ON THE SHORELINE - Friends of Hammonasset


ON THE SHORELINE - Friends of Hammonasset
Summer 2014
On The Shoreline
A publication of Friends of Hammonasset, Inc.
Vice--President’s Note
Dear Friends,
After a long cold winter we had a delightful summer. Hammonasset Beach State
Park (HBSP) was very busy, showing its popularity with CT state residents and
others. Our lovely park had visitors from near and far; we had visitors from Germany as well as other countries. Visitors from abroad arrive by airplane, rent motor homes and tour the beautiful United States by road.
Henry Alves, Jack Hine and the HBSP staff once again worked hard keeping our
park beautiful and were there to greet us at the main gate, nature center and campground - always with a smile, wave or thumbs up. Ranger Russ Miller and the
Meigs Point Nature Center Staff continued to educate visitors, and let’s not forget
about the large turnouts for the Schumann Series and Fireside Stories to mention a
We have made great progress with the “New” Meigs Point Nature Center. FOH is
thrilled to share that a Connecticut based design firm has been selected. They were
very receptive to the ideas and visions of Ranger Russ and utilized them in their
initial design plan. We will continue to work with the design company in planning
the indoor exhibit space. We greatly appreciate the State of Connecticut’s support
of the project and the leadership of our exhibit design committee chairperson Dave
Our annual Mum and Pumpkin sale is underway and will run until the end of September. If FOH had an award to recognize volunteerism, I am sure that many
would agree that Dr. Don Rankin would be the first recipient. He continues to
dedicate countless hours of hard work and is on site daily greeting patrons who are
purchasing quality mums and pumpkins while supporting FOH and HBSP.
Please join FOH at the Meigs Point Festival. This year we'll be celebrating New
England's Farming and Fishing History. There will be spinning, weaving, folk
songs, New England crafters - and much more. This event has no entrance fee !!!
Fall is a great time of the year for biking, running, walking, fishing and other activities at HBSP. After a very challenging summer fishing season there are signs of
improvement. I guess that’s why it is called fishing and not catching. The improved fishing should make the fisherman and fisherwoman happy. Please remember that the park welcomes active folks all throughout the year and remains open all
winter. As always, I look forward to seeing you in the park and thank you for supporting FOH and HBSP.
Christine Koster
Vice President FOH
Christine Koster
FOH Vice-President
Inside this issue:
Meigs Point
Trails Committee
Nature Note:
The “Flagship”
2014 MPNC Beach
Fitness Series
Meigs Point
Festival Poster
Calendar of
Upcoming Events
Tree Poster
The “New” Meigs
Point Nature
FOH Membership
P.O. Box 271 Madison CT 06443
Meigs Point Festival
October 4 and 5, 2014
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
affiliated with Friends of Connecticut State Parks
This special two day event at Hammonasset Beach
State Park will celebrate Nature and honor and explore our state's history with particular attention to
early industries of farming and fishing. Allan Saunders (Mohegan) will provide an opening blessing and
smudging ceremony at 10:30a.m. both days. Additionally, live music will be provided all day with Native American flute music, the Kerry Boys and Tom
Participants include Trout Unlimited, multiple Nature
Centers, live creatures presentations including live
raptor presentations by A Place Called Hope, the New
England Atlatl Championships, flintknapping, geology, paleontology, archaeology exhibits, historical
societies, various environmental exhibits, antique
cars, fire trucks, farming equipment, fishing exhibits,
This can be a very large event drawing a few thousand folks, and it is also quite weather dependent. It
is free and open to everybody. There is no charge to
enter the Park and no parking fees connected with this
event. Food vendors will be present. Please, no pets
allowed on premises.
For more information about this event contact Don
Rankin at 203 245 9192.
This event receives support from Liberty Bank, the
Madison Jaycees, the Madison Foundation and
Friends of Hammonasset.
