“Electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into energy compounds” -Sustainability and waste treatmentJesús García, Susana Tostón, Carlos Jiménez, Fabiola Martínez, Rafael Camarillo, Isaac Asencio and Jesusa Rincón Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Castilla-La Mancha Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry Avda. Carlos III, s/n, 45071, Toledo, Spain E-mail: Jesus.GarciaGarcia@uclm.es Toledo, 22nd of November 2013 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - INDEX OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction. 2. Objetive of this work. 3. Metodology. 4. Results. 5. Conclusions. Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 1. Introduction: Global warming, CO2... The latest IPCC reports (3rd, 4th y 5th) In recent decades Awareness GHG emissions (especially CO2) Global warming -CLIMATE CHANGE- In the last 40 years, GHG Technologies that avoid emissions have been these emissions doubled (major contributor: CO2, 75%) Renewable Use fossil fuels (main source of energy) Therefore: Use fossil fuels GLOBAL WARMING energy Capture and Storage* of CO2 Recycling of CO2 (Complementary technology to storage) [CO2] Earth temperature INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY In this Century Fossil fuels will remain the mainstay of world energy production 1 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 1. Introduction: Technologies of CO2 recycling. Objetive: CO2 conversion to fuels and chemicals consumption or can be used as raw material in the chemical industry. Main CATALYTIC METHODS Chemical transformation of CO2 of CO2 conversion: at ambient conditions requires a high energy input 1) Photocatalytic reduction of CO2. 2) Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2. CO2 CHEMICAL REDUCTION OF CO2 POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Fuels Other products Addressing CO2 conversion reaction by CATALYTIC METHODS CO2 USE FUELS: -Electricity production -Industry, etc… 2 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 1. Introduction: Technologies of CO2 recycling. Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 - Involve the use of semiconductors (photocatalysts), - Involve the use of electrocatalyst, substances that substances that cause chemical reactions (redox) under promote chemical reactions (redox) in the presence of light. electric power. - By the time the conversions achieved aren’t very high. - The conversions achieved are higher than those obtained in the photocatalytic process. PhotoElectroCatalytic reduction of CO2 Scheme of a PEC reactor for reducing CO 2 using sunlight PHOTO-catalysts sunlight MAIN LIMITATION: low solubility of CO2 in water when using aqueous solutions of CO2. ELECTRO-catalyst SOLUTIONS: 1) increasing the pressure and the CO2 concentration in the system, but limit the effectiveness of the process. 2) performing the Photocatalytic or Electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 in gas phase. 3) PhotoElectroCatalytic conversion of CO2 in gas phase (alternative and complementary procedure). RESEARCH Adapted from (Centi et al., 2007) 3 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 2. Objetive. The objective of this work is to develop an electrocatalytic system that allows, through the use of electrocatalysts, the conversion of CO2 in gas phase to hydrocarbons (liquid fuels easy to store and transport) using electrical current to activate them. 4 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 3. Metodology. Connections and operation of TO ACHIEVE THIS OBJETIVE… the electrochemical cell It has been carried out the assembly and tuning up electrochemical hydrocarbons of an installation reduction through the of use Electrical connection (WE) for CO2 to of an electrochemical cell. Thermocouple CO2 + REACTION PRODUCTS OUTLET H2O OUTLET CO2 Heater cartridge Electrochemical cell used Electrical connection (RE+CE) INLET Main component of this cell H2O