2015 media kit - National Ground Water Association
2015 media kit - National Ground Water Association
NGWA has the resources to connect you with groundwater professionals around the world. 2015 MEDIA KIT ADVERTISE | EXHIBIT | SPONSOR A NOTE FROM THE CEO Imagine your name IN LIGHTS! When you take advantage of marketing opportunities with the National Ground Water Association, you are doing just that. You’re putting your products and services in the spotlight in front of thousands of groundwater professionals. Through a marketing relationship with NGWA, you can reach professionals from all sectors of the groundwater industry. Whether you are targeting contractors, scientists and engineers, regulators, equipment manufacturers, or suppliers, NGWA has a solution for you. Just imagine the impact you can have! NGWA helps groundwater professionals around the world fulfill their professional responsibilities and achieve success through education, networking, and leadership opportunities. NGWA also connects professionals with the products and services they need to do their job. That’s a winning formula that also helps you achieve your business goals. I invite you to put yourself in the spotlight by advertising in NGWA’s three awardwinning publications, on our various websites, and in our member e-newsletter. In addition, face-to-face interactions are more important than ever to strengthen your current relationships and build new ones — and NGWA holds the only event that brings together the top groundwater industry decision-makers from all sectors in one place. Our annual Groundwater Expo offers you exceptional exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities to connect with current and prospective customers and clients. Please take time to review all the marketing opportunities we have to offer and give my sales team a call — they are here to help get your name in the spotlight! Thank you for your commitment to making the groundwater industry the best it can be. Sincerely, Kevin McCray, CAE NGWA Chief Executive Officer PARTNER WITH NGWA What is NGWA? The National Ground Water Association is the hallmark organization for anyone affiliated with the groundwater industry. A nonprofit organization, NGWA is composed of U.S. and international groundwater professionals — contractors, scientists and engineers, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers. Our purpose is to provide guidance to members, government representatives, and the public for sound scientific, economic, and beneficial development, protection, and management of the world’s groundwater resources. Key Benefits of Partnering with NGWA Visibility • Sponsors are highly visible — online, face-to-face, or in printed pieces. Who are NGWA’s connections? NGWA has four membership divisions: • Contractors • Scientists and Engineers • Manufacturers • Suppliers The groundwater industry has purchasing power • Drilling machines shipped by manufacturers – 115 • Value of drilling machines shipped – $91.2 million • Pumps shipped by manufacturers – 1.4 million • Value of pumps shipped – $261.8 million Current Industrial Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce 2010 3% Other 10% Well maintenance and abandonment • Groundwater professionals will see your company as a partner supporting NGWA’s mission. Connection • Access to more than 30,000 professionals — from one-on-one interactions to opportunities showcasing your products and services on a daily basis. Geothermal drilling 10% Environmental drilling and sampling Awareness • Our partners have a vital role in the success of the industry and protecting the resource. 7% 70% Drilling and installation of wells for water supply and irrigation Products and services segmentation (2012) Source: IBS World Don’t miss the chance to showcase your company’s products and services before this select audience! We can tailor a package to meet your needs. Call 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791 ext. 603 or email sales@ngwa.org today to learn more. Table of Contents ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES 4 Print 6 Web & Digital 11 Buyers Guide & Directory 15 Web Order Form 16 Water Well Journal Print Order Form 17 Groundwater and Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation Print Order Form 18 Digital Order Form 19 EXHIBITING OPPORTUNITIES 20 Groundwater Summit 22 Groundwater in Fractured Rock 23 Groundwater Expo 24 Exhibiting Order Form 27 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 28 Groundwater in Fractured Rock 30 Groundwater Summit 31 NGWA Upper Great Plains Groundwater Conference 33 Groundwater Expo 34 Sponsorship Application & Contract 38 Current Total-pages: previous Total-pages: 116 Spine-width:3.97mm (909) Paper-type: 40# Advocate SPRING 2014 (909) Paper-type: 40# Advocate Spine-width: VOL. 34 NO. 2 d Meters Solinst Laser Marke A National Ground Water Association Publication Meter 101 P7 Water Level Laser Marked PVDF Tape Increased Strength & Chemical Compatibility TLC Meter 1000 ft. (300 m) 122 tape lengths up to every 1/100 ft. or mm Accurately laser marked standards Certified traceable to national safe for hazardous locations CSA certified intrinsically certified CE Standards and ATEX Meters give 122 Oil/Water Interface The New Solinst Model mm) diameter ents. They have a 5/8" (16 reliable, accurate measurem and electrical that uses optical refraction with pressure-proof probe and water interfaces, product e determin to conductance and light indicate (1 mm). A steady tone an accuracy of 1/200 ft. ent signals indicate water. LNAPL or DNAPL. Intermitt The 122M Mini with 80 ft. (25 m) of laser marked durable PVDF cable is also now available. • • • • • RING & REMEDIATION GROUNDWATER MONITO Level Meter features an a marked PVDF flat tape and extremely durable, laser (300 m)). (submersible to 1000 ft. P7 pressure-proof probe to 1/100 ft or each mm • Measure water levels national standards • Certified traceable to m) (1500 ft. 5000 to up • Tape lengths The Solinst 101 Water e An Injectable Apatit Permeable Reactive 90Sr Barrier for In Situ Immobilization / p30 durable PVDF flat tape, or 1/100 ft. Depth profile laser marked every mm ty level and water conductivi water temperature, water m). Lengths to 1000 ft (300 (range of 0-80,000 μS/cm). The 107 TLC Meter uses e On-Site Vapor-Phas Analysis as a Novel Approach for r Monitoring Groundwate Wells / p44 www.solinst.com High Quality Groundw n, ON L7G 4R8 Todd Road, Georgetow 661-2023 Solinst Canada Ltd., 35 (905) 873-2255; (800) (800) 516-9081 Tel: +1 Fax: +1 (905) 873-1992; instruments@solinst.com gwmr_34-2Cover.indd SPRING 2014 entation Monitoring Instrum ater and Surface Water ® 30/04/14 1:28 AM 1 “NGWA has been a strategic partner to our company, providing industry-focused exposure and valuable insight into our diverse industry. NGWA and the Water Well Journal are the global sources for environmental, water, and auxiliary businesses. We have been privileged to be part of the NGWA community and are thankful for the collaboration we have enjoyed for many years.” – Sara Gann, Unitra Inc. ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Communicate with Your Target Audience PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL Get staying power... ADVERTISE! Searching for sales? Sharpen your focus and advertise with NGWA. Reach nearly 30,000 industry professionals and countless others with nearly unlimited possibilities. We provide hundreds of various advertising opportunities spanning three print publications and five websites plus multiple digital applications… we reach more professionals than anyone else can in the industry. READERS OF WATER WELL JOURNAL 93.4% 82.6% 68.9% • Groundwater contractors and pump installers • Manufacturers • Suppliers and wholesalers • Manufacturing sales personnel • Manufacturers’ representatives • Scientists and engineers • Others allied to the field of readers find the monthly articles relevant to their jobs of readers find products and tools useful to their jobs of readers save all or some of their issues when they are done reading them READERS OF GROUNDWATER AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING & REMEDIATION • Consultants • Hydrologists • Regulators • Environmental firms • Academia $6.5 billion $6.6 billion $2.73 billion Environmental consulting — estimated sales Remediation services — estimated sales Well construction and related services — estimated sales Current Industrial Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce 2010 INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE $4.9 billion $324.0 million 4.0% Revenue $1.2 billion Profit Wages Annual Growth 2012-17 8,707 Businesses Well Water Drilling in 2012 5 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL PRINT: Extend Your Reach Reach your water well drilling and contractors audience in Water Well Journal®. Put your products and services in front of more than 23,000 groundwater professionals in the only monthly publication that has the backing of the industry’s national association. The publication features the most up-to-date information your customers need to do their jobs. When you’re a part of Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation®, you’re in a quarterly publication that goes to more than 7,000 professionals who look to find information they need to do their jobs. The editorial consists of peer-reviewed papers, project recaps, columns by experts, government updates, and industry news. GWMR’s content is the strongest it has ever been. Show off your products and services in the more than 50-year-old publication, Groundwater®, featuring peer-reviewed papers on contaminant hydrology, natural attenuation, groundwater modeling, and more. GW has its second highest impact factor, a measure frequently used for the relative importance of a journal within its field, in NGWA history. It also had a record papers downloaded in 2013. previous Total-pages: Spine-width: Paper-type: 40# Advocate (909) Total-pages: 168 Spine-width:5.56 mm Paper-type: 40# Advocate (909) VOL. 33 NO. 3 SUMMER 2013 d Water Association Publication Laser Marked PVDF Flat Tape GROUNDWATER MONITORING & REMEDIATIO N Since the launch of our Model 101 P7 Water Meter at the beginn Level ing of 2012, our responded positive customers have ly. The accurately laser-marked tape (every 1/100ft or each mm) provide and is Certified s Traceable to Nationa superior quality l Standards. We have also added this superior PVDF Model 107 TLC flat tape to our Meter, allowing it to be offered to 1000ft (300m). in lengths evelogger Edg e Model 3001 e world. Our custom series of water level ers have been able dataloggers continu n countless applica to leverage the es to prove its value quality data they tions with repeata throughout industr conveniently acquire bility and the reliabili ies from our Levelog ty they have come gers to expect from Solinst instrumentatio and n. and Surface Water Monitoring Instru mentation Road, George 3 Comparison of Constant and TransientSource Zone s on Simulated Con tami Plume Evolution nant in Groundwater: Implications for Hydrogeologic al Risk Assessment / p78 Reliable Mon itoring of the Transitio n Zone Between Fres h and Saline Waters in Aquifers / p101 Coastal www.solinst.co m SUMMER 2013 da Ltd., 35 Todd Current A National Groun town, ON L7G 73-1992; (800) 4R8 516-9081 Tel: +1 (905) 873-225 solinst.com 5; (800) 661-202 SIZE WIDTHHEIGHT Magazine trim size 8.125″ 10.875″ Magazine bleed 8.375″ 11.125″ Magazine type page 7.125″ 9.875″ Full-page 7.125″9.875″ 2/3-page vertical 4.562″ 10 1/2-page horizontal 7.125″ 4.875″ 1/2-page Island (WWJ and GWMR)4.694″ 7.25″ 1/3-page vertical (WWJ and GWMR)2.263″ 9.875″ 1/3-page square 4.694″ 4.75″ 1/4-page vertical (WWJ)3.475″ 4.75″ 1/4-page horizontal (WWJ)4.694″ 3.5″ One column (WWJ) 2.263″ maximum 9″ (classified ad) Two column (WWJ) 4.694″ maximum 3″ (classified ad) Professional card (GW and GWMR)3.5″ 2.5″ All fractional sizes are listed as nonbleed and should include a rule around. Binding: Saddle-stitch WWJ. Perfect binding GW and GWMR. Bleed: There is no charge for bleeds. Color rotations: black, blue, red, yellow. Progressive proofs or color key required. All measurements above are in inches. “Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation is the ideal way to reach professionals in the groundwater industry. The quarterly publications provide the best ROI for advertising dollars. Plus, the staff at NGWA are extremely helpful, informative, and efficient.” Water Level Ac curacy ality Groundwater Mechanical Requirements ® 05/08/13 12:23 PM 6 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT – Sara Weyman, Voss Technologies Inc. PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL 2015 ADVERTISING ISSUES AND DEADLINES Attract the Attention of the Industry Groundwater* ISSUE January/February March/April May/June July/August September/October November/December AD DEADLINE November 26, 2014 February 3 April 1 June 2 July 31 September 29 MAIL DATE January 7 March 6 May 7 July 9 September 9 November 6 Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation* ISSUE Winter Spring Summer Fall AD DEADLINE January 9 April 9 July 9 October 9 MAIL DATE February 16 May 14 August 13 November 13 Interested in becoming an NGWA member? Contact our membership department at 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791. Water Well Journal* ISSUE/FOCUS January Well Maintenance AD DEADLINE MAIL DATE November 21, 2014 December 27, 2014 February Ground Source Heat Pumps December 30, 2014 January 28 March Water Quality and Water Treatment January 30 February 27 April Rules and Regulations February 27 March 27 May Annual Pump Issue featuring Pumps Directory April 2 April 26 Ω June April 29 Safety featuring Annual Buyers Guide & Directory May 27 July May 29 Drilling Rigs, Tips, and Techniques featuring Heavy Machinery Guide June 26 August July 2 Well Rehabilitation July 24 September Water Conservation and Green Technology July 30 August 26 October 2015 GW Expo Issue — the most comprehensive guide to the industry’s biggest event August 28 September 30 November Global Water September 25 October 28 December State of the Industry and Year in Review October 31 November 25 April 18 May 8 Latin American Issue** All-Spanish issue All deadline and mail dates are calendar year 2015 unless otherwise stated. *Themes/calendar subject to change. **Contact your sales representative for special pricing. 7 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL 2015 Advertising Rates Groundwater and Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation Member Rates* FULL-PAGE 1X 4X 6X 10X Black & White $1,850 $1,400 $1,330 $1,210 One-Color Standard $2,085$1,635 $1,575$1,450 Four-Color $2,600$2,145 $2,075$1,960 2/3-PAGE (GWMR) Black & White $1,460$1,270 $1,215$1,100 One-Color Standard $1,900$1,500 $1,450$1,335 Four-Color $2,410$2,050 $1,965$1,850 1/2-PAGE Black & White $1,180 $910 $865 $790 One-Color Standard $1,420 $1,150 $1,100 $1,025 Four-Color $1,930$1,660 $1,610$1,540 1/3-PAGE Black & White $830$660 $625$575 One-Color Standard $1,075 $900 $860 $810 Four-Color $1,580$1,405 $1,370$1,325 Water Well Journal Member Rates* FULL-PAGE Black & White One-Color Standard Four-Color 1X 4X 6X 12X $2,180 $2,075 $1,915 $1,785 $2,490 $2,390 $2,235 $2,100 $2,975$2,865 $2,725$2,575 1/2-PAGE (ISLAND) Black & White $1,700$1,515 $1,440$1,270 One-Color Standard $2,020$1,825 $1,750$1,590 Four-Color $2,500$2,300 $2,230$2,060 1/2-PAGE (HORIZONTAL) Black & White $1,400$1,275 $1,175$1,040 One-Color Standard $1,700$1,585 $1,490$1,350 Four-Color $2,190$2,060 $1,975$1,825 1/3-PAGE Black & White $1,140 $1,075 $975 $875 One-Color Standard $1,450$1,375 $1,280$1,175 Four-Color $1,650$1,575 $1,480$1,375 PROFESSIONAL CARD (B&W) One Year — GW or GWMR $ 670 Combined $1,300 1/4-PAGE Black & White $875$825 $775$675 One-Color Standard $1,170$1,140 $1,090$1,000 Four-Color $1,370$1,340 $1,290$1,200 CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING (GW) $12.50/line. Add your logo for $50. (35 characters/line) GUARANTEED POSITION Any guaranteed position is contract space rate + 15%. To guarantee successive pages, space rate + 10%. Indicate guaranteed positions on your order form under “issue insert specifications.” CLASSIFIED AD Pricing listed is for black & white. Add $55/insertion for color. 1 column x 2”″ $125 $120 $115 $100 1 column x 4”″ $250 $240 $230 $200 1 column x 6”″ $370 $360 $340 $305 1 column x 9”″ $555 $540 $510 $455 2 column x 2”″ $250 $240 $230 $200 2 column x 3”″ $370 $360 $340 $305 Rates listed are net/issue. Advertising agencies may add commission to their clients as they wish. LINE ADS $8.50/line (4 line minimum) (35 characters/line) *Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per ad. Rates are net/product. Nonmember pricing does not apply to professional card ads. ”We consider Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation magazine, the Water Well Journal, and Groundwater journal to be ideal promotional vehicles for the Solinst product line, as the circulation and editorial coverage speak directly to the needs of our customers.” –Sarah Belshaw, Solinst Canada Ltd. We also have special targeted advertising rates in the Regional Marketplace, a special section of WWJ. GUARANTEED POSITION Any guaranteed position is contract space rate + 15%. To guarantee successive pages, space rate + 10%. Indicate guaranteed positions on your order form under “issue insert specifications.” Rates listed are net/issue. Advertising agencies may add commission to their clients as they wish. Rates are net/product. Nonmember pricing does not apply to classified/line ads. *Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per ad. 8 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL Water Well Journal features an Index of Advertisers section in which advertisers are listed under the category of their choice with the page number of their ad, making it easier for buyers to find a specific product or service. One free category is included with any size ad in WWJ and additional categories are only $20 each. For a complete listing and to select your category, visit www.NGWA.org/AdvIndex or contact a member of the sales team. In addition to your investment of print advertising, NGWA supplier or manufacturer members will be listed in the NGWA Buyers Guide that is printed in the June issue of WWJ. “NGWA provides the reach to effectively target our customers in a cost-effective manner. This, combined with interesting and timely technical articles, represents a winning combination for RockWare.” – Thomas R. Reed, RockWare Inc. Want to be listed in the Pumps Directory (May WWJ) and Heavy Equipment Directory (July WWJ) at no charge? Contact a sales team member to learn more. Directory listings are free; however, full-color logos may be added for $300. 9 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL Print advertising is... efficient, practical, cost-effective and, most of all...successful. Tip-On Sponsored Content (WWJ) DIMENSIONS 7″ × 9, Two-Sided GW/GWMR Investment — $4,375 WWJ Investment — $4,675 Have your own two-page spread with the first page being your story written by you. Your story, 700 words or less, will go alongside your full-page, color ad. We’ll professionally edit the article that must fit on one page with images you provide. Promote a milestone or case study about your product. AD MECHANICS Live Space Trim Size Bleed Size WWJ Investment — $4,500 WIDTH BY DEPTH 7.125″ × 9.875″ 8.125″ × 10.875″ 8.375″ × 11.125″ Readers will peel away information about your company in a matter of seconds with your ad glued softly onto a page. All tip-on prices are listed as if on 80-pound, No. 3 gloss paper and four-color. 7″ × 9, Four-Page GW/GWMR Investment — $9,600 WWJ Investment — $10,940 5″ × 7.5, One-sided on the Cover GWMR Investment — $4,450 WWJ Investment — $4,790 Gatefold Covers Be one of the first advertisers readers see by reserving your cover position. Covers are only available in WWJ and GWMR. (Full-page four-color ads only, based on availability.) Rates listed below are net/per issue. WWJ/GWMR WWJ/GWMRWWJ/GWMRWWJ/GWMR 1x 4x 6x 12x/10x IBC $3,870/$3,380 $3,724/$2,788$3,542/$2,697$3,347/$2,548 IFC $4,015/$3,510 $3,867/$2,895$3,678/$2,801$3,476/$2,646 Unfold your message to readers. Options include front, back, and center. If purchasing at the front of the journal, the inside front cover has to be purchased as display advertising as well, while a gatefold at the back of the journal requires the inside back cover to be purchased as display advertising too. Pricing is for 60-pound, No. 3 gloss paper, four-color. DIMENSIONS 8.125″ × 10.875″ WWJ Investment — $8,500 BC $4,315/$3,770 $4,154/$3,110 $3,951/$3,008$3,733/$2,842 Heavy Stock Insert Belly Band Be the first readers see by wrapping your message around the publication. All belly band prices are listed as if on 70-pound, No. 3 gloss paper and four-color. DIMENSIONS 5″ × 18″ GWMR Investment — $4,350 WWJ Investment — $5,000 96.3% of readers find news and information affecting their job in every issue. Bind your advertisement into the publication on a different card stock so your message stands out immediately. All bind-in prices are listed as if on 80-pound, No. 3 gloss paper and four-color. DIMENSIONS 10 wide × 8.75″tall folding to 6.5″wide × 8.75″tall (3.5″tail), leave 3/8 lap WWJ Investment — $3,500 Spreads For detailed spread information contact a sales team member for availability, pricing, and specifications. Customization is available for your advertisement. Contact a sales team member at 800.551.7379 (614.898.7791 ext. 603). Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per product. All measurements are in inches. 