Flower - Hôpital général juif
Flower - Hôpital général juif
LES AUXILIAIRES DE L'HÔPITAL GÉNÉRAL JUIF SIR MORTIMER B. DAVIS MONTRÉAL - FALL 2004 I I NSIDER NFORMATION Flower Corner Place your holiday orders now! Rosh Hashanah, September 15th! Page 9 Used Book Fair Sunday, August 29th, and Monday, August 30th, 2004 Page 9 FALL FAIR Sunday, October 24th, 2004 Monday, October 25th, 2004 Page 3 The Skinny on Diets – Why They Work and Why They Don’t Sunday, November 7th, 2004 Page 5 Blood Donor Clinic Monday, November 15, 2004 10:00am to 4:00pm Page 9 Post Publication / Publication Mail Convention No. 40032791 Panache A TOUCH OF FLAIR TO KOSHER COOKING A dash of this, a soupçon of that - all these ingredients and more are yours to discover in "Panache, A Touch of Flair to Kosher Cooking". Panache, a scintillating kosher cookbook is currently in production by The Auxiliary. A food savvy enthusiastic committee headed by chef and caterer, Shawna Goodman Sone and Leslie Spector Cons, her co-chair, are devoted to creating a unique cookbook that is a timeless source of culinary inspiration. All the recipes have been gathered from the Montreal community, reflecting our gastronomical diversity. Appealing to novice cooks, as well as offering tips for elegant entertaining for the experienced gourmet, Panache will be the ultimate cookbook for anyone's collection. An original oil painting by international artist, Yehuda Chaki, will be featured on the cover. Food stylist, Lucie Richard known for her work in Canadian House and Home Magazine, Gardening Life Magazine, Canadian Living, Home and Country Magazine, and Holiday Best Cooking, to name a few, and specialty photographer Nick Amberg, are part of the professional team at work on Panache. Each taste-testing group was headed by a chef. Recipes were rated as to taste, aesthetic appeal, availability of ingredients and complexity of preparation - all kosher, of course! The revenue generated from the sale of Panache, A Touch of Flair to Kosher Cooking, will be used to purchase essential equipment for the Emergency Department on an ongoing basis. Cooking classes / taste-testers Cooking class participants Sponsorship opportunities are still available to support this gourmet project. For further information, contact Lorraine at (514) 340-8216. Projected publication date will be Spring 2005. Instructors - Elizabeth & Norman Lum THE AUXILIARY LES AUXILIAIRES 2004 - 2005 Founder President * Annie E.B. Goldbloom Past Presidents / Anciennes présidentes * Jackie Veinish * Hazel Lozinski Rosalie Gordon * Esther Muhlstock Lucy Wolkove * Dorothy Block Rona Miller Mildred Lande, C.M. Marilyn Golfman Margery Miller Nancy Cooperberg Annalee Wolfe Sheilah Greenberg Joyce Deitcher Dale Boidman Joan Lazarus Nan Lassner Claire Sheiner Evelyn Uditsky Rita Finestone Elaine Paperman Essie Rudy Woolner Phyllis Waxman, C.Q. Rachelle Douek Immediate Past Presidents Présidentes sortantes Iselott Gasman Sharon Spiegel Co-Presidents / Coprésidentes Hela Boro Eileen Fleischer Vice-Presidents / Vice-présidentes Annette Goldman Phyllis Kis Harriet Krakower Dorothy Rotholz Judy Shaicovitch Corresponding Secretary Secrétaire correspondence Harriet Bergman Financial Secretary Secrétaire des finances Rena Gornitsky Treasurer / Trésorière Fran Yagod Executive Members-at-large Membres de l’éxécutif général Ruth Ballon (Advisor) Rhona Kramer Ann Lassner Saundra Barrer Rachel Lester Florence Berns Muriel Lichter Bina Ellen Harriet Muroff Rosalie Faigan Sylvia Quint Sandra Gutherz Susan Raymer Rachel Hyams Wygodny Ellie Kadonoff Rosa Richter Beatrice Kantor Sandy Rosen Phyllis Karper Franki Yanofsky Marlene King * deceased Bulletin Editors Editrice du bulletin Rhona Kramer & Susan Raymer Wygodny Director of Auxiliary Directrice des Auxiliaires Susan Puritz 3755 ch.de la Côte Ste. Catherine, #A 018 Montréal, Québec H3T 1E2 Tél: (514) 340-8216 Fax: (514) 340-7568 e-mail: co-pres@aux.jgh.mcgill.ca website: www.jgh.ca Post Publication / Publication Mail Convention No. 40032791 AUXILIARY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Auxiliary Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (514) 340-8216 Catering Service In-Hospital Brith Catering . . . . . . . . . . . (514) 340-8222 local 5516 Coffee Shop - The Link Pavilion E (near Test Centre) . . . . . . . . . (514) 340-8222 local 5517 Coffee Shop - Café de l’Atrium Pavilion G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (514) 340-8222 local 5516 Director of Auxiliary Services Susan Puritz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (514) 340-8222 local 5947 Flower Corner Main Lobby. . . . . . . . . . . (514) 340-8222 local 5512 Volunteer Office Barbara Lang. . . . . . . . (514) 340-8222 local 5983 JGH Lifeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514) 344-2172 o m Co -P r es i d en t s / M es sa g e d es co pr és id e n t e s r f e g a s s e M It’s remarkable that we’re now into the second year of our two year mandate. What an extraordinary year it has been with The Auxiliary experiencing remarkable growth. Incroyable mais vrai : la deuxième année de notre mandat est déjà entamée. Quelle année extraordinaire pour les Auxiliaires, dont la croissance a été remarquable. Financially, 2003 was our best year ever as we netted over $850,000. Most of these monies have been used to purchase essential Eileen Fleischer equipment not covered by Government funding for various hospital departments. This year to date, equipment has been purchased for the following departments Anesthesia Geriatric $225,000 $17,000 Neurology OB/GYN $50,000 $6000 Sur le plan financier, l’exercice 2003 s’est avéré le meilleur de tous avec des revenus nets qui dépassent 850 000 $. La plupart de ces fonds ont été consacrés à l’achat Hela Boro d’équipement d’une absolue nécessité pour plusieurs services de l’HGJ et dont les coûts ne sont pas couverts par le gouvernement. Cette année, les Auxiliaires ont acheté des appareils pour les services suivants : Anesthésie Gériatrie 225 000 $ Neurologie 50 000 $ 17 000 $ Gynéco-obstétrique 6 000 $ En plus de notre croissance financière, nous sommes ravis d’avoir accueilli un grand nombre de nouveaux membres dynamiques et très actifs au sein des Auxiliaires. Comme les membres constituent l’essence de notre existence, il est important d’en augmenter le nombre. Les Auxiliaires font également partie intégrante de la The Auxiliary is an integral part of the JGH community. communauté de l’HGJ. Le Dr Jacques Galipeau, hématologue, Hematologist, Dr. Jacques Galipeau, was a most informative speaker at our interim Annual Meeting on April 28th, 2004. a donné une conférence extrêmement instructive durant notre assemblée annuelle du 28 avril 2004. Le Dr Galipeau a Dr. Galipeau mesmerised the audience with his discussions fasciné son auditoire avec un exposé sur le traitement du of cancer treatment and the development of the JGH as a cancer et sur le développement de l’HGJ en tant que centre major cancer center in Canada. d’oncologie d’une importance majeure au Canada. Our spring events were highlighted by the Casino Royale in Les principaux événements du printemps furent le Casino April honouring Bina Ellen, the