NCA Mini-Convention July 15-17 - National Costumers Association
NCA Mini-Convention July 15-17 - National Costumers Association
The Costumer February 2011 NCA Mini-Convention July 15-17 IN THIS ISSUE: Mini-Con in Louisville! Also: Comic Book Themes • NCA Source List • Updated Buyers Group 2011 Listings The Costumer • February 2011 THE COSTUMER! LEADERS The official publication of the National Costumers Association, Inc. AND TRENDSETTERS OF THE COSTUME INDUSTRY Established 1923 February 2011 Volume 87, Issue 1 Departments Public atio ns Manag er ublicatio ations Manager The Costumer Diane Sheibley 31 Bramblewood St. Bridgewater, MA 02324 800-NCA-1889 • 774-217-9381 Fax 508-819-3013 A dministr ativ ecr etar y dministrativ ativee S Secr ecretar Jennifer Skarstedt 121 Nor th Bosart Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46201 800-NCA-1321 • Fax 317-351-1941 © 2011, National Costumers Association. The Costumer is published by the National Costumers Association, Inc., with headquarters located at the above address, a nonprofit and incorporated association of costumers located in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Great Britain, Italy and Germany. No responsibility is assumed for the opinions expressed or claims made by the authors of articles or by advertisers. Appearance in the magazine does not consititute endorsement by the National Costumers Association, nor its officers or represenatives. www All photos, unless otherwise indicated, are provided by VPBecker Photography. To order photos of recent conventions, contact them at 912-897-9898, For event and education videos of past conventions, contact RLG Creations at 412-364-3407 or 2 4 5 5 6 36 NCA Administration President’s Message This Issue’s Advertisers Organization, Member, and Industry News NCA Marketplace Features 8 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 20 22 25 27 Annual Business of the NCA: Nominating Committee, National Awards, NCA Scholarships What’s New: Comic Book Themes New Product Highlight: Seven ‘til Midnight Rubie’s Costume Co.: Then and Now What’s New: Plays and Musicals What is The NCA Source List? The Work Involved in Retiring Member Profile: Ellie Shoes Snapshot Profiles “Costumer on the Street” Q&A Mini-Con 2011: Louisville! Buyers Group 2011 About the Cover Mini-con in Louisville in July! Be there or be squar e – such a cool city. Thanks to Caufield’s for hosting. Phot o of Fourth Street Live by Brian J. Geraght y, courtesy of Photo of horses courtesy All others courtesy The Costumer • February 2011 The Costumer • February 2011 NCA Administration BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Nancy Cox Acme Costumes 2604 Highway 80 Garden City, GA 31408 912-966-0201 • Fax 912-966-0824 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Janie Westendorf Westendor f Costume Emporium PO B ox 147 Keota, IA 52248 641-636-2099 • Fax 641-636-2199 SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Debbie Meredith Akron Design & Costume 3425 Manchester Road Akron, OH 44319 330-644-0425 • Fax 330-644-7425 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Adrienne Anderson Freckles C ostumes 5517 Roosevelt Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32244 904-388-5541 • Fax 904-388-5556 DIRECTOR Linda Emerson 2012* Emerson Costumes 11042 Village Ridge Ln. Las Vegas, NV 89135 702-275-2470 • Fax 702-798-0008 DIRECTOR Terri Greenberg 2012* Halco PO B ox 108 Belle Vernon, PA 15012 724-929-7300 • Fax 724-929-7301 DIRECTOR Rachel Godollei-Johnson 2011* Landes Costumes by Rachel 811 N. Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-635-3655 • Fax 317-635-2707 DIRECTOR Barb Ingle-Lochner 2012* Once Upon A Fantasy 216 S. Greenlawn Ave. Elida, OH 45807 419-339-4834 • Fax 419-339-4834 DIRECTOR Linda Adams-Foat 2012* Camelot Costumes 1321 S. Demeter Dr. Freeport, IL 61032 815-233-1861 DIRECTOR Kristie Peters 2011* Kristie’s C ostume Magic 8126 Via Carrillo Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 909-921-5665 DIRECTOR Suzanne Reuss 2011* Sunnywood 2503 Spring Ridge Dr, Unit H Spring Grove, IL 60081 815-675-9777 • FX 815-675-9788 DIRECTOR Lorraine Brown 2011* Fabian’s Upstairs Closet 47 South Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3545 • Fax 802-265-3843 *indicates end of current term 2011 Standing Committee Chairs Awareness Buyers Group The Costumer Disaster Grievance Historian Debbie Meredith, Akron Design & Costumes Kristie Peters, Costume Magic Diane Sheibley, Publications Manager Janie Westendorf, Westendor f Costume Emporium Janie Westendorf, Westendor f Costume Emporium Rachel Godollei-Johnson, Landes Costumes by Rachel Jennifer Skarstedt, NCA Headquarters Adrienne Anderson, Freckles Costumes Adrienne Anderson, Freckles Costumes Adrienne Anderson, Freckles Costumes Rachel Godollei-Johnson, Landes Costumes by Rachel Ken Epperly & Ken Fox, Magic Makers Costumes Adrienne Anderson, Freckles Costumes Diane Sheibley, Publications Manager Diane Sheibley, Publications Manager Glenn Alexander, Performance Studios Rocky & Louella Torrence, Drop Me A Line Costumes Debbie Meredith, Akron Design & Costumes Rob Lehr Membership Memorial Fund National Awards Nominations Parliamentarian Plot Service Policy & Procedures Publications Roster Source List Sunshine Time & Place Web Site 2011 Event Committee Chairs Mini-Convention Auction Awards Banquet Supervisor Convention Convention Host Convention Program Creative Costume Event Education Historian Display N/A Adrienne Anderson, Freckles Costumes N/A Nancy Cox, Acme Costumes Janine Caufield, Caufield’s Diane Sheibley, Publications Manager N/A Janine Caufield, Caufield’s Rachel Godollei-Johnson, Landes Costumes by Rachel Hospitality Janine Caufield, Caufield’s Membership Forum Terri Greenberg, Halco Market Linda Emerson, Emerson Costumes Newcomers Orientation N/A Opening Night Party N/A President’s Banquet N/A Registration Jennifer Skarstedt, NCA Headquarters Shop Talk N/A Showcase N/A Youth N/A Event Time & Place ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY & NCA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Jennifer Skarstedt 121 N. Bosart Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46201 800-NC A-1321 • Fax 317-351-1941 • office@c 4 Debbie Meredith, Akron Design & Costumes WEBMASTER Rob Lehr 3425 Manchester Rd. Akron, OH 44319 330-224-4121 • The Costumer • February 2011 President’s Message Greetings from the rectangular office at Acme Costumes. I’m sure many of you are still licking your wounds from a lackluster year. It is very important for all of us to be grateful that we are still standing and move on. Years such as these, although frustrating and painful, can be used to take stock; we can assess our strengths and build upon them as well as examine our weaknesses and make the necessary adjustments. Perspective is the key. Remember where you came from...look at how much progress you’ve made and know that you will rebound in the coming year. Experience has taught me that adversity creates strength. When you’re going through these hard times, it’s not terribly fun. When you DO come through it, you feel like you’ve accomplished something and rightly so because, make no mistake: if your doors are open, you’ve accomplished something great! This Issue’s Advertisers Moving into the 2011 retail season, let us all make a personal commitment to give it all we’ve got and to do everything we can with the resources we have available. Ours is not a namby-pamby group. We are tough, we are creative, and we are resilient! I am confident that we will prevail. Keeping that spirit in mind, I would remind all of you to be ever vigilant with your businesses. Stay lean, be efficient, manage your expenses, and cut costs where you can this year. Remain positive throughout all of this. Don’t complain, act with confidence and trust and lead by example. Talk to one another, help one another and support each other. Together, we will not only survive, we will thrive! Yours in Service, Ellie Shoes ......................................................... 9 Froggy’s Fog ....................................................... 13 Fun World .................... Inside Front & Back Covers Halco ................................................................. 21 Halloween & Party Expo ................................. 19 Junk for Joy ....................................................... 23 Midwest Design Imports ................................... 3 Norheastern Importing Corp. ............................. 1 Rubies ................................ 24, Outside Back Cover Sky Hosiery ....................................................... 15 Tabi’s Characters ................................................ 27 The Costumer • February 2011 Nancy Cox, President National Costumers Association Acme Costumes, Savannah, GA 5 Organization, Member, Industry News Some of these items have appeared in the weekly econtact, but bear republishing here for the benefit of the entire membership. Fabr ic to D or abric Dyye F For by Sylvia Luckman The problem with washing lots of colors together is usually that the dyes run and spoil other garments. However, researchers at Leeds University in the UK have developed new dyes that chemically bond to the chain of molecules that make up the individual fibers. These dyes were originally for use with synthetic fabrics. The approach is that the dye effectively fixes the color on the polymer molecules as they are formed, so that it effectively becomes part of the material itself. Hair and other natural fibres are also polymers so similar techniques are being developed for fabric made of these. The researchers have found that the dye works well for wool which is prone to it running out when washed. At the moment, cotton is the most problematic but they are working on it. In addition, many dyeing techniques can harm the environment. This new approach means no water pollution, and it uses far less energy. The team has also produced a new fabric from polylactic acid (PLA) made from cornstarch. They describe it as softer than polyester and comfortable to wear. A black dress has been created in the new PLA fabric and it is currently on show at the Science Museum in London. Who will be the first manufacturer to produce a costume in the new fabric when it comes in the market I wonder? Thank-y ou NC A Thank-you NCA As we deal with all the damages caused to our business by the fire that ripped through a portion of our small town’s business district on December 4th, we would like to thank everyone in the National Costumers Association who has offered to help in one way or another. To those that sent us items to replace some that were destroyed, we will treasure them now more than ever. We aren’t sure yet how much of our rental inventory can be salvaged, but we know the retail merchandise and the building itself is a loss. We don’t really