ON THE SHORELINE - Friends of Hammonasset


ON THE SHORELINE - Friends of Hammonasset
Winter 2015
On The Shoreline
A publication of Friends of Hammonasset, Inc.
Vice--President’s Note
Dear Friends,
We experienced a winter that was calm until January. Our first abundant snow fell
the weekend of January 23rd, but it did not impact the Jamieson Korab Memorial
Foundation Event in Southington. Crowds arrived to honor and remember
Jamieson and his love for boating on the Long Island Sound, visiting Cedar Island
and Hammonasset State Beach Park (HBSP). The Friends of Hammonasset (FOH)
is very fortunate to have a donating partner in the Korab Family and looks forward
to representing Jamieson’s memory in the “new” Meigs Point Nature Center
(MPNC). We hope that you can support The Jamieson Korab Memorial Foundation in the future by attending one of their events.
FOH Vice-President
The 15th annual FOH Christmas Tree Sale broke records while making homes a festive and warm holiday place for many families. Many thanks to Don Rankin and
the numerous others who volunteered their time.
Inside this issue:
The FOH Annual Meeting has been re-scheduled to March 24th and is expected to
be very interesting. We will be sharing our annual update, and our guest speaker is
Felicia Ortner, a Connecticut Master Wildlife Conversationalist and bear enthusiast.
We will learn of the bears increasing population in the state and how we can best
coexist with them. We look forward to seeing you, and as always refreshments will
be served.
The “new” MPNC is officially underway as the State Bond Commission approved
the new facility at the end of January. We continue to have fun, and the excitement
is jubilant now that the new center is official. Farmington Display Inc. and the
MPNC Exhibit Design Committee continue to work hard on the interior exhibit
plans. Our goal is to create beautiful displays to educate visitors about the air, water, woods and beach. We are also looking into bringing the educational experience
outside the building through landscaping. A special thank you to Bob Kuchta for
his vision and landscape ideas.
HBSP and MPNC continue to attract winter visitors, which would not be possible
without the hard work of the HBSP staff. As always, I look forward to seeing you
in the park and thank you for your supporting the FOH, MPNC and HBSP.
Christine Koster, Vice President FOH
FOH Annual Meeting - March 24, 2015
Christine Koster
The Bear Reality
FOH Board of
Fund Raising
The “Flagship”
Trails Committee
Festival Committee Volunteers
2015 FOH Plant &
Shrub Sale
The “New” Meigs
Point Nature
Calendar of
Upcoming Events
FOH Membership
P.O. Box 271 Madison CT 06443
affiliated with Friends of Connecticut State Parks
President ………………………………...…...… Deanna Becker
Vice President …………………………..….... Christine Koster
Treasurer …………...……………………….….….. Peter Smith
Secretary ………………………..…………..….. Maureen Egan
FOH Annual Meeting Presentation
The Bear Reality
Felicia Ortner, a Connecticut Master Wildlife Conservationist (MWC) and a bear enthusiast, will provide education about bears and help dispel misunderstandings. The state’s wildlife division supports that
the black bear is seldom aggressive toward humans.
Felicia has been studying about bears for almost 30
years. In the mid 1990's Felicia turned her passion for
learning about bears into a passion for teaching about
them. She developed an education program called
The Bear Reality.
In 2008 the Connecticut DEEP and The Bear Reality
came together and Felicia began presenting bear education programs on behalf of the DEEP's MWC program. She expanded her audience to libraries,
schools, nature centers, conservation groups, zoos,
scouts and more.
Since then, Felicia has logged over 310 outreach education hours, reaching over 5,800 people in more than
190 programs in CT, NY, MA, NH and VT. With the
populations of Black Bear increasing through New
England and New York State, Felicia hopes, "through
outreach and education that these magnificent creatures will become better understood, we will learn to
respect them instead of fear them and a strategy of
coexistence with humans and bears is in the future".
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Environmental Education ………….….…… Alison Guinness
Gardens ………………………..…..………….… Michelle Kiley
Grants ……………………….…………............... Beth Skudder
Hospitality ……………….…………….……… Caryl Anderson
Membership ………………………………....... Landa Freeman
Fundraising ……………………………………… Beth Skudder
Nature Center Development …………...……...... Don Rankin
Newsletter Editors ………………….....….... D. & J. Rathbun
Publicity ……………………………….…...…. Barbara Warner
Volunteers ……………………………….....…..…… Gay Butler
Website ……………………………….… M. Kiley & B. Warner
Photography …………………….….…..….. Shannon Schiesser
Beach & Trails …………...….….... S. Sperling & P. Goldberg
Facebook …………………………...……….…… Michelle Kiley
Merchandise ……………………….…………. Barbara Hanson
Commemorative Tree Program ……….……. Barbara Yaeger
Hammonasset Beach State Park ….…..… (203) 245-2785
Park Supervisor ………………….……...….…..... Henry Alves
Friends of Connecticut State Parks
President ...…………………...…….……….....…. Eileen Grant
On the Shoreline is published by Friends of Hammonasset Inc.
