spinitron charts
spinitron charts
ONLINE PLAYLIST PUBLISHING & MANAGEMENT SPINITRON Spinitron is a complete online playlist-‐management solu3on for non-‐commercial radio. It handles playlist data capture, archiving, repor3ng, and dynamic, digital publishing among many other features. Live playlists are key part of your online presence. They boost your sta3on’s web traffic and social media campaigns. They expand your audience and support musicians with the added online exposure. Live playlists are always ac3ve and keep listeners engaged. FLEXIBLE DATA ENTRY etc… Manual Automation Import SPINITRON VERSATILE PUBLISHING Reports Schedule Playlists Now Playing Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com Share SPINITRON ADVANTAGE OF SPINITRON • • • • • • • • All web-‐based, accessible online anywhere, any 3me. No soLware to install. Works on all plaNorms. Easy playlist entry. Flexible online publishing. Secure playlist archives. Unlimited user accounts. Unlimited repor3ng. Dedicated technical and client support. WHAT YOU GET FROM SPINITRON Sophis+cated data capture • Large library to support autocomplete in manual playlist entry. • Playlist entry before, during, or aLer a show. • Logging through automa3on systems and playlist upload. • Advanced playlist edi3ng. • Show and program schedule management. And on the output side • • • • • • Publica3on of current and past playlists, now playing, schedule, and more. Custom content integra3on with your web site. API to directly query Spinitron database. Data feeds: mobile apps, TwiWer, RSS, etc. Charts and sta3s3cs. Unlimited report genera3on: SoundExchange, BMI, CMJ, etc. Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com SPINITRON MANUAL PLAYLIST CAPTURE Designed around the workflow of a busy DJ for fast, accurate and easy playlist logging. Log playlists before, during or aLer a show from anywhere with our web–based interface. Autocomplete and auto-‐fill, backed by a large music library, assists you. The playlist form has only three mandatory fields: Ar3st, Disk and Song, everything else is op3onal and can even be hidden. Autocomplete Start typing in the Ar3st, Song or Disk field and sugges3ons appear. If you see your choice, select it. Based on your selec3on, Spinitron shows op3ons for the other fields. Selec3ng from one list narrows the sugges3ons in the other. Auto-‐fill If you select a sugges3on, Spinitron auto-‐fills the rest of the form with any data it has, such as: • Label • Dura3on • Cover art Extras • DJ comments • Playlist chat • Facebook share • Set break Edit the playlist in place • Click any item to edit it, make changes, press Enter to save • Drag rows to rearrange • Delete with the ✖" Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com SPINITRON SOCIAL & INTERACTIVE FEATURES Do more with your online playlists by adding interac3ve content and linking into social media. CHAT Listeners join a live chat room hosted by the DJ. The conversa3on is archived with the playlist. Includes modera3on and security features. DJ COMMENTS DJs add their expert opinions on releases. Applies to every spin of the release. FACEBOOK DJs can link their playlists in Facebook to get more sta3on exposure and start a conversa3on. Listeners can do the same. TWITTER Spinitron can send now playing updates to TwiWer. With a dedicated account for your sta3ons updates, searches (e.g. ar3st) will discover your sta3on. Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com SPINITRON WEB PUBLISHING Your public site on Spinitron Real-‐3me playlist Interac3ve program schedule Cover art Audio samples Buy it links Playlist chat DJ comments Facebook Browse playlists by • Date • DJ • Show Browse the database by • Ar3st • Disk • Label DJ and/or show descrip3ons, graphics and user profiles Your sta+on’s site Integrate Spinitron data: • Embed various HTML fragments in your web site • Customize with style sheets • Query Spinitron’s API • Use Spinitron’s push data Display: • Now playing • Recent spins • Current or upcoming shows • Program schedule (weekly or daily) • Playlist archive Link playlists to audio archives Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com SPINITRON AUTOMATION Automa3on systems connect to Spinitron over the internet to log songs and generate playlists. • Full automa+on mode: automa3on system creates playlists and logs songs as if it were a DJ. • Live-‐assist mode: DJ plays a song of the automa3on system and it appears in his/her playlist. • If we don’t already suppory your system, we can probably add it. • ENCO • Simian • NexGen • MegaSeg • Rivendell • SAM Broadcaster • Sta3onPlaylist • iTunes • WideOrbit • iMedia Touch • ZaraRadio • AudioVault METADATA PUSH Spinitron sends now playing updates to • Stream encoders • • • • RDS, RBDS and HD Radio SIS encoders Websites TwiWer Almost anywhere, thanks to Spinitron’s flexible push op3ons IMPORT Upload playlists and music metadata into Spinitron • Individual playlists that you created in other programs, like iTunes • Bulk playlist data, e.g. for a whole week • En3re music libraries, which Spinitron indexes for autocomplete RSS Spinitron has various RSS feeds • The most recent spins on your sta+on, on any given show, or by each DJ • Playlist feed—an RSS way to get an individual playlist • Aggregate feed—most recent spins logged on Spinitron by any sta3on Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com SPINITRON API Integrate Spinitron data seamlessly into webpages and apps using SpinPapi, the Spinitron API. Web developers and programmers can directly