President ………………………………...…...… Deanna Becker
Vice President …………………………..….... Christine Koster
Treasurer …………...……………………….….….. Peter Smith
Secretary ………………………..…………..….. Maureen Egan
Environmental Education ………….….…… Alison Guinness
Gardens ………………………..…..………….… Michelle Kiley
Grants ……………………….…………............... Beth Skudder
Hospitality ……………….…………….……… Caryl Anderson
Membership ………………………………....... Landa Freeman
Fundraising ……………………………………… Beth Skudder
Nature Center Development …………...……...... Don Rankin
Newsletter Editors ………………….....….... D. & J. Rathbun
Publicity ……………………………….…...…. Barbara Warner
Volunteers ……………………………….....…..…… Gay Butler
Website ……………………………….… M. Kiley & B. Warner
Photography……………………..….…..….. Shannon Schiesser
Trails ……………….……...….….... S. Sperling & P. Goldberg
Facebook …………………………...……….…… Michelle Kiley
Merchandise ……………………….…………. Barbara Hanson
Commemorative Tree Program ……….……. Barbara Yaeger
Hammonasset Beach State Park ….…… (203) 245-2785
Park Supervisor ………………….……...….…..... Henry Alves
Friends of Connecticut State Parks
President ...…………………...…….……….....…. Eileen Grant
On the Shoreline is published by Friends of Hammonasset Inc.
Printing by Two Ems Inc. (203) 245-8211 Madison CT
Trails Committee
By Sallie Sperling & Peter Goldberg
Dear Beach & Trail Volunteers,
Our 1st event of the Fall Season was the Friends of
Hammonasset's 5th participation in International
Coastal Cleanup Day, September 20,2014. We will
be contacting our "volunteer brigade" toward the end
of September regarding upcoming Fall projects.
Watch for announcements via Constant Contact
emails. As always, we look forward to your participation.
Hope you've had a wonderful summer.
Page 2
Nature Note: Clams
The “Flagship” Report
By Marcy Klattenberg
By Henry Alves, Park Supervisor
Quahogs or hard-shelled clams
(Mercenaria mercenaria) can be
found living in sandy intertidal
zone substrates from the Gulf of
Maine to the Gulf of Mexico. They
have different names according to
size but are all stages of the same
mollusk. The smallest legal size
are the “Littlenecks” up to 1 ½”,
“Cherrystones” are a little larger – up to 2” and finally the “Chowder clams” which are 3” or larger.
Long Island Sound has viable clamming grounds in
several areas. Permits are required from the town
from which they are taken, and careful attention must
be paid to the water quality at different times of the
year. Because of their relatively short siphons (intake
and exhalent tubes) quahogs are not deeply buried
and are more easily harvested than the other popular
clam – “Steamers” or “Soft-shelled clams” (Mia
arenaria). Steamers with much longer siphons can
live much deeper and can swiftly pull themselves
even deeper when they sense you digging for them.
It is far more challenging to dig for steamers, and
their shells are easily broken in pursuit.
I can’t recall in recent history
a spring and summer with such
beautiful weather. That being
said, folks from all around took
advantage of this and came to
Hammonasset in record numbers. Weekend after
weekend brought sunny skies and warm temperatures, just picture perfect beach days. The numbers
reflect this as well. We had eleven weekends of
10,000 cars or more, one weekend with over 13,000
cars, and the “granddaddy of the all”, to quote Keith
Jackson, saw 14,376 cars enter the park! The Campground, as it always is, was busier than ever.
Clams are filter feeders and live under the sand with
their siphons protruding. One siphon inhales water
(up to a quart an hour) and passes it over its gills for
oxygen and plankton. The exhalent siphon then expels the excess water. The soft body has a fleshy
firm “foot” that can change shape as it is extended
from the shells and grasps the substrate to move the
clam laterally or deeper. The body is covered on both
sides by an envelope called a mantle. The mantle is
attached to the shell near its edge; it removes calcium
carbonate from the sea water and lays down new
growth rings. The oldest part of the clam is where
the hinge is located and is called the umbo.
I had the gracious opportunity to meet with the
Board of the Connecticut Audubon Society. Although many positive things came out of the meeting,
the one that will benefit everyone the most is the
communication channel that we created. In an effort
to inform members of upcoming projects, I will reach
out and discuss upcoming projects before they begin.
This way any concerns regarding the impact on wildlife, if any, can be addressed.
Foraging for quahogs of all sizes has become a favorite pastime since moving to Cape Cod.
