Threshing Show provides blast from past - Crosby Journal


Threshing Show provides blast from past - Crosby Journal
Grants for impact
State announces
grants for oil impact
Page 5
Wednesday, July 13, 2011, Crosby, ND
Family ties
189 Olsen descendants
gather for reunion
Page 6
One more step
Rec center zoning
change is approved
Page 12
Roads finally get fixed -- Page 12
Vol. 110, No. 28 -- Price $100
New physician coming to Crosby after losing Minot home to flood
By Cecile Wehrman
The flood in Minot, the availability of
housing for a physician and Crosby’s
hockey program all came into play in
the decision of Dr. Philip Sedo to sign
a contract with St. Luke’s Hospital and
the Crosby Clinic.
“We’ll have two experienced doctors,” said Les Urvand, hospital administrator, as well as an abbreviated
recruitment drive now that Sedo is
joining the staff.
The hospital began looking for a
physician about four months ago,
when Dr. Ivan Tsutskiridze announced
his intention to return to his homeland
of Georgia.
Tsutskiridze’s departure would have
I need a house to live in and
you need a doctor, so it s a winwin.
-- Dr. Philip Sedo
left the hospital with only one physician, Dr. Patrick Evans.
Now, Sedo plans to arrive even before Tsutskiridze leaves in September,
bringing with him his wife, Jean, and
two grandchildren.
The family was displaced by the
flood in Minot.
“My house was completely destroyed,” said Sedo, but he was familiar with Crosby, having provided cov-
erage to the hospital as a locum tenens
physician one weekend each month
for about three years, up until about a
year ago.
“I knew Dr. Ivan was going to leave
and I knew the foundation had a house
for a doctor,” said Sedo. “I need a house
to live in and you need a doctor, so it’s
a win-win.
“I’m very fortunate I have a marketable profession,” Sedo said, given the
situation with housing throughout the
region, and the number of people currently displaced.
However, his familiarity with Crosby’s hockey program also played a big
role in his decision to come to Divide
“That’s an important recruitment
tool,” he said.
“I am a big hockey enthusiast. I’m
very familiar with Crosby hockey. I
would not stay in Crosby for a long
time if it were not for the hockey arena.”
Sedo also enjoys curling, so the
prospect of a brand new health and
wellness center is a big draw, as is the
renovated hospital with clinic soon to
be moved under the same roof.
That’s the layout in Rugby, the hospital for which Sedo provides locum
tenens coverage now.
“It makes life a lot easier,” he said,
when you can come and go from hospital to clinic without driving.
Sedo, a general practitioner, has
spent his entire medical career in
North Dakota.
The Manitoba native graduated
from the University of Kansas Medical
School in Kansas City and had his first
job at what was then St. Luke’s Hospital in Fargo.
He has been commuting to the
Towner Clinic the past couple of years,
from his home in Minot, in addition to
his work at the hospital in Rugby.
His wife, Jean, is a registered nurse,
but she does not plan to resume her
They bring with them a junior high
boy and a girl who is in elementary
Rain puts strain on
Crosby Country Club
Jared Gilmour -- The Journal
Benjamin Galbraith, son of Kathy Tysse Galbraith and grandson of John Tysse Jr., patriarch of the Divide County Threshing Show, has fun
on antique tractors being readied for this weekend s event.
Threshing Show provides blast from past
By Jared Gilmour
The 42nd Annual Divide County Threshing Show will showcase the past at Crosby’s Pioneer Village this weekend.
“You can learn a lot from the past,” said
Tabitha Jozwiak, president of the Divide
County Historical Society.
Although steam threshers and tractors
are the focus of the bee – there will be
more than 100 on hand – attractions ranging from parades, to dances, to raffles, offer up something for everyone during the
three-day show.
“I hope people find something interesting and go home and tell someone else to
get more people interested,” Jozwiak said.
The festivities begin Friday with the
annual Tractor-cade, which drives from
Noonan to Crosby. All are invited to participate or watch.
Two more parades take place on the
grounds Saturday and Sunday. Vintage
cars, tractors, horses and more are featured each day at 1 p.m. on the Main Street
of Pioneer Village.
Old-time threshing will be demonstrated
on the north hill following the parades.
This year, “We have quite a few new ex-
New book is set at Divide County
Threshing Show ......................Page 12
hibits,” Jozwiak said, including an antique
and collectible gun display.
For those who prefer horse power to
steam power, free horse drawn bus rides
will be offered. Attendees can also visit the
horses at the red barn next to the Livery
building. Old-time plowing with horses will
be featured, too.
Marilyn Marmanger, a Laura Ingalls
Wilder portrayer, will be at the bee to
share stories during her “I Love Laura”
presentation. Times for this event will be
announced each day.
Kids and adults alike will enjoy the farm
toy show Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
When looking at farm toys gets old, beegoers can head over to the antique and
classic car show to check out some real
vehicles. Cars will be on display Saturday
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“There are four or five new antique cars”
this year, Jozwiak said. One of the cars that
is new to the show is the very rare 1910
Stanley Steamer.
There will be a talent show in the vening
followed by a dance.
Many additional attractions will be featured – from the Bradley saw mill to the
old blacksmith shop.
Pioneer Village itself will be on display,
showcasing 22 restored historic buildings
filled with photographs and memorabilia.
A 5k run/walk will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday.
An antique flea market will span all three
days, as will the food served at the lunch
room and from concessionaires.
Sunday morning at 9 a.m. a village
church service will be held in the historic
Pioneer Village’s Daneville Church.
Later Sunday, an antique and collectible
auction will take place at 4 p.m.
There will be plenty of activities targeted at kids. Money in the straw, a pedal
tractor pull and games are just some of the
events offered for children.
Thirty campsites, with water and electricity, are available for $10 per night.
More information can be found at
By Jared Gilmour
A 10 percent decline in income at the Crosby Country
Club golf course is compounding flooding damages due to
trees, bridges, greens and the
irrigation system.
The drop in golf course income follows off-and-on closures in the last two months
due to flooding. Inundated with
water multiple times this spring
in the wake of record precipitation, the golf course is still recovering. But it is now open.
Country Club President Bob
Svangstu said membership levels and the number of greens
fees have taken a big hit, contributing to the lower income.
Income from memberships
has fallen 17 percent from
where it stood last year at this
time, and income from green
fees has plummeted 61 percent.
The relative success of the
clubhouse, where income is up
from last year, is tempering the
golf course’s losses.
The clubhouse’s restaurant
and bar are flourishing this
year, with food income up 25
percent and the bar’s income
up 30 percent.
The clubhouse was generally
open throughout the flooding,
board member Wayne Lervick
said, even when the course itself was forced to close.
“We have been golfing, but
every time it flooded, we quit,”
Svangstu said.
With the course open again
and repairs under way, the
country club is requesting
FEMA aid to help cover the cost
of recovery, but it won’t make
up for lost business.
The loss of Canadian traffic
hits especially hard. With the
main road shut down due to
flooding, those golfers couldn’t
even get to the course.
“The bridge is out,” Svangstu said two weeks ago, but has
since been repaired.
Golfer Theron Huwe said
last week the golf course was
already in much better shape
than earlier this year.
The wetness is largely gone,
but in its place golfers can
expect to find tall grass and
parched land, which cannot be
watered until the irrigation system is fixed.
Online video
A condensed, video version
of this story appears on line at In the future, The Journal expects to post
at least one video story to the
web site each week.
The cart bridge across Long
Creek at hole number 3 is no
longer under water.
Lervick said the south side of
the golf course near the creek is
in the worst shape.
Clubhouse Manager Kate
Langley said the water levels
on the course have “improved
Holes seven and nine were
most affected by the flooding.
Along with holes three and five,
seven and nine are the holes
that usually go underwater during wet periods.
To help hole nine dry, a temporary hole was put in place
two weeks ago.
Langley said dead trees and
branches need to be cleared
and the irrigation system needs
to be repaired.
Svangstu is hopeful that
FEMA aid will come through ith
“I’ve made the application
with them,” he said. “They’re
going to contact us.”
New kids asked to register
‘Oil Can!’ comes to Crosby
Hoping to get a handle on how many new students
will be coming into local schools, the Divide County
School District has scheduled early registration times.
Early registration times have been set this week for
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and 8 a.m. to noon Friday at
the elementary school.
“We’ve seen a lot of new kids around town,” said Superintendent Ryan Townsend, and knowing who they
are will help plan for the upcoming school year.
Anyone can register during the early sessions, but
Townsend particularly encourages students who are
new to the district to attend.
Though not required, Townsend said it would be
helpful for students to bring immunization, birth and
school records with them when they register for the
next school year.
Free food and lots of information about the area’s oil patch will
be highlighted at an event Tuesday, July 26 at Pioneer Village.
The Oil Can! Cookfest is sponsored by the
North Dakota Petroleum Council.
“‘Oil Can!’ is an effort we put together to
really get out and engage and educate the
public,” said Ron Ness, NDPC director.
A “Bakken Basics” educational session
will be held from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. featuring a variety of oil field experts.
Then, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., eight grill
teams, pairing oil field service and exploration companies, will provide a variety of
foods and experiences at their stations.
Entertainment, give-aways, educational booths, a rock climbing
wall and kids events continue all evening. There is no charge.
Mary Johnson s photo of the sun setting over flooded farmland is the first
place winner in The Journal s 2011 flood photo contest. For other entries,
please see Page 5.
Page 2 -- The Journal
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Yet another story delivers a blunt kick to the gut
Alcohol abuse still a
prime contributor to
many sad tragedies
Sometimes a news story turns your
gut inside out.
When you’re a reporter, you’re
supposed to stay at arms length, unattached from a story, objective.
But the gut never lies.
I’ll never forget the first time that
happened on my beat as a young cub
reporter at the Bismarck Tribune.
It was the summer of 1976 when
Wade and Ellen Zick were abducted
from their home in sleepy Zeeland,
N.D., a town along the South Dakota
border not far from Lawrence Welk’s
home town of Strasburg.
Wade Zick was the town banker,
Ellen the church organist and Sunday
school teacher.
Three young men took the Zicks at
gunpoint from their home to the bank,
and forced Wade Zick to open the
By Steve Andrist
bank doors so they could rob it.
The three suspects then took the
Zicks to a secluded spot near town.
One of them shot and killed Wade Zick
while his wife watched. Another then
snuffed out her life.
No one in town knew anything was
wrong until the next morning, when
the Zicks didn’t show up for church.
Some weeks later, one of the suspects, without noticeable emotion,
recounted the whole gruesome story
during a hearing in U.S. District Judge
Bruce Van Sickle’s courtroom.
Then came Van Sickle’s haunting,
unforgettable words. He looked the defendant square in the eye and stated
emphatically that he could see no
hope of the young man ever function-
ing appropriately in our society.
“I sentence you to life in prison
with the recommendation that you
never be parolled.”
Never be parolled.
Saturday night, after celebrating a
wedding in Minot and driving home
on an absolutely gorgeous summer
evening, we turned on the 10 o’clock
news only to sustain another blunt
kick to the gut.
Bismarck Police Sgt. Steven Kenner
had been gunned down while responding to a report of a domestic disturbance.
The 32-year veteran of the Bismarck
Police Department was pronounced
dead at a local hospital.
The 52-year-old suspect had been
drinking, and reportedly became
angry when someone knocked on the
door. He threatened to slit the throat
of a woman at the home.
When officers arrived, the suspect
was sitting in a van. He shot Kenner,
and another officer returned fired and
incapacitiated the suspect.
Law enforcement officers every-
where will tell you “domestics” are
among the most potentially dangerous
types of calls they receive.
Emotions are always running high,
and in most cases alcohol is responsible for removing inhibitions and replacing them with chemical bravado.
Though suspected, I don’t recall direct evident that alcohol contributed
to the Zicks’ deaths.
It clearly was a factor in Bismarck
last weekend and according to the
the U.S. Justice Department, alcohol
abuse is a factor in at least 40 percent
of the violent crimes committed in the
United States.
Two-thirds of the country’s domestic violence reports involve the use or
abuse of alcohol.
There are well over a million arrests
for drunk driving every year, and
some 40,000 people die every year in
alcohol-related car crashes.
The Centers for Disease Control
reports that alcohol abuse is the third
leading cause of preventable death in
the country, only behind smoking and
poor eating and exercise habits.
In my own neighborhood in quiet
northwestern North Dakota we were
awakened sometime after 2 a.m.
Sunday by the sounds of a man and a
woman yelling at each other.
It’s not much of a stretch under
those circumstances to assume that
alcohol was involved.
By no means is alcohol always a
problem. At Saturday’s wedding, many
of us celebrated with a cold one or
two and a couple toasts to the bride
and groom.
The trouble is, when there is
trouble, it’s a good bet alcohol abuse
is partly to blame.
When will that kick us in the gut
enough to do something about it?
When a million-plus people a year
get picked up for DUI? Apparently not.
When 40,000 people a year die in
car crashes? Apparently not.
When two-thirds of domestic violence cases involve false bravado? Not
How about when Steve Kenner
takes a bullet from a drunk?
God rest his soul.
Not my backyard, but waste,
blight must go somewhere
“Not in my backyard!”
It’s true. No one likes to have anything in
their backyard, except for their dog, their flowers, their grass and their grill. Nobody wants
that new waste processing plant next to their
With the continued growth in northwestern
North Dakota, more of these facilities are being
built, and more often they are threatening our
tranquil patch of land.
Public meetings are for ensuring those
blights are built somewhere else. Industrial
tycoons need to know if residents’ health and
well-being will be affected by that new landfill,
and often the best people to tell them are the
neighbors themselves.
Problems exist with the way developers
distribute information to residents. Current
laws don’t require builders to inform more than
a handful of residents. Neighbors rally, however, and inform the rest of the community, and
meetings are always open to the public.
“Not in my backyard!”
The acronym NIMBY was first used in a November 1980 Christian Science Monitor article
about new EPA restrictions on the disposal of
hazardous waste. In somewhat glowing terms,
the writer, Emilie Livezey, describes the progress industry has made in disposing of hazardous waste more safely and in a way that is
better for the environment.
Toward the end of the article, Livezey slips
into a more editorial mode. No matter how well
we figure out how to dispose of waste, there
will always be a little something left over from
industrial production, she says. We all want the
benefits of industry, but none of us want to deal
with the waste.
We are the consumers, Livezey says, that
demand the very products that produce the
waste. In the end, hazardous waste is the fault
of each and every one of us.
It makes me bristle to think that I am somehow at fault for every industrial pollutant and
accident -- from the Deepwater Horizon oil
spill of 2010 that released 4.9 million barrels of
oil, to the multiple spills this past spring here
in the North Dakota oil patch, to the leaking,
moldering landfill.
I didn’t do anything. I wasn’t careless. I didn’t
build the equipment. I don’t operate the rigs. I
didn’t sloppily build that landfill barrier. I’m not
lining the pockets of industry executives.
Or am I?
Every day, I drive about six blocks to work
when I could easily walk. Every day, I buy and
then trash another plastic bottle -- a petroleum
Something Else
By Aaron Orlowski
product. Every day, I, like every American, produce 4.3 pounds of trash that must be hauled
in a gas-slurping truck to sit in a landfill, or be
incinerated. Waste.
I demand that industry produce convenient
things for me, and then I complain when they
put the byproduct near me.
“Not in my backyard!”
Of course, I wouldn’t want to give up these
conveniences, these pleasures of life that make
living in a rich country like America such a
blessing. And there are assuredly other places
we can dump that excess waste, other than my
backyard, so I’ll fight.
I’m well-informed. I have the time and the
wherewithal to attend a public meeting, make a
stand, support my argument, and speak loudly
enough so that somebody will listen to me.
The voiceless, however, don’t speak. Some
people were born into a situation where they
don’t have the words to use, or the influence to
wield, or the time to spend researching. These
people may have been raised in an educational
system that did not teach them their personal
civic responsibility, or that they have the right
to speak out when they are threatened.
In the end, the waste will go somewhere,
because it’s not going away. Wherever it goes,
however, will depend on who protests the loudest.
“Not in my backyard!”
The problem of waste has no easy solution,
and it’s not right to disregard the effects certain
facilities will have on the people they are built
near. There is invariably room for a better solution, and for that we should continue to strive.
But it’s important to remember that though
we didn’t ask for an ugly new plant to be built
here, next door, we did ask for it to be built
somewhere. Even though we didn’t ask to be
inextricably part of a society that lives and consumes the way it does, we perpetuate a lifestyle
that most likely uses more than it needs.
While we resist the location of that new
plant that infringes upon our right to a healthy,
pollutant-free existence, let us also remember
that our lifestyle demands it.
Departing Shot honors bird dogs
Departing Shot is a business begun by hunter,
Jim Donigan, to provide tributes to hunting dogs.
The Kansas City entrepreneur places the ashes
of beloved bird dogs in shotgun shells. Some
clients plan to fire the shells in 21-gun salutes
while others will display the shells in a wooden
■ The very first modern Olympic Games were
held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. The first gold
medal presented was won by a United States
contestant, James B. Connelly, who won in the
hop, step and jump.
■ Odd facts about the human body: bones
are twice as tough as granite. The stomach can
inflate to 20 times its size when full. The left lung
is smaller than the right lung in order to make
room for the heart. Eyes always stay the same
size that they were at birth. Children grow faster
in the spring than at any other time.
■ Potatoes are sometimes called the “grapes
of the north” as they are used as a substitute for
grains in making alcohol. During World War II,
the Palace Park in Oslo, Norway, was planted to
the tuber. Originating in the Andes, they became
the staple food for Ireland. A potato crop failure
there prompted the largest influx of Irish settlers
to America.
■ On April 3, 2007, the French unveiled the
bullet train, which set a new world record for a
conventional train. It traveled 357.2 miles per
hour, faster than a jet taking off. The train was
modified with a 25,000 horsepower engine and
the rails were treated so wheels made perfect
contact. The V150 broke the record set by
Did You
By Arlene Isaak
France in 1990 of 320.2 mph.