have a game plan yet, but as we work on that we are continuing to provide our customers with the quality costumes they have come to expect from us. 6 To everyone who is thinking good thoughts, praying for us, or providing short breaks (whether by phone or email) from all the heartbreak we’ve endured recently, a big thank you! Here’s to a new year of new beginnings and many things to be thankful for! - Janie & Lori at Curtains Up (Westendorf ) Costumes R ubie mpan ubie’’s Costume Co Compan mpanyy Inc. Receives 2010 Best Breakout License “ Lady Gaga ar Gaga”” ffrr om P Par artty Cit Cityy Rubie’s Costume Company is awarded by Party City the 2010 Best Breakout License for “Lady Gaga,” in recognition of creativity and innovative designs. “We are very proud and honored to receive this distinction and thankful to be selected to receive this impressive award from one of the top retailers in the Halloween industry,” said Howard Beige. R ubie mpan ubie’’s Costume Co Compan mpanyy Inc. Receives the 2010 Best Humor Costume A war dF or “Mar io Awar ward For Mario io”” F Frr om Par artty Cit Cityy Rubie’s Costume Company received the 2010 award for the Best Humor Costume for “Mario”, one of their most popular licenses of the year. It’s been an amazing success for both the children’s and adult categories, since we acquired this Nintendo license. They expect it will continue to be just as important in the upcoming Halloween season as well. “We are very grateful and The Costumer • February 2011 appreciative to be selected to receive this distinctive award from one of most recognizable retailers in the Halloween Industry,” said Howard Beige, Executive Vice-President. Costumes Creative Retired by Kristi Tousignant Joan Pekin may have dressed up as a nun this Halloween, but her 30-year role as costume seamstress ended soon after the holiday. Pekin has been sewing and selling costumes at her business, Costumes Creative Inc. in Silver Spring, Maryland, for more than 30 years. On Dec. 1, she closed the doors of her costume sale and rental business. 2011 MINI-CON JULY 15-16-17, 2011 LOUISVILLE, KY HYATT REGENCY HOTEL 320 JEFFERSON STREET ROOM RESERVATIONS – 502-581-1234 The most exciting aspect of this event is that all 5 meals and the hands-on education session is ALL INCLUDED in your registration fee of only $159 per person. This is an outstanding deal for you and the employees that you may want to bring with you to share the NCA experience. Room rates are $99 per night plus tax. This is one of the most cost-efficient NCA functions you will have the opportunity to attend! We’re looking forward to having you join us. DON’T DELAY.....RESERVE TODAY!!!! Spr ing F ling 2011! pring Fling Thursda unda Thursdayy, Ma Mayy 12-S 12-Sunda undayy, Ma Mayy 15 Attention all NCA members! Join NCA members Carol and Al Pocock as they host the annual Spring Fling, a weekend of networking, sharing ideas, fabric discounts at Zinck’s Fabrics, and, of course, good food. There’s nothing like hanging out with fellow costumers and costume business owners while exchanging business challenges and solutions, discovering sources and suppliers, and just plain talking shop. Throw in some shopping at Zinck’s and the flea market, a visit to the Kent State University Fashion Museum, and perhaps a workshop, and it becomes a highly productive weekend for you and your business. And fun. Did I mention fun? Contact Carol and Al for more information, or see many more details in the December 2010 issue of The Costumer (available online). Reduced rates on the hotel rooms are available only if you call by April 12. Carol and Al can be reached at or 330923-3339. Cookbook Deadline Extended It’s your lucky day! You thought you missed out, but guess what — it’s not too late to enter your favorite recipes A C OOK BO OK into the official NC NCA CO KBO BOO K. The winter storms prevented the board from holding their winter board meeting in Louisville earlier this month. The meeting has been re-scheduled for mid-March, so I have decided to extend the deadline until March 15 15. Here are some ideas that might spark your culinary juices. Enter your favorite recipes for cocktails or appetizers. Many of us will have to sponsor some kind of event that requires us to provide beverages and finger food. I know I am always looking for more ideas on how to feed the masses. You could also enter your favorite Crock Pot meal. I know I would love to have some more ideas to have dinner ready when I get home at the end of the day. Just follow the easy instructions below, or send your recipes to me and I will personally enter them for you. Do Not Dela y! The Ides of March comes quickly. Go to A page will appear, and on the right will be a login button. Click on this button. A new box will appear. At this point, enter your name as you wish it to appear in the cookbook. For example: Joe Smith/ elso n and Joe’s Costume Shop. The group login is Harr Harrelso elson your password is 5ahcv 5ahcv.. Follow the instructions from this point on, and you’ll be finished before you know it! There are currently over 120 recipes entered on the site! Thank you for your contributions. Linda Adams-Foat, Camelot Costumes,, 815-233-1861 The Costumer • February 2011 7 NCA business Annual Business of the NCA Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee has begun the process of seeking Officers and new Directors to serve on the Board of Directors of the National Costumers Association. Over the years many individuals have devoted time to this service and we are deeply grateful for each and every one of them. According to the bylaws, Directors shall be elected for two-year terms, electing four each year to preserve continuity. No more than one person per member firm shall hold office or serve on the Board of Directors concurrently. All voting members of the Board of Directors are unpaid positions; however, certain expenses may be reimbursed. Nominees must be members in good standing. If you are interested in serving as a Director or if you know someone who might be interested in serving the association in this fashion, please get in touch with the Immediate Past President, Adrienne Anderson, at If a member of the Nominating Committee contacts you, please consider this opportunity seriously. The NCA needs your help and experience. Before you turn down an invitation or an opportunity because you are too busy, analyze in depth your reasoning. You may not even be thinking. You may only be feeling. The truth is we all can find time for almost anything we really want to do. When something of overpowering importance comes your way, it is amazing how you can change your plans, shift your schedule and cut out of your life activities which you thought were so important the day before. Are you sure you don’t have time? Don’t be afraid of getting involved. The NCA needs your assistance. Now is the time to step forward and make a difference. NC AS NCA Sccholarships The National Costumers Association promotes the costume industry through education. The NCA awards scholarships to qualified applicants. A “qualified” individual must be 17 years of age or older, maintain a GPA of 2.75 or higher, and be enrolled or enrolling in an accredited university or school. All applications must be submitted electronically by April 1 each year. Applications are accepted anytime before the deadline. The Memorial Fund Committee of the NCA shall award the scholarships during the annual meeting of the 8 organization. This year the memorial fund scholarships will be awarded during the mini convention in Louisville. The actual dollar amount of any award will be determined by the amount of funds available and the number of qualified applicants. The Chairperson will notify awardees within 2 weeks of the meeting at which time the applicant has to accept or reject the scholarship. Upon receiving the completed and signed acceptance form, the NCA will disburse checks payable to the university or school designated on the application form. Criteria for the scholarship program are: 1. A completed and signed application form submitted electronically. 2. Proof of GPA of 2.75 or higher (high school or university freshman is acceptable). Above average GPA is preferable. 3. Copy of online transcript. 4. Photo of applicant (headshot preferred). 5. A 100-word (max) biography. 6. A 500-word essay (minimum) of field of study and how it applies to the costume industry. Business courses may also qualify. Further information, criteria and forms are available at and are also available in the back of the Membership Roster. Questions may be directed to the Immediate Past President, Adrienne Anderson at Natio nal A war ds ational Awar wards The National Costumers Association regularly recognizes its members for creativity, longevity, and service. The Major Harrelson Service Award and the Honorary Life Membership Award are given through a nomination and committee review process. Any member may nominate another member for these awards. Traditionally the nomination and review process occurs in the early part of the year and the awards are presented during the annual Convention at the President’s Banquet. If you would like to nominate someone for the Harrelson Service Award or the Honorary Life Membership Award, please send a note to the Immediate Past President, Adrienne Anderson, at Be sure to include your reason or reasons for nominating the individual. The Memorial Committee will review the nominees and an announcement of awardees will be made before the annual meeting in July. The Costumer • February 2011 The Costumer • February 2011 9 RESOURCES What’s New: Comic Book Themes By Gina D’Angelo As we all know, comic book ideas are still on fire, and this year will be chocked full of adaptations. I thought I would help out and give a guide of what is coming out this year. I think this is a record year for comic book movies, and I also threw in some information about television and animated DVD releases. For visual images, just Google image search any of the titles. Tele visio nN elevisio vision Neews Young Justice – animated series. Focuses on the sidekicks of major super heros – Robin, Kid Flash, Artemis the female archer, Aqualad, Superboy, and Miss Martian. This is superhero bait to teenagers! Face O ff – the new Project Runway? A reality contest Off show on SyFy network where contestants compete with special FX make-up. Challenges including full body paint, aging techniques, and creating a horror character. Perhaps a good excuse to have viewing parties, or beginner classes at a shop. The Walking Dea d – AMC’s adaptation of a comic Dead book about a zombie apocalypse. Zombies! The main character is a sheriff in a tan uniform. Now playing Tr on: Le Leggac y – not much on the plot front, but this visually dazzling film is filled with light and technologyladen suits. Prepare for people to ask