ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS RESTRICTED ET LE COMMERCE oe ., niiC. 25 a v r i l 1960 DECLARATION DE RECTIFICATION ET DE MODIFICATION L i s t e XIX ~ Royaume-Uni Le gouvernement du Royaume-Uni a présenté un oertain nombre de r e c t i f i c a t i o n s à sa L i s t e de concessions t e l l e q u ' e l l e est reproduite dans l e Neuvième Protocole de r e c t i f i c a t i o n et de modification. Ces r e c t i f i c a t i o n s seront adoptées conformément à l a procédure de déclaration définie l o r s de la session de Tokyo (L/1169 et SR.15/15). On voudra bien trouver c i - j o i n t la j u s t i f i o a t i o n des r e c t i f i c a t i o n s apportées dans chaque c o s . Bp«c4éO>75 Spec(60)75 Page 2 NOTES EXPLICATIVES GENEVE 1947 Page 21: ex 16.02 La désignation améliorée é v i t e la d i s t i n c t i o n entre l e s pâtés de v o l a i l l e et de viande d'une part et l e s pâtés d'abats de viande et de volaille d'autre part. Page 24: ex 20.02 La rectification, qui apporte une amélioration théorique (par la suppression de la restriction "en contenants hermétiquement fermés" (In airtight containers)) corrige simplement une faute de fruppe. Page 35: ex 31.05 La nouvelle position complète la transposition dans l a Nomenclature de Bruxelles de la concession octroyée primitivement sur le " n i t r a t e de potassium (à l ' e x c l u s i o n du n i t r a t e de synthèse)" qui englobait l e n i t r a t e de potasse du C h i l i . Lors de l'établissement de la nouvelle L i s t e , l a portée de la concession a été l i m i t é e par inadvertance au No 28.39, Page 36: ex 32.09 La nouvelle position complète la transposition dans la Nomenclature de Bruxelles de la concession octroyée primitivement sur les "matières colorantes organiques synthétiques, solubles ou non; composés, préparations et articles à base de telles matières colorantes, à l'exclusion de ceux qui ne sont pas susceptibles d'être utilisés en teinture;" (Synthetic organic dyestuffs (including pigment dyestuffs), whether soluble or insoluble; compounds, preparations and articles manufactured from any such dyestuffs, except any such compounds, preparations and articles as are not suitable for use in dyeing)f Lors de l'établissement de la nouvelle Liste, la portée de la concession a été limitée par inadvertance au No 32.05. Page 43: ex 40.10 La nouvelle désignation, plus s a t i s f a i s a n t e permet d ' é v i t e r q u ' i l ne s o i t f a i t une d i s t i n c t i o n entre l e s courroies proprement d i t e s et l e s bandes pour courroie (en anglais " b e l t i n g " ) . Page 43: ex 40.11 Cette nouvelle position avait été omise de l a nouvelle Liste par mégarde. Spec(60) 75 Page 3 Page 157: ex 84-.07 Faute de frappe. L'insertion du mot "not" rétablit la formule correcte de la concession originale. Page 163: ex 84.32 La désignation r e v i s é e , et notamment l ' a d d i t i o n des mots " e t l e s combinaisons d'une ou de plusieurs des machines oi-dessus avec des machines à couper" (and combinations of one or more of the above machines with c u t t i n g machines) complètent l a t r a n s p o s i t i o n de la concession o r i g i n a l e dans l e s termes de l a Nomenclature de Bruxelles. Page 166: ex 84.36 L'adjonction des mots "et les combinaisons d'une ou de plusieurs des machines ci-dessus avec les machines du No 84.17 pour le séchage des fibres textiles" (and combinations of one or more of the above machines with machines for the drying of textile fibres of heading No 84.17) complète la transposition de la concession originale dans les termes de la Nomenclature de Bruxelles. Page 179: ex 87.02 Page 179: as. 87-03 Les désignations revisées traduisent plus exactement les concessions originales, Page 185: ex 90.19 Faute de frappe. Page Page Page Page 91: 126: &08-> 230: ex 60.02 ex 61.10 ex 6QBQ2 (Deuxièae partie) ex 61.10 (Deuxième partie) La concession ne porte que sur les gants; l'exclusion expresse des "mitaines et moufles", (mittens and mitts) est donc superflue. La suppression des mots "mitaines et moufles" est sane effet sur la portée de la concession. ANNECY Page 8: ex 20.02 La nouvelle désignation, théoriquement préférable, est destinée à rétablir l'homogénéité de la terminologie utilisée dans le libellé des concessions relatives aux autres légumes en contenants hermétiquement fermés qui figurent sous le No ex 20.02 dans la Liste de Genève (1947)* Spec(60)75 Page 4TORQ.ÏÏAY Page 4 2 : ex 90.16 F a u t e de f r a p p e . Page 4-7: ex 92.01 F a u t e de f r a p p e , G-MS7E 1956 Page 1 9 ; ex 5 0 . 0 3 Faute de frappe. 