Mandy`s Special Farm


Mandy`s Special Farm
Mandy’s Special Farm
~ Spring 2009 ~
Heidi’s Highlights
At a Glance
Heidi’s Highlights
Page 1
Autism Facts
Page 1-2
Resident Activities
Page 2 & 5
How to Help from Home
Page 3
Calendar of Events
Page 4
Wish List
Page 4
Grant Award
Page 4
Upcoming Events
Page 4
Staff Spotlight
Page 5
Open House
Page 5
Community Service
Page 5
Page 5
Thank You
Page 6
It has been very busy since our last newsletter. I spent much of that time dealing with state
regulations, billing, paperwork, getting things in order for our audit, and preparing staff for our
new resident; I did everything I could to help make her transition as easy as possible for everyone
involved. I have been attending more trainings to stay up to date with everything in the disability
world as well as trainings on fundraising to be better prepared to lead the Farm into the future. I
have been writing grants, working on our promotional materials, networking, and finding various
ways to fundraise (see “How to Help from Home”).
For those of you who were unable to attend our open house, we will have another one in the
future, but would be happy for you to visit before then. Just give me a call at 873-1187 or e-mail to set up a time.
Autism Facts
Did you know autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears in the first three
years of life? It’s different for everyone affected, but common symptoms include impairment of
social and communication skills. Other characteristics include:
• Lack of or delay in spoken language
• Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects)
• Little or no eye contact
• Lack of interest in peer relationships
• Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play
• Persistent fixation on parts of objects
Autism currently affects about 1 in every 150 children and is growing at 10-17% per year. There
is no difference between race, ethnicity, family income, lifestyle, or educational levels–it can affect
any family and any child. However, there is a gender difference; it is four times more prevalent in
boys than girls.
There is no single cause of autism. Research shows there are differences in the shape and structure of the autistic brain. Research based theories of causation include heredity, genetics, and
medical issues. There is not enough evidence to support vaccines as a cause. Individuals with autism and pervasive developmental disorders are born with the disorder or born with the potential
to develop autism. Research of autism is ongoing and much more is still needed.
The good news is there are treatment options that work. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is supported by numerous research studies as being an effective treatment technique. Other treatment
options include
• Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication of Handicapped Children
• Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS)
• Pivotal Response Treatment
• Floor Time
• Social Stories
• Sensory Integration
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Mandy’s Special Farm • Newsletter 2009
• Facilitated Communication
• Complementary Approaches
• Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)
• Medications
• Vitamins and minerals
• Dietary Interventions
• Secretin
*All information regarding autism was gathered from Autism Society of America,
For those of you who don’t know already, Mandy’s Special
Farm was developed from the ground-up with autism in
mind. Autism is a very specialized disorder; most people with
autism prefer environments that are very structured, predictable, and calm. For this reason, and because of our outstanding staff, all individuals who live/have lived here have thrived.
The women who live at MSF rely on limited government
funding to survive. With your help, we can improve programming and also expand the services we have.
No matter how big or small a donation you give, people with autism will feel the effects of it for years to
come. Your investment in the future of Mandy’s Special Farm will help the women currently living here,
and also help others with autism that will be a part of
our future endeavors.
Resident Activities
The residents of MSF have been busy at home and in the
community. They have attended performances at Popejoy
Hall, sporting events, Merry Makers, Adaptive Ski, Special
Museum of Natural
History, hippo (horse)
therapy, and bowling.
They ride their horses,
do their chores, swim,
feed the pets, and have
been enjoying Kelsey’s
adaptive tricycle that
allows them to pull
each other around
our campus while they
learn to pedal and steer
the bike.
New Resident
MSF is pleased to welcome a new resident to the Farm. Jessica is 31 and is making a great transition. We look forward
to working with her team to help provide her the best possible life. Jessica loves our
goat Rania; she takes her
on daily walks, grooms
and feeds her. She also
enjoys arts and crafts,
computer games, reading, animals, dancing, museums, the zoo, and eating out. She’s been very
caring and helpful to her
roommates and loves to
help cook meals with
We now only have one opening available so if you know a
family looking for a placement for their daughter, please ask
them to contact us.
Mandy had a wonderful adventure on Christmas Day. She
went to Noon Day Ministries with her parents, Ruthie and
David, to help with the annual Christmas Day party for the
homeless and near homeless in Albuquerque. Mandy and
Ruthie were the greeters as
the guests began arriving for
their meal. Mandy sat on a
chair near her mother at the
entrance to the area of the
clothing bank and laundry
machines. A person came in
that needed help, so Ruthie
walked her to a table, and
Mandy was left to greet people. When she returned, there
was a guest actively engaged
in conversation with Mandy.