■ After the San Francisco earthquake on April
18, 1906, over 6½ billion bricks were picked up
from the rubble. Workers lived in crowded oneroom barracks in the Presidio and were paid
$2.00 for an eight-hour day.
■ QUESTION OF THE WEEK: When was Walter
Johnson’s 1927 strikeout record broken?
Headlines in History
is an awesome read
By Terry De Long, Fargo
I finally got a copy of
Letter to
“Headlines in History” and
I’ve been reading it the last
the Editor
few months.
It has caught me up on
a lot of things since I left
Divide County in 1977.
It is an awesome piece of journalism. It is a
fantastic book to read.
Summer gatherings are to be cherished
There are many things to like
about summer in North Dakota
-- particularly when it’s summer
weather like we’ve had for the past
two or three weeks.
One of them is reunions. Class
and school reunions, familly reunions, community reunions.
They happen during county
fairs, at 4th of July celebrations and
threshing bees.
Older people, in particular, seem
to treasure these get-togethers, and
I’m making plans for family time
myself, as you read this.
One of the reunions I will never
forget was the last big hurrah for
Ambrose some 35 years ago.
There wasn’t much left of the
town, even at that time, but they
had one fairly large building that
had a colorful history as an implement dealership.
They did a miraculous job of
cleaning up the place, filling it with
banquet tables and chairs, and all
the decorations that go with it.
Perhaps what made it so very
special was the sense of realization
that this could never happen again.
It was like a funeral for their beautiful little city and they wanted it to
be a proper burial.
By John M. Andrist
Their school closed and gradually deteriorating, their main street
almost totally burned out, their
people scattered all over the world.
But this family gathered together,
enjoying each other immensely,
celebrating a reunion while also
paying respect to a dying heritage.
A few years later Crosby held
an all-school reunion that had 700
registered for the banquet. That’s
a heck of a lot of people to provide
for in a little town.
I remember searching the crowd
for old acquaintances from my
childhood. In particular I wanted to
find the guy who locked me in his
cave and stuck my friend in a garbage can when we were boys, giving
us our first taste of unforgettable
terror. And the guy I so admired because he could get a whole slice of
bread in his mouth in one bite back
in that old, cold, school lunchroom.
And the fellow who knocked a tooth
out, jumping from a fire escape into
a snow bank from the first landing
of that old red school building, his
knee crashing into his chin in the
When you are a boy, every upper
classman who is a star athlete becomes a hero -- even the ones who
aren’t star athletes for that matter.
This will be the summer of my
80th birthday, and it just occurred
to me that most of those old heroes
have passed on, or at the very least
are too old and frail to visualize as
We’ve seen the good old days of
small towns, most of which now
have been stripped of people and
And now we have seen some of
the revitalization and repopulation of many of those small towns
because of the Bakken boom.
But the new people are mostly
strangers, or at least folks who
don’t have generational roots that
are the seeds of reunions.
New growth doesn’t mean a
return to historical roots. So I guess
we just have to keep building new
You can t tax the dead
They call it the death tax.
That’s kind of funny. There is no
way you can tax a dead person.
They like the name because they
hate inheritance taxes, and death
tax makes it sound sort of macabre.
Truth is, it is easy to make a case
for some inheritance taxes. It does
not take money from the dead. It
takes it from heirs and others who
are getting it with no sweat from
their own brow.
If it’s okay for the government
to tax the money I earn with hard
work, and the property I have
acquired, and the money I spend
in the market place, is it wrong to
tax the money I get for absolutely
Mind you, it is most certainly
desirable to provide substantial
exemptions from an estate tax,
perhaps at least a couple million,
maybe even more.
But there is some need in every
society for wealth redistribution.
A reasonable estate tax that is not
punitive is a just place to start.
We have no way to control our
number of days; our wealth also is a
thing not to be totally kept.
Official Newspaper of:
City of Crosby; City of Noonan;
Divide County; Divide County School District
Published every Wednesday at Crosby, ND 58730
John Andrist, Publisher Emeritus
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International Society of
Weekly Newspaper Editors
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Ole Holm
Ole R. Holm, 89, a longtime
Appam, N.D., resident passed
away Friday morning, July 8,
2011, at his home.
His funeral service was celebrated July 12, 2011 at Calvary
Lutheran Church in Alamo. Rev.
Daniel Paulson officiated and
interment followed in Bethany
Cemetery, Appam.
Ole Rudolph Holm was born
Feb. 13, 1922 on the family home
place near Appam. He was the
son of Oliver P. Holm, Sr. and
Mathilda (Erickson) Holm. He
was raised on the family homestead, attended schools in Appam and Alamo and graduated
from Alamo High School with the
Class of 1941.
On November 24, 1945, Ole
was united in marriage with Margaret Vera Gilbert in Plentywood,
Mont. One of the highlight of
his life was marrying Margaret.
They had over sixty-five years
together on the farm north of
Appam, while raising their eight
kids. He was a great teacher for
his kids with his quiet demeanor
and the ability to let them fail if
that’s what it took to learn.
As a lifelong farmer, Ole raised
cattle, horses, pigs, chickens,
and grains.
Another highlight in his life
happened in February of 1948
when his brother Bill and family
Ole Holm
got their vehicle stuck during a
snowstorm. Ole was able to find
them with his team of horses and
sleigh and bring them to safety.
He served on both the Elmgren and Alamo School Boards.
Ole was a big supporter of the
Alamo School and activities,
especially the basketball games,
never missing one while he had
kids playing. Sometimes the milk
cows had to wait a little longer
than they wanted because of
away basketball games. However, none of Ole’s animals ever
went hungry.
Ole had a great love of horses
Clara Westerness
Clara E. Westerness, 94, went
home to be with her Lord and
Savior July 10, 2011 at Missouri
Slope Lutheran Care Center in
Bismarck with all her family
with her.
Funeral Services will be held
at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 13,
2011 at Faith Lutheran Church
in Columbus, N.D. with Pastor Morris Kirchhof officiating.
Interment will follow at the
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery near
Visitation will be held at 12:30
p.m. Wednesday at the church.
Clara Horntvedt was born
Dec. 13, 1916 to the late Lars and
Jennie (Kihle) Horntvedt on the
family farm in Forthun Township,
near Columbus. She attended
Brookside School through the
eighth grade. She was baptized
and confirmed in the Lutheran
faith at Pleasant Prairie Lutheran
On June 8, 1937, she married
Russell Marchant. She worked
for several years at Bennett’s
Café and for Fay’s Jack and Jill
Store in Columbus.
On November 14, 1964, she
Clara Westerness
married Tony Westerness and
they lived on his farm in Fay
Township, near Columbus. She
was a member of the American
Legion Auxiliary for 64 years and
served as treasurer for several
She was a member of Faith
Lutheran Church in Columbus.
Clara served as treasurer of Fay
Township for 22 years and was
One Time it was News
10 years ago
Wednesday, July 11, 2001: Riding horse is helping Kelsey Busch
improve her coordination. Physical therapy student Jamie Hay
provides the horse and instruction, along with Kelsey’s mom,
The former parishioners of
Bethany Lutheran have decided
they don’t want to see their building wither away. After a letter was
sent to former members, money
came in from across the country.
That money is being put to good
use this year with new shingles
and a new paint job.
Grenora’s city council has
called a public meeting for 8 p.m.
July 30 to discuss adopting a
Home Rule Charter. The charter
would give the city authority to
collect a sales tax.
Four Divide County youths
are among a number of people
recently cited for illegal alcohol
consumption by Kenmare Game
Warden Ken Skuza. Skuza has
been spending a great deal of
time at Short Creek Dam lately
due to frequent calls about minors drinking alcohol.
20 years ago
Wednesday, July 10, 1991:
The Divide County School Board
made the shorts wearing policy
short -- only May through September.
Members of the DCHS Class of
‘71 released balloons in memory
of two deceased classmates, Judy
Blevins Janisse, and Greg Osvold.
Crosby’s American Legion
Club June 29 marked the end of
an era, closing because of financial difficulties following 45 years
in business.
The communities of Grenora
and Alamo both celebrated diamond jubilees last weekend.
30 years ago
Wednesday, July 8, 1981: Larry
Kittleson, 25, married to the former Shane Olson of Alamo, and
Marty Lerbakken, 19 formerly
of Corinth, drowned over the
Fourth of July in Guardside Lake,
south of Sidney, Mont.
Bob Hay and Mark Holm
scaled the water tower in Crosby
Monday night, attracting a small
crowd after they shouted several
times from the top, possibly noting their achievement. Chief of
Police Clay Sem ordered the two
men down from the 100 ft. tower.
More than 1,000 guests benefited from the fruits of the community’s labors for the weekend
celebrating Noonan’s diamond
More than 300 people returned
to visit, reminisce and celebrate
at the reunion of Lincoln Valley
40 years ago
Wednesday, July 7, 1971: Mrs.
Frank (Mary) Grim of Crosby has
been appointed executive secretary of the local selective service
office, replacing Mrs. Verner Anderson, who recently resigned.
Uncooperative weather cut
Angela Lokken & Charles Dhuyvetter
Fri., July 15, 2011 at 4 p.m.
Daneville Lutheran Church
at the Threshing Bee Grounds - Crosby, ND
Reception and dance to follow at the
Joe Dhuyvetter Farm
Mary Jo & Danny Anderson Residence
Live band starts at 7 p.m.
Page 3 -- The Journal
Charles Haagenson
and trained many throughout
the years, including his favorite
horse, Jim. They had the best of
care and were never abused.
He also enjoyed fishing and
hunting. He was proud to be a
farmer and derived much joy
from it, right up until the end.
Surviving Ole are his loving
family: wife, Margaret, Appam;
sons, David (Jean) Holm, Weiser,
Idaho, Douglas (Rhonda) Holm,
Alamo, Tim (Layne) Holm, Williston and Randy (Christy) Holm,
Alamo; daughters, Betty (Dean)
Pettis, Billings, Mont. and Rebecca (Rob) Holm-Zelzer, Williston;
sisters, Myrtle Livedalen, Rugby, Ruth Sorenson, West Port,
Wash., Lillian Miller, Williston,
Nina Taylor, Seattle, Wash., and
Doris Tuske, West Port, Wash.;
19 grandchildren and 33 greatgrandchildren.
He was preceded in death by
sons, Robert and Todd Holm;
parents, Oliver and Mathilda;
brothers, William, Oliver, Jr., and
Wesley; and sisters, Selma Hill,
Mabel Anderson, Helen Kent,
Linda Peper and Gloria Holm.
Friends are welcome to visit to share
memories of Ole or condolences
with the family.
Everson Funeral Home of Williston is caring for the family.
Charles Morris Haagenson,
75, Golden Valley, Minn. and
Fortuna, N.D., died July 9, 2011.
Funeral service will be held
11:00 a.m. Thursday, July 14,
2011 at Calvary Lutheran Church,
Golden Valley. Interment will be
at Lakewood Cemetery.
Charlie was born June 25,
1936. He was the founder and
longtime owner of Rainbow Inc.
in Minneapolis. His passion was
commercial and industrial paint
He honorably served in the
Army of the United States and
was stationed in Korea.
He is preceded in death by
his parents, Morris and Grace
He is survived by loving companion, Lori Flatley; children,
Paul Haagenson and Jennifer
(Dustin) Ordorff; granddaughter,
Olivia; siblings, Rachel (Channing) Handberg, Roger (Diantha) Haagenson and Margaret
(James) Bickling; many other
Clara Weiss
Clara M. (Bervig) Weiss, 94,
Crosby, N.D. died Sunday morning, July 3, 2011 at Bethel Lutheran Nursing Home in Williston.
A private family memorial service will be held at a later date.
She was born March 20, 1917
at Alkabo, a daughter of Osmund
and Margrethe Bervig. She married Walter E. Weiss August 25,
1945. They had no children.
Clara was preceded in death
by her parents; husband; sisters
Kjerstine Anderson, Beatrice
Wendt, Alice Bervig, Olivia Bervig; brothers, Olaf Bervig, Jim
Bervig, Ordean Bervig, twinbrother Clarence Bervig and Art
She is survived by many nieces, nephews and cousins.
Charles Haagenson
friends, relatives and employees.
In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred to American
Legion Post 0523 Chester Bird,
Smile Network International,
Doctors without Borders or Caring Bridge.
Raymond Dhuyvetter
Raymond Dhuyvetter, 67, Hillsboro, Ore., formerly of Noonan,
died Sunday afternoon, July 3,
2011 at a Hillsboro hospital.
A memorial service is planned
for July 30, 2011 at Hillsboro.
Chester Nygaard
Chester I. Nygaard, 77, Noonan, N.D. passed away Sunday,
July 10, 2011 at St. Luke’s Hospital in Crosby.
Private graveside services will
be held at a later date. Visitation
will be from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Friday, July 15, 2011 at StakstonMartin Funeral home in Crosby.
Chester was born Nov. 20,
1933 on the family farm at Columbus, the son of Carl and Cora
(Barduson) Nygaard.
Chester married Myrtle L.
Brandt of Peerless, Mont. July
26, 1957.
Two sons were born into this
family; Kent (Beverly) and Kyle
(Kathy). Chester has one granddaughter, Kayla and three grandsons, Lynn, Lee and Levi and two
great-great grandchildren, Tia
and Trey.
Chester served in the US Army
in Texas and Germany from 1958
to 1964.
Chester was preceded in death
by his parents.
In addition to the immediate
family, survivors include sisters,
a volunteer for the Meals on
Wheels program.
She is survived by son, Gene
Marchant, Chesapeake, Va.;
daughter, Kay Leidy, Wilton;
sisters, Arlene (Douglas) Beck,
Minot, and Muriel Cartwright,
Lynden, Wash., brother, Rev.
Lester (Diana) Horntvedt, Rochester, Minn.; sisters-in-law Betty
Horntvedt, Kennewick, Wash.,
Jane Horntvedt and Patricia
Horntvedt both of Minot; grandchildren, Ervin (Denise) and Edward (Cindy) Marchant, Jennifer
Piel, Traci (Jon) Blank, Trevor
(Stacey) Leidy, and Matthew
(Darla) Leidy; great grandchildren, Michael, John, Hannah,
Olivia, Taylor, Ella, Claire, Jacob, Madison, Samantha, and
Lindsay; and many nieces and
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Tony; son, Clark,
parents; brothers, Arthur, Howard, Maynard, and Dennis and
sister, Leona Guderjohn.
Provide condolences and sign
the guestbook at
Stanley Moen
There will be a memorial service for Stanley Moen at Concordia Lutheran chapel, July 18,,
2011 at 3:00 p.m.
Cremation has taken place and
burial will follow at Concordia
What’s Up
Chester Nygaard
Muriel (Evan) Granrud, Carole
(Andy) Stolen and Corene (Les)
Pettit; brothers, DeVern (Polly)
Nygaard and Tyrone (Linda)
Nygaard and many nieces and
Stakston-Martin Funeral Home
of Crosby is in charge of arrangements.
July 15:
DC Senior Citizens Center
July 19:
DC Food Pantry, Concordia
Lutheran Church, 10 a.m. - 1
July 20:
Immunization Clinic, Upper
Missouri District Health Unit,
call for an appointment, 9656813, DC Courthouse, 9 a.m. –
12 noon and 1 p.m. – 5 pm.
July 22:
Progressive whist, DC Senior
Citizens Center, 1:30 p.m.
July 26:
Crosby Park Board meeting,
Red Rooster, 7 a.m.
Cards of Thanks
Thank You
sharply into gate receipts for the
Divide County Fair and red ink
will be the likely result.
Duane Anderson, Crosby, began his duties July 1 as the Divide
County director of Social Services, succeeding Mrs. Dan Selmann.
Mike Unhjem and Mark Nystuen of Crosby attended a White
House reception with President
and Mrs. Nixon for the third annual National Teenage Republican (TAR) Leadership Conference.
50 years ago
Wednesday, July 5, 1961: Crosby’s Miss Northwest of 1961,
Lloydine Poling, earned first runner-up at the Miss North Dakota
pageant held in Bismarck last
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
of Fortuna was the scene of the
marriage of Esther Reistad of Alkabo and Ronald Dahle of Sacred
Heart, Minn., June 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Haugenoe
of Fortuna became the happy
parents of a son born at St. Luke’s
Hospital June 29, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Benter of Crosby a girl
July 3, and Mr. and Mrs. Verdayne
Ahre of Alkabo and Rev. and Mrs.
James Glasoe of Fortuna each
had a son July 4.
Crosby’s American Legion
baseball team continued to gather steam this past week as they
stretched their victory string to 7
straight. They tipped Sherwood
12-7 Wednesday night, nipped
Scobey 5-4 Thursday and cap-
tured an invitational tournament
championship at Oungre by halting Weyburn 10-0 and edging Estevan 22-21. Richard Ralph fired a
no-hitter against Weyburn.
60 years ago
July 5, 1951: Dr. John J. Rousseau of Crosby this week begins
work as an intern in King County
Hospital in Seattle. He is a 1951
graduate of the medical college
of Cornell University in New York
The Crosby Legion Junior
baseball team has started its big
job of rebuilding. Jerry Gleesing
and Ralph Chaffee are coaching
the team.
A son was born at St. Luke’s
Hospital in Crosby June 28 to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Johnson.
A daughter was born to Captain
and Mrs. Roger Emanuel June 20
at Tucson, Ariz.
Open house was held Sunday
at the Ben Valan home in honor
of Anton Malnaa’s 85th birthday.
Four granddaughters, Gloria, Delores, Marlys and Mildred had
charge of the guest book.
New officers were installed
by the Crosby American Legion
Auxiliary. They are Mrs. F.J. McManus, president; Mrs. Jerry
Buck, vice president; Mrs. Clifford
Christianson, secretary; and Mrs.
Leonard Otheim, treasurer.
The Zion Ladies Aid of Colgan
sponsored a celebration in the
Colgan Hall Sunday in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rollofson’s
golden wedding anniversary.
Wedding shower
Paige Haugland
Tues., July 19 - 7 p.m.
Lighten Up Wellness Center
Everyone Welcome!
