefse, Lutefisk Tuesday 26 Social – Grilled Pork Chop Dinner $10.00 Adults/ $5.00 Ages 6-12 (includes tax)....5:00-6:30 Meat Raffle Thursday 28 NorSweDane Folkdance Practice...................................... 7:00
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