Annual Bridge Tournament, Royale en avril, un événement qui honorait Bina Ellen, le The Roslyn Liebling Memorial Lecture, featuring cosmetic tournoi de bridge, la conférence commémorative Roslyn consumer advocate Paula Begoun and the 12th Annual Liebling, avec Paula Begoun, consommatienne, et la 12e Golf Classic which raised over one million dollars and Classique de golf qui a permis d’amasser plus d’un million de allowed the Hospital to complete payment of a PACS dollars et de finir de payer le système d’imagerie PACS. Imaging System. We are eagerly awaiting the publication of Nous attendons avec impatience la publication de notre beau our elegant kosher cookbook, Panache, which is currently livre de cuisine cachère, Panache, que prépare actuellement un groupe de jeunes bénévoles dynamiques. being worked on by a young, dynamic group of volunteers. Le succès de tous ces événements n’aurait pu avoir lieu sans la None of these events and successes could have taken place gestion et l’énorme travail de nos vice-présidentes, de la without the leadership and hard work of our Vicedirection et du conseil d’administration. Merci mille fois à tous Presidents, Executive and Board. Many thanks and kudos et félicitations. Nous tenons à remercier également notre to you all. As well, we would like to thank our office staff personnel de bureau pour son soutien indéfectible. for their ongoing support. Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer que la croissance des As a result of The Auxiliary’s growth, we take pleasure in Auxiliaires nous a permis de recruter Susan Puritz, qui assumera informing you that Susan Puritz has joined our staff as la fonction de directrice des Auxiliaires. Nous sommes ravis à Director of Auxiliary. We look forward to working with l’idée de travailler avec Susan et de multiplier nos succès tout Susan and achieving even greater success as we go from en décuplant nos forces. strength to strength. Nous vous souhaitons à tous bonheur, santé et paix pour la nouvelle année. We wish everyone a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. We have experienced not only financial growth but are excited that many dynamic and active new members have joined The Auxiliary. Since membership is the essence of our existence, it is important that our membership increase. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2004 - 2005 ARCHIVES Chairperson ........................................................Pnina Blum BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Chairpersons Rosemary Caplan, Joyce Kreisman, Edie Orleans BOARD EVENTS Chairpersons.......................Peggy Fixman, Sonia Mitelman BOOK SALES Chairpersons Hilda Berenbaum, Molly Daitchman, Leah Reisler, Sonia Zuker BRIDGE LUNCHEON Chairpersons..............Karen Grossbaum, Bonnie Rothstein BULLETIN Editors ..................Rhona Kramer, Susan Raymer Wygodny BY LAWS Chairperson.....................................................Muriel Lichter COLLECTIBLES Chairpersons..................................Merle Klam, Ida Spector, Elaine Paperman Woolner COOKBOOK Chairpersons .................................Shawna Goodman-Sone, Leslie Spector-Cons FALL FAIR Chairpersons ..................Gloria Brownstein, Rosalie Faigan, Dorothy Rotholz 2 FALL FAIR/FRIPPERY Chairperson ..................................................Florence Berns GOLF CLASSIC SOUVENIR BOOK Chairpersons..................Sandra Gutherz, Judy Shaicovitch, Fran Yagod H.A.R.T. (HOSPITAL ART & REDESIGN TEAM) Chairperson .............................................Barbara Silverberg HELPING HEART Co-Chairpersons ........................Ann Lassner, Sandy Rosen, Beverly Rudolph Zabarsky HOPS (HOSPITAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS) Chairperson........................................................Rona Green HUMANIZATION OF CARE Chairperson ...................................................Naomi Epstein INFANT & MATERNITY SERVICES Debbie Basevitz .........................(Pumps/Supplies/Layettes) Yael Elfassy .....................................................(Baby Baskets) Franceen Finesilver.......................................(Baby Projects) LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Chairpersons .................................Ruth Ballon, Evy Uditsky, Elaine Paperman Woolner LIFELINE Chairperson.........................................................Fran Yagod MEMBERSHIP Chairpersons .........................Harriet Bergman, Sylvia Quint HOSPITAL MEMBERSHIP..........................Franceen Finesilver LIFE MEMBERSHIP...............Bina Ellen, Mildred Lande, C.M. MALE MEMBERSHIP......................................Morris Hoffman MULTICULTURALISM ...........................................Rosa Richter MTL. COUNCIL OF WOMEN REPRESENTATIVE ...............................Anne Shuster PERSONNEL Chairpersons.......................Iselott Gasman, Sharon Spiegel PROGRAMME Chairperson .........................................................Rona Small Liaison .............................................................Rachel Hyams PUBLICITY Chairperson...................................................Saundra Barrer RAFFLE Chairperson.......................................................Sandy Appel SPECIAL EVENTS Chairperson................................................Harriet Krakower BOARD MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Marilyn Aisen, Harlie Altman, Rachel Bacher, Gloria Cobrin, Marilyn Cobrin, Ruth Costin, Norma Freedman, Barbara Gartner, Ann Glassman, Nancy Goldenberg, Lois Grossman, Sarah Hutman, Judy Kaback, Elinor Kaushansky, Cindy Kay, Merle Klam, Roz Lipman, Harriett Rimer, Susan Wainberg FALL FAIR DATES: Sunday, October 24, 2004 Monday, October 25, 2004 TIME: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. both days PLACE: 3755 Côte Ste-Catherine Rd. Pavilion A Auditorium Fashion for Women, Men & Children ALL NEW MERCHANDISE • Shoes • Jeans • Collectibles • Housewares • Boots • Jewellery • Toys • Accessories FR EE AD MIS SIO N The proceeds of this two day event will purchase two Colonoscopes for the Colorectal Surgery Department. Gloria Brownstein, Rosalie Faigan, Dorothy Rotholz, Fall Fair, Chairs DON’T DELAY and more! BUY YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS TODAY! Hot New Item (see insert in envelope) Vi n t a g e F u r s Sandy Appel, Raffle Chair Please donate to The Auxiliary! . . . y r e p p i r F ’s F l o r e n c e ’s und o f e b o t s e re u r s re a h e t re t e re a r r i a F l l a F bound f a o o t d h g y i l l u h ru t g r i l h a e A r x o r re dear u a r f e g , n s o e l l g o n n a b e re , a r to you Baubles t a h t s e i d o o g year r s u i o h y t s s u s e h c t c i u w s e a r h a ir in be a g a P l e a s e s h a re e c , F ri p p e r y C n s o n r e l B l i e c w n e ir F lo r So that Fall Fa TIDY YOUR CLOSETS – UNCLUTTER YOUR LIFE Get all of those collectibles out of sight. Crystal, glass, china, silver, brass and copper, too Our merchandise comes from nice people like you ! 