INLET Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) ANODIC ZONE Electrooxidation of H2O for generate H+ and e- CATHODIC ZONE Electroreduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons using H+ and egenerated in the electrooxidation 5 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 3. Metodology. Flow diagrams of the experimental installation of electrocatalysis (continuous operation) POTENCIOSTAT-GALVANOSTAT to GC-FID-TCD WE CE + RE CO2 + REACTION PRODUCTS OUTLET Heater TANK - aquous solution of KHCO3 - CO2 FLOWMETER cartridge Thermocouple ELECTROCHEMICAL CELL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER HUMIDIFIER PUMP - aquous solution of KHCO3 CO2 BOTTLE 6 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 3. Metodology. Configuration to channel reaction products leaving the cell and to analyze them by gas chromatography Solids filter CO2 + Gaseous products released from decane REACTION are injected in GC PRODUCTS OUTLET Heater cord temperature (130 - 140 °C) in Liquid products trapped in decane are preconcentrated and injected in GC GC-FID-TCD decane Cooling bath (-5 °C) 7 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “Configuration to channel reaction products leaving the cell“ with GC-FID-TCD 1) Reaction products trapped 2) Gaseous products released in liquid absorbent (decane) from the liquid absorbent Identification Identification (* pA: picoamps; μV: microvolts; min: minutes) 8 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “Configuration to channel reaction products leaving the cell“ Conditions experiment 12: -CO2 flow= 250cm3 min-1 -KHCO3 concentration= 0.025 mol/l -Current intensity= 0.54 A (Galvanostatic mode) -Cell temperature= 60 °C -Cell pressure= 1 atm 1) Reaction products trapped in decane Preconcentrated and injected in GC-FID-TCD Comments: - Methanol and acetone have been identified. - The peak whose retention time is 26.3 min. can be isopropanol or methyl acetate. It’s necessary to study new temperature ramps. - There are peaks without identification. It’s necessary to inject other patterns. (* pA: picoamps; min: minutes) 9 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “Configuration to channel reaction products leaving the cell“ 2) Gaseous products released from liquid absorbent (decane) (* pA: picoamps; min: minutes) - Carbon monoxide (CO) has been identified. Injected in GC-FID-TCD (* μV: microvolts; min: minutes) - Hydrogen (H2) has been identified. - In the 5 minute there are a peak without identification. It’s necessary to inject other patterns. 10 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 5. Conclusions. Through the use of an electrochemical cell similar to PEM fuel cells is possible to obtain fuel products from CO2 reduction. The configuration to channel reaction products which consisted in the absorption of the reactions products in a cold trap, with decane as absorbing liquid, and their preconcentration and subsequent injection into GC-FID-TCD has allowed to identify compounds liquid fuels such as methanol and acetone, and gaseous compounds such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Upcoming work includes: Identification and quantification of all products attained. Deposition of metals on carbon nanotubes in supercritical media to create advanced electrocatalysts. 11 Thanks for your attention! “Electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into energy compounds” Presented by: Jesús García García E-mail: Jesus.GarciaGarcia@uclm.es Toledo, 22nd of November 2013 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 1. Introduction: Technologies of CO2 capture and storage. Objetivo: evitar que las emisiones antropogénicas de CO2 alcancen la atmósfera. Captura Almacenamiento Transporte Absorción en disoluciones En formaciones geológicas: Implica: gasto adicional de no acuosas de aminas. - Minas subterráneas. energía - Sumideros terrestres de CO2. Contracorriente: flujo de (depósitos agotados de gas cargado de CO2 y la carbón, petróleo,…). disolución no acuosa de - Océanos. aminas. Emisiones PROBLEMÁTICA CCS: - Necesario acondicionar los lugares de almacenamiento definitivo - ¿Seguridad a largo plazo? Actualmente Reciclaje de CO2 (Tecnologías complementarias a la de almacenamiento) Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 1. Introduction: Technologies of CO2 recycling. 