1 GENSVA (1947) SCHEDULES SCHEDULE XIX - UNITED KINGDOM S e c t i o n A. Metropolitan T e r r i t o r y PAJT_I Item ex 15-02 The final sub-item "Poultry and meat pastes of a value exceeding 10s. per lb." shall read: "Pastes of a value exceeding 10s. per lb. 20%" Item ex 20-02 The final sub-item "Olives in brine, imported in a container when the gross weight (including the weight of the container) does not exceed 1 cwt." shall be deleted from the sub-heading "In airtaight containers, the following;" and re-inserted as a separate sub-item. Item ex 31-05 New item shall be inserted and shall read: "ex 31-05 Other fertilisers; goods of the present Chapter in tablets, losenges and similar prepared forms or in packings of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kilograms Fertilisers consisting solely of natural potassium nitrate and natural sodium nitrate Free" Item ex 32-09 New sub-item s h a l l he inserted and s h a l l read: "Synthetic organic dyestuffs in forms or packings of a kind sold by r e t a i l Item ex 40-10 The sub-heading "Belts" shall read "Belts and belting" 33 l/3%" - 2 - GENEVA (1947) SCHEDULES SCHEDULE XIX - UNITED KINGDOM Section A. Metropolitan Territory PART I (continued) Item ex 40-11 New item shall be inserted and shall read: "ex 40-11 Rubber tyres, tyre cases, inner tubes and tyre flaps, for wheels of all kinds Tyres and tubes constructed solely for incorporation in flying machines Item ex 60-02 The first sub-heading shall read: "Glovee wholly or partly cut out of fabric containing cotton and sewn up (not including gloves known as astrakhan gloves and gloves in which the fabric containing cotton is present in the lining only) and fabrio containing cotton shaped for making into or lining gloves:" Item ex 61-10 The first sub-heading shall read: "Gloves wholly or partly cut tut of fabric containing cotton and sewn up (not including gloves known as astrakhan gloves and gloves in which the fabric containing cotton is present in the lining only) and fabric containing cotton shaped for making into or lining gloves:" Item ex 84-07 In the fifth line of the Note the word "not" shall be inserted after "railway wagons" - 3 - GENEVA (1947) SCHEDULES SCHEDULE XIX - UNITED KINGDOM Section A. Metropolitan Territory PART I (continued) Item ex 84-32 The final sub-item "Any combination of the above machines, with or without paper ruling mechanism" shall read: "Combinations of any of the above machines and combinations of one or more of the above machines with cutting machines, with or without paper ruling mechanism" Item ex 84-36 The sub-item "Combinations of any of the above machines" shall read: "Combinations of any of the above machines and combinations of one or more of the above machines with machines for the drying of textile fibres of heading No 84-17" Item ex 87-02 The sub-item "Other motor vehicles of 25 horse-power or more" shall read: "Motor road vehicles of 25 horse-power or more" Item ex 87-03 The sub-item "Of 25 horse-power or more" shall read: "Motor road vehicles of 25 horse-power or more" Item ex 90-19 The sub-heading "The following articles, not being articles manufactured wholly of mainly o» wiret-" shall read: "The following articles, not being art idea manufactured wholly or mainly of wire:-" — 4 — GENEVA (1947) SCHEDULES SCHEDULE XIX - UNITED KINGDOM S e c t i o n A. Metropolitan T e r r i t o r y PART I I Item ex 60-02 The first sub-heading shall read: "Gloves wholly or partly cut out of fabrio containing cotton and sewn up (not including gloves known as astrakhan gloves and gloves in which the fabrio containing cotton is present in the lining only) and fabric containing cotton shaped for making into or lining gloves:" Item ex 61-10 The first sub-heading shall read: "Gloves wholly or partly cut out of fabrio containing cotton and sewn up (not including gloves known as astrakhan gloves and gloves in which the fabric containing ootton is present in the lining only) and fabric containing cotton shaped for making into or lining gloves:" ~ 5 - ANNECY SCHEDULES SCHEDULE XTX - UNITED KINGDOM S e c t i o n A. Metropolitan T e r r i t o r y PART I Item ex 20-02 The sub-item "Tomatoes preserved in airtight containers" shall read: "Tomatoes in airtight containers" - 6 - TORQUAY SCHEDULES SCHEDULE XIX - UNITED KINGDOM Section A. Metropolitan Territory PART I Item ex 90-16 The f i n a l sub-item " a l l other types (except p r o t r a o t o r ) " s h a l l read: " a l l other types (except p r o t r a c t o r s ) " Item ex 92.01 The word "electric" in the penultimate line of the sub-item shall read: "electrical" „ 7 - GENEVA (1956) SCHEDULES SCHEDULE XIX - UNITED KINGDOM S e c t i o n A^ Metropolitan T e r r i t o r y PART I Item ex 50.03 The mark "/" shall be inserted against the rate of duty (Free),