Ruthie asked if she could be
of assistance and the woman
explained that Mandy was not letting her through the hallway
to wash her clothes and to get some new clothes. Ruthie
explained that those areas were closed on Christmas. The
woman responded that Mandy “was a really good guard” and
would not let her through at all. For those of you who don’t
know, Mandy doesn’t speak; she sat there in her enchanting way with a big smile under her enormous blue eyes and
laughed the entire time.
Mandy’s Special Farm • Newsletter 2009
Page 3
In this tough economy, there are still ways to help Mandy’s Special Farm without spending any extra money!
Spread the word! If you know of anyone who might be interested in what we do, please share your newsletter or send us
their email or mailing address and we’ll mail a copy to them directly.
Use and Mandy’s Special Farm can earn a penny every time you search the Internet. If you use, Mandy’s Special Farm can receive up to 37% off each purchase! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon,
Target, Gap, Best Buy, Ebay, Macy’s and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop to help charities like ours. It’s EASY!
Just go to and be sure to enter Mandy’s Special Farm as the charity you want to support. And,
be sure to spread the word!
Help us be on Oprah! April is National Autism Awareness month. Please go to, then go to the “Send us your Show Suggestions”
and ask them to do a show on Mandy’s Special Farm. We were founded by a
woman, to care for women with autism, are a model program in the US, and
as far as we can determine are the only facility for women in the country that
specializes in autism. As autism is on the rise, more facilities like MSF are going to be needed so please help us get on her show in April, and ask all of your
friends to e-mail as well.
For those of you who shop at Albertson’s, you can use a special key chain card and Albertson’s will donate a portion of
your purchase to Mandy’s Special Farm. Please contact us at (505) 873-1187 or and we would be
happy to send you a card.
For those of you that shop at Smith’s, please also contact us. If you buy Smith’s gift certificates through MSF, you can use it
to buy your groceries and Smith’s will give 5% to MSF. This costs nothing more than you would normally pay for groceries, they
are the same as cash, and can be used to purchase any item in Smith’s in NM, AZ, ID, MT, NV, UT, or WY. We just submitted
our first order; nine people participated and we raised about $50 already!
Vehicle Donations: Donate your car to Mandy’s Special Farm! It doesn’t even have to run or be in good shape. Call
the Center for Car Donations toll free at 877-411-3662. It’s easy and convenient, they’ll pick it up for free, and you get a tax
When you give your United Way donation you can designate all or part of your
donation to Mandy’s Special Farm. Just fill out the form and at the bottom put
our name and address and the amount you wish to designate.
Mandy’s Special Farm is also able to accept donations through PayPal. Just go to
our website,, click on the “Contributions” link on the left
side and follow the directions.
Pull out this page and stick it by your computer!
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Mandy’s Special Farm • Newsletter 2009
Volunteer Day & BBQ....................................................................................April 4, 10am-2pm
O’Neill’s Pub Fundraiser................................................................................April 25, 5-8 PM
New Mexico Autism Society’s 5-10K Walk-Run for Autism.......................April 25, 9am-11pm
Autism Society of America Annual Conference.........................................July 22-25
*Please email or call 505-873-1187 for more details
Wish List
• Medium-high capacity copy
• Computers (XP or newer)
• Bucket swing seats
• Crusher fine for lining our
• PowerPoint Projector
• Stereo system
• External hard drive
• Garden tools
• Tractor with front-end
• Furniture
• Solar panels for our
• Computer games
• Bucket swing seats
swimming pool, and
• Swimming pool cover
including installation would
• Water heaters
be preferable
• Furniture
• Saddles and other tack for
our riding program
• Crusher fine for lining our
• Stereo system
• Garden tools
• Furniture
• Adaptive Tricycle
• Computer games
Mandy’s Special Farm has been awarded a $3000 grant from
the Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation. This grant will allow us
to bring in an autism expert to provide programming for our
residents and training for our staff. This is an exciting opportunity and will help us provide the best possible programs for
our residents.
Volunteer day and BBQ lunch on April 4: Come to the
farm to help us clean up and start our garden! Let us know
if you plan to attend so we can barbeque for everyone who
• Anything for the kitchen
Join us at O’Niell’s Pub on April 25th from 5-8 pm for fun,
food, and drinks! O’Niell’s is very generous and will give
• Pool toys
Mandy’s Special Farm and our
• Dirt for the horse stalls
partner Camp Rising Sun $3 for
• Sand box & different fillings
every person who walks in the
door. We will also have guest
(e.g., dry beans, rice, &
bartenders who will donate all
other textures)
their tips.
• Metal stall doors
Thanks to Ryan Safford at 100.3,
• Therapy tools: books,
The Peak for helping us to promote this event! Please listen
videos, toys, trainings
to The Peak in April to hear our public service announce• Cabinets
• Desks
• Filing cabinets
• Organization tools (e.g.,
stackable baskets, tubs,
storage boxes, etc)
• Leisure activities (puzzles,
games, craft supplies)
• Wind Turbine
Help us be green! Please email and
we’ll add you to our electronic address list. When you email
us, please indicate whether you would like to be removed
from our paper mailing list and only receive electronic newsletters.