for light-up pants, shoes, the works. Fans are already crossing genres and incorporating LEDs and glowire into different costumes. Black Swan – this psychological thriller got a lot of buzz, and I predict there will be a demand for ballerina white and black swan costumes. The Green Hornet – If nothing else, this costume will be in demand because of its simplicity–suits, hats, and masks. Look out for Rubie’s female Kato costume, it is adorable! MARCH Red Riding H Hoo o d – The first in several fairy tale titles 10 to be retold as adult thrillers. The story still has a medieval setting. Sucke r P unc Punc unchh – Well-known comic book adaptation director Zach Snyder’s new vision of hot chicks kicking butt, video game style. Outfits include sexy sailor suits, and goth-military outfits that show lots of skin. Also, lots and lots of weapons. APRIL Super – Rainn Wilson stars as an everyman who transforms himself into a superhero, the Crimson Bolt. Early photos of the suit and cowl include a red base for the outfit with armored pieces. The whole ensemble is supposed to have a “realistic” spray-painted look to it. Your H ighness – comedy about a medieval quest with Highness pot-smoking royalty and lots of creatures to fight. Starring James Franco and Natalie Portman. Scr eam 4 – Dig out those Ghostface masks! I’m Scream certain it will be just like the others, but now it will be new to another generation. MA Y MAY Thor – Comic book adaptation that uses the characters of Norse mythology. Trailers show Thor both on Earth and in Asgard. Odin, Loki, and Thor are just a few of the main characters that sport incredibly ostentatious armor. Be on the lookout for Loki’s horned helmet. Pir at es of the Car ibb ean – More pirates! This Pirat ates Caribb ibbean installment includes mermaids. The H ang ove r, P ar Hang Par artt 2 – perhaps some Zach Galifankiss beards are in order? JUNE X-men: F irst Class – This reboot of the X-men story First is set in the 1960s. Early reports show the costumes to be a little more cartoon-like. The suits are yellow and blue instead of leather, and there will probably be more plain clothes, but there is a female villain, Emma Frost, who dresses in white lingerie. Gr een Lant Lanteern – This highly-anticipated comic book adaptation has a powerful color motif (can you guess that The Costumer • February 2011 it’s green?). This superhero gets all of his power from his glowing green ring. There are many makers who produce actual glowing rings, which look as good as the film. Note that the comic book version of the costume is a lot simpler than the film. A healthy supply of spandex bodysuits may be in order. JUL Y JULY Transformers: Dark of the Moon H ar ott allo ws: P ar arrry P Pott otteer and the Deathly H Hallo allows: Par artt 2 – The final installment of the film series, only time will tell if this has the longevity of Star Wars. Ca pt ain A m eerric a: The F irst A veng Capt ptain Am ica: First Av engeer – Story of WWII pilot turned super soldier frozen in time and thawed to be a hero in the present. His trademark uniform includes shield with American flag motif and blue cowl with wings. Cowboys & Aliens – Genre mash up of cowboys and aliens fighting in the wild west. Remakes and other buzz-worthy films for later in the year: The Smurfs Conan the Barbarian The Three Musketeers The Muppets The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Need someone’s phone number or e-mail address? Looking for a costume plot? • Need info on the next NCA event? Check out! 24 hours a day / 7 days a week New Product! S even ‘til Midnight Midnight’s 2011 collection showcases more than 100 costume styles including their bestselling classics, Midnight DIY kits, and their new “Costume or Play…wear either way!™” collection which can be worn with just the bodysuit for those who dare to bare, or with the included skirt for more coverage. The “Costume or Play…wear either way!™” collection features trendy and over-the-top style with pin up details. Cleavage contouring bodysuits, dashes of sequins, and flouncy skirts are all the details you will love from this new Seven ‘til Midnight collection. The expansive collection covers costumes and everything you would want to go with themincluding tutus, petticoats, hosiery, boyshorts, and gloves. Seven ‘til Midnight 9401 Whitemore St., El Monte, CA 91731, 626-371-1980, The Costumer • February 2011 11 EDITORIAL Rubie’s Costume Co.: Then And Now In 1951, Rubin and Tillie Beige founded Rubie’s Fun House in Woodhaven, Queens, New York. The company started as a joke and novelty shop and progressed over the years to selling disguises, hats, masks, and, later, costume accessories and make-up. Moving forward, Rubie’s added a full line of costumes for both children and adults, and over time, transformed into a costume rental shop. As a rental shop owner, Rubin often received requests for costumes not readily available in his store or in the wholesale marketplace. This was the late 1960s and the first sign of a wholesale business. The four Beige children—Maxine, Marc, Joel, and Howard—grew up in the business and were always part of the operation, living either behind the retail store or above the store until the mid ‘70s. Marc was particularly interested in costumes and costume manufacturing, and he and Maxine joined the company in the late 1960s. Unfortunately, in October 1972 one of the founders, Rubin Beige, passed away. Tillie Beige stayed actively involved in the business until she passed away in April 1984. The co-founders had established a good foundation for their children to develop and build a future together. For decades, this foundation has remained a family business venture. From the owners to its employees and their children, Rubie’s is truly all about family. In the mid 70s and early 80s, Howard Beige had the pleasure of traveling for 6 years across the country in the company motor home, set up as a showroom, and visiting many independent accounts across the nation. This cross country adventure allowed Howard to develop relationships with accounts that he still deals with today. Often times he has the enjoyment of dealing with the very same people that he visited more than 30 years ago. In 1988, Rubie’s acquired its first license, “Mission from Mars”, from M&M. This special promotion had a few obscure characters including Romtu, Gleep, Bing, and Scooter, all of which received television exposure. After that, the first major license Rubie’s acquired was in 1990 for Star Trek. Star Trek was a license that competitor Ben 12 Cooper was licensed for, but was only producing in children’s low-end vinyl costumes. Rubie’s saw Star Trek as an adult license and instead of producing a plastic jumpsuit with a picture of the Enterprise printed on the chest, they designed the adult costumes as exact replicas of the garments worn by Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. This was a major change for the Halloween industry. Quickly thereafter, Rubie’s obtained many other licenses including Universal Studio Monsters, their second major license. Rubie’s’ biggest success can certainly be contributed to listening to their customers over the years and working hard to bring them the items and product lines that they’ve requested and become successful with. Rubie’s’ role in Halloween today is much like it has been for many decades and that is to be the innovators, the creators, and the people to shape Halloween for the future. Often times Rubie’s’ retail accounts report to them what consumers are looking for, and it’s their priority to respond and create sought after items that are being demanded by the masses. Today, Rubie’s is a global company that employs more than 2,500 people—with more than 2,000 of them in the United States. Rubie’s also consists of many different divisions including: Forum Novelties, Morbid Enterprises, Charades, Secret Wishes, and Delicious. Rubie’s and its affiliated companies reach almost every aspect of Halloween, whether it’s costumes, accessories, masks, make-up, décor, props, or collectables. Their product lines are distributed on a global basis and reach all the major economies of the world. Rubie’s looks forward to expanding the Halloween industry, and will continue to find new celebrations and new holidays to increase the use of costumes. Whether it’s a licensed or generic costume, Rubie’s remains up-to-date on all the latest pop culture phenomena. As Rubies continues to celebrate their 60th anniversary throughout the year, without a doubt customer satisfaction and family tradition will remain a priority. Once again it’s the year of the customer for Rubie’s. The Costumer • February 2011 The Costumer • February 2011 RESOURCES What’s New: Plays and Musicals Here are lists of plays and musicals listed on the websites of licensing companies as ns, hea ds up! These might “recentl eleased ”. If yyou ou help to costume loc al pla oductio ecentlyy rreleased eleased”. local playy pr productio oductions, heads be coming to your neighborhood theater or school. Music Theatr Theatree Intl .mtisho m) (www.mtisho (www Rodgers and Hammerstein (www .r m) (www.r Disney ’s Beauty and the Beast Jr. Disney ’s Aladdin Kids Fame Forever Anne of Green Gables Sweeney Todd School Edition Avenue Q Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Dracula The Drowsy Chaperone Flat Stanley Jr. Hairspray High School Musical Jr. High School Musical 2 Jr. Rent Rent, School Edition Seussical Jr. Spring Awakening Thirteen The Toxic Avenger The Wedding Singer Willy Wonka Xanadu Legally Blonde the Musical 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Tin Pan Alley Rag Double Trouble Ordinary Days Phantom of the Opera (HS and colleges) Sam uel F h amuel Frrenc ench .sam uelf renc m) (www.sam .samuelf (www Race In The Next Room A Steady Pain The Fox on the Fairway See Rock City and Other Destinations Passion Play In the Heat of the Night Happy Days Bethlehem One Night a Week MOMologues Marilyn/God The Bomb-itty of Errors Too Old for the Chorus, but Not Too Old to Be A Star Red Hot Patriot A Cool Dip in a Barren Saharan Crick TAMSW itmar k Music Libr ar AMS-W Librar aryy (www .tams-witmar m) (www.tams-witmar Sister Robert Anne’s Cabaret Class Kiss Me Kate (revised) You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown (revised) Nunspirations (Nuns in Las Vegas) 14 The Costumer • February 2011 The Costumer • February 2011 RESOURCES What is the NCA Source List... By Gary Broadrick ...and how do I use it? The NCA source list is in the member’s only section of the association’s website: You should have just gotten your new user name and password in your receipt for your 2011 NCA dues (which, by the way, are the lowest trade association dues in the industry). If you missed it, call the NCA office and the new user name and password will be sent to you. Once in the member’s only section you will see the icon to click on to get you into the source list. There you will see headings for a wide variety of different items, supplies, and retail merchandise, that we use in our businesses every day. You can see which vendors are NCA members and who participates in our buyer’s group offering us discounts on various items. Looking to see who has military hats, or what vendors give buyer’s group discounts on rental merchandise? sour ce list Simply go to the “sour list” in the member’s only section and the information is there for the taking. Browse through it: finding new sources is always a treat. 