Printing by Two Ems Inc. (203) 245-8211 Madison CT
The “Flagship” Report
By Beth Skudder – Fund Raising and Grants
By Henry Alves, Park Supervisor
New MPNC Needs YOU!
We are all thrilled with the news about the new
Meigs Point Nature Center, and we’ll be in touch
soon with details about many exciting opportunities
for you to be a part of this incredible project!
FOH is now a part of the AmazonSmile program.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you
to support your favorite charitable organization every
time you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you. Simply
go to smile.amazon.com and choose Friends of
Hammonasset, Inc. Remember to select AmazonSmile and FOH when you shop, and a portion of the
cost of your purchases will be automatically donated
to FOH. Please share this with your family and
friends so they can support us too!
This year could not have gotten off to a better start. After
years of planning and tireless
work, the new Meigs Point Nature Center and the new facility
at West Beach were approved by the CT State Bond
Commission on January 30, 2015.
I can’t begin to express my excitement to see these
two projects completed given the impact that they
will have on the public in general, and the educational benefit that the Nature Center will have on future generations. Like so many things in life, education is the key!
Snow is now my least favorite four letter word. Although December and January were very mild by
New England standards, February has proven to be a
In an effort to make the park accessible to the public,
right after a snow storm we will plow the Greenways
Trail Parking lot first. That way folks can park there
and enjoy Hammonasset while we get everything
2015 is full of challenges, I can’t wait!
On May 5 - 6, 2015, FOH will be a part of The Great
Give®, a community-wide online giving event that
occurs each year on giveGreater.org over a 36-hr period. The event is supported by The Community
Foundation for Greater New Haven, its affiliate the
Valley Community Foundation and other community
sponsors to help promote giving to nonprofits that
serve the Greater New Haven region. Mark your calendars; we’ll remind you as the date approaches, and
we thank you in advance for your support! Please
ask your friends and relations to support FOH during
The Great Give too.
Finally we are always interested in speaking with individuals or businesses that are interested in learning
more about sponsoring FOH events, or MPNC exhibits or programs, or anyone with information about
grants that could be a good match for FOH. Please
get in touch with FOH at info@hammonasset.org if
you would like more information.
Beach & Trails Committee
By Sallie Sperling & Peter Goldberg
Dear Beach & Trail Volunteers,
We had a good turnout on a very cold day in January for a Free Willy event to remove invasives. The
largest pear tree in the state was relieved of smothering vines, under the guidance of Ranger Russ Miller.
After completion, Russ guided us to a viewing area
to see two Long Eared Owls. What a treat!
Special thanks to all and to Caryl Anderson for arranging a hot lunch donated by Lenny and Joe's.
We will be resuming trail activities in April. Your
on-going contributions to the health of the Park is
appreciated by all who enjoy its beauty.
Stay warm!
Page 3
The “New” Meigs Point Nature Center
Volunteers Needed For
Hammonassett Festival Committee
By Dave Rathbun
Friends of Hammonasset is seeking volunteers to
serve on the Hammonassett Festival Committee.
The Hammonassett Festival will take place October 3 & 4th this year. Any folks interested can
learn more about this activity by contacting Don
Rankin at 203-245-9192 or emailing him at:
2015 Friends of Hammonasset
Plant and Shrub Sale
The Friends of Hammonasset will hold their 15
annual Plant and Shrub Sale at Hammonasset
Beach State Park beginning May 6th and running
through June 18th, or until sold out. The sale begins with a large variety of premium hanging baskets, perennials, and weather permitting, 4” annuals and flats of bedding plants and vegetables. We
also anticipate availability of shrubs at very competitive prices in time for Mother’s Day weekend.
Friday, January 30, 2015 was a momentous day for
Friends of Hammonasset! That was the day the State
Bond Commission authorized funding for construction of the new Meigs Point Nature Center. FOH’s
long held dream for a new educational facility at
Hammonasset Beach State Park has now become a
The Department of Construction Services (DCS), the
CT agency responsible for overseeing construction
of the nature center, is now in the process of selecting a construction firm from a list of competitive
bidders. Once that firm is selected and contracts finalized, it is hoped that ground breaking will take
place in early spring.
FOH’s Nature Center Exhibit Design Committee and
Farmington Displays Incorporated (FDI), the firm
awarded the design contract, recently met to review
drawings of the four environments that will represent
the educational component of the new facility. The
four environs - Air, Water, Forest and Beach are undergoing final updates and should be ready for the
committee’s approval in early March. Once that approval is given, FDI will begin creating color design
copy for each component. FDI’s completion of the
design is expected by mid April.