10 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL WEB: Targeted. Engaging. Advertising via NGWA’s online outlets is a great way to gain exposure and stay ahead of your competition. In today’s business climate, selling your products and services requires a higher level of creativity, reach, and cost efficiency. It demands that you stand out in every aspect because competition is tougher than even before. This is where online advertising comes into the picture. Career Center http://Careers.NGWA.org The Career Center is seen by everyone, not just NGWA members, and is also featured on the NGWA Community site homepage. There is also the option for banner ads. For more information and rates visit http://Careers.NGWA.org. NGWA’s Official Website www.NGWA.org NGWA.org receives an average of 15,875 unique visitors per month. SPECS Horizontal Banner - 468 × 60px 1 spot, 5 rotations located on subpages of website Half-wide Skyscraper - 160 × 300px 2 spots, 5 rotations located throughout the website Files accepted: JPG or GIF. Max file size 100KB. RATES 3 MONTHS Horizontal Banner $1,100 Half-wide Skyscraper $1,575 6 MONTHS $2,020 $2,880 12 MONTHS $3,675 $5,250 Groundwater Summit Website www.GroundwaterSummit.org The Summit’s website receives an average of nearly 1,500 unique visitors a month. SPECS Rectangle Banner - 180 × 150px 2 spots, 3 rotations located throughout the website Files accepted: JPG or GIF. Max file size 100KB. RATES Rectangle Banner 12 MONTHS $2,000 Groundwater Expo Website NGWA’s Website for Consumers WellOwner.org On average WellOwner.org receives over 30,000 page views a month. SPECS Horizontal Banner - 468 × 60px 1 spot, 5 rotations located throughout the website www.GroundwaterExpo.com The landing page of our largest attended event receives an average of 1,328 visitors a month. SPECS Rectangle Banner – 180 × 150px 2 spots, 3 rotations located throughout the website Half-wide Skyscraper - 160 × 300px 2 spots, 5 rotations located throughout the website Files accepted: JPG or GIF. Max file size 100KB. Files accepted: JPG or GIF. Max file size 100KB. RATES Rectangle Banner RATES 3 MONTHS Site Sponsor $2,500 Horizontal Banner $1,300 Half-wide Skyscraper $800 6 MONTHS $5,000 $2,500 $1,500 12 MONTHS $10,000* $4,000 $2,500 *12-month site sponsor comes with a half-wide skyscraper ad for the year. 11 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT 12 MONTHS $3,500 Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per ad. PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL Measurable. Water Well Journal Website www.WaterWellJournal.org Our award-winning publication receives around an average of 1,000 visitors per month. And new this year, it will include the digital edition. SPECS Horizontal Banner – 468 × 60px 1 spot, 2 rotations, located throughout the website Half-wide Skyscraper – 160 × 300px 1 spot, 2 rotations, located throughout the website Tile Ad - 150 × 150px 2 spots, no rotations, located throughout the website Files accepted: JPG or GIF. Max file size 100KB. RATES Horizontal Banner Half-wide Skyscraper Tile Ad 6 MONTHS $1,925 $2,750 $1,500 12 MONTHS $3,500 $5,000 $3,000 NGWA’s Buyers Guide & Directory http://NGWA.OfficialBuyersGuide.net The Buyers Guide is a user-friendly forum designed to bring suppliers and end-users together. The purchase of any ad on the Buyers Guide website comes with a complimentary Premier Listing in the Online Buyers Guide. SPECS Page Peel - 500 × 500px AND 75 × 75px 1 spot, exclusive, located on the homepage File requirements: 2 JPG files required, small peel teaser (75 × 75px) and large peel ad (500 × 500px). Animation not accepted. Horizontal Banner - 468 × 60px 1 spot, 4 rotations, located on the homepage Files accepted: JPG, GIF or Flash/SWF*. Max file size 100KB. Super-Category Rectangle - 125 × 125px 2 spots, 6 rotations, located on pages of the category(ies) of your choice and on all related subcategory pages Files accepted: JPG, GIF or Flash/SWF*. Max file size 100KB. RATES 12 MONTHS Page Peel $4,995 Horizontal Banner $3,995 Super-Category Rectangle $1,995 *For online specifications for the Buyers Guide & Directory please visit www.naylor.com/clientSupport-onlineguildelines.asp. 12 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT Wiley Online Library Put your marketing message on Groundwater and Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation’s pages at Wiley Online Library, the database that contains complete articles for every issue of NGWA’s technical journals. SPECS Top Leaderboard Board – 728 × 90px 1 spot, 3 rotations Side Skyscraper - 160 × 600px 1 spot, 3 rotations Files accepted: JPG, GIF or SWF. Max file size 200KB. See agreement terms and conditions for animation/video details at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. RATES Top Leader Side Skyscraper 1000 IMPRESSIONS $75/site ** $75/site ** **$1,500 for the first 20,000 impressions. Additional impressions may be purchased for $75/thousand. Contact your Sales representative at sales@ngwa.org for details. PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL DIGITAL: Maximize your brand New! Groundwater and Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation App Users can now enjoy a new reading experience and download issues for reading offline. Call your NGWA sales team member today to learn more about these new apps. SPECS The preferred format are files as a full-page flex-ad unit supplied as HTML5. Ads will be placed between article content and should be configured to be responsive to the following screen sizes: iPad - 768 x 1004px iPhone - 320 x 480px and 320 x 568px Files can also be suppied as a full-page animated or static image and supplied in PNG or JPG format in all sizes. RATESMONTHLY GW $1,000 GWMR $1,000 e-Alerts (GW and GWMR) Be a part of e-Alerts, emails delivered to NGWA members and journal subscribers notifying them to new issues and content available on Wiley Online Library. Groundwater’s e-Alerts are received by more than 1,000 readers and Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation reaches more than 600. Artwork is due a month prior to the issue print mail date. SPECS Skyscraper Ad -160 × 600px 1 spot, e-Alert RATESMONTHLY GW$600 GWMR$600 Breakdown of Newszine Readership 23% Manufacturers 5% Contractors 67% 2% SPECS Top Banner - 495 × 90px 1 spot Square Side – 130 × 130px 5 spots Files accepted: PNG, GIF, or JPG. Max file size 200KB. Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per product. Suppliers Delivered to more than 8,000 each week, NGWA keeps its members up to date with its e-newsletter. Tall Skinny Side - 130 × 260px 2 spots Static files accepted: JPG or GIF. Max file size 24KB. 3% NGWA Newszine Scientists and Engineers Other 13 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT RATESMONTHLY Top Banner $500* Tall Skinny Side $500* Square Side $250* *Minimum one month purchase. PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL visibility. Creating a near-miss reporting culture, page 38 Water Well Journal has gone digital. This means its content can be accessed anytime, anywhere! And you have NEW options. December 2014 Protect Yourself Don’t let your company be a thief’s next victim, page 19 Also: Well sites and source water protection, page 25 WWJ Digital Publication Opportunities Email* Deliver your message before readers even open the issue. SPECS Top Banner - 495 × 90px 1 spot Skyscraper Side - 130 × 260px 1 spot Square Side – 130 × 130px 3 spots RATES Top Banner Skyscraper Side Square Side ISSUE $350 $350 $175 Digital Lead-Ins* Be the first readers see as they open WWJ. Only one available per issue. First come, first served basis. Banner - no larger than 8” × 5.25” Video - YouTube, Vimeo, and .MOV files are accepted. Digital Cover Ad* This ad is positioned to the left of the front cover so readers see your message immediately. SPECS 8.125” × 10.875” RATES Digital Cover ® ISSUE $500 Digital Tip-On* Use this unique way of advertising as readers peel away your message anywhere in the journal. SPECS One-Sided - 7”× 9” Two-Sided - 7”× 9” RATES One-Sided Two-Sided ISSUE $250 $325 Audio/Video RATESISSUE Digital Lead-In Banner $550 Digital Lead-In Video $600 Show off your product or services in action by adding audio/video to your digital ad. The audio/video starts when readers turn to the page featuring your advertisement, drawing attention right away. Digital Belly Bands/Cover Tip-Ons* SPECS YouTube, Vimeo, and .MOV files are accepted. Readers will see your ad stretched across the cover. They have to click on your ad to open and read the issue. Only one available per issue. First come, first served basis. SPECS 5” × 18” Band (double sided) 5” × 9” Cover Tip-On (one sided) RATES Digital Belly Band Digital Cover Tip-On ISSUE $550 $400 14 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT RATES Audio Video ISSUE/AD $250 $250 *All WWJ digital publication files need to be provided in inches and as JPG, GIF, or PDF. Files will be converted to pixel dimensions during production. Max file size 6MB. Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per product. PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL NGWA’S Buyers Guide & Directory Premier Listing Package | $399 Premier Listings are designed to offer heightened visibility within NGWA Buyers’ Guide & Directory. Premier Listings appear on a first-reserved, first-listed basis on top of all basic listings, ensuring they are seen first. Premier Listings contain all basic information plus the features listed below. Full-Color Company Logo The size of your logo should be 240 x 120px, max file size 100KB. We accept JPG or GIF format. Your logo will link to your website, so please provide the URL to which you would like your logo to link. Company Contacts - Up To Five Please include job title, phone number and email address. All email addresses will be hyperlinked and active. Website Activation Please provide us with the website, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn URLs to which your listing should link. Your website will be listed along with your contact information and will be included each time anyone searches for your company by the various searching capabilities available. Product/Service Categories All extra information will show up under all of the categories you select. Five category listings are included in the initial price of the Premier Listing. Additional category listings can be purchased for $50 each. Full-Color Product Image and Description The size of your product photo should be 240 x 240px, max file size 100KB. We accept JPG, GIF, or SWF/Flash format (animation must be no longer than 25 seconds). Please provide the URL to which you would like your product image to link. You can also include a brief product description (500 characters maximum) that will appear next to the product image. Video Upgrade | Additional cost $200 (OPTIONAL) Your video should run no longer than five minutes. We accept the following video formats: .AVI (Audio Video Interleave), .MOV (Apple QuickTime Movie). MP4 (MPEG-4 Video File) .MPG (MPEG Video File), .QT (Apple QuickTime Movie), .RM (Real Media File), .SWF (Macromedia Flash Movie) and .WMV (Windows Media Video File). Video dimensions should be 400 pixels by 300 pixels. Once payment and agreement are received along with the items outlined here, we will process your order and your one year investment will begin the day it is posted online. Primary Contact for RFP Automator and Request for Information (OPTIONAL) Indicate which person or email should be referenced as the “primary” contact. This designation is necessary for your company to be visible in the RFP Automator and to be available for requests for information. Company Description This is strictly textual information about your company. You can include your company’s mission statement or a description of the products and services you offer. No graphics are allowed in this section. The initial viewable text is 3,000 characters that can be extended upon clicking by an additional 3,000 characters for 6,000 characters maximum. All text should be provided to us in a Word document that allows us to cut and paste your description to your order. Keep in mind that each word in your company description is searchable via the “keyword” search function. Be thorough and include all elements of the products/services you provide. We allow you to change your listing on a monthly basis. 15 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT Your Premier Listing purchase will also be featured in the NGWA Buyers Guide that is printed in the June issue of WWJ. NGWA supplier and manufacturer members receive a free basic listing. Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per product. 