Therapeutic Use of Self
Therapeutic Use of Self
Therapeutic Use of Self: Guidelines for the Therapeutic Relationship Karen Young M.S.W., R.S.W. April 29, 2016 Oakville, Ontario Therapeutic Use of Self: Guidelines for the Therapeutic Relationship Karen Young M.S.W., R.S.W. Date: April 29, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Developing an understanding of the impact of the therapist’s self on the therapeutic process is core knowledge for all therapists. In fact it is a requirement of most professional colleges. Research shows the therapeutic relationship to be a top factor in creating change. No therapist’s use of particular models is exactly the same because these skills are expressed through the individual therapist’s relational skills and capacity to interact with others in ways that facilitate change. This involves the conscious and deliberate use of oneself requiring recognition of our values and attitudes and their impact on our work. This workshop will help you to understand what is meant by use of self, and how an effective use of self involves utilization of critical reflection, reflexivity, resonance and vulnerability. Our use of self requires maintaining a strong and clear connection to an intentional relational posture. Participants Will Learn To: t t t t 6OEFSTUBOEBTQFDUTPGAVTFPGTFMGJOUIFEBZUPEBZDPOUFYUPGUIFSBQZ %JTDPWFSQSFGFSSFEWBMVFTBOEDPNNJUNFOUTUIBUDBOJOGPSNUIFVTFPGTFMG &YQMPSFBUIFSBQFVUJDQPTUVSFUIBUFNCSBDFTDVSJPTJUZDPMMBCPSBUJPOFNQBUIZUSBOTQBSFODZBOEWVMOFSBCJMJUZ &WBMVBUFXJUOFTTJOHQSBDUJDFTBTBHVJEFUPTFMGEJTDMPTVSFBOEBTUSVDUVSFGPSBDLOPXMFEHFNFOUPGUIFNVUVBMFGGFDUT of the therapy process t *OUFHSBUFTFMGSFnFDUJWFQSBDUJDFTJOUPPVSFWFSZEBZUIFSBQFVUJDDPOWFSTBUJPOT t 3FWJFXXIBUDMJFOUTIBWFUPMESFTFBSDIFSTSFHBSEJOHXIBUUIFZWBMVFBCPVUiIPXXFBSFwJOUIFSBQZTFTTJPOT This workshop will include lively and engaging experiential exercises and discussions that will energize your learning. Biography: Karen Young, M.S.W., R.S.W. ,BSFOJTUIF$PEJSFDUPSBMPOHXJUI+JN%VWBMMPGUIF8JOE[*OTUJUVUFPQFSBUFECZ30$, Reach Out Centre for Kids’ Centre of Learning. She is an institute faculty teaching many PGUIF8JOE[XPSLTIPQTBOEDFSUJmDBUFQSPHSBNT4IFQSPWJEFTTVQFSWJTJPOUPJOUFSOT organizes and designs training, oversees research projects, and for over 14 years has TVQFSWJTFEBOEQSPWJEFETJOHMFTFTTJPOUIFSBQZBUUIF30$,XBMLJOUIFSBQZDMJOJD Karen has provided consultation and clinical training to many organizations in Ontario, BDSPTT$BOBEBBOEJOUFSOBUJPOBMMZSFHBSEJOHSFTUSVDUVSJOHTFSWJDFQBUIXBZTUPJODMVEFCSJFGTFSWJDFTTVDIBTXBMLJO clinics. She has been teaching narrative and brief narrative therapy for over 25 years and is a therapist with 30 years of experience working with children and families. Karen has contributed numerous publications SFHBSEJOHBQQMJDBUJPOTPGCSJFGOBSSBUJWFUIFSBQZBOESFTFBSDIJOCSJFGTFSWJDFTBOEXBMLJOUIFSBQZø4IFDPBVUIPSFE the Brief Services Online Course GPS$.)"0OUBSJP%VWBMM+:PVOH, BOEDPBVUIPSFEUIF#SJFG4FSWJDFT QPMJDZQBQFSGPSUIF0OUBSJP$FOUSFPG&YDFMMFODFGPS$IJMEBOE:PVUI.FOUBM)FBMUI%VWBMM+:PVOH,,BZT#VSEFO " /PNPSFOPMFTT#SJFG.FOUBM)FBMUI4FSWJDFTGPS$IJMESFOBOE:PVUI,BSFOXBTUIFMFBEJOUIFmSTUJO Ontario Brief Services Evaluation Project, 2014,BNVMUJPSHBOJ[BUJPOFWBMVBUJPOPGCSJFGTFSWJDFT Karen has a great deal of knowledge and passion for narrative practices and is one of the few trainers who can teach UIFUSBEJUJPOBMBTQFDUTPGUIFBQQSPBDIBOEOFXFWPMVUJPOTJOUIFUIJOLJOHø4IFIBTQBSUJDVMBSFYQFSUJTFJO UIFBQQMJDBUJPOPGOBSSBUJWFJOCSJFGBOEXBMLJOUIFSBQJFT,BSFOJTSFHBSEFEBTBUSBJOFSXIPDPOWFZTOBSSBUJWFJEFBTJO very clear and useable ways. REGISTRATION FORM To register, complete one form per person and send to: or fax to 905-339-3513, or mail to ROCK at 504 Iroquois Shore Rd., Unit 12A, Oakville ON L6H 3K4 LOCATION: Windz Institute At Reach Out Centre for Kids Centre of Learning Oakville 504 Iroquois Shore Rd., Unit 12A, ON, L6H 3K4 (Less than 2 kms from Oakville Go-train Station) Date: April 29, 2016 From 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. /BNF 1PTJUJPOEFTJHOBUJPO 0SHBOJ[BUJPO "EESFTT)PNF#VTJOFTT &.BJM 1IPOF 'BY Please notify me of future training. GROUP / STUDENT RATE *XJTIUPSFHJTUFSGPS Regular Fee: $185.00 Early Bird Fee: $165 (must register before March 28, 2016) Registrations of six or more mailed in one envelope with one payment will receive a 10% discount. Students receive a 10% discount and must be in full-time attendance in a recognized program. A copy of the student I.D. card must accompany the registration. .&5)0%0'1":.&/51BZNFOUNVTUCFNBEFCZDIFRVFPSDSFEJUDBSE7JTBPS.BTUFSDBSE BOENVTUBDDPNQBOZUIF registration form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by the day of the workshop.
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