The Friends of Hammonasset provides environmental education, works to preserve the Park’s
natural resources and serves as an advocate for
Hammonasset Beach State Park. Funds raised support Meigs Point Nature Center and a variety of
Park projects. This year’s proceeds will be committed to fund exhibits for the “new” Nature Center to be constructed by the state at Meigs Point
near the present facility.
The location of the sale will be .3 miles east of the
main entrance to Hammonasset Beach State Park
on Rte 1. Folks are invited to support the sale by
bringing potted perennials from their own gardens
during the sale from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily, 7
days a week. For additional information, or to volunteer, go to www.hammonasset.org or call Don
Rankin at 203-245-9192
Celebrating the construction funding announcement for the
“new” Meigs Point Nature Center and West Beach Project are
(from L to R) DEEP Div. Dir. Tom Tyler, FOH members Dave
Rathbun, Don Rankin, Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, FOH
member Janet Rathbun, Governor Dannel Malloy, FOH member Caryl Anderson, FOH Vice President Chris Koster, DEEP
Commissioner Rob Klee, State Senator Ted Kennedy, and
DEEP Bureau Chief Mike Lambert.
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Calendar of Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - FOH Annual Meeting. To be held at the Old Memorial Town Hall in Madison at 7:00 p.m. Felicia Ortner will present a fascinating program on black bears, followed by a short
business meeting including election of FOH Officers.
The 2015 Scranton Series, Thursdays, presented by the Scranton Library and FOH. To be held at
Scranton Library, 801 Boston Post Rd., Madison. Free and open to all. Please register at
www.scrantonlibrary.org or call 203-245-7365.
March 12, 2015 - 'The New York You Don't Know' at 7 p.m. New York City Geology and history
with Mr. Sidney Horenstein of the American Museum of Natural History
March 19, 2015 - Film Screening and discussion: Particle Fever at 7 p.m. (120 minutes) This
2014 documentary follows six brilliant scientists during the launch of the Large Hadron Collider
as they seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Stay after for a discussion, and Q & A, with Dr.
Don Rankin.
March 26, 2015 - The God Particle: an introduction to Higgs boson at 7 p.m.: Join Dr. Don Rankin
for an introduction to the revolutionary discovery of the Higgs boson particle -- also known as the
'God particle' -- the particle that gives mass to all other particles, and essentially created all the matter
of the universe. From the origins of the all life to the Large Hadron Collider, Don will trace how the
evidence is growing in support for this essential building block.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - June 18, 2015 or until sold out - FOH Annual Plant & Shrub Sale. Located on the Boston Post Road in Madison, at the service entrance to the park, .3 miles east of HBSP's
main entrance 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily.
Meigs Point Nature Center Activities
 March 14, 2015
Sunset Beach Combing 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Meet at the MPNC. Ranger
Russ will lead a walk along the beach to see what has washed up. Watch a beautiful sunset, and bring
your camera to capture all the amazing views.
 March 28, 2015
Fireside Stories 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at the Meigs Point Nature Center. Join
Ranger Russ for fun and educational stories for all ages. Bring a marshmallow stick, and dress warmly.
 April 17, 2015
Stargazing 8:00 p.m. At the Meigs Point Nature Center. View the spring sky
with our guest tour guides, and see the changes from one season to the next. If cloudy, the event will be
held on April 18th.
 April 18, 2015
Earth Day Celebration 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Meigs Point Nature Center. Live animal presentations, guest speakers and fun activities for all.
 May 23, 2015
Early Morning Bird Walk 6:00 a.m. at the Meigs Point Nature Center. Join
Ranger Russ on a search for the birds that are first to rise at Hammonasset Beach State Park. A great opportunity to see the park early in the morning.
 June 20, 2015
Fireside Stories 8:00 p.m. at the Meigs Point Nature Center. Ranger Russ tells
Native American stories - fables and stories with morals. Bring marshmallow sticks, and enjoy this ideal
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Friends of Hammonasset, Inc.
P.O. Box 271, Madison, CT 06443
Friends of Hammonasset Membership Form
City: ______________________________________
Phone: (_____)______________________________
Member Levels
 Friend/Family
 Supporter
 Sponsor:
 Corporate
 My employer will match my donation
(Employer Name)
Additional Donation
 ___________
Total Enclosed
New Member
State: _____________________________ Zip: __________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
Check here if you want to receive FOH newsletters via email
Please indicate volunteer interests:
 Nature Center
 Beach/Trail Maintenance
 Fundraising
 Website
 Photography
 Advocacy/Legislative
 Events
 Publicity
 Plant/Tree Sales
 Other _________________________
Please mail checks to:
Friends of Hammonasset, Inc.
P.O. Box 271, Madison, CT 06443
Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Thank you for your help!