2015 Web Advertising Order Form Please complete this form and return to NGWA. PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL Web Advertising Selection NGWA.org Advertising Company Contact Information Company Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Horizontal Banner Half-wide Skyscraper 3 months $1,100 $1,575 6 months $2,020 $2,880 12 months $3,675 $5,250 Ad Run Dates Start_______________________ End_________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Groundwater Summit Site Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Rectangle Banner Website_________________________________________________________ Check if this is a new address Check if you’re an NGWA member. Member #_________________________ Ad Run Dates Start_______________________ End_________________________ Groundwater Expo Site Billing Information (if different from above) Contact Name____________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ 12 months $2,000 Rectangle Banner 12 months $3,500 Ad Run Dates Start_______________________ End_________________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Water Well Journal Site Phone ____________________________ Fax Horizontal Banner Half-wide Skyscraper Tile Ad Advertising Agency Contact Information If an advertising agency is involved, this section must be completed at the time of order. Company Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Payment Information See payment terms at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Advertiser/agency is responsible for notifying NGWA of a change in billing contact. All payments must be in U.S. funds and must be on a U.S. bank, by bank wire transfer, or charged to a credit card. TOTAL INVESTMENT DUE $_________________________________________ Check #_________________________________________________________ Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card Number_____________________________________________________ Exp. Date __________________________ Security Code___________________ 6 months $1,925 $2,750 $1,500 12 months $3,500 $3,000 $3,000 Ad Run Dates Start_______________________ End_________________________ NGWA’s Directory & Buyers Guide 12 months Page Peel Horizontal Banner Super-Category Rectangle $4,995 $3,995 $1,995 Ad Run Dates Start_______________________ End_________________________ Premier Listing Package | $399 Ad Run Dates Start_______________________ End_________________________ Please list your categories (5) found at www.NGWA.org/AdvIndex. ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Name as It Appears on Card (please print)_______________________________ Please list any additional categories you would like for an additional $50/category. Authorized Signature ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ By signing below I agree to the terms and conditions at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Print Name_________________________ Date__________________________ Signature________________________________________________________ Video Upgrade | $200 Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per product. Rates are net/product. Mail to: NGWA, 601 Dempsey Road, Westerville, OH 43081 • USA • Fax: 614 360.2492 • Questions? 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791 ext. 603 • Email: sales@ngwa.org 16 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL To reserve space for: Water Well Journal please complete the following and return it to NGWA. Advertising Company Contact Information Company Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Website_________________________________________________________ Check if this is a new address Check if you’re an NGWA member. Member #_________________________ Billing Information (if different from above) Contact Name____________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Advertising Agency Contact Information If an advertising agency is involved, this section must be completed at the time of order. Company Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Guaranteed Position Any guaranteed position is contract space rate + 15%. To guarantee successive pages, space rate + 10%. Please list any guaranteed position under issue insert specifications. Payment Information See payment terms at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms.. Advertiser/agency is responsible for notifying NGWA of a change in billing contact. All payments must be in U.S. funds and must be on a U.S. bank, by bank wire transfer, or charged to a credit card. TOTAL INVESTMENT DUE $_________________________________________ Check #_________________________________________________________ Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card Number_____________________________________________________ Exp. Date __________________________ Security Code___________________ Name as It Appears on Card (please print)_______________________________ Authorized Signature By signing below I agree to the terms and conditions at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Print Name_________________________ Date__________________________ Signature________________________________________________________ 2015 Print Advertising Order Form Please indicate below your ad size, frequency, add-ons, and issues in which you would like to advertise. Advertiser Index One free category is included with print ads. Additional categories are only $20/each. Visit www.NGWA.org/AdvIndex for a complete list of categories. Please list your free category below. To purchase additional categories contact your sales representative at sales@ngwa.org. Free category: _________________________________________________ Water Well Journal Cover 1x 4x 6x12x IBC $3,870 $3,724 $3,542 $3,347 IFC $4,015 $3,867 $3,678 $3,476 BC $4,315 $4,154 $3,951 $3,733 Full-Page B&W $2,180 $2,075 $1,915 $1,785 One-Color $2,490 $2,390 $2,235 $2,100 Four-Color $2,975 $2,865 $2,725 $2,575 1/2-Page (island) $1,700 $1,515 $1,440 $1,270 B&W One-Color $2,020 $1,825 $1,750 $1,590 Four-Color $2,500 $2,300 $2,230 $2,060 1/2-Page (horizontal) B&W $1,400 $1,275 $1,175 $1,040 One-Color $1,700 $1,585 $1,490 $1,350 Four-Color $2,190 $2,060 $1,975 $1,825 1/3-Page B&W $1,140 $1,075 $975 $875 One-Color $1,450 $1,375 $1,280 $1,175 Four-Color $1,650 $1,575 $1,480 $1,375 1/4-Page B&W $875 $825 $775 $675 One-Color $1,170 $1,140 $1,090 $1,000 Four-Color $1,370 $1,340 $1,290 $1,200 Classified - For color add $55/ad 1 x 2” $125 $120 $115 $100 1 x 4” $250 $240 $230 $200 1 x 6“ $370 $360 $340 $305 1 x 9“ $555 $540 $510 $455 2 x 2” $250 $240 $230 $200 2 x 3” $370 $360 $340 $305 SOLD Line Ad $8.50/line ____#of lines (4 line minimum) For classified ads visit www.NGWA.org/MarketIndex to select your category listing. Indicate your choice: ________________________________________ Sponsored Content $4,500 Tip On Belly Band$5,000 Two-Sided $4,675 Gatefold Four-Page $10,940 Cover $4,790 $8,500 Heavy Stock $3,500 Issue(s) Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Latin American Issue Insert Specifications_________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per product. Rates are net/product. Nonmember pricing does not apply to classified/line ads. Mail to: NGWA, 601 Dempsey Road, Westerville, OH 43081 • USA • Fax: 614 360.2492 • Questions? 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791 ext. 603 • Email: sales@ngwa.org 17 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT 2015 Print Advertising Order Form To reserve space for: Groundwater and Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation please complete the following and return it to NGWA. Advertising Company Contact Information Company Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Website_________________________________________________________ Check if this is a new address Check if you’re an NGWA member. Member #_________________________ Billing Information (if different from above) Contact Name____________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Advertising Agency Contact Information If an advertising agency is involved, this section must be completed at the time of order. Company Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Guaranteed Position Any guaranteed position is contract space rate + 15%. To guarantee successive pages, space rate + 10%. Please list any guaranteed position under issue insert specifications. Payment Information See payment terms at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms.. Advertiser/agency is responsible for notifying NGWA of a change in billing contact. All payments must be in U.S. funds and must be on a U.S. bank, by bank wire transfer, or charged to a credit card. TOTAL INVESTMENT DUE $_________________________________________ Check #_________________________________________________________ Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card Number_____________________________________________________ Exp. Date __________________________ Security Code___________________ Name as It Appears on Card (please print)_______________________________ Authorized Signature By signing below I agree to the terms and conditions at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Print Name_________________________ Date__________________________ Signature________________________________________________________ PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL Please indicate below your ad size, frequency, add-ons, and issues in which you would like to advertise. Groundwater Full-Page 1x4x6x 10x B&W $1,850 $1,400 $1,330 $1,210 $1,575 One-Color $2,085 $1,635 $1,450 Four-Color $2,600 $2,145 $2,075 $1,960 1/2-Page (horizontal) B&W $1,180 $910 $865 $790 $1,025 One-Color $1,420 $1,150 $1,100 Four-Color $1,930 $1,660 $1,610 $1,540 1/3-Page (square) B&W $830 $660 $625 $575 One-Color $1,075 $900 $860 $810 $1,325 Four-Color $1,580 $1,405 $1,370 Professional Card (one year) B&W $670 $1,300 - combined Classified Employment$12.50/line ___# of lines $50 add logo Tip-On Two-Sided $4,375 Pour-page $9,600 Issue(s) Jan/Feb July/Aug March/April Sept/Oct May/June Nov/Dec Issue Insert Specifications__________________________________________ Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation Cover 1x 4x 6x10x IBC SOLD IFC SOLD BC SOLD $3,380 $3,510 $3,770 $2,788 $2,895 $3,110 $2,697 $2,801 $3,008 $2,548 $2,646 $2,842 Full-Page $1,330 B&W $1,850 $1,400 $1,210 One-Color $2,085 $1,635 $1,575 $1,450 $1,960 Four-Color $2,600 $2,145 $2,075 2/3-Page B&W $1,460 $1,270 $1,215 $1,100 One-Color $1,900 $1,500 $1,450 $1,335 $2,050 Four-Color $2,410 $1,965 $1,850 1/2-Page B&W $1,180 $910 $865 $790 One-Color $1,420 $1,150 $1,100 $1,025 $1,540 Four-Color $1,930 $1,660 $1,610 1/3-Page $625 B&W $830 $660 $575 One-Color $1,075 $900 $860 $810 Four-Color $1,580 $1,405 $1,370 $1,325 Professional Card (one year) B&W $670 $1,300 - combined Belly Band$4,350 Tip-On Two-Sided $4,375 Four-Page $9,600 Cover $4,450 Issue(s) Winter Spring Summer Fall Issue Insert Specifications__________________________________________ Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per product. Rates are net/product. Nonmember pricing does not apply to professional card ads. Mail to: NGWA, 601 Dempsey Road, Westerville, OH 43081 • USA • Fax: 614 360.2492 • Questions? 