Thank you to the American Legion Post #75 for providing military honors at Bill’s graveside
service.To the two guards, who
did the flag ceremony.To Pastor
Ron Dahle for officiating. Tim
Werner, the Funeral Director. To
those, who were able to attend.
Bill is not suffering anymore.
Gone, but never forgotten.
Joy Fennel & family
Thank You
Thanks for the help from
Conservative Trucking, and
T&R Trucking, for cleaning out
lift stations during the excess
moisture situation this season.
City of Crosby
Thank You
My sincere thank you to my
family, and friends, for your care,
concern, food, cards, and calls,
while I was in the hospital, and
at home with a broken wrist. You
are very special people.
A million thanks.
Ardel Ingwalson
Isn’t it
Kita’s turning 21!
July 19, 2011
Find her uptown
in Crosby on the 19th.
Open House Baby Shower
for Ivy Bummer
daughter of Ellie Bummer
& Larry Prochavka
Wed. July 20 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Lela Andrist Room, Divide County Elementary
Open House
Dale & Ilene Howard
Monday, July 18, 2011
3 to 5 p.m.
Divide County
Historical Society
Kirchhofer Building
40th Anniversary Everyone Welcome!
Page 4 -- The Journal
By Iola Rosenquist
and Kathy Fagerland
Jerry and Meredith Walter returned this week from a trip to
Des Moines. They attended the
NHRA 20th Heartland Nationals
car show at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. They met with friends
from California, Dick and Barbara Block. Barbara and Meredith worked together in California, at the Post Office, and
have been friends for nearly 40
years. The trip there included a
visit to Badlands National Park
in South Dakota. They made a
visit to Falls Park in Sioux Falls,
where they watched the nightly
laser light show on the Big Sioux
Adelle Wissbrod had to leave
her house June 6, to get out
before the road collapsed under the water. She had been
mopping, etc., for a month, but
Wiley and Barb Post were
notified of the death of Vergene
Gunderson, 75, of Indio, Calif., where he has lived for the
last 20 years. Vergene died in
his home of natural causes. He
was born to Rachael Gunderson, and lived with grandparents, Jake and Julia Gunderson
in Columbus. He spent most of
his time with the Leo and Lillian
Post family as a youth.
Robin and Steph Post, with
son, Dustin, Christine, Sierra,
and Hayden, were recent visitors at his parents, Wiley and
Barb Post. Other family that
came to see them were Chris,
Susan, and Kaitlynn Kihle,
Anna, Ricky, Devyn, Joslyn, and
Maverick Marquardt of Watford
City; Mike and Wanda Ely family,
Cyndie and Pete Fagerbakke and
family, and many friends from
the area. While here Hayden
was baptized at Trinity Lutheran with Pastor Phyllis Scroggins
officiating. After baptism, fivegeneration pictures were taken
with Great-great-grandmother
Ella Boen, Barb, Robin, Dustin,
and Hayden Post.
Maria Ely has graduated from
MSU, finished two years of radiology clinicals at MedCenter
One Hospital in Bismarck, and
returned to the area to start her
new job.
When Kaloni Erickson attended a wedding in The Tioga
area recently, she got to visit a
one-time student of the Columbus, and Burke Central schools,
namely Jon (Bucky) Watterud.
Hubby Ostrom of Minot, with
son, Todd Ostrom of St. Louis,
Mo., and daughter, Tami Barry
of Cincinnati, met in Traverse
City, Mich. May 5. They all attended a welcome home party
for Hubby’s nephew, Cody
Kramer, son of Wade and Mary
Lee Kramer, who retired from
the U.S. Military. The celebration was held at the home of
Cody’s sister, Wendy, and Jonah
Johnson. Hubby accompanied
Tami, to attend her grandson,
Andrew Barry’s, high school
graduation. Hubby was able
to attend both the graduation,
July 5, Geraldine and Junior
Swenson drove to the Black
Hills, and spent two evenings
in Deadwood. They then drove
around the Hills, and with all the
moisture this year, everything
was very green. From Deadwood, they drove to Gillette
Wyo., and spent two nights with
Kevin and Suzann Matte, they
visited Nathan, and Erin Matte,
and great-grandchildren Kailyn,
and Kyler, and also with Danielle, and great-grandchildren,
Chase, and Jovey. They then
traveled to Sidney, and visited
Friday - Saturday - Sunday
July 15, 16, & 17 at 7:30 p.m.
then had to leave. She stayed
with brother, Bud, in Minot a
few days. Later, her family had
a family reunion near Lead,
S. Dakota. There were 23 family
members attending. Those attending were Charla and family;
Pam, and family; Brenda, and
Steve; Kerry; Jeff, and family;
Loren and family, Brent and family. Several grandchildren could
not attend. Adelle stayed with
Charla, and family. When she returned home, they were able to
drive the road to the house July
10. There was grass four feet
tall in the yard, and water in the
Sympathy is extended to the
Alton Lund family in the loss of
his mother; to the Dhuyvetter
family in the loss of Raymond
Dhuyvetter, and sympathy to
the family of Jim Bacon, who
died recently.
Jan and Tom Rowse were in
Minot recently, where Jan had
medical attention. Later, they
visited Alan and Ethyl Spooner.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bourdeau
of Phoenix, are in the area visiting family, and friends a few
Iola Rosenquist’s birthday
was celebrated at Ma Fagerland’s Diner Friday. In attendance were Jan Rowse, Jan
Schultz, Marilyn Hansen, Claire
Guderjohn, Donna Schell, Marie
Eller, Donna Fagerland, Heike
Rosenquist, and Claire Guderjohn.
Jan and Tom Rowse spent a
week in the Canadian Rockies,
and at Sun Chaser Villa. Later
they met Donna (daughter), and
husband, Rob, and Tracy, grandchildren, Brenda, and Dora, and
great-grandchildren, and spent
three days at New Port. Ore.
and awards night. A graduation party was held for Andrew
at his parents’ home June 26.
Andrew will attend the University of Kentucky at Lexington,
in the fall. Olivia Barry, Hubby’s
granddaughter, will be transferring to the North Dakota State
University at Fargo in the fall.
Alice (Running) Kessler of
Beulah, and daughter, Denice
and Myron Mutzenberger, and
daughter, Ashley, and Roberta
(Running) Stompro of Hazen,
had a visit at LaVern and Gail
Shefstad’s farm between Lignite and Bowbells, where their
daughter, Joy Walker of Minot,
was also visiting.
John and Madonna Johnston,
and Jane Horntvedt, spent Saturday reminiscing with Ernie
and Shirley Erickson, at Dakota
When visiting with Alice and
Mile Dihle of Crosby. Milo and
Kenny Norby both celebrated
their 92nd birthdays. Marlys
Carlson, and grandson, Paul
Hopkins of Bismarck, visited
Milo and Alice, and gave Milo
birthday wishes.
When visiting with Norma
Johnson of Dakota Terrace, she
informed Shirley Erickson that
her parents, Henny and Frances
Bitter, had the Cozy Cafe in Columbus in the late 1930s, located near Miller’s Hardware Store.
Ron and Anita Erickson, and
Kent Horntvedt, visited Doug
and Arlene Beck, who are residing with Pat Horntvedt at
her home. Doug and Arlene
helped grandson, Tyler Schweiggert, son of Dave and Lori
Schweiggert, celebrate his 20th
birthday at Beulah.
Doreen Negaard accompanied son, Jerome, to Grand
Forks, to visit Paul, who was
evacuated from Trinity Care
Center. Paul also visited with
Mike Haroldson of Wyoming,
who is the son of the late Al and
Arlos, who resides in Fergus
Falls. Paul’s new address is Valley Elder Care, 2900 14th Ave.
S., Room 374, Grand Forks, ND
Sympathy is extended to the
families of Jerome Thompson,
Orlon Thompson, and Mona
Skaar, upon the death of their
sister, Margaret Harness.
Marion Tande of Dakota Terrace, spent her Fourth of July
with daughter, Marlene Peterson at Tioga.
July 2 - 3, several Thorkildson descendants met at Faith
Lutheran in Columbus. Two
brothers, and three sisters
settled in this area in the early 1900s, and Pleasant Prairie (now Faith) was the home
Church for most of them. Peter
Sorum and Anna Thorkildson
were the first ones married in
the church. Elaine (Hedberg)
Anderson of Hot Springs. S.D.,
granddaughter of Thorkild and
Anna, were the only ones of that
branch of the family that made
it. Pete and Anna’s grandson,
and wife, Gordon and Karin Satrium of Canby, Ore., were in attendance. Also granddaughter,
Kathy Jacobson, her husband,
Wally, daughter and son-in-law,
Tammy, and Todd Hansen of
Cannon Falls, Minn. Nels and
Thora’s son, Norman and Edith
Fagerbakke, and grandson,
Bruce and Diane, and Pete and
Cyndie Fagerbakkes of Noonan
attended. Nels and Thora’s
daughter, Amy Beuchler, and
her son, Chuck of Minot, were
there. The rest of Nels and Thora’s family in attendance were
grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren of San Dinas, Calif; Garry
and Myrnie (Rude) Tveter of
Columbus. Wendy (Tveter)
Hansen, Jason, Sammi, Sydney,
and Livvy Tveter, and Reggie
Rude, all Williston; Mel and
Perky (Rude) Hertel of Grand
Forks; Heath, Lisa, and Lillian
Hertel of Minneapolis.
Romell Lawson of Tioga,
spent time with friend, Hubby
Ostrom at Minot.
Pat Horntvedt, Doug and
Arlene Beck, Lana Erickson,
Todd Erickson, Ella, Danielle,
Tyler, and friend, Katlin, got together at Ernie and Shirley Erickson’s when Doug donated a
Melvin, Melissa, and grandchildren, Emily, Ashton, and Grady.
They came home to a wet basement, as there was a lot of rain
while they were on this trip.
Portal Park Benefit
Sixty people attended a meal
of Alaskan halibut, bison burger, and a wide variety of potluck
items, as Portal area residents
gathered for a supper with proceeds to benefit the Portal Park.
The fish, and burger, were supplied by the Sjue family, with
other food items supplied by
Portal American Legion, and
the Legion Auxiliary. Due to a
heavy rain storm, the picnic
was moved from the park, to
the Community Center. The attendees did not let the weather
put a damper on their contributions to help with upgrades to
the park.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Burnell Rosenquist spent a
week at San Diego, taking mapping, and computer classes.
Claire Guderjohn, Kathy
Fagerland, Corinne and Lester
Anderson, and Perry and Iola
Rosenquist, attended Jim Rust’s
funeral in Columbus Saturday.
Pastor Ethyl Mae Nelson
went to Wartburg Seminary for
classes this week.
Mary Lou and Albert Dhuyvetter, and Norma Nygaard,
spent the Fourth of July at the
Jake and Betty Dhuyvetter
Maxine and Lester Priebe of
Rosemount, Minn., attended
Bethlehem Lutheran recently.
They are in the area a few days
visiting friends, and relatives.
Desi Verlinde, and Mary Lou
Dhuyvetter, joined FCE (Liberty) members, and toured the
Susan Davy Pottery, and Point
By Wanda Rasmussen
At the June 8, meeting of the
Senior Citizen’s Club It was decided to make a donation to the
Silver Hair Assembly, and send
a delegate, instead of selling
tickets. A new computer was
purchased with funds allocated
for technology from the county
organizations. The ceiling tiles
have been replaced with flame
retardant tiles, purchased with
money from the county. Prior
to the meeting Kelly Mattis,
Regional Care Consultant for
the Alzheimer’s Association
gave a presentation on memory
loss. She provided members
with folders that included information, phone numbers,
and websites. The next meeting will be held Wed., July 13,
following the congregate meal
at the Center. Often times following the meeting cards are
At the June meeting of Gladys
Helping Hand Club it was discussed getting the float ready
for the 95th Parade, plus goodies to sell from the float. Members furnished bars, cookies,
etc. The Dresden Plate quilt is
done and will be displayed on
the float on the lot south of the
Winery in Burlington recently.
Tom and Mary Dhuyvetter
went to Minneapolis over July
Fourth weekend. Enroute they
stopped at Pelican Rapids, and
spent a night with Jerry and Arlene (Ronholdt) Kensok. They
spent four days with Don Leholm at Oakdale, Minn. They
attended a play at the Gunthrie
Theater. Sunday they watched
the Twins/Milwaukee baseball
game, and Monday they saw the
Twins/Tampa Bay game.
Visitors of Dave and Kathy
Fagerland, and Claire Guderjohn, have been Gary and Jean
Fagerland, Bruce and Mary
Fagerland, Tena, Kelsey, and
Carrie Fagerland, Jacob Cook,
and Tim Ungerman.
Thursday, Randy and Dianne
Hysjulien, Kenny Berg, and
Heike Rosenquist, joined the
Fagerlands at Mohall, for sup-
per at the Prairie Bistro.
Sunday, Bruce and Mary
Fagerland, hosted a get-together at their home in Sherwood.
Guests were Ron, Georgia,
Kevin, Isaac, and Seth Fagerland, Coulterville, Ill.; Lyle and
Lillie Huwe, Corey and Debbie
Mills, Bismarck; Tena Fagerland
and Tim Ungerman, Bloomington, Minn.; Perry, Iola, and
Heike Rosenquist, Gary and
Jean Fagerland, Everett, Wash.;
Dave, Kathy, Shane, Tamrin,
Kelsey, and Carrie Fargerland,
and Claire Guderjohn. Also,
Lester and Corinne Anderson, Lesann, Zachary, and Erin
Winters, of Eastpointe, Michigan.
(To submit news for this column, please call Iola Rosenquist, at 965-6297, or Kathy
Fagerland, at 925-5614).
Senior Citizen’s Building. The
Club has Cookbooks for sale,
and tickets on the quilt. Hostess for the meeting was Sandy
Ross. The next meeting will be
7:30 p.m., July 14 at the Senior
Marvin Hoff will celebrate
his 90th birthday from 1 p.m. 3 p.m., Sat., July 17, at the Senior Center. Marvin’s birthday
is July 18. If you are unable to
make the party you may send
cards to Marvin Hoff, PO Box
41, Grenora, ND 58845-0041.
At Grenora Lutheran Parish
services this Sunday the congregations will welcome new
pastor, David Fox and wife Liz.
United Lutheran in Zahl will
hold services at 9 a.m. and
St. Olaf in Grenora at 11 a.m.
They will be living at the parsonage in Grenora.
Peaceful Piecers’ Quilt Guild
met June 20, with five members,
and one guest, Gwen Sorenson,
from Dagmar present. Roll call
was answered to what project
are you working on this summer. It was decided that the
club would furnish the half
square triangle paper, and it
was purchased from Kaye Tufton. The club will have a sewing
day once a month on the third
Monday of the month, where
members may bring projects
and work. The meeting will
be at 7 p.m. on that day, and
members, who are not able to
come during the day can stay
to work on projects after the
meeting if they desire. Jeanne
Jacobson brought a show and
tell project. Jeanne Jacobson
won the door prize, furnished
by hostess, Wanda Rasmussen. The next meeting will be
July 18, with hostess being Angie Melgaard.
Now is the time for kids to
sign up for the free Vacation
Bible School at St. Olaf Lutheran. It will be led by the UMM
Counselors July 31 - Aug. 4.
Children Grades one - six will
attend from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and
pre-school children from age
four will come at noon until
3 p.m. Registration forms are
available at both St. Olaf Lutheran and United Lutheran or
at downtown area businesses.
Call Kristine Field 694-3844 with
any questions.
(To submit news for this
column, please call Wanda
Rasmussen, at 694-4823).
By Elaine Leininger
Shirley Bakke spent the weekend of July Fourth at her farm
home with son, Glenn. She is
presently living at Bethel Home
in Williston.
Dale Raaum’s sister, Sandy
Raaum of Williston, spent July
Fourth weekend with Dale and
There was a large turnout for
the Olsen reunion in the Lincoln Valley area a week ago. The
group included many relatives,
and some had not seen for a
long time. Sunday, July 3, many
of them attended the baptism of
Ava Ann Smith, the youngest of
the clan, at the church service
at Writing Rock Church.
Attending a Fourth of July
get-together at Roger and Diana
Bloom’s, were Bryan and Donetta Bloom, Krissy and Steve
Kemp, and children, Bob, and
Judy Kemp, all of Williston; Thora Bloom, and Keith Anderson
of Crosby, and Keith’s brothers, Duane and wife, Liz, and
Don Anderson, Magnhild Gallagher, Mary Lou, and Eddie
Childs, of Anacortes, Wash.,
and Jim Reistad. They had a
large display of fireworks that
There was a large turnout at
the Alkabo School attending
the potluck supper, visiting, and
then attending the fireworks at
the ball diamond later in the
evening. The display began with
the children, and teenagers participating in firing a collection
of fireworks first, and then the
men taking over the last part of
the display. The weather was
perfect, and there was a good
show. Many brought fireworks,
and others contributed financially. At the school it was fun to
hear the voices of youngsters in
the gym once again, having fun
shooting baskets.
brought many to the shores of
Skjermo Lake. People, campers,
and vehicles, packed the area.
It brought to mind the days of
the 1920s, when area residents
had picnics, and played games
at the lake. In 1920, Rudy Mantei of Fortuna, built a pavilion
on the southeast shore, on land
belonging to Edwin Anhalt.
Part of the pavilion had a lunch
stand, and confectionery bar,
which the Anhalts operated. It
was a busy place on weekends,
when dance bands provided old
time music. It is reported that
the well known Skarning Band
also played there once. Rudy
Relay for Life - Fund Raiser
0¢ Float
Author signing
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11:30 am to 1:30 pm
First National Bank & Trust Co.
222 N. Main - Crosby, ND
Luminaries - $5.00 ea.