16 The Costumer • February 2011 advice The Work Involved in Retiring By Jack and Adrienne “Andy” Anderson, Freckles Costumes, Jacksonville, FL I n the complex world of retail business and store ownership, the decision to retire is never as simple as it may seem. More often than not it has nothing to do with reaching a certain age, although that may certainly be a factor. It took us several years to finally commit to closing. As we grew older and health concerns became more serious, it seemed obvious that we needed to re-evaluate exactly what we wanted to accomplish in the time we had left on this earth. We made the decision to inquire about the viability of selling our business. Several discussions with brokers left us with the feeling that we would not be able to find a suitable buyer. Several customers had heard we were thinking about selling and spent long hours discussing the costume business with us. Throughout these last few years the business climate of our community underwent significant changes. It wasn’t long before the nation was experiencing a severe downturn in the economy as well. I had reviewed our figures for the past seven years and came to the conclusion that we were not growing but had reached a plateau. Considering all these factors, my plan for the future seemed somewhat sketched out and all I needed to do was finally commit, and continue to develop the plan which would allow us to retire at the end of our fiscal year. I knew that the fourth quarter of each year was our most profitable. I knew we would have to restock with fresh supplies for the Halloween season. We revised and downsized our inventory budget for the year. I knew that we could take our time and that we were not being forced into a situation which would put undue pressure on us financially. My plan seemed pretty simple. First I would advise our staff of our plans so they would have more than enough time to adjust and seek other employment if they wished. Next I would contact several NCA members who had expressed an interest in the past in purchasing some of our unique one-of-a-kind costumes. Then in late June, I advised our landlord that we would be retiring at the end of the year. I shared my plan with our CPA and our business attorney. They offered some small suggestions but no major changes to the proposal. A letter was sent to our regular customers advising them that we were planning to retire and that our entire rental stock would be available for purchase. We also informed them that we would not be renting costumes this year but would be selling them instead. Each costume was analyzed, taking into consideration the age, purchase price, and rental history in order to establish a fair selling price. We were delighted with the response and found that our customers were sad to learn that the business was closing, but delighted that we were able to retire after 23 years in the neighborhood. Some of them returned 2 and 3 times to purchase costumes for future use. From August 1 through the end of the year we continued to offer retail merchandise at a discount. We started small going from 30% off to finally 75% off all ticketed items. Our inventory declined rapidly during the last month of the year. We discontinued restocking merchandise as of October 1. A letter was sent to our vendors thanking them for their support over the years and advising them that we would be closing. We asked them to remove our name from their regular mailing lists. December 31 has come and gone. We are currently in the process of cleaning out the store and finally closing down entirely. We have met all of our financial obligations and feel that we have successfully completed everything necessary to begin a new chapter in our lives. We are tremendously grateful to our friends in the association for all their support and encouragement. We have enjoyed our business and have met some extraordinary individuals throughout the years. Many of our fondest memories are of time spent with our friends— no, our extended family—in the NCA. We have been blessed by getting to know so many of you. We have laughed and cried, and laughed again. We have learned so much during our years in the NCA. We are moving into uncharted territory for us but we have the knowledge that we remain a part of this wonderful organization as retired members. We will continue to participate wherever and whenever we can. Thank you all for your wonderful friendship. The Costumer • February 2011 Jack and Andy 17 member profile Ellie Shoes Inc. Orange, CA • Ellen Renger, owner • Joined NCA in 2006 By Diane Sheibley The Cost ume Costume umerr : Where, when, and by whom was the company founded? El lie Ellie lie: The company was founded in 2000, in Orange, California. It was started by Ellen Renger, and it is still family operated today. The Cost ume Costume umerr : What does the company feel that its true strengths are, either as an employer, or as a presence in the industry, or both? El lie Ellie lie: Our strengths stem from our quality and attention to detail to get the fit right. We also have a lot of pride in our designs and constantly research the market to follow the trends. We offer costume-specific shoes as well as versatility with our more classic designs. We know how to adapt to changes in the market, and are proud to be known as the “sole of seduction.” The Cost ume Costume umerr : What hurdles or challenges did the company overcome to get where it is today? El lie Ellie lie: The biggest challenge was convincing retailers that carried costumes to also carry costume shoes. Ellie Shoes pioneered the Halloween shoe and built the business that it is today. Our company is still growing and gaining brand awareness in this industry, which is a huge accomplishment for us. We work with reputable retailers and their loyalty is what keeps the brand alive in the market place. The Costumer Costumer:: Did you start out doing what you do today, or did the company evolve into what it is today, and/or focus in on a particular specialty? El lie Ellie lie: The company started out as a footwear company that specialized in lingerie and bedroom 18 shoes, and has evolved into Halloween shoes along the way. The DNA of Ellie Shoes is still in the lingerie business and we’ve recently signed a license agreement with Bettie Page, catering to the rockabilly styles of that genre. However, Halloween has opened up new opportunities for us and has given us a lot of exposure to a whole new community. It was by accident that these two industries collided, and it continues to be the force that grows our business today. The Costumer Costumer: Are there any ‘good stories’ that show the personality of the company, or a fun bit of history? El lie Ellie lie: When we were putting together our 2010 Halloween catalog we were pulling a 14-hour day, and around the 12th hour our bodies were tired and beat and our brains were drained. We still had to finish up shooting our men’s section, and we were starting to get a bit irritated with each other–photo shoots can be long, tedious sessions. Our lead designer, who was helping out with the styling, decided it would be funny to put on the clown costume that was going with our clown shoes and surprise everyone as a joke. Boy did it work! He had everyone laughing hysterically while he pranced around showing off his shoes. It was so funny our photographer started snapping away and got some really good shots. (Anyone who knows Jose, our designer, would never have expected this, it is totally out of character!) Afterwards, when we were editing the shots, we came across the infamous clown shots and our graphic artist photoshopped clown makeup on the image and we ended up using it! Not only did Jose boost our energy to keep the shoot going, but he landed a spot on page 93! The Costumer • February 2011 The Costumer • February 2011 Member Profiles Snapshot Profiles In an effort to foster networking among NCA members, as well as create more awareness and resourcing amongst the membership, a “5-minute survey” was sent out to a few members. Following are two of the responses. If you’d like to fill out a 5-minute survey and have it appear in an upcoming Costumer magazine, email the editor at, send an inquiring fax to 508-819-3013, or click on the link on the publications page in the members section of M E M B E R M Name of store: Rose Costumes Dento n, TX Denton, Owner’s name(s): Judy Smith Year founded: 1976 NCA member since: 1984 E M B E R Name of store: Pacific Northwest Costume n & Redmo nd, WA Br emer to Bremer ton Redmond, Owner’s name(s): Annetta Butler Knight & Sherrill Tay lor Year founded: 1981 NCA member since: 2004 A brief background of your involvement in the industryy : My background in college was in costume industr clinical laboratory technology so my education about the costume business has been the School of Hard Knocks and the NCA. Store specialty(s): Retail and rental – especially theatrical renting for schools. The favorite part about what you do: Creating the costumes and creating the environment that houses those costumes. W hat yyou ou ffeel eel yyour our “secr et to success” is: No secret, secret I just struggle year to year trying to fend off Big Box world like all the rest of us small business owners. Of course, customer service is important but also knowing when to re-focus what works for you and giving up on what doesn’t work. A brief background of your involvement in the costume industr industryy : Founded Pacific Northwest Costume and hands on management day to day. Store specialty(s): Rental, sales, custom orders The favorite part about what you do: Making dreams come true! W hat yyou ou ffeel eel yyour our “secr et to success” is: We secret love what we do. Do you have 5 minutes? Tell the NCA a little about your store by answering a few short questions. Your ‘snapshot profile’ may end up in The Costumer! Visit ”The Costumer” page on 20 The Costumer • February 2011 The Costumer • February 2011 “Costumer on the Street” Q uestio ns ar A members, and the espo nd with their uestions aree posed to NC NCA theyy rrespo espond ideas, solutions, and feedback. "Do you own your own building, or do you ou think this is best ffor or rent? Wh y do yyou you (or do you)?" We own our own building