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791 ext. 603 • Email: sales@ngwa.org 18 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT 2015 Digital Advertising Order Form PRINT | WEB | DIGITAL Please complete this form and return to NGWA. Wiley Online Library Advertising Company Contact Information Company Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Website_________________________________________________________ Check if this is a new address Check if you’re an NGWA member. Member #_________________________ Billing Information (if different from above) Contact Name____________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ Advertising Agency Contact Information If an advertising agency is involved, this section must be completed at the time of order. Payment Information See payment terms at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms.. Advertiser/agency is responsible for notifying NGWA of a change in billing contact. All payments must be in U.S. funds and must be on a U.S. bank, by bank wire transfer, or charged to a credit card. TOTAL INVESTMENT DUE $_________________________________________ Check #_________________________________________________________ Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card Number_____________________________________________________ Exp. Date __________________________ Security Code___________________ Name as It Appears on Card (please print)_______________________________ Authorized Signature By signing below I agree to the terms and conditions at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Print Name_________________________ Date__________________________ Signature________________________________________________________ Rates shown are NGWA member pricing. Nonmembers of NGWA add $400 per product. Rates are net/product. Digital Advertising Selection Site Sponsor Horizontal Banner Half-wide Skyscraper 3 months $2,500 $1,300 $800 6 months $5,000 $2,500 $1,500 GW GW GWMR GWMR Ad Run Dates: Start__________________ End__________________ Minimum purchase $1,500 for the first 20,000 impressions. Additional impressions may be purchased for $75/thousand. Contact your sales representative at sales@ngwa.org for details. E-Alerts GWGWMR $600/month $600/month Skyscraper Ad Run Dates: Start__________________ End__________________ Groundwater and Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation Apps GW - $1,000/month/ad GWMR - $1,000/month/ad Ad Run Dates: Start__________________ End__________________ NGWA Newszine Top Banner - $500/month SOLD Tall Skinny Side - $500/month Square Side - $250/month Ad Run Dates: Start__________________ End__________________ Digital Water Well Journal Company Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State/Province___________________ Zip/Postal Code_____________________ Country________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________________ Contact Email_____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Fax___________________________ WellOwner.org Top Leaderboard Side Skyscraper 12 months $10,000 $4,000 $2,500 Ad Run Dates: Start___________________ End__________________ Digital Email Top Banner - $350/issue Skyscraper Side - $350/issue Square Side - $175/issue Issue(s) May Nov June Dec July Aug Sept Oct Aug Sept Oct Aug Sept Oct Aug Sept Oct Aug Sept Oct Audio - $250/ad Video- $250/ad Issue(s) May June July Aug Nov Dec Sept Oct Digital Lead-Ins Lead-In Banner - $550/issue Lead-In Video - $600/issue Issue(s) May June July Nov Dec Digital Belly Band - $550/issue Digital Cover Tip-On - $400/issue Issue(s) May June July Nov Dec Digital Cover Ad - $500/issue Issue(s) May June July Nov Dec Digital Tip-On One-Sided - $250/issue Two-Sided - $325/issue May June Issue(s) Nov Dec July If more than one ad, please indicate which ad audio/video links to: __________________________________________________ Mail to: NGWA, 601 Dempsey Road, Westerville, OH 43081 • USA • Fax: 614 360.2492 • Questions? 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791 ext. 603 • Email: sales@ngwa.org 19 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT “The Groundwater Expo is a great opportunity to debut new products... and get exposure in a short period of time with a large number of attendees. I am capturing a core group of individuals — people that have the ability to make decisions on purchasing capital equipment.” – Kevin Reimer, Sonic Drill Corp. EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES Make the Connection 20 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES NGWA events are a powerful medium FOR BUILDING AND GROWING YOUR BUSINESS. EXHIBITING BENEFITS Build your brand • Reposition your brand • Increase brand awareness Generate publicity • Maintain and establish customer relationships VALUE OF EXHIBITING • 81% of trade show attendees have purchasing power • 78% of trade show attendees travel more than 400 miles • 99% of marketers said they found unique value from trade shows they did not get from other marketing mediums • 8.3 hours are spent in the hall by the average attendee • 45% of attendees visit only one exhibition per year Source: Exhibit Surveys Inc. NGWA HAS A GLOBAL PRESENCE 3.38% Other Attendees at Expo 2013 represented 44 countries Exhibitors at Expo 2013 represented 31 countries Face-to-face interactions are more important than ever to strengthen your current relationships and build new ones. 9.4% Suppliers 33.26% Contractors 27.82% Manufacturers Who attends our events? 26.14% Scientists and Engineers 21 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES NGWA Groundwater SUMMIT 2015 March 16-18 • San Antonio, Texas Grand Hyatt, San Antonio What is included in your $1,250 investment? Who attends? 88.46% Scientists and Engineers • 6-foot cloth-covered table • 2 chairs • Pre- and post-conference attendee list • One electrial outlet • Your company logo in on-site program • One complimentary event registration 6.2% Other 1.85% Manufacturers 3.34% Contractors Space is limited! See sponsorship details (pages 31-32) for additional opportunities at the Summit. .16% Suppliers Conference floor plan 10x10 Platinum Sponsor 6 7 8 5 4 3 10x10 Platinum Sponsor 9 10 2 1 F & B Option F & B Option NGWA Registration 22 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT 10x10 Event Partner EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES NGWA Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rock SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2015 – BURLINGTON, VERMONT - HILTON BURLINGTON What is included in your $1,000 investment? • 8-foot cloth-covered table • 2 chairs • Pre- and post-conference attendee list • One electrical outlet • Your company logo in on-site program • One complimentary event registration Who attends? • Groundwater scientists and engineers • Remediation project managers • Federal, state, and local regulators • Private industry Space is limited! Reserve your space now and don’t be shut out! See sponsorship details (page 30) for additional opportunities. Ballroom 2 3 4 F & B Option 1 F & B Option Conference floor plan 5 6 7 8 Registration 23 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT 15 Las Vegas EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES Expose your products and services to the people making the buying decisions from every state and around the globe in just two days! Decision-makers attending want to: • Explore the newest in products and services • Discover the latest in trends, technologies, and practices • Connect with industry experts and other groundwater professionals Dec 15-17 Las Vegas Convention Center What is included in your investment? Exhibitor Schedule Assignment of Space (times subject to change) 1. On November 1, or next business date if November 1 falls on a weekend, 10 companies will be randomly drawn from the pool of companies with current Groundwater Expo exhibit contracts and assigned, in the order drawn, the first 10 on-site space selection appointment times. Monday, December 14 11 a.m.: Heavy Equipment move-in. You will be notified of your move-in time. • Company listing in pre-show brochure* • Company listing in on-site program** • Two free exhibitor registrations per 10′×10′ area (may purchase additional badges for $75)*** Tuesday, December 15 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.: Exhibitor move-in Wednesday, December 16 12 noon – 6 p.m.: Exhibit hall open • Pre- and Post-Expo attendee list • Access to “Groundwater Expo Exhibitor” logo and web banner Thursday, December 17 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.: Exhibit hall open 3 p.m.: Exhibitor move-out • Opportunity to register your customers at a discounted rate • 8-foot high pipe and drape back wall with 3-foot high draped side rails Priority points system • Participating companies must have an active NGWA company/corporate membership on November 1 of current year to participate in the priority point system. • Companies earn one (1) point for every $100 spent on all NGWA products and services, including but not limited to: exhibit space and sponsorships, at all NGWA events; advertising, both print and digital; and contributions to NGWREF during the previous three (3) year time period. • A period runs from October 1 through September 30. • Identification sign (7”″× 44”) *Booth must be reserved by 7/17/2015. **Booth must be reserved by 10/15/2015. ***Exhibitors may not share or sublet space. Company name on exhibitors’ badges will be the company listed on the contract. 46% Contractors 29% Manufacturers Check out Sponsorship Opportunties (pages 34-37). 2. All remaining companies will be assigned a date and time for on-site space selection in the order of their total priority points. 3. In the event of a tie, those companies will be assigned a single block of time and space will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. 4. Companies not exhibiting at the current year’s Groundwater Expo must submit a signed contract prior to 12:00 p.m. (noon) December 1 to participate in the priority point system. 5. Companies that miss their assigned time or the submission deadline will be allowed to participate during the next available appointment time. 6. Space remaining after the on-site booth selection will be allocated on a first come, first served basis until all booth space is sold. 7. NGWA reserves the right to relocate an exhibitor’s booth space due to modifications of the exhibit facility, fire marshal regulations, or any other reason. 15% Suppliers/ Distributors 10% Scientists and Engineers Who attends the Expo? 24 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES 15 Las Vegas Advertising and sponsorships are great ways to maximize your ROI! Dec 15-17 Official sponsor of 2015 Booth Rates TYPE OF SPACE *Inline booth/ Island booth *Corner booth *Bulk space TYPE OF SPACE Each 10’×10’ inline booth Each 10’×10’ corner Each 20’×20’ island Each 20’×30’ island Each 20’×40’ island Each 20’×50’ island MEMBER NONMEMBER $18/sq ft $20/sq ft $10.50/sq ft $26/sq ft $28/sq ft $12.50/sq ft MEMBER $1,800 $2,000 $7,200 $10,800 $14,400 $18,000 NONMEMBER $2,600 $2,800 $10,400 $15,600 $20,800 $26,000 BULK SPACE RENTAL FEES (Heavy Equipment)* MEMBER NONMEMBER Each 20’×20’ bulk space $4,200 $5,000 Each 20’×30’ bulk space $6,300 $7,500 Each 20’×40’ bulk space $8,400 $10,000 Each 20’×50’ bulk space $10,500 $12,500 *All equipment must fit completely within the space rented. (For space larger than 20×50’, visit www.NGWA.org/GroundwaterExpo.com/Exhibitors or contact a sales team member at 800 551.7379 (614 898.7791), ext. 603, or by emailing sales@ngwa.org.) Groundwater TV Increase your presence at the Expo! Groundwater TV is the 24-hour news channel that is broadcast continuously througout the show in guest rooms and more. From interviews to ticker ads featuring your booth number, Groundwater TV is a great way to be seen! 3-minute interview or commercial $2,200 30-second interview $850 20-second billboard ad $650 10-second ticker ad $200 program Double the exposure and advertise in the on-site program The official roadmap to exhibits, educational programs, and social events, this guide is distributed to all attendees. Use the Expo app! Scan the QR code or go to Groundw aterexpo.com/ap p and add the QR Code image. PROGRAM AD SPECS SIZE Full-page type Live Trim Bleed Half-page (horizontal) Quarter-page (vertical) 65th Annual NGW A Groundwater Expo Conference: Decem Featuring an exhibit DIMENSIONS ber 3–6 hall with 25 first-time ● and Annual Meeting Exposition: 4–5 exhibitors and more than 82 new products. 