I’m very happy to report that do to the diligent efforts of the Lifeguards, there wasn’t a single water
rescue. Given the amount of people that were here,
that’s no small task.
The Greenway Trail Parking lot has proven to be an
overwhelming success. I’m pleased to see how many
people are not only using it for the park, but more and
more folks are coming to walk the trail itself. As the
trail continues to grow, I’m sure it will become even
more popular.
The West Beach project is waiting for the permit
process to be completed. Hopefully we can move
ahead shortly.
For those of you who knew Jack Cummings, we will
be having a Memorial Bench dedication for him on
October 11, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. at the Camp Office.
Please Help Keep FOH’s Costs Down...
Receive the FOH Electronic Newsletter in place of a mailed copy and save the organization the cost of a First
Class stamp ($.49). In addition, the E-Newsletter is in color! To sign up, simply send an email to
info@hammonasset.org with “FOH E-Newsletter” (without quotes) in the subject field. In the email, provide your name
and address as it’s shown on the mailing label of your hard copy newsletter.
Page 3
A Look Back at MPNC’s Summer '14 Beach
Fitness Series
By Barbara Warner -Publicity and Media
For the third summer Meigs Point Nature Center
hosted fitness classes on the beach. This year offered
the most extensive series yet, beginning in June when
Jennifer McManus offered her first Beach Pilates
class. Almost 50 people showed up at the Meigs
Point Pavilion for this early morning class, and many
returned when Jennifer offered a session in August.
It seems fitting that Jennifer who opened the Fitness
series with a class on the first day of summer will
conclude the series just as fall begins on September
27. Jennifer, an RN, teaches Pilates year round
through the Madison Beach and Recreation. She
originally offered to teach only one class, but she had
such a great time, she immediately offered to do
Carolyn Milazzo Murphy, of Beach Rose Yoga, usually offers classes at the Mercy Center in Madison.
She added another class to her busy schedule when
she volunteered to lead a session of Beach Yoga at
the Park, making this the third year Carolyn has donated her time to Hammonasset. She brought some
of her regular students with her to this beautiful location. Many new students brought the attendance of
her class to around 90. The class was taught at a beginner’s level. During the class Carolyn took the
time to wander among the yogis to help individuals
correct and improve their poses.
ion, although one week the instructor had to compete
with a church group who had come to the Park to
baptize new members. The instructors (Jessica,
Karen Wexell, Christine Bauer, Chelsey Hayward,
and Kris Reaske) had different styles of teaching their
classes, but each was able to adapt their sessions to fit
the varying abilities and fitness levels of the attendees. The staff at Body Karma Studios have promised to come back to Hammonasset Beach State Park
for another Fitness Series next summer.
Nearly 700 people of all ages came to the Beach Fitness Series at Hammonasset Beach this year. Here's
hoping it does as well in the summer of 2015.
Find more photos of these and our other summer
events on Facebook.
Pilates at Hammonasset Beach State Park led by Jennifer
Suzanne Hanley had to compete with the wind and
the surf leftover from Hurricane Arthur, and she did
so with grace and humor as she led her first Tai Chi
by the Sea session of 2014 on July 5. The Beach was
busy for the holiday weekend, yet Suzanne managed
to carve out a spot on the beach directly across from
the Nature Center. She showed the class a move
guaranteed to help you lose inches and pounds if
done correctly. If you were not fortunate enough to
attend either of Suzanne’s classes this season, you’ll
have the opportunity to learn this move next summer.
Jessica Demers and the staff of Body Karma Studios
in Clinton held their yoga classes closer to the Meigs
Point Pier. The Sunday classes quickly developed a
loyal following of area residents. The location was
away from the traffic of the food stand and the pavil-
Jessica Demers (right), owner of Body Karma Studios in Clinton, presents donations collected at her beach yoga classes to
Caryl Anderson, FOH Board member.
Page 4
Page 5
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Ongoing until September 29, 2014 - 2nd Annual FOH Mum Sale. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7 days/week.
FOH will be offering Connecticut grown mums and pumpkins for sale. Located on the Boston Post Road
in Madison, at the service entrance to the park, 300 yards east of HBSP's main entrance (right next to the
new Shoreline Greenway Trail Parking area.) The purpose of the sale is to raise funds to support the upcoming Meigs Point Festival to be held October 4th and 5th. For questions, call 203-245-9192.