Available until August 1.
added to the fun, when he purchased a launch for use on the
lake. It carried 14 passengers,
and cost 15 cents for one trip
around the lake. By paying a little extra, Rudy would stop the
launch on the southeast part
of the lake, so the passengers
could enjoy the music coming
from the pavilion. People also
liked to sit on the opposite
shore, and look at the lights
of the pavilion. For the convenience of those, who enjoyed
swimming, Rudy constructed
some bath houses in the swimming area. On a hill north of the
pavilion, there was a baseball
diamond, where many games
were played, and sometimes
it was used for a rodeo. In
those days, no admission was
charged, but a couple of them
would walk around with a hat,
and collect donations from
those willing to contribute, and
it seemed there always would
be enough for upkeep and prizes. Those were the Good Old
Debbie and Larry Kallias of
Minot, spent Saturday with the
George Leiningers.
(To submit news for this
column, please call Elaine Leininger, at 834-2423).
Relay For Life raises funds for the American Cancer Society.
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday
Hadley Hoover
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Page 5 -- The Journal
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Photos of the flood
These photographs were submitted in response to a Journal invitation to readers to submit their
favorite photos of this year s flooding. The first place photo, by Mary Johnson of rural Noonan, appears on Page 1 of this week s paper. Second place goes to Jerry Stromstad of rural Fortuna, who
Oil impact grants are awarded
By Cecile Wehrman
Grant awards to local political subdivisions to help mitigate impacts from the oil industry have been announced.
But even though some of the
biggest requests were not approved, they will soon have another shot at funding.
Townships and fire districts
were the big winners in this
grant round, closing out the
biennium that ended June 30,
All eight of the Divide County
townships and 23 Burke County
townships requesting funding
will receive some funds, but for
most it won’t be nearly enough.
In Blooming Prairie Township, for instance, the request
was $100,000 and the award
is $25,000. Awards elsewhere
ranged from as little as $5,000 to
as much as $20,000.
A few townships asking for a
lesser amount of funding, were
funded at 100 percent.
Local political subdivisions
in Burke and Divide counties
actually fared better, overall,
than those in Williams County
-- receiving $363,500 (20 percent of the total request) and
$470,000 (23 percent of the total request), respectively. In
Williams, however, the total of
awards were just 5 percent of
the total request.
In all, $62.5 million was requested by political subdivisions in oil impacted counties,
and just $3.9 million awarded.
Area cities requesting funds
for snow removal or street repairs were denied.
Crosby and Powers Lake were
also denied requests to help
pay for sewer infrastructure improvements.
But a new grant round, with
new funding approved in the
last legislative session, will focus specifically on those types
of requests. The new biennium
began July 1 and grants will now
be awarded on a quarterly basis.
The balance of awards in the
biennium ending June 30, 2011,
were requests from ambulance
and fire services.
Crosby was awarded $20,000
toward a new quick attack fire
truck and the ambulance service will receive $15,000 toward
a four wheel drive vehicle. Powers Lake will receive $15,000 toward ambulance training.
Fire departments in Columbus, Portal, Lignite, Powers
Lake, Noonan and Fortuna each
will receive between $10,000
and $20,000 for replacement of
trucks and/or equipment.
The Legislature voted earlier
this year to raise the cap on the
oil impact fund to $100 million
per biennium, with about $62
million of that total available to
entities in smaller population
A decision on funding from
the first quarterly awards is expected by the end of the month.
took a picture of a ROAD sign mostly covered with water. Third place went to Jason Johnson of
Westby for an aerial photograph of the Darell Mangel farm south of Westby in Divide County. As
winner of the contest. Johnson will receive a Divide County Maroons jacket.
Wallin Manor
grant approved
Wallin Manor got a boost
from the Crosby City Council
Monday with the approval of
a $40,000 Spirit Fund grant to
help pay for water damage.
The Spirit Fund Board had
recommended a $25,000 grant
to jump start an estimated
$300,000 in repairs.
But with the desperate need
for housing, council members
decided to approve $40,000.
The council also approved a
$1,200 grant for equipment for, an Internetbased radio station in Crosby.
On another matter, the council approved the creation of a
special assessment district to
pay for infrastructure improvements in the Grow Crosby addition, as a backup plan should
oil impact monies fail to be provided by the state to cover the
Part Time - City Auditor
City of Wildrose
The City of Wildrose is accepting applications for the parttime position of City Auditor. The duties of this position
include, but are not limited to: Attending city council
meetings, taking minutes at the meeting, paying monthly
bills, payroll, preparing, mailing and posting city utility
bills, quarterly reports, budget and annual audit reports.
Applications/resumes will be accepted until July 29, 2011.
Please send your resume to:
Wildrose City Auditor
PO Box 664
Wildrose, ND 58795
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Page 6 -- The Journal
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Olsen ties bring 189 descendants to family reunion
Submitted by Carrol Dahl
Family reunions are not uncommon but the one that was
recently held in Lincoln Valley
Township, Divide County, was
no doubt uncommon, at least
for this community.
An Olsen Family reunion was
held over the Fourth of July
weekend at the homestead
place near Fortuna where Edward and Alma Olsen proved
up their homestead in 1912. Edward fathered three children but
then passed on. Alma married
his brother, Ole, in 1913, and ten
more children were born.
The descendants of these 13
children: Oscar, Edna, Art, Martin, Edward, Alma, Selmer, Helen, Opal, Clara, Richard, Stella
and Odean, which now number
515 people, gathered for the
four-day weekend.
Of these 13, only four are living (Opal Riveland, Clara Selle,
Stella Benson and Odean Olsen)
and they were all in attendance.
Art’s widow, Martha, and Richard’s widow, Eleanor, also attended.
Forty of the 52 Olsen cousins
turned out. Most of them are
grandparents and some have
great grandchildren. The youngest person at the reunion was
only two and one half months
The 185 attendees in tents
and campers (24 sleeping units)
of all sizes encircled the perimeter of the farm yard which is
now owned by Ted and Dianne
Olsen. Ted is a son of Oscar and
Bernice Olsen. Oscar is the oldest child of Edward and Alma.
It was a brave and ambitious
project to host an event of this
People came from Oregon,
Washington, North Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado, Montana, Texas, and Arizona.
The planning committee, all
cousins, consisted of family
Descendants of the
Edward and Alma Olsen
family gathered over the
Fourth of July weekend at the home place
(above) near Fortuna,
offering horseback riding
and many other activities. At left, cousins
Allan Loucks, Mervin
Olsen, Emily (Selle) Miller
and Arlen Olsen reminisce under the big tent
set up in the farm yard
now owned by Ted and
Dianne Olsen.
members who live nearby: Dianne Olsen, Joel Benson, Diane
Bummer, Mervin Olsen, Mary
Brady, Tim and Marilyn Selle,
as well as Sid Hauge, Williston,
and Roy Olsen, Reardon, Washington.
Planning started in November with registration information and a tentative itinerary in
a Christmas letter to the family
members. More meetings were
held in May.
A menu was established by
the committee, groceries were
purchased and various families
prepared and served them. Family members of all ages helped.
There was great participation
in the events which included 2K
or 5K walks, gopher hunting,
horseback riding, farm tours,
wildlife sightseeing, reunion
trivia, horseshoe tournament,
crafts for the children, photo
shoot, Bocce ball, bonfire, wine
tour, music, lefse making, egg
hunt, swimming, fireworks, and
baseball games. Some even visited the country church and
took pictures of tomb stones of
family members.
Here’s what some of the members of the Olsen family had to
say about the reunion:
“My mother was such a special person that I need to (and
want to) pay tribute to the
roots. They are important to
me. I love the Olsen family. We
talk about them all of the time.
This family is about faith, family, friends and freedom. I am so
proud to be connected with the
Olsen family. I feel so bad that I
didn’t get all of my children to
come,” said Allan Loucks, Seattle, Wash., son of Edna (Olsen)
and Francis.
Emery Olsen, Turtle Lake,
son of Art and Martha said, “It
has been a great reunion. There
are people here whom I haven’t
seen for twenty years. The most
rewarding part was to reconnect
with so many people.”
Anne O’Galleher, Tacoma,
Wash. daughter of Jerry and
Rose Loucks, grand-daughter
of Edna (Olsen) and Francis
Loucks, said “I loved that the
itinerary was on Facebook. I felt
like I knew some of the people
before I even came.”
Ben Olsen (10), son of Bruce
and Michelle Olsen, and grandson of Ted and Dianne Olsen,
great grandson of Oscar and
Bernice Olsen said, “The best
part of the reunion was gopher
Then after a moment of
thought, he added, “No, that
wasn’t the best part. The best
part was seeing all of my cousins and family.”
Brandon Reynolds, son of
Jody Hauge, grandson of Sven
and Stacey Hauge, great grandson of Sidney and Helen (Olsen)
Hauge liked riding horse.
“I have never done this before. That was so cool!” he said.
Rose Loucks, Tacoma, Wash.,
wife of Jerry Loucks, daughterin-law of Edna (Olsen) and Francis Loucks observed, “There
were so many people. Everyone
was so friendly. There was so
much good food and entertainment and I enjoyed watching my
daughter and grandson have so
much fun.”
Julie Loucks, daughter of
Rose and Jerry Loucks, granddaughter of Edna (Olsen) and
Francis Loucks said, “The best
part of the reunion was riding
horseback. I also loved watching the fireworks at Taylor’s
Lizz Krause, grand-daughter
of Steve and Dora Selle, great
grand-daughter of Clara (Olsen)
and Wilmer Selle said, “I liked
the crafts and making the crown
with red, gold and silver.”
Sven Hauge, (Williston) son of
Sidney and Helen (Olsen) Hauge
commented, jokingly, that the
reunion was “kind of smelly.”
Sven brought an ATV, small
trailer and a 60 gallon tank to
bring fresh water to the campers and another one to haul
away the waste water.
Bert (Hauge) Salo, Fort Morgan, Colo., daughter of Sidney
and Helen (Olsen) Hauge said,
“I was overwhelmed with the
way that the young people took
such an interest in participating. Also, how people went out
of their way to make sure they
were in attendance.”
The Olsen family has gathered for family reunions about
every 10 years in various locations, but coming back to the
home place of their ancestors
seemed to be the best.
Please help the Dullum family celebrate
Eilene Dullum Fay’s
2011 Lignite Oilmen’s Lebeau
Cake, coffee, and fellowship!
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall
Sunday, July 24, 2011
2-4 p.m.
Celebrating 26 years at Columbus
Thursday, July 14
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Sunday, July 17
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and Bowbells Insurance
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Donations Welcome
NOW Taking applications:
At Crosby Clinic
The Guardian Inn of Crosby is seeking a
Tuesday, July 19, 10 a.m. - Noon
Thursday, July 21, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
General Manager
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school or at Crosby Clinic.
*Please fill out patient portion of
form before coming to the clinic.
Sports physical fee is $40.00
Insurance will be filed.
(If your insurance doesn’t cover the
exam or if you do not have insurance
please pay at time of service.)
Patients with preventive
medicine evaluations please
check your policy for covered
servicesand schedule the
appropriate appointment.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
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Registration: $15 each; Family $50 (immediate dependent family only).
Special thanks to
our sponsors
➨ 1st National Bank & Trust Company & Trust ➨ BNC National Bank
➨ Bootleggers Resturant & Bar ➨ Brad Johnson Insurance ➨ The Journal
➨ Burke-Divide Electric Cooperative ➨ Cracker Barrel Concessions ➨ NCC
➨ Crafts 4-U ➨ Farmers Union Ins ➨ Divide/Burke Abstract ➨ Hardware Hank
➨ Ekness Super Valu ➨ Farm Credit Services ➨ Farmers State Bank of Crosby
➨ Garbel’s Furniture & Flooring ➨ J. Co. Drug ➨ Sorum’s Westland Service
➨ Kocher Financial, Inc.➨ Mr. K’s Steakhouse, Lounge & Bottleshop
➨ Insurance Services, Inc. ➨ Lighten Up Wellness Center ➨ Northwest Storage
➨ Prairie Tumbleweeds Gymnastics & Fitness ➨ Joey’s Bar & Lounge
➨ Crosby Floral and Gifts ➨ Circle Sanitation ➨ T&R Transport ➨Red Rooster
➨ American Family Insurance ➨ Bert’s Woodworks ➨ Uno Mas Mexican Restaurant
➨ Crosby Self Serve ➨ Rosemary Tanberg, CPA ➨ Crosby Building Supply
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Page 7 -- The Journal
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Summer crop tour will feature agriculture specialists
All producers are invited to attend
the Divide County Ag Improvement Association’s summer crop tour which
has been scheduled for Monday morning, July 18. The tour will start at 8:30
a.m. and will be held at the Williston
Research Extension Center’s off-station variety trial, which is located approximately 4.5 miles south of Crosby
on the east side of Highway 42.
Speakers will include Jeremy Pederson, area extension agronomist, who
will provide an update on the varieties included in the trial. Dan Waldstein, area extension crops protection
specialist, will also be on hand for the
tour to cover a number of pest related
problems, including wheat midge and
the management of wheat streak mosaic virus, an important consideration
when producing winter wheat. Finally,
Chet Hill, area extension specialist, will
talk about a cover crop demonstration
seeded as part of the off-station trial
and the various crops being considered for use as cover crops.
Located next to the off-station variety trial is a Winter Cereals Sustainability in Action plot being conducted by
By Keith Brown
Ducks Unlimited. Through the support
of Bayer CropScience, Ducks Unlimited
is conducting research to develop new
winter wheat varieties adapted to prairie climatic conditions and to provide
growers with technical support and
Jason Riopel, field agronomist with
Ducks Unlimited, will talk about research being conducted as part of the
project including winter wheat varieties, fertility and fungicide trials.
With the large amount of prevented
planting in the county this year, producer interest in winter wheat is expected to increase this fall. Some of the
production benefits of winter wheat include 10-30% higher yields than springseeded varieties, fall planting which allows growers to spread their workload,
and it can contribute to improvements
in soil and water quality.
Coffee, juice, and muffins will be
provided during the tour by the Divide
County Ag Improvement Association.
The tour should conclude around 10:30
am. For more information, contact the
Divide County Extension Service at
965-6501. Cooperator for both of the
trials is Harlan Johnson.
Scouting for wheat
midge problems
Soil sampling conducted last fall
found a significant increase in the overwinter population of wheat midge in
Divide County and along with it an increased risk of wheat midge problems
in 2011.
Any area with more than 200 larval
cocoons per square meter should be
scouted during wheat heading to determine if an action threshold level of
midge is present in the field. Midge
numbers exceed 500 larvae per square
meter across much of the county.
Wheat midge populations of greater
than 500 larval cocoons per square
meter will require close monitoring
by wheat producers. If the wheat crop
is heading during adult wheat midge
emergence, wheat midge can cause
severe injury to the kernels and significant yield loss can occur.
In a few areas of the county midge
numbers exceed 1,200 larvae per
square meter and were as high as 1,786
larvae per square meter. Wheat midge
is considered to be a very high risk
if more than 1,200 midge larvae per
square meter are found and producers
in those areas should be prepared to
spray if they planted wheat or durum
that heads during midge emergence.
Adding to the potential for midge
problems this year is the large amount
of cropland that didn’t get seeded.
Wheat midge aren’t strong fliers and
don’t move far under their own power
but additional midge could be attracted to wheat fields largely surrounded
by prevented planting acres. Plus,
midge will disperse on wind currents
if they can’t find a suitable host in the
area where they emerge which could
add additional numbers to the small
number of wheat and durum fields that
did get seeded this spring.
The Crosby NDAWN site showed a
degree day accumulation of 1260 as of
Moisture in basements may lead to mold
Several county residents
have asked about the smell
in their basements and how
to get rid of that smell. If you
can smell a musty odor or see
mold, you have a mold problem. According to our Extension
Engineer, Kenneth Hellevang,
“mold growth, which is a health
hazard, is a concern any time
high humidity or damp materials exists. Reliable sampling for
mold can be expensive since it
requires special equipment and
training. Testing is not generally
recommended as a first step”.
Wet or damp materials will
mold in one to three days, depending on temperature. Mold
spores, which are like mold
“seeds,” are in the air everywhere, so the only method to
prevent mold growth is to keep
things dry or to remove them
from the damp area. Remove
porous materials such as cardboard boxes and papers, carpet, rugs and clothes to keep
them from becoming moldy.
Chlorine bleach is a biocide
that will kill existing mold, but
it does not prevent future mold
growth. Mold must be removed,
not just killed, to eliminate the
health hazard.
Hellevang also shares that,
“many wall coverings are porous and will not only absorb
water, but will wick the water
above the water level. Gypsum
board or drywall (sheetrock)
is very absorbent and will wick
water up a wall. Remove or cut
the gypsum board so none of it
will be in the water. Mold grows
readily on the paper of gypsum
board, so controlling the humidity level in the basement is critical to minimize mold growth.”
News n’
Crosby Good Samaritan Center
Isabel Sigvaldsen was the
big winner at Saturday’s bingo
games. Adeline Christianson,
and Hazel Nelson, shared the
friendship round. Then Adeline
Christianson won twice more.
Bob Hoseth, and Myrtle Hagen,
each took a postage stamp.
Mildred Wolter claimed a cold
card, and a box game. Gladys
Ebreck, and Evie Hagen, each
won two games, and then Alice
Anseth, Charlotte Grote, Hazel
Nelson, and Mavis Hagen, took
one game each.
Sunday afternoon, Pastor
Greg Knopp, and family joined
residents for worship.
Martha Olsen attended a family reunion over the weekend,
as did Swede and Stella Benson.
Tuesday morning, Card Match
winners were Hazel Nelson,
Christine Eriksmoen, Carol Brodal, and Evie Hagen. Father Biju
Chitteh led worship that evening.
The Journal was delivered
Wednesday morning, and was
read aloud in the afternoon.
Thursday morning, time was
spent talking about Independence Day. The afternoon was
spent celebrating Independence
Day at a Yankee Doodle Party.
Alice Anseth shared memories
of past celebrations, and Nettie Torgerson led the singing
of Yankee Doodle. Bob Hoseth
helped with the star toss game.