7.125 × 9.875″ 8.125 × 10.875″ 8.375 × 11.125″ 7.125 × 4.875″ 3.475 × 4.75″ SIZE EXHIBITOR RATE Outside Back Cover $2,250 (Four-Color) Inside Front Cover $2,000 (Four-Color) Inside Back Cover $1,850 (Four-Color) 2-page Center Spread $3,300 (Four-Color) Full-page (B&W) $975 Full-page (Four-Color) $1,350 Half-page (B&W) $725 $1,075 Half-page (Four-Color) Quarter-page (B&W) $575 Quarter-page (Four-Color) $925 SOLD NONEXHIBITOR RATE n/a SOLD n/a SOLD n/a n/a $1,125 $1,500 $875 $1,225 $725 $1,075 New Product Panel $600 | Number Available: 4 Drive traffic to your booth long before the exhibit hall doors open! New Product Showcase panel is a single-sided, full-color advertisement of your new product, service, or technology. Floor Graphics $1,000 | Number Available: 4 per company (max) Direct attendees to your booth by placing your logo right under their feet. 25 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT the Expo on-site ® EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES SECURE YOUR SPACE! 2015 Expo Floor Plan Please note floor plan subject to change. Please visit www.GroundwaterExpo.com/Exhibitors for up to date floor plan. 26 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT 2015 Exhibit Order Form EXHIBIT OPPORTUNITIES By completing this form, you are making a formal application for exhibit space which will become binding upon confirmation from NGWA. By signing below you agree to the terms and conditions at www. NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms.. Please complete the first section with how you would like to appear in marketing materials. Groundwater Summit SOLD Exhibit table for GW Summit - $1,250 Total Summit Investment: $_______________________________________________ Fractured Rock SOLD Please complete this form and return to NGWA. Exhibit table for Fractured Rock - $1,000 Total Fractured Rock Investment: $_________________________________________ Advertising Company Contact Information Groundwater Expo Advertiser Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ City__________________________ State/Province_______________ Zip/Postal Code_________________ Country_____________________ Contact Name_____________________________________________ Contact Email______________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Fax________________________ Website__________________________________________________ Check if this is a new address Check if you’re an NGWA member. Member #___________________ 10’x10’ inline booth 10’x10’ corner 20’x20’ island 20’x30’ island 20’x40’ island 20’x50’ island Member NonmemberQuanity $1,800 $2,600 ______________ $2,000 $2,800 ______________ $7,200 $10,400 ______________ $10,800 $15,600 ______________ $14,400 $20,800 ______________ $18,000 $26,000 ______________ Bulk Space Rental Fees (Heavy Equipment) Member 20’x20’ bulk space $4,200 20’x30’ bulk space 20’x40’ bulk space 20’x50’ bulk space Nonmember $5,000 $6,300 $8,400 $10,500 $7,500 $10,000 $12,500 Please indicate your top 5 booth location choices. Billing Information (if different from above) 1___________ 2___________ Contact Name_____________________________________________ 3___________ 4___________ 5_____________ Address__________________________________________________ For space larger than 20’×50’, visit www.NGWA.org/GroundwaterExpo.com/Exhibitors or contact a sales team member at 800 551.7379 (614 898.7791), ext. 603, or by emailing sales@ngwa.org. City__________________________ State/Province________________ Expo On-Site program Advertising Options Zip/Postal Code_________________ Country_____________________ Contact Email______________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Fax________________________ Avoid assignment adjacent to:________________________________ Payment Information See payment terms at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Exhibitor is responsible for notifying NGWA of a change in billing contact. All payments must be in U.S. funds and must be on a U.S. bank, by bank wire transfer, or charged to a credit card. TOTAL INVESTMENT DUE $_________________________________________ Check #__________________________________________________ Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card Number______________________________________________ Exp. Date ______________________ Security Code________________ Name as It Appears on Card (please print)________________________ Authorized Signature By signing below I agree to the terms and conditions at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Print Name_____________________ Date_______________________ Signature_________________________________________________ Exhibitor Rate Outside back cover $2,250 Inside front cover $2,000 Inside back cover $1,850 2-page center spread $3,300 Full-page (B&W) $975 Full-Page (Four-Color) $1,350 Half-page (B&W) $725 Half-page (Four-Color) $1,075 Qtr-page (B&W) $575 Qtr-page (Four-Color) $925 SOLD SOLD Non-Exhibitor Rate n/a n/a n/a n/a $1,125 $1,500 $875 $1,225 $725 $1,075 Products/Services Displayed ___________________________________ New Product/Technology Displayed__________________________ Choose up to 5 options to categorize your company: ancillary (publications, associations, etc.) bits/hammers drilling accessories geotechnical mud pumps/mud systems pumps suppliers water level measurement construction equipment drill rigs drilling fluids/mud environmental geothermal motors packers pipe/casing screens service trucks tanks water treatment miscellaneous products and services New Product Panel $600 | ________# of panels Floor Graphics $1,000 | ________# of graphics Groundwater TV 3-minute interview or commercial - $2,200 20-second billboard ad - $650 30-second interview - $850 10-second ticker ad - $200 Total Expo Investment: $________________________________________________ Mail to: NGWA, 601 Dempsey Road, Westerville, OH 43081 • USA • Fax: 614 360.2492 • Questions? 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791 ext. 603 • Email: sales@ngwa.org 27 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT “Groundwater TV, what an easy experience and a great one. The team was great to work with, we got excellent coverage, and I am looking forward to doing it again in the future.” – Beth Miller, Mud Technologies SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Take the Advantage 28 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Get NOTICED! Many companies choose to augment their exhibit presence at NGWA events with a sponsorship. Still others elect to sponsor instead of exhibiting — based on their marketing goals and resources. Whatever your reason for considering a sponsorship with NGWA, rest assured NGWA sponsors reap outstanding benefits from their support and dedication to NGWA. WHY BE A SPONSOR? • Be front and center at industry event • Be seen as an industry leader • Meet new customers who have buying on their minds • Showcase your latest product SPONSORSHIP LEVELS NGWA offers sponsorship options and levels. Several of these will be sold on a first come, first served basis, so don’t delay in securing your sponsorship package! Remember that our sponsorship levels are just a starting point – you can build a custom package that best fits your organization’s needs. SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS • Increase exhibit hall visibility • Demonstrate commitment to the industry • Familiarize attendees with your brand • Draw attention to your products and services 29 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES NGWA Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rock Sponsorships SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2015 – BURLINGTON, VERMONT - HILTON BURLINGTON Each sponsorship package includes the following benefits: • Acknowledgement of sponsorship level on signage and in the on-site program • Pre- and post- conference attendee list. • Recognition in select NGWA marketing emails • Sponsor ribbons for exhibit staff • Mentioned on NGWA social media Custom sponsorships available! Call 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791, ext. 601, for details. Gold Sponsorship Platinum Sponsorship $5,000 | Two Available $10,000 | One Available Registration Three full conference registrations in addition to your exhibiting perks Registration Five full conference registrations in addition to your exhibiting perks Special Conference Pricing Save $50 off the full conference registration for your employees and customers Special Conference Pricing Save $100 off the full conference registration for your employees and customers Print Advertising (GWMR) One half-page ad in the Summer issue Print Advertising (GWMR) One full-page ad in the Summer issue Print Advertising (GW) One half-page ad in the July/August issue Print Advertising (GW) One full-page ad in the July/August issue Digital Advertising One square side placement ad in the September issues of NGWA Newszine Digital Advertising One square side placement ad in the September & October issues of NGWA Newszine Online Advertising Side skyscraper ad on Wiley Online Library, August, and September Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting Online Advertising Top leaderboard placement on Wiley Online Library August, September and October Opening General Session One to two minutes on the mic Reception Exclusive sponsor of the opening night reception Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Breakfast Refreshment Break $3,750 | Number of Cosponsors: 4 Available each morning of the conference — wake attendees up with a refreshing light breakfast. $2,500 | Number of Cosponsors: 4 Keep attendees alert and entertained by sponsoring one of the four breaks throughout the event. Lunch Lanyard $8,500 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Get your brand out in front of attendees as they enjoy lunch sponsored by you. With this exclusive investment you receive five minutes on the mic. $1,000 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Wrap your brand around attendees as they wear your lanyard throughout the conference. Sponsor must provide 350 lanyards upon sponsorship confirmation. 