and have tried to encourage others of the NCA to make every effort to do the same. We have been in business for 27 years and have owned our own building from day one. We purchased our original store on a land contract with only $5,000 down and when the business started making money and we wanted to expand the building, we converted to a regular mortgage. That building is long since paid off, and since we have moved to another location, it brings in over $3,000 a month in rent revenue. We found another building that had been empty for 4 years after the bank foreclosed on the previous tenant. Since it had been empty for so long, we were able to strike a deal with the bank and bought the building with 3.5 acres of property for a good price. It should be paid off in about another year. Seeing the number of costume shops going out of business and realizing that if we can’t find someone who wants to buy our business to continue it, the amount we can expect to get at auction or selling our stock piecemeal will be nowhere near the hundreds of thousands of dollars we have in it. The only thing we will profit from all the years we put in will be the result of owning two properties that can provide monthly income or a nest egg from their sale. Another advantage to owning your own place is when (if) you move, you can put up a sign in the window for a year to tell your once-a-year customers where you are now. Ron Ferraro Fantasy Festival Costume/Magic Centre Algonquin, Illinois I own my building in a separate business. On recommendations from my attorney, I created an independent LLC and own the building within that. It comes through on my personal taxes so it is easy 22 accounting-wise but protects me from any liabilities, etc. It is also good to have a lease with Costume Specialists and pay a set rent which I can establish. It keeps it clean and can have income benefits if that is good for the owner. Wendy Goldstein Costume Specialists Inc. Columbus, Ohio Yes, I own my own building. It’s 10,000sf, and houses 40,000 costumes, plus props. I can’t imagine the stress and turmoil it would cause if a landlord knocked on my door and told me they decided to sell my building. Where do you go with 40,000 costumes? It took me two years just to find the right building, and in those two years I came across many rentals for the floor space I needed. It was more to rent that much space than to just buy. It’s true, you may never own it, but you’ll always be putting equity in something that is yours, and you can never take that away. If you rent, you’re just throwing your money to the wind. Also, you can make any changes or additions at any time you want to without hearing a possible “no”. I added a floor to one of my back warehouses, and removed one of the very large garage doors. I’m sure I couldn’t have done that to anyone else’s building. Patti Jo Costumes By Patti Jo Moline, Illinois We always dreamed of owning our own building. For years we rented, and wanted to purchase our own building. Finally in 1999 we did, and moved in the following year. We have really enjoyed owning the building, but with that comes a huge responsibility. Everything that goes wrong (and it will) falls on your shoulders, not your landlord’s. We bought a fixer-upper, so we had to install new carpet, new heating and air conditioning throughout (3 units to be exact), new soffit and guttering, and had to jackhammer up one corner to fix a flooding problem. All in all I would still recommend it. It may be my only retirement package. We have refinanced it twice since 2000. Once to pay off all the repairs and upgrading we did. The second time to pay off debt we accumulated while struggling thru the The Costumer • February 2011 recession. Luckily the building appreciated, which allowed us to pull more equity out of it. The huge difference is once you buy the building, you have to pay the insurance and the property tax on it. Those two bills dwarf the actual mortgage payment. (Something to keep in mind.) The payment may seem affordable, but once you add the insurance and property tax, it more than doubles the cost of the mortgage alone. Demitrius and Chris Brown told me once, “You must buy a building someday. We never made money owning a costume business nor selling it when we retired, we only made a living from the operation of the costume shop. We made our money selling the building.” They sold the building they owned by land contract, and wound up selling it 2-3 times over, when the tenant defaulted. So, their building became their retirement fund. And there is a huge pride and satisfaction of owning the building. Ken Epperly Magic Makers Costumes Huntington, West Virginia We own our building. We have been in business since 1890 and this is the second building we have owned. Our first building was an urban renewal takeover and it took us many years to buy again. Pam Monette Helen’s Pacific Costumers Portland, Oregon Is the ou our therre something yyou ou’’d like yyour f ello wN CA memb llow NC membeers’ input on? A business or personnel challenge? A decision yyou ou emp lating? Send ou’’re cont contemp emplating? your question to, and you just might see it as a question of the month! I actually own two buildings. For about 20 years, I was on Main Street in our town. I purchased a three-story building that was used as a bank. I had two vaults that I used as rooms. I used most of the first floor for retail and the second floor for rental. When the party stores and every other retail store started doing Halloween, I decided to make a change. I renovated an old barn behind my home and gave up 99% of the retail. I cleaned out the rental stock and made the move. I also made the decision to not have employees and to work by appointment or by chance. There are times (prom and Halloween through Christmas) when I am open every day. I still own the big building and I rent out the first floor to an alternative school, and the second I made into an apartment. My overhead is now virtually nothing. I do not think I would have survived if I had not done this. It works well as I can accommodate people at odd hours, yet still be home. I also own a mini-storage business and have one large unit for costume storage. Lorraine Brown Fabian’s Upstairs Closet Fair Haven, Vermont The Costumer • February 2011 23 The Costumer • February 2011 2011 Mini-Con • EXCITEMENT – FUN – EDUCATION NATIONAL COSTUMERS ASSOCIATION: A Kentucky Derby Mini-Con! Louisville, KY Caufield’s Novelty of Louisville invites you to attend a mini-convention July 15, 16, and 17, 2011. This allinclusive event will be held at the Hyatt Regency Louisville located at 320 Jefferson Street. Rooms are limited so make your reservations early to assure you have a room onsite for this exciting weekend of NCA business, education, and fun. For room reservations call 502-581-1234.The special negotiated rate for this event is only $99 per night. This offer expires June 15, 2011 and again, rooms are limited. • w, and a tour of Caufield’s FR dinner,, a magic sho show FRIIDAY : Plan to arrive Friday afternoon and join us for dinner Novelty (with transportation provided) leaving the hotel at 6:00pm. This dinner is included with your registration fee of only $159 per registrant. July 15-17 eakfast buffet ticket for the huge breakfast buffet the hotel offers – a SA TUR DAY: You will be given a br breakfast SAT URD buffet known throughout the city for its incredible foods! or um session. This forum is a discussion among members that Breakfast will be followed by a membership ffor orum includes anything you want to share with (or learn from) your fellow members. This session is followed by the annual NCA business meeting to elect officers and board members, and take care of all new and old business. After the business meeting, you will be treated to a lunch that is included in your registration fee. Lunch is followed by education sessions that include a class discussing resources for all those hard to find items that help you build your inventory, and a hands-on hat embellishing session so you can create the hat you want to wear to the Kentucky Derby-themed party on Saturday night. tainment, games wl yThis party begins with a cocktail party, followed by enter entertainment, games, and the swearing in of ne newl wlyds elected boar d members awards ds, and a full dinner dinner. You may also enjoy the silent board members, presentation of annual awar auction and 50/50 raffle during the course of the evening. This party is also included in your registration fee of only $159. SUND AY : You will again be given a ticket for the exceptional br SUNDA breakfast buffet eakfast buff et that is yours to enjoy in the hotel restaurant beginning as early as 6:30am for you early risers, and is served until 10:30am for those of you ket of cash and carry as well as that partied hard the night before. Your leisurely breakfast is followed by a Mar Market close out deals by various vendors. As you can see, this is quite the event for the money. FIVE meals are included with your registration fee, along with education, business, and networking. And don’t forget that hat creating class! The embellishments for you to create with are at no charge to you. What a value! MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND! ROOMS ARE LIMITED...,.WATCH YOUR E-CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION AND A SPECIFIC TIME SCHEDULE OF EVENTS. The Costumer • February 2011 25 July 15-17 MINI-CON EDUCATION SESSIONS: As with all NCA events, education will be informative, inspirational, and fun. The Mini-con education sessions are Saturday, July 16, after the lunch break. These two sessions will include: • Louisville, KY • RESOURCES-R-US: “Using Non-Traditional Materials for Costume Purposes”. This session will be led by Joy Galbraith of Costume Gallery in Newport, Kentucky. Joy and the Costume Gallery crew build costumes for shows of all genres, and rent facilities for community and professional theater on site. They continuously keep their finger on the pulse of the theater production world utilizing new and existing products to achieve the desired result and “look” of a costume project. Joy will share sources and uses techniques on-EVA and Open Cell Foam uses -Sculptural coat uses -El Wire -Fabric Transfers -Roylan Aquaplast Pro-Drape, for molding -Rug Felt used in Armour -Magnetic Uses -Plumbing tubing 2011 Mini-Con This will be a very informative session. BUI LD-A-HA T: “Get ready for the Derby” D-A-HAT This hands-on session will be held following Joy Galbraith’s session. During this time you will be given your choice of hats to work on and a plethora of embellishments to make your hat a one-of-a-kind that you can be proud of. The hat you create can then be worn to the Kentucky Derby-themed party that night. All materials for this session are included in your registration