340-8216 Please call The Jewish General Hospital Auxiliary – Take a look at our showcase near the Legaré Street entrance for our year-round collectibles sale. Merle Klam, Ida Spector, Elaine Paperman Woolner, Collectibles Chairs 3 A Very Special Birthday Present T he Auxiliary recently purchased an Aestiva/5 Life Support Machine for the Department of Anesthesia in honour of the 90th birthday of Mildred Lande, C.M. l to r: daughter Margot Lande, Hela Boro, Co-President, Mildred Lande, Morris Hoffman, Eileen Fleischer, Co-President and Dr. Simcha Kleiman, Chief Anesthesia Department. 24th Annual Bridge Luncheon Holocaust Museum On June 7th, the Board had a private guided tour of the Holocaust Museum, lunched at Taverne-on-the-Square and visited the Aron Museum at Temple Emanu-el. Thanks to Peggy Fixman and Sonia Mitelman for coordinating this outing. Our thanks also to Evy Uditsky, Ellen Samuels and Elaine Paperman Woolner at the Aron Museum. Karen Grossbaum and Bonnie Rothstein chaired the 24th Annual Bridge Luncheon held on May 5th. Over 300 players participated and enjoyed the day at the Tifereth Beth David Jerusalem Synagogue. Proceeds purchased EKG Machines for the Nursing Department. Film Premiere Aids Pulmonary Dept. The Pulmonary Department received the proceeds from a screening of the film “The Statement”. Bonnie Rothstein, Karen Grossbaum, Chairs Rhoda Rosenbloom Overall Trophy winners: Marilyn Golfman and Anne Kugler. Dorothy & Sam Raby Novice Trophy winners: Moira Pesner and Cathy Winterstein. Hold the Date . . . l-r: Dr. David Small, Hela Boro, Co-President, Beatrice Kantor, Chair, Sandy Schreter, Fran Yagod, Eileen Fleischer, Co-President, Sharon Spiegel, Elaine Paperman Woolner, Nan Lassner, Franceen Finesilver and Florence Berns. The 25th Annual Bridge Luncheon will be held on May 4th, 2005. ANNUAL MEETING Co-Presidents, Hela Boro and Eileen Fleischer presented the 68th annual report on April 28th. Guest speaker was JGH Hematologist, Dr. Jacques Galipeau. L to r: Judy Shaicovitch, Vice-President, Hela Boro, Co-President, Eileen Fleischer,Co-President, Phyllis Kis, Vice-President, Harriet Krakower, Vice-President, 4 Dr. Jacques Galipeau The Roslyn Liebling Memorial Lecture International cosmetic consumer advocate, Paula Begoun, addressed a sold out audience on the hot topic of “Wrinkles Be Gone – Skin Care and Cosmetic Advice”. With the proceeds of the evening, as well as a gift from The Auxiliary, Roslyn Liebling’s memory is being honoured by the purchase of a Rumi Uterine Manipulator System for the Department of Obstetrics. Left to right: Paula Begoun, Lucy Wolkove, Rona Small, Programme Chair, Sari Litman, Franceen Finesilver, Holly , Emily, Diane and Allan Mendel, Rosalie Gordon, Hela Boro, Co-President, Ruth Costin “ The Skinny on Diets – Why They Work and Why They Don’t”. Fall Health Forum will be held on Sunday, November 7, 2004. 1:30 p.m. Block Amphitheatre Followed by a healthbreak Panel: Ilene Gilbert, B.H.EC., P.Dt. Dr. Stephen Stotland, Psychologist and Director, PsycheSoma, Health and Wellness Centre David Siscoe, Exercise specialist, Siscoe Solutions PRICE: $10 per person complimentary parking included at Legaré lot only ✂ Don’t delay - Registration is limited - register today. Please register by calling (514) 340-8216 or make cheques payable to: The Auxiliary, JGH Mail to: The Auxiliary Sir Mortimer B. Davis, Jewish General Hospital 3755 Côte Ste. Catherine # A 018 Montreal, QC. H3T 1E2 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name Address postal code Tel. ❐ No. of Registrants cheque ❐ visa ❐ MC # Expiry 5 C asinoR oyale Our spectacular Casino Royale fundraiser was held on April 21st. Nearly 500 people joined in the action of a Casino during an imaginative night in Casablanca, à la Rick’s Café. More than $200,000.00 was raised for the purchase of critical equipment for the Department of Anesthesia, directed by Dr. Simcha Kleiman. The evening’s honoree was Bina Ellen, who was presented with a painting to commemorate over 40 years of dedication to the hospital. Committee: Seated l to r: Elaine Paperman Woolner, Evelyn Uditsky (Volunteers) Hela Boro (Co-President), Harriet Krakower (Chair), Mildred Lande C.M. (Sponsor), Phyllis Kis (Chair), Eileen Fleischer (Co-President), Franki Yanofsky (Décor/Entertainment), Dorothy Rotholz. Standing l to r: Sylvia Quint (Ticket Chair), Rhona Kramer, Phyllis Karper (Venue/ Food/Bar), Marlene King (Ticket Chair), Cindy Kay (Auction), Sandra Gutherz (Venue), Morris Hoffman (Chair), Sonia Mitelman (Venue), Ellie Cutler (Food / Bar), Peggy Fixman, Sharon Spiegel, Ruth Ballon, Judy Shaicovitch, Gloria Cobrin (Auction), Beatrice Kantor. Absent from photo: Paula Baker and Linda Stern (Auction Catalogue), Osnat Feldman, Lori Maldoff and Felicia Jacobs Stolow (Young Adults), Sylvia Amar, Harriet Bergman, Tamar Cutler, Ray Fleming, Iselott Gasman, Judy Kaback, Merle Klam, Nan Lassner, Rachel Lester, Frances Levine, Jody Quint, Rosa Richter, Bonnie Rothstein, Susan Raymer Wygodny. THANKING YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Honoree, Bina Ellen, pictured with Dr. Simcha Kleiman (left) and her husband, Leonard Ellen 6 Now Available Through The Auxiliary Can Be Your Newest Best Friend! $28.00 taxes included Lifeline is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. Founded in 1974, Lifeline is the major provider of personal response systems in North America. In the U.S. and Canada subscribers total over 400,000. In Canada there are over 50,000 subscribers connected to more than 250 hospital and community based programs. To order a copy contact: The Auxiliary (514) 340-8216. VHS/DVD English or French. The Montreal response center and regional office monitors over 12,000 subscribers. The Auxiliary Offers... We are proud to report that the Jewish General Hospital program has over 400 subscribers. INFANT CPR & FIRST AID COURSE Benefits of Lifeline offered in English and French on an on-going basis Call (514) 340-8216 for the next available dates. Lifeline provides peace of mind for subscribers and their families. Left to right: Pictured at the Lifeline Montreal Call Centre are newly trained volunteers Issie Moscovitch, Harvey Lyman and Bernard Victor. They are now qualified to install Lifeline into the subscribers home and join an existing team - Morty Cornblit, Rachelle Douek, Carole Flikier, Barbara Gartner, Sandra Gutherz, Sonny Morris and Fran Yagod Lifeline provides early intervention in times of need and distress. A subscriber will get help immediately. Lack of assistance for hours or days after falling can result in complications and even death. H H elping eart Lifeline is affordable. It costs no more than a cup of coffee at the mall each day. For those in financial need arrangements can be made. Lifeline provides reassurance. It is like having someone living with you. If you spend the winter in Florida, you may take Lifeline with you. Lifeline provides independence and safety in one's own home. Ann Lassner, Sandy Rosen, Beverly Rudolph Zabarsky, Chairs Our partnership with Lifeline benefits the community and the hospital. With proceeds from Lifeline we have purchased beds for the geriatric department. As well, Lifeline allows patients to return home earlier freeing up hospital beds. Heart-shaped pillows are provided with the compliments of The Auxiliary. Hugging these helping hearts alleviates the chest pain experienced by patients recovering from cardiac surgery. Fran Yagod, Chair Should you wish to support patient services such as this one, a donation would be greatly appreciated. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ For information please call the JGH Lifeline number (514) 344-2172 Handcrafted items are made by participants of a unique JGH program and sold at the Fall Fair. [ ] $18 [ ] $36 [ ] other __________ Name__________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Postal Code __________________________________________________ [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Cheque Credit Card # __________________________________________________ Exp. date _________ Signature _________________________ Please make cheques payable to: The Auxiliary, JGH and mail to: l-r: Sonja Isenberg, Recreologist, Ina Zaritsky, Recreologist, Diane Fenster, Volunteer, Vilma Reisler, Coordinator of the Psychosocial Geriatric Treatment Programme, Hela Boro and Eileen Fleischer, Auxiliary Co-Presidents The Auxiliary, Jewish General Hospital 3755 ch. de la Côte Ste. Catherine, #A 018 Montréal, Québec H3T 1E2 7 The 12TH ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC was held on JUNE 14, 2004 at HILLSDALE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB. As our major fundraising event, The Auxiliary once again joined the JGH Foundation in publishing a Souvenir Book. With this year’s Golf Classic proceeds of $ 1,024,000.00, the PACS Imaging System will be fully operational. Instead of images being kept on film, they can be stored digitally and displayed on computer monitors. These images are then readily accessible to any requesting physician in a timely fashion, leading to more rapid diagnosis and treatment. Golf Classic 2004 Souvenir Book Chairpersons Committee Sandra Gutherz Judy Shaicovitch Fran Yagod Marilyn Aisen Marisa Carnevale Franceen Finesilver Karen Grossbaum Florence Mitmaker Sandy Rosen Bonnie Rothstein 8 Getting To Know Us Attend Our Used Book Fair Franceen Goodman Finesilver, R.N., C.I.M.I. Franceen Goodman Finesilver is a registered nurse who graduated in 1970 from the JGH School of Nursing. Franceen currently works availability in the Neonatal Unit and has also worked in Psychiatry at the Jewish General Hospital. She has a private practice teaching infant massage to parents and caregivers. Franceen has been active with The Auxiliary for over twenty years. Currently, she is a Board member who is on the Programme Committee, Membership Committee and chairs the Baby Projects and Professional Nurses Category in the Golf Classic Souvenir Book. Franceen’s personal philosophy is that a “sense of connectedness” whether through respectful touch or working for a cause, gives meaning to one’s life. Sunday, August 29th and Monday, August 30th Pav. A Auditorium 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Hilda Berenbaum, Molly Daitchman, Leah Reisler and Sonia Zuker, Chairs Holiday Shopping Evening, join us at Casa Fina November 16, 2004. Phyllis Karper, Chair Blood Donor Clinic Rosemary Caplan, Joyce Kreisman and Edie Orleans, Chairs The Auxiliary holds three Blood Drives a year. Next Clinic to be held on November 15th, Pav. A Auditorium, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. NEW MEMBERS We are proud to welcome our Cookbook Committee as New Members of the Auxiliary. We want YOU... DONORS Ronit Amsel Stephanie Assouline Carrie Bacher Ricki Band Natalie Batshaw Lisa Beaudet Bridgit Beinstock Dahlia Ben-Dat Fisher Della Bercovitch Samara Berlach Robin Berman Sylvie Bismuth Allison Boman Louise Boman Joyce Boro Lisa Brookman Julie Brownstein Eliza Buksbaum Dana Caplan Shari Chankowsky Rotholz Danielle Cheff-Bassell Sherrie Child Gail Cohen Robyn Cohen Jennifer Croll-Wolfe Howard Dubrovsky Mark Eiley Stacey Eisenberg Yael Elfassy Mandy Ephraim-Steinberg Lisa Epstein Laura Fish Elana Fogel-Poplaw Adele Friedman Miriyam Fruchtermann Nathalie Gabbay Shawna Goodman-Sone Tania Guindi Judy Hagshi Romy Hutman Stephanie Hutman-Glazer Andrea Kastner Sharon Katsof Paula Kerllenevich Alyssa Kerner Stephanie King Gabby Kogan Marcie Krane Linda Lang Angela Lehrer-Vineberg Carly Levine Doree Levine Susan Levinger Donna Litvack Melissa Margles Julie Matlin Heidi Minkoff Wendy Nadler Aviva Orenstein-Kalen Tiffany Pinchuk Shoshana Quint Karen Richstone-Forman Roz Rinzler Eve Rochman-Boretsky Viva Roditi Zena Rosenberg Roochie Rosenfeld Lianne Routtenberg Lisa Rubin Joanna Ruckenstein Lori Schick Lesli Sheinberg On May 3, 2004 86 pints were collected. Jennifer Silver-Zangwill Lisa Smith Marian Sniatowsky Rachelle Sochaczevski Virginia Sokoloff Sandie Sparkman Leslie Spector-Cons Stephanie Steinman Julie Stelcner-Miller Leslie Szirt Randa Wexler Julie Wiener Meryl Witkin Alyssa Wolfe Susan Wolfe Tamar Yarofsky Dana Zinman-Lohner Flower Corner Order your flowers, plants, centerpieces, gift and baby baskets for all occasions by calling the Flower Corner (514) 340-8222 local 5512. Outside deliveries available. The shop is located in the main lobby of the hospital, Côte Ste. Catherine entrance. BENEFACTORS Reminder: Rosh Hashanah falls on September 16, 2004 Susan Puritz LIFE MEMBERS We always need volunteers - can you help? Call Barbara Lang (514) 340-8222 local 5983 Lila Ackman Ida Boretsky Eileen Borsuk Rita Chazin Marvin Corber Peggy Fleming Helaine Herman Babara Rogozinsky Joyce Schwartz Phyllis Stern Barbara Victor Mayme Vineberg Bernice Weinbaum Frances Yagod Entertainment Book 2005 Discounts, coupons and more Available at The Auxiliary These books make terrific gifts! To order call The Auxiliary TO JOIN CALL THE AUXILIARY AT: (514) 340-8216 Life Member : $500.00* Guardian : $118.00 Benefactor : $ 54.00 Patron Donor at (514) 340-8216 or visit Room A-018 to reserve a copy. : $ 36.00 : $ 25.00 * Payable over 3 years 9 TRIBUTE CARDS For All Occasions The Tribute Card for the JGH Auxiliary is a reproduction of a Sam Borenstein (1908-1969) landscape, titled “St. Lucie Autumn”. Acknowledging a special occasion in someone’s life is always appreciated. One phone call to the Auxiliary office can have a card sent to mark an occasion. You will be showing your thoughtfulness while helping our hospital. We issue tax receipts with a minimum $10 donation. Call (514) 340-8216 A retrospective of the artist’s work will be exhibited at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts from June 9th to August 21st, 2005. We record with gratitude gifts received from December 11, 2003 – June 14, 2004. Tribute Fund Carole and Stanley Satov - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandchild Births Donor: Rosemary and Stephen Caplan – Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Lucy & Norman Wolkove Liane Castelino - Congratulations on the birth of a daughter Donor: The Auxiliary Joanne and Bruce Costom - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Helaine Herman Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dick - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Debbie & Ellis Basevitz Mr. and Mrs. Joel Engel - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Debbie & Ellis Basevitz Richa and Gary Freedman - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Donor: Dorothy & Richard Rotholz Karen and Louis Grossbaum - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donors: The Auxiliary Hela & Jeff Boro Marilyn & Walter Golfman Sarah Katz - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Merle and Jack Klam - Mazel Tov on the birth of your granddaughter Donor: Hela & Jeff Boro & Family Evelyn and David Kozloff - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Marilyn & Walter Golfman Anne and Gordon Kugler - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Richa and Gary Freedman Arlene and Jack Lazare - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Donor: Debbie & Ellis Basevitz Rachel and Moe Lester - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Miles and Corine Leutner - Mazel Tov on the birth of a son Donors: The Auxiliary Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Muriel Lichter - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Essie & Sam Rudy Lucy & Norman Wolkove Carole and Elliot Lifson - Mazel Tov on the birth of twin grandchildren Donor: Hela & Jeff Boro and Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Joanna and Bram Naimer - Mazel Tov on the birth of a daughter Donor: The Auxiliary Dorothy and Richard Rotholz - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Dorothy and Richard Rotholz - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Richa and Gary Freedman Judy & Joey Kaback & Family Dorothy & Richard Rotholz Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Blaichman - Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son Syl Gossack - Special Donor: Virginia Sokoloff - Mazel Tov on the arrival of your new baby Donor: Zelda Ruth Harris - Special Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goldstein - Mazel Tov on your marriage Donor: Donor: Donor: Eileen & Jeff Fleischer The Auxiliary Gertrude Goldstein Gertrude Goldstein Carol and Michael Tylman - Mazel Tov on the birth of twins Rita Hirscheimer - 65th Donor: Donor: Harriet & Lenny Bergman Debbie & Ellis Basevitz Marilyn and Seymour Issenman Elaine and Mel Hershenfield - Mazel Tov on the marriage of Hindy and Brian Joey Kaback - Special Donor: Evy and Richard Uditsky - Mazel Tov on the birth of twin grandchildren Donor: Maxwell M. Kalman - 98th Ann and Bob Lassner - Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son Donors: The Auxiliary Hela & Jeff Boro and Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Sandra Gutherz Helaine Herman Phyllis & George Kis Dorothy Rotholz Lucy & Norman Wolkove Donor: Donor: Dorothy Rotholz Susan and Mark Wainberg - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: The Auxiliary Lucy and Norman Wolkove - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donors: The Auxiliary Rosemary & Steve Caplan Rona & Morley Miller Julie & Joel Rosen Marilyn & Walter Golfman The Auxiliary Sheila Lerner - Special Donor: Beatrice and Jon Kantor Donor: Donor: Hedy Lis - 60th Dr. Joseph and Susan Portnoy - Mazel Tov on the marriage of your daughter Donor: Donor: Dr. Reginald Lewis Phyllis & George Kis Denise Martin - Special Donor: The Auxiliary Donor: Sharon and Esser Spiegel - Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son David to Alisa Sara & David Rinzler Jerry Tarasofsky - Special Donor: Dorothy & Richard Rotholz Richard Uditsky - 60th Donors: The Auxiliary Elaine Woolner Donor: Donor: Engagements Sophie Corber Allan Daitchman - 50th Donor: Hilda & Hy Berenbaum Linda Feldman - 60th Donor: Stephanie and Spencer Goodman Eileen Fleischer - 60th Donors: Linda Azeff Ruth Ballon Hela & Jeff Boro Heather Browman Marilyn Cobrin Claire and Eddy Ferraro Marilyn & Walter Golfman Judy & Joey Kaback Ellie and Gordie Kadonoff Sarah Katz Phyllis & George Kis Margaret Agnes Lebovits Beatrice & Lew Lewis Brenda Held and Alec Lubov Carol Luger Marilyn Maron Elaine Rodier Ruth Rosen Dorothy & Richard Rotholz Jorie Segal Lilliana and David Simpson Aura Tietolman Ruth and Morty Weiner Ida and Morty Williams Evy Uditsky & Elaine Woolner Fran Yagod Franki & Peter Yanofsky Raphael Fleming - 70th Donors: The Auxiliary Leonard Wendman The Auxiliary Sharon and Murray Rosenhek - Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son Donor: Bill Adelman - 80th Donor: Faigie & Bob Springer Harry Rozental - Special Mr. and Mrs. Morty Williams - Special Birthday and 60th Wedding Anniversary Evelyn Schleien The Auxiliary Julius Goldstein and Shirley Masser - Mazel Tov on your marriage Ethel Lewis - Special Birthdays William J. Corber - 90th Judy & Joey Kaback Eileen, Jeff, Dara, Sandy & Jennifer Fleischer Debbie & Ellis Basevitz Donors: The Auxiliary Harriet & Lenny Bergman Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Sara & David Rinzler Evy Uditsky & Elaine Woolner Dr. Susan Wisebord and Steven Cummings Mazel Tov on the marriage of your daughter Donor: The Auxiliary Rachel and Jonas Bacher - Mazel Tov on the engagement of your daughter Wedding Anniversary Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Donor: Gloria and Richard Bass - Mazel Tov on the engagement of your daughter Donor: Donor: Donors: Rose & Eli Yaffe Hela & Jeff Boro Lily and Solly Borsuk - Special Ida and Morty Williams Heather and Jerry Browman - 15th Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Sylvia and Fred Cleman - 50th Jennifer Cukier and Mike Cukier - Mazel Tov on the engagement of Gigi to Jay Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goren Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Phyllis and George Kis - 40th Ellie and Harrison Cutler - Mazel Tov on the engagement of a granddaughter Donor: The Auxiliary Roz and Morris Goodman - Mazel Tov on the engagement of Jonathan to Dana Donor: Reva Mones Donors: The Auxiliary Hela & Jeff Boro Rosalie & Harvey Faigan Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Dorothy & Richard Rotholz Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Speedy Recovery Sonja Isenberg - Mazel Tov on the engagement of your son Donor: Donor: Donor: The Auxiliary Mrs. B. Bush Debbie & Ellis Basevitz Shirley Demberg Betty and Allan Richstone Nan and Bill Lassner - Mazel Tov on the engagement of your son Dr. Hymie Freedman Donor: Rhoda Hockenstein Rosalie & Harvey Faigan Donor: Norma & Norman Freedman Sandi and Howard Lewis - Mazel Tov on the engagement of Joanna to Morrie Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Donor: Michael Kay Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Sonny Morris - Mazel Tov on the engagement of your granddaughter Donor: Donor: Donor: The Auxiliary The Auxiliary Edward Klein Essie & Sam Rudy Debby and Manny Vineberg - Mazel Tov on the engagement of your daughter Essie Milly Lande Donor: Sam Litman The Auxiliary Donor: Lynn and Ron Waxman - Mazel Tov on the engagement of Lori to Michael Donor: Donor: Donor: The Auxiliary The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Hy Orleans The Auxiliary Shelley Goldberg - 50th Marriage Goldie Pearl Donors: The Auxiliary Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Sylvia and René Amar - Mazel Tov on reaffirming their