30 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES NGWA Groundwater SUMMIT 2015 March 16-18 • San Antonio, Texas Each sponsorship package comes with the following benefits: • Company logo on Groundwater Summit site • Acknowledgement of sponsorship level on signage and in the on-site program • Pre- and post-conference attendee list • Recognition in select NGWA marketing emails • Sponsor ribbons for exhibit staff • Mentioned on NGWA social media Gold Sponsorship Platinum Sponsorship Event Partner Sponsorship Three Available | $3,500 Two Available | $8,500 One Available | $15,000 Registration Two full conference registrations in addition to your exhibiting perks Registration Six full conference registrations in addition to your exhibiting perks Registration All employees get a free registration Special Conference Pricing Save $50 off the full conference registration for your employees and customers Special Conference Pricing Save $100 off the full conference registration for your employees and customers Print Advertising (GWMR) One half-page ad in the Winter issue Print Advertising (GWMR) One full-page ad in the Winter issue Print Advertising (GW) One half-page ad in the January/ February issue Print Advertising (GW) One full-page ad in the January/ February issue Online Advertising Side skyscraper ad on Wiley Online Library, January and February Online Advertising Side skyscraper ad on Wiley Online Library, January Digital Advertising One square side placement ad in the March issue of NGWA Newszine Digital Advertising One square side placement ad in the March and April issues of NGWA Newszine Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting Opening General Session One to two minute opening remarks Event App Your ad featured in the show app Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting – full 10’×10’′ space instead of 6-foot table 31 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT Special Conference Pricing Save $100 off the full conference registration for your customers Print Advertising (GWMR) One full-page ad in the Winter issue Print Advertising (GW) One full-page ad in the January/ February issue Online Advertising Top leaderboard placement on Wiley Online Library, January and February Digital Advertising One square side placement ad in the March, April and May issues of NGWA Newszine Opening General Session One to two minute opening remarks Event App Your ad featured in the show app Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting – full 10’×10’′ space instead of 6-foot table Naming Rights Anywhere you see the name Groundwater Summit you will see your logo SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Stand out from the rest. Increase your visibility. ADDITIONAL SUMMIT OPPORTUNITIES Breakfast $8,000 | Number of Cosponsors: 3 Start attendees’ days off with a light breakfast to get them up and moving. Refreshment Break $3,000 | Number of Cosponsors: 6 Grow your brand’s presence with your name and logo on signage placed by the break area. Lunch $6,000 | Number of Cosponsors: 4 Leave a lasting impression on attendees as they gather to network for lunch on Tuesday. Sponsors can place marketing piece on tables/chairs. Interested in an exclusive sponsorship and 5 minutes of mic time? Call us to learn more. Poster Session Reception $5,000 | Number of Cosponsors: 8 Monday and Tuesday evening mingle with attendees as they explore and network with food and drinks while checking out the posters submitted. Web App Sponsor $4,000 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Be at the fingertips of attendees by sponsoring the conference app. Web App Advertiser $750 | Number Available: 2 Be seen before and throughout the event, reaching attendees no matter where they are. Web App Announcement $175 | Number Available: 2 per day Have a demonstration you want to do at your display? Announce it on the app to draw the attendees in. Web App Survey $300 | Number Available: 3 per day Need to gather attendee responses for a survey? Just give us the questions and we will handle the details. Have an idea? Call us at 800.551.7379 or 614.898.7791 ext. 601 to discuss. 32 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT Lanyard SOLD $1,000 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Wrap your company logo on the lanyard every attendee will wear. Sponsor must provide 450 lanyards upon sponsorship confirmation. NGWA UPPER GREAT PLAINS GROUNDWATER CONFERENCE September 22-23, 2015 Exhibitor Agreement Form Please complete this form and return to NGWA. Exhibiting Company Contact Information Company Name____________________________________________ Who will be in attendance? Address__________________________________________________ City__________________________ State/Province_______________ Zip/Postal Code_________________ Country_____________________ Contact Name_____________________________________________ Contact Email______________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Fax________________________ • Groundwater and environmental scientists and engineers • Federal/state/local regulators and officials Website__________________________________________________ Check if this is a new address Check if you’re an NGWA member. Member #___________________ Billing Information (if different from above) Sponsorship Opportunities Please indicate your selection below. Contact Name_____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Event Sponsor (1 Available) — $5,500 Investment includes: City__________________________ State/Province________________ • Six-foot table to exhibit with two chairs Zip/Postal Code_________________ Country_____________________ • Two complimentary event registrations Contact Email______________________________________________ • Full-page ad in September WWJ Phone ________________________ Fax________________________ • Lunch sponsor (may put marketing materials out at each table) Payment Information • Where the event is promoted your company logo will be listed as event sponsor See payment terms at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. All payments must be in U.S. funds and must be on a U.S. bank, by bank wire transfer, • Provide us with your marketing piece to give to attendees at registration or charged to a credit card. • Pre- and post-conference attendee list TOTAL INVESTMENT DUE $_________________________________________ Check #__________________________________________________ Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Platinum Sponsor (2 Available) — $3,750 Investment includes: Card Number______________________________________________ • Six-foot table to exhibit with two chairs Exp. Date ______________________ Security Code________________ • One complimentary event registration Name as it appears on card (please print)___________________________ • Refreshment breaks cosponsor Authorized Signature By signing below I agree to the terms and conditions at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Print Name_____________________ Date_______________________ Signature_________________________________________________ Event Location Little America Hotel & Resort Cheyenne 2800 West Lincolnway Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009 • Where the event is promoted your company logo will be listed as a sponsor • Provide us with your marketing piece to give to attendees at registration • Pre- and post-conference attendee list Please send 100 copies of your marketing piece for registration by August 10, 2015. Mail to: NGWA, 601 Dempsey Road, Westerville, OH 43081, USA Fax: 614 360.2492 Questions? 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791, ext. 603 Email: sales@ngwa.org SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 15 Las Vegas Dec 15-17 Las Vegas Convention Center Each sponsorship package comes with the following benefits: • Company logo on Expo website • Acknowledgement of sponsorship level on signage and in the on-site program • Pre- and post-Expo attendee list • Recognition in select NGWA marketing emails • Featured on NGWA social media First-Time Exhibitor Silver Sponsor $5,000 | 2 available $12,500 | 3 available Advertising (WWJ) Your logo will be placed in a collective ad with all First-Time exhibitor sponsors in the October and November issues Advertising (WWJ) 1/4-page four-color ad in November and December On-Site Program Your logo will be placed in a collective ad with all First-Time exhibitor sponsors Groundwater TV 10-second ticker ad New Exhibitors Showcase 1/6-page ad in November issue of WWJ in a special section featuring new exhibitors Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting and a 10’×10’ inline booth in a prime location On-Site Program 1/4-page four-color ad Groundwater TV 10-second ticker ad Web App Follow attendees wherever they go with your ad rotating at the bottom of the conference app Signage One row of aisle banner signage in the exhibit hall Registration Five complimentary Expo registrations in addition to the exhibiting perks Recharge/Relax Area Pick between a charging station where attendees can recharge their devices for the day (2 available) or a lounge area where they can kick back and relax (2 available) Special Pricing Your employees and clients can attend for a discounted rate of $75 Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting and a 10’×10’ ′ inline booth Registration 10 complimentary Expo registrations in addition to the exhibiting perks Special Pricing Your employees and clients can attend for a discounted rate of $75 Charging Station 34 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Gold Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Diamond Sponsor $18,500 | 2 available $25,000 | 1 available $35,000 | 1 available Advertising (WWJ) 1/4-page four-color ad in October, November, and December issues Advertising (WWJ) 1/2-page four-color ad in October, November, and December issues Advertising (WWJ) Full-page four-color ad in October, November, and December issues On-Site Program 1/4-page four-color ad On-Site Program 1/2-page four-color ad On-Site Program Exclusive Sponsorship of the piece — logo on cover Signage One row of aisle banner signage in the exhibit hall Groundwater TV 30-second interview On-site Program Full-page four-color ad Signage 1 row of aisle banner signage in the exhibit hall Groundwater TV Exclusive Exclusive sponsor — This 24-hour news channel will broadcast continuously throughout the show in guest rooms and more! Refreshments Quench their thirst with a beverage and water station strategically placed in the exhibit hall Floor Graphics Grab attendees’ attention as they see your logo right under their feet (2 included—can purchase additional if you wish) Snacks Don’t let attendees go hungry — fuel their energy by having snacks available in the hall Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting and a 10’×10’ corner booth Registration 15 complimentary Expo registrations in addition to the exhibiting perks Special Pricing Your employees and clients can attend for a discounted rate of $75 D L SO Floor Graphics Grab attendees’ attention as they see your logo right under their feet (3 included — can purchase additional if you wish) Digital Advertising One square side placement ad in the October and November issues of NGWA Newszine Breakfast/Delegates Meeting Place your marketing materials on the chairs prior to meeting starting Activity Center Each sponsor will receive one session each day in the activity center to showcase their product Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting and a 10’×10’ ′ corner booth Registration 20 complimentary Expo registrations in addition to the exhibiting perks Special Pricing Your employees and clients can attend for a discounted rate of $75 D L SO Groundwater TV 30-second interview and a 20-second billboard ad Signage Three rows of aisle banner signage in the exhibit hall Floor Graphics Grab attendees’ attention as they see your logo right under their feet (4 included — can purchase additional if you wish) Digital Advertising One square side placement ad in the October, November, and December issues of NGWA Newszine Exclusive Banner One banner with your company logo prominently displayed with booth number Exhibiting All the perks of