The afternoon game of Penny Ante was won by Romona
Home On
The Range
By Peggy Anderson
“Purchase a humidity gauge,
and keep the humidity below
70 percent. A dehumidifier will
remove some of the water from
the air. Ventilating with dry outdoor air also will reduce the humidity level. Providing both an
opening for air to enter and exit
is critical.” Hellevang continues
by saying that “opening at least
two windows for cross-ventilation. Using a fan facing to the
outdoors will assist with moving dry outside air through the
basement. Use fans to circulate
dry air across damp surfaces
to help the material dry. Isolate the basement from the rest
of the house to limit humidity
from the basement entering the
rest of the house.”
According to information provided on the NDSU flood page
from Hellevang individuals need
to remove water from the basement by channeling the water to
floor drains or by using a skimmer pump or wet vac. Water
will continue to enter the basement as long as the water table
is high, so the goal is to control
the water flow rather than eliminate it. Generally, water cannot
be stopped from entering the
basement with products placed
inside the basement because of
the external water pressure.
The bottom line folks; it’s time
to get rid of your old cardboard
boxes and stashes of papers including the boxes of old school
papers in the basement. Clean
those walls down with a bleach
solution and dry your basement
out. Using room scents are only
covering up a potential health
Wash fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables
make any summer meal more
delicious, but only if proper
food safety rules have been followed. It is important to properly wash fresh produce before
eating to reduce harmful microorganisms that could cause
foodborne illness, a University
of Nebraska-Lincoln food safety
specialist said.
Wash produce with running
water and then let that water
go down the drain. Do not just
soak the produce, said Julie
Albrecht, UNL Extension food
safety specialist in the Institute
of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
If there is something on the
outside of a food, soaking it
could allow the microorganisms
to spread to other parts of the
food or to other produce in the
same sink. Running water washes the microorganisms down
the drain, Albrecht said.
“It’s really just about preventing cross contamination,”
Albrecht said. “Always use a
colander or strainer so the water goes through the produce
instead of just letting produce
sit in water.”
It is important to wash all
fresh produce, even ones with
rinds that are not eaten, Albrecht said. Bacteria could be
living on the surface and then
spread to the inside of the fruit
when the rind is cut.
Scrub foods with tough surfaces, like melons and potatoes,
with a vegetable scrubber.
Immediately refrigerate fresh
produce after cutting it. Most
fruits and vegetables can be
stored at 40 degrees Fahrenheit
or below, which is cold enough
to prevent microorganisms
from growing.
“Once you cut something or
peel it, keep it cold, refrigerate
it. Do not let it set out at room
temperature because microorganisms grow best around temperatures of 80 to100. Plus, your
food will be crisper and of a better quality,” Albrecht said.
Leafy vegetables and tomatoes have been linked to foodborne illness outbreaks in recent years, so take extra care to
wash them and keep them cold,
Albrecht said.
Be sure to also wash hands,
surfaces and utensils before
handling raw produce.
Wed., July 14 – BC
Thurs., July 14 – BC
Fri., July 15 – Personal Leave
Mon., July 18 – Personal Leave
Tues., July 19 – Personal Leave
Hanson - Wigginton
611 3rd St. SE, Crosby
July 6, and we will easily be at the 1300
degree day mark when female midge
begins emerging from the soil by the
time this appears in the paper. This is
the point where producers concerned
about wheat midge should start scouting susceptible wheat or durum fields
for midge problems. Wheat and durum
are susceptible to midge damage from
heading to early flowering. While there
wasn’t much early seeded wheat or
durum, the earlier seeded wheat and
durum fields could be heading or are
close to heading.
Suggested economic threshold levels are one or more wheat midge for every four or five heads in spring wheat
and one or more wheat midge for every
seven or eight wheat heads in durum.
Please consult the most current North
Dakota Field Crop Insect Management
Guide for a listing of available insecticides for wheat midge control. A link
to this as well as links to the current
midge map, and the most recent Extension publication on wheat midge can
be found at
T - Very well taken care
of and maintained. 10,000# lift, 56’ reach. 4500 hours. Foam ¿lled tires,
forks swing side to side, outriggers. $42500. Location: Watford City. See
specs @ Must sell! Make offer, may take
K - 75,000 miles on truck
and 4500 hour on 600d National crane. 18ton, 85' stick, has 40' jib. Crane
just got certi¿ed again in Nov 2010 Truck has 3126 300hp Cat motor with
a 10 speed has locker for both rear axles Trade? Location: Watford City.
Missouri River Royalty Corporation (MRRC) is
currently paying $ TOP DOLLAR $
to lease minerals in the Williston Basin.
MRRC also pays top dollar for mineral
rights, existing production, and top leasing minerals. We specialize in the Bakken
Formation and are headquartered in
North Dakota. Please call today to
compare competitor’s lease
terms. Have the Section,
Township, and Range
ready for appraisal.
“The Fun’s Right Here!”
ridan Count
Fri., July 15
3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sat. July 16
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Furniture, Clothing, Household goods, Antique Dishes, etc.
July 28,29,30, 2011
Plentywood Montana
Farmstead and 22.34 acres
For Sale On Bids
Rolland and Marlys Carlson Farmstead
Out lot 1 located in the NW
Farmstead is located 6.5 miles south of Larson,
1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2,
ND on County Road 1. From Columbus, ND - 6
Township 161 North, Range 94 West, miles south on Highway 40 to County Road 6,
Burke County, Harmonious Township.
then 3 miles west and 1/2 south.
1. Bids are due July 26, 2011. Sealed bids marked
“Carlson Property” must be mailed to Haugland’s
Action Auction and postmarked by July 24, 2011.
Bids may also be hand delivered.
Mail bids to:
an opportunity to raise their bids on Saturday,
July 30, 2011 at 3 p.m. at the property site. The
successful bidder must have 10% down at that
3. Property sells as is, where is. Sellers have the
right to reject any or all bids.
4. No minerals are included in the sale.
5. There will be an open house July 21, 2011 from
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
For information on property, call
Haugland’s Action Auction
‡ [%DUQ
Charlie Daniels Band
with Opening Act
Comedian Roger Radley
Fri., July 29, 8 p.m.
Tickets $20
Fireworks Display after
Concert sponsored by
Smitty’s Fireworks
Demolition Derby / Mud Run
Thur., July 28, 7:00 p.m.
Tickets $10
Bump N Run
Sat., July 30, 12:00 p.m.
Tickets $10
PRCA Rodeo & Wild Horse Race
“Tough Enough To Wear Pink”
Sat., July 30, 7:00 p.m.
Tickets $12
PRCA Rodeo & Wild Horse Race
Sun., July 31, 2:00 p.m.
Tickets $12
Double D Pig Wrestling
Sat., July 30, 4:00 p.m.
Get Your Team Ready!!
5 Event Combination Tickets
Combination tickets
are only available through
Wednesday, July 27
Youth Livestock Auction
Sat., July 30, 2:00 p.m.
Parade on Main Street
Sat., July 30, 10:00 a.m.
Texaco Country Showdown
Thurs., July 28, 5:00 p.m.
Fun Time Carnival Company
The Freddy Fusion Science Show
Lou’s Traveling Zoo
Entertainment on the Free Stage
Slo-Clap rock band and party will
be in the Beer Gardens Friday night
after the Charlie Daniels Band concert and Saturday night after the
PRCA Rodeo & Wild Horse Race
Page 8 -- The Journal
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
tug of war
Eric LeMay (in cowboy hat) cheers
on a tug of war team that included
Suzzane Bjorgen and Stachelle
Willis at Grenora s 95th Birthday
celebration held July 2. The event
included a parade and games for
children and more than 550 people
turned out for a birthday dinner.
Community members already have
begun planning for the city s centennial.
~~ Presenting ~~
A complete line of “Junque”!!
One Man’s
Open Fri.Sat.-Sun.
9 a.m.
Fiddler extraordinaire
Kendall and Erin Sorum & Family
Visit the
Post Cards
Lake Alma, Sask.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Hot Coffee
Pop & Candy
Book & Coffee Shop
Salvaged Style
Check uss
out at
7:30 p.m., Friday July 15, 2011
at the
42nd Annual Divide County
by Tonia Eriksmoen
OPen at 9 a.m. daily during the Threshing Bee
Fri., Sat., Sun. - July 16-17-18
Main Street - Pioneer Village
“Salvaged Junk for
Your Home & Garden”
For more information 701-339-7973
Pioneer Village, Crosby, ND
Deadline is NOON
42nd Annual Divide County
Antique &
Garage Sale
Toys, Tools,
Furniture, Pictures, Wicker,
Glassware, Crocks, Books,
Jewelry, Pottery, Quilt
Racks, Material, Tables
Fri. and Sat.
July 15 & 16
Pioneer Village
Crosby, ND
Steam Engines!
JULY 15-16-17, 2011
all other makes
and models welcome.
Check out a
1910 Stanley
Giant Parades Saturday & Sunday
Start at 1 p.m.
Bradley Saw Mill
Old Blacksmith Shop
Stationary Engines
Turning Out Oak and Pine Lumber
With Blacksmith On Duty
Outside and Inside Gas Engine Buildings
Engine & Tractor Models
All Model Makers Welcome
Old Time Threshing
On north hill following the parades
Living Museum
22 Restored Buildings plus History
and Antiques Museum
Good Home Cookin'
All 3 Days Starting at 7:00 a.m.
Antique & Classic Car Show
Plowing Demonstrations
With 8-bottom Plow Behind Steam Engine
and Horse Drawn Plowing
FREE Horse Drawn Bus Rides
100+ Tractors
Including a number of operating steamers
Visit the horses
In the red barn next to the livery building.
nd Old Ev
~~~~~~~~~~~~Friday. July 15~~~~~~~~~~~~
4th Annual Tractor-Cade Noonan to Crosby
La ra Ingalls Wilder Display
& One Man's Junk Store
in Larson Depot- Opens at 9 a.m. Daily!
Call Doug Graupe 701-965-6489
Entertainment at 7:30 p.m.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday, July 16~~~~~~~~~~~~
5k Fun Run/Walk on Saturday: Call Bridget Johnson 965-4218
Ever Popular Talent Show 7:30 p.m
Call Rod Gillund 965-4324 - by Friday, July 8 Followed by
Antique & Classic
Car Show
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Borderline Auto Club
Call Larry Welo
Saturday & Sunday
Farm Toy Show
Saturday at 9 am-5 pm
Sunday at 10 am-3 pm
Call Ken & Judy Moss
Dancing to the Music of Dervin Wallin!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday, July 17~~~~~~~~~~~~
Village Church Service 9 a.m.
Antique & Collectible Auction - 4 p.m.
Haugland's Action Auction 701-965-6234 .
Visit our website!
Daily: $5 Adult
$4 Student
Children under 12 FREE.
3-Day Passes Available:
$12 Adult
$10 Student
Money in the Straw
Pedal Tractor Pull
Kiddie Train Rides
Games & More!!
Antique Flea Market
Table Space Available
Call Paul Strom 701-965-6885
Historical Society
Lunch Room - 7 a.m.
Other food also available
on the grounds!
30 Campsites
with water & electricity
$10 per night.
No reservations.
Pay at the Pioneer Village Bank.
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Pat Haugland’s
606 1st St. S.W.
relating to N.D.A.C.
Chapter 75-02-07.1-14
Ratesetting for Basic Care.
North Dakota
of Human Services
will hold a public hearing to address
proposed changes to the N.D. Admin.
AV Room – Room 212
Second Floor
Judicial Wing
State Capitol, Bismarck
Thurs., Aug. 4, 2011
2:30 p.m. CT
Copies of the proposed rules are available
for review at county social services
offices and human service centers. Copies
of the proposed rules and the regulatory
analysis relating to these rules may be
requested by telephoning (701) 328-2311.
Written or oral data, views, or arguments
may be entered at the hearing or sent to:
Rules Administrator, North Dakota
Department of Human Services, State
Capitol – Judicial Wing, 600 East Boulevard
Ave., Dept. 325, Bismarck, ND 585050250. Written data, views, or arguments
must be received no later than 5:00 p.m.
on Monday, Aug. 15, 2011. If you plan to
attend the hearing and will need special
facilities or assistance relating to a disability,
please contact the Department of Human
Services at the above telephone number
or address at least two weeks prior to the
Dated this 28th day of June, 2011.
Please take notice that the City of
Crosby Planning and Zoning Commission has received an Application for a Conditional Use Permit
from Clinton Hay, 11860 93rd St.
NW, Crosby, North Dakota 58730
to locate a mobile home on a residentially zoned lot (as provided for
under the Planning and Zoning Ordinance 15.0306 R-Residential (R) 3).
Conditionally Permitted Uses: (a).
Mobile home on a permanent foundation, with pitched roof lines, and
some type of shingles on the roof.)
described as 906 Parkway Drive and
further described as: Crosby City Crosby Acres Lot 24, Block 1, City
of Crosby, Divide County, North
Dakota, and hereby sets a date for a
public hearing on said Application
for a Conditional Use Permit before
recommendation for nal consideration by the Crosby City Council.
The hearing will be held Monday, July 18, 2011 at 4:00 pm at
Crosby City Hall, located at 107
West Central Avenue, Crosby, North
Dakota 58730. Any person wishing
to comment on the Application for
a Conditional Use Permit may do
so orally or in writing at the time of
the hearing.
By Order of the Planning and
Zoning Commission
Carol Lampert, Auditor
Please take notice that the City of
Crosby Planning and Zoning Commission has received an Application
for a Conditional Use Permit from
Jim Holmes, PO Box 566 Crosby,
North Dakota 58730 to locate a
4-plex on a C-1 Commercially zoned
lot (as provided for under the Planning and Zoning Ordinance 15.0307
C-1 General Commercial District 3).
Conditionally Permitted Uses: (p).
Multi-family dwellings.) described
as 106 1st Street SW and further
described as: Crosby City – Original, Lot 3, Block 17, City of Crosby,
Divide County, North Dakota, and
hereby sets a date for a public hearing
on said Application for a Conditional
Use Permit before recommendation
for nal consideration by the Crosby
City Council.
The hearing will be held Monday, July 18, 2011 at 5:00 pm at
Crosby City Hall, located at 107
West Central Avenue, Crosby, North
Dakota 58730. Any person wishing
to comment on the Application for
a Conditional Use Permit may do
so orally or in writing at the time of
the hearing.
By Order of the Planning and
Zoning Commission
Carol Lampert, Auditor
Please take notice that the City of
Crosby Planning and Zoning Commission has received an Application
for a Conditional Use Permit from
Jim Holmes, PO Box 566 Crosby,
North Dakota 58730 to locate a
4-plex on a C-1 Commercially zoned
lot (as provided for under the Planning and Zoning Ordinance 15.0307
C-1 General Commercial District 3).
Conditionally Permitted Uses: (p).
Multi-family dwellings.) described
as 102 1st Street SW and further
described as: Crosby City – Original, Lot 1, Block 17, City of Crosby,
Divide County, North Dakota, and
hereby sets a date for a public hearing
on said Application for a Conditional
Use Permit before recommendation
for nal consideration by the Crosby
City Council.
The hearing will be held Monday, July 18, 2011 at 4:30 pm at
Crosby City Hall, located at 107
West Central Avenue, Crosby, North
Dakota 58730. Any person wishing
to comment on the Application for
a Conditional Use Permit may do
so orally or in writing at the time of
the hearing.
By Order of the Planning and
Zoning Commission
Carol Lampert, Auditor
Please take notice that the City of
Crosby Planning and Zoning Commission has received an Application
for a Conditional Use Permit from
Jim Holmes, PO Box 566 Crosby,
North Dakota 58730 to locate a
4-plex on a C-1 Commercially zoned
lot (as provided for under the Planning and Zoning Ordinance 15.0307
C-1 General Commercial District 3).
Conditionally Permitted Uses: (p).
Multi-family dwellings.) described
as 104 1st Street SW and further
described as: Crosby City – Original, Lot 2, Block 17, City of Crosby,
Divide County, North Dakota, and
hereby sets a date for a public hearing
on said Application for a Conditional
Use Permit before recommendation
for nal consideration by the Crosby
City Council.
The hearing will be held Monday, July 18, 2011 at 4:45 pm at
Crosby City Hall, located at 107
West Central Avenue, Crosby, North
Dakota 58730. Any person wishing
to comment on the Application for
a Conditional Use Permit may do
so orally or in writing at the time of
the hearing.
By Order of the Planning and
Zoning Commission
Carol Lampert, Auditor
Probate No. 12-2011-PR-00070
In the Matter of the Estate of
Bernice S. Weihemuller aka Bernice Weihemuller, Deceased
TO: All unknown persons and to
all known persons whose addresses
are unknown who have any interest
in the above-referenced matter. . . . .
that Duane DeWeese has led with
the Clerk of District Court an Application for Formal Probate of
Will and Appointment of a Personal
Hearing has been set upon said
Application on the 10th day of August 2011, at 11:00 o’clock a.m., at
the Courtroom of the above-named
Court in the City of Crosby, County
of Divide, State of North Dakota,
before the Honorable Josh B. Rustad,
and any person interested may appear
and be heard.
Dated this 24th day of June, 2011.
/s/Judith E. Howard (#03482)
Attorney for Petitioner
7 Third Avenue SE, Suite 202
Minot, ND 58701
Please take notice that the City
of Crosby Planning and Zoning
Commission has received an Application for a Conditional Use
Permit from Clinton Hay, 11860
93rd St. NW, Crosby, North Dakota
58730 to locate a mobile home on a
residentially zoned lot (as provided
for under the Planning and Zoning
Ordinance 15.0306 R-Residential (R)
3). Conditionally Permitted Uses: (a).
Mobile home on a permanent foundation, with pitched roof lines, and
some type of shingles on the roof.)
described as 908 Parkway Drive and
further described as: Crosby City Crosby Acres Lot 23, Block 1, City
of Crosby, Divide County, North
Dakota, and hereby sets a date for a
public hearing on said Application
for a Conditional Use Permit before
recommendation for nal consideration by the Crosby City Council.
The hearing will be held Monday, July 18, 2011 at 4:15 pm at
Crosby City Hall, located at 107
West Central Avenue, Crosby, North
Dakota 58730. Any person wishing
to comment on the Application for
a Conditional Use Permit may do
so orally or in writing at the time of
the hearing.