wedding vows Sophie Poladian Marilyn Golfman - Special Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Donors: The Auxiliary Hela & Jeff Boro Eileen & Jeff Fleischer 10 Donor: Donor: Fran & Tully Yagod The Auxiliary Morton Ptack Donors: Debbie & Ellis Basevitz Kovac & Lapkovsky Families George Reinhart The Auxiliary - In appreciation Mildred (Millie) Katz Isabel Wener Donor: Donor: Donor: Essie & Sam Rudy Margery Rishikoff Donor: Evelyn Schleien Mike Sackman Donor: Betty and Allan Richstone Edith Sheidlower Donor: Betty and Allan Richstone Dr. Mel Shevell Jonathan Wener - Mazel Tov on receiving the Order of Canada Karen & Louis Grossbaum Gabor Kertesz Donors: Marilyn & Walter Golfman Dorothy & Richard Rotholz Donor: Philip Wiseman Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Evy & Richard Uditsky Elaine Woolner Anya Kisileivsky-Putterman Donor: Donor: Father of Susan Zelman Donors: Norma & Norman Freedman Rona & Morley Miller In Memory Elca Shinder Donor: Donor: Brother of Sadie Auerbach Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Samuel Afrin Saundra Barrer Marvin Walker Donor: Donor: Morrie Bakerman Naomi & Willie Epstein Rona & Morley Miller Jeff Yagod Donor: Donor: George Balcan The Auxiliary Miscellaneous Norma & Norman Freedman Donors: Harriet & Lenny Bergman Marilyn & Walter Golfman Saundra Barrer Dorothy Rotholz Jordana Mednick Roberto Klein Donor: Donor: Fela Zolna Francie & Murray Krane Rose Kopelman Donors: The Auxiliary Florence & Jerry Berns Hela & Jeff Boro Dale & Nat Boidman Joyce and Myer Deitcher Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Rena & Mervyn Gornitsky Dorothy Rotholz Essie & Sam Rudy Anne Shuster Evy & Richard Uditsky Elaine Woolner Manny Batshaw - Mazel Tov on receiving the Order of Canada David Beloff Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Essie & Sam Rudy Father of France Bergeron Armand Krespine Donor: Donor: Marlene Brand Heitner George Kushnir Jeffrey Boro - Congratulations on your installation as President, Canadian Jewish Congress Donor: Donor: Donors: The Auxiliary Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Elaine Woolner Sheryl and Jeffrey Cape - Mazel Tov on Amanda's Bat Mitzvah Donor: Dorothy & Richard Rotholz Donor: Helen Wiener & Amos Federman The Auxiliary Joyce & Harvey Kreisman Saundra Barrer Gertrude Goldstein Jenny Burstein Brother of Nancy Lafontaine Donors: Susan and Michael Cohen Linda & Jay Saks Donor: Annie Cohen Donor: Donor: Florence & Jerry Berns Nathan Cohen Donors: Lila Ackman Florence & Jerry Berns Zenia Matis Samuel Lazarus The Auxiliary Father of David Lewis Donor: Phyllis & George Kis Jack Lubotta Donors: Sandra & Phil Gutherz Rose, Eli, Stephen and Shelley Yaffe Bunny and Leonard Daitch - Mazel Tov on your grandson's Bar Mitzvah Father of Helen Cons Donor: Ruth Dolansky Donor: Mother of Judy Majerovics Donor: Howard Dubrovsky - In honour of our son Donors: The Auxiliary Mindy Quint Evy and Richard Uditsky and Elaine Woolner Donor: Pauline Dolgin Donors: The Auxiliary Eileen Fleischer & Hela Boro Hessa & Donald Davis Rachelle Douek - In appreciation Donor: Steffi Halton Elaine & Ricky Dubrovsky Donor: Phyllis and George Kis Judith Luger Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Lumisculpt Productions Lily Marks Bina Ellen - Congratulations on being the honoree at the Casino Royale Donor: Father of Vicki Feil Billy Miller Donors: Gillian Afrin Gloria & Peter Burnett Ruth & Edgar Cohen Sharon Cohen-Rosenthal Pearl Craft Shirley Croll Lucille and Peter Gates Bobbi and Michael Kates Betty Reitman Steven Shadowitz & Earl Veinish Lillian and Stephen Vineberg Donor: Donor: Phil Goodman - Mazel Tov on your grandson's Bar Mitzvah Donor: Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Morris Hoffman - Mazel Tov on becoming Chair of the Equipment Acquisition Committee Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Judy Kaback - Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Phyllis Kis - Congratulations on a great job Casino Royale night Donor: Elizabeth (Betty) Kis Marer Sheila and Marvyn Kussner - Good health and Happy Passover Donor: Essie & Sam Rudy William Lassner - Congratulations on your installation as Treasurer, Canadian Jewish Congress Donors: The Auxiliary Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Elaine Woolner Sari Litman - Good luck in your new home Donor: The Auxiliary Essie & Sam Rudy Ita and Mark Wilk Marilyn & Walter Golfman David Fischler Mirka Minc Donor: Donor: Hela & Jeff Boro Bonnie & Irving Rothstein Mother of Dr. Rowan Fish Esther Moss Donor: Donor: Anne Shuster Arleen, Ray, Kyle & Kristin Martin Louis Fogul Ben Nagley Donors: The Auxiliary Ruth & Basil Ballon Saundra Barrer Florence & Jerry Berns Pnina Blum Dale Boidman Hela & Jeff Boro Gloria Brownstein Ruth Costin Rosalie Faigan Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Bruce Freedman Marilyn & Walter Golfman Sandra Gutherz Judy Kaback Cindy Kay Phyllis & George Kis Harriet & Mark Krakower Joan Lazarus Rona & Morley Miller Lenore Plafker Sylvia Quint Judith & Antonio Rapaport Susan Raymer Wygodny Judy Shaicovitch Anne Shuster Evy Uditsky & Elaine Woolner Lucy & Norman Wolkove Fran & Tully Yagod Sonia Zuker Donor: Mother of Dr. Norman Fox Donor: Rose Eidinger Jacob Ohanessian Donor: The Auxiliary Donor: The Auxiliary Fran & Tully Yagod Jenny Pecher Donor: Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Herbert Plafker Donor: The Auxiliary Myer Pollock Donors: Florence & Jerry Berns Evelyn Schleien Arthur Rabinovitch Donor: Evy and Richard Uditsky and Elaine Woolner Lucy & Norman Wolkove Sadie Schapira The Auxiliary Izu Schwartz Donor: Debbie & Ellis Basevitz Jane Segal Jeffrey Boro Hela, Jeff, Joyce & Richard Boro Linda & Jay Saks Ann Yanow Elliott Sheftman Donors: Elaine Woolner Rose & Eli Yaffe Donor: Kenny Goldberg Donor: Donors: Harriet & Lenny Bergman Kathy Kis Beatrice Silcoff Donor: Father of Phyllis Goldwasser Eleanor Spector Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Donor: Donor: Tooker Gomberg Irving Suknow Isabelle and Sam Shuster - Mazel Tov on your new home Donor: Donor: Sister of Henry Greenspoon Father of Ellen Tannenbaum Donor: Donor: Donor: Harriet & Lenny Bergman Percy Shore Sharan and Brian Shore & Family Rose & Eli Yaffe Evy and Richard Uditsky & Elaine Woolner Rose & Eli Yaffe Hela & Jeff Boro & Family Steven and Liane Singer - Mazel Tov on your new home Mother of Chessey Joblon Father of Debby Vineberg Donor: Donor: Sara Kaback Donors: The Auxiliary Florence & Jerry Berns Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Rose Sonabend - Mazel Tov on your grandson's graduation Donor: The Auxiliary Donors: Harriet & Lenny Bergman Rena & Mervyn Gornitsky Evelyn Schleien Bob & Faigie Springer Donor: Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland & Family Naomi and Eddie Greenberg - 50th Donor: Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland Speedy Recovery Harry Schneider Donor: Arlene Chinks Miscellaneous Julius Grey - Congratulations on receiving the Honour du Barreau Donor: Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland In Memory Mother of Linda Bloom Donor: Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland Sarah Litwin Donor: Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland Sister of Dr. Lenny Mendell Donor: Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland Ralph Silverstone Donor: Arlene Chinks Mrs. Slabotsky Donor: Anita Brownstein Phillip Wiseman Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland Messod Dahan Donor: Goodman Family Sister of Claire Lightstone Donor: Rosalind & Morris Goodman Florence Rubin Donor: Rosalind & Morris Goodman Sophie Sherman Donor: Rosalind & Morris Goodman Lilian Levitt Shuchat Donor: Rosalind & Morris Goodman Miscellaneous Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons David Alter - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Jacques Benyayer & Family - Happy Passover Donor: Donor: Phyllis & George Kis Riva and Ron Brownstein Sister-in-law of Essie Rudy Sally Sheff Freda & Ernie and Micki & Norm Keesal Arlene Chinks Wedding Anniversary Donor: Myer (Mike) Gold Evelyn Schleien Donor: Beallor Family - Happy Passover Donor: Norma & Norman Freedman Arlene Chinks Dora Morrow Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Marilyn & Walter Golfman Rudolfo Gasman Miriam Young Donor: Harold Rubin Donor: Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland Avie Morrow Donor: Louis Sheff Risa Scherzer - Mazel Tov on your daughter receiving her PH D Donor: Adler Family - Happy Passover Donor: Donor: Arlene Chinks Ken McKrindle - 80th Donors: The Auxiliary Alice Solomon Rose & Eli Yaffe Sam Gains Fred Rosenthal - Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah Donor: Florence Rubin Donor: Evy Uditsky & Elaine Woolner Arlene Chinks & Gerald Stotland & Family Leslie Hoppenheim - 60th In Memory Frances Pearson Pierre Sévigny Phyllis & Ian Karper Donor: Cookbook Fund Charlotte & Jerry Silverstone Donors: Esther Charad Fran & Tully Yagod Donors: The Auxiliary Ruth Ballon Hela, Jeff, Joyce & Richard Boro Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Fran & Tully Yagod Benjamin Greenberg - Special Donor: Donor: Susan Raymer - Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Birthdays Alvin Pearson Sidney Friedman Kathy Kis Essie & Sam Rudy Saul Brownstein Memorial Fund Donor: The Auxiliary Donors: The Auxiliary Hela Boro & Eileen Fleischer Donor: Hela & Jeff Boro & Family Donor: Donor: Franceen & Allan Finesilver Donor: Goldie Pearl Harriet Muroff - Congratulations on becoming President - Sisterhood, Shaar Hashomayim Moe Fraiberg Rose & Eli Yaffe Jack Waxman Donors: Kathy Kis Donor: Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brookman - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Carr Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Cobrin Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Cons Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Dr. Deborah Cohen - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Franka Cola - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Jack Cola and Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons P. Cola and Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cons - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Diamond Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Eisenberg Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Fixman Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Howard Glazer - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Handelsman Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Helfenbaum Family - Happy Passover Donor: 11 Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Marty Bell and Family - Happy Passover Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Mr. and Mrs. Dov Heller - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Itkovitz Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Kashetsky Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Kaspy Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Dr. Phyllis Kimia - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kraft - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons In Memory Milan Hofman Jenny Burstein Donor: Peggy and Earl & Leah Fixman Sara Jacobs Donor: Peggy & Earl Fixman Rose Kopelman Donor: Peggy & Earl Fixman Fay Smith Donor: Peggy, Earl & Wendy Fixman Peter Tietolman Donor: Donor: Jack Waxman Donor: Donor: Isabel Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Lutterman & Family Happy Passover Donor: Donor: Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Rabbi Moishe New & Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Dan Philip & Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Father of Harold Wise Births Joni Bloomberg - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Donor: Donor: Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Rabbi Rosner and Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Mrs. and Esther Roth - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Irwin Schectman - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Schick Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Stephen Shadowitz - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Spector Family - Happy Passover Franceen & Allan Finesilver Franceen & Allan Finesilver The Auxiliary Hela & Jeff Boro Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Phyllis & George Kis Bonnie and Jeffrey Marcus Sandy and Ron Miller Sara & David Rinzler Rozie and Leslie Saxe Judy & Jack Shaicovitch Elaine Woolner Iselott Gasman Iselott & Fernando Gasman Father of Debby Vineberg Iselott & Fernando Gasman Philip Wiseman Donor: Iselott Gasman Paul Schwartz Memorial Fund Births Karen and Louis Grossbaum - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Nan & Bill Lassner Evy and Richard Uditsky - Mazel Tov on the birth of twin grandchildren Donor: Nan & Bill Lassner Jeffrey Boro - Congratulations on your installation as President, Canadian Jewish Congress Birthdays Donor: Donor: Rosalie & Phil Gordon Tammy Evin - Special Nan & Bill Lassner Eileen Fleischer - 60th Donor: Nan & Bill Lassner Jenny Burstein Stan Zack - Special Donor: Donor: Franceen & Allan Finesilver Donors: Rosalie & Phil Gordon Lucy & Norman Wolkove Esser Spiegel - 60th Donors Rosalie & Phil Gordon Ruth Dolansky Sharon & Esser Spiegel Donor: Donor: In Memory Eileen Fleischer - 60th Rotholz Family - Happy Passover Donor: Sharon & Esser Spiegel Birthdays Donor: Alice Solomon Miscellaneous Lucy Fleischer Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Rosenzweig - Happy Passover Rosenzweig Family - Happy Passover Aileen Tenenbaum Donor: Peggy & Earl Fixman Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Donor: Dr. and Mrs. Apostolos Papageorgiou Mazel Tov on the birth of Sofia Peggy & Earl Fixman & Family Iselott Gasman Donor: Donor: Rabbi Prupas & Family - Happy Passover Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Herbert Plafker Muriel Lichter - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Peggy Fixman Fran Wener Donor: Donor: Alice Solomon Rose Williams Donor: Peggy & Earl Fixman & Family Rose Kopelman Donor: Rosemary and Steve Caplan - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Peggy & Earl Fixman Levy Family - Happy Passover Alice Solomon Lillian Schuchat-Levitt Births