exhibiting and a 20’×30’ space Registration 25 complimentary conference registrations in addition to the exhibiting perks Special Pricing Your employees and clients can attend for a discounted rate of $50 35 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 15 Showcase your presence Las Vegas Dec 15-17 OUTSIDE THE EXPO EXHIBIT HALL SOLD Shuttle Service New Products Showcase $9,000 | Number of Cosponsors: 3 Capture the attention of those riding the bus every day of the Expo. Sponsor logos will be collectively located on signage to create brand awareness. Go a step more and engage with attendees as they make their way to the convention center. Ride along with them, give them a snack or a drink. $5,000 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive The New Products Showcase is the launching pad for the hottest new products and services making their debut at the Expo. Included with your sponsorship are two panels to show off your product. SOLD Registration and Welcome Area $6,500 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Enlist an army of attendees to promote your company name or message by sponsoring registration. Your brand will be showcased in the highest traffic location at the Expo. Your logo will be prominently placed and your sponsorship will be acknowledged as attendees check in, hang out at the bookstore, and recharge for the day. Sponsor must provide 4,000 lanyards and bags upon sponsorship confirmation. Hotel Key Card $13,500 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Your custom card with corporate logo, message, booth number, etc. will be distributed to every attendee staying in the NGWA hotel block. Sponsor just provides the artwork. Job Board $1,000 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Be front and center on the job board where companies can post job openings. SOLD Attendee Welcome Reception $3,800 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive The first day can be overwhelming but you can help attendees kick back and relax by hosting the welcome reception. You work with the facility and set the menu directly and we will promote the event and your sponsorship. Opening Ceremony and Awards Presentation $5,000 | Number of Cosponsors: 2 Your logo will be prominently placed as attendees stop and grab their cup of coffee and enter for the opening ceremony and awards presentation. Sponsors will also receive two minutes on the mic. Annual NGWREF Fundraising Auction $6,500 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Add your company name, logo, and booth number to all auction promotional materials – three-part email series, ads in WWJ, GW, and GWMR bidder’s flier. The event will provide a venue to raise money for the National Ground Water Research and Educational Foundation while providing light appetizers and a cash bar to attendees. Interested in making an item donation to this event? Contact ngwref@ngwa.org. Increase Your Exhibit Hall Visibility Wireless $27,500 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Have your company name be the passcode entered by all by exclusively sponsoring wireless for three days in the exhibit hall and meeting rooms. Fun Cart $2,500 | Number of Sponsors: Unlimited You name it, you get it. Work with the facility and set the menu from a beer cart to a food truck or anything in between and we will promote the item and your sponsorship. Closing Events $2,500 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive (Beverages) $2,500 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive (Desserts) Gather around as Santa makes his way through the hall filled with the sounds of holiday carolers. Grab a cup of joe with a cookie or another special treat as we close the exhibit hall and send attendees home on a high note. You work with the facility/caterer to have the beverages/desserts of your choice and we will promote your company as the event sponsor. We can customize a package just for you. Call 800.551.7379 or 614.898.7791 ext. 603 today. Interested in becoming an NGWA member? Contact our membership department at 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791. 36 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Go Digital UNIQUE TO THE EXPO “The value that Jet-Lube gets from belonging to NGWA and being an exhibitor at the Expo is very important to the success of our company. Sponsoring the shuttle is our way of thanking all our friends and customers attending this great event and for all the support you have always given our company for 65 years.” – Joe Large, Jet-Lube Inc. Web App $7,000 | Number of Sponsors: Exclusive Be at the fingertips of attendees as they navigate the Expo app. Web App Survey $650 | Number Available: 4/day Need to know who is there and what they want to buy? You set the questions and we do the work. Web App Announcement $350 | Number Available: 4/day Want to do a giveaway or do a demonstration at your booth? Let us know and we can help draw the attendees in. Please refer to page 26 for on-site advertising options. “Customers, volume of customers, quality of customers, it’s just a great show. Numbers are good...Bar none this is the best show we are at every year.” – Kevin Christensen, Palmer Bit Co. We also have short course and webinar sponsorships available. Contact NGWA sales for more information at sales@ngwa.org. Sales Revenue of Attendees well casings auger rigs 4 motors rigs heat pumps tools 34.7% COMPLETE drop pipe THE pumps drill heavy equipment water treatment well screen GROUNDWATER Well Drilling bits service trucks construction safety water tanksEVENT well pumps pipe sampling tools heat pump fishing tools bits/hammers d loa ! n p w Do e ap h t motors s ing cas rigs 4 well ATENTR GROUNDWEVE THE tools auger ps pum rigs drill tmentscreen water trea TEwell drop pipe ipment COMPLE ps heavy equ heat pum service 46.3% Use the personalized attendee code you received with your Expo badge in the mail. Pump Installation 2.9% Environmental trucks s tanks well pump y water ers bits ion safet tools bits/hamm construct ng t pump fishi tools hea sampling pipe 4 Joe A ttend ee Ad dress 111-1 Shakti Pumps 1 USA LLC is the official sponsor of the Expo thout YOU! mplete Wi It’s Not Co it G Vis p. Ap m/ E ter wa d un n th R eQ eb cod Other attendee badge. .co xpo ro 18.8% w. elo Sca ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT 37 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER Have an idea? Call us at 800.551.7379 or 614.898.7791 ext. 603 to discuss. 2015 Sponsorship Application and Contract SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Please complete this form and return to NGWA. Sponsorship Selection This agreement, dated_______________________________________ is between National Ground Water Association (NGWA) and the sponsoring firm identified below. Please print the official company name and name of one key contact person below to be addressed in correspondence and/or telephone calls from NGWA related to this sponsorship. Fractured Rock Gold Sponsorship - $5,000 Platinum Sponsorship - $10,000 CEO_____________________________________________________ Please select additional opportunities you would like to take advantage of. Breakfast Cosponsor- $3,750 Refreshment Break Cosponsor - $2,500 Lunch Sponsor - $8,500 Lanyard Sponsor - $1,000 Address__________________________________________________ Total Fractured Rock Investment: $_____________________________ Company_________________________________________________ City__________________________ State/Province_______________ Zip/Postal Code_________________ Country_____________________ Contact Name_____________________________________________ Contact Email______________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Fax________________________ SOLD Groundwater Summit Gold Sponsorship - $3,500 Platinum Sponsorship - $8,500 Event Partner Sponsorship - $15,000 City__________________________ State/Province________________ Please select additional opportunities you would like to take advantage of. Web App Advertiser - $750 Web App Announcement - $175 Web App Survey - $300 Refreshment Break Cosponsor - $3,000 Wed App Sponsor - $4,000 Breakfast Cosponsor - $8,000 Lanyard Sponsor - $1,000 Lunch Cosponsor - $6,000 Poster Session Reception Cosponsor - $5,000 Zip/Postal Code_________________ Country_____________________ Total Groundwater Summit Investment: $________________________ Website__________________________________________________ Check if this is a new address Check this box if you’re an NGWA member. Member #____________ Billing Information (if different from above) Contact Name_____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Contact Email______________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Fax________________________ Payment Information See payment terms at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. Sponsor is responsible for notifying NGWA of a change in billing contact. All payments must be in U.S. funds and must be on a U.S. bank, by bank wire transfer, or charged to a credit card. TOTAL INVESTMENT DUE $__________________________________ Check #__________________________________________________ Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Groundwater Expo First-Time Exhibitor - $5,000 Silver Sponsor - $12,500 Gold Sponsor - $18,500 Platinum Sponsor - $25,000 SOLD Diamond Sponsor - $35,000 SOLD Please select additional opportunities you would like to take advantage of. Shuttle Cosponsor - $9,000 Job Board Sponsor - $1,000 Wireless Sponsor - $27,500 Fun Cart Sponsor - $2,500 Web App Sponsor - $7,000 Web App Survey - $650 Card Number______________________________________________ Web App Announcement - $350 Exp. Date ______________________ Security Code________________ New Products Showcase Sponsor - $,5000 Name as It Appears on Card (please print)________________________ Registration & Welcome Area Sponsor - $6,500 Bill full amount Bill 50% required deposit Authorized Signature By signing below I agree to the terms and conditions at www.NGWA.org/AdvertisingTerms. SOLD SOLD Hotel Key Card Sponsor - $13,500 SOLD Attendee Welcome Reception Sponsor - $3,800 Opening Ceremony & Awards Cosponsor - $5,000 Annual NGWREF Fundraising Auction - $6,500 Closing Event Beverages Sponsor - $2,500 Print Name_________________________ Date__________________________ Signature________________________________________________________ Closing Event Desserts Sponsor - $2,500 Total Expo Investment: $_____________________________________ Mail to: NGWA, 601 Dempsey Road, Westerville, OH 43081 • USA • Fax: 614 360.2492 • Questions? 800 551.7379 or 614 898.7791 ext. 603 • Email: sales@ngwa.org 38 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT “Water Well Journal is a prime publication for our specific audiences. We are confident in its ability to provide compelling editorial that is of interest to our audience, thus allowing us to be present in their minds through our advertising here. In addition, WWJ presents its readers timely news and product reviews.” – Michelle Sherrill, Franklin Electric 39 | NATIONAL GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION 2015 MEDIA KIT To learn more about NGWA and how we can help you stay visible, make connections, and keep consumers aware of your services, contact a sales team member today at sales@ngwa.org or 800 551.7379, (614 898.7791 outside the United States) ext. 603 or visit www.NGWA.org/Advertising. 601 Dempsey Road, Westerville, OH 43081
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