fee. Note: You may want to bring your own glue gun, so you don’t have to share, and your favorite embellishments if you have items you might want to include in your creation. NATIONAL COSTUMERS ASSOCIATION MINI-CON JULY 15,16, and 17, 2011 320 Jefferson Street Hyatt Regency Hotel • Louisville KY 1-502-581-1234 Rooms for only $99 per night plus tax. The association has reserved a certain amount of rooms for this event and they will be booked fast. Make plans to attend and reserve your room as soon as possible to assure that you have a room in the hotel of the event. If the association gets more reservations than anticipated, we may be able to negotiate for more rooms but we must have early reservations in order to do that. So... DON’T DELAY...RESERVE TODAY! Attention Vendor Members: There will be a MARKET at this year’s Mini-Con, Sunday, 10am-12pm. Tables are $50, Contact Linda Emerson at 702-275-2470 or 26 The Costumer • February 2011 The Costumer • February 2011 BUYERS GROUP 2011 SUPPLIERS As of 2/11/11 Alexanders Costumes 951-276-2500 Alicia International Inc - Enigma 888-282-3777 Appliques with Glitz 888-344-5480 Arne Distributors Inc. 713-869-8321 Bauer Pacific Imports 925-294-4002 Caretas Rev S.A. de C.V./Ghoulish Productions 866-336-1227 Charades LLC 626-435-0077 China Products Corp 562-623-4287 Costume Holiday House /Game Day Colors 419-334-3236 Dillon Inc. 800-654-3696 Disguise 858-391-3600 Distinctive Costumes 800-222-4269 Dreamgirl international 800-622-5686 Dress up America 866-943-7377 EddiesTrick and Novelty Inc. 800-544-8278 Elegant Moments 570-489-9861 Ellie Shoes, Inc 714-771-0015 elope, Inc 800-553-5673, 719-328-1312 Escante Inc. 210-522-1321 Flashback & Freedom, Inc. 631-471-2548 Forum Novelties, Inc 516-536-4600 Franco American Novelty Company 718-821-3100 Froggy's Fog 615-469-4906 FunWorld 516-873-9000 Giant Trading Co/New Look Wigs/Wicked Wigs 800-986-6700 Graftobian Makeup Co. 608-222-7849 Halco 724-929-7300 Introsound/Halloween Haunts 805-832-4521 Jacobson Hat Co. Inc 800-233-4690 Leg Avenue 626-581-1273 Mehron Inc. 800-332-9955 Mehta Retail Corporation DBA Fusion 412-352-7312 Midnight Syndicate Soundtracks 440-286-1494 Midwest Design Imports, Inc 402-691-8009 Party King 818-721-0034 Peter Alan, Inc 973-983-5646 Pleaser USA Inc 800-295-6318 RG Costumes & Accessories 888-858-9559 Rubie's Costume Co. 516-326-1500 Seven 'til Midnight 626-371-1980 x8807 Sunnywood Inc. 815-675-9777 323-284-7201 Trick or Treat Studios 831-234-2762 Underwraps Costumes 818-349-5300 Visual Effects 718-324-0011 Wolfe Face Arts & FX 407-772-2154 Zagone Studios, LLC 773-509-0610 The following is your 2011 list of companies that have pledged to you, NCA members, special discounts. Please be sure you write your NCA member number on all your orders to receive your discounts. Remember to place your NCA member number on ALL your orders EVEN for firms NOT listed in this brochure. When you notice an additional discount is provided, please contact the NCA office (800-NCA-1321) so we can assist the supplier in publishing these great discounts. The National Costumers Association, its officers, or its representatives are not responsible for errors in this printing. Always verify all discounts and terms with the company before finalizing purchases. Buyers Group 2011 Chairperson : Kristie Peters 909-921-5665 • Alexanders Costumes Alicia International Inc - Enigma 951-276-2500, Fax 951-276-9727, 3404 Niki Way, Riverside, CA 92507 Contact: Leslie Fournier Specialty: Manufacturer of affordable quality costumes and accessories. Full line of all costume accessories. Discount: Under $2,500: 2%; $7,000: 7%; $10,000: 10%. Although NCA customers may start the year with a 2% discount, as soon as your purchase exceeds $2,500, customer is entitled to a 5% discount on all future purchases. When the customer reaches the next level, the same procedure will be applied and all future orders will receive a 7% discount. Terms: Customer must notify Alexanders Costumes when a discount level is reached. Discounts will be applied to all orders after notification. Late payments will void all discounts. 888-282-3777, Fax 847-588-0987, 7354 N. Caldwell Av., Niles, IL 60714 Contact: S pecialt pecialtyy: Wigs Discount: 5% immediately to new orders placed at show $250-2500; 8% to new orders placed over $2500. Terms: Does not apply in combination with any other discounts. Applies to subtotal of base prices and only with orders placed from show. One time only. No cancellation on custom orders placed after two weeks from show. No changes after 30 days. 28 The Costumer • February 2011 Appliques with Glitz C har ades LL harades LLCC 888-344-5480, Fax 337-433-4994, 801 W. Bayou Pines Dr., Lake Charles, LA 70601 Contact: Anne G. Monlezun S pecialt pecialtyy: Sequin, bead, and rhinestone applique company, specializing in custom work and burlesque style pasties. Discount: 10% discount on all prepaid and credit card orders. 626-435-0077, Fax 626-369-5096, 14438 Don Junian Rd, City of Industry, CA 91746 C on tac t: Jerry Beck, Charlie Santilena, Belinda Toro ontac tact: Specialty: High quality costumes at affordable prices. Large selection of costumes, wigs, and weapons. D isc oun t: Volume discount schedule, with Halloween dating of Nov. 1 iscoun ount: (all purchase levels are annual purchases): Purchases of $3,000+: NCA discount 3% (standard discount 2%); purchases of $5,000+: NCA discount 4% (standard 3%); purchases of $7,500+: NCA discount 5% (standard 4%); purchases of $10,000+: NCA discount 6% (standard 5%); purchases of $15,000+: NCA discount 8% (standard 7%); purchases of $20,000+: NCA discount 10% (standard 9%). Terms: No discounts allowed on payments received after November 15. Arne Distributors Inc. 713-869-8321, Fax 713-869-9308, 2830 Hicks, Houston, TX 77007 Contact: Alan M. Grossman Specialty: Balloons, bridal, Mardi Gras, masquerade, party supplies, renaissance, pet supplies, Halloween, supplies for all seasons. Discount: Discount varies. Extra 1% to 5% depending on item. Terms: COD at warehouse. Bauer Pacific Imports 925-294-4002, Fax 925-294-4063, 174 Lawrence Dr., Ste A&B, Livermore, CA 94550 Contact: David Bauer S pecialt pecialtyy: Venetian and festive masks, Halloween props, luau, disco balls, Mardi Gras, lanterns, hats, wigs, boas, Christmas decorations, wings, costumes, umbrellas, etc. Discount: NCA members in good standing receive: Orders over $700, 5%; Orders over $1,500, 7%; Orders over $3,000, 10%. Discounts do not apply to specials, sales, or freight charges. Terms: Credit card or net 30 with approved credit. Discounts are based on payment within terms. Late payments will void any discounts. All freight F.O.B. Livermore, CA. Car etas Rev S.A. de C.V ./G houlish PPrr oduc tions aretas C.V./G ./Ghoulish oductions 866-336-1227, Fax +52,777-3143199 x102, Alfonso Junco 4, Col-Lazaro Cardenas, Cuemavara, Morelos, Mexico, 62080 Contact: Rosalba Dorado Specialty: Masks, props, hands, accessories, and costumes. Discount: 10% discount if order is placed before March 1. 5% additional discount if order is paid before March 1. Terms: Payment via credit card. Credit card information needs to be given at time of order. China Products Corp 562-623-4287, Fax 562-623-4201, 14108 Rosecrans Ave, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Contact: Craig Mills S pecialt pecialtyy: Hats, hats, hats—dress up, party, pirate, witch, straw, cowboy, novelty, all holidays. Discount: 10% NCA discount, minimum order $100, free freight on $100, minimum per style=1. Costume Holiday House /Game Day Colors 419-334-3236, Fax 419-334-7372, 3038 Hayes Av., Fremont, OH 43420 Contact: Gregg A Kerns Specialty: Deluxe rentals adult and children, plus sizes, masquerade, theatrical, book report, spirit wigs, beads, leis. Discount: CHH: $500-$1,000 : 5%; $1,000+ : 6%. Game Day Colors: 5% off over $300. Terms: Net 30 orders must be received by May 31, 2011. Halloween dating with approval. Dillon Inc. 800-654-3696, Fax 405-942-4705, P.O Box 75939, Oklahoma City, OK 73147 Contact: Donald R. Dillon Specialty: Halloween novelties, oddities, give-a-ways, and costume accessories. Discount: NCA members pay the lowest price and can buy minimum quantities. Terms: Halloween dating for NCA, net due 11/1/2011. continued... The Costumer • February 2011 29 BUYERS GROUP 2011 continued... Disguise 858-391-3600, Fax 858-391-3601,, Facebook/Disguise Costumes, 12120 Kear Place, Poway, CA 92064 Contact: Jay Nafman or area Disguise Rep S pecialt pecialtyy: Disney, Hasbro, Marvel, Mattel, Sesame Street, Clive Barker, Fabulous Flirts, alternative t’s licensed and non-licensed alien, historical, vampire, and other character costumes and accessories. Discount: (subject to change) Discount from invoice for all orders placed by April 1: Proprietary Product: 17%; Licensed: 13%; Confirmed 2011 NCA members placing orders by April 1 will continue to receive the maximum 17% / 13% discounts against reorder activity through the 2011 season. NCA members not placing orders by April 1 will receive appropriate benefits under our published standard 2011 program. Terms: An NCA active membership number/ID must appear on all orders for the appropriate discount to be applied. New minimum opening order: $100. Premium program minimum order qualification: $2500+. Terms: Net 11/10/11 for order $2500+. Net 30 days for orders $100-$2500. All payment terms subject to credit approval. Defective allowance: 1%, based on net volume shipped calendar 2011; in lieu of return of any defective 2011 product shipped 2011; deducted from individual member invoice. Freight FOB Walnut CA. Ship-to location minimum order/reorder: $100, per ship-to location. Contact Disguise for further terms/conditions. Distinctive Costumes 800-222-4269, 248-666-9496, Fax 248-666-9697, 1413 Airway Dr., Waterford, MI 48327 C on tac t: Peggy Watson ontac tact: Specialty: American manufacturers of quality retail and rental garments; many period/era styled costumes. Discount: Distinctive Costumes exclusive NCA Buyers Group Halloween terms: Orders $500-$999, 2% (nonmembers 0%); orders $1000-$2999, 5% (nonmembers 3%); orders $3000-$5999, 8% (nonmembers 6%); orders $6000+, 12% (nonmmembers 10%). Terms: Orders need to be placed by May 15, 2011. Orders will be shipped as ready starting June 1, 2011. Discount on Halloween order invoices will be allowed only on payments received on or before Nov. 7, 2011. Please note: all terms are based on credit-worthy accounts. Discounts do not apply to shipping charges, special orders, special sales events, or close-out items. 