Saturday, October 4 and Sunday October 5, 2014 - Meigs Point Festival. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To
celebrate the history of the Connecticut shoreline.
Friday, November 28 - Sunday, December 14, 2014 or until all trees are sold. 15th Annual FOH
Christmas Tree Sale. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily. On Route 1 in Madison, just east of the Hammonasset
Beach State Park entrance. Fresh cut Connecticut grown Fraser, Canaan, Balsam and Concolor firs as
well as Colorado Blue Spruce will be available for purchase at prices from $35 to $55. In addition there
will some extra tall trees at slightly higher prices as well as roping (in 25 yards lengths), wreaths, and
poinsettias. Friends of Hammonasset members will be offered a $5 discount on any tree purchase. Proceeds to be designated for the Meigs Point Nature Center Improvement Fund.
Meigs Point Nature Center Activities
 September 27, 2014
Beach Pilates Finale at HBSP with Jennifer McManus 8:30 a.m. Meet at
MPNC. Bring a mat or a towel, some water and a sweatshirt! Call 203-927-2644 for more information.
 October 12, 2014
Fall Foliage Canoe Trip at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Meet at MPNC for a colorful guided canoe trip along the beautiful Hammonasset River. $5.00 per person.
 October 31, 2014
Owl-O-Ween Visit any time between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the MPNC.
Come in costume and visit with live owls and snakes.
 November 22, 2014
Star Gazing 5:00 p.m. at the Meigs Point Nature Center. Meet at the MPNC
and join us on a tour of the universe from right here on earth.
 November 28, 2014
Black Friday Volunteer Day 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Meet at the MPNC, and
help us remove invasive species to make a better habitat for our native animals.
 December 20, 2014
Fireside Stories 5:00 p.m. Meet at the MPNC and dress warmly for an evening
of fun and exciting native stories and fables. Don't forget a stick for roasting marshmallows.
A Message from Ranger Russ…
I would like to thank the Friends of Hammonasset for giving me the opportunity to continuously work at the
Meigs Point Nature Center for the past eight years or so. Helping the center grow has been the most rewarding experience I could ask for. But I have to announce that I will not be able to work as a contractor for you
this coming January. I have been offered and accepted a PPT Maintainer 2 position at Hammonasset Beach
State Park. This position allows me to continue to run the Nature Center while adding maintenance duties
throughout the park. I hope to be able to see the new Nature Center through to its' completion and will apply
to run the Nature Center, if a position is created to do so. In the meantime, I look forward to my new position
and continuing to work with you all.
Thank you,
Ranger Russ
Page 6
The “New” Meigs Point Nature Center
By Dave Rathbun
At the end of July FOH received exhibit design proposals from five firms located in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. After a thorough evaluation of each proposal the Nature Center Design Committee
recommended to FOH’s Board that the design contract be awarded to Farmington Displays Incorporated
(FDI) headquartered in Farmington, Connecticut. The recommendation was voted on and passed unanimously at our August 12th Board meeting. The Design Committee and representatives from FDI held a
“kickoff” meeting on August 27th to begin the process of formulating a definitive exhibit design concept based
on criteria outlined in the original Request for Proposal. Initial estimates look to early 2015 as a date for completion and delivery of a finalized design package. I’ll continue to update you with further developments in
future newsletters.
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Friends of Hammonasset, Inc.
P.O. Box 271, Madison, CT 06443
Friends of Hammonasset Membership Form
City: ______________________________________
Phone: (_____)______________________________
Member Levels
 Friend/Family
 Supporter
 Sponsor:
 Corporate
 My employer will match my donation
(Employer Name)
Additional Donation
 ___________
Total Enclosed
New Member
State: _____________________________ Zip: __________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
Check here if you want to receive FOH newsletters via email
Please indicate volunteer interests:
 Nature Center
 Beach/Trail Maintenance
 Fundraising
 Website
 Photography
 Advocacy/Legislative
 Events
 Publicity
 Plant/Tree Sales
 Other _________________________
Please mail checks to:
Friends of Hammonasset, Inc.
P.O. Box 271, Madison, CT 06443
Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Thank you for your help!