Peggy & Earl Fixman Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lebovics - Happy Passover Alice Solomon Roslyn Liebling Memorial Fund Father of John Swidler Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Donor: Sara Kaback Donor: Eileen, David, Jodi, Stephen & Evan Goldsmith Phyllis & George Kis The Schuster & Osten Family Foundation Sandy & Allen Quallenberg Alice Solomon David Krakower Peggy & Earl Fixman Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Donor: Louis Fogul Maida Kraft and Family - Happy Passover Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Donor: Louis Fogul Donors: Rachel Hyams Franceen & Allan Finesilver Rosalie Gordon Rose Kopelman Donor: Franceen & Allan Finesilver Samuel Karl Lazarus Donor: Rosalie & Phil Gordon Raymond Staub Donor: Rona & Peter Small Nan & Bill Lassner Engagements Rosalie and Harvey Faigan - Mazel Tov on the engagement of your son Donor: Nan & Bill Lassner Marriage Daughter of Carol and Jerry Shattner Donor: Nan & Bill Lassner Sharon and Esser Spiegel - Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son Donor: Nan & Bill Lassner In Memory Speedy Recovery Moszek Zylbergold Mother of Eli Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Allen Spector - Happy Passover Shirley Wanger Donor: Donor: Donor: Donor: Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Rob Spector - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Sharon & Esser Spiegel Louis Fogul Donor: Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Rabbi Spiros - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Suliteanu Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Rabbi Itchy Treitel & Family - Happy Passover Donor: Leslie, Michael, Olivia & Simon Cons Donor: Bella Kaufman Donor: Lea and Steve Kirman - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Donor: Peggy, Earl, Wendy, Jeff and Randy Fixman Judy and Joey Kaback - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Peggy & Earl Fixman Sharon & Esser Spiegel Brother of Joe Richman Birthday Sharon & Esser Spiegel Eileen Fleischer - 60th Millie Talisman Donor: Lea & Steve Kirman Donors: The Auxiliary Hela & Jeff Boro Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Sharon & Esser Spiegel Bill Miller Donor: Marcia and Perry Guralnick - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Sharon & Esser Spiegel Rose Kopelman Births Peggy and Earl Fixman Sharon & Esser Spiegel Donor: Fixman Family Fund Donor: Gail and Elliot Berzan - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Donor: Sharon & Esser Spiegel Lea & Steve Kirman In Memory Mitchell Karper Memorial Fund Birthdays Donor: Phyllis Karper Lea & Steve Kirman Hershie Waxman Donor: Phyllis & Ian Karper Phillippe Telio Donor: Lea & Steve Kirman Jordie, Sari, Maya & Jonah Sacks Donor: Phyllis & Ian Karper Donor: Donor: Mother of Lou Cooper Peggy & Earl Fixman Donor: Phyllis & Ian Karper Kenny Goldberg Donors: Phyllis & Ian Karper Sari & Jordan Sacks Son of Dr. Chuck and Barbara Gomberg Donor: Donor: Marriage Phyllis & Ian Karper Sara Kaback Donor: Sister of Larry Kaplan Miscellaneous Donor: Donor: The Fixman Family Judy Kaback - Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Donor: Peggy & Earl Fixman Susan Raymer Wygodny - Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Donor: Peggy & Earl Fixman Donor: Iselott & Fernando Gasman Eileen Fleischer - 60th Donor: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Phyllis Karper Rhoda Pervin Phyllis & Ian Karper Sandy & Hascal Rosen Louis Fogul Pola and Eric Berman - Mazel Tov on the engagement of Ephraim to Adriane Father of Dr. Anne Israeli Donor: Rose Kopelman Iselott & Fernando Gasman Donor: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Donors: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Riva and Carl Gelber - Mazel Tov on the engagement of your daughter Debra Donors: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Donor: Donors: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Iselott & Fernando Gasman Elliot Sheftman Sara Wener Donors: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Sharon and Esser Spiegel - Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son David to Alisa Miscellaneous Donor: Isaac Amouyal - In appreciation Iselott & Fernando Gasman Ruth Dolansky Donor: Donor: Donor: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Iselott Gasman Iselott & Fernando Gasman Louis Fogul Iselott & Fernando Gasman Rudolfo Gasman Donors: The Auxiliary Nancy & Gerry Goldenberg & Family 12 Sandy & Hascal Rosen Engagements Donor: Alice Solomon Donor: Donor: Donor: Donor: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Byron Dolgin Lyon Fainer Iselott & Fernando Gasman Charles Wolbromsky Leon Haimovici Mother of Julia Cohen Donor: Donor: In Memory Donors: The Auxiliary Hela & Jeff Boro Eileen & Jeff Fleischer Eleanor & Mel Sandler & Family Esser Spiegel - 60th Jenny Burstein Annabel Levine Solomon Memorial Fund Sandy and Hascal Rosen - Mazel Tov on the engagement of Donna to Tim Donor: Iselott & Fernando Gasman In Memory Phyllis & Ian Karper Engagement Donor: Sadie Schapira Phyllis & Ian Karper Sandy & Hascal Rosen In Memory Marriage Phyllis & Ian Karper Deanna and Syd Godel - Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son Donor: Peggy, Earl & Wendy Fixman In appreciation of the Doctors, Nurses and Caregivers on 6 North-West Birthday Evy and Richard Uditsky - Mazel Tov on the birth of twin grandchildren Birthdays Phyllis & Ian Karper Leila Paperman Peggy, Earl, Wendy, Jeff and Randy Fixman Donor: Irving and Judy Katsof - Mazel Tov on your grandson's Bar Mitzvah Elliot Title - 65th Donor: Muriel Lichter - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Miscellaneous George Balcan Louis Grossbaum Donor: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Donor: Sandy & Hascal Rosen Donor: Speedy Recovery Carole and Elliot Lifson - Mazel Tov on the birth of twin grandchildren Selma Rosen - Special In Memory Peggy and Earl Fixman Birth Donor: Eileen Fleischer - 60th Peggy and Earl Fixman Nan & Bill Lassner Leah & Sam Zatz Memorial Fund Kenny Goldberg Births Peggy, Earl & Wendy Fixman Donor: Terry and Allen Lastman - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Donor: Donor: Nan & Bill Lassner Father of Harold Wise Donor: Herman Porper Memorial Fund Peggy and Earl Fixman Donor: Milton Friefeld - Special Lea & Steve Kirman Esther Backler - Special Koral and Allan Zeidel - Mazel Tov on the birth of a granddaughter Nan & Bill Lassner Rose Kopelman Donor: Donor: Donor: Nan & Bill Lassner Mother of Pam Frost Births Birthdays Evy and Richard Uditsky - Mazel Tov on the birth of twin grandchildren Donor: Jack Dubin Anne and Gordie Kugler - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Peggy & Earl Fixman Nan & Bill Lassner Louis Fogul Donor: Births Sharon & Esser Spiegel Rudolfo Gasman Donor: Karen and Louis Grossbaum - Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson Pauline and Maurice Schmerler Memorial Fund In Memory Dana Spector & Family - Happy Passover Franceen & Allan Finesilver We try our best, but errors and/or omissions do occur. If we have erred, please notify us by calling (514) 340-8216.