By Order of the Planning and
Zoning Commission
Carol Lampert, Auditor
Probate No. 12-2011-PP-00062
In the Matter of the Estate of
Helen O. Bell, Deceased
hearing on the attached Petition for
Formal Probate of Will, Appointment
of a Personal Representative, and
Determination of Heirs in the above
referenced matter will be heard in the
Divide County Courthouse in Crosby,
North Dakota, before the Honorable
Josh B. Rustad, Judge of the District
Court, on August 10, 2011, at 11:00
a.m. or as soon thereafter as this matter may be heard.
Dated this 24th day of June, 2011.
Andrew T. Forward
Olson & Burns P.C.
17 1st Avenue SE
P.O. Box 1180
Minot, ND 58702-1180
(701) 839-1740
Attorney for Petitioner
Robert E. Bell
Ray Ambulance District
Budget meeting
Wednesday, July 27
7:30 p.m.
Ray Fire Hall
Liz Suhr, Treasurer
Page 9 -- The Journal
County Commission Minutes
June 21, 2011
The Board of Divide County Commissioners met in special session
on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, with all
members present. Chairman Selle
presiding. Jared Gilmour, Journalist,
joined the meeting.
Minutes from June 2, 3, 7, 14,
2011, meeting were read and approved.
Elizabeth Pendlay, States Attorney,
met with the board to present the purchase agreement on the county property that was sold to Vern Haugen.
The chairman signed this purchase
agreement. Ms. Pendlay mentioned
she is still working on the road agreement for Mr. Aimes.
Heather Kippen, Director of Tax
Equalization, joined the meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner
Graupe seconded by Commissioner
Brady to approve the following
abatements on the following property
on the recommendation by the Tax
Director:Parcel 34-70230 owned by
Oscar Selle Crosby City, Original
Addn., Lot 7 W75’ & Lot 8 W75’ Blk
7. Mr. Selle qualies for 100% homestead credit and therefore the recommendation is to reduce the true and
full value from 18700 to 0 reducing
the taxes owed from $236.19 to $.00
for 2010. All present voted in favor.
Beverly Dokken, Treasurer, submitted the May investment statement.
The following zoning permits
came before the board of commissioners:
Gary Gilbertson, whose post ofce address is 13360 98th ST NW,
Fortuna ND 58844 requesting a
conditional use, zoning change from
agricultural to industrial, to develop
a commercial sand and gravel opera-
tion land located in NE1/4 of Section 26, Township 162, Range 100
160.00 acres more or less. Motion
was made by Commissioner Brady,
seconded by Commissioner Graupe
to approve these permits. All present
voted in favor.
Robert & Carol Hay whose post
office address is 11840 93rd ST
NW, Crosby ND 58730 requesting
a special conditional use, building,
involving land located in part of the
SE 1/4 of Section 18, Township 161,
Range 97, more specically identied
as: mobile home and or campers for
employees and families 2.00 acres
more or less. Motion was made by
Commissioner Brady, seconded by
Commissioner Graupe to approve
these permits. All present voted in
Elwood & Greg Oien whose post
ofce address is PO Box 112, Crosby
ND 58730 requesting a conditional
use, building, and zoning change permit from agricultural to commercial
involving land located in part of the
NE 1/4 of Section 35, Township 163,
Range 98, more specically identied
as:90 x 120 insulated pole building
for Farm & Truck Shop with ofces
5.00 acres more or less. Motion was
made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Graupe to
approve these permits. All present
voted in favor.
Scott Johnson & Steve Bakken,
Border Township, and Bruce Fagerbakke & Lonnie Miller, Coalfield
Township, met with the board to
discuss the invoices they received for
pumping water off County Road #21,
Church Road, and Border/Coaleld
Township road intersection in the
amount of $13,055.00. There request
is for assistance in paying the invoice
since it directly affect County Road
#21 and the Church Road. After
lengthy discussion no action was
taken at this time.
Rock Rustad, Rustad Gravel
Crushing, met with the board to
discuss where to crush gravel in the
Motion was made by Commissioner Graupe, seconded by Commissioner Brady to remove the 40%
township match and pay 100% of the
amount allocated to each township
for a three year levy up to $30,000.00
maximum with reimbursement period
up to 2 years. All present voted in
Motion was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Graupe to pay $6,500.00 of
the invoices presented by Border/
Coaleld Townships directly to Big
West Oileld Services. All present
voted in favor.
Dinner Break
1:00 p.m.
John Andrist, Senator, Bryan
Haugenoe, Road Foreman, Robert
Melby, Disaster Emergency Director/
Deputy Sheriff, , Jan Henry, FEMA
Director, met with the board to discuss the requirements for FEMA and
the kickoff workshop scheduled for
tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. for all public
entities. Board discussed health and
safety concerns of private individuals
with Mr. Henry. Mr. Melby asked the
board for secretarial assistance for all
the paperwork involved. The board
authorized this request.
Bryan Haugenoe, Road Foreman,
met with the board to discuss road
employees, hiring private contractors, road closed issues, the summer
Bidding Documents may be examined at the ofce of Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services,
Inc. (AE2S), 1815 Schafer Street
Suite 301, Bismarck, ND 58501 (701
221-0530). The Bidding Documents
are available in digital PDF form on
CD by request from AE2S, 3101
Frontage Road South, Moorhead,
charge of Fifty Dollars and No Cents
($50.00) for each set of Plans and
Specications requested. The Bidding Documents are available in the
form of printed plans and specications by request from AE2S, 3101
Frontage Road South, Moorhead,
charge of One Hundred Dollars and
No Cents ($100.00) for each set of
Plans and Specications requested.
Bidding Documents may also be
examined at the following locations:
Builders Exchanges in Bismarck,
ND; Mandan, ND; Minot, ND; Fargo,
ND; Grand Forks, ND; Minot ND,
and Billings, MT. All Work shall
be done according to the Bidding
All Bids are to be submitted on the
basis of cash payment for the Work
and materials, and each Bid shall be
accompanied by a separate envelope
containing a Bidder’s Bond, payable to the City of Crosby, in a sum
equal to ve percent (5%) of the full
amount of the Bid, executed by the
Bidder as principal and by a surety
company authorized to do business
in the State of North Dakota, conditioned that if the principal’s Bid be
accepted and the contract awarded
to him, he, within fteen (15) days
after Notice of Award, will execute
and effect a Contract in accordance
with the terms of his Bid and a Contractor’s Bond as required by the laws
of the State of North Dakota and the
regulations and determinations of the
City of Crosby, North Dakota.
All Bidders must be licensed for
the highest amount of their Bids, as
provided by Section 43-07-05 of the
North Dakota Century Code. Cost of
preparation of Bids by Bidder.
Contracts shall be awarded on the
basis of the low Bid submitted by a
responsible and responsive Bidder
deemed most favorable to the City’s
All Bids shall be contained in
a sealed envelope plainly marked
showing that such envelope contains
a Bid for the Project. In addition, the
Bidder shall place upon the exterior
of such envelope the following information:
1. The Work covered by the Bidder
(General Construction).
2. The name of the Bidder.
3. Separate envelope containing
Bid Bond and a copy of Contrac
tor’s License or Renewal
4. Acknowledgement of all
Bids shall be delivered or mailed
to: City Auditor, City of Crosby, 107
West Central Ave, PO Box 67 Crosby,
ND 58730-0067.
The City of Crosby reserves the
right to reject any and all Bids, to
waive any informality in any Bid,
to hold all Bids for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days from the
date of opening Bids, and to accept
the Bid deemed most favorable to
the interest of the City. After the
Bid opening the Owner will return
Bid Security of all except the three
lowest responsible Bidders. When a
Contract is awarded, the remaining
unsuccessful Bidder’s Bonds will be
The Work on the improvements
shall be completed and ready for
Final Payment no later than October
31, 2011, with intermediate completion dates for critical Work as detailed
in the Specifications. Should the
Contractor fail to complete the Work
within the time required, as set forth
in the Agreement, or within such
extra time as may have been granted
by formal extensions approved by
the City and Engineer, there shall
be deducted from any amount due
him the sum of $500.00 per day as
compensation to the City for each day
and every day that the completion of
the Work is delayed. The Contractor
and his surety shall be liable for any
excess. Such payment shall be as
and for liquidated damages and not
as a penalty.
All Bidders are invited to be present at the public opening of the Bids.
By:/s/ Carol Lampert,
City Auditor
Crosby, North Dakota
Notice is hereby given that the
Divide County Planning and Zoning
Commission will hold a Public Hearing on July 15, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in
the Auditor/Commissioner Room of
the Divide County Courthouse located in Crosby, North Dakota, for the
purpose of hearing and considering
all testimony regarding the following
applications submitted by:
Larry Dejardine, whose post ofce address is PO Box 343, Crosby
ND 58730 requesting a conditional
use, zoning change from agricultural
to industrial to develop a commercial sand and gravel operation land
located in S1/2SE1/4, S1/2SW1/4,
SW1/4NE1/4, L03 of Section 23,
Township 162, Range 102 and
N1/2NW1/4 Section 26 Township
162 Range 102 309.00 acres more
or less.
Ross “ Chico” Eriksmoen, whose
post office address is 12255 Hwy
5, Crosby ND 58730 requesting a
conditional use, zoning change from
agricultural to commercial, building
permit for truck shop/cold storage/
fuel facility/office/truck wash and
RV Park-(50 units) on land located
in SE1/4SW1/4 Section 25 Township 163 Range 98 15.00 acres more
or less.
Ross “ Chico” Eriksmoen, whose
post office address is 12255 Hwy
5, Crosby ND 58730 requesting a
conditional use, zoning change from
agricultural to commercial, variance,
and building permit for 6 rig shacks/
RV’s on land located in SE1/4 Section
4 Township 163 Range 98 5.00 acres
more or less.
work schedule, and how to prioritize
the critical situations for health and
safety. The board requested Mr.
Haugenoe to get quotes on a backhoe
and pumps. Next item discussed was
truck speed on county roads for truck
trafc. Action was tabled.
Archie Peterson, Road Superintendent, called the board to discuss the
restrictions on paved road. The board
conveyed that they would reassess the
roads on Thursday. Mr. Peterson also
mentioned concerns about the Haugland pit and the road right of way.
Motion was made by Commissioner Graupe seconded by Commissioner Brady to sign off on the
construction engineering agreement
for the following project CP-1207(11)
and the change orders for the project
Motion was made by Commissioner Brady seconded by Commissioner Graupe to approve the following budgeted transfer in the amount
of $10,000.00 from Human Services
fund to Social Services fund. All
present voted in favor.
The following bills on motion
made and carried were placed in line
for payment:
Burke Divide Electric ............48.00
Cenex ...................................150.50
Conoco ...................................64.72
Crosby Tire/Body .................159.00
Emergency Auto.................1630.14
Brent Gunderson ....................68.24
Hardware Hank ......................88.07
Harrys Tire Service ..............619.32
Hedahl ..................................111.99
Information Technology .......438.40
Gayle Jastrzebski .................120.00
JCo ...........................................3.58
Journal ..................................779.09
Lund Construction ...............490.88
Matthew Bender ...................293.94
MDU ....................................533.84
Midwest Business ..................21.05
ND Bonding ...........................20.00
New Century ........................202.95
NCC .....................................631.88
NW Narcotics Task Force ..3000.00
Arlan Olson ........................1400.00
Petty Cash Recorder.............168.10
Power Creamery...................222.19
Quill ...................................1223.56
Reliable ................................305.95
Christian Romness ...............900.00
Team ...................................1383.75
Throntveit Cleaning ...........3129.46
Verizon ...................................88.85
A&L Sales ........................21000.00
Atco ......................................127.55
Big West Oileld ................6500.00
Crosby Building ...................399.08
Crosby Tire/Body ...............1276.98
Dakota Diesel .......................367.84
Ekness Super Valu..................36.58
Farmers Union ...................2978.96
General Equipment ................19.15
Bryan Haugenoe...................240.00
Hardware Hank ......................23.32
Hedahl ..................................159.89
Iron Horse Fabrication .........120.00
Jerrys Transfer........................62.00
John Deere .........................5960.34
Journal ..................................268.80
Lyle ......................................222.72
Gene Lystad .........................636.00
MDU ....................................351.90
Darin Melgaard ......................80.00
Murphy Motors ......................52.81
ND Dept Transportation.........34.50
New Century ....................18550.98
Newman .............................1921.20
Northern Tools ...................1499.99
NCC .......................................75.98
Petes Gravel .........................427.50
Praxair ....................................81.50
Lila Raaum ...........................396.00
RDO .................................43020.35
Ryan .....................................271.47
Share ....................................516.40
Sheridan Electric ....................15.00
Sorum ...............................35858.29
Team .................................13006.44
Tools Unlimited ...................115.00
Tractor & Equipment .........1854.78
Wayne Welding ......................90.48
Westlies ..............................1700.96
Keith Brown .........................221.34
Burke County .....................1126.23
NCC .......................................96.18
Frederick Hattel ...................900.00
Hardware Hank ......................60.54
Journal ....................................11.17
Gale ........................................24.79
NCC .......................................23.82
Oriental Trading .....................52.95
Kaycee Hellmuth .................168.69
Journal ....................................33.68
NCC .......................................57.43
Irene Sorum..........................100.00
Wms County Sheriff ..........1850.00
Brent Gunderson ....................19.55
NCC .......................................94.55
Total ...............................183520.09
There being no further business,
the meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
to reconvene on July 5, 2011.
Gayle Jastrzebski
County Auditor
Tim Selle-Chairman
Board of Divide County
that the City of Crosby, North Dakota, will receive sealed Bids at
the Ofce of the City Auditor until
August 1, 2011 at the hour of 3:45
p.m. local time, for the purpose
of furnishing all materials, labor,
equipment, and skill required for the
construction of the GROW CROSBY
items, for said City, as is more fully
described and set forth in the Plans
and Specications which are now on
le in the ofce of the City Engineer.
Bids will be opened in the Ofce of
the City Auditor at 4:00 p.m. local
time and read aloud.
The Work consists of all labor,
skill, and materials required to properly construct the Improvements.
Major components of the unit price
contracts include:
General Construction consisting
bonding, mobilization, erosion control, and approximately 440 lineal
feet of sheetpiling/dewatering, 982
lineal feet of 12 inch PVC sanitary
sewer, 3,100 lineal feet of open-cut
8 inch PVC sanitary sewer, 112 lineal
feet of fusible 8 inch PVC sanitary
sewer, 13 sanitary manholes; 1,789
lineal feet of open-cut 12 inch PVC
watermain and ttings, 86 lineal feet
of fusible12 inch PVC watermain
bore, 610 lineal feet of open-cut 8
inch PVC watermain and ttings,
132 lineal feet of fusible 8 inch PVC
watermain and fittings, 76 lineal
feet of 6 inch PVC watermain and
ttings, 112 lineal feet of 14 inch
fusible PVC casing pipe, and other
components such as valves, joints,
hydrants, erosion control, incidental
pipe dewatering and site restorations
are also included.
Complete digital project bidding
documents, pursuant to which all
labor, materials, or services must
be furnished, are available at www. or
You may download the digital plan
documents for Fifty Dollars and No
Cents ($50.00) by inputting Quest
project #1664243 on the website’s
Project Search page. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in
free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital
project information. Copies of the
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Warren Aaberg, whose post ofce
address is PO Box 294, Crosby ND
58730 requesting a conditional use,
zoning change from agricultural to industrial to develop a commercial sand
and gravel operation land located in
NW1/4 of Section 20, Township 161,
Range 100 160.00 acres more or less.
Clara Stewart, whose post ofce
address is 13655 84th ST NW, Zahl
ND 58856 requesting a conditional
use, zoning change from agricultural
to industrial to develop a commercial sand and gravel operation land
located in NW1/4 of Section 33,
Township 160, Range 100 and Pt
of NE1/4 Section 32 Township 160
Range 100 199.00 acres more or less.
Gayle Jastrzebski
Land Use Administrator
I, Gayle Jastrzebski, county auditor of Divide County, North Dakota, give notice that the real estate hereinafter
described has a lien for delinquent taxes against it for the year 2008, and unless the tax and special assessments,
with interest, penalties, and cost of foreclosure action are paid, on or before October rst after the date of this notice,
the real estate will become the absolute property in fee of this county, subject to the lien for installments of special
assessments certied or to be certied to the county auditor or which may become due subsequent to the time of
service of this notice, and the former owner, mortgages, lienholders, and other interested persons therein will be
forever foreclosed and barred from asserting any further rights to the real estate. The following is a list of the real
estate on which the tax lien will be foreclosed on October rst. Opposite each description of the real estate appears
any street address of the property, the name of the owner of the record title, and the amount which must be paid to
satisfy the tax lien.
Given pursuant to authority of law this 6th day of July, 2011 NDCC-57-28-07
Gayle Jastrzebski, Divide County Auditor
Crosby City
Original Addn.
Lot 5 W1/2, Lot 6 W1/2 Blk 5 Thomas Everett
First St NW
251.49-res lot/bldg
Herings First Addn.
Lot 7, N5’ Lot 8 Blk 3
Oak Manor Properties
Main St
625.96-res lot bldg
Erickson Addn.
W1/2 Blk 2
Felicia Cooper
799.44-res lot/bldg
E1/2 Lot 2
Nathan Green
First Ave NW
513.21-comm lot
Westlawn First Addn.
Lot 8 W70’ ex S10’ Blk 1
Dave Nordstog
186.67-comm lot
Lot 10 Blk 4
Frederick & Lavon Hattel Fourth St NW
194.29-comm lot
Lot 11 Blk 4
Frederick & Lavon Hattel 310 Fourth St NW 564.49-res lot/bldg
Crosby Acres
Lot 21 Blk 2
Michael & Angela Mcgeough
241.65-comm lot
Auditor Lots
Aud Lot A11
Todd Spooner
Second St SW
437.09-res lot/bldg
In the Matter of the Estate of
E. G. Looper, Deceased
THAT Margaret Sloan has filed
herein a Petition for Adjudication of
Intestacy and Determination of Heirs.