30 Dreamgirl international 800-622-5686, Fax 800-625-7363, 5548 Lindburgh Lane, Bell, CA 90201 Contact: Eric Ehrens S pecialt pecialtyy: Contemporary adult, tween, and children’s costumes and accessories. Discount: NCA member discount 8% off Dreamgirl wholesale price list on costumes and costume accessories, all year long. Terms: Net 30/credit card/Halloween dating available to some accounts (due 11/10/2011). Dress up America 866-943-7377, Fax 775-878-4576, 234 Lee Ave 8th fl, Brooklyn, NY 11206 Contact: Barry Grossman S pecialt pecialtyy: Kids’ role model costumes: police, army, firefighter, SWAT, FBI, doctor, etc, and the new hit Special Forces. Discount: A. 10% all year round discount (no minimum purchase). B. Additional 5% discount for placing the orders at the Halloween & Party Expo in Houston. C. Free freight for orders above $1500. Terms: Halloween dating on credit approval. Eddies Trick and NNoo velt eltyy Inc Inc.. 800-544-8278, Fax 404-377-2210, 262 Rio Circle, Decatur, GA 30030 Contact: Frank McKinnon S pecialt pecialtyy: Magic, novelties, costumes, makeup, costume accessories, wigs, hats, masks. Discount: As a way of rewarding our customers for adhering to the terms, we offer a BONUS for all qualified early orders and prompt payment. On November 12 we will compute earned bonus rewards and issue a formal credit memo that may be used against subsequent purchases only. In no case is it intended to be a cash reward. The bonus will be computed as follows: initial orders by July 2nd; $500 to 999 2% bonus; $1000 to $2499 - 3% bonus; $2500 to $4999 - 5% bonus; $5000 to $9999 - 7% bonus; $10000 and up - 10% bonus Terms: No discounts will be given on Mehron or Ben Nye professional or Mini-Pro Make-up Kits. We will not duplicate any Mehron or Ben Nye discounts. California costumes are not included. You can stipulate shopping dates. When ordered before July 5th, 2011 the items will be reserved for you for shipment when you desire. This does not change your regular method of payment. If you are currently purchasing from us on a net 30 account, C.O.D., or credit card, your method of payment will remain the same unless some other terms are worked our with our credit department. The Costumer • February 2011 Elegant Moments 570-489-9861, Fax 570-489-5619, Rt. 6, Blakely, PA 18447 Contact: Meredith Pierson S pecialt pecialtyy: Women’s and men’s costumes in sizes XS-4X, lingerie, hosiery, leather, and vinyl. Discount: 10% off list price; if order is placed at Houston show you will receive an additional 5% off. Terms: Halloween dating net Nov 15. Ellie Shoes, Inc 714-771-0015, Fax 714-771-0057, 1050 N. Batavia St., Ste B, Orange, CA 92867 Contact: Lydia Conley Specialty: Our focus is in costume shoes for men, women, kids. Also offer lingerie and dancer shoes. Discount: 5% year-round. Additional 7% from January-March 31, 2011. Terms: NCA membership number must be included on the purchase order, email, and/or fax in order to receive appropriate discounts. If calling in, please have your NCA number available. elope, Inc 800-553-5673, 719-328-1312, Fax 866-333-5673, 719-328-1261, 3755 Mark Dabling Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Contact: Kelli Borel Specialty: Costumes, accessories, licensed products. Highest quality and most innovative products, catering to specialty retailers. Discount: Elope is pleased to offer NCA members a 5% discount on all orders. Terms: Opening order minimum is $200, reorder minimum is $100. New customers must pay first three orders by credit card, then with approved credit, we can offer Net 30 terms. Note: Any customer who pays an invoice more than 60 days late will not be eligible for any discounts the following year. Escante Inc. 210-522-1321, Fax 210-681-8566, 4637 Timco West, San Antonio, TX 78238 Contact: Stacey Singleton S pecialt pecialtyy: Women’s costumes—unique designs, quality, and pricing. Luxurious corsets for specializing in making your own costumes. Discount: Halloween dating for all qualified accounts. 12% discount on all orders. Additional 3% for all orders written and left at Houston show. No minimum opening order. BUYERS GROUP 2011 Flashback & Freedom, Inc. 631-471-2548, Fax 631-471-3183, 140 Corporate Dr, Holtsville, NY 11742 Contact: Howard Gruick Specialty: Hottest latest fashions and accessories. First, hippie, 60-80s accessories and clothing, sunglasses, pimp jewelry, labcoats, etc. Discount: 5% discount on all orders over $50. Terms: Credit card, COD, or Net 30. Forum Novelties, Inc 516-536-4600, Fax 516-536-9741, 1770 Walt Whitman Rd., Melville, NY 11747 Contact: Fred Pittella S pecialt pecialtyy: Costumes, masks, makeup, wigs, décor, props, Halloween Accessories, joke, tricks, novelties, Mardi Gras, St. Pats, luau, Christmas. Discount: 5% discount on all orders and on all categories. 7% on orders $5000+. 10% on orders $10,000+. 15% for orders over $15,000. Terms: Halloween dating November 10th. Fr anc meric an NNoovelt ompan C. ancoo AAmeric merican eltyy CCompan ompanyy LL LLC. 718-821-3100, Fax 718-821-1307, 8400 72nd Drive, Glendale, NY 11385 Contact: Jay Dinhofer Specialty: Halloween novelties including costumes, wigs, hats, and a full range of accessories. D isc oun t: NC Dollar Volume Discount: $2500: standard discount 2%, iscoun ount: NCA discount 3%; $5000: standard discount 3%, NCA discount 5%; $7500: standard discount 5%, NCA discount 7%; $15000: standard discount 7%, NCA discount 10%; $25000: standard discount 10%, NCA discount 15%. Terms: 1. Earned discount level will apply to all orders placed between January 2011 and December 2011. Note: All special item pricing net purchases (i.e. special discount) cannot be combined to achieve dollar volume discount level. Earned discounts will apply to merchandise shipped and billed at regular dealer prices only. 2. Some prices may change without notice. 3. All Halloween invoices must be paid by 11/ 10/11 or discounts will be forfeited. 4. Discounts apply to merchandise only, not freight. The Costumer • February 2011 continued... 31 BUYERS GROUP 2011 continued... Fr oggy og oggy’’s FFog 615-469-4906, Fax 615-346-9430, 302 Rutherford Lane, Columbia, TN 38401 Contact: Adam Pogue S pecialt pecialtyy: Fog juice, snow juice, bubble juice, fog machine cleaner, 400/700/1000 watt fog machines, snow machines, bubble machines. oun t: 5% off show price & no minimum orders. Year-round orders D isc iscoun ount: accepted on all fluids. Machine orders need to be placed by March 1, 2011 for guaranteed August delivery. Order forms, product stock levels, technical spec sheets, and graphics for your store can be found on our buying group website, Terms: Terms based on credit application review. FunW or ld unWor orld 516-873-9000, Fax 516-873-9005, 80 Voice Rd, Carle Place, NY 11514 C on tac t: Isora Gozley, Alex Losito ontac tact: Specialty: Costumes, licenses, Décor (indoor/outdoor), wigs, masks, accessories, santa suits, Christmas merchandise, Easter bunnies. Discount: 10% off of list with opportunity for up to 30%, free freight on orders over $2,000 per warehouse. Terms: Season 1 dating available upon approval from our credit dept. Gian ew LLook ook Wigs/W ick ed Wigs iantt Tr ading CCoo ./N ./New igs/Wick icked 800-986-6700, Fax 818-841-7171, 2612 W Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505 Contact: Peter Park S pecialt pecialtyy: Premium quality party, fashion, and costume wigs. Wide array of styles and colors for all occasions. Discount: NCA discounts: up to $499-5%; $500-$1999-7%; $2000+-10%. Terms: Min. opening order: $200. Thereafter no minimums. All freight paid by customer. All new accounts are credit card or COD basis only. Terms available based on order history. Gr af eup CCoo. aftt obian Mak Makeup 608-222-7849, Fax 608-222-7893, 510 Tasman Street, Madison, WI 53714 C on tac t: Janine Wardale ontac tact: S pecialt pecialtyy: Makeup of all kinds: Halloween, fantasy, theatrical, gore, clown, beauty, dance, cheerleading, etc. 32 Discount: NCA members will receive a one tier level increase in their earned discount per the schedule on the back of our wholesale catalog. Terms: Orders for the year need to have exceeded $1,000 before discount level increase kicks in. Halco 724-929-7300, Fax 724-929-7301, 2037 Rt. 906, PO Box 108, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 C on tac t: Terri Greenberg ontac tact: S pecialt pecialtyy: High quality Santa Claus suits: Mrs. Claus, elves, Santa’s helpers, and Christmas accessories. Discount: NCA members receive a 4% discount on orders placed by 5/ 31/11 plus 5% discount on orders of $1,500 or more. Terms: Terms for qualified accounts. Introsound/Halloween Haunts 805-832-4521, Fax 805-832-4578, 567 W. Channel Islands Blvd. #366, Port Hueneme, CA 93041 Contact: Gary Gelfand Discount: Halloween Hits/Shocking Sounds - music CD blister cards. Retail music for less than a download, $3.50 each. Terms: Free shipping for orders of 48 or more. Jac obson Ha Jacobson Hatt CCoo. Inc 800-233-4690, Fax 800-882-5428, 1301 Ridge Row, Scranton, PA 18510 Contact: Jeff Jacobson Specialty: Costume and Halloween hats and accessories. Discount: Ship 8/1 payable 11/10 Halloween orders. End quantity pricing styrofoam skimmers. Next quantity pricing poly leis. Terms: Must be current paying bills. Leg Avenue 626-581-1273, Fax 626-581-1881, 19601 E. Walnut Dr. South, City of Industry, CA 91748 C on tac t: Tamera M. Vestal ontac tact: S pecialt pecialtyy: Costumes—adult female and male, junior, kids, dog; hosiery; lingerie. Discount: 8% on all catalog items; promotional items discussed with NCA buying group will receive an additional discount. Once finalized we will provide more info. Terms: Net 30 everyday orders; Halloween dating 11/10 on Halloween orders upon factor approval, Halloween dating must be noted on the order. The Costumer • February 2011 BUYERS GROUP 2011 Mehron Inc. 800-332-9955, Fax 845-426-1515, 100 Red Schoolhouse Rd., Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977 Contact: Gene Flaharty Specialty: Performance makeup for fashion, face/body painting, stage, studio, clown, and education. Discount: Automatic 5% discount off wholesale list prices for any/all orders over $100 plus 50% off standard UPS shipping rates. 