access the Spinitron database via SpinPapi. Typical queries include: • • • • • • • • Current song Recently played songs DJ profiles and a DJ’s playlists Show profiles and a show’s playlists Current playlist Current show Upcoming shows Program schedule, all or in part, including mini show and DJ profiles EXAMPLE A trimed response to a get current song request. IDs in results can be used in other requests and URLs. { "request": { "method": "getSong", "station": "kpov" }, "results": { "SongID": 70048, "Sequence": 16, "PlaylistID": 2674, "ShowID": 24, "Date": "2013-‐05-‐19", "Timestamp": "15:41:00", "ArtistName": "The Allman Brothers Band", "SongName": "In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed", "DiskName": "The Fillmore Concerts (Disc 1)", "LabelName": "RCA Records", "LocalFlag": false, "RequestFlag": false, ... } } Secure API access and support included in standard Spinitron service. Client libraries and examples available in PHP and Python: hWps://bitbucket.org/spinitron Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com SPINITRON REPORTS : COPYRIGHT ROYALTY Rights to the musical composi+on PROs (Performance Royalty Organiza3ons) collect royal3es on behalf of songwriters, composers and music publishers. ASCAP and BMI licenses cover both over-‐the-‐air broadcast and streaming while SESAC requires separate licenses. Sta3ons submit playlist logs for up to two weeks per year—the repor3ng period is specified by the PROs. Genera3ng and submikng these report is very simple with Spinitron. Rights to the sound recording SoundExchange collects royal3es for copyright owners and performers. It only covers streaming of music and has nothing to do with podcast or interac3ve licensing. There are various op3ons for non-‐commercial sta3ons with different eligibility, royal3es and repor3ng requirements. Most include some form of annual fee and quarterly sample repor3ng. Spinitron supports all these repor3ng requirements. HELP We are available to help if you have any ques3ons or need help with webcas3ng compliance. For more details see our SoundExchange Repor3ng documents available on our web site: hLp://spinitron.com/sx REPORTS: AGENCIES College Music Journal Many college sta3ons report to CMJ, which aggregates these reports into weekly charts. With Spinitron your track lists are always ready for CMJ submission. Labels, Promoters, etc. If sta3on staff want to cul3vate rela3onships with ar3sts, labels or promoters, they can easily create custom charts or email playlists. Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com SPINITRON CHARTS, DISK & SPIN STATISTICS—TOP 30S ETC. Custom charts, tables and reports are easy to make with our flexible search system. You can use various filters to narrow the search results and choose from several report formats. For example, generate charts for the Top-‐100 jazz disks over the last year or Top-‐30 rock songs in the last week or see what received the most airplay in your rota3on. You can download reports for use in other programs or to share. SPINITRON CHARTS We publish our Top 25 chart every Monday. The ranking covers all Spinitron sta3ons. Our charts don’t lie: every song is accounted for with links back to the actual playlist when the song was spun. We’ve received overwhelmingly posi3ve feedback from ar3sts, labels and promoters—they like the detail and transparency and being able to find the sta3ons, shows, playlists and DJs associated with each entry. Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com SPINITRON FREE TRIAL Learn more about Spinitron by trying it out for yourself. Our 30-‐day trial is: • Completely free • Absolutely without obliga3on • Available to as many DJs to use as you like • Fully func3onal and fully supported CONTACT Spinitron 199 W Newton St Boston, MA 02116 617 233 3115 eva@spinitron.com www.spinitron.com TESTIMONIALS “I am a DJ at KBGA in Missoula, MT. Been with the sta:on for over 6 years now, 4 of which have been Spinitron years. Just wanted to let you know how much I love Spinitron. Thanks to whomever created it, and thanks to all of you, however many of you there are, for doing what you do. Keep it up. That is all.” —Larry Hirshberg, KBGA, Missoula “Spinitron is a great solu:on for our community radio sta:on. The system is used by 120 volunteer DJ's from all walks of life. We've had great success implemen:ng it in our diverse volunteer workforce because it's easy to use, and the support we get from Eva and her team is outstanding. The system has never been down and is available 7x24. ... our Music Director has been able to cut down his :me for repor:ng for charts and SoundExchange from about 10 hours a week to 2, we've eliminated reams of hand-‐wriRen paper play lists, and our listeners love seeing our play lists on our web site! We don't have a big I.T. staff and I don't want to deal with managing soUware in-‐house. Spinitron is the way to go for us!” —Chris Kennison, KRFC “We checked out alterna:ves but felt we got the best service from Spinitron. I s:ll feel that way. It's extremely easy to use; our en:re staff (old and new) adapted to its use within 3 months. It's also easy to post on your own website; KZSC's recent listener survey showed that over 70% of our website ac:vity was to look at these lists. It meets or exceeds all of Sound Exchange's needs (plus BMI).” —Michael Bryant, KZSC, Santa Cruz, CA “You offer a fabulous service for the listening public!! Many, many thanks!!” —Alfred Doig, Listener Spinitron • www.spinitron.com • 617 233 3115 • eva@spinitron.com