1) Grandes cantidades de CO2 puro y a bajo coste. 2) Numerosas emisiones para las que no es apropiada la A FAVOR de estas tecnologías: captura y almacenamiento (distancia,…). 3) Buena imagen de la empresa por adoptar política de reducción de emisiones. 1) Gasto adicional de energía Emisiones de CO2 EN CONTRA de estas tecnologías: Solución: el aporte adicional de energía a de proceder de una fuente renovable, como es la solar. Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 3. Metodology. Celda electroquímica Se ha llevado a cabo el montaje y puesta a punto de una instalación de reducción electroquímica de CO2 a hidrocarburos mediante el empleo de una celda electroquímica. Montaje final de la celda electroquímica PLACA COLECTORA PLACA DEL ÁNODO JUNTA AISLANTE SOPORTES CARBONOSOS PARA LOS ELECTRODOS PLACA COLECTORA Componentes principales de la celda electroquímica * PLACA DEL CÁTODO Proceso preparación EME: MEMBRANA PROTÓNICA JUNTA AISLANTE JUNTA SELLANTE PLACA BIPOLAR DEL ÁNODO EME * JUNTA SELLANTE 1) Preparar electrodos. 2) Ensamblar electrodomembrana-electrodo. 3) Montaje en celda. PLACA BIPOLAR DEL Adaptado de (Linares, 2009) CÁTODO Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 3. Metodology. Disposición de las conexiones eléctricas en la celda electroquímica Conexiones y funcionamiento de la celda electroquímica Conexión eléctrica (WE) Conexión eléctrica (RE+CE) 1 WE en cátodo CE-RE en ánodo 2 y viceversa Termopar CE-RE WE WE en cátodo CE en ánodo RE en cable (EME) CE RE WE SALIDA CO2 + PRODUCTOS REACCIÓN SALIDA H2O Cartucho calefactor ENTRADA CO2 ENTRADA H2O COMPARTIMENTO ANÓDICO Electrooxidación de H2O para generar H+ y e- COMPARTIMENTO CATÓDICO Electrorredución de CO2 a hidrocarburos empleando los H+ y egenerados en la electrooxidación COMPARTIMENTO ANÓDICO COMPARTIMENTO CATÓDICO Permite controlar el voltaje de la celda COMPARTIMENTO ANÓDICO COMPARTIMENTO CATÓDICO EME - Permite controlar el voltaje catódico – Descartada problemas RE-cable EME Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 3. Metodology. Flow diagrams experimental installation of electrocatalysis (continuous operation) POTENCIOSTAT-GALVANOSTAT WE CE + RE CO2 + REACTION PRODUCTS OUTLET Cartridge TANK - aquous solution of KHCO3 - CO2 FLOWMETER heater Thermocouple ELECTROCHEMICAL CELL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER HUMIDIFIER PUMP - aquous solution of KHCO3 CO2 BOTTLE 6 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 3. Metodology. Configurations for canalize reaction products leaving the cell, and so be able to perform the same analysis by gas chromatography 7 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “Experimentos para el estudio Método Voltametría Cíclica Potenciostática del comportamiento electroquímico (VCP) de los electrodos” Configuración 1 “Experimentos seleccionar adecuada producto” con la para el objeto metodología de más Configuración 2 analizar la corriente Configuración 3 9 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. ESTUDIO DEL COMPORTAMIENTO ELECTROQUÍMICO DE LOS ELECTRODOS VCP entre +4V y -4V Voltaje negativo (catódico): picos de reducción. Voltaje positivo (anódico): picos de oxidación. Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “ESTUDIO DEL COMPORTAMIENTO ELECTROQUÍMICO DE LOS ELECTRODOS” Conclusiones: Condiciones experimento 2: VCP: determinar barrido de voltaje para 1) La aplicación del método VCP a una celda electroquímica permite la existencia de -Flujo CO2= 432cm3 min-1 analizar los cambios en la reacciones redox. WE en cátodo -Concentración KHCO3= 0,5 mol/l -VCP= entre -0,4 V y 0 V CE en ánodo intensidad de corriente como -Tª en celda= 25 °C RE en cable (EME) consecuencia de las reacciones -Presión en celda= 1 atm de reducción aparecen cuando los voltajes son negativos. 