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Mandy’s Special Farm • Newsletter 2009
THANK YOU Ms. Trudy Adams and the sixth grade class
from Albuquerque Academy! On February 5th they came to
the Farm for community service. They helped rake leaves,
clean up winter debris, and move mulch around trees. Several of the children wanted to muck the horses’ stalls and
sweep the barn; under
the supervision of volunteer Larry Martinez,
they were able to participate in this experience. Our campus
looked spruced up for
our open house and
we want to thank all of
Kelsey has adjusted well and seems to love all of the things the children, Ms.Adams,
that the Farm has to offer. Since she moved in, she’s become and their adult helpers
increasingly independent and relies less and less on staff as- for their hard work.
sistance. It used to be difficult and took a long time for her
to try new activities. Since she’s been here, she has done well VOLUNTEERS:
with new activities and has been enjoying community outings,
despite everything that could be over-whelming (e.g., lots of A big THANK YOU to
people and noise). Previously, she did not show interest in everyone who volunteers:
animals, but now feeds the goat and interacts more with the
Albuquerque Academy
dog Buddy.
(6th grade class) comes three
times a year to help care for
the grounds
Erica has been working at the farm since May 2007 and has
been one of out most valued employees since she started.
However, she’s engaged to be married in July and will be moving to Mexico.We’re VERY sad to see her go, but wish her the
best of luck in her new life!
Aubyn, Rhonda, Dusty,
and Taylor Rhoades prune
our fruit trees
Chelsey Winscott & Judy Banet are occupational therapy
students that are making sure our environment is always autism friendly
George Johnson and Sarah Jefferson are providing IT
MSF held an open house on Saturday, February 7. We had ap- support/technical assistance with computer programming
proximately 30 people in attendance including parents, young Ellen King/Bradbury Stamm prints our newsletters
women with autism, and friends who just wanted to see what
we have been doing. There were grandparents who were Mario Lujan helped with pool maintenance
looking to the future for their grandchild and wanted
Larry Martinez is a general contractor and comes once a
to see what is available. Every- week to help with farm maintenance
one had a good time and we
Mark Breeden and Stacy Debrew redesigned some of
were glad to see old friends
our promotional materials.
and meet several new ones.
Linda Dube is writing a large grant proposal for us
Michelle King designs our newsletters
Trudy Adams is the teacher at the Academy who arranged
for kids to come out three times a year
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Mandy’s Special Farm • Newsletter 2009
Thank you for all of your very recent donations. The funds helped us to provide a new load of hay, veterinary care for our
animals, new bedding for the horse stalls, funding for the new compost pile, extra outings for our residents, locking money
bags, pool chemicals, additional staff training, as well as other important items. Your gifts help to provide all of the “extras” that
make Mandy’s Special Farm a real home.
Trudy Adams
Kelly James Andrews
Lynn Arnold
Nancy Arnold
Douglas & Kathleen Barrett
Keith Brakey & Heidi Rishel
Sharon & Jeff Cruse
Cole Davis
Kenneth DeBettinginies
Del Sol Equestrian Center
Timothy & Kathleen Egenes
Raymond Flores
Darrell Gage
Roz & Larry Gibel
Karen & David Holmes
HB & Lucille Horn Foundation
Lottie Horn
Pat Horn
Ron & Jacque Horn
Ruth Horn
Mike & Connie Gleason
Kenbah Tisi Kinsey
Barbara Lardner
Brenda Horn & Rodney Larson
Harvey Licht
Rhonda Loos
Jeffrey & Kyra Ludwigson
Ray Lyons
Bob & Michele Mals
Catherine Offutt
Charles Oppenheim
Lisa Parker
Neal Piltch
Aubyn & Rhonda Rhoades
Brad & Hannah Rishel
David & Ruthie Robbins
Don Robbins
Mary Sparks
Miller Stratvert
Griselda Valenzuela
Angela Vega
Phillip Vitale & Sandra Webb
Please recycle! Printed on post-consumer recycled paper
Angela Vega-Whipple
Stephanie Whipple
William Wiley
Charlie Wilkinson
Non-Cash Donations:
Patricia Baldridge
Timothy & Kathleen Egenes
Larry Martinez
Bradbury Stamm
Jim & Ellen King
Rich Stark
Please note, we do our very best to have an updated list that
we continually check; however, if we have inadvertently left
someone off, please accept our apologies and let us know so
we can fix it.
Ruthie Horn Robbins, President
David Robbins,Vice President
Charlie Wilkinson, Secretary/Treasurer
Ellen King
Mandy’s Special Farm
PO Box 9346
Albuquerque, NM 87119
(505) 873-1187