Public company Endiama, E.P. celebrates 100 years counting from


Public company Endiama, E.P. celebrates 100 years counting from
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• Public company
Endiama, E.P.
celebrates 100 years
counting from the
discovery of the first
• South Kwanza’s Vice­
Governor confirms
availability to private
• Agriculture at the top
of the priorities for
• Payments in national
currency by
petroleum companies
shall start in July
• Development and
promotion of the
economy ad main
challanges in Angola
• Angola LNG ships its
first load
• Angola and Portugal
study new forms of
May/June 2013
Vitor Marques da Cruz
Public company Endiama, E.P. celebrates 100
years counting from the discovery of the first
The Diamonds National Company, ENDIAMA, E.P. organized an
international conference in Luanda to signalize the 100 years counting
from the discovery of the first diamonds in Angola.
The conference’s aim was to present its participants the geological
potential of diamonds, raise investors for its projects and also do an
assessment of the present and past of this industry, as well as
regarding future perspectives.
For the above mentioned purposes, the two­day conference consisted
on lectures and discussions regarding matters connected to the
diamonds and jewellery, prospection, research, production,
commercialization, stoning and the prices in the international market.
Catoca aims to be parto f the world’s biggest mining companies The Director of Catoca’s Mining Company (CMC), Ganga Junior,
stated that this company wishes to be part of the world’s biggest
mining companies until 2020 by reaching a turnover in the amount of
130 billion Kwanzas and also to explore other mining resources.
South Kwanza’s Vice­Governor confirms
Executive’s availability to private investment
South Kwanza’s Vice­Governor Mateus de Brito confirmed the
Executive’s availability to public/private investments, having in mind
the exploration of this region’s potential, which shall be done through
the easing of administrative requirements for investors who want to
enter this area’s local market. “We wish to make the province’s economy more dynamic and
competitive through promoting the private sector as the main sector of
the sustainable development, as well as to enhance
entrepreneurialism” stated Mateus de Brito during lecture directed to
students of the Katiavala Bwila University. Mateus de Brito identified several investment opportunities in the
areas of fishery, agriculture and livestock and highlighted the
importance of the manufacturing industry regarding the economic
development and creation of employment, the increase of public
revenue and the diversification of the economy.
Agriculture at the top of the priorities for
"Vitor is the founding
partner of MC&A,
graduated at the School
of Law of the University of
Lisbon, where he
performed functions as
assistant professor
having taught classes in
Public Finances. He is
also post­graduated in
European Law at the
School of Law of the
Portuguese Catholic
University. With extensive and varied
business law experience
including large scale
M&A and corporate
transactions. He has
specialized experience in
Banking and Capital
Markets, in Portuguese
and Angolan law."
Av. da Liberdade, 262­4 Esq.
1250­149 Lisboa, Portugal
T 351 213 569 930
F 351 213 569 939
The agriculture, civil construction, infrastructures, fishery, education
and health are the sectors on top of the Government’s priority list,
according to a statement made the Private Investment National
Agency’s Chairman, Maria Luísa Abrantes. Also according to Maria Luísa Abrantes, the areas considered as
relevant for the economic growth and development of the country
benefit from tax incentives, as a way to motivate private investors
towards these sectors.
Payments in national currency by petroleum
companies shall start in July
The petroleum sector companies shall start making payments
destined to rendering of services and goods to exchange residents
exclusively in national currency from July, 1st.
Development and promotion of the economy ad
main challanges in Angola
The main goals of the Angolan Executive are the development,
diversification and promotion of the economy, which shall be done
through the promotion of all the private investment supported sectors,
according to the Angolan Vice President, Manuel Vicente, during the
Atlantic Bay Cooperation Initiative’s third conference, organized by
Private Investment National Agency and John University.
Manuel Vicente highlighted that for this purpose, Angola would have to
promote the foreign direct investment in areas other than the
petroleum and diamonds ones.
Furthermore, the Vice President also noted that Angola is still one of
the economies with the highest growth rate worldwide, with an
estimated GDP of 7,1% for 2013, and that the growth rate for the
period between 2002 and 2008 was of 15,3%, as well as underlined
that the Angolan Executive has been focusing on the rehabilitation of
public infrastructures – such as roads, bridges, ports, airports,
railways, among others – as a way of promoting the circulation of
goods and people that the agricultural, fishery, industrial and
telecommunication network’s enhancement led to.
Rua Rainha Ginga, 187, Ed. Rainha
Angola LNG ships its first load
Ginga, Piso Int.
P.O. Box 6262
Luanda . Angola
T 244 222 908/917
F 244 222 310 428
The first load produced by the Gas Industrial Unit was recently
This first shipload was sold to state owned petroleum and gas
company, Sonangol, and shipped to Brasil in one of the seven
Angolan LNG ships.
This announcement marks the startup of a new production unit, which
is the first one since 2010, and constitutes a new source to make
address the globally growing demand of LNG.
Angola and Portugal study new forms of
Angolan Secretaries of State for Exterior Relations Manuel Augusto
and Ângela Bragança and Portuguese Secretary of State for Exterior
Relations Francisco de Almeida Leite met in Luanda in order to
discuss new forms of cooperation between the two countries.
In the scope of said meeting, Manuel Augusto stated that the Angolan
Government is working on the creation of a legal framework and an
environment conductive to attract foreign investment that allows
incentives to national production, in particular reviving the textile
industry. The Secretary of State also highlighted that the visit from Francisco
de Almeida Leite is a signed of the excellent existing relations
between Portugal and Angola.
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