2) Los picos de las reacciones redox que ocurren en la celda. Voltajes negativos Reducción de CO2 (catódicos): Reducción de H2O Picos reacciones de reducción -0,2V - Pico de reducción de CO2 a -0,2V. -0,38V Pico de reducción de H2O a -0,38V. 10 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “Experiments with the aim of selecting the most appropriate methodology to analyze the product stream” Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 9 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “STUDY OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE METHODOLOGY TO ANALYZE THE PRODUCT STREAM“ Configuration 1 conclusions: Configuration 1 1) The probability with which the MSD identifies the acetone in both chromatograms isn’t high Conditions in experiment 3: Conditions in experiment 4: enough for us to say that acetone is formed in the reaction CO2 3conversion. -CO flow= 540cm3 min-1 -CO flow= 540cm min-1 2 2 -KHCO concentration= 0.5 mol/l -KHCO concentration= 0.5 mol/l -Voltage= -2.8 V (Potenciostatic mode) -Voltage= -0.2 V (Potenciostatic mode) -Cell temperature= 60 °C -Cell temperatura= 60 °C 3 3 2) Other reaction products (overlapped with the peak of absorbing liquid or its concentration is below DL). -Cell pressure= 1 atm 1-pentanol absorption Configuración 2 is proposed… -Cell pressure= 1 atm Decane absorption 94% Decane 8.326 – 12.228 83% 1- pentanol 25% 30% 3.520 – 9.840 Acetone Acetone 4% 1.690 4% CO2 1.494 1- pentanol absorption (GC-MSD) CO2 1.320 1.489 Decane absorption (GC-MSD) 11 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “STUDY OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE METHODOLOGY TO ANALYZE THE PRODUCT STREAM“ Configuration 2 conclusions: Configuration 2 Conditions experiment 5: Conditions experiment 7: 1) The probability with which the MSD identifies the products isn’t high enough for us to say 3 -1 3 -1 -CO2 flow= 540cm min that are those products which -KHCO 3 concentration= 0.5 mol/l -CO2 flow= 540cm min are formed from the reaction of CO2 conversion. -KHCO concentration= 0.5 mol/l 3 -Voltage= -0.2 V (Potenciostatic mode) -Current intensity= 0.54 A (Galvanostatic mode) -Cell temperature= 60 °C -Cell temperature= 60 °C 2) Obstruction problems occur in the heated pipe. -Cell pressure= 13atm Configuration is proposed… -Cell pressure= 1 atm Ethylene oxide 4% Acetaldehyde 3% Formaldehyde 2% CO2 2% 2,366 – 3,478 2,426 – 3,766 Methanol 1% Injection at 2 hours (GC-MSD) 7,621 – 8,549 Injection at 45 minutes (GC-MSD) 12 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. “STUDY OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE METHODOLOGY TO ANALYZE Conclusiones Configuración 2: THE PRODUCT STREAM“ Configuración 2 1)La probabilidad con la que el MSD identifica los productos no es lo suficientemente alta como Condiciones experimento 9: para que podamos afirmar que son esos productos los que se forman a partir de la reacción de 3 -1 -Flujo CO2= 250 cm min conversión deHCO . 1 mmol/l 2= -Concentración 2SO4 -Intensidad de corriente= 0,54 2)Surgen problemas de obstrucción en la tubería calefactada. amperios (Modo galvanostático) WE en cátodo -Tª en celda= 60 °C Se plantea la Configuración 3 CE-RE en ánodo -Presión en celda= 1 atm Uso H2SO4 como electrolito: 1) evita problemas de obstrucción, 2) no mejora los resultados respecto al uso de KHCO3 y 3) podría afectar negativamente a los electrocatalizadores Se retoma el uso de KHCO3 como electrolito pero en concentraciones inferiores a las usadas inicialmente. Óxido de etileno 3% Acetaldehído 3% CO2 2% 2,556 – 3,834 Inyección a las 2 horas (GC-MSD) 13 Energy and Environment Knowledge Week – E2KW 2013 - 4. Results. CONFIGURACIÓN 1: Disoluciones de 1 y 5 ppm de metanol, etanol, acetona e isopropanol (enrase decano)… En GC-MSD 1ppm Decano 97% 7,841 – 16,412 Acetona 86% 4,232 5ppm Acetona 90% 3,683 “Solvent delay” Decano 95% 6,523 – 16,430