The assets of the estate consist
of the following described mineral
An undivided 40/480ths interest
in and to all of the oil, gas and other
minerals in and under and that may
be produced from the following
described lands situated in Divide
County, State of North Dakota, towit:
Township 161 North, Range 103
Section 2: SE¼, NW¼
Section 1: SW¼ (Containing 480
acres, more or less)
An undivided one-eight (1/8th)
interest in and to all of the oil, gas
and other minerals in and under and
that may be produced from the following described lands situated in
Mountrail County, State of North
Dakota, to-wit:
Township 154 North, Range 91
Section 22: SW¼ (Containing 160
acres, more or less)
An undivided one-sixteenth
(1/16th) interest in and to all of the
oil, gas and other minerals in and
under and that may be produced from
the following described lands situated
in Williams County, State of North
Dakota, to-wit:
Township 158 North, Range 102
Section 17: NW¼
Section 7: SE¼ of SE¼
Section 8: SW¼ of NW¼ and
SW¼ and S½ of SE¼ and NW¼ of
(Containing 520 acres, more or
less) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An Undivided one-sixteenth
(1/16th) interest in and to all of the
oil, gas and other minerals in and
under and that may be produced from
the following described lands situated
in Williams County, State of North
Dakota, to-wit:
Township 159 North, Range 102
West. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section 7: Lot 4
TAKE NOTICE that Delores
Hagge, Grenora, North Dakota, has
submitted water permit application
No. 6277 to the North Dakota Ofce
of the State Engineer for a permit to
divert and appropriate water from
ground-water sources.
The application requests a permit
to appropriate water from groundwater sources, utilizing point(s) of
diversion located in the NE 1/4, SW
1/4, and SE1/4 of Section 12, Township 160 North, Range 103 West, and
in the NW1/4 of Section 32, Township 161 North, Range 102 West, in
Divide County as shown on the map
accompanying the application, at a
pumping rate of 1,000 gallons per
minute during the operating season
for each year said permit may remain
in force, with an annual appropria-
tion of 200.0 acre-feet of water, for
industrial use.
TAKE NOTICE that written comments regarding the proposed appropriation must be led in the North Dakota Ofce of the State Engineer, 900
East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck,
North Dakota 58505-0850, by 5:00
o’clock P.M., CDT, on the 15th day
of August, 2011. The State Engineer
will consider all written comments
and prepare a recommended decision, which will be provided to the
applicant and persons submitting
written comments. Those persons
may provide additional information,
request a hearing, or both.
Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota
on July 5, 2011.
/s/Todd Sando, P.E.
North Dakota State Engineer
900 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505-0850
Section 18: SE ¼ of NW ¼, Lots
(Containing 160 acres more or
An undivided one thirty-second
(1/32nd) interest in and to all of the
oil, gas and other minerals in and
under and that may be produced from
the following described lands situated
in Williams County, State of North
Dakota, to-wit:
Township 159 North, Range 102
Section 7: Lot 4
Section 18: SE¼ of NW¼; Lots
(Containing 160 acres, more or
less) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hearing has been set upon such
Petition for Adjudication of Intestacy
and Determination of Heirs on the
10th day of August, 2011 at 10:30
o’clock a.m. at the courtroom of the
above-named Court in the City of
Crosby, County of Divide, and the
State of North Dakota.
Dated: July 11, 2011.
Margaret Sloan - Petitioner
1408 W. Broadway
Ponca City, OK 74601
The Board of University and
School Lands will conduct an oil and
gas lease auction on Tuesday, August
2, 2011, at 9:00 AM, CT in the National Energy Center of Excellence
on the Campus of Bismarck State
College, 1200 Schafer St., Bismarck,
ND. For a list of tracts being offered,
visit, or call (701)
328-2800 or write to the State Land
Dept., Box 5523, Bismarck, ND
58506-5523. Anyone needing auxiliary aids and services, call Judy at
(701) 328-1920 by 07/26/11.
/s/Lance D. Gaebe
State Land Commissioner
Professional Advertising
Page 10 -- The Journal
Church Schedules
Crosby, ND
Father Biju Chitteth
Wed.: July 13, Mass, 7 p.m.
Fri.: July 15, Mass, 8 a.m.
Sun.: July 17, Mass, 9 a.m.
Mon.: July 18, Private devotion, 8 a.m.
Good Samaritan
Society, Crosby
Tues.: July 19, Mass, 6 p.m.
St. Luke s Noonan
Thurs.: July 14, Private devotion.
Sun.: July 17, Mass, 11:30
St. John s Portal
Sat.: July 16, Mass, 5:30
Crosby, ND
Pastor Dennis Huenefeld
Sun.: July 17, 9 a.m. Corporate Prayer; 9:45 a.m. SS;
10:45 a.m. Worship; 6:30 p.m.
Evening service.
Mon.: July 18, 7:45 a.m. Women’s Prayer.
Tues.: July 19, 6:30 a.m. Men’s
Prayer; 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday service broadcast on NCC
David Fox, Pastor
Sun.: St. Olaf worship, 11 a.m.
United Lutheran worship, 9 a.m.
Greg Knopp, Pastor
Sundays: SS, 9:45 a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m.
Wednesdays: Bible Study,
7 p.m.
Sundays: Worship, 11 a.m.
Wednesdays: Men’s breakfast, 7 a.m.
Sundays: Worship, 9 a.m.
Tuesdays: Quilting, 1 p.m.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
and Rural Churches
Zion Lutheran, Noonan
Peace Lutheran, Crosby
Ethyl Mae Nelson, AIM
Sun.: July 17, Service at
Threshing Bee. No services in
the parish.
Jim Hamann, Pastoral Ass t.
Wed.: July 13, 7 p.m. First
WELCA at TMC - IL dining room
(Bernice is hostess).
Thurs.: July 14, 1:30 p.m. Worship at Bethel Home in Stanley/
Sun.: July 17, 9 a.m. First
11 a.m. Zion worship.
Mon.: July 18, Newsletter
Tues.: July 19, 10 a.m. Text
Wed.: July 20, 11 a.m. Tioga
Ron Dahle, Pastor
Sun.: July 17, No services in
the parish, but there will be
worship held at the Threshing
Show at Pioneer Village.
Barb Westhoff, Pastor
Fri.: July 15, Deadline for ordering bricks.
Sun.: July 17, St. John’s worship, 8:45 a.m.; Immanuel worship, 10 a.m. (Holy Communion).
Crosby, ND
Pastor Rob Garton
7:30 p.m. Council meeting.
Thurs.: July 14, 9 a.m. Quilting.
Fri.: July 15, Parish, Pew, &
Pulpit Newsletter Deadline.
Sun.: July 17, Vacation Bible
School Begins; 9 a.m. Worship,
with Communion, and UMM
Counselors; 3:30 p.m. Good Samaritan Center Worship; 6 p.m.
Supper With UMM Counselors;
VBS Student Registration Signup; Worship, crafts, fun time,
and activities, with UMM Counselors.
Mon.: July 18, 9 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Vacation Bible School
for preschoolers; 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
VBS for Kindergarten through
sixth grade (bring a sack lunch);
3 p.m. Memorial service for
Stanley Moen in the Chapel.
Tues.: July 19, Pastor Rob At
Text Study; 9 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
We are all made
stronger by Christ
There is a common phrase
in our American lexicon that
says something to the effect
of, “Whatever doesn’t kill you
makes you stronger.” Often,
these words are used in times of
illness, grief, trial or hardship.
Not only do we use this phrase
to help others feel better, but we
use it to help ourselves feel better. There has even been some
recent research conducted that
seems to support this claim scientifically within the realm of
medicine. In my own research, I
wasn’t able to determine the origin of this phrase, but there is
some Biblical evidence to support the idea.
The Apostle Paul, in chapter
five of his letter to the Romans,
wrote that “…suffering produces endurance, and endurance
produces character, and character produces hope, and hope
does not disappoint us, because
God’s love has been poured into
our hearts through the Holy
Spirit…” (5:3-5, NRSV)
What often gets overlooked
when we cite this passage or
others like it to support our
ideas of suffering and the good
which can potentially come
from it, is the fact that Paul only
writes of such things within the
context of the suffering Christ.
This always means that when
we suffer, Christ suffers with us.
And because Christ suffers with
us, we understand that our pain
isn’t suffered by ourselves, nor
is it suffered without hope. For
we always look to the cross to
see how Christ suffered on our
behalf. And when we see Christ
suffering for us on the cross, we
are reminded not only of his suffering and death, but of his glorious resurrection which frees
us from all suffering once for all
and which gives us eternal life
in the company of God.
We also know that as Christians, it’s not always the case
that whatever doesn’t kill us
makes us stronger. Part of the
By Rob Garton
Concordia Lutheran
paradox of living as a Christian
is the recognition that we’re
only who we are because we
ourselves have died a death.
The global Church has agreed
for a full generation now that
every person who has been
baptized, regardless of our own
denominational interpretations
of that event, dies in that moment. In baptism, a person dies
to sin and is raised to a new life
to be lived in Jesus Christ. In
this one instance then, a thing
that does kill us also makes us
Paul supports this idea in
chapter 6 of the same letter:
“Do you not know that all of us
who have been baptized into
Christ Jesus were baptized into
his death? Therefore we have
been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as
Christ was raised from the dead
by the glory of the Father, so we
too might walk in newness of
life” (Rom. 6:3-4, NRSV).
This newness of life means
both today and tomorrow; here
and after we die. Living as a
Christian isn’t promised to be
free of suffering. If anything,
Jesus indicates there will be
more suffering for Christians.
It certainly does not mean we
should seek out suffering. But
with Christ as the one who suffered and died on our behalf,
we know that the suffering we
inevitably endure isn’t the end.
Life is.
(Pastor’s Corner is a weekly
meditation provided by members
of the Divide County Ministerial
Vacation Bible School for preschoolers; 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. VBS
for Kindergarten through sixth
grade (bring a sack lunch).
Wed.: July 20, 9 a.m. 11:30 p.m. Vacation Bible
School for preschoolers; 9 a.m.
- 2 p.m. VBS for Kindergarten
through sixth grade (bring a
sack lunch); 9:30 a.m. Mark Bible Study at Red Rooster Cafe;
2 p.m. Luke Bible Study in
Friendship Room.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Phyllis Scroggins, Pastor
Wed.: July 13, Pastor in Lignite; No Council meeting.
Sat.: July 16, Jean (Bywater)
Rude funeral.
Sun.: July 17, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Open House Graduation Reception for Cameron Sandberg.
Mon.: July 18, 9:30 a.m. Quilting.
Phyllis Scroggins, Pastor
Wed.: July 13, 3:30 p.m. Burial
of Mary K. Jensen at Bowbells
Tues.: July 19, Pastors’ Text
Study in Tioga.
Morris Kirchhof, Pastor
Wed.: July 13, 8 p.m. WOF
Quarterly meeting.
Sun.: July 17, 11 a.m. Worship, with Freddy Herman;
12 p.m. Potluck dinner.
Wed.: July 20, 8 p.m. WOF Bible Study.
Sat.: July 16, 10:30 a.m. Funeral for Jean Ellen “Bywater”
Rude, at Christ Lutheran, Lignite, with lunch following, and
burial at Grandview Cemetery,
rural Columbus.
Sat.: July 16, 3 p.m. Burial
of Margaret Young at Bethany
Cemetery, rural Columbus, with
lunch following, at Trinity Lutheran, Columbus.
Sun.: July 17, 11 a.m. Worship/Communion.
Business and Professional Directory
Oil, Gas & Mineral Law
Pringle & Herigstad
Law Firm
Representing mineral owners
on leasing, litigation and all
other oil, gas, mineral &
estate planning issues
MINOT, ND 58701
Phone (701) 852-0381
M-F: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat.: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Jason & Windy Smith
900 4th Street SE
Crosby, ND
Service, Inc.
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturdays, 9 a.m. to Noon
24-hour emergency service.
Monday thru Friday
we will transport your pet from
Funeral Home
‡Basic Construction
‡Home Remodel
Arlen Olsen
For more information
see our website!
Leif Anderson - 701.858.8139
Laptops | Desktops | Accessories
Laptops Start At $498.00
Other Items In Stock
105 N Main St | Downtown Crosby
Complete Funeral
Tim & Diane
Remodeling - Siding - Decks
Taping - Texturing - Painting
Tile - Duraceramic - Laminate Flooring
Licensed & Insured
Individual Solutions from
Independent Advisors
✘ Good Year Tires
✘ Body Repair & Radiator Work
✘ Alignment & Brake Work
✘ Frame Straightening
✘ Auto Glass Work
✘ 24 Hour Wrecking Service
Phone 701-965-6512 - Crosby, ND
Financial Advisor
Offering a complete
range of financial
products and
We’re keeping a list!
This single space
for rent
Jill Haugen
6.00 per week
109 S. Main
Crosby, ND 58730
Will your money last?
With a retirement plan it can.
Joel Bird, CFP®, CRPC®
Financial Advisor
505 E. Main Ave.Suite 100
Bismarck, ND 58501
(701) 258-9735
Call me today at (701)258-9735.
Dr. Ivan
Dr. Patrick Evans
After Hours:
A variety of insurance for
the variety in your life.
Auto. Home. Business. Health. Life.
Farm/Ranch. We offer it all under
one roof.® Call me today for coverage
that fits all your needs.
Shelley Bartow
Jackie Lindsey
2 -5 p.m.
located at
223 Main Street • Williston, ND 58801
Crosby Housing Authority
Securities are offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member
FINRA/SIPC, an independent broker/dealer, and are not insured by FDIC, NCUA,
any other government agency, or any other financial institution, are not deposits or
obligations of the financial institution, are not guaranteed by the financial institution,
and are subject to risks, including the possible loss of principal. American State Bank
and Trust Company is independent of RJFS.
Brad Johnson Insurance
Insurance to fit your needs:
• Farm
• Commercial
• Home • Life-Annuities
• Auto
• Nursing Home
• Crop/Multi Peril
As an agent for:
• Life
• Disability
• Fixed Annuities
• Long Term Care
• Cancer Insurance
• Health Insurance
223 N. Main Street - Crosby, ND - 701-965-4200
206 North Main Street
Crosby, ND
Some products not available in every state.
Theron Huwe
Kristi L Haugenoe, Agent
109 South Main
Crosby, ND 58730
(701) 965-6319
American Family Mutual Insurance Company
and its Subsidiaries
American Family Insurance Company
Home Office — Madison, WI 53783
9 a.m. -12
As a community service, the Crosby
Housing Authority is compiling a list of
all housing, rental or for sale, that is
available in the community.
PLEASE let us know if you have
housing for sale or rent.
PLEASE also let us know
if you’re looking for housing.
We’ll do our best to refer those who
need housing to those who have it.
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA.
(H) 701-965-6543
(C) 701-641-8614
Crosby, ND
Call 701-965-4334
This single space
for rent
6.00 per week
(701) 965-6335
Jim Simonson
all your
Paul L Sagaser
12301 58th St. NW
Epping, ND 58843
T: 701.965.4727
C: 701-339-2726
F: 240.485.0925
P.O. Box 197
301 4th St. NW
Crosby, ND 58730
Kessler Computer Service & Repair
Jeremy Kessler, Owner
Classified Advertising
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Journal Publishing Inc.
P.O. Box E
Crosby, ND -- 58730
~ Classified Advertising ~
DEADLINE .............................NOON MONDAYS
(for classified ads and card of thanks up to 25 words)
First Publication ................................................ $6.00
Additional publications ..................................... $5.00
Additional words..........................................15¢ each
Minimum Billing ............................................ $11.00
CASH WITH COPY SPECIAL: ... 3 weeks $11.00
Special not available on phone orders.
Classified Display Advertising............ $9.75 per inch
The Journal & Tioga Tribune
Tioga Tribune
P.O. Box 700
Tioga, ND -- 58852
Wildrose Nursery
has low prices
on hardy
northern grown
nursery stock.
(up to 25 words)
Each Publication ............................................. $15.00
Additional words..........................................60¢ each
Shade and fruit trees,
shrubs, perennials,
and evergreens!
dual pane safety glass, exc.
cond. Books for approx $35,000,
will sell for $29,900. Located in
Mandan 701-641-2242.
Corner Market is printed twice a month on the first and
third Wednesdays of each month. Copy for Corner Market
ads is due Wednesday previous to issue printed.
Located in Wildrose, ND
Open from 10 am to 5 pm
Friday thru Sunday
For a price list or details
call 701-572-7915
Each Publication ........................................... $150.00
Additional words.......................................$5.00 each
weekdays or
Bare Root
Poplars - 6 ft....................
Pine - 3-4 ft. .......................
The Journal
Tioga Tribune
Call ................................701-965-6088 ................................... 701-664-2222
Fax.................................701-965-6089 ................................... 701-664-3333
E-mail.................... .....................
FOR SALE: BEAUTIFUL lakeshore house and property near
Beulah Bay. 3 bedroom, 2 bath
house located on 75’ x 300’
lake-front lot, heated 3-stall garage with loft. For pictures, go
to to “REAL
ESTATE -Lake/Vacation Properties” Call to see! (701)873-4444.
HOUSE FOR RENT in Tioga: 2
bedroom, furnished. No smoking. NO PETS. Call 701-641-8600.
FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath
house. Located north east of
Tioga, on about 4.5 acres. Call
now for a showing. Reynolds
Realty, Angela R. Snyder, salesperson, 701-898-0657 cell or 701628-2775 office.
1998 DOUBLE WIDE Liberty
mobile home. 28x64.3, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, 2 living rooms,
skylights in kitchen and both
baths, front deck and all major
appliances included. 2 sheds
are negotiable. Located in
Grand Forks, N.D. $43,000, OBO.
FULL CITY BLOCK IN NOONAN: 5 large lots: 2 commercial
with permits, 3 residential with
sewer, water and electricity on
site; Make offer. Also, 3 bdrm, 1
bath house with detached 24x33
heated garage on corner lot, vinyl siding, good roof, move-in
ready, includes W/D and some
furniture, $70,000 or acceptable
offer. 701-925-5745.
