MC Xpress AB - MC Xpress Turbo Kits


MC Xpress AB - MC Xpress Turbo Kits
MC Xpress AB
Norra Altervägen 821
Tel: +46 911 202005
Fax: +46 911 202008
Yamaha Nytro 180 hp turbo kit.
During the season 2008/2009 we developed a 180 hp turbo kit to Yamaha Nytro.
We announced this kit on our website June 2010, but we have during the season 2009/10 already
sold 170 kits, so now we know that it is working as good as we aimed for.
Many people wants some more power from their Nytro, but don’t need 240 or 270 hp.
This kit is perfect for them.
The Nytro with this performance is very reliable and the power is set to 180 hp at the boost 40
kPa (6psi) at sea level.
To begin with we intended to make this kit really simple without any boost compensation for
altitude. But at 2000 meter altitude (6500 feet) the power drops from 180 hp to just above 140 hp
and at 3000 meter (10000 feet) the power is down to 125 hp. A stock machine is down below 90
hp at this altitude.
After some tests we decided to install our altitude boost compensation even on this kit.
Now the power is 180 hp at any altitude. At 3000 meter it is double as powerful as a stock
The compression is left stock witch means the installation will be quicker.
The response is very fast. We use the same fantastic Mitsubishi 16 T turbo to this kit as to our
240 hp kit. We have tried some other turbos, mostly smaller and cheaper ones, but this unit seems
to be unbeatable when it comes to performance response, and reliability.
And we know our customers appreciate this.
Parts included with the kit.
The turbo kit is complete and requires no tuning after installation.
It is designed for 90-91 octane PON gas for North America witch is the same octane rating as
98-99 octane RON for Europe and Russia.
The fuel enrichment is controlled by our new developed EFI box.
It controls the stock injectors.
We call it IIC (=intelligent injection control).
This small unit can eliminate the small bogging issue that is common on the Nytro.
We spent a lot of effort during the summer 2009 to make this IIC box this “intelligent”
The connectors fits the stock wire harness connectors, witch make the installation easy.
No tuning is required, just turn the key after installation and drive.
The turbo is located in the best possible position, just after the 3-1 headder.
The right primary tube pulse length and the straight tubes are ideal for quick response and high
A pre-cooler for the compressed air is located in the tunnel.
It makes higher reliability and power =a good combination!
Stock seat, fuel tank and heat shields can be used.
No heat issues at all.
To be able to get the right air fuel mixture at any altitude and to get the same absolute pressure
and power at any altitude, we make dyno tests together with our high altitude simulator.
We connect the exhaust pipe, intake system, crankcase etc to a lower pressure created by a big
compressor. The lower pressure can be adjusted by a valve so we can test any altitude in the
dyno. This is a very useful tool when we shall offer turbo kits that require no tuning.
It is rather complicated to get the right air/fuel mixture at any altitude and load.
How does it feel to drive a Nytro with 180 hp?
Our customers often describe it like they can’t feel the turbo.
It is more like a big natural aspirated engine, but still very easy to handle.
Many think it is more than 180 hp, but if the pressure is right it is “only” 180, we assure you.
We don’t recommend any more power than 180 hp, because the stock injectors can’t deliver any
more fuel.
If more pressure is used, the engine will start to run lean. This can cause engine damages.
It is possible to get higher power, but then the compression must be lowered and a new EFI-box
with extra injectors is recommended.
Special made clutch weights are developed that is suitable for most of our customers.
Stock springs and helix can normally be used.
Thanks to our boost compensation system, the same clutch weights can normally be used on any
This clutch weigh kit is sold as an option.
When driving in deep powder, we recommend installing our snorkel kit.
It can be bought as an option.