10% discount off wholesale list prices once YTD purchases reach $2,500, plus 50% off standard UPS shipping rates and for all additional orders over $100 for the rest of the calendar year. 15% discount off wholesale list prices once YTD purchases reach $5,000 plus 50% off standard UPS shipping rates and for all additional orders over $100 for the rest of the calendar year. Free Halloween catalogs, free product info guides, free shelf talkers and promo cards. Terms: No retroactive discounts. Net 30 days or Halloween dating of 11/10/11 with approved credit. Mehta Retail Corporation DBA Fusion 412-352-7312, Fax 412-402-5873, 616 Macassar Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Contact: Ruchi Mehta S pecialt pecialtyy: Peel & stick glitter tattoos, rings, costume jewelry, patented face masks. Discount: 5%-costume jewelry; 10%-facemask & rings; 20%-peel & stick glitter tattoos. Terms: $100 minimum order. Midnight Syndicate Soundtracks 440-286-1494, Fax 440-285-2449 11510 Boxwood Circle, Chardon, OH 44024 Contact: Ed Douglas Specialty: Midnight Syndicate professional grade Halloween music CDs, celebrating 14 years! Discount: 5% off any purchase of $90 or more. Discount: 20% discount every day! Discount off regular price and cannot be combined with other offers. Terms: Payment with credit card unless payment terms have been approved. Party King 818-721-0034, Fax 866-594-7886, 9036 Reseda Blvd #104, Northridge, CA 91324 C on tac t: Phil Young/Shanna Weiss ontac tact: Specialty: Children and adult costumes, kits, wigs, masks, Celebrity Zombies™, petticoats, hosiery, shorts, garters, wings, hats, eyelashes, licenses. D isc oun t: NCA discount program: $1000-$2499 net order, 5% discount; iscoun ount: $2500-$3999 net order, 10% discount; $4000+ net order, 20% discount. Terms: Minimum order $300. Net 30 days. All orders are FOB our Los Angeles, CA warehouse. $2500+ net orders, Halloween dating due 1110-11. Initial Halloween dating orders must be received by March 15, 2011. All credit cards accepted. Peter Alan, Inc 973-983-5646, Fax 973-983-5645, 18 Green Pond Rd., Rockaway, NJ 0 Contact: Melanie Beckerman Specialty: Best known for our unusual wings, better wigs, high quality mid-priced costumes. Discount: Minimum qualifying order $1,200. Subsequent orders will also receive the discount. $1,200-$5,000: 10%; $5,001-$15,000: 15%; $15,001 or more: 20%. Levels are determined by current year purchase. continued... Midwest Design Imports, Inc 402-691-8009, Fax 402-691-8017 13309 F St., Omaha, NE 68137 Contact: Hal Mangelsen S pecialt pecialtyy: Your source for feathers, boas, wings, wigs, ostrich clips, floral décor, masks, and much more! The Costumer • February 2011 33 BUYERS GROUP 2011 continued... Pleaser USA inc 800-295-6318, Fax 800-218-3830, 679 S. Placentia Ave., Fullerton, CA 92831 Contact: Bill Bonorris Specialty: Sexy Halloween/costume shoes/boots; traditional Halloween/costume shoes/boots; handbags; boot cuffs; shoe clips. Discount: $499-$2999=8%; $3000-$5999=12%; $6000-above=15%. Volume discount applies per individual sales order dollar amount. This discount structure only applies to order placed before April 30, 2011 and payments are made on time per our agreement. Terms: Halloween dating is available upon credit approval. RG Costumes & Accessories 888-858-9559, Fax 626-858-9798, 726 Arrow Grand Circle, Covina, CA 91722 Contact: David Spiegel S pecialt pecialtyy: Infants, toddlers, boys, girls, men’s women’s , sexy fullfigured, Santa, accessories, wigs, hosiery, wings. Discount: 20% off any order of $3500. 15% off any order of $2000. 5% off any order of $1000. Terms: Halloween dating upon approved credit. Rubie ostume CCoo . Rubie’’s CCostume 516-326-1500, Fax 516-326-1713, One Rubie Plaza, Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Contact: Arthur Savarese Specialty: Full range of costumes and accessories for all age groups. Rental costumes also available. D isc oun t: Rubie’s Costume Co., Inc. will give all members of the iscoun ount: buyer’s group one upgrade from the normal discount level that they would qualify for providing that they reach at least the first discount level on their own. Merchandise included in program: All merchandise purchased from Rubie’s catalogs are included, whether it be children’s costumes, adult costumes, rental costumes, hats, accessories, Christmas items, St. Patrick’s Day items, Easter, etc. ONLY EXCEPTIONS would be any items marked closeout, overstock on special quotations on customer’s orders, Tillie Beige packages (TBC 1-4), “Rubie’s Red Line” pricing, or merchandise purchased on letter of credit. Purchases from the “Rubie’s Red Line” pricing will be invoiced separately and not counted as part of your “Dollar Volume Discount Program” with Rubie’s. This is for the sole purpose of eliminating further discounts on the 34 items purchased. Your discountable sales to the year total will determine your discount level. Volume Incentive Program: With the purchase of $500 or more from Rubie’s Makeup/Mask Illusions Divisions (FOB-Phoenix, AZ), NCA members can deduct 50% of their freight charges from their Makeup/ Mask Illusions invoices ONLY. Rubie’s will also offer special pricing on select Christmas items. Dollar Volume Discount Program: Annual purchase above $3,000, NCA discount 3% (normal 2%); above $5,000, NCA 5% (normal 3%); above: $7,500, NCA 7% (normal 5%); above $15,000, NCA 10% (normal 7%); above $25,000, NCA 12% (normal 10%); above $37,000, NCA 15% (normal 12%); above $50,000, NCA 16% (bonus level!) NOTE: New maximum discount level is 16%, and can be achieved by purchasing $50,000.00 in merchandise during the 2011 year. The final adjustment for all accounts will take place at the end of the year as a rebate, thereby giving each account the maximum amount of time to reach the highest discount level. This offer is valid only to members of the NCA in good standing which have paid at least 97% of their Halloween invoices with Rubie’s Costume Co., Inc. by November 10th as required. This program cannot be combined with any other offers. Terms: The initial Halloween order has to be placed before May 1, 2011 to receive all the NCA discounts. As long as the initial Halloween order was placed before May 1, all subsequent reorders in 2011 will also be subject to the NCA program. All Halloween orders placed after May 1 will not be included in the NCA program and will be subject to the regular Rubie’s discount policy. Shipping charges are not discountable, and are not included in your year-to-date sales total. The computer calculates discounts on merchandise actually shipped by December 31 (not on unfilled orders or backorders). Discounts are based on payments within terms. Delinquent accounts forfeit all discounts. S ev en ‘til M idnigh even Midnigh idnightt 626-371-1980 x8807, Fax 626-288-2670, 9401 Whitmore St., El Monte, CA 91731 C on tac t: Vinh Luong ontac tact: S pecialt pecialtyy: Seven ‘til Midnight offers over five hundred styles of costumes, hosiery, petticoats, tutus, boyshorts, accessories, and lingerie including the Baby Got Curves collection for plus size women. Discount: 10% NCA discount Terms: Halloween dating for qualified accounts. The Costumer • February 2011 BUYERS GROUP 2011 Sunnywood Inc. 815-675-9777, Fax 815-675-9788, 2503 Spring Ridge Dr., Spring Grove, IL 60081 Contact: Suzanne Reuss Specialty: Exceptional quality at affordable prices. Sunnywood specializes in crowns, tiaras, plus-size costumes, Santa, mascots, kings’ crowns, scepters, and other jewelry. Discount: NCA members receive one of the best discount programs in the industry. 1. Dozen pricing all year long. 2. Net 60-day terms on all orders under $1,000. 3. Net 90-day terms on all orders over $1,000 with approved credit. 4. In addition NCA members are exclusively entitled to a special rebate program. Purchase $5,000 of merchandise and receive a 5% rebate at the beginning of the following year. Terms: Rebate in a form of a credit applied at the beginning of the year. Account must be in good standing. Earned credit cannot be used for open balances. One rebate discount per year. Freight charges and drop ship fees are not included in the total amount of sales per year. Retail/stock merchandise taken into account only. Cannot be obtained by custom orders or customers that receive special bulk pricing on stocked products. 323-284-7201, 105/Balji Plaza, Sector-8, Rohini, Delhi, India, 110085 Contact: Aditya Agarwal Specialty: Superior quality pirate, medieval, and renaissance clothing suitable for parties, ren fairs, pirate festivals, and re-enactors. Discount: 5% additional discount to NCA members. Terms: Standard minimum order applies. Trick or Trea tudios eatt SStudios 831-234-2762, Fax 831-621-4763, 3170 Mar Vista Dr, Aptos, CA 95003 Contact: Chris Zephro Specialty: High quality masks designed to bring back the retro look from the golden age of mask making. Discount: 2.5% for orders over $500; 5% for orders over $1,000; 10% for orders over $2,000. Underwraps Costumes 818-349-5300, Fax 818-349-7200 9185 Kelvin Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Contact: Paytman Shaffa/Nigel FeBland S pecialt pecialtyy: Infant, toddler, children’s costumes; women’s and men’s costumes (through plus size); bustiers; tutus; petticoats; costume accessories; hats. Discount: 5% discount in addition to our current discount program. Terms: Minimum $500 initial order per season, $100 re-order per season. Terms available upon submission and approval of credit app. Visual Effects 718-324-0011, Fax 718-324-0300, 600 E. 156th St., Bronx, NY 10455 Contact: Henry Kwitel Specialty: Importer and manufacturer of specialty lighting, effects, novelty, Halloween, and party products. Discount: 20% discount off dealer price list through 2/15/11. If ordered after 2/15/11, 10% discount. Freight deductible on $2500— orders + (net) minimum order $750—otherwise 10% discount. Freight deductible on liquid orders of 1 pallet or more (45 cases, can be assorted) Terms: Net 30 for qualified customers. Otherwise credit card. Wolf ac olfee FFac acee AArr ts & FX 407-772-2154, Fax 407-772-2230, 224 W Central Pkwy, Ste 1020, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Contact: Douglas Drake S pecialt pecialtyy: Wolfe provides professional make-up for movie and theater and offers over 60 different easy to use face and body painting products for sale to the end users. Discount: A 5% discount to NCA members. If orders are over $500, the discount will increase to 7, 8, or 10% based on volume for early order period through March 1, 2011. $500-$1500, 7%; $1500-$2500, 8%; $2500+, 10% discount. On orders placed at Houston, a promo of 1/2 off on shipping is offered. Terms: Terms decided based on activity of customers and credit history Zagone SStudios tudios tudios,, LL LLCC 773-509-0610, Fax 773-509-0613, 2600 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, IL 60618 C on tac t: Tony Zagone ontac tact: Specialty: High quality mask, hands, and accessories made in USA. Moving mouth, characters, and monsters. Discount: 5% discount for orders over $500. 10% discount for orders over $1000. The Costumer • February 2011 35 NCA Marketplace YOUR AD HERE $35 buys you exposure to the entire NCA membership! Email or call 800-622-1889 Advertising in the NCA Marketplace is $35 per issue, plus a 10% discount for NCA members. Deadline for ads is 30 days prior to issue date. Issue dates are Februar y, May, September, and December, so deadlines are, respectiv ely, January 1, April 1, August 1, and November 1. You can submit a readymade ad, or just send text and we will place it in a box. You will be billed upon publication of the ad, and payment is due upon receipt. Full details are listed on the advertising contract available on Or you can contact the publications office at or 800-NCA-1889. The Costumer • February 2011 36