Lisburn - Knockmore Industrial Estate, Moira
Lisburn - Knockmore Industrial Estate, Moira
DTZ McCombe Pierce 028 9023 3455 To Let property particulars Excellent Warehouse/Storage/Distribution Units with standalone office accommodation Knockmore Industrial Estate, Moira Road, Lisburn DTZ McCombe Pierce LLP 5 Oxford Street Belfast BT1 3LA Telephone: +44 (0)28 9023 3455 Fax: +44 (0)28 9023 3444 Website: Partners: William McCombe BBS MRICS Michael Pierce BSc MRICS Peter McMorran FRICS Dip Prop Inv ACIArb Colin McDowell BSc (Hons) MRICS Robert Toland BSc (Hons) MRICS DTZ Sherry FitzGerald NI Limited DTZ (Northern Ireland) Limited LOCATION Knockmore Industrial Estate is a long established industrial estate on the outskirts of Lisburn City Centre. It is located at the corner of the main Moira Road and Knockmore Road on the southern fringe of the city. This industrial estate is pivotal in terms of location as it is only 2 miles from Lisburn City Centre, 4 miles from the M1 at Sprucefield and a similar distance from the Moira roundabout (Junction 8 M1). The location also affords easy access to Nutts Corner and the north via the M2 and Larne Harbour to the East. Knockmore Industrial Estate provides secure warehousing and offices within a managed environment. The Estate is protected by cctv and other security systems and the roads landscaping and fencing etc are maintained for the benefit of the occupiers. Various sizes of warehouse units and office suites are available and all requirements can be accommodated. ACCOMMODATION UNIT AREA SQ FT AREA SQ M RENT Warehouse Block A featuring dock levellers 40,813 3,792 £122,439 pa (£3 psf) Warehouse Block C (hi-bay) in prominent location at entrance to Estate 17,527 1,628 £134,022 pa (£3 psf) Warehouse Unit E2 modern unit with Office 5,425 504 Warehouse Unit E3A modern unit with Office 5,425 504 £21,700 pa (£4 psf) Warehouse Block F older style building suitable for short term letting Available units of 5,425 sq ft (504 sq m) 32,550 3,024 £48,825 pa (£1.50 psf) Warehouse Unit H5, 6&7 older style units suitable for short term letting. Available in units of 8,000 sq ft approx 24,069 2,236 £24,069 (£1 psf) Office Suite 1 Ground floor to be refurbished 1,592 148 £12,750 pa Office Suite 2 Ground floor to be refurbished 1,833 170 £14,700 pa Office Suite 3 First floor to be refurbished 1,870 174 £15,000 pa Office Suite 4 First floor to be refurbished 1,809 168 £14,500 pa (Available as of 1st November 2012). LEASE Term: Negotiable. Rent: On application. Rent Reviews: 5 yearly. Repairs: The tenant will be responsible for internal and external repairs. Service Charge: A service charge is payable to cover the cost of the general maintenance and upkeep of the industrial unit (currently under review). Insurance: Payable. property particulars NAV To be confirmed. VAT Prices, rentals and outgoings are quoted exclusive of VAT which may be chargeable at the appropriate rate. FURTHER DETAILS For further details or to arrange inspections please contact Robert Toland. Tel: E-mail: 028 90233455 Or Joint Agents: Tom Magee Commercial Estate Agents at 028 3835 0888 BLOCK A BLOCK B BLOCK E BLOCK F BLOCK H © Crown Copyright 2009. License No. 1196 Knockmore Industrial Estate, Moira Road, Lisburn MAPS NOT TO SCALE (For Identification Purposes Only) “DTZ McCombe LLP Pierce (and its subsidiaries and their joint Agents where applicable) for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property for whom they act, give notice that: (I) these particulars are a general outline only, for the guidance of prospective purchasers or tenants, and do not constitute the whole or any part of an offer or contract; (ii) DTZ McCombe Pierce LLP cannot guarantee the accuracy of any description, dimensions, references to condition, necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details contained herein and prospective purchasers or tenants must not rely on them as statements of fact or representations and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy; (Iii) no employee of DTZ McCombe Pierce LLP (and its subsidiaries and their joint Agents where applicable) has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty or enter into any contract whatever in relation to the property; (iv) rents quoted in these particulars may be subject to VAT in addition; (v) DTZ McCombe Pierce LLP (and its subsidiaries where applicable) will not be liable, in negligence or otherwise, for any loss arising from the use of these particulars; and (vi) the reference to any plant, machinery, equipment, services, fixtures or fittings at the property shall not constitute a representation (unless otherwise stated) as to its state or condition or that it is capable of fulfilling its intended function. Prospective purchasers/tenants should satisfy themselves as to the fitness of such items for their requirements.”
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