Room Rentals in Crosby has one
furnished room available. all
utilities and Internet provided
with a spacious kitchen, dining,
living, recreation and laundry
areas. Rates $20 - $30/person/
night with a monthly contract.
311 6th St NE, 965-6655 or 701840-2428.
Tioga. Up to five offices, that
needs to be finished. Please
contact Charles Barton at
FOR SALE IN Wheelock, N.D.
100’x220’ lot with 2004 16x80
Redmond Newmoon trailer
house, with entry and 16x24
tool shed, $73,000. Call 701-5804032.
Noonan, ND. Please call and
leave your phone number. I will
call you back 701-925-5814 or
home, Hwy 5, Cavalier, ND near
lake. Asphalt driveway, shop,
3-bedrooms, central air. Call:
(701) 265-4670 or (701) 5204607.
Cropland, CRP, Pasture Land,
Property that has yearly income. Will lease back. Contact
will be kept Confidential. (612)
Production & Exploration Co.
We’ll Help You Monetize Your
Mineral Assets. Send details
to P.O. Box 8946, Denver, CO
80201., (877) 754-3111.
repair Rainbow Valley Church
basement, due to water damage. Church is located 15 miles
north west of Ray. please call
701-568-3861 or 701-641-9786 for
more information.
BLACK HORSE CONSTRUCTION, Inc. is looking for 3 to 4
operator/roustabouts in the Stanley area. Application may be picked up in
our Stanley office, 120 S Main
Street, Ste 210 or at
TIOGA PSD #15 has Athletic
Director (AD) grades 7-12 and
Boys Basketball Coach positions available for the Tioga
High School 2011-2012 school
year. Contact D’Wayne Johnston, Supt. at 701-664-2333 if interested.
FOR SALE: 1977 model concessions stand trailer, 19x18,
$4,500 negotiable. 701-664-2394
or 701-664-8833 or 406-852-3921.
Contains deep fat fryers. Can be
viewed in the Tioga area.
HELP WANTED HOUSE keeper, once a week. Call 664-2677.
automatic 42” lawn Mower, like
new 965-6185.
HELP WANTED: FT Housekeeper, St. Luke’s Hospital, 9656384.
seeking hot oil truck driver. Current Class A CDL wit hazardous
endorsement and good driving record required. Send resume to P.O. Box 339, Tioga, ND
58852-0339, or call 701-664-2870
or 701-641-3198.
in Crosby; for hours, wages, or
more info call 701-339-0339.
needing a FT/PT caregiver, no
weekends, call Carrie at 9655437.
NOW HIRING OWNER Operators. Tank experience & hazmat
required. Seasonal work with
GUARANTEED INCOME & border crossing likely. Home weekly. Call Matt or Mike: (800) 6500292.
LOOKING FOR FT BARTENDER, PT waitress. Bootleggers,
Noonan, ND. Call Monte or Deb
FUND Raiser. Looking for an individual with skills that include:
creative writing and professional fund raising experience. Telephone skills a must. Public Relations, advertising, managing
web-site, and webinar planning
is a plus. This job is high in satisfaction, interest and diversity.
No relocation required. Salary:
40 to 60k depending on experience. Send resume to: Service
Dogs for America, PO Box 513,
Jud, ND 58454.
OPENING: Industrial, Commercial & Residential Wiring.
Competitive Wages & Benefits
included. Located in Southwestern ND. Call Schmidt Electric in
Killdeer, ND at: (701) 764-5220.
145 repair station. I/A preferred.
Black Hills Airport, Spearfish,
SD. Fax Resume: (605) 642-1838
or for details call Ray at: (605)
Ford Williston ND. Hurry!! Customers waiting!! Great opportunity for certified, experienced
technicians. Full benefits, great
pay!! BONUS for FORD CERTIFICATION!! Contact Greg at: (800)
FOR SALE WEED Barrier Fabric Machine. 09 Model. Used to
lay fabric for trees. $4,500.00.
Call: (701) 697-5155.
GET YOUR AIRCRAFT appraised by the pro, certified aircraft appraiser member NAAA,
Call Barry (406) 488-4031.
AIRCRAFT BUYING OR selling, call Barry (406) 488-4031.
call 701-240-8428 or 701-2408429.
TIOGA PSD # 15 is seeking individuals for the following positions: Substitute and Route Bus
Drivers and Substitute Teachers, non-educational 4 year degree meets state requirements.
Please contact D’Wayne Johnston, Supt. 1-701-664-2333 for
further details.
TIOGA FOOD PRIDE is seeking friendly, outgoing people
for the following openings: Cashiers/Courtesy Clerks, Produce Clerks, Grocery Clerks,
Frozen Food Clerk, Bakery/Deli
Clerk and a Meat Clerk/Cleanup.
We offer flexible scheduling. If
interested in joining our team at
Tioga Food Pride, please stop in
the store and fill out an application or call Eddie Valles for an
interview, 701-664-2315.
dumps in the oil field.
CDL required.
Call McGregor Trucking,
Top Pay with Benefits.
$1,000 SignOn Bonus for Mechanic Position Only! Send resume to:
Braun Trucking
Attn: Michael Braun
PO Box 1033
Tioga, ND 58852
or call Michael
Sign-On Bonus
Sign-On Bonus
Since 1923
Truck driver to pull belly
Plentywood, Montana
60 miles west of Crosby
bed, $75; Full size bed, $40; bedroom set, $190; lamps, $10; sofas, loveseats and sleepers from
$70; used room size carpets,
$40; Captains bed w/mattress,
$90. Springan Furniture, Stanley, 628-2413.
Help Wanted
sale, good shape. Call 701-6642859.
• Clean, comfortable, affordable rooms
• Crew rates available
• Customer laundry facilities
• Lounge & Casino
• Light continental breakfast
Tioga Area Local
Hauling. CDL and
MVR Required. Top
Pay with Benefits.
Bonus! Send resume to
Braun Trucking
Attn:Michael Braun
PO Box 1033
Tioga, ND 58852
or call Michael
Tioga Auto Sales
(701)664-2786 Hours: mon-sat 9-7
523 2nd St. NE, Tioga, ND
•Buy •Sell •trade •consign
View our inventory at
•1999 Dodge Ram 2500....4x4....QuadCab....LngBed...CumminsDiesel...Must$ee
•2001 Ford Excursion XLT...4x4...V8,AT...FullPower...3rdSeat..Clean..RealNice
•2002 Buick Rendezvous AWD....4x4....V6,AT....FullPower....Leather....BestBuy
•2001 Chevrolet Tahoe LT...4x4...V8,AT...FullPower...89,000ActMiles...Must$ee
•2003 Ford F250HD...4x4...ServiceTruck...V8,AT,PS...LockOutHubs...RealNice
•2002 F-250 HD XLT..4x4..V10,5Spd..FullPower..RegCb..LBed..LoMiles..Clean
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•2007 32ft Dutchman Denali 5th Wheel Camper.....3Slides.....Clean.....Must$ee
FOR SALE: 2004 29’ Keystone
Sprinter 276 RLS 5th Wheel
camper, with one super slide
out. $13,000. Call 701-664-3508.
2004 BIG SKY Camper, model 3295, 35 foot, 3 slides, rear
kitchen, fireplace, polar pkg,
Dietary Aide
Open House
Thursday, July 14
205 5th St. NW
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Stop by and visit with Tracy Dachs
of Century 21 Action Realtors or
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Contact Ashley Ylitalo
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Full Time/Part Time ~ Sign On Bonus
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Health Insurance
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Or apply
Ready to move into ranch home.
3 bdrms, 1 bonus room, C/A, 2
baths, 1 car garage. Many added
built ins, large backyard, garden
spots, shed w/ A/C, nice workshop
in the basement. Enclosed front
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HOURS: 7 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Contact Shelley Power
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401k, health insurance and paid vacation.
KSI is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Page 12 -- The Journal
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Highway repairs begin; port roads reopen
By Cecile Wehrman
Repairs to ND 5 between the U.S. 85 junction and Crosby got under way last week.
“It will take a while,” said Walt Peterson
of the Williston District of the N.D. Department of Transportation, before all of the
large potholes can be repaired.
Peterson said a continuous stretch of dry
days finally made some of the work possible starting Wednesday last week, but the
weather in Divide County wasn’t the only
hold up.
Peterson said laborers were already in
short supply, and a number of his workers
were called to the Minot area during the
flood crisis there.
“It may have seemed like a long time,” Peterson said, but the delay in getting to work
on repairs could not be helped.
Now that the work has started, Peterson said crews will likely continue on that
stretch of road until all of the gravel holes
can be patched.
However, he noted, new breaks continue
to appear, so rough patches are likely to remain a regular feature on that highway for
some time to come.
To the north, access for many Canadians
Cecile Wehrman -- The Journal
State Highway Department crews at last have begun patching potholes on U.S. 85 west of
was difficult in recent weeks.
Those roads have since reopened, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Pa-
trol, which said Canadian roads leading to
ports at Ambrose, Noonan and Portal were
all open as of Wednesday last week.
Threshing bee is backdrop for new book
Author to promote Ripple Effect this weekend during annual show
By Cecile Wehrman
Make no mistake, Hadley
Hoover has never been to the
Divide County Threshing Show.
But that didn’t stop her
from using the annual event in
Crosby as the backdrop for the
fourth book in what she calls
her “North Dakota” series.
She’ll be at the show this
weekend, selling and signing
copies of her latest book, “Ripple Effect.”
“It has its foot in reality,” she
said, but she has also taken
some license in the book.
With the assistance of her
childhood friend, Rose Howard, of rural Wildrose, Hoover
was able to use many details of
threshing bee activities, while
fictionalizing others.
For instance, the kiddie train
that used to run on the grounds
in real life, winds its way all the
way to Main Street in the book.
“I was able to keep things
that needed to be true, true,”
Hoover said, while embellishing
some details.
The book even includes a list
of some of the attractions at
Crosby’s Pioneer Village.
“I probably could have set the
story any place,” Hoover said,
but after hearing Rose’s stories
about “Big Ole’s” cook car at the
threshing show, Hoover was intrigued.
Hadley Hoover
Hoover planned two years
ago to attend the show as part
of her research for the book,
but the trip never happened.
The threshing show is the
window dressing for three disparate characters who might
never have otherwise come together.
One is Zeke, a mystery writer
promoting a cook book with his
mom. “Ripple Effect” opens with
the two of them sitting outside
J. Co. Drug on Crosby’s Main
Street, trying to peddle books.
Next is Helene, whom readers of the series will remember as Helen, a woman who left
her husband in fictional Prairie
Rose after he stepped out with
another woman, named Blyss.
Third is Eddie, a drifter who
finds himself back in North Dakota, where years earlier he
found a warm welcome.
“They’re all just kind of coming together during the weekend of the threshing show,” said
Hoover. “And the three of them
could care less about the show.”
Despite her characters’ mild
disdain for the event, the story
gives Hoover the chance to describe what goes on in Divide
County on the third weekend of
July each year.
Similarly, “I was interested
in the combining of characters
that had nothing in common
until I brought them together in
this book.”
The title, “Ripple Effect”
speaks to the ripples each person creates in life, and how
those ripples can effect the people touched by them.
That’s not necessarily the
theme Hoover started out with,
but that’s just how writing goes.
“You write a book and you
think ‘This is where I am going’
and you wind up going off on
this other path.”
It’s made Hoover wonder at
the ripples people have created
in her own life, including her
friend Rose Howard.
“She’s the very first friend I
ever had,” Hoover said. “I have
no one else I’ve known that
The two girls met in Wildrose
when they were in first grade,
but Hoover’s family moved
away in the middle of that
school year.
“We have been friends all
these years,” Hoover said, and
her memories of Wildrose are
what inspired the start of the
book series that began in 2001
with “Uncharted Territory,”
and was followed with “Hidden
Crossing” and “Storm Path.”
All of the books have been
self-published, along with nine
others in two other series, and
one mystery novel -- in which
the character Zeke, from “Ripple Effect,” is first introduced.
Hoover is now working on her
15th novel, another mystery.
She will have books for sale
at the threshing show on Friday
from noon to 5 p.m. in a tent
near the lunch hall, and will
participate in two book signings with the authors of another book with local ties -- “The
Brothers Krimm” -- to be held at
J. Co. Drug, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on
both Saturday and Sunday.
(Editor’s Note: Journal Editor
Cecile Wehrman is the principal
author of “The Brothers Krimm,”
about the serial bank robber
who committed suicide in Divide
County in September 2009.)
Zoning OK d
for rec center
By Cecile Wehrman
Zoning approval for a health
and wellness center to be
located near a new motel in
Crosby was granted Monday
by the city council, but organizers were first advised a location to the south might be
“I’m trying to slow you down
just a tad because I think it
could be very beneficial,” said
Mayor Les Bakken.
Bakken told council members that talks are under way
in which a few members of the
Clay family may work in cooperation with developer Vern
Haugen to develop about 100
acres south of N.D. 5.
According to Bakken, those
parties would be interested in
locating the health and wellness center located on the
parcel, but Crosby Blue Line
President Harlan Johnson said
his group still needs to work
with the plans now in place.
“I wish they would call us,”
Johnson said, but absent a
firm proposal, “We’re moving
The Blue Line Club already
has taken proposals from design and construction firms,
and is preparing to choose one
from among three finalists.
Bakken said he expected
there could be some determination next week on whether
and how the two parties might
move forward with the Clay
The Blue Line Club presented the council with requested
letters showing support from
residential neighbors who previously questioned the building’s placement near their
homes. Those owners have
now stated they do not oppose the development.
Policing contract tabled
The council decided to table a proposal to contract with
Divide County for policing.
With members Robbi Larsen
and Brian Lund absent, some
of the other council members
said a vote should wait.
Council member Pat Woodward warned that it would be
a “serious mistake” for the city
to dissolve its police force.
3rd Annual Bakken Rocks
FEMA tours continue as water begins to recede
By Cecile Wehrman
The process of assessing
flood damage to Divide County
roads will probably continue
all summer, said Divide County
Emergency Manager Rob Melby.
For a couple of weeks now,
Melby has spent most of each
day touring flooded roads with
Federal Emergency Management Administration officials.
“We have a special team coming up today from Bismarck,”
Melby said Thursday, dealing
specifically with grade raises.
“That’s all they do,” Melby
said and there are a number of
roads which will be considered
for grade raises as a result of
this spring’s flooding.
“We’ll be focusing on the places we need to get access to,” he
including at
least three
more residences in
Divide County
have been
all but cut
The time
and paperMelby
work necessary to
handle the crisis has become
so extensive, Melby said, he has
now hired clerical help to keep
the necessary paperwork moving.
“Susan Bummer, the former
tax assessor, is assisting with
the paperwork,” he said, but
there doesn’t seem to be any
remedy for the amount of time
the work takes.
For instance, one day last
week, Melby set out with FEMA
reps to review the access situation for two farmsteads.
“It took basically almost the
whole day to do two of them,”
said Melby. “They look at all
sorts of things and they measure and see if there’s alternate
routes that can be used.”
One bonus in recent days
-- the weather has mostly been
“Thank God!” Melby exclaimed. “It’s sure helping and
the water has dropped some.
You can see it where the water
level was -- at least Mother Nature is working with us a little
84°/66° F
Precip -- 30%
86°/64° F
Precip -- 30%
Weather data for
Weds., July 13, 2011
Normal high ............... 83°
Normal low ................. 55°
Sunrise...............6:03 a.m.
Sunset ...............9:54 p.m.
Record high...... 98°, 1925
Record low ....... 39°, 1967
2011 prec. to date . 16.51
Avg. prec. to date ... 8.28
Eventually, there will be a
hard number as to the full extent of damage, but that could
still be a long way off.
“Some of the small projects
will probably move faster than
the larger ones,” he said. “They
probably won’t close this disaster for years.”
Each project has to have a
clear paper trail established,
and those files must be maintained for three years.
As of last week, damage in
nine townships had been assessed, along with the towns of
Noonan and Fortuna.
With one township assessed
each day, or at the most, two
per day, Melby said it could easily take all summer just to get
all of the damage looked at, let
alone fixed.
Councilman Omar Coston,
one of the two police commissioners, agreed.
If the contract is approved,
he said, “We have no more say
in anything.”
Bakken disagreed.
“I don’t see a downside because if it don’t work we’re
right back to where we’re at
now,” he said.
Coston countered that Bakken wants county policing because it would be easier for
the city, not necessarily better
for the community.
With Woodward handing in
her resignation from the council due to an impending move
out of the community, Bakken
seemed content to table the
matter until Larsen and Lund
are present.
“I know how the vote will go
then,” he said.
Nuisance complaint
Marietta Clemens, on behalf
of a group of seven neighbors,
requested the council declare
a nuisance at the former Tuftedal Chevrolet building.
“It’s a dumping ground,” she
Clemens presented the
council with a letter and photos showing eight apparently
inoperable vehicles and pieces of junked equipment that
have been stored for years on
the property, in view of the
She said her concern is for
the potential health hazard
presented by vermin and feral
cats attracted to the property.
One neighbor reported seeing
a person exiting one of the vehicles recently. Two winters
ago, according to Clemens’ letter, a homeless man used one
of the cars for shelter.
Bakken said if the city’s pest
control contractor traps vermin in the vicinity, the health
department could be called in,
but “Part of the trouble is it’s
a commercial property,” and
the city’s nuisance ordinance
is directed at residential property. Nonetheless, the council
directed the city auditor to
investigate the potential for
a nuisance action against the
owner, Joel Benson.
5:00 - 8:00 p.m. CDT
5:00 - 8:00 p.m. CDT
Watford City
Pioneer Village
McKenzie Co. Fairgrounds
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Good food - Good fun Lots to learn for everyone!
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No alcohol permitted
Divide Area Weather Forecast
90°/68° F
89°/64° F
Precip -- 0%
88°/ 63° F
Precip -- 0%
Precip -- 10%
86°/61° F